Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/14/20
Episode #13769 ~ Jake rejects Gabi's attempts to help him with his memory; Evan and his family arrive in court for his verdict; Chad, Jack and Jennifer rally around Abigail; Lani tells Eli she's going to confess to Rafe.
Provided By Suzanne
[Melancholic music]
Eli: Hey.
Lani: Hey. You got a minute?
Eli: Not really.
Lani: Wait, wait, eli. I get that you are still upset with me about helping kristen escape.
Lani: You mean aiding and abetting an attempted murderer?
Lani: And I know that I put you in an impossible position. That's why I've decided to confess. I'm headed down to the station now, and I'm gonna tell rafe everything.
Eli: Lani! Lani!
[Cell phone rings]
[Phone beeps]
Rafe: Hernandez. Wow. Already, huh? That's a lot sooner than I would have expected. Okay, thanks for the update.
[Phone beeps]
Evan: So is it true?
Zoey: The jury reached a verdict.
Evan: I didn't think it would happen so quickly.
Zoey: Neither did I.
Evan: What does it mean, zoey? Is it good news for us or bad?
Orpheus: I'd like to know the answer to that question myself.
Chad: Marlena's on her way. She'll know how to help you.
Abigail: Yeah, will she?
[Elevator bell dings]
Jennifer: Abigail!
Jack: Honey.
Jennifer: Hi, baby.
Abigail: Hey.
Jennifer: Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Abigail: I'm sorry about--
Jack: It's okay. It's okay, sweetheart. Everything's gonna be fine.
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, you know we're here for you. You know that, right?
[Suspenseful music]
Abigail: Yes, I do. I know.
Chad: Abby, what is it? Who do you see?
Abigail: Uh...
I see ben, but I know that it's not real.
Chad: No, it's not. It's me, chad.
Abigail: Chad.
Chad: Hey... I'm here, okay? Look at me. Look at me. See me.
Abigail: [Sniffling]
Chad: See me. See me.
Abigail: I see you. I see you. Yeah, it's you. It's you.
Jennifer: Oh, my god, sweetheart. Abigail...
Jack: We're so glad you're okay. We're so glad.
Jennifer: Abigail...
Abigail: [Gasps] No, no.
Chad: It's happening again. What happened?
Abigail: I need help. I need you to get me help.
Jake: I said, "what are you doing here?"
[Unsettling music]
Gabi: [Exhales deeply]
Jake: Whatever it is, can you get it over with? I have a lot of work to do. What do you want?
Gabi: I don't want anything. Actually, I have something for you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Why is this still happening to me?
Chad: I don't know. Help's on the way, though, okay?
Jack: Everything's gonna be all right, sweetheart.
Jennifer: Abigail, we are not gonna let anyone hurt you.
Marlena: What's going on here?
Jennifer: Abigail is having a hallucination again.
Marlena: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Abigail, it's dr. Evans.
Jack: She seems to--to recognize chad. He seems to be the only one-- he can get through to her.
Marlena: Uh-huh. All righty, why don't we go to your room where we can talk privately, hmm?
Abigail: Yeah, that's fine, as long as chad comes.
Marlena: Of course. Of course.
[Dramatic music]
Jennifer: [Sighs]
Gabi: I thought you might want this back.
Jake: Really? Came all the way here to bring me back my antibiotic cream?
Gabi: Well, yeah. What about somebody slips and falls on this greasy floor? It might come in handy.
Jake: Right.
Gabi: And I appreciate you fixing up my elbow.
Jake: Uh-huh. Well, uh, thanks for bringing it back. Always a pleasure to see you.
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Suspenseful music]
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Lani: Rafe.
Rafe: Yeah? Yeah, what?
Lani: Mr. Hernandez, I really need to speak with you.
Rafe: Okay, now's not a good time. I'm on my way to the courthouse.
Lani: No, rafe, I promise you this won't take long at all.
Rafe: I'm sorry. I got to go, okay? The verdict just came back in evan's murder trial.
Lani: Oh, yeah, sure. Of course. Um, you need to be there.
Rafe: Yeah, we'll talk later, okay?
Lani: Yeah.
Rafe: All right.
Lani: Good luck.
Rafe: Yeah, thanks.
Zoey: I've seen quick verdicts go either way. Sometimes it's because they're confident that the defendant is innocent, and sometimes it's because they've already decided he's guilty.
