Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 5/8/20
Episode #13765 ~ Lani explains to a furious Eli why she helped Kristen escape; Ciara tends to an injured Ben; Xander warns Victor that Maggie knows the truth; Sarah's plans hit a snag.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: [Sighs] Please, please let me explain.Sarah: How can you explain it? You lied to me about the most important person in my life. You let me think that that sweet baby over there is mine and she isn't! How could you do something like that?
Xander: I did it for you. I did do it for you, sarah. I have to make you understand that.
Sarah: All right, mickey, we are almost done. And then we can start our adventure.
[Phone rings]
Lani: Can we please talk about what happened with kristen?
Eli: What is there to talk about? Surveillance footage says it all.
Lani: Eli, if you will just let me explain.
Eli: You helped kristen sneak out of the station! I asked you where she was so I could make an arrest. You lied to me. What else is there to explain?
Lani: You just don't understand.
Eli: No, I think I understand completely. Kristen stabbed victor kiriakis and you helped her evade arrest.
Lani: She had a good reason, eli.
Eli: To stab someone?
Lani: She is my friend, okay? And she has been through hell, so yeah, I have to help her.
Eli: You're lucky I didn't report this to rafe. Hell, you're lucky you didn't even get arrested. What the hell were you thinking?
Gabi: Ay!
Jake: You're good to go.
Gabi: Thank you.
Jake: So it's safe to assume you're not gonna sue me?
Gabi: Yeah. But you do have to mop up the floors.
Jake: Oh. And you need to get out of here. I got to get back to work.
Gabi: Yeah, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I need answers. And there's really only one way to find out.
Jake: Well, if you think you're gonna swipe my toothbrush in an effort to get a dna sample, that would be a hard no.
Gabi: Mmm, no worry. There's a much simpler way to find out what I want to know.
Jake: What the hell was that for, huh? What--why did you do that? What is wrong with you?
Gabi: Because you're my husband.
Jake: No, I'm not!
Gabi: Yes, like hell you are not, okay? We exchanged vows. You are the man that I exchanged vows with. Till death do we part! And you're right here, standing in front of me alive, by the grace of god, or rolf, whatever, but you're here alive.
Ciara: Hey, my little grease monkey, are-- oh, my god. Ben? Oh, my god, ben. Ben, hey! Hey, ben, wake up, okay? Wake up! Hello!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: Ben, can you hear me? Ben, please wake up, please wake up, please wake up, please wake up, please wake up. Oh, god. Oh, thank god. Thank god. Here.
Ben: Ciara?
Ciara: Yeah, let me help you, come on. Come on.
Ben: Oh, god.
Ciara: Okay. Ben, what happened?
Ben: These two guys showed up. I--I asked them if I could help them. And they talked some smack and then they attacked me with a crowbar.
Ciara: Okay, well, we need to take you to the hospital.
Ben: No, no, I'm okay. I'm okay.
Ciara: No, no? Ben, you could have a cracked skull, you could have a concussion or something.
Ben: It's okay. I'm all right. Really, really.
Ciara: Okay. Well, at least let me call the cops then, huh?
Jake: You're right, I am standing right here, and I am very much alive, but not as stefan dimera back from the dead. All right? So lady, pack up the crazy, and get the hell out of here. I got to get to work.
Gabi: Yeah. Well, maybe I will sue you.
Jake: Did it ever occur to you that maybe your husband jumped in front of that bullet to, I don't know, get the hell away from you?
Gabi: That is a horrible thing to say! Stefan and I, we were a team. We--we were deeply in love.
Jake: Oh, love at first sight and that?
Gabi: It--it was a little more complicated than that.
Jake: Oh, sounds like a story that I don't want to hear. So if you don't mind.
Gabi: You kissed me back.
Jake: Excuse me?
Gabi: Uh-huh. Yeah, you did.
Jake: You ambushed me when I was trying to get you the hell out of here.
Gabi: Because you're jake--
Jake: Yes!
Gabi: And you've never seen me before.
Jake: Correct!
Gabi: And you're not my dead husband who's come back to life.
Jake: Hallelujah! It's finally starting to sink in.
Gabi: Yeah, here's the thing, though, that, see, no matter how much noise you make about not being stefan, it was the kiss that gave you away.
Jake: It--
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Jake: You are gonna make my head explode.
