Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/7/20
Episode #13764 ~ Ben finds himself in a dangerous situation; Gabi kisses Jake; Marlena questions Kayla about her feelings for Steve; Hope and Steve bond as they try to put Princess Gina and Stefano behind them.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: Okay, how good were those fries?
Ben: Well, I don't know because you ate them all.
Ciara: [Laughs] Okay, all right. You know what? Going on that amazing, amazing test drive made me very, very hungry.
Ben: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm just glad that it's back up and running again.
Ciara: Yeah, thanks to you, the brilliant mechanic who fixed it.
Ben: Mmm--speaking of which, I need to get back to work.
Ciara: Oh, right, right. We wouldn't want stefan to dock your pay.
Ben: His name is jake.
Ciara: If you say so.
Ben: Ciara.
Ciara: Mm-hmm?
Ben: You don't seriously think that my new boss came back as the reincarnation of stefan dimera.
Ciara: No, no, I don'T. But you do have to admit that the resemblance is pretty mind-blowing.
Ben: It's a little weird.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: It's a lot of weird. I don't know, there's just something, like, oddly comforting about it.
Ciara: Comforting?
Ben: I know stefan wasn't the most popular guy in salem, but I liked him. A lot. The guy gave me a job when nobody else would and we became friends and... it's almost like I'm getting a second chance with him.
Ciara: You are so sweet, ben weston.
Ben: Not as sweet as you.
Ciara: I am going to pick you up after your shift and then we can go on an even longer amazing ride tonight.
Kayla: Do you want to maybe have lunch after you check on victor?
Justin: Oh, I have a very important lunch meeting at my office, so I can'T.
Kayla: Hmm. How about dinner later then?
Justin: Sounds good. See you at home.
Kayla: Can't wait.
Marlena: Hey there.
Kayla: Oh, hi.
Marlena: Hi there. I just went to check on steve, and the nurse said that he had been discharged yesterday.
Kayla: Yeah, yeah, that's right.
Marlena: I just thought that might be a little early considering how serious his injuries were.
Kayla: Well, uh... he was still a little weak, but there was nothing more we could do for his eye except...put his patch back on. And, um, instead of going stir-crazy here, I thought it would be better if he could just recuperate at home.
Marlena: He doesn't really have a home.
Kayla: Yeah, he does. He moved in with hope.
[Uneasy music]
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: Hang on. You cannot leave me, stefan, okay, not again.
Jake: Lady, I don't want you to upset you, but I'm not stefan. Name's jake.
Gabi: That--that can't be.
Jake: Ha ha, oh, you. You must be gabi.
Gabi: Okay, fine, you say you're not stefan dimera. Then how the hell do you know who I am?
Jake: I know your name because I work in a garage with ben weston.
Gabi: You work with ben?
Jake: Yeah, just hired him. He and his girlfriend had a very similar reaction when they saw me for the first time. Apparently, I'm a dead ringer for ben's old boss.
Gabi: And my dead husband.
Jake: Well, maybe "dead ringer" was a bad choice of words.
Gabi: Mm.
Jake: Anyway, ben and ciara, they told me about stefan, how he took a bullet that was meant for somebody else, for his old lady, how you donated his heart to save somebody else's life. He also told me how crazy about the guy you were and, uh, well, I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry for your loss.
Gabi: My loss, hmm? You son of a bitch. I don't believe him. If you can come back as steve, then why can't stefan come back as jake?
Jake: What the hell was that for?
Gabi: What do you think I am, stupid? Huh? Do you know what I've been through since you left me?
Jake: Left you? I--I never seen you before!
Gabi: Oh, cut the crap! And while you're at it, drop the phony accent.
Jake: Oh, this is how I talk.
Gabi: I even practically begged on my knees to rolf so that he could bring you back.
Jake: Rolf? Who is that, a muppet?
Gabi: Will you please stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about?
Jake: If I was your husband, this guy you say you're crazy about, which I'm not, why wouldn't I just come back to you if I could?
