Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 5/13/20
Episode #13768 ~ Gabi seeks answers from Rolf about Stefan; Ciara tells Hope about her engagement to Ben; Ben questions Jake about the goons who came by the garage; Abigail attacks Kate.
Provided By Suzanne
[Soft music]
Ciara: [Sighs] Oh, it's you again.
Ben: Mm. You better get used to it, because you're gonna be waking up ne to me for the rest of your life.
Ciara: You promise?
Ben: You promise?
Ciara: Mm. You know, I had the strangest dream last night.
Ben: Oh, yeah?
Ciara: Yeah, I dreamt that I opened up a fortune cookie and it had the most interesting fortune inside.
Ben: What did it say?
Ciara: Well, it said, "will you marry me?" And that's odd because fortunes are typically statements and not questions.
Ben: Yeah, that is odd, and it's also odd that a baked good asked a human to marry them.
Ciara: You know, I don't think it was the cookie's idea.
Ben: No?
Ciara: No, because, you see, my amazing boyfriend was in this dream, and when I read the fortune out loud, he thought that I was asking him to marry me, and he said...
Ben: Yes.
Ciara: Yes. Yeah, he did. Ah! Well, would you look at that? I guess it wasn't a dream after all.
Ben: Maybe you and i are getting married for real.
Ciara: You and i are getting married...
Both: For real.
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: All right.
Ciara: Wait, where are you going?
Ben: Going to work.
Ciara: Oh, no. Ben, today is the first day of the rest of our lives. I think it'd be okay if you were a couple minutes late for work, don't you?
Rolf: Ah, mrs. Dimera. To what do I owe the pleasure? Ooh, did you bring me a cake with a file in it?
Gabi: No, I'm here because you are going to tell me the truth about my husband.
[Tense music]
Jake: You need to call me back asap. You have no idea what's going on around here. Things are getting even more complicated.
Chad: Where the hell have you been? Abby ran away from the hospital last night. You still haven't found her?
Jack: We worry that she's had another hallucination.
Rafe: Yeah, I got your messages. I have officers out there on the streets looking for her right now.
Chad: Then what the hell are you doing? If anything happens to her, I'm blaming you.
[Suspenseful music]
Abigail: [Exhales deeply] What are you looking at?
All right, fine. I need your help. How do I do it? How do I get rid of gabi?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: Are you mad at me?
Ben: Mad?
Ciara: For making you late to work.
Ben: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I am--I am furious.
Ciara: Oh, yeah?
Ben: To be honest with you, I might never, ever forgive you.
Ciara: Well, I have an excuse, and my excuse is that I just got engaged, and that is absolutely a reason to celebrate, don't you think?
Ben: Yeah, absolutely. I think that's--I think that's a fantastic excuse.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: So you're totally forgiven.
Ciara: Yeah? Good.
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: And you know what? Your boss seems like a pretty chill guy. He's not gonna give you a hard time, is he?
Ben: No. I'll just tell him that, you know, my fiancée simply cannot get enough of me.
Ciara: [Gasps] Okay, don't you dare explain it like that.
Ben: No? Okay, what would be better? Would it be better if I said i can't get enough of my fiancée?
Ciara: Much better. And speaking of us being affianced--is that the word? That's the way? Yeah?
Ben: That sounds about right.
Ciara: Yeah, I'm gonna tell my mom today and not with a phone call either. This is gonna be face-to-face. This is way too important.
Ben: Like, right now, today?
Ciara: Yeah. Why?
Ben: Well, don't you think maybe we should just wait until--
Ciara: Ben, we just talked about this. Wait until what?
Ben: Until we just have all the details ironed out, you know, when and where, all that, like--
Ciara: Right. Ben, she is my mother, and she's gonna be really, really hurt if I wait to tell her. Look, I know you're concerned about her reaction, but please don't be, okay? Like, I said, she's just really, really grateful to you for saving my life, like, a handful of times.
Ben: Okay, well, that doesn't mean that she wants me to be her son-in-law. You know, what if she says, "you know what? If you marry this guy, I'm gonna disown you"?
Ciara: She's not gonna do that, okay. Would you just stop?
Ben: [Groans]
Ciara: Ben, she just wants me to be happy.