Evan: [Scoffs] Well, that's comforting.
Zoey: Look, nothing has changed. Once I got your confession thrown out, the evidence against you was thin. It was circumstantial at best.
Evan: But you don't know.
Orpheus: Have faith, son. Zoey says she knows what she's doing.
Zoey: Hey, we will get through this. We're gonna get through this, okay? Hey.
Orpheus: Why don't you head on in, chris? Just want a quick word with your sister.
Zoey: "Zoey says she knows what she's doing"?
Orpheus: Look, we both know I didn't agree with your strategy of not putting your brother on the stand, but I decided to trust you.
Zoey: As well you should.
Orpheus: Yeah, well, you better have pulled this off and come through for your brother... because his life and his future are on the line.
[Dramatic music]
Chad: Lean back. There you go.
Marlena: Hey. Feeling better?
Abigail: [Chuckles] Um, a little, I guess.
Marlena: I understand that you, um--you ran away from the hospital.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: Were you having another hallucination?
Abigail: Yes, I thought that gabi was after me, and, uh, I-I thought that I had to hide from her.
Chad: That's why you went home.
Abigail: Yes, I went home because I thought--I was trying to figure out a way to stop gabi and I-I-I asked stefano for help...
Marlena: Stefano?
Abigail: Well, not stefano. I mean, I asked h-h-his portrait for help, but I saw kate come in with abe, but what I really-- what I thought I was seeing was gabi trying to drug abe.
Marlena: [Exhales sharply] That must have been frightening.
Chad: Kate said abby attacked her.
Abigail: I thought that I was saving him, and then just now outside, I thought that I saw stefan and gabi, but I didn'T. It was my mom and dad, right?
Chad: Yes.
> Abigail: Why? Why--why do I keep seeing gabi?
Marlena: I don't really have an answer for you about that.
Chad: I do. Because you see gabi as a threat. She drugged you and started all this in the first place.
Jake: So are we done here?
Ben: I don't think so!
Jake: Whoa, what the hell?
Gabi: Ah! What are you--
Ben: What the hell are you doing?
Jake: She's trying to kill me, that's what!
Gabi: No, you idiot! I was trying to bring you back! Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Eli: You're here.
Lani: Yeah.
Eli: Working.
Lani: Yes.
Eli: You confessed to... you confessed to helping an attempted murderer escape, and rafe let you stay on the job?
Lani: No, eli, if I would have done that, I would have been arrested or probably fired.
Eli: Then--then you didn't tell him.
Lani: No, I didn't get the chance. The verdict had just come in on christian maddox and rafe was out the door.
Eli: Are you still planning on telling him?
Lani: Yes, as soon as he gets back.
Eli: Well, I-I think maybe we should talk about that.
[Door closes]
Rafe: Well, judging by the look on your face, you and your brother just got some bad news.
Zoey: Which is good news for you.
Rafe: Evan was found guilty of murder.
Zoey: You idiots.
Rafe: [Chuckles] How long did he get?
Orpheus: 20 years. That judge gave my son 20 years. He'll be nearly as old as I am by the time he gets out. That's if he even survives prison.
Rafe: Am I supposed to feel bad for him?
Zoey: He doesn't deserve this.
Rafe: Oh, he deserves it, all right. He deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars. He murdered the mother of his own child.
Orpheus: He didn't do it.
Rafe: He confessed.
Orpheus: That confession was coerced at gunpoint.
Rafe: Doesn't mean it's not real. Listen, you can spin this however you want, but the fact of the matter is your son is a murderer, and he won't ever be in david's life again.
Orpheus: You think this is over? This is not over. You're gonna appeal, right?
Zoey: Of course I'm gonna appeal, and we're gonna continue to fight this until we get-- christian, are you okay?
Evan: What is he doing here?
Rafe: What am I doing here? I'm going with you in the van to statesville. Just want to make sure everything turns out okay.
Gabi: Give it to me.
Ben: I don't think so. What the hell is this?
Jake: She's probably gonna try and drug me and drag me off somewhere to make one last final desperate attempt to convince me I'm stefan dimera.
Gabi: You are stefan dimera!
Jake: How many times do I have to tell you I'm not?
Gabi: I don't care how many times you say it. I know the truth!
Jake: Get it through your thick skull, gabi. I'm not your husband. Your husband is dead.