Gabi: That's what I'm trying to find out. I'm trying to find out why you're trying to make me believe you're somebody else.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: I don't know how you did it, old man... what you and that nutcase rolf did. Your son is still alive, isn't he?
Chad: I am alive. So is my wife, no thanks to you.
Gabi: Chad, what are you doing here?
Chad: I came to check on my children while abby's at the hospital resting.
Gabi: Mm, good for you. How is she doing?
Chad: You know, I talked to rafe and he said that the drug that was found in her system was an experimental compound that was created by dimera, which means you would have access to it.
Gabi: So did you.
Chad: That's exactly what rafe said. Must be nice to have a police commissioner as a brother always covering your ass.
Gabi: For your information, lani was here last night grilling me about this. She showed me abigail's toxicology report. And I will tell you what I told lani. Dimera is employed by hundreds of people. Anybody could have drugged her. Including you.
Chad: Except I'm gonna prove that you did it.
Gabi: Well, good luck with that, sherlock, because I'm innocent.
Chad: What you are is a vindictive, pathetic liar.
Gabi: I don't have time for this!
Chad: You don't have time? You're unemployed. All you have is time. That's why you're talking to a portrait of my dead father.
Gabi: You know, it--it's one of my favorite pastimes, actually, much more interesting than speaking with you. And by the way, the son I was referring's not you.
Chad: Oh, it's your dead husband?
Gabi: Stefan is alive...
[Chad laughs] And I'm gonna prove it.
Marlena: Steve went home with hope?
Kayla: Well, he didn't have any place else to go.
Marlena: Yeah, I see. Uh, doesn't that upset you?
Kayla: No. Why would it? I mean, okay, I--I admit I was a little surprised, but listen, hope has known steve even longer than me, and I think that, well, you know, he's still family to her and she was being generous.
Marlena: I think there's a lot more to it than that, don't you?
Hope: Hey, steve. You're up. How are you feeling? Hmm?
Steve: What the hell is that?
Hope: It's a portrait of you. I mean, you as--as stefano. I painted it myself. I suppose I should have said her royal highness painted it. Princess gina... von amberg. If new financial obstacles stand between you
Ciara: Oh, my god. Justin, where's grandpa?
Kayla: What do you mean, there's something more going on? Hope and steve are good friends.
Marlena: Yeah, stefano had a microchip implanted in both of their brains so he could affect their actions, their thoughts.
Kayla: So what are you saying--you think they have some kind of bizarre partner in crime hold on each other or something?
Marlena: Well, I think because of all that, they--they share a very mutual experience. They both feel guilty about it, especially the way they've hurt everybody around them, especially people that love them. So they lean on each other, and that's a very easy thing to do in this current living arrangement.
Kayla: Well, I guess that makes sense.
Marlena: But?
Kayla: But the whole thing just...pisses me off.
Steve: Hope... or are you what's-her-name, princess--
Hope: Princess gina? No, no. No, I'm me.
Steve: Okay.
Hope: I wish to god I didn't have to see this stuff ever again. Gina's cigarettes. The lipstick. Wow. That's awfully bright. Stefano's disgusting cigars.
Steve: Where did all that come from?
Hope: The police were here while you were sleeping.
Steve: What did they want?
Hope: Well, now that stefano really and truly is dead, they closed the case against him. They dropped off all the evidence they had collected.
Steve: Really? Well, you don't want any of that junk, do you?
Hope: What do you think? I can't believe that I painted that. You know I can't draw.
Steve: You remember more than I do when we were under the influence. Is this really what I looked like?
Hope: Well, you sure-- stefano... stefano sure thought so when gina showed him the painting for the first time.
Hope as gina: The likeness is uncanny, if I do say so myself.
Steve: Was stefano happy about this?
Hope: No. Actually, he, uh...he was disappointed. Steve, these are stefano's words, not mine. But he felt that-- he said that you weren't man enough to fill his shoes.
Steve: Oh, wow. Dude really was an arrogant son of a bitch, wasn't he? I can't look at this thing anymore.
Hope: I can just shove it--
Steve: No, no, no. I have an idea.