Gabi: Exactly. You see, no matter how angry stefan was at me--
Jake: Which must have been 24/7--
Gabi: It didn't matter what game he was playing. Every time our lips touched, boom. Every time.
Jake: Boom? Okay, there was no boom. I did not kiss you back.
Gabi: You did kiss me back and you liked it.
[Phone ringing]
Sarah: Just xander.
Rex: Well, answer it!
Sarah: Oh, you want me to answer it? Just because you think that he can convince me to turn myself in and take mickey back? Yeah, I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen.
Xander: Oh, come on, sarah, answer. Damn, voice mail. Sarah, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I really have to talk to you, so please, will you please call me back? Please?
Lani: I know what I did was wrong. But kristen was desperate.
Eli: Yeah, of course she was. She knew victor was awake and was gonna out her for attempted murder. She wanted to get the hell out of here as fast as she can and you helped her.
Lani: Eli, her baby is missing.
Eli: Oh, my god, she fed you a sob story.
Lani: It's the truth.
Eli: It's also true that kristen is a wild card. Okay, with--with all this new freedom that you've given her, what if she goes after sarah the same way she went after victor?
Lani: She won't do that.
Eli: Because she pinky sweared?
Lani: Eli--
Eli: Why don't you--I don't understand how you don't get it. Kristen manipulated you and she used you as her accomplice and--how did you let her trick you like that?
Lani: She didn't trick me, eli. Her baby is out there. The baby that she hasn't held in over a year. And if I didn't help her, she may never get to see her daughter again. And how can you not understand that?
Eli: Look, I get it. Kristen's going through hell. But we took an oath to uphold the law.
Lani: Some things are more important than the law.
Eli: Well, that's not for you to decide.
Lani: If I found out that our son was alive and that some monster purposely kept him away from me, I probably would have done exactly what kristen did. But if you can't understand that, eli, if you can't understand that a mother would do whatever--whatever she can for her child, then cuff me. (Denise) my husband has heart disease,
Ciara: Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. Well, the cops are on their way. Okay, ben, you're hurt.
Ben: It's bruised ribs and a bump on the head. I've had worse.
Ciara: So there's no way that I can convince you to go to the hospital?
Ben: No. I mean, there might be one thing that could help.
Ciara: What?
Ben: [Grunts] But already, I'm better, I'm better, that helped.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, well, do you recognize who attacked you?
Ben: No, I've never seen them before.
Ciara: And do you think that they robbed the place or something? Or--
Ben: I think it was more of a warning.
Ciara: A warning? For what, ben? I don't understand.
Ben: I think they thought I was jake.
Jake: There was nothing about that kiss that I liked.
Gabi: Stop lying.
Jake: I'm not lying. Not about that or about who I am. And I'm gonna say this loud and clear, so listen up, okay? You're a complete stranger to me. I have zero feelings for you.
Gabi: Okay, so when I fainted in the square, why did you rush over and try to help me?
Jake: Because I'm a reasonably decent human being.
Gabi: Because you're stefan.
Jake: No, I'm not!
Gabi: Yes, you are! Okay, you probably just don't remember, or you had your memory wiped, but you are stefan. I know this in my heart.
Jake: Are you taking any prescription medication?
Gabi: I know you think I'm crazy, but if you knew how many people have come back from the dead in this town, really.
Jake: Okay, you know what, I will admit one thing.
Gabi: What?
Jake: I'm very envious of your husband.
Gabi: You are?
Jake: Yeah, because at least where he is, you can't harass him the way you're harassing me. So I'm gonna say this one last time before I lose my cool. Get the hell out!
Gabi: I'm not going anywhere.
Lani: What are you waiting for, mr. Law and order? Arrest me.
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Hey, commander, what can I do for you? Okay. I--I'll be right there. Thanks.
Lani: What did he want?
Eli: A call came in through the 911 system. There was a possible assault and battery. They want a detective on the scene. What are you doing?
Lani: We're partners. I'm going with you.
Eli: No, I can't let you do that, now that I know that upholding the law isn't important to you.
Xander: Oh, look at you. On the mend. How are you feeling, uncle?
Victor: Like I got stabbed in the chest by a knife-wielding maniac. They for me?
Xander: Oh, yeah, I thought maybe they'd cheer you up.