Gabi: My husband is not dead! He is standing right in front of me, okay? And that drug right there, it's gonna prove it once and for all.
Jack: I can't imagine how terrifying this whole hallucination must be for abigail.
Jennifer: They're scary enough from our side of it, jack. I can't even believe that-- that--that she's going through this again.
Jack: But it's got to be different this time, right? I mean, not only because it's drug-induced but because you-- we--we are here on abigail's side. She knows that.
Jennifer: Does she know that, jack? Because just now she thought that we were gabi and stefan.
Jack: She knows that her mom and her dad love her and we believe in her, and at the worst of her hallucinations, she's got to cling on to that. She's got to.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Jack: Thank you for what?
Jennifer: For giving me something to cling to, jack, because you're here... for our daughter and for me.
Jack: I'm sorry I wasn't around last time.
Jennifer: You would have been here if you could have. I know that about you, jack. And even though this is so painful to watch our daughter go through this again, I feel like I can bear it because you are by my side.
Jack: Let's just pray that marlena can help her.
Abigail: I'm struggling to find the difference between reality and when my mind is playing tricks on me.
Marlena: I'm glad chad brought you in. We'll take care of you.
Abigail: Thanks.
Marlena: All right, well, as long as you're here and you're settled in and you're feeling safe... can you tell me who's in the room with you?
Abigail: Yeah, it's you guys right now. It's you and--it's you. It's chad and marlena.
Orpheus: [Echoing] And what about me?
[Suspenseful music]
- Oh. - What's going on?
Abigail: Marlena, it's orpheus.
Marlena: What?
Abigail: It's orpheus. He's right there. Oh, my god.
Chad: It's not.
Abigail: Yes.
Chad: Marlena--marlena and I are the only ones in the room.
Marlena: He's right. He's right.
Abigail: No, it's orpheus.
Marlena: It's just chad and me.
Abigail: No, I can see him. I can see him as clearly as I can see both of you. He's right there.
Marlena: I know the hallucinations seem very real, but you have to hang on to what you know is real.
Chad: Like me. Hey. Hey, I'm real.
Marlena: Chad is real. Your family is real. Your marriage is real.
Chad: Look at me. Focus on me, okay?
Abigail: Why is this still happening?
Chad: Stay with me, okay? Marlena and I, we're here for you, all right? Are you okay?
Abigail: Oh, so orpheus isn't--is not here?
Chad: No. Why don't you--why don't you show us where you thought you saw him?
Abigail: Right there.
Chad: Is he still there?
Abigail: No, he's gone, but clearly my hallucinations are not gone.
Marlena: It's okay.
Abigail: No, it's not okay.
Marlena: We know how to cope with that.
Abigail: I just need you to make them go away.
Marlena: I will. I will, but the important thing right now is for you to get some rest. I brought something to help you sleep. Just one.
Abigail: Get out of here. Thank you.
Chad: You okay?
Marlena: Okay. I-I'm going to, uh--I'm going to talk to your family, let them know what happens next.
Chad: Thank you.
Marlena: Of course. You are both going to be all right here.
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Well, go ahead. Say good-bye.
Orpheus: Hang in there, son. They won't get away with this. We'll figure out a way to get you out.
Evan: I can't believe this is it.
Zoey: Christian, I'm-- I'm so sorry.
Evan: It's not your fault.
Orpheus: I'm glad you think so.
Evan: You are an amazing lawyer, zoey. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to fight for me in there. Will you tell my son I love him?
Zoey: I'm gonna do better than that. I'm gonna get custody of david. I am the only blood relative that has a clean record, so I'm gonna promise you that I'm gonna take really good care of him until I can get you out.
Rafe: Shouldn't make promises you can't keep.
Orpheus: Stay out of this, hernandez.
Rafe: I'm just saying, you lost this case. What makes you think you're gonna win custody? You know what? Time's up. Officer.... let's take mr. Maddox to his new home, shall we?
Orpheus: This is all your fault.
Eli: I figured you wouldn't want to have this conversation out there.
Lani: There's nothing more to say. Like you said, I committed a crime. You know why I did it and what I did. I was protecting my friend, and I do not regret it.
Eli: Your friend tried to kill someone.
