Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 5/11/20
Episode #13766 ~ Sarah prepares to disappear forever with her daughter; Brady and Xander come to blows; Ben asks Ciara an important question; Kate gives Jake the rundown on Stefan DiMera.
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: They thought I was you, not stefan.Jake: That's very strange.
Ben: I don't think it's that obscure. I didn't tell eli everything.
Ciara: Why, ben?
Ben: Those two thugs wanted something. And whatever it was, they wanted it bad enough to beat the crap out of me. So what was it, ke? What did they want?
Ciara: Ben could have been killed. So you owe him an explanation. What are you hiding, jake?
Maggie: Oh. You're my visitor.
Will: Xander called and--
Maggie: Hi.
Will: Hi. He told me you know the truth.
Maggie: Yeah. Well, how is it, will, that a year ago today, I killed my own granddaughter?
[Rock music]
Brady: You want to turn that down, please?
Xander: Sorry, can't hear you.
[Stomping] What the hell?
Brady: It was either your phone or your head. Be happy it wasn't your head.
Xander: Be happy I didn't throw you off my plane!
Brady: It's not your plane, xander. It's the company jet.
Xander: A company you no longer work for.
Brady: Just to be clear for the record, I wasn't gonna steal the plane or anything. Just needed a favor. I know the pilot and we were just gonna head to france real quick.
Xander: Because you have a lead on sarah and mickey?
Brady: Rachel.
Xander: Sounds like a "yes" to me. So let's find them, eh, before your murderous lady love does.
Kristen: This is the place. Hang in there, rachel. Mama's here. Oh. Oh, my god.
Rex: Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen: Oh, my god.
Rex: Untie me, please.
Kristen: What happened?
Rex: Thank god.
Kristen: Where is she? Where are sarah and my baby?
Rex: They're gone.
Sarah: I'm sorry we have to leave paris. There were so many things I wanted to show you. When we ran into rex, I honestly what--what crazy bad luck was that, right? Don't worry, bubba. As soon as we get on our train, no one will ever find us again.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: We have a while before we have to board, so--
[Imitating fanfare] It's your birthday cake! Well, technically, it's a cupcake, but it's been a whole year since you were born. Mother's day. I celebrated with grandma last year. I had no idea that that very same day, I was gonna become a mom.
Sarah: There is so much I want to thank you for, your wisdom and your generosity, but most important, your love. And you may not have always agreed with all of my choices, but it's made me all the more appreciative of your support. I love you. Happy mother's day.
Maggie: Thank you, sweetheart. Mmm. In a couple of weeks, you're gonna have a child of your own, and then you will understand what it's like to be a mother.
Sarah: Grandma was right. I had no idea what it meant to be a mom until you came into my life. You're everything to me.
Kristen: Where did she take her? Come on, where did she take my baby?
Rex: I--look, I don't know. I did my best to convince sarah to return to salem to give your baby back to you.
Kristen: Oh, god! How long ago did she leave?
Rex: Not long.
Kristen: No?
Rex: Can you untie me, please?
Kristen: No, how long?
Rex: Half hour.
Kristen: A half hour, right?
Rex: An hour at most.
Kristen: Okay, did she tell you where she was going?
Rex: No. But, kristen, she could be anywhere by now.
Brady: So what are you gonna do when you find sarah, huh? You're gonna convince her to bring the baby back or are you just gonna run off with her? I mean, she does hate your guts.
Xander: I'm much more interested in your plan. Have you heard from kristen? Is she already in paris?
Brady: I honestly don't know.
Xander: Well, if she is and she hurts sarah in any way, if she so much--
Brady: She's not gonna hurt sarah in any way.
Xander: Oh, no?
Brady: No.
Xander: She killed that nurse. She stabbed victor in the heart. I think it's safe to say she has a habit of losing her temper.
Brady: Well, she did lose her baby because of you, right?
Xander: So how did you get this paris lead? Hey, I can order joe to turn this crate right around, then where will you be?
Brady: Take it easy. Kristen tracked down rex brady's phone to an apartment building there, okay?
Xander: Rex brady?
Brady: Yeah.
Xander: What does he have to do with anything?
Brady: Kristen seems to believe that rex might be with sarah.
Xander: No way. That--that's not possible.
Brady: Isn't it? Are you sure? I mean, you did blow up sarah's life, didn't you? Just wrecked it. So why wouldn't she run to her ex-husband for a little bit of comfort, who I believe never really stopped loving her?
Xander: Well, just shut the hell up, all right? It's none of your damn business.