Ben: But you and I both know she would like to see you happy with somebody else, some guy whose worst sin he's committed is, like, going ten miles per hour over the speed limit or something.
Ciara: Okay, look, ben, I don't care what she says. I mean, look, I love and I respect my mother so much, and I want more than anything for her to give us her blessing, but even if she doesn't, I don't care. I really don'T. There's nothing that anyone can say or do that will make me less devoted to you, less devoted to us. You, ben weston, are the love of my life. You are my future husband, and you are the best thing that has ever, ever happened to me.
Ben: Ciara, my future bride.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: Mm, sounds good.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: I love you so much.
Ciara: I love you too, ben weston, with all of my heart. And now, enough with the celebrating, okay, because you must go to work, and I have to get ready to tell my mom the amazing news, that the love of my life proposed to me via fortune cookie, and I said yes. Uh! [Laughs]
Ben: [Laughs]
Ciara: You want to go in the shower now, together?
Ben: You're on.
Rafe: Chad, I know you're worried, but trust me, we're doing everything that we can to find her.
Chad: If you were doing everything that you could, you'd be out looking for her.
Rafe: Right. Well, jordan's murder case is--
Chad: I don't care. Abigail's been pushed to the brink; she could snap. She could hurt herself.
Jack: You got to calm down.
Chad: I'm not gonna calm down until he starts doing his job.
Rafe: Chad, I told you, we have this under control. As soon as one of my officers gets a lead--
Chad: Then you're gonna squash it and send them on another wild-goose chase.
Jennifer: Chad, that is not fair.
Chad: It's the truth. He doesn't want us to find abigail 'cause he doesn't want us to find out the truth, 'cause if we do, his little sociopath sister will end up in prison, back where she belongs.
Gabi: What's the matter, wilhelm? Cat got your tongue?
Rolf: So you wish to talk about the dearly departed stefan O. Dimera?
Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, I want to talk about him, but he isn't departed, is he? No, he's back in salem, working in a garage, calling himself jake, and you, you are responsible for all of that, aren't you, dr. Rolf? Aren't you?
[Soft dramatic music]
Let go of me.
Abigail: Really? Come on, old man. Come on, tell me. You asked me to beg you for help, and here I am. I'm asking you to help me.
[Tense music]
Gabi: And one sip of this and hasta la vista, abigail.
Alright so...oh.
Rolf: You seem distraught, my dear. Perhaps counseling would be of some benefit.
Gabi: Perhaps you tell me the truth. What did you do?
Rolf: You really do need to calm down.
Gabi: Okay, remember when stefan was in the hospital? I asked you to do anything to save his life, remember?
Rolf: How dare you pull me out of my lab? I was right in the middle of an important procedure.
Gabi: It is not as important as this.
Rolf: Hmm, madam's son. Well, I certainly hope they take good care of him at this butcher shop. I myself gave up general medicine years ago.
Gabi: Well, I didn't drag you in here to take his pulse. I need you to save him.
Rolf: [Sighs] Well, he appears to be breathing.
Gabi: Yeah. Yes, he is. He's breathing. His heart is beating. He is alive, okay? I know he's alive. These stupid doctors say that he's brain-dead, but I-- look, stefan's in there, and he wants to come back, okay? I just--he needs somebody to believe in him, like me, somebody that believes in him like I do.
Rolf: And you think that person is me?
Gabi: You've performed countless miracles. I need you to do it again. Please, okay, whatever you need to do, just bring stefan back to me.
Rolf: I do remember. I told you there was nothing to be done, and that's when you physically attacked me. Have you ever considered anger management?
Gabi: Can it, okay? I've seen stefan with my own two eyes.
Rolf: Oh, and you think that's my handiwork? And how, pray tell, could I do such a thing?
Gabi: I don't know. Maybe you snuck into his room and injected him with something like you did with will and ej.
Rolf: They still had their hearts. You gave your husband's heart to a saloonkeeper with a singing husband. Not even I can bring someone back from the dead if they don't have the prerequisite equipment.
Gabi: Oh, no, bull. Stefan had his heart, okay, and you were keeping him alive. Maybe you saved him and gave him--I don't know. Oh, maybe you gave julie a pig's heart or something, 'cause that would actually explain a lot, but--
Rolf: [Laughs] My, my, you do have an imagination.