Lani: A man who made her believe that her child was dead, eli. Look, I don't condone kristen stabbing victor, but after everything that she's been through, she deserves to be with her daughter.
Eli: Yeah, but you don't get to make that decision, lani.
Lani: Yeah, well, I couldn't just stand there and watch her get locked up.
Eli: You know if you come forward with this confession, you're gonna be the one that could end up locked up.
Lani: I'm aware of that.
Eli: Well, I don't want that to happen.
Lani: You don't?
Eli: Of course not. What, do you think I-I want you to go to prison?
Lani: I don't know, eli. You've been so upset with me.
Eli: Yeah, and I'm still upset, okay? I hate what you did... but I know you only did it because you have a big heart and you believe in second chances, especially when it comes to mothers and kids. So just like you've done before, you risk everything to help others, and then you get the short end of the stick at the end. I won't let that happen again.
Lani: What are you saying?
Eli: I'm saying that what you did for kristen should stay between us.
Jake: Ben, I don't know how the hell you ever worked for this woman. I mean, not only is she the most stubborn human being on the planet, she's out of her mind.
Gabi: What? I'm the only sane person left here.
Ben: Gabi, you know that stefan is dead.
Gabi: Okay, yeah, I knew that. I knew that, but then I went to visit dr. Rolf in prison, and he told me what he did.
Ben: Oh, he told you that jake was stefan?
Gabi: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he did. He told me that he snuck into the operating room and he saved stefan before they gave his heart to julie, and then he wiped his memory clear.
Jake: [Chuckles] This is ridiculous. I know who I am.
Gabi: No, the memories that you think are yours, they aren't, okay? Rolf implanted them in your brain.
Jake: Implanted? Memories? Resurrection? What are you, lady? Watching too much "black mirror"?
Gabi: Oh, my gosh. You out of everybody should understand. You remember when--when dr. Rolf brought will back from the dead? We--we all thought that he was gone, but he brought him back without his memory.
Jake: Who the hell's will?
Gabi: Can you just--
[Grunts] Okay, that syringe that you have in your hand, it contains the same drug that rolf used on will!
Ben: Okay, didn't that same drug have all kinds of side effects and risks?
Gabi: Yes, but he perfected it now, and it's not dangerous to use.
Jake: I don't care. You're not injecting me with whatever the hell that is.
Ben: I'm not gonna let her inject you with this, and I'm-- no--nobody's getting injected with this.
Gabi: You think I'm doing something bad here? This is a gift. This is a gift for stefan. This is a gift for all of us, okay? Please, don't you remember? Stefan was the only person that hired you when nobody in this town wanted to talk to you.
Ben: Yes, stefan did that.
Gabi: Okay. All right. You don't want to give me my syringe back... well, then inject him with it. No, you owe him this gift to get his life back. This is hal.
Ben: There's no way in hell that I'm injecting him with a syringe full of god knows what.
Jake: Thank you. Finally, a voice of reason.
Ben: What I am doing is calling the cops.
Gabi: What?
Jake: No, don't do that.
Ben: What do you mean don't do it? You don't want me to have her arrested?
Jake: No, look, it's just dealing with the cops, it's always such a hassle. I just want to be rid of her, all right?
Ben: Okay, hey, if you say so. I appreciate the job. You know how much it means to me, especially right now. I don't want to do anything to screw it up.
Jake: Great, and I appreciate you having my back, but I think we're okay.
Gabi: Great, so we're all good. No cops. Everything's great, so can I have my syringe back? 'Cause I--you know, it's my drug and it took a lot to get it, so...
Ben: Gabi, I don't really care.
Gabi: Well, I do, and if jake doesn't frickin' want it, then I'm gonna use it for somebody else so they can regain their memory. Give it to me.
Ben: No, not a chance.
Gabi: Ben, where are you going? Ben, give me back my--
Ben: It's none of your business!
Gabi: Ben! Ben! Ben weston!
Lani: You don't want me to confess?
Eli: No.
Lani: But the whole reason I was going to do this was for you... because I hate the position that I put you in, eli. I-I forced you to lie for me.
Eli: I haven't lied to anyone. I mean, no one's even asked me about you and kristen. I just haven't offered any information.
Lani: And you're willing to just keep this to yourself forever?
Eli: I am.
Lani: I just don't get it, eli. You've been so upset and so distant towards me since watching that video.