Gabi: Yeah, yeah, so he's working in a garage across town pretending to be some mechanic named jake and I don't know why.
Chad: You taking drugs?
Gabi: I'm not the only one that's seen him--ask ben.
Chad: Okay, so there's somebody who looks exactly like stefan, then. It'd be impossible for it to be him, though.
Gabi: Not in salem. I mean, come on, how many--how many people have--has rolf brought back from the dead?
Chad: None that are missing a--a heart, which you gave away!
Gabi: Yeah, well, that was not my choice, okay? The last thing I wanted to do was give julie my husband's heart. But everybody in this town harassed me.
Chad: You are--you are so pathetic. You know, everybody thought that you were a hero for a second. Then you had to go and blow the whole thing up. And then use a child's life as a get out of jail free card. So maybe you feel guilty about that or it's the humiliation of getting let go from dimera, but you're trying to make abigail look delusional, when really you are the one that is absolutely insane.
Gabi: Oh, really? I'm the one? Now listen, I'm the one that's gonna prove everybody wrong and I'm the one that's gonna have the last laugh. So why don't you deal with your wife and I will deal with my husband.
Ben: Hey, jake.
Jake: Hey.
Ben: What's going on?
Jake: I'm just reading a fascinating article.
Ben: Yeah, about what?
Jake: My wife.
Marlena: Kayla, talk to me. You said you were angry. Are you angry at hope?
Kayla: Well, I shouldn't be. I think she was just being generous, trying to help out somebody she cares about. I just--I just didn't think--
Marlena: That steve would take her up on her offer.
Kayla: Right. Right, I didn't think that. And I have to tell you, I find the whole thing kind of infuriating.
Marlena: Well, as you said, he didn't really have any place to go. I don't know what his alternatives might have been.
Kayla: Oh, I can come up with one for sure.
Marlena: Staying with you?
Kayla: No, no. He could go back where he came from. Leave salem.
Marlena: Okay. Out of sight, out of mind.
Kayla: Right. That is exactly right. It is painful enough without him in my face all the time. You know what's ironic, really, is while we were married, there were many times that he was nowhere around.
Marlena: There were reasons for that, though.
Kayla: Look, I am--I am not saying that his work wasn't important. I'm just saying that when the person who loves you repeatedly begs you to come home and you choose not to... I'm sorry, but steve has hurt me over and over again. Justin hasn'T. In fact, he is always there for me and he puts me first. And I have to say, that is part of the reason I love him so much.
Marlena: Hmm. What about your feelings for steve?
Hope: You really think this is gonna help? I mean, trashing this stuff won't erase all the pain we've caused.
Steve: Well, maybe not. But...
Hope: Oh!
Steve: Yeah. Ha ha.
Hope: Wow!
Steve: Yeah.
Justin: No, ciara, no, he's fine. Your grandfather is--is okay. They just took him down to radiology for some testing.
Ciara: Oh, thank god. You know, I knew that he would fight to come back to us.
Justin: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah.
Justin: I knew that, too. And I'm really glad that he was able to tell the police what really happened, that kristen was the one who stabbed him, not brady.
Ciara: Right, so now that the police know the truth, why haven't they let brady out of jail? You know what, never--never mind. I, of all people, should know that these things take a lot of time.
Justin: They do.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Justin: And it would also be helpful if the police could find kristen so they could lock her up and then release brady.
Ciara: did our family become such a mess? I mean, everyone's either in jail or in the hospital or mad at someone for something. I--
Justin: Sonny told me that you moved out of the mansion.
Ciara: Yeah, I've been staying with ben at the salem inn. It's not exactly a hardship.
[Both chuckle]
Justin: How's he doing?
Ciara: He's good, he's good. But as much as we enjoy the room service and we love sleeping in the most comfortable king-sized bed ever, we can't really afford it. So we've been job hunting and he actually did-- he just got hired as a mechanic at this auto shop, but, um...yeah, he--he's really excited about it.
Justin: Uh-huh. I'm, uh, sensing a "but"...
Ciara: It's great. It's--okay. So here's the really weird thing. Ben's new boss looks exactly like his old boss, stefan. Like, exactly.