Gabi: We all know what you can do, okay? You found a way to save him.
Rolf: And why would I do that?
Gabi: Because he's stefano's son.
Rolf: All right, all right. Hypothetically speaking, what if he is still alive? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm incarcerated. What can I possibly do for you?
Gabi: Well, you can tell me why he's pretending to be this rude grease monkey who can't even stand me.
Jake: [Sighs]
[Dramatic music]
This is getting old. You need to call me back. Damn it.
Ben: Anything you want to talk about?
Hope: Oh, baby, it is so good to hug you and see that beautiful face of yours.
Ciara: Oh, it's good to see you too. So how are you doing?
Hope: I haven't worn a tiara in months.
Ciara: Mom.
Hope: Honey, my way of telling you I am fine. I am. I'm great. It's nice having steve here. Yeah, it's good having company.
Ciara: Good. That's great.
Hope: Yeah.
Ciara: Okay, so here's the thing. I actually have some news.
Hope: You've decided to wear a washer on your finger.
Ciara: [Chuckles] The washer is actually a placeholder for the ring. Ben and I are engaged.
Rafe: You know, of all the people to be talking about sociopathic sisters, I don't think it should be you, chad. How is kristen, by the way?
Jennifer: Rafe, please. He didn't mean it.
Rafe: Oh, he meant it. He meant it, all right, but that's okay, because you're obviously very worried about abigail right now, but if you keep talking to me like that, you're gonna be the only one who ends up behind bars.
[Suspenseful music]
Abe: Well, hello.
Kate: Ah, perfect timing. I just poured your tea. Milk, one sugar.
Abe: Well, how did you know?
Kate: Well, celeste isn't the only psychic in this world.
[Both laugh] Actually, I called your work, and I asked.
Abe: Well, that's kind of creepy.
[Cell phone beeps] Oh, excuse me. Oh, can you give me one second? I have to answer this.
Kate: Of course.
Abe: All right.
All right, sorry.
Kate: Abe, I'm going to get right to the point. I invited you here this morning because I'd like an answer about the job.
Abe: I thought as much.
Abigail: No, no, don't drink it. Abe, she put poison in it. Oh, my god. Oh.
Our skin tells a story
Rolf: You don't know what you're talking about.
Gabi: What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me. I would've helped you. I would've taken care of him. I would've kept your secret.
Rolf: This mechanic of yours, does he agree that he's stefan O. Dimera back from the dead?
Gabi: No.
Rolf: Why would you think that your husband would walk away from running his father's empire to be-- well, as you so tritely put it-- a grease monkey?
Gabi: I don't know. He's a dimera, okay? I don't know. Stefano is steve johnson. We've got kristen as nicole. Stefan as jake is probably part of this big plan to take over the world.
Rolf: Mm, one lube job at a time.
Gabi: This is not funny, damn it. Okay, I want my husband back, and I will fight to get him back. I will fight dirty if I have to.
Rolf: Yes, I'm shaking.
Gabi: Well, you should be, okay? I have two strategies to get you to help me. One, of course, in return for your full cooperation, I will hire the best legal team available to get you out of here.
Rolf: Und the second strategy?
Gabi: Yeah, the second strategy. Well, I don't have to remind you that I know very well how prisons operate. I know who to go to to make a call for you, I know who to go to to get out of a work detail, and I definitely know who to go to to make sure a certain convict doesn't wake up in the morning. So could you answer this for me, dr. Rolf? Could you bring yourself back from the dead if you're dead?
Rolf: You know, strategy number one is looking pretty good to me.
Gabi: That's what I thought you would choose. So you have something to tell me, right?
Rolf: Well, you were right, mrs. Dimera. I did save your husband's life.
Ben: Judging by the beating your phone just took, I'm thinking that phone call had to do with the two guys that beat the crap out of me.
Jake: You're thinking wrong. It was a telemarketer. I hate telemarketers.
Ben: Right. Who doesn't?
Jake: You're late, ben.
Ben: I'm sorry. Kind of celebrating last night. Ciara and I got engaged.
Jake: Yeah?
Ben: Yeah.
Jake: [Laughs]
Ben: Yeah.
Jake: You don't seem too happy about it.
