Days Transcript Tuesday 5/5/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 5/5/20


Episode #13762 ~ Sarah takes extreme measures to keep her daughter; Xander breaks devastating news to Maggie; Eli becomes suspicious of Lani; Nicole sets up a special day for Eric, who's still reeling over the loss of his daughter.

Provided By Suzanne

Eric: I can't believe how time goes so fast. Next week, my little girl, she's gonna be a year old.

Nicole: Brady's little girl. Your little girl is dead.

[Dramatic musical sting]

Nicole: Oh, you are never going to believe this. Are you okay?

Eric: I, uh... I had a dream.

Nicole: You wanna tell me about it?

Eric: No, no, I'm all right.

Nicole: No, you're not. It was about mickey, wasn't it?

Eric: You and I were shopping... for her first birthday. I was so happy... until you told me that she wasn't my daughter. That my little girl was dead.

Nicole: Oh. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Eli: This time I want the truth. Where the hell is kristen?

Brady: [Sighs]


Lani: Kristen, open up, it's me.

Kristen: Hey.

Lani: Hey.

Kristen: Have you found rachel yet?

Lani: No, not yet.

Kristen: Okay.

Lani: I'm really sorry.

Kristen: No, it's okay-- it's just, I've been thinking, and--and I really--you should not be here and I shouldn't ask for your help. You know, I don't want to ruin your life like I did brady'S.

Maggie: Where have you been? Didn't you get my message?

Xander: I did.

Maggie: What took you so long?

Xander: Why did you want to see me?

Maggie: I would've thought it would have been obvious.

Sarah: I'm really sorry for hitting you like that. I just--I couldn't let you tell kristen where we are. I mean, rex, please, just think about it. How am I supposed to give my child to that maniac?

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Eli, if you'd stop and think about it, you'd realize I have no idea where kristen is. I haven't seen her since she--she was here yesterday. And I had a police escort to my own arraignment.

Eli: For something you didn't do.

Brady: If I didn't stab my grandfather, why the hell would I confess to it?

Eli: To cover for kristen.

Brady: I wouldn't do that, man.

Eli: Brady, it's over. Victor woke up.

Brady: What?

Eli: He made it very clear that you weren't the one that stabbed him.

Brady: He's--he's alive? He's alive, right?

Eli: Yeah, he's alive and talking.

Brady: Is--is he gonna be okay?

Eli: I don't know. You have to talk to his doctors about that. But right now, you need to tell me where kristen is. You see, after victor told me that you weren't the one who stabbed him, he told me who did. Yeah, she's wanted for attempted murder.

Lani: Look, kristen, we are in this together. Okay?

Kristen: Okay.

Lani: You left your phone at the station last night, so I brought it back for you. It's dead, but I have a charger. Now drink your coffee while it's still hot.

Kristen: All right, you know, lani, I have been thinking about this all night long, and you just got back with eli, you just got your job back, and I--I don't want you to screw up your life for me.

Lani: Kristen, this is my decision, okay? You didn't force me to do anything. Sarah stole your baby and all you're trying to do is get her back. And I will do anything that I can to help you.

Sarah: When you told me that brady was in jail, you have to see that I had no choice. I--I had to do anything I could to keep you from telling kristen where we are--I mean, rex, god, she wears masks and pretends to be other people. She--she let nicole think that her child, her daughter, was dead. Rex... she kills people! And I'm just supposed to let her be mickey's mom? I mean, she shouldn't even be at large, let alone have a child. When you called her... I realized that I can't trust you any more than I can trust xander.

Xander: Is it about victor?

Maggie: What are you talking about? Is something wrong with victor?

Xander: No, no, it's just he was very sorry he couldn't make it to visit you yesterday.

Maggie: No. It's about sarah. The last time I saw her, she was here in her wedding dress. She was about to marry you. And she was so happy. And the next thing I know, the wedding's off. And I want to know why.

Xander: It was my fault.

Maggie: You know, for months, everyone was trying to warn sarah about you. But she knew what she was getting into. I need to know why she changed her mind. What aren't you telling me? Anything from you, maggie.

Xander: I'm not keeping anything from you, maggie. I just think the closer we got to the wedding, sarah started thinking about everything that went wrong with rex and just--she got cold feet.

Maggie: But why didn't she tell me that?

Xander: Well, she didn't want you to know, to worry about her.

Pam: Hey, maggie, sorry to hear about your old man.

Maggie: What--what happened?

Pam: You didn't know he got stabbed?

Nicole: That must've been horrible to wake up like that.

Eric: It's just I never know when it's gonna, you know, hit me. Just when I'm starting to accept it, it just blindsided me again.

Nicole: I know. Grief has a life of its own, so I guess we just have to, I don't know, ride the wave, waves?

Eric: When you say "we," that's what helps. Just knowing you and i and holly are "we."

Nicole: And always will be.

Eric: When you came in, you looked like you were gonna tell me something.

Nicole: Oh, I--not now.

Eric: No, it seemed important.

Nicole: Okay, well, it was on the news. And it turns out you and I were right, brady didn't stab victor. Kristen did.

Eric: She confessed?

Nicole: No, victor woke up and told the cops it was kristen. And this will come as a surprise. She's gone missing.

Eric: Well, did they release brady?

Nicole: Not yet. There's a lot of red tape, so that's gonna take a while.

Eric: Well, there's not much we can do right now except wait.

Nicole: Actually, um, I have an idea of something we can do.

[Both chuckle]

Brady: What a surprise, huh? Not only does my grandfather say that I didn't do it, his grandson, he says the person that did do it is kristen, the woman he despises more than anyone in the world. Yeah, because we both know that