Ben: Your wife?
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: I remember you mentioning something about a serious ex but I didn't think you were married.
Jake: No, I'm not. I'm talking about my wife, my "wife," gabi dimera.
Ben: Oh.
Jake: Yeah. Ran into her last night.
Ben: You ran into her? What the hell happened?
Jake: Well, she was all over me, insisting that I was her dead husband, and I told her she was wrong and that I was very sorry for her loss, and she slapped me.
Ben: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Jake: Yeah. Anyway, I thought I'd do a little bit of research, find out more about the dead dude, and, uh, guess you weren't kidding. Pretty strong resemblance, but I do maintain I'm a lot better looking. Huh?
Ben: Ah...ha ha.
Jake: Quite frankly, I'm glad I'm not the guy because a, he seems like bad news and b, his old lady is clearly a giant pain in the ass. Oh, speak of the devil.
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
Ciara: I saw this jake guy at the garage and I'm telling you, he--the resemblance that he has to stefan is just--it's spooky.
Justin: Well, now that we've finally gotten rid of all that is stefano dimera, the last thing we need is another dimera coming back from the dead. How's your mom doing, by the way?
Ciara: She's, uh, she's having a tough time coming to terms with what she did as princess gina. Well, at least my uncle steve can relate, and maybe now he can help her, you know, now that they're living together.
Justin: They're what?
Steve: Ha ha, yeah. Breaking this face sure felt good. Want to give it a try? Come on, go for it! Smash something! Come on! Ooh, getting serious. Oh, yeah, yeah, baby.
Hope: Uhh!
Steve: Ah! How was that? Huh?
Hope: Yeah. Yeah, that felt good, even though I just destroyed something very expensive.
Steve: Hey, let's finish 'em off.
Hope: Let's do it. Oh, just--easy does it, you're still recovering from your surgery, right?
Steve: Then you're gonna have to help me. Oh, look at that!
Hope: Kick it! Good-bye, stefano! Good-bye, gina! Put it down, put it down, put it down.
Steve: Haaah!
[Both laughing] Kind of crazy.
Kayla: You know, my feelings for steve are very complicated right now. There is frustration and there's anger, and of course, there'S... I just can't turn off feelings of 30 years.
Marlena: Nor should you.
Kayla: What does that mean?
Marlena: I don't think that you need to suppress all the feelings you've had for all these years. I think you need to be honest about them. That's the only way to--to help you, to help justin, to have everybody get through this.
Chad: Sorry to interrupt. I was hoping to get an update on abigail.
Kayla: Um, she is still under sedation. She's resting comfortably.
Chad: I know that. But what's her prognosis?
Kayla: Listen, I--I'm late for rounds, and marlena's the one that's been researching the drug that abigail ingested. So I'm gonna defer all your questions to her. If you'll excuse me.
Chad: What can you tell me?
Marlena: Well, unfortunately, we don't have a lot of information about this new drug.
Chad: Right, well, it's in the testing phase. I've--I've spoken with a chemist and the r&d guy at dimera and they haven't been able to tell me anything.
Marlena: Well, it's still in the developmental process, so we don't really have a lot of information on the effects.
Chad: It's terrifying to see abigail going through this. Last night, she--she thought I was stefan. She was punching me, screaming at me.
Marlena: Chad, I'm so sorry.
Chad: You know, it's weird, is that gabi had said that she--she'd seen stefan, or somebody who looked exactly like him walk down the street. Which makes me think--
Marlena: Which makes you think that, what, he's come back from the grave?
Chad: No, that would be impossible. But just everything that rolf's pulled lately has got my head in a strange place.
Marlena: Mm-hmm. Tell me, was it just you and abigail in the room when all this happened?
Chad: Yeah, it was just the two of us. Stefan was definitely a figment of her imagination, as it was with gabi saying she saw him.
Jake: How the hell did you find me?
Gabi: Well, you said you worked in a garage. It wasn't that hard to find.
