Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 5/15/20
Episode #13770 ~ Maggie and Sarah have an emotional heart-to-heart; Zoey reveals Evan's secret to Rafe; Orpheus delivers horrifying news to Marlena; Eric is furious with Brady when he learns what he's done.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: Hey. Aw.
[Laughs] Do you remember when you first put holly on the monkey bars? She wouldn't go past the first rung.
Eric: Yeah, well, look how far she's come now. We have our very own sir edmund hillary.
Nicole: She just wants to make her daddy happy.
Eric: You know what, she first called me "daddy," it meant the world to me. You know, I was just so focused on just trying to get through the day.
Nicole: Mackenzie's birthday.
Eric: Yeah. But, as much as I miss her, I just-- holly's my little girl, too. She's our little girl. And I can't tell you how truly, incredibly blessed I feel to have you in my life.
[Gentle music]
[Knock at door]
[Both chuckling]
Eric: All right, let me see who that is.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Eric: Brady.
Brady: Hi.
Nicole: Hey, we didn't know you were back.
Eric: You know, we-- we got a call from rex. He said that you found sarah and rachel.
[Mysterious music]
Brady: Yeah, I did.
[Machine beeping]
Xander: Hope you're up for a visitor.
Victor: Oh, xander. I didn't realize you were back.
Xander: Landed a little while ago. Stopped by the house, picked up your mail.
Victor: You look like hell.
Xander: Rude, but looks are not deceiving in this case.
Victor: So, you went to find sarah... hoping that the two of you could get away with a baby. And obviously, it didn't turn out that way.
Xander: No, that's not the way it turned out at all.
[Somber music]
Maggie: Sarah.
Zoey: I'm not here to talk to you about jordan's murder. I'm here to talk to you about somebody else'S.
Rafe: Somebody else's? Whose?
Zoey: My--my brother confessed something to me. Something that my father doesn't want anyone else to know.
Rafe: Confessed?
Zoey: As his attorney.
Rafe: Oh, his attorney. Right, so it's covered by attorney-client privilege.
Zoey: Exactly, and if I tell you what christian told me, then I'm gonna be violating that privilege.
Rafe: Right.
Zoey: But I'm gonna tell you anyways.
Rafe: Really? And--and why are you going to do that?
Zoey: Because my father is a dangerous man, and I don't know what he's gonna do next.
Marlena: The patient's name is abigail dimera. Yeah, I'm--I'm quite concerned about her. Well, you know, actually, sooner the better. I'm very--I'm very worried about her.
[Dramatic music]
Orpheus: The one you should be worried about is yourself.
Marlena: And why should I be worried?
Orpheus: Well, because the life of someone you love is hanging in the balance.
Male announcer: Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Sweeping orchestral music]
Marlena: Someone I love. You must be talking about brady...which means you don't know what's happened. Brady has been freed. And john had no intention of helping you. He just wanted to see what you were up to.
Orpheus: You got me, marlena, dead to rights. I always have an ulterior motive, and now is no exception. This was never about brady.
Marlena: Really? What's it about?
[Tense music]
Brady: I tracked sarah down to a train station in paris... thank you. I got there just in time to see rachel getting passed off to kristen.
Eric: And where is sarah now?
Brady: I don't know, man. She ran off, she took off.
Nicole: I am so sorry for sarah. But--but I am happy you found your daughter.
[Tender music]
Brady: Yeah. She's beautiful. It was--it was--it was really strange seeing her, knowing that--that she was mine. My little--my little girl.
Eric: Brady. Hey, what's going on? Why--why are you looking so upset?
Maggie: You're home.
Sarah: I should've never run away with the baby.
[Somber music]
God, I just wasn't thinking clearly, honestly. I was half out of my mind. Just desperate to hold on to her. Hold onto kristen's little girl. You know, when kristen caught up to us... I--I just realized that it doesn't matter how much I love her, because she's not mine. Rachel. Her name is rachel. Mickey is dead.
Maggie: I know. And now I know it was all my fault. I killed my grandchild.
Sarah: Yes, you did.
Rafe: Okay. Start from the beginning.
Zoey: Okay. According to christian, my father came to salem about a year ago. Christian was still your nanny. He was planning on running off with david. He said he wanted to get away from here and start a new life with his grandson, but he'd been locked up for a long time. He didn't have a lot of money, so he came up with this brilliant plan. He was gonna kidnap somebody rich and hold them for ransom.
Rafe: Who was he going to kidnap?
Zoey: Maggie kiriakis.
Brady: I'm upset because--
Nicole: Because kristen was arrested for stabbing victor. Of course, brady, I'm so sorry.