Ben: No, I am. I am. I'm just a little nervous. Right about now, she's telling her mom, and I don't see that going very well.
Ciara: [Sighs] Well, aren't you gonna say anything?
Hope: Could I just have a second to process this?
Ciara: Yeah. And, mom, I really want you to be happy about this, and I'm not really asking you. I'm just telling you.
Hope: Gee, thank you so much for giving me that second to process.
Ciara: Right, I'm sorry.
Hope: Baby, you just hit me with a cannonball. I just--it's kind of out of the blue.
Ciara: Yeah, it really, really, really took me by surprise too. I mean, we were just-- we were eating chinese food, and I opened a fortune cookie, and it said, "will you marry me?" And...
Hope: Oh, that really must've taken some planning on his part.
Ciara: Right?
Hope: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah, it was really sweet. And, mom, this ring, it's a washer from dad's bike. Yeah, ben didn't have enough money for a diamond, so I'm wearing this one until he can afford one, but honestly, I think I love this so much more than a diamond, because it's kind of like daddy's giving ben his blessing, you know, and I hope that you will too.
Rafe: Now, I'm gonna go to my office and see if there are any updates.
Jennifer: Will you go with rafe, please?
Jack: I--
Jennifer: Please, jack.
Jack: Okay, okay.
Jennifer: I understand that you are upset, but if anyone is gonna find abigail, it's gonna be rafe, and you're talking to him like he's the help.
Chad: I'm losing it.
Jennifer: I know. I understand that. I get it.
Chad: What if she--
Jennifer: No, no, no. Don't even go there. We have gotten abigail back before, and we're gonna get her back again. We have to believe that. We have to.
Abe: Abigail, what--
Abigail: No, she put poison in your drink, and she was trying to poison you just like she did me.
Kate: What are you talking about? Why would I poison abe?
Abigail: Oh, really? I don't know, maybe because he's lani's father and because you're upset that lani took eli away from you.
Kate: Eli away from me? This not making any sense whatsoever.
Abigail: Don't mess with me, gabi.
Kate: Abigail. Abigail, it's kate. It's kate.
Abigail: Get your hands off me. Don't you ever touch me, ever.
Abe: Abigail, abigail, please, please, please. Counting your veggies can be hard.
Ciara: I guess it was just too much to ask.
Hope: Whoa, hold on, baby. You didn't give me a chance to think, let alone talk, ciara.
Ciara: No, mama, I just--I really want you to be happy about this, and maybe you just can'T.
Hope: Just stop. Hold on. My head is spinning. I have to say this. I will never be able to forget what ben did. But--just let me finish.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Hope: I can make myself remember that he did save my daughter's life and that he really loves her and makes her happy.
Ciara: Mom, I--
Hope: I love you. I love you, ciara alice, with all my heart. This is my new philosophy, to live in the right now, and right now, I see that my baby girl-- my baby girl is so happy.
Ciara: Wow. You really are, like, the best mom ever.
Jake: [Grunts] So you and her old lady don't get along? Why not?
Ben: She has a real problem with my history.
Jake: Everybody's got one.
Ben: Not like mine. So she did pretty much everything she could do to try to keep us apart, and... seeing how she was the police commissioner, she could do a lot.
Jake: You really want that for a mother-in-law? Sounds like she's a real piece of work.
Ben: No, I get why she did what she did. She was trying to protect ciara.
Jake: So what's the problem? Everybody screws around, screws up when they're younger.
[Sighs] What the hell did you do, anyway, ben?
Gabi: You finally admitted it.
Rolf: Well, you didn't leave me much choice, did you?
Gabi: No. Now you're my bitch.
Rolf: [Laughs] Well, for the moment, perhaps. The balance of power can shift.
Gabi: No, I don't think so. So wait, why is stefan pretending to be somebody else, like he doesn't know me?
Rolf: Mrs. Dimera, have you ever had memory lapses?
Gabi: No.
Rolf: Actually, I think you have. Do you remember young will horton, the father of your child?
Gabi: Yeah, what about him?
Rolf: And do you remember mayor deveraux? They both came back from the dead, didn't they?
Und what else did they have in common, hmm? You seem to have forgotten that they had forgotten who they were. Am I going too fast for you?