Jake: Well, unless you have a car or a bike that needs to be repaired, I can't really stand around and chitchat with you. I'm not gonna lose my new job because some crazy lady's stalking me.
Gabi: I am not crazy. Right, ben? Ben, you're gonna stand here and tell me this--this isn't stefan?
Ben: Well, there's a resemblance.
Gabi: Resemblance? Are you kidding me? He looks exactly like him.
Ben: Okay, he does look exactly like him. Jake is nothing like stefan. He doesn't act like him. He doesn't talk like him.
Gabi: He's faking it.
Ben: Why would he be faking it?
Gabi: I don't know, you tell me!
Jake: All right, it's time for you to leave now.
Gabi: Make me.
Jake: Fine!
Gabi: Let go of me! Oh!
It's totally normal
Chad: So there's no way to predict what'll happen next?
Marlena: Look, abigail is dealing with a very powerful hallucinogenic drug. And there's no way to tell how it's going to affect her neurochemistry.
Chad: Are you saying that there might be permanent damage? I'll never get--I'll never get the real abigail back?
Marlena: Chad, it's too soon to say. I'm sorry, I know how upsetting this is for you.
Chad: I need to go be with abby--I need to be there when she wakes up.
Marlena: Yeah. That's a very good idea because the more people surrounding abigail right now that love her, the better she'll be.
Chad: I need to do everything I can to make sure gabi doesn't get anywhere near her.
Ben: Hey, you okay?
Gabi: I'm fine!
Ben: That was quite a fall.
Gabi: No, it's nothing.
Ben: No, no, no. You're bleeding.
Jake: Yeah, nothing that got blood all over the clean floor.
Gabi: Clean? Are you kidding me? This place is filthy! That's I fell in the first place.
Jake: I'm renting the room upstairs. Why don't you come with me and I--I'll get you patched up.
Gabi: Really?
Jake: Don't--uh-uh, don't you get any ideas, all right? I just don't want you suing me. Like I said, I can't afford to lose this job.
Gabi: Right, right.
Jake: Well, let's go. The sooner I get done with you, the sooner I get rid of you.
Gabi: That's what you think.
Justin: Did you just say that steve moved in with your mother?
Ciara: Yeah, but I just--i assumed that you knew or I at least thought that maybe aunt kayla would tell you, but maybe she doesn't even know herself, so. Oh, gosh. Would you look at the time. I--I wish that I can stay and wait for grandpa, but I have to go pick ben up from work.
Justin: Okay.
Ciara: So give grandpa my love.
Justin: I will. Thank you for coming by.
Ciara: And I'll see you soon. Oh, hi, kayla.
Kayla: Hi!
Ciara: Bye, kayla.
Kayla: Bye. Well, we meet again.
Justin: Victor is still not back from radiology.
Kayla: Well, then I would say that this is a waste of your time except I get to do this. Everything okay?
Justin: Ciara told me something a little surprising. Did you know that steve went home from the hospital with hope?
Kayla: Yeah. Why?
Justin: Just curious. Why didn't you mention it to me?
Hope: That was--that was okay. Yeah. Kind of cathartic. Thank you.
Steve: I should thank you for giving me a roof over my head.
Hope: Don't be silly. No trouble at all.
Steve: I'm always trouble, sweet thing, you know that.
Hope: I do know that, I do, absolutely. What, are you planning on burning down my house?
Steve: No, no. I just hope I didn't put you in the middle of something.
Hope: What do you mean?
Steve: Kayla didn't seem too happy when I told her where I was gonna crash.
Hope: Well, I'm sure she understands you didn't have a lot of choices.
Steve: Yeah. But I did have a choice when I told her she should stay with justin. Again, she said she wasn't staying with justin because she never left him. And she wasn't planning to. So maybe she really doesn't care.
Hope: You really believe that?
Hope: All right, this is--this is what I believe: That there is no way in hell that kayla brady is over you. Steve, you pushed her away. What if you hadn't? What if you had told her you wanted to pick up where you left off?
Steve: She's with justin now. They're happy. And she's a hell of a lot better off with him than me. You agreed with me on that.
