Days Transcript Wednesday 5/6/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 5/6/20


Episode #13763 ~ Maggie slaps Xander; Sarah opens up to Rex about Maggie's role in Mackenzie's death; Lani helps Kristen track down Sarah's location; Zoey tries to intimidate Sonny as he prepares to testify at Evan's trial.

Provided By Suzanne

Zoey: Sonny kiriakis, can I ask where you're going?

Sonny: Inside. Jordan ridgway's murderer is about to go on trial and I'm testifying against evan--or christian maddox.

Zoey: Hmm. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Eli: What the hell are you thinking, lani? Helping kristen escape, you're gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Rafe: What's wrong? Is it about kristen?

Kristen: Why else would rex be calling me? He knows that sarah and rachel are in paris. That's--that's got to be it.

Lani: It's a good theory, I guess.

Kristen: It is more than a theory. This is the break I have been praying for. And when we find rex, we will find sarah, and then we'll be able to bring my daughter home.

Rex: How is maggie responsible for your baby's death?

Sarah: I was in labor. Adrienne was driving me to the hospital. My mom is the one that ran us off the road. She had been drinking.

Rex: I know, that--that's what she's in prison for... oh, my god. She didn't just kill adrienne, did she?

Sarah: She killed my baby, too.

Maggie: If that baby's alive, where is she? Where is she?

Xander: With sarah. It wasn't brady and kristen's baby that died that night.

Maggie: No.

Xander: It was sarah'S.

Maggie: No. That doesn't make any sense. Mickey isn't dead. Mickey's a beautiful little girl who battled so hard to beat cancer. I miss her so much. But the time I had with her was such a blessing.

Xander: I love her, too, maggie.

Maggie: I miss her every day. But I know she has a good life with sarah 'cause sarah's a wonderful mother.

Xander: She is, but she's not that baby's mother.

Maggie: How can you say such horrible things? Mickey--she faced down death and she survived. And she's getting healthier every day, thanks to sarah's love and her care.

Xander: That little girl that sarah brought home from the hospital did beat cancer, and sarah was there with her every step of the way. The baby was never hers. The little girl that eric and sarah thought that was their own was really kristen's daughter, rachel.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sonny: I'm sorry, do I know you?

Zoey: We haven't been properly introduced. I'm zoey burge.

Sonny: Christian's sister?

Zoey: That's right.

Sonny: And you're warning me not to testify because?

Zoey: I'm also his lawyer. So if you go up on that stand, I'm gonna tear you to shreds.

Sonny: Is that right?

Zoey: Mm-hmm. Because you're going to try to incriminate christian.

Sonny: Well, he incriminated himself when he confessed to me and will.

Zoey: According to you. But it's also my job to discredit you any way that I can, which means dredging up your sexual relationship you had with christian. In fact, I plan to expose every gory detail to the jury.

Sonny: Go ahead. I have nothing to hide.

Zoey: No? So you're okay with your husband hearing every intimate detail about your extramarital relationship with christian? Because from what I hear, it was pretty hot and heavy.

Sonny: [Ahem] Will and i were separated at that time. He was in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

Zoey: Oh, right, yes, it was actually your uncle's wife that killed your mother.

Maggie: You're saying that kristen is mickey's mother?

Xander: She is. But her name is rachel.

Maggie: That's not possible.

Xander: I wish it weren't true. It breaks my heart to be here telling you this.

Maggie: But kristen and brady's baby died at the hospital.

Xander: The baby that died that night was sarah'S.

Maggie: No!

Xander: The two girls were switched in the nursery and sarah brought home the wrong baby.

Maggie: How do you know this?

Xander: A dna test was run. I can show you the results. They--they prove that mackenzie--that rachel is really brady and kristen'S.

Maggie: Oh, I can't believe this. How could the hospital make such a terrible mistake?

Xander: These things happen, I guess.

Maggie: No, they don'T. It's not right. My daughter loves mickey. Sarah's been her mother from the day she was born. It'll destroy her if that little girl is taken away from her.

