Days Transcript Tuesday 5/12/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 5/12/20


Episode #13767 ~ Ciara accepts Ben's proposal; Sonny and Will reflect on the anniversary of Adrienne's death; Sarah and Kristen come face-to-face; Brady makes a difficult decision.

Provided By Suzanne

[Romantic music]

Ben: I really, really hope you saved room for a fortune cookie.

Ciara: Always.

Ben: Good.

Ciara: Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Ben: What does it say?

Ciara: "Will you marry me?"

Ben: Of course I will marry you. The question is... will you marry me?

Hope: "Would love to sit down and catch up with my favorite"... shoot. "...Daughter. Feels like it's been forever, honey. I love you so much. Mama." Hey.

Steve: Hey.

Hope: Nice jacket.

Steve: Yeah, well, it's the one-year anniversary of adrienne's death. I'm finally gonna pay my respects to my sister.

Justin: [Sighs] I can't believe it's been a year since I've lost you. Lord, what a year. Maggie's in prison for causing the crash... and she just found out that the accident also took the life of sarah's baby, and the daughter that sarah thought was hers, turns out, was kristen's and brady'S. Baby switch courtesy of xander and dear uncle victor. You know, one of the things I miss most about you, besides everything, is the way you used to just listen and look at me the way only you would look at me when I would ramble on about my crazy family.


Xander: Are you sure this is the address theo gave?

Brady: Yeah, yeah, this is it. I'm gonna check the bedroom. No, nothing, nothing.

Xander: And sarah was definitely here. This belonged to the baby. I gave it to her.

Sarah: It's almost time to board. We should get going. Yeah, let's go. Hi.


[Foreboding music]

Kristen: Where the hell do you think you're going with my baby?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sarah: [Gasps] How did you find me?

Kristen: Doesn't matter. What matters is that I am here, and I am not gonna let you take my baby away from me for another second.

[Baby crying]

Sarah: She's my daughter, and no one, not you, not anyone, is ever gonna take her away from me.

Kayla: I--I didn't mean to intrude.

Justin: How did you find me?

Kayla: Well, you lost adrienne a year ago today, so I figured you'd be here. I came to apologize, but I can see now that that was a bad idea. You need your time alone, so I'm gonna go. Yeah.

Justin: No, don'T. Talk to me, kayla.

Kayla: I--I don't think this is the time and place.

Justin: It's fine. I was... just about ready to leave. So tell me what you came here to tell me.

Kayla: Fine. I, um--I came to tell you that you were right... that the truth is I, um--I was upset that steve went home with hope. Not that I think anything's going on with them, but I think I'm upset that he went home with anyone but me.

Hope: Well, it's--it's kinda late to be visiting adrienne's gravesite tonight. How about first thing tomorrow?

Steve: I'm a year late already. I should have been here for her funeral.

Hope: Steve, it wasn't your fault. I know--I understand it doesn't change the fact that you weren't here. I understand that.

Steve: Well, for what it's worth, I'm gonna try to make up for it now.

Ben: Wait, before you answer that, let me do this the way it should be done. Ciara alice brady... will you marry me?

Ciara: Yes. Yes, ben. Of course I will. Now get up off your knees and come kiss me. Are you okay?

Ben: I'm okay.

Ciara: Okay.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.

Brady: Damn it. I was hoping to get here in time. Of course, you're probably happy she got away, aren't you?

Xander: Hey, I want to find her and the baby just as much as you do.

Brady: Maybe--maybe she's with rex; I don't know. I can only hope that theo tracks down the location of his phone.

Rex: What the hell are you two doing here?

Xander: Where's sarah?

Rex: She left with the baby.

Xander: You couldn't stop her?

Rex: What? No! She hit me over the head and knocked me out and tied me up.

Brady: That would explain why your call ended abruptly, right?

Rex: Yes, yes, and when I came to, I was tied to that chair.

Xander: Do you have any idea where she's going?

Rex: Nothing concrete, but then kristen showed up.

Brady: Wait, wait, sh--she was here?

Rex: Yeah, so we left. We split up. We searched the train stations. Hopefully she has better luck than I did in finding her baby.

Sarah: We have a train to catch.

Kristen: Okay, sarah, you can go whenever you want, but my little girl's gonna stay with me.

Sarah: Get out of my way.