Hope: No. Don't put words in my mouth--I did not say that. I said I understand how you feel. That's different. Damn it, I hate this. I love you both so damn much, I want to see you both happy. And I want to see justin happy as well.
Steve: Well, then you should get on board with team justin. Because I don't see how kayla can ever be happy or safe with me again.
Kayla: I didn't purposely avoid telling you that steve was discharged. It just--it didn't come up.
Justin: Are you sure that's the only reason?
Kayla: What do you mean?
Justin: I don't know. I just think that maybe it-- it bothered you. Steve living with hope.
Kayla: No. It didn'T.
Justin: Well, you seem a little bothered now. Maybe you didn't want to tell me because you didn't want to admit how you really felt about it.
Gabi: First aid kit? What, you're a boy scout?
Jake: You seem to know everything about me. Was I?
Ciara: Mmm. Answering a question with a question. That's what people who are hiding something do.
Jake: Oh, well, I happen to know a thing or two about you, gabriella josephine hernandez dimera. I know that your brother is the police commissioner, your daughter has two gay dads, and you have been to prison, oh, I don't know--how many times now?
Gabi: You looked me up!
Jake: No, not you. The stefan guy, who you wouldn't stop yammering about. So yeah, I wanted to learn a thing or two about him. Turns out, the guy was kind of a jerk. No wonder you fell for him.
Gabi: Takes one to know one.
Jake: Can we just get this over with?
Gabi: Yes. Ow! Okay, ow!
Jake: I'm--I'm sorry. That hurt?
Gabi: Well, you know what they say, no pain, no gain.
Ben: Hey. What I can do for you guys?
Did you really think you could hide from us?
Ben: What are you talking about?
Save it, jake.
Ben: No, no, no, I'm not jake, my name's ben.
Nice try, buddy. Now hand it over.
Ben: Hand what over? I--I really don't know what you guys want here.
Our boss said you might try to play dumb.
He gave us detailed instructions for what to do if you did. These fudge brownie m&m's are really fudgey
Justin: It's okay that you're upset that the love of your life has moved in with one of your best friends. I mean, they were together as gina and stefano for months, and now--
Kayla: And what? What, they're having an affair?
Justin: No, no. That's not what I was going to say. And the fact that you went there just sort of proves my suspicion that you have a lot of unresolved feelings that you still need to deal with, kayla. You know what, I got to go.
Kayla: Justin!
Justin: And I just remembered something--I actually have a lot of work to do in the office, so I will--I'll take a rain check on dinner.
Kayla: What? Are you kidding?
Hope: Hey. We forgot to toast to gratitude.
Steve: Ahh. Well, I guess we should both be grateful we don't have a scrap of silicone left in our heads.
Hope: Oh, amen to that.
Steve: You're lucky. You got to wear a tiara. But if we're raising a glass to should be grateful you didn't hurt bo the way I've hurt kayla. Going all the way back to when we first met. I was hired to terrorize her. I stalked her--
Hope: Steve--
Steve: I harassed her over the phone, I broke into her apartment, spray painted the walls.
Hope: I remember.
Steve: I was a pretty bad dude back then. I guess things have come full circle.
Hope: No. No, they haven'T. Steve johnson, you are a good man, a good man. And a very dear friend of mine. And I will always, always be here for you, okay? Just like you've always been there for me through so much. To friendship.
Steve: Friendship.
Marlena: Chad, what's wrong? Did something happen with abigail?
Chad: Abigail's gone.
Gabi: Ow!
Jake: You're good to go.
Gabi: Thank you.
Jake: So it's safe to assume you're not gonna sue me?
Gabi: Yeah. But you do have to mop up the floors.
Jake: Oh. And you need to get out of here. I got to get back work.
Gabi: Yeah, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I need answers. And there's really only one way to find out.
Jake: Well, if you think you're gonna swipe my toothbrush in an effort to get a dna sample that would be a hard no.
Gabi: Don't worry. There's a much simpler way to find out what I want to know.
Ciara: Hey, my little grease monkey, are-- oh, my god. Oh, my god, ben! Ben?
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