Xander: I know.

Maggie: It's wrong. It's so wrong. I need to talk to justin--

Xander: He knows about it.

Maggie: Well, then, I hope he's doing something about it because it's unacceptable. And whoever on that hospital staff is to blame for this terrible mistake--

Xander: It wasn't a mistake, maggie!

Maggie: What?

Xander: The babies were switched on purpose.

Maggie: On purpose? By who?

Xander: By me.

[Eerie off-key notes]

Lani: Okay, look, kristen, just calm down, okay?

Kristen: Calm down? Calm down? No, this is the first lead that we've had.

Lani: Yes, it's a lead. But we can't just sit here and assume that rex is helping sarah because she flew to london and he's at a medical conference in paris.

Kristen: Oh, my god, that's just a big coincidence, huh?

Lani: Maybe it is.

Kristen: Okay, you know what? I believe that there is no medical conference in paris. I think that--that rex made up that story so that he could leave the country and meet up with sarah.

Lani: They are not even together, so why would sarah reach out to him?

Kristen: Because sarah--sarah's smart and she needs someone to help her disappear again. And she hates xander for lying to her. And, you know, everyone else here in salem is just gonna track her down and try to get her back here.

Lani: Okay. So if rex is helping sarah, why is he calling you?

Rex: I know about the accident. Like everyone else, I...I was so relieved and grateful to hear that you... you and your daughter were okay.

Sarah: Except now everyone knows that mickey isn't my biological child. That xander switched kristen's healthy baby with mine.

Rex: And you blame your mom for her death.

Sarah: Of course I do. I don't know what brady and kristen were told was the cause of death. I just--when I was in labor on the side of the road, I just knew--I knew something was wrong. I've been a doctor too long not to know. I was just--I was so terrified that I was gonna lose her right then and there.

Rex: She's still your mom.

Sarah: You can say what you want. My daughter would still be alive if my mom hadn't run us off the road. These are real people, not actors,

Sonny: Are we done here? Or do you have more insensitive and insulting things to say to me?

Zoey: I'm trying to help you, sonny. As an officer of the court, I'm glad justice was served and will was exonerated of murder. Just like my brother will be.

Sonny: Well, your brother put a gun on me on my husband and he admitted to what he did.

Zoey: Did he?

Sonny: In so many words.

Zoey: "In so many words." Sounds vague.

Sonny: Well, it was clear to me what he was saying. Evan murdered jordan. And he's gonna pay for what he did.

Zoey: Well, I have a pretty good win-loss record in there, so...we'll see.

Sonny: If you'll excuse me.

Zoey: Yeah, go ahead, I'll see you in the courtroom.

Orpheus: Hello, zoey.

Zoey: Where's christian?

Orpheus: He just texted me, he's on his way. But before your brother arrives, we need to talk strategy.

Zoey: That's not necessary. I have christian's defense well in hand.

Orpheus: So what's your plan?

Zoey: You're not on his legal team, and I'd rather not share it with you.

Orpheus: Fine. Then why don't I share my ideas? We know the prosecution's gonna leap out of the gate with their flimsy case based on circumstantial evidence. So when christian takes the stand, I want you--

Zoey: Wait, wait, hold on. Christian's not taking the stand.

Eli: Nothing's wrong. I'm just--just frustrated that I haven't been able to find kristen.

Rafe: Aren't we all?

Eli: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah.

Eli: I see you got the go-to suit on. What's the occasion?

Rafe: Oh, man, yeah, testifying in court today.

Eli: Oh, yeah, that's right, the christian maddox trial.

Rafe: That's right. Trust me when I say I'd much rather be here focusing on finding kristen.

Eli: Hey, it's all good, man. I'm holding down the fort.

Rafe: Okay, good, good. Yeah, I know you and lani both are, so...yeah. No new leads, though, huh?

Eli: I questioned brady, but he insists that he didn't know anything about kristen's whereabouts.

Rafe: Do you believe him?