Brady: Thank you. Thank you, nic, but that's not-- she wasn't arrested.
Eric: Why--why not?
Brady: Because she never came back to the states with me. 'Cause she knew that if she put one foot on U.S. Soil, she would go to prison.
Nicole: Then where is she?
Brady: She disappeared. Kristen's gone.
Xander: After sarah gave mackenzie to kristen, there was nothing more I could do for her. She didn't want my help. She wants nothing to do with me. I had no choice but to come home.
Victor: You haven't seen her since?
Xander: I can't find her. Henderson told me she hasn't been to the house. She's probably afraid that I'd be there.
Victor: Listen, I know how much sarah and the baby mean to you. I'm sorry things turned out the way they did.
Maggie: Now, my darling, I understand... why you didn't go through with your marriage to xander.
[Dramatic music]
He told me how he and victor switched the babies at the hospital the night-- the night mackenzie died. He also told me how you lost your little girl because of the injuries she suffered in the car crash. The crash that I caused by driving drunk. Everything that victor did to cover it up was to protect me, because he didn't think that I could ever bear to live with what I had done. Oh, sarah, my precious darling. I know how much pain you've suffered because of me. I don't know how to live with this. That's why I didn't think I could ever face you.
Sarah: Well...
now you have.
Rafe: Orpheus planned to kidnap maggie kiriakis?
Zoey: Okay, according to christian, this happened last mother's day. He and my father showed up at the kiriakis mansion. Apparently, maggie was having a really bad day. They found her with a full glass of vodka in her hand.
Rafe: They broke into her house and knocked her out? No one filed a police report.
Zoey: Because maggie had no idea that it happened. She still doesn'T.
Rafe: Well, how is that possible? What, because she was drunk?
Zoey: Actually, no. Christian said that she didn't even have a chance to take a drink.
Orpheus: What are you doing? Get over here and help me carry her out.
Evan: I--I don't know about this.
Orpheus: Take a swig of this. Maybe it will help you man up. Come on, come on! Help me, we've got to get her out of here now. Come on!
Rafe: Maggie's still alive, obviously. So, you said there was a murder.
Zoey: No. There were two murders. Your mission:
Eric: So kristen just took off?
Brady: She took sarah's tickets, got on the next train to god knows where.
Nicole: No, no, no, wait, wait. This doesn't make any sense, brady. I mean, kristen thought she lost her baby, and she wanted nothing more than to be rachel's mother. So, how could she just give her up as soon as she got her back?
Brady: Nicole, she didn'T.
Eric: What do you mean?
Brady: Kristen took rachel with her.
[Dramatic music]
Orpheus: Everything I do is for my children. My son, in this case. I don't know if you've heard, but he was just found guilty of murder.
Marlena: No, I hadn't heard that. But I'm relieved. I'm glad he's going to prison for what he did to jordan, how he hurt so many people.
Orpheus: The D.A.'S case was weak. Christian could've had an easy win if my daughter hadn't botched his defense. Sometimes I wonder whose side she's really on.
Rafe: Two murders?
Zoey: Well, they were accidental deaths. They resulted from a crime.
Rafe: So, the D.A. Could still bring homicide charges?
Zoey: But none of this was my brother's idea. He was manipulated by my father.
Orpheus: Ms. Kiriakis is awfully quiet tonight, isn't she? What's the matter, maggie? Cat got your tongue?
Evan: What if she comes to? What if the cops are looking for us now?
Orpheus: Calm down, son. How far is it to the hernandez house?
Evan: A couple of miles.
Orpheus: Perfect. It's all working out beautifully. You want your son, don't you?
Evan: Of course I do. But I don't feel good about this. I mean, kidnapping this poor woman.
Orpheus: Poor woman? This poor woman is married to victor kiriakis, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, which is how you and i and your son are going to be able to start a whole new life, 'cause my old friend victor is going to offer us a very generous reward to get his precious wife back.
Zoey: He almost got away with it, and then... something terrible happened.
Orpheus: We must be pretty close now. Street sign says blue ridge.
Evan: I know where rafe's house is. You should let me drive.
Orpheus: No, no, you just take care of maggie. You're good at that. After all, you've been playing nursemaid to your own son.
Evan: I had no choice. At least I got to be close to him.
Orpheus: Clyde's daughter never should've kept you from your son. But you showed her, didn't you?
Evan: I never meant to kill jordan. I never-- never meant to hurt anybody. Look, I don't--I don't feel good about this. Maybe we should just turn around and take her back.
Orpheus: Too late now. I'm not about to give up our golden goose. Here, why don't you take another swig of this? It'll take the edge off.
Evan: Dad, look out!