Kristen: She's not your daughter. She's not yours. Her name is rachel. She's my daughter and brady'S. The babies were switched by xander and victor.

Sarah: [Breath hitches] No. No, what I know is that I have been her mother every single second of every single day. I've--I've fed her. I've nursed her, and I've--I've watched her grow. I have dreamed about her future and--and what her first words will be and where she'll take her first steps. I--

Kristen: I know, I know, I know, and I understand how much you love her. I do.

Sarah: No, and when she was sick--when she was sick, I was the one who held her. I held her while they put little--they put needles in her little body, and they--they pumped her full of poison trying to stop the cancer. It was me. I saw the pain on her beautiful little face. I'm the one that told her that everything was gonna be okay and that mama was here.

Kristen: But that should have been me. Me. All those moments, the good, the god-awful, were stolen from me, sarah. I am her mother.

Sarah: No. You--you're a bad person. You do horrible things. You hurt people. You aren't capable of being a good mother. The best thing I could do is keep her away from you. So if you ever really loved her, you would just let us go!

Kristen: That's not going to happen. These fudge brownie m&m's are really fudgey

Justin: I owe you an apology too. I was a little harsh earlier, and I also think it's a bit hypocritical for me to be standing here in front of adrienne's grave after I just chastised you about being upset about steve. Being here reminds me that just doesn't mean that the feelings you have for that person just go away. Adrienne lou and I know firsthand how lucky she was to have your love.

Rex: This is a list of the train stations that kristen was gonna search.

Brady: Okay, thank you. Thank you.

Rex: And brady, if you do find sarah, please go easy on her. She's really been through hell.

Xander: Don't you think we know?

Brady: Oh, come on. Wasting time. Thank you for this, rex.

Rex: Yeah. Whoa, wh-- you are not going anywhere.

Xander: I suggest you get out of my way, doc, unless you want to end up in a hospital.

Rex: What you did to sarah, to brady, to kristen was unconscionable. So no, you're not going anywhere. Stay the hell away from her.

Xander: I can't do that. I love her. She's in trouble. She needs me.

Sarah: If you try to take this baby away from me, I will scream.

Kristen: Sarah, she's my daughter. And I am so grateful for everything you've done.

Sarah: Grateful?

Kristen: Yes, grateful. Everything you've done for her, the love you've given her this entire year, but while you--you were taking care of my baby, I spent the whole year grieving yours, and every day of those 365 days, my heart, my soul, every cell in my body felt that baby, my baby, and she was crying for me to--to tell me that she was still here-- my baby, alive. My baby is alive, and I am so, so sorry that my joy is your grief. Sarah... I want to thank you. I want to thank you for--for--for this entire year, for holding her when I couldn'T. But now I am here. I'm here, and I think rachel knows that. So please, I'm asking you to give me the child that was stolen from me. Please. Please.

Sarah: [Sobbing softly]

[Tender music]

Kristen: [Gasps, laughs]

Ciara: Oh, you totally surprised me. Ben weston, I had no idea.

Ben: Good. Because I promised myself that as soon as I got a job, I was going to do this.

Ciara: Doesn't this include a ring? Uh-huh. Is that A...

Ben: A washer?

Ciara: A washer? [Laughs]

Ben: Yeah. Ciara, I didn't want to wait another second without proposing to you. I've also only been employed for about 36 hours, so I don't necessarily have enough money to buy you the exact ring that you deserve, so this is more of a--a placeholder.

Ciara: It looks like it came from a carburetor.

Ben: Oh, my god, my little gearhead.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Not just any carburetor. It's yours.

Ciara: From when you fixed my bike.That brought us together. So I was hoping, really hoping that this little number atth you truly deserve. Mi t

Ciara: It's perfect.

Ben: Do you mean that? Because I know it's not what you were probably expecting, but--

Ciara: Ben, I love it, and I love you so, so damn much. And you know what? I don't think I'm ever, ever gonna take this off.

Ben: You promise?

Ciara: Uh-huh.

Brady: Kristen?

Xander: Sarah. Sarah!

[Dramatic, soft music]

Brady: Hi. Oh, my god. Hi.

Steve: I'm so sorry we lost her. I know how much adrienne loved you and how much you loved her.

Justin: But she loved you too, steve... so much. And you were a good brother to her. I'll, uh--I'll let you have some time.