Eli: He seemed pretty--pretty surprised when I told him that kristen had taken off, but he's also the person that told us that he stabbed victor, so who the hell knows.

Rafe: Right. He's also in love with that damn woman, so protecting her is his priority.

Eli: Yeah. What we wouldn't do for the people we love, right?

Rafe: Yeah, that's right. Okay, so no new leads, no idea where kristen is or how she got away.

Kristen: Okay, all right, maybe you're right. And maybe rex didn't fly out there to meet with sarah. Maybe he just ran into her and the baby in paris.

Lani: Now that would be a coincidence.

Kristen: Or tracked her down. Either way...either way, he figured out that sarah kidnapped rachel and that is why he's calling me.

Lani: Okay, I guess that's possible. But how do we even know? The call ended.

Kristen: Yeah, it ended--it ended very abruptly.

Lani: As if he got caught.

Kristen: Yeah, what if sarah caught him?

Lani: Again, just a theory.

Kristen: Mm-hmm. And if sarah knows that we are on to her, we've got to get out there fast because she's gonna disappear again. I mean, paris is such a huge place, how are we gonna find her?

Sarah: I knew my baby was in trouble just from the way that the doctors took her away. But when xander brought her back to me and said that she was healthy, I just-- I ignored my instincts 'cause I wanted so badly for it to be true.

Rex: Do you know the official cause of death?

Sarah: We were in a car crash, rex. You and I have both treated enough victims to know the kind of trauma that an accident like that can cause, especially on a newborn. Trauma caused by my mother's recklessness.

Rex: I just don't understand why maggie was drinking that night--she worked so hard to stay sober. And especially with the baby coming, you would think she would be extra vigilant. What happened?

Sarah: My sister summer happened.

Maggie: You? You're the one who switched the babies?

Xander: I am.

Maggie: Why? What were you thinking?

Xander: I wanted to spare sarah the pain. I knew she'd be devastated if she lost a child.

Maggie: Oh, so you were sparing her her grief.

Xander: I love her so much, maggie. She didn't deserve to suffer. So when I saw an opportunity, I took it.

Maggie: This isn't happening. This is--

Xander: I know it was wrong, but it made sense at the time. She'd been through so much with rex's infidelities and everything that happened with nicole and eric.

Maggie: Mm-hmm. So she knows what you did.

Xander: Oh, she knows.

Maggie: So that's why she called off the wedding.

Xander: Yeah. She hates me for letting her fall in love with a baby that was never hers.

Maggie: How could you do this to her?

Xander: It was all about protecting her. And we wanted to spare you the pain, too.

Maggie: We? You didn't do this alone.

Xander: I-- wait--wait a minute.

[Scoffs] Victor was involved, wasn't he? I knew my daughter could be at risk of certain cancers

Orpheus: You're not gonna let your brother tell his story on the stand? If he doesn't testify on his own behalf, he may look guilty.

Zoey: Not after I destroy the prosecution's case. Like you just said, it's flimsy at best now that the confession's been thrown out.

Orpheus: But they still have christian's dna on jordan's body.

Zoey: Oh, that can be explained away in a million different ways.

Orpheus: Okay, then why don't you let him take the stand and do just that? Let him look into the eyes of those sheep and tell them that he's innocent. Otherwise they might think he has something to hide.

Zoey: But he does have something to hide--you know that better than anyone, don't you?

Orpheus: So what is that supposed to mean?

Eli: Kristen can be... she can be very manipulative.

Rafe: Yeah, don't I know it.

Eli: She was desperate to get out of here and find her baby.

Rafe: She also stabbed victor in the chest. All right. Better get down to the damn courthouse. Hopefully at least put one killer behind bars today.

Eli: You worried about how the trial's gonna go?

Rafe: A little bit, yeah. Despite not having a confession anymore, I am confident, though, that the dna we have will convict evan of jordan's murder.

Eli: A conviction will definitely help you get custody of david.

Rafe: Yes, it will definitely help, but now that evan's sister zoey is also fighting for custody, it makes things a little trickier.