Victor: Nothing to be cheery about lately. Unless you've got some good news?
Xander: I--I went to see maggie.
Victor: And?
Xander: She knows. She knows what she did to sarah and her baby.
Sarah: All packed. I will make sure that someone finds you as soon as mickey and I are very far away. It was really good to see you. Okay. I will take it off but as long as you promise you won't scream.
Rex: Ow.
>>Gabi: Well?
Rex: You can't just leave like this.
Sarah: But I am.
Rex: Why are you going?
Sarah: Germany. Or switzerland. Or the kingdom of tonga. I don't really know. But wherever it is, I'm not going to tell you so that you can e-blast it to the world.
Rex: Can you just think again about what you're doing? Think about what this is gonna do to this little girl.
Sarah: I am thinking about mickey. We are gonna go and we're gonna start over together somewhere. And it's gonna be great. So you can beg me to do the right thing all you want, but I don't have a choice.
Rex: No, you do have a choice, we talked about this--
Sarah: Nope, and this conversation is over.
Rex: Oh!
Sarah: I really am sorry for hitting you over the head and--and for this and all of it.
Jeanne marie: Bonjour, cherie.
Jack: All right. There you go.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Jack: And now, let's order something to eat.
Jennifer: No, jack, I'm really not hungry--
Jack: Jennifer, you haven't eaten all day.
Jennifer: I just--I just want to go back to the hospital--
Jack: We can't go back to the hospital. We just came from the hospital. All right? We just came from the hospital. And we are here now. We need a break. We need a break. If anything happens, chad will call us or text.
Jennifer: You're right, you're right. I just keep thinking about abigail when she was a little girl, you know? She was the smartest one in her class, always got all as. And her teachers would--would always say that she was so kind and hardworking.
Jack: Hardworking, kind. Kind of sounds like her mom.
Jennifer: I don't know about that. But all that to say, jack, I brought this up because it just--it doesn't seem fair, and I know that life is not fair, but abigail has struggled so hard and she has overcome this, and she got her health back for her children, and now it's like everything has started all over--
Jack: No, this is not a recurrence of the mental illness. It is not. She was poisoned. She was drugged.
Jennifer: Jack, I know that, but it brings back all these memories, this--this nightmare when she was going through so much. You don't know, jack, you don't know what she went through--
Jack: It's not--it's not the same. It's not the same. All right? When this drug, when this poison's out of her system, she's gonna be herself again. She will.
Jennifer: That is not what marlena said, jack.
Jack: That's--that--she-- marlena said--all right, she warned us that there could be some kind of lingering problems, but--but I can't go there. I cannot. And please, please don't--don't go there yourself. We've got to be optimistic.
Jennifer: We have to be optimistic, you're right, jack. But we also have to be optimistic that they are going to prove that gabi is the one who did this to abigail. Again. To make someone lose her mind again? Nothing could be more cruel.
Jack: If--when--when it is proven that gabi did indeed poison our little girl, I hope to hell that the sadistic--i just hope she finally gets what she deserves.
Jake: How many times do I have to say this? Your time's up, so get the hell out.
Gabi: I will. As soon as you admit that you're my husband.
Jake: Not gonna happen because it's not true.
Gabi: Could you get me a glass of water? It could be a while.
Jake: I could get you a glass of get the hell out of here because this is trespassing, and last time I checked, that's illegal.
Gabi: Well, if you wanted me out of here so badly, why don't you just call the police? Mmm, interesting. Yeah, you don't want to do that. Hmm. Is that because you're living under an assumed name, stefan?
Jake: All right. That's it. I've tried to be nice but this is over.
Eli: Hey.
Ciara: Hey. Oh, wow, I'm so glad that you're here.
Eli: What happened?
Ciara: Oh, ben was assaulted.
Eli: Is there any surveillance footage?
Ben: No, no, no.
Eli: Can you describe them?
Ben: A few guys, big. In their, like, 20s maybe. One guy, caucasian, shaved head. The other guy, dark skin, dark hair, he was in all black. Attacked me with a crowbar, was wearing boots, both of them.
Eli: Did they rob the place?
Ben: No.
Eli: Do you know why they assaulted you?
Ben: They thought I was my boss.
Eli: Your boss? When did you start working here?
Ben: Today.
Eli: Hell of a first day on the job. Where's this boss?