Gabi: Stefan isn't faking it. He doesn't remember who he is. He doesn't remember who I am.
Rolf: There, you got it on the first try, didn't you? Let's go back to memory lane. How do you think they got their memories back?
Gabi: The serum.
Rolf: No, no, no, no, no, not the serum-- my serum.
Abigail: Get your hands off me. Don't even think for a second I don't know what you're trying to do.
Abe: It's not gabi. It's kate.
Abigail: Abe, she was trying to poison you.
Abe: It's kate.
Abigail: Open up your eyes.
Abe: Look, listen.
Abigail: No, she was trying to poison--
[Cell phone rings]
Chad: Hello.
Kate: Chad, abigail's here at the mansion, and she just attacked me.
Abe: Abby. These are real people, not actors,
Ciara: Mama, I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me.
Hope: Please do. I'm glad.
Ciara: You know, I really did not expect it working out this way, like, at all. Oh, wow.
Hope: What?
Ciara: You know, I just realized that now maybe I could...
Hope: What? You could what?
Ciara: Well, I could ask you to maybe help me plan the wedding. But, you know, if it's too much, I don't want to push my luck.
Hope: Ciara alice brady, I am your mother, you are my daughter, and of course I am gonna help you plan that wedding.
Ciara: Oh, thank god, because I have no idea where to begin, mom.
Hope: A date. Do you have a date? Have you--
Ciara: I do not have a date.
Hope: Okay, well, great. This is great because it gives us all of the time in the world to do what we need to do, like book a church. Maybe you don't want to get married in a church. Park, the square, maybe the backyard, or on a train.
Ciara: Mom, you know, I think that's something that I'm gonna have to discuss with ben.
Hope: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Probably should.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Why don't you make a list of all the things that you want and prioritize, put them in order of importance?
Ciara: Well, I do know what is first on my list, but it's not gonna happen.
Hope: What's that, baby?
Ciara: I just--I really wish that daddy could walk me down the aisle.
Hope: I know, baby. I know. Me too. Me too. Me too. Me too.
Jake: So you literally have skeletons in your closet?
Ben: Great. Glad I told you.
Jake: Oh, ben, come on. How about this? Let's role-play, all right? I'll tell you that I'm a serial killer, and you can demonstrate to me the appropriately sensitive response.
Ben: Okay, yeah, you see? The guy you look exactly like, he was a smartass too.
Jake: Go figure.
Ben: Mm. Look, man, I only told you because eventually you're gonna find out, but I also want to tell you that I've been completely straightened out. I had an imbalance. It's been regulated. You can call my doctor. It's dr. Evans. I just really don't want to lose this job.
Jake: Guess it's okay, then. Hey, at least we don't have to wear neckties to work.
Ben: Ha-ha. You're a jerk.
Jake: Oh, come on, ben. Hey, it's not like you told me, whoops, dropped out of high school, right? I already told you you can keep your job. What, did I not do it nice enough? Should I be worried?
Ben: You did it fine.
Jake: I know I did. So when's the wedding? He said, attempting to change the subject.
Ben: We haven't set a date yet. I'm just hoping I have enough time to buy her a real ring.
Jake: Wow, rings, weddings. You're a real traditional guy and that, the whole nine yards.
Ben: I guess so. So what about you? You mentioned having a woman in your life before, but you never said if you were married.
Jake: You're right. I didn'T.
Rolf: And so the balance of power shifts seismically.
Gabi: You can get stefan's memory back.
Rolf: I'm the only one who can, and luckily for you, I have a stash of that serum.
Gabi: Thank god.
Rolf: No, thank me. So as I recall, you said you can get me out of here. How?
Gabi: Told you, I'm gonna pay for the best legal team around.
Rolf: Pay with what? You're no longer ceo of dimera.
Gabi: So what? I have allies on the board, allies who know the governor, a judge or two.
Rolf: Not exactly a sure thing.
Gabi: No, it's not, but it's the only shot you have of getting out of here, okay? So you help me restore stefan's memory, he becomes ceo of dimera, and you're a free man with some very powerful friends. So tell me where the serum is, now. This is my body of proof.
Hope: Look, you, of course, are going to make the most stunning, stunning bride. We will have to find a dress that goes well with this washer, though.