Eli: Hey, that boy belongs with you, all right? Simple as that.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. All right, let me know if anything on kristen turns up.

Eli: I will. Good luck with your testimony.

Rafe: Thanks, man.

Kristen: Sarah must have caught rex talking on the phone and realized he was tipping me off, which puts her in a fight or flight mode, and that means she'll be packing up her stuff right now, and if she goes, our lead is flying right out into the wind.

Lani: Kristen, hey, you are panicking, okay? Just calm down. Look, if rex called you once, he'll call you again.

Kristen: Yeah, but I called him and he wasn't picking up. And if he doesn't pick up, then he can't help us.

Lani: There are other ways we can track him down.

[Phone rings]

Lani: Hi, you've reached detective lani price. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Eli: Hey, it's me--I need you to come down to the station as soon as you get this. It's about the kristen dimera case.

Xander: Why would you think victor was involved in switching the babies?

Maggie: Because you said kristen stabbed victor. So I repeat: Was he involved?

Xander: Yes, he was.

Maggie: Why? Why did he do it?

Xander: For you, maggie.

Maggie: Me?

Xander: Because of your daughter. We both wanted to prevent sarah from being hurt.

Maggie: So he risked prison to protect sarah?

Xander: We both did.

Maggie: You know, I can't begin to fathom how the two of you would think that stealing another woman's baby would be better for sarah than knowing the truth.

Xander: It's complicated.

Maggie: No, it's quite simple. What you did was wrong. Horribly wrong.

Xander: We see that now.

Maggie: Well, I'm glad that sarah found out what you did before she married you. God! When she found out her baby was dead, it was on her wedding day?

Xander: Yes.

Maggie: Ha ha--so that's what everyone was trying to keep from me.

Xander: Everyone?

Maggie: Julie was here. She almost told me. But will, he stopped her and made up some story. My poor sarah. I should be there supporting her. Helping her get through what has to be the worst time of her life.

Sarah: I was in labor. My mom was gonna take me to the hospital. Just as we were about to walk out the door, summer showed up. It was mother's day.

Rex: And she came to visit maggie?

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Not to bring her a card. Not to bring her flowers, but to bring her the news that she's dying of liver disease.

Rex: What?

Sarah: Well, summer's an alcoholic. She blames my mom for it. She blames my mom for everything. Even before I-- before I found out the truth about my mom running us off the road, I had so much sympathy for her. To be a mother and to have a child to say such ugly accusations. And then I found out the truth and...all my sympathy was gone.

Rex: Yeah, but you just said that you--

Sarah: Do not defend her! She made a choice to drink. She made a choice to get in a car. My daughter would still be alive if it were not for those choices.

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

Maggie: I need to get out here for at least a few days.

Xander: How would that be possible?

Maggie: I don't know. But sarah needs me and so does victor, and I need to talk to justin to talk to the warden.

Xander: Maggie, I--

Maggie: Don't try to talk me out of this.

Xander: I'm sorry, but even if you could get out of here, it wouldn't help.

Maggie: You don't know that. And you of all people don't get to tell me what my daughter needs. Not after what you've done!

Xander: What I'm saying is, even if you were granted leave from prison, you wouldn't be able to be with sarah.

Maggie: Why?

Xander: Because she's gone, maggie! She took kristen's baby and ran off.

Rex: Sarah, with everything that's happened, with you running away with this baby and victor being stabbed, don't you think someone has told maggie by now?

Sarah: [Sniffling] You think she knows?

Rex: And people wouldn't want her finding out the wrong way. I mean, think about it. Finding out that you're responsible for your granddaughter's death, I mean, can you imagine what that's got to be like for her?

Sarah: No.

Rex: I know you're in a lot of pain, sarah, but maggie is suffering, too.

Sarah: God, I've just been so concerned with keeping mickey with me that I haven't even thought about how this must be impacting her.

Rex: She loves you, sarah. Nobody knows it better than me, but news like this, it will break her.

Sarah: There is this part of me that wants her to suffer. But just--

Rex: I know. But the bigger part of you loves her. And always will.