Ben: He's upstairs with gabi.
Eli: Gabi? What does she have to do with this?
Gabi: [Speaking spanish] Get your hands off me!
Jake: Not until you get it through that thick skull of yours that my name is not--
Eli: Stefan dimera?
Lani: Kristen, it's me. Look, have you heard from theo yet? Please call me when you get this, okay? Hey, brady, what are you doing here?
Brady: D.A. Giddens overruled your boyfriend. Charges have been dropped, which means I'm free to go and free to try to find kristen and track down our daughter. Which is not gonna be easy, lani, because kristen has disappeared.
Lani: Wait, brady. There's something you need to know.
Victor: You told maggie the truth? What the hell were you thinking?
Xander: Just don't upset yourself, uncle, okay?
Victor: You're the one that's upsetting me, damn it. After all the trouble we went through? Couldn't just keep your mouth shut?
Xander: I didn't have a choice. Another inmate was going on about how you'd been stabbed. Maggie was frantic. She was asking all sorts of questions and she warned me if I didn't give her the answers, she'd get them somewhere else. But wouldn't you prefer she heard it for me than from some random person in her cell block?
Victor: I'd rather she didn't have to hear it at all.
Xander: I know.
Victor: How'd she take it?
Xander: How do you think? Learning that she killed her own granddaughter, she--she fell apart. All I could do was hold her. Broke my heart.
Victor: I got to go to maggie and make sure she's okay.
Xander: You're in no condition to go anywhere, uncle. Just stop.
Sarah: Jeanne marie, what are you doing here? We were just heading out.
[Muffled screaming]
Jeanne marie: Sorry i caught you at a bad time. Just wanted to see how you and la petite fille are doing.
Sarah: Oh, yeah, we are--we're doing great. Yeah, we're fine. Like I said, we are in a bit of a hurry, so I won't--
Rex: Ah, come on!
Jeanne marie: What's that? Is someone else here? Who is that?
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Eli: Stefan? Is that really you?
Gabi: Even a cop thinks that you're stefan.
Jake: You're a cop?
Eli: Detective eli grant, salem pd.
Jake: Name's jake. And apparently I look like this lady's dead husband. Is that a crime?
Eli: No, but assault is.
Jake: Assault? No, no, no, no, no. She would not leave my apartment. I had no choice but to drag her out.
Eli: No, I'm not talking about her. I'm talking about him.
Jake: Dude. What the hell happened? You okay?
Ben: I'm fine.
Ciara: No, he's not.
Eli: Well, while you were upstairs, two men attacked him.
Jake: Attacked you, why? They take anything?
Ben: No, man, they didn't want money. They thought I was you.
Eli: Maybe you can tell me why two men would want to beat you up.
Victor: Maggie needs me.
Xander: You need to get well! Don't worry about maggie. I've--I've taken care of her.
Victor: You certainly have.
Xander: What I mean is, I contacted will, told him what happened. He's on his way to statesville now to be with her. I also called sarah.
Victor: And?
Xander: Straight to voicemail.
Victor: So you have no idea where she and the baby are?
Xander: Not yet. I'm gonna find her before anyone else does and straighten out this mess.
Lani: What if I could help you find kristen?
Brady: What are you talking about? Eli said she ran.
Lani: I know where she is.
Brady: You--you helped her, didn't you?
Lani: Yeah, and i probably shouldn't have. But kristen has the chance to see her baby again, the one that she thought was dead. Brady, she has a chance to love her and raise her and hold her. And I knew that if she got arrested that that might not happen.
Brady: Does e--eli know?
Lani: Yeah, and he is not happy with me.
Brady: You really put a lot on the line, lani.
Lani: I did. Because I would give anything, brady, I would do anything if I got the second chance to have my baby boy back in my arms. And kristen deserves that.
Brady: Thank you. Lani, where is she?
Lani: I took her to a safe place where we could figure out where the baby is.
Brady: Do you have any idea where rachel and sarah might be?
Lani: No, not exactly, but we did--we did come up with a lead.
Jeanne marie: That's your husband, isn't it?
Sarah: Yep, that's--that's chad.
Jeanne marie: Lovebirds back in the nest. I'm so happy to hear it.
Sarah: Mm-hmm, yeah, we've never been happier. But like I said, we--we've got to go, so.