Ciara: Ah. [Laughs] The industrial look. I love it. Oh, gosh, look at the time. I actually want to go see grandpa so I can tell him the good news. Although I fear he probably won't see it that way.
Hope: You know, you should probably hold back with that information for now, but I have an idea.
Ciara: Mm.
Hope: It involves ben.
Ciara: Oh? Well, all right, I'll bite. What's the idea?
Ben: Picking up on the fact that you're not a real big sharer.
Jake: You catch on quick.
Ben: Just like stefan wasn'T.
[Cell phone ringing] Ciara, hi.
Ciara: Guess what. My mom wants to take us out to lunch to celebrate.
Ben: Did you tell her we're getting married?
Ciara: Yup.
Ben: And she wants to celebrate?
Ciara: Yeah, I know. It kind of took me by surprise too. Anyway, can you make it?
Ben: Let me ask jake, and I am gonna text you back later, okay?
Ciara: Okay, bye.
Ben: Okay. Yes! That was ciara. Her mom wants to take us to lunch.
Jake: Wow.
Ben: Is that okay?
Jake: Yeah, sure. So wait. Her old lady, she's good with you two getting married?
Ben: Seems to be.
Jake: Sounds like an easygoing lady.
Rolf: So any questions?
Gabi: No, I got it.
Rolf: Remember, the deal stands even if the serum doesn't work.
Gabi: Yeah, I know. Deal's a deal. What, you don't trust me?
[Both laugh] Wish me luck.
Rolf: Ah, little one, you are going to need it.
Jack: Jennifer, I got your text.
Jennifer: Oh, jack, where were you?
Jack: I ran back to "the spectator." Is it abigail? They found her?
Jennifer: Yes, she went to the dimera mansion. She attacked kate.
Jack: What? Why?
Jennifer: She had a hallucination that kate was gabi, and thank goodness abe was there to stop whatever she was doing, but chad is taking abigail to the hospital, and we need to go.
Jack: Okay, let's go. Come on.
Abigail: Please just listen to me. Okay, just listen. She was trying to poison you. I saved you, and she's gonna get away.
Abe: It's kate, not gabi, honey.
Abigail: No.
Abe: Kate wouldn't hurt anyone.
Abigail: Abe, I--chad, okay.
Chad: There you are. Okay. Okay. It's gonna be okay. Everything's okay now.
Abigail: No, it's not okay, because she's gonna get away, and she--gabi was--she-- she tried to poison him.
Chad: That wasn't real. It was just another hallucination.
Abigail: Okay, I know this is hard to believe me, but I know what I saw.
Chad: We need to get you back to the hospital, okay. We need to get you some help.
[Dramatic music]
Abigail: [Sighs] I'm scared. I'm scared.
Chad: I know. I'm here now, though, okay? I'm not gonna let anything-- I'm not gonna let anything-- happen to you, I promise. Okay? Do you trust me?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: Okay, let's go.
Abigail: I--
at charmin, we understand
Ben: Well, this is really nice. Thank you, ho-- mrs. Brady.
Hope: Mrs. Brady, really? Mrs.--No, no, no, no, no. You have to call me hope.
Ben: You got it. Thank you, hope.
Hope: I want to make a toast to a happy and very long life... as wife and husband.
Ben: Cheers.
Ciara: Cheers.
[Cell phone rings]
Rafe: Hernandez. You got to be kidding me.
Kate: Coast clear?
Abe: Yeah, chad took abigail to the hospital.
Kate: Poor chad.
Abe: Poor abigail.
Kate: Yeah, well, let's hope that she gets the help that she needs, and let's hope that she gets it in a locked room.
Abe: You're so warm.
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, enough about abigail, right? Let's talk about me.
Abe: Your favorite subject.
Kate: Do I get the job or not?
Chad: Marlena's on her way. She'll know how to help you.
Abigail: Yeah? Will she?
Jennifer: Abigail.
Jack: Honey.
Jennifer: Hi, baby.
Abigail: Hi.
Jennifer: Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Abigail: I'm sorry about--
Jack: It's okay. It's okay, sweetheart. Everything's gonna be fine.
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, you know we're here for you. You know that, right?
[Suspenseful music]
Abigail: Yes, I do.
Jake: [Sighs] What the hell are you doing here?
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