Sarah: God, if summer just hadn't shown up that night with a bottle of booze, everything would be different. My daughter would still be alive.

Rex: I know, I know, but we can't turn back time. Look, your mother is hurting, too. You don't want to lose her as well. You can make this better. Only you can make this better. Don't you think you owe that to her?

Lani: I really hate lying to eli.

Kristen: Well, he might have a lead on tracking me down. Do you think he's gonna show up here?

Eli: No. We've been really careful. I'm sure it's nothing.

Kristen: Okay, do you want to call him back?

Lani: No. I will deal with eli later. Right now, we need to focus on tracking down rex and luckily, I have a tech genius in my family. Actually, so do you. If anybody can help us track down rex, it's my brother theo.

Zoey: We both know that christian did kill jordan.

Orpheus: Are you sure that's all you meant? Or do you think your brother might be hiding something else?

Zoey: I don't know what you mean, dad. I mean, what else would I be referring to?

Orpheus: Oh, commissioner hernandez. How's my grandson?

Rafe: David's not your grandson. Never will be.

Orpheus: Really? Well, biology suggests otherwise. And soon he'll be my family legally as well, once my darling daughter here wins custody.

Rafe: Not gonna happen.

Zoey: You seem awfully confident for a man who just had a restraining order thrown out in court.

Rafe: I will win custody of david. Especially once your brother is convicted of murder.

Zoey: I don't see it, commish. Because my brother didn't kill jordan. You did. It's the 6:10

Rafe: I killed jordan?

[Laughs] You're joking, right?

Zoey: Well, there's nothing funny about it. You're the true murderer and I'm not gonna keep quiet about it.

Rafe: This is ridiculous.

Zoey: Everybody knows how much you hated jordan. She poisoned you. She attacked your former stepdaughter, ciara brady. She tried to run away with little david. You were frantic. You were furious. So you hunted her down and you strangled her and then you used your position at the salem pd to frame ben weston for the crime.

Rafe: Wow, what are you smoking?

Zoey: But that didn't hold up, did it? And now you're trying to do the same thing to my brother.

Rafe: This is insane.

Orpheus: Gee, I don't know, rafe, makes perfect sense to me.

Lani: Yeah, it's--it's really sad, theo. Tragic, actually. And kristen, she just wants to find her little girl and bring her home. But look, theo, here's the good news. I have a lead on a phone that could help us track down sarah and the baby, so if I give you the number, do you think that you could use your magic and trace its location?

Sarah: Why do you care so much about my mother? She didn't even like you.

Rex: She didn't like me because she's fiercely protective of you, and I respect that about her.

Sarah: She didn't protect anyone, because drinking and driving is unforgivable in my book! Is it not in yours?

Rex: Oh, god, of course in mine!

Sarah: Then stop defending her!

Rex: I'm not defending her! She made a terrible mistake. Drinking and driving, getting behind the wheel while she was drunk! But you know what, sarah, she has a disease. She's an alcoholic. That does not make her a bad person! And she's not only dealing with the fact that she killed a friend, she killed her granddaughter! Which is why right now it is so important that you and mckenzie get back to salem and be there for her.

Maggie: How did she get out of town?

Xander: She took mackenzie and fled on the titan jet that was supposed to take us on our honeymoon.

Maggie: Well, do you know where she went?

Xander: All we know is that she landed in london. I--I got her on the phone. I tried to persuade her to let me help her, but she refused.

Maggie: Why would she want your help after what you did?

Xander: I get why you blame me but I--I really thought I was doing the right thing for her.

Maggie: Ha. I'm not sure I understand that. There is so much I don't understand.

Xander: What else?

Maggie: I'm trying to process how sarah's baby died.

Xander: How?

Maggie: Well, she was in the hospital and everything was fine, right? So what caused her death? If new financial obstacles stand between you

Rafe: Nobody is gonna buy your preposterous story.

Zoey: The jury might.

Rafe: No. No, you're as bad as your father and your brother.