Brady: It is my business, xander. You stole my baby, you son of a bitch! In our normal everyday diets,
Jake: I don't know who these guys were or what they wanted. It was probably some kind of misunderstanding.
Ciara: You really expect us to believe that?
Jake: I don't know what else to tell you.
Ciara: How about the truth? Jake, my boyfriend took a beating for you. The least you could do is be honest with him.
Jake: If my answer is not good enough, ben's free to walk.
Ciara: Are you serious?
Ben: No, no, no.
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: No, look. I'm not gonna force you to tell me what's going on because I need this job. But those guys clearly mean business. So whatever mess you're mixed up in, it's not going away any time soon.
Xander: You want to hit me? Will that make you feel better?
Brady: You know what I want to do, I want to throw your ass off this plane, xander.
Xander: Listen, brady, none of what happened was about hurting--
Brady: Save it, man. I've already heard it from grandfather. I don't want to hear your excuses. Kristen and I, we were both under the impression that our daughter was dead for a year, while you and grandfather made up your own justifications that, we were protecting sarah and maggie-- there's no justification for what you did, man. None.
Xander: You love maggie as much as I do. Responsible for the death of her grandchild. No one deserves that kind of grief.
Brady: What about the grief that you caused kristen and me, huh? Are you even capable of giving a damn about that?
Xander: Well, if it makes you happy, it's all falling apart. Sarah hates me. And now maggie knows that she killed her little granddaughter.
Brady: Wait-- she knows? Who told her?
Xander: I did.
Maggie: It's horrible enough knowing that I caused the crash that killed adrienne. But I'd always thanked god that sarah and the baby were okay, but then--that's what julie was about to tell me, wasn't it, when you interrupted her and got her out of here?
Will: I'm sorry. Victor made sonny and me promise not to say anything to you.
Maggie: Well, he had no right to do that. And he had no right to switch the babies.
Will: No. And trust me, I can't believe I'm defending victor after what he did to me, but you know he was just trying to protect you.
Maggie: Yeah. And kristen and brady, they paid the price.
Sarah: Well, that's my girl. You like chocolate almost as much as momma. Would you believe that xander crashed my mother's day brunch with grandma? Though he did come bringing gifts.
Xander: So yeah, you just adjust the straps and you'll be good to go.
Sarah: It looks complicated.
Xander: You'll figure it out it.
Maggie: Oh, this is adorable!
Xander: I might have to borrow that often, maggie. We need lots of coffee to get through those 3:00 A.M. Feedings.
Maggie: I have to say, xander, you have certainly stepped up in the daddy department.
Xander: Well, you know, we're in this together. Sarah's doing the hard part, of course. But I did take the birthing classes with her--
Sarah: You're helpful. We get it.
Sarah: I was so annoyed with xander, like so many reasons. He was so worried about what I ate or if I'd packed a bag for the hospital. And I just lost it on him. I know, it's not cool. I even banned him from the delivery room. I just remember thinking that the day couldn't get any worse. And the accident happened.
Kristen: Did she mention anything specific? Like a country? A city? The airport. That must be where she's at. I've got to go stop her.
Rex: Kristen, wait! Don't you think it's a hell of a lot easier to anonymously purchase a train ticket than it is flash your id all over an airport?
Kristen: You're right. Mm-hmm. Under the radar makes more sense. But what train station? And there are so many. Gare du nord, gare saint-lazare--
Rex: And don't you think you could use a little help? Untie me, please! These are real people, not actors,
[Cell phone rings]
Kate: Mimi lockhart? What the hell does she want? Hey, mimi. What's up? Yeah. No, I spoke to rex yesterday. No, I haven't heard from him since. Oh, sure. Okay. So you expected him back today? That is odd. And I promise, I'll call you as soon as I hear from him. Okay, bye.
Jake: Excuse me, ma'am. I believe you dropped this.
Kate: Oh, my god! Stefan?
Will: [Sighs, grunts]
Ciara: Wait, baby, let me help you with that.
Ben: First day on the job didn't go quite as planned.
Ciara: Yeah. I still think you should have gone to the hospital. What if something's bruised or broken or sprained or--
Ben: I'm fine. It's bruised ribs. I've had worse.
Ciara: You could have gotten killed, and jake acts like he has no idea what's going on. He's kind of a jerk.
Ben: He's my boss. And maybe it's better that I don't know.
Ciara: Yeah, okay. But those guys could still come back. And they still think that you're jake. You could die next time, ben. You should quit.
Brady: Why in god's name did you tell maggie the truth?
Xander: While I was there, some inmate let it slip that victor had been stabbed. Maggie demanded answers. You know how she's like. Told her everything.