Jeanne marie: Hallo? Monsieur chad? Jeanne marie.
[Speaks french]
Rex: [Muffled speaking]
Jeanne marie: I don't know--i don't understand american accents I'm not very good with them.
[Speaking french]
Jennifer: No, julie, we have no more news. I'm just at the pub with jack and we're gonna--we're just gonna get some food. Oh, wait, can I call you back? I have another call coming in. All right, love you, bye-bye. It's chad. Hey, what's up? What? No!
Jack: What?
Jennifer: Abigail's missing. She's not in her room.
Jack: Oh, no, oh, my god.
Jennifer: We are on our way right now. Don't leave!
Jack: All right, all right, right, all right, let's go!
Jake: I have no idea who would want to beat me up.
Eli: You're not in some kind of trouble? Maybe pissed some people off?
Jake: None of the above.
Gabi: Well, I mean, you do have a knack for ticking people off.
Jake: You know, maybe whoever these thugs were thought that I was this stefan guy she won't shut up about. It's not like he didn't run with some shifty people.
Gabi: How dare you?
Jake: Just stating the facts.
Gabi: Well, you're wrong.
Jake: Am I?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Since everyone wants to hang this guy's name around my neck, I did a little bit of research, and apparently, stefan dimera is an entitled master of the universe kind of guy who doesn't let a little thing like ethics get in between him and what he wants. So it is understandable that maybe if somebody thought he was alive that they'd come after him, although the widow dimera thinks that he was quite the catch, right?
Eli: Is that possible? You think the two men that attacked you could've thought that you were stefan instead of jake?
Lani: Once kristen's phone was charged, we saw that rex left her a message.
Brady: Rex brady calls kristen out of the blue? I mean, why? What did the message say?
Lani: Not much. Just that he wanted her to call him back and that it was important.
Brady: Did he say why?
Lani: No. And that's the weird thing. Then the message cut midsentence.
Brady: You have no idea where this call came from?
Lani: No. But I did call the hospital and they said he was at a medical conference in paris. He was supposed to show up for work the next day and he didn'T.
Brady: Rex brady is in paris and he calls kristen about something important, so--
Lani: Right. But, I mean, he has to be with sarah, right?
Brady: Right, right.
Lani: Which is why we called theo and asked him if he could trace the number of the exact location. I tried calling kristen before you got here but she didn't answer.
Brady: Did she--did she--did she call you back?
Lani: No, not yet.
Brady: Lani, can you take me to her, please?
Lani: Yes, of course.
[Phone ringing]
Brady: Is that--is that kristen?
Lani: No, it's theo.
Victor: Have they arrested kristen yet?
Xander: She got away from the police. Could be anywhere.
Victor: You're worried she's gonna go after sarah.
Xander: Oh, I'm sure of it. I'm afraid of what she'll do when she finds her. I mean, if she'd stick a knife in your chest for switching a baby, imagine what she'll do to sarah for kidnapping her.
Victor: Yes, then we have to make sure that the police get to kristen first. Once she's put in jail for stabbing me, we won't have to worry about her going after sarah or brady. Or anyone else.
Jeanne marie: Hallo? Monsieur chad? Are you all right?
Rex: [Muffled speaking] I think he has pain. Bad pain. [Speaking french]
Sarah: Oh, jet leg. And he's got a bad cold--the flu. He's got a terrible, terrible sore throat. Poor man can't even talk. So, yeah.
Jeanne marie: My god. That's terrible.
Sarah: Yeah, mickey and i were actually on our way to go get him some cough syrup, like I said, so we're in a hurry.
Jeanne marie: Yes, but of course. But first, I must say, your wife is a wonderful woman, so you must fix the problems.
[Speaking french] I'm sorry, maybe if I come a little closer.
Sarah: I'm afraid I--i just can't let you do that.
Eli: I got to get back to the station.
Ciara: Wait, eli, that's it?
Eli: There's not--there's not a lot to go on. I mean, there's no security footage, there's no other witnesses. I mean, I'll file a report with ben's description, but, sorry, there's not a lot for me to do at this point.
Ben: Sorry I couldn't be more help. It just happened so fast.
Eli: Well, if you remember anything else, just let me know.
Ben: I will, thank you.
Eli: And if they return--
Jake: Which hopefully they don't, but you will the first to know. Hey, detective. Ms. Dimera here has been harassing me nonstop. She's been borderline stalking me.