Zoey: I'm just doing my job, and if I can create reasonable doubt, christian walks free.

Rafe: Christian deserves to be in jail--he's a liar and a murderer and you know it.

Zoey: Well, you're entitled to your opinion, not that it matters.

Rafe: We'll see.

Orpheus: That was impressive.

Zoey: Stroke of genius, actually. Which is why it's not necessary for christian to take the stand.

Orpheus: What are you so afraid of?

Zoey: I don't trust him up there--he gets jittery when he's confronted, which will open the door for the prosecution to come at him with guns blazing, and I don't know what else the D.A. Might throw at him.

Orpheus: There you go again, talking as though you know more than you're saying. Are you referring to something specific?

Lani: Thank you so much, theo. I knew I could count on you. I love you too.

Kristen: He's in?

Lani: He's in. He will call you if he is able to get a hit on rex's phone.

Kristen: Okay, thank you, thank you.

Lani: Of course.

Kristen: Hmm. Wait. Are you going somewhere?

Lani: I really should get back to eli before he sends a search party out for me.

Kristen: Okay. I want you to know how much I appreciate all your help.

Lani: We haven't found rachel yet, but hopefully now with theo, we will.

Kristen: Yeah, well, I'm not just talking about you reaching out to theo. You put yourself on the line for me when you smuggled me out of that police station.

Lani: Oh, kristen, don't worry about that, okay? I need you to just focus on getting your little girl back.

Sarah: I can't go back to salem. Kristen will take my daughter away from me.

Rex: You can't run forever, sarah, we talked about this.

Sarah: I'm not ready, rex. I'm not ready.

Rex: I know. But you've got to think about your mom. Look what happened... when summer confronted her. She got behind the wheel of a car drunk. You need to be there for her. She finds out that she's responsible for her granddaughter's death, she'll punish herself for the rest of her life or... she'll die of a broken heart. Do you want to see that happen?

Xander: I don't know all the details, but I guess there were complications with the baby.

Maggie: So something must've happened to her in the hospital after you brought her in.

Xander: I don't know.

Maggie: Yeah, but you delivered her yourself on the side of the road. She was fine when you got her to the E.R., Right? So you rushed her to the hospital, and--and if she was in some kind of distress--

Xander: Maggie, please, just let it go.

Maggie: The baby was fine when she was born as far as you knew? But I had-- I had just run adrienne and sarah off the road. Oh, god!

Xander: There's no need--

Maggie: Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god! The accident. It was a terrible crash. But I not only killed adrienne, I killed my own granddaughter. Oh, god.

[Sobbing] Oh...god!

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Orpheus: Did your brother say something to you?

Zoey: Say something to me about what?

[Beep beep] Trial is starting soon. So I'm sure christian's probably inside by now. We better get in there.

Lani: Hey, you. I brought you your favorite coffee cake muffin.

Eli: Did you get my message?

Lani: I was in line at the coffee shop when you called. Any leads on kristen?

Eli: Lani, I saw what you did. I know that you helped kristen escape.

[Phone rings]

Kristen: Theo, thank god. Please, please tell me you found the location for that phone.

Rex: I'm a father. I know what it's like to love a child.

Sarah: I've loved her since the day she was born.

Rex: And I know that you can't just stop feeling like she's yours. I get that. But you can't keep running. They will find you and this is gonna end so much worse, not just for you, but for this little girl.

Sarah: God, not fair.

Rex: I know, I know. But sarah, you are the strongest woman that I've ever met. You can handle this. Sarah, go home. Be with your mom, she needs you. And you know what? You need her, too.

Sarah: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me feel--feel guilty for my mom. But I can't lose mickey, rex, I can'T.

Rex: What? No! Sarah, sarah--

Sarah: No, I've heard everything you have to say and i just--I hear can't anymore. I feel for my mom. But there is no way that I am giving up my little girl. So mickey and I will be gone before anyone figures out that we were even here.

Maggie: I killed my own granddaughter. Dear god! No, no! No!

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