Steve: Hey, baby sister. Sorry it took me so long to get here.

Kristen: Oh, my god, look at her.

Brady: I know. I'm looking at her.

Kristen: Look at our beautiful little daughter. Rachel isabella. Yes.

Brady: She looks just like her mommy. She really does. Hi.

[Both laugh tearfully]

Steve: We had some good times together, didn't we, adrienne? And some weren't so good. Well, we got through those together too. You were always right there for me... with all your heart, sass... and so many times I tried to play big brother, check on you. You'd cut right to the chase, find out everything that was going on with me. I could sure use your wisdom right now. And that... beautiful smile of yours. I just--I wasn't a good brother. I tried. I--I mean, I know it was an accident, but if I could have been here, maybe I could have done something. It's too late. I miss you, baby. I miss you so much. I'll never forget you. You'll always be with me. You'll always be in my heart.

Rex: Sarah? Sarah, are you okay? Where's the baby?

Sarah: She's with her parents.

Kristen: [Laughs] This is like the first time I held her, the miracle of it. Hi. A year ago to this day, brady. And I may never let her go.

Brady: That's okay. You don't have to. You won't have to. You know how much of a gift you are, you little cutie? Kristen, we gotta--it's late. Why don't we--why don't we just--let's find a hotel. Let's find a really big bed, and let's put this beautiful little nugget right between us, and--and then we can--we can-- we can all go home tomorrow. What do you think? What do you say?

Kristen: Brady.

Brady: What?

Kristen: I can never go back to salem.

[ Snoring, indistinct talking on tv ]

Ciara: I seriously love this.

Ben: I seriously love this.

Ciara: Ah...

Ben: So do you have any idea on how you would like to spend our first evening as an engaged couple?

Ciara: Oh, I know exactly how I want to spend it.

Ben: Oh, that is exactly what I wanted to hear.

Ciara: We have to start planning our wedding.

[Clicks pen]

Kayla: I am okay seeing steve and hope together. Really, I am. I'll get used to it.

Justin: And if you don't?

Kayla: Then I have you to help me deal with that.

Steve: Here. What can I get you?

Justin: Small town.

Steve: Well, we just came in to get a drink, but we can go someplace else.

Justin: No, wait.

Brady: Not go back to salem? Why?

Kristen: Why? Well, because I'm wanted for attempted murder.

Brady: No, no, no, no, I'll--I--I will get victor to--to retract his statement. I'll convince him to do that.

Kristen: Brady, he hates me. He hates me, and he is never going to change. And--and any promise that victor makes to play nice, he's just gonna break every single one of them to see me rot behind bars. I...I have to face the reality-- I do-- that if I set foot in salem, that I'm gonna be locked up and the key is just gonna be thrown away.

Brady: No, no, no, no, no, no, listen to me. Listen. We're gonna fight it. We'll just fight it together. It'll be okay.

Kristen: But we'll lose. We're gonna lose, brady. We will lose, and I cannot spend another moment away from my baby girl, our baby girl. I mean... I mean, we've got tickets, the stroller, and... and... [Sobs] And it's just a perfect, perfect time to... to just disappear.

Brady: That's what you want? To disappear? Then let's go. Then let's go. We'll go. Kristen, we'll just go.

Kristen: I love you. I love you. I love you so much, but I can't--I can't let you do that. I can'T.

Rex: Okay.

Sarah: Why are you still here?

Rex: 'Cause I knew you'd change your mind and I knew you would do right by that baby. And I knew, when you did, that you'd probably need a friend.

Sarah: How can you even be nice to me after what I did to you?

Rex: Because I know you. I know what a good person you are, and I know that you loved that baby. And now you've lost two children, and that is more than anybody should take, especially by herself. Not even a superhero like you should have to deal with that. Come here. Come on.

Sarah: [Crying]

Brady: Of course I'm going with you and rachel. I'm going.

Kristen: I know, but what about tate?

Brady: He's in--he's in california with--with theresa, kristen.

Kristen: And--right, I know, and if you go with me, you'd be aiding and abetting a fugitive, and how are you--are--how are you gonna see tate again, hmm? And look at me. Come on, brady. If we get caught, we'll both go to prison, and I am not gonna take the chance on tate losing his father--

Brady: Mm-mm.

Kristen: No, and rachel-- and rachel, our rachel having both parents in prison? No.