Zoey: Obviously, my father wasn't looking where he was driving, and... he forced another car off the road.
Rafe: You said that this was mother's day?
Zoey: Yes.
Rafe: That's the same day that adrienne kiriakis was killed in a car accident. And sarah horton's baby.
Zoey: Yes, it was. And it was my father who was driving the car that ran them off the road. When it comes to beautiful hair,
Victor: There's one silver lining in all of this.
Xander: And what the hell could that be?
Victor: Well, isn't it obvious? We know longer have to worry about brady and his daughter being tethered to kristen dimera for the rest of their lives. That harpy'll be in prison where she belongs, far away from that little girl.
Xander: Little girl that I'll probably never see again. Brady and kristen'll never let me anywhere near her.
Victor: Never say "never." Having to face my mortality once again, I find myself thinking about reconciliation. Maybe brady can forgive me. Maybe someday, when his children are older, when he has to face compromises with people he loves, maybe then he'll understand that I was just trying to protect maggie.
Xander: Maybe. Do you think it's too much to hope that one day sarah could understand that I was just trying to do the same thing for her?
Sarah: I'm in no position to cast stones, mom. I kidnapped a baby. When rex tried to--to talk me out of it, he-- I knocked him out. I knocked him out, and I tied him up, and then I--I left him in an apartment. And somehow... rex found it in his heart to forgive me. I mean, even kristen told me that she understood why I did what I did. That I say the same to you. You have a disease. And you did something awful. But it was never anything that you meant to do. I mean, you don't even-- you said you don't even remember taking a drink.
Maggie: I remember holding the bottle, taking out a glass. And I obviously drank so much I blacked out. And you know I'm not gonna blame the disease on what happened next. I'm responsible.
Sarah: I hate that you were drinking. And that you decided to drive. But I really need you to know... I have always felt lucky to have you as a mom. You are so loving... and kind. Generous. And I still feel lucky. I could never hate you.
Brady: I was gonna go with them. I was, but I realized that if we both got caught, I would be arrested as her accomplice. And then rachel would be left with none of her parents. I would lose tate. I couldn't risk doing that.
Eric: You're saying that you let her go?
Brady: I let her go, I had to. And I watched them walk down to that train and get on and just disappear out of my life, and I swear to god, that was, like-- that was the hardest thing I've ever--I've ever-- I've ever had to watch.
Nicole: Brady, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
Eric: You're sorry? You're sorry? He let his daughter be taken away from him!
Nicole: Eric--
Eric: I didn't have a choice; I had to give her up. A little girl that I had grown to love so much. I thought she was my flesh and blood. She became the most important thing in my life! Do you even give a damn how it affected me?
Sarah: No matter what you did... afew weeks ago, I-- I was gonna marry xander. And I had-- I had my beautiful little girl. And now... I need my mom. You see, forgiving you, it's not--it's not some big, selfless act. It's really not. Because if I don'T... I won't have anyone. So, you-- you ca-- you have to accept my forgiveness. You have to. Mom, please just say something, god.
Maggie: [Sobs] Sarah... you can try to tell me that you're not being selfless, but I know better. That's the kind of person you are. You're kind and you're forgiving. The problem is... I don't deserve your forgiveness. And I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself.
Zoey: So, that was the end of the plot to kidnap maggie.
Evan: [Groaning]
Orpheus: [Coughing] Are you okay?
Evan: Yeah, yeah. I think so.
Orpheus: This wheel's stuck on something. What--what happened here?
Evan: You drove the car into the oncoming lane. I think you ran the other car off the road.
Orpheus: The cops are gonna be coming soon. We gotta get out of here.
Evan: What about mrs. Kiriakis?
Orpheus: We bring her with us. We need that ransom money!
Evan: Screw the money. How the hell are we gonna get anywhere carrying an unconscious woman on foot?
Orpheus: Yeah, you're right. There's something we need to get done first.
Rafe: But... maggie turned herself in. She said she was driving the car.
Zoey: She assumed she was the one driving, because that's what my father wanted everyone to think.
Evan: Why are we doing this?
Orpheus: It'll raise fewer questions. Instead of a kidnapped woman in the back seat, they'll find an alcoholic behind the wheel. Now, let's move. Go, go, go!
Zoey: Maggie had no memory of what happened that night.
Rafe: So... he had to abandon his plan, but why didn't he try again?
Zoey: I don't know. All of this is pointless because now christian is in jail, and... I don't know if he'll ever get out.
Orpheus: Zoey's going to appeal christian's conviction, of course, but... can't imagine any judge will ever grant him custody of little david, my grandson.
Marlena: Why are you telling me this? What would you like me to do?