Eli: Yeah, but I-I wasn't upset because of what you did to me. I was upset because of the trouble that you put yourself in.
Lani: So you were just worried about me this whole time?
Eli: [Scoffs] Lani, you have to know how I feel about you by now. I lost you once. Not ever gonna lose you again.
Lani: [Sighs] Eli...
Eli: I love you. And that's never gonna change.
Orpheus: You think you know everything? I know more about the criminal justice system than you'll ever learn.
Zoey: Being a criminal does not make you an expert.
Orpheus: And neither does some paper degree.
Zoey: I stand by my defense of christian.
Orpheus: I told you to put christian on the stand.
Zoey: I couldn't do that because he's guilty.
Orpheus: He would have testified convincingly. The jury would have believed him.
Zoey: Or the prosecutor would have rattled him into incriminating himself.
Orpheus: He's smarter than that. You didn't give him a chance.
Zoey: It doesn't matter. I... I am gonna appeal the case, and then I am gonna get custody of david.
Orpheus: Yeah, well, I'm rethinking all that.
Zoey: Oh, what?
Orpheus: Letting you handle anything that has to do with my son or my grandson.
Zoey: Are you firing me?
Orpheus: If I have to, yeah. This is your last chance. I need you to do things my way.
Zoey: Your way? Like the way you and christian did last year?
Ben: Dr. Evans?
Marlena: Oh, hi, ben.
Ben: Hey. I can see that you're busy. I just need to talk to you for a minute.
Marlena: Sure, what's going on?
Ben: I could use a huge favor. I need the contents of this syringe analyzed as soon as possible.
Marlena: Where did you get that?
Ben: I caught gabi hernandez trying to inject my new boss with it.
Marlena: What else can you tell me about it?
Ben: At this point, I'd prefer not to say anything else.
Marlena: Okay, well, since it's you, I'll do my best.
Ben: Thank you.
Marlena: I'll get back to you.
Ben: All right.
Chad: What was that about?
Orpheus: So this is what you've been hinting at since the trial began. Christian told you what we did last year.
Zoey: He didn't volunteer the information. I pulled it out of him. As an attorney, I must know everything that they might use on him up there.
Orpheus: Well, whatever he told you is privileged and confidential.
Zoey: Hmm.
Orpheus: You can't say anything to anyone.
Zoey: I would never.
Orpheus: Good, because now you're in this as deep as we are. Keep your mouth shut, or we all go down.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: [Scoffs] You think ben's changed his mind about the cops?
Jake: I asked him not to go. I think he's gonna listen. So, if that's why you're hanging around, you can leave.
Gabi: I just have one more thing to say.
Jake: Oh, here we go again.
Gabi: Look, I mean, I can't force you to take that serum. I can't even force you to talk to me.
Jake: Right, which is why you were going to inject me with this serum with my back turned to you.
Gabi: Please, can you just listen? Okay, I know what it's like to lose your memory. Well, it didn't happen to me. It happened to the father of my child, but it was torture for him, okay? For his family, for his daughter, for--for his husband, but then he--he took that drug, and he got his life back. His family, his daughter. You could have the same thing.
Jake: I have a life, and I'm not miserable.
Gabi: [Scoffs] This life that you're living, it isn't real. Don't you want to know who you are, stefan?
Jake: My name is not stefan.
Gabi: Okay, all right. I know you--you probably don't remember this, but up until we finally admitted to each other that we loved each other, you were a miserable human being.
Jake: Oh, great.
Gabi: Okay, but you changed. We changed. We only had a few months together, and then it was over. You know, you--you sacrificed yourself for your mother, who did not deserve it, and I hope she rots in hell someday, but we could--we could be happy still.
Jake: Okay. Lady... I understand that you had something special with this stefan guy, and you guys were in love and you had something passionate, and that's all great, all right? But I know who I am and I know my past, and it has nothing to do with you! You are nothing to me!
Gabi: I was everything to you.
Jake: Let it go.
Gabi: I can'T. I'm not going to because I know who you are and I know what rolf did to you, and you're gonna find out very soon.
Jake: I'm done with this, all right? So either get the hell out, or I'll call the cops myself and have your pretty little ass thrown in jail!
[Dramatic music]
Lani: I love you, too... so much. But, eli, I am not sure that I can ask you to keep this secret for me.