Brady: No, no, no. There's gotta be--there's gotta be another way.

Kristen: All right, well, then I'll--I'll-- I'll turn myself in and you can raise rachel, and we'll--you can visit all the time.

Brady: No, no, listen to me. Listen to me. No, no, no. It's not--that's-- no. That little girl is what you have wanted your whole life. I know that. I just--I mean, kristen, damn it, I mean, when I started this whole thing, when I took the-- the rap for stabbing victor, it was because I was the one that was gonna go away. I was the one that was going to prison so you could raise her. That was the plan.

Kristen: The sacrifice you made for me, brady, no one, no one has ever loved me the way you do.

Brady: And now... maybe now I have to make that sacrifice, don't I? That's where we're at. I have to let you take rachel because you... you are her mother. She will need you. I know that.

Kristen: I know it's a--it's an enormous sacrifice right now.

Brady: I don't know how the hell I'm gonna get by without the two of you around. But I know victor--I know victor's gonna be a threat. I know he's gonna be there. So if I have to let you go to protect you, I'll do it, if I have to.

Kristen: If there was a way that we could be a family, be together, it--

Brady: Maybe that picket fence was never in our future, was it, kristen?

Kristen: Yeah, because of me. It was all--

Brady: No. Look how far you've come. You are compassionate. You are loving. You are nurturing. You are more beautiful than you've ever been, such a good mother. She's gonna need you. I know that.

[Rachel fussing] Hi, baby. Hi. It's okay. It's okay. You know what? You know what? You are my little miracle. You're a miracle. Lookit. And I'm gonna love you to the moon--to the moon and back again, and every single time you look up at the moon with your mommy-- and she loves the moon. She loves looking at the moon.

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: I want you to know something: That daddy's heart is gonna be right with you. I'm gonna be right there, right there. You remember that. I know.

Kristen: God, a life with you is all I have ever wanted, brady. And who would have thought that I would have chose to be a mother first?

Brady: Oh, kristen, I did. The day this little girl was born.

[Rachel babbles] And I love you too.

Kristen: [Laughs] In this time of social distancing,

Ciara: There are so many decisions we have to make, like the wedding. Do we want it big or small?

Ben: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: And then for food, do we want a sit-down, or do we want a buffet?

Ben: Yeah.

Ciara: Will you come over here and read some of the notes that I have?

Ben: Mm, oh, babe, you're good. I'll come take--take a look later on--

Ciara: No, no, no, baby, I--I really need your input on this one.

Ben: Okay, sure. Why not?

Ciara: What does it say?

Ben: "Will you make love to your fiancé?"

Ciara: Yes, I definitely will, but the question is will you make love to your fiancée?


Ben: Will I?

Ciara: Mm.

[Romantic music]

Justin: Please join us.

Steve: No, no, no, we don't want to intrude.

Kayla: No, really. We all loved adrienne, and she would want us to celebrate her life. Join us. We'll raise a glass to her. All of us.

Justin: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Thank you.

Xander: Good, you're safe. Could you give us some privacy, please?

Sarah: I have nothing to say to you.

Xander: Sarah--

Sarah: I lost my little girl because of you! I don't want to see you for as long as I live!

Xander: If we could just--

Rex: Xander, don't make things worse than they already are, okay? Just leave her in peace.

Brady: Now, rachel isabella...

Rachel: [Grunts]

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: I want you to take care of your mom, all right? 'Cause... I know she's gonna take care of you. Okay.

[Stirring music] I love you. Really.

Kristen: Gonna lay you down for a minute, honey.

Brady: Mm. Kristen, kristen.

Kristen: I know. And I--I want you to know that I'm gonna tell her everything about you.

Brady: You don't have to tell her everything.

Kristen: Well, I'm gonna tell her that she has her daddy's eyes and his beautiful, beautiful smile. I'm gonna tell her every single thing that I love about you, and that may take an entire lifetime, but she's going to know. And I promise... I promise you that I will give her the love and the life that you would want her to have. I promise you that.

Brady: Hey... I know you will.

Kristen: [Sobbing]

Brady: Go. You have to go.

[Both crying] All right?

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: Okay.

Kristen: I love you.

Brady: I love you.

Kristen: I love you so much.

[Crying softly]

Brady: [Sighing]

Kristen: [Crying]

Brady: Go. Go.



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