Brady: How did she take the news?
Xander: How do you think?
Brady: I suppose it's better that she knows the truth. Bound to come out anyway. Can't believe I'm saying this. But it's probably appropriate that it came from you.
Xander: Well, she should have heard it from victor. But kristen made that impossible. That psycho should be locked up.
Brady: Can you really blame her, xander? You did steal her baby, didn't you?
Xander: Well, some might consider that poetic justice, seeing she tried to steal a baby first.
Brady: If you're referring to theresa, that's ancient history. Let it go.
Xander: Oh, no, cousin. This is recent history. Kristen tried to steal sarah's child first.
Sarah: My baby was supposed to be born in a nice, clean, sterile hospital with a lot of doctors and a lot of nurses, a lot of drugs. But because of that accident, everything just changed in an instant.
Kristen: I've spent a lot of time in this city. I know it pretty well. I think we need to divide and conquer. You take the stations on the west, I'll take them on the east.
Rex: To look for a woman and baby? That's gonna take a lot of time that we don't have.
Kristen: Okay, you know what, you got a better idea?
Rex: Yeah, I do actually. I'm gonna call the police.
Kristen: Okay, I can't let you do that.
Seresto, seresto, seresto.
Kate: Okay, you're stefan and you're dead, so--
Jake: Get that a lot. I'm not dead, I'm not stefan. Name's jake.
Kate: What game are you playing?
Jake: No game. And I'm getting tired of everyone coming down on me for looking like this stefan guy. Sorry.
Kate: Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Gabi was convinced that she saw stefan here a few days ago. Did she see you?
Jake: You know gabi hernandez?
Kate: Yes.
Jake: Okay, maybe you can explain. What the hell is her deal?
Ben: Do you remember how hard it was for me to get a job? I'm not quitting the only place that would hire me.
Ciara: It's not worth risking your life for, ben.
Ben: I can take care of myself.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, but if something were to happen to you, I--
Ben: Nothing is going to happen to me, okay? I promise you. And if something does happen, then you can say I told you so.
Ciara: Not if you're dead.
Ben: Well, then you can put it in your eulogy.
Ciara: Okay, that's not funny. You're not funny, ben. This is serious, okay?
Ben: You know what's serious?
Ciara: What?
Ben: My need for food right now. And we're supposed to be celebrating tonight, my new job, your grandfather waking up.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. You almost died today. So forgive me if I'm not in the mood. Maybe we'll go tomorrow.
Ben: Okay, so we're just gonna let those two goons ruin our night? I don't think so. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go take a shower. And I want you to go put on something that is gonna make you smile, put a smile on that face.
Ciara: You do that, ben weston. You do that real good. So where are we going?
Ben: It's a surprise. Oh, easy.
Maggie: I held brady's hand. I watched him grieve. Went to meetings with him. Watched him push down his pain so he could be strong for kristen, you know, when they should have been rejoicing their child and savoring that beautiful new life. And the whole time, victor knew. What kind of a person can watch someone they love grieve the way brady grieved and do nothing?
Will: I think that's a question only victor can answer.
Maggie: Well, there's a whole lot more where that came from. How is he?
Will: He's a lot better. And, you know, I'm sure he'll come visit you as soon as he's out of the hospital.
Maggie: I'm not sure what I would have say to him.
Will: You know he loves you.
Maggie: I do. But what he's done in the name of love, my god. The lives that he's changed forever, the harm that he's done. So sarah, has there been any news?
Will: I'm afraid no one's been able to find sarah and the baby yet.
Maggie: You know what, I wish--I wish I could walk out of here and wrap my arms around her and tell her everything is going to be okay. But I know it isn't going to be okay, is it? To find out that the child that you've raised and loved as your own isn't yours and yours is a sweet baby girl who died because--[Sobs]
Will: Maggie. Maggie.
Maggie: I can't imagine what my daughter is going through because of me.
Sarah: You know, usually, I'm very calm under pressure, doctor thing, at least when it comes to my patients. To be in full-blown labor in the middle of the night on the side of the road with only xander to help us? I was freaked out. You know, it's just because I know everything that can go wrong. Maybe because I loved my baby more than anything or anyone.
Xander: I'm right here.
Sarah: You have to help me, okay, please? I can't lose this baby!
Xander: That's not going to happen.
Sarah: Xander was amazing. It was the scariest moment of my life, and he was there for every push, every breath. And it was all worth it in the end.
Xander: Hey, little girl. Say hello to your mum.