Eli: You didn't ask, and if you love me, you'll forget about it. You won't tell rafe or anyone else, and I'll make sure that no one sees that video.
Lani: Eli, you will be taking a huge risk if you do this.
Eli: You're worth it.
[Soft music]
Hey, uh, sorry. I, um--my apologies. No, I know. No, um--no pdas on the job.
Rafe: All right. It's what--it's what I get for not knocking. Eh, who the heck cares? Hope and I were guilty of it once or twice anyway.
Lani: [Laughs]
Eli: Well, um, you're in a good mood today.
Rafe: Nope. I'm in a great mood.
Eli: [Chuckles]
Lani: The verdict.
Rafe: Yes, the verdict. Christian maddox was found guilty of murder. In fact, I just accompanied him to statesville, where he's gonna serve the next 20 years of his life.
Eli: That's great news.
Rafe: Yeah.
Lani: Oh, my god, rafe. I am so happy for you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Lani: Now evan will be out of david's life for good.
Rafe: Well, I sure as hell hope so. Yeah, now I just need to win a custody battle, but, uh, I'm feeling good about it.
Lani: I'm surprised you're at work. I thought you would want to go straight home to be with your son.
Rafe: Yeah, I do, but I was running out of here and you said you had something you wanted to tell me. I felt bad about it. It seemed important, so I came back. So what is it? Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Jennifer: Ah, you can go back to work if you need to, jack, 'cause I'm--I'm fine.
Jack: No, no, no. I, uh... I wasn't here for the two of you last time, so this time... this time I'm staying right here with my little girl. I'm staying right here with you.
[Soft music]
Ben: Chad, I was just talking to dr. Evans about something.
Ben: Yeah, I saw you give her a syringe. You said that gabi tried to drug your new boss with it.
Ben: True. True, but I have no idea what that drug was, and we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions until dr. Evans gets back from the lab and it being analyzed.
Chad: Well, what did gabi say it was?
Ben: You know as well as anyone else, gabi says whatever she has to say in the moment. T-there's no reason to even discuss this until we know more from the lab.
Chad: I don't care what the lab says, because you said that you know for a fact that gabi tried to drug somebody against their will, which means you're the eyewitness I need to put that bitch away.
Gabi: You know, you act like you're fine. You're so comfortable with who you are, but I don't believe you.
Jake: Not my problem.
Gabi: It is, though.
Jake: Mm.
Gabi: I felt the electricity between us... the way that you react when we're in the same room together, how you responded when I kissed you.
Jake: You certainly have a high opinion of yourself.
Gabi: I just know what I see and what I feel. See, I can--I can actually feel it right now... the doubt and questions. There's a part of you that wants some of those answers. There's a part of you that's asking yourself if what I'm saying is true. But it's out of my hands now, and it's in yours. It's up to you to decide what you want to do and who you want to be.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: You know me. I'm known to make everything sound like an emergency, but I just wanted to update you on the kristen dimera case.
Rafe: So new information?
Lani: From what we can tell, it seems that she disappeared with her daughter.
Rafe: Yeah, well, that's not surprising. Any leads as to where she went?
Lani: Not at the moment. Sorry, that's really all I had to say, but you should go home. Go be with david.
Rafe: Yeah.
Eli: Yeah, hey, give that little monster a hug for us. Congratulations, man. We're really happy for you.
Rafe: Yeah. This is everything I've been hoping for.
Eli: All right, well, we should, um--we should get out of here ourself. Uh, guess I'll see you tomorrow.
Rafe: All right.
Eli: And, hey, bring it in. Congratulations.
[Both grunting]
Rafe: It's good stuff.
Lani: I'm so happy for you.
Rafe: Thank you. Thank you.
Eli: All right.
Rafe: I'll get it.
Eli: All right.
[Distant phones ringing]
Marlena: Patient's name is abigail dimera. Yes, it's quite critical. No, no, no, the sooner, the better. I'm very worried about her.
Orpheus: The one you should be worried about is yourself.
[Foreboding music]
Rafe: Oh, well, look who it is. Oh, let me guess. You're here to threaten me about the custody hearing? Or is it to throw more baseless accusations at me? 'Cause I really don't see a jury awarding you custody, considering your brother was just convicted of jordan's murder.
Zoey: I'm not here to talk to you about jordan's murder. I'm here to talk to you about somebody else'S.
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