Gabi: I have not, okay?
Jake: And I was about to call the cops, but since you're here, maybe you could escort her off the premises?
Gabi: I'm not going anywhere.
Jake: Which is why I'll call the police. I'd hate to see you drive back to the station and come back all the way over here.
Gabi: We are not done.
Eli: No, I think you are. You see, because if he decides to call the cops again, which I wouldn't blame him if he did, the next officer that comes out here might not be so understanding.
Gabi: Fine, okay, yeah. I'm gonna go. You don't have to walk me out. I can find my own way. But I'm gonna be back. And I am gonna figure out the truth.
Xander: Well, this has certainly blown up in our faces, hasn't it?
Victor: Well, we do damage control. Use whatever titan resources you need. Find sarah and the baby and make things right.
Xander: Thank you, uncle. I'm not sure I deserve your generosity. I've let you down. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.
Victor: No, hate you? I gave you my father's drachma on your wedding day. Because you've proven to be a true kiriakis.
Xander: "As long as you carry this, your family will carry you."
Victor: You've done your best to carry the kiriakis family. And for that, I'm very proud of you.
Xander: But I've made such a mess of things.
Victor: Learn how to put your family first. Make all the hard choices. You've come to know that they're not always easy. Sadly, this time, maggie in pieces, sarah and the baby, god knows where. All the work that we did to protect them was all for nothing.
Xander: Not if I can help it.
Lani: Thank you so much, theo. Hey, and remember, this stays between us, okay? I love you, too.
Brady: So, what do we got, what do we got?
Lani: Theo did it.
Brady: He did?
Lani: He tracked down the exact location where rex made the call.
Brady: Oh. It's paris!
Lani: Yep.
Brady: Does kristen know?
Lani: He said that he called her this morning with the news and he was surprised that she hadn't called me yet.
Brady: I'm not, I'm not. She's probably on her way there.
Lani: Yeah, you can't blame her, wanting to see her daughter.
Brady: I'm more worried about sarah, to be honest with you.
Lani: Wait, no, you don't--you don't think kristen would hurt her?
Brady: Should we ask victor that question? I got to go. I got to--I'm the only one that can probably talk her out of doing something she's gonna regret, so... god, lani, thank you. Thank you.
Lani: You're welcome.
Jeanne marie: What is the problem? Why can I not see your husband?
Sarah: I'm sorry. I just--he could be very contagious, and I--I would hate it if you caught whatever he has.
Jeanne marie: You said the flu possibly.
Sarah: Mm-hmm, yeah, I'm afraid so.
Jeanne marie: I understand. I will leave you. Monsieur, I hope you feel better, and you have learned something from this. It's time for you to be good to your wife and your baby.
Sarah: Bye, jeanne marie.
Jake: Here. Hopefully that'll help.
Ben: Thanks.
Jake: I'm really sorry this happened.
Ben: I'm fine.
Ciara: No, you're not.
Ben: It's okay.
Ciara: No, it's not, ben. You got a beating meant for him.
Jake: Like I said, I don't know anything about this.
Ben: Are you sure about that? These guys thought I was you, not stefan.
Jake: That's very strange.
Ben: I don't think it's that obscure. You know, I didn't tell eli everything.
Ciara: Wait. Ben, why not? Why didn't you tell him everything?
Ben: Because these thugs were looking for something. And clearly they wanted it bad enough to beat the crap out of me. So what was it, jake? What did they want?
Lani: Everything okay?
Eli: It's fine.
Lani: That's all you're gonna give me?
Eli: Ben was assaulted but he's okay. All right? Apparently it was just mistaken identity.
Lani: Hey, hey. Have you decided on what you're gonna do? Are you gonna tell rafe that I helped kristen escape?
Gabi: I need talk to you.
Lani: Gabi, we are in the middle of something.
Gabi: Well, I don't give a damn. Okay, your job is to protect and serve this community. I am part of this community.
Eli: What is it, gabi?
Gabi: I need to talk to a prisoner.
Eli: Who?
Gabi: Dr. Wilhelm rolf.
Xander: Hello, mate.
Brady: Xander.
Xander: What do you say we get this bird in the air?
Kristen: Okay, this is the place. Hang in there, rachel. Mommy's here.
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