Sarah: Hi. I was just in awe of my baby, just in awe of that perfect little girl, you know, in awe of her strength. To arrive in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, on the side of a road. And xander made that happen. He was our hero. Or so I thought.
Rex: Why can't I call the police?
Kristen: Well, I am--I'm wanted for attempted murder.
Rex: Of course you are. Anything else you'd like to share?
Kristen: No, but when I found out that victor stole my baby, I might have snapped.
Rex: And--
Kristen: And stuck a knife in his chest.
Rex: That's nice. I thought brady did that.
Kristen: No, he confessed to protect me.
Rex: Oh, nothing says "I love you" like ten to life.
Kristen: You know what, just so you know, I was against it. And then victor woke up and told the truth.
Rex: That's why you ran. Hold on, the paris authorities don't know that you're wanted.
Kristen: And I can't take that chance. I can'T. I mean, if I go to prison, I'm never gonna get to be with my daughter.
Rex: This is nuts. First, sarah's on the run. Now you're on the run. Look, I'm gonna call the police and let them sort this out.
Kristen: No, no. Hey, hey, hey, hey. No. 'Cause if you do, I promise you, you will live to regret it.
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
Brady: What the hell are you talking about?
Xander: Yeah. I figured kristen neglected to fill you in on her little scheme.
Brady: What scheme?
Xander: When sarah first found out that she was pregnant with eric's baby, she considered an abortion. Kristen found out, tried to get me to help her steal sarah's baby from her womb so she could get it implanted in hers. Does that sound familiar?
Brady: Tate.
Xander: What better way to get you back for good than to play the baby card? Kristen was convinced that she could play that baby off as yours.
Brady: No. That's ridiculous.
Xander: Nobody does ridiculous like kristen. Ask her. Or better yet, ask dr. Rolf.
Brady: Dr. Rolf?
Xander: Hmm. He was supposed to perform the embryo transfer. But right before the procedure, he realized that kristen was already pregnant with your baby, which is the only reason she didn't go through with stealing sarah'S. So kristen has no right to act like some poor, put upon victim.
Rex: What are you gonna do? You're gonna kill me too?
Kristen: No. No, of course not. I need your help, please.
Rex: Okay, okay. Then maybe don't threaten me.
Kristen: Okay, it's just reflex. I was desperate. Please. And you have a little girl, right?
Rex: Yeah, emily.
Kristen: Well, imagine a life without her. Imagine if she was kept from you. Would you pleasese
Rex: Okay. Okay.
Kristen: Thank you!
Rex: Right, so we'll do your plan.
Kristen: Okay.
Rex: We will split up, and we'll hit the train stations.
Kristen: Yeah.
Rex: But, kristen, I have to warn you, sarah could be long gone.
Kristen: Maybe. Maybe. But I don't care how long it takes or what I have to do because nothing, no one is gonna stop me from finding my baby.
Sarah: It was all blur after xander took us to the hospital. Nurse haley took my baby to go get checked out. And I was--I was just exhausted, and so I fell asleep. And when I woke up, xander brought you back to me and placed you in my arms.
Xander: She's perfect.
Sarah: Hi! Hi! Hi, hi. Oh, my gosh. You're right. She's perfect. And she's here in this world because of you. Thank you so much for delivering this precious angel. She's--she--
Xander: Is something wrong?
Sarah: This is so strange. She doesn't look like how I remembered her. It's almost like she's a different baby or something. That's because it was a different baby. It was you, kristen and brady's baby. And my baby was--my baby was dead.
Kate: Okay, look. I understand why she thinks that you were her husband because the resemblance is uncanny.
Jake: No, no, no. She's a whack-job. You know that, right? She's practically been much stalking me. Harassing me. And she will not accept the truth. I mean, I just almost had to drag her out of my place.
Kate: Okay, okay. Jake, the thing that you need to understand is that she was deeply in love with you. Not you, stefan. They were both in love.
Jake: Right. Fairy tale love and that?
Kate: No, not exactly. More of a con job. She was after revenge and his money. But by the time he died, he was her world. So when she lost him, her world was shattered.
Jake: Sorry to hear that.
Kate: Yeah. So if you are stefan--
Jake: Which I'm not.
Kate: Well, just in case you are stefan, it would be terribly cruel not to be truthful with her, you know, because she's lost a lot. I don't think she can take much more.
Ben: I hope you're in the mood for chinese.
Ciara: You and general tso, two of my favorite people.
Ben: These are for you.
Ciara: Aw. Just like on our first date, ben! That was like the best date ever, you know?
Ben: Was it?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: So this isn't corny?