Orpheus: I was wondering when you were gonna get around to asking me that.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Sarah: What happened that night... it doesn't change how I feel about you. And maybe I never told you enough, but... I'm so proud of you, mom. I mean, everything that you've been through in your life, you have had so much tragedy and loss. And you're so resilient and strong. And no matter what--no matter what hell life throws at you, you somehow still have the ability to put yourself aside and take care of the people that you love. All I can do is pray that kristen will be there for that little girl the same way that you've been here for me.
Maggie: Bless you for saying that.
Sarah: I keep thinking about dad. You know, even though he wasn't my biological dad, that didn't change how much he loved me. That's why I gave mickey her name. Even if she wasn't his flesh and blood, but she was his granddaughter.
Maggie: Yes, of course she was.
Sarah: When mickey heard kristen's voice... I just got this sense... she knew. She knew that was the woman that had carried her for nine months, and gave birth to her. And there's brady, and he deserves to be the father to his daughter. I saw him in paris, so he must be out on bail. I really do hope he doesn't go to prison for stabbing victor.
Maggie: Sarah, brady didn't do it. He confessed to protect kristen.
Sarah: Kristen?
Maggie: Yes. She's the one who stabbed victor.
Eric: What the hell is the matter with you? Letting kristen disappear with a little girl? Have you lost your mind? Did you forget we're talking about a little girl, who's recovering from a bone marrow transplant. She needs checkups and special treatments for years to come, and how do you think the hell she's gonna accomplish that while she's on the run with a criminal?
Brady: Kristen is going to keep her safe, eric. She's going to keep her healthy. I know that she's going to take care of that little girl--
Eric: Stop deluding yourself! Kristen only thinks about kristen, a homicidal maniac who should've been behind bars a long time ago, who is now the caregiver of that precious little girl. How could you have done something so stupid?
Sarah: Because I know the kind of person that kristen can be, and I was hoping--I was just--I was really hoping that she had changed. I mean, brady's been claiming that she's changed. He's told us over and over and over again that she's changed. And now you tell me that-- that she's-- she tried to kill victor and that she might go to prison. Oh, god. Oh, I gave--I gave my baby to a woman who is capable of murder. Who might not even get a chance to raise her. Oh, god. What did I do?
Marlena: You are in a hospital. There are dozens of people outside that door. All I've gotta do is let them know you're here and they'll come running.
Orpheus: I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Marlena: What do you want?
Orpheus: I want my grandson. I wanna give him a new and wonderful life. But unfortunately, I find that I'm a little low on funds at the moment.
Marlena: So, there it is. You want money.
Orpheus: Yeah, that's it. Money. I had a plan to get some for quite a while, actually. Over a year. I had a different hostage in mind, but, uh... that plan went awry. So, we move on to plan b, which is where you come in.
Brady: Eric, I know you love rachel. I do, too. You have to understand, kristen loves her, too. She will not let any harm come to her. She will defend her with her life if she has to.
Eric: What kind of life is that gonna be? Did you even think about her? Not to mention sarah, me. I mean, did you even think about us? All I keep thinking about is you telling me in my ear that everything's gonna be all right, that I'm still gonna be a part of rachel's life. And now I've lost her all over again.
Brady: I don't know what to tell you, man. I'm sorry.
Xander: I just wish the truth had never come out. Not only is sarah grieving for her child, but she could be facing charges. Oh, my god, why have I not thought about that before? What if she's been arrested?
Victor: Where the hell do you think you're going? She won't want to have anything to do with you.
Xander: We'll see about that.
Marlena: So, this is how you plan to get your payday? You kidnap me, and john pays the ransom?
Orpheus: No. No, marlena. You're the one who's going to be paying me the ransom for john.
Marlena: What?
Orpheus: I am holding your beloved husband prisoner as we speak, so if you want him back, you'll have to do exactly what I say.
Rafe: If what you're telling me is true, then orpheus and your brother are responsible for adrienne's death and the baby'S... and maggie kiriakis is innocent. She didn't kill anyone.
Maggie: Sweetheart, remember, no matter what happens with kristen, rachel has a father who loves her very much.
Sarah: Mom, I have to go. My time's up.
Maggie: Well, where are you gonna go?
Sarah: I don't know. I don't know. I came straight here from the airport. Honestly, I'm probably gonna be arrested for kidnapping soon, so I don't know. I'll probably end up back here with you. So I will see you soon.
Maggie: Sarah... sarah, I-- I love you.
[Somber music]
I love you so much. But you won't ever see me again.
Maggie: Dear victor, I'm writing to you to say good-bye.
[Dramatic music]
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