Ciara: No, it's perfect.
Ben: Good. Let's eat.
Ciara: Yes.
Ben: Check this one out. You know, it is kind of funny though.
Ciara: What?
Ben: That we were celebrating, on our first date, me getting a job with stefan.
Ciara: And now we're celebrating you getting a job with stefan's lookalike. Totally weird, ben weston.
Ben: Yeah, yeah. A little weird.
Ciara: Yeah. And just as dangerous, apparently.
Ben: What?
Ciara: Can't you just get a job with some sweet old woman or something?
Ben: At least I have a job.
Ciara: Excuse me. How dare you!
Ben: I'm just saying. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Ciara: You know what? Listen, technically, I'm not even unemployed, okay?
Ben: Oh, no?
Ciara: Because I never quit titan.
Ben: Ah.
Ciara: Yeah, so, ha! And, you know, right now is not exactly the perfect time to quit with grandpa recovering from that crazy woman stabbing him and then freaking out about maggie.
Ben: Yeah.
Maggie: You know, today is mickey's first birthday. But because sarah knows that mickey isn't her child, it's the first anniversary of her baby's death.
Will: You know what though, that doesn't erase all the memories of the past year, the love that sarah gave to that little girl and the love that she received in return. No, sarah will always--always have that.
Maggie: Yes, yes. She did, she's raised her as her own, huh? She watched all the firsts. She's seen her through cancer. That kind of bond, a mother and a child, there is nothing deeper.
Will: Yeah. You know, I mean, uncle austin thought I was his child for years. And even when he found out that lucas was my biological father, he--I mean, he said he never stopped thinking of me as his son. Right, I think it took him a long time to come to terms with the truth.
Maggie: Yeah. It's gonna be just as difficult for sarah.
Sarah: Xander lied and said that you were mine. Somewhere inside, I--I knew the truth, but I just ignored my instincts 'cause, honestly, I just--i so badly wanted it to be true. I loved you with my whole heart the moment I laid eyes on you. So I don't care--I don't care what anyone says. You are my little girl. You are my daughter. - Oh. - What's going on?
Will: You know, I'm worried about sarah. I'm worried about you too.
Maggie: Well, don't be. I'm exactly where I deserve to be. I've earned every bit of misery after what I've done to the people I love.
Will: That's what I'm talking about. Maggie, that guilt, the weight, it breaks you. I know, I've lived it when I was in here.
Maggie: Yeah, which should never have happened. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I mean, if I had known--
Will: Maggie, stop it! Please stop apologizing. It's okay. It's okay. I need you to listen to me and hear what I'm saying. Maggie, you're not alone in this. I'm here for you. We're all here for you.
Maggie: Who? Sonny? I robbed him of his mother. Oh, if sarah--if she does come back home, how do I even ever look her in the eye again?
Will: Maggie, you--you got to stop. Don't go down that path.
Maggie: She must hate me. I hate myself.
Will: Maggie, it was an accident.
Maggie: I was drunk, will! How do I forgive that? How do I live with that? Because I don't really see that I can.
Xander: We're gonna land soon.
Brady: Before we do, maybe we should get something straight, huh? We both want to find sarah and the baby, xander. I don't know what your plans are. But I don't want you to get in my way because then we'll have a problem. There's nothing that's gonna prevent me from reuniting kristen and our daughter, do you hear me?
Xander: Well, I guess we'll have to see about that.
Sarah: Well, we are all about the future now. And birthday presents and birthday cake with lots and lots of icing. So as soon as we get to our new home, we are gonna throw you a bona fide birthday party. Right, look at that. It's almost time to board. We should get going. Yeah, let's go! Hi!
[Dramatic music]
Kate: Thank you for retrieving my item. And good luck to you. With that face, you're going to need it.
Jake: You said you didn't like stefan dimera.
Kate: The man gave me many reasons not to trust him. Let's hope the same thing doesn't happen with you.
[Cell phone rings]
Jake: Yeah, I got your message, all right? Just call off your goons. Doing the best I can.
Ciara: You know, I really do love this tradition of ours, you, me, chinese food, the park.
Ben: Well, I guess we have julie to thank for that since she refused to take my reservation on our first date.
Ciara: My family gave you such a hard time, ben. I'm so sorry.
Ben: No, no, I don't blame them. Not at all. After what I've done, I had to earn their trust.
Ciara: And you did. Because you are absolutely amazing.
Ben: I really, really hope you saved room for a fortune cookie.
Ciara: Always.
Ben: Good.
Ciara: Thank you.
Ben: You're welcome.
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Ben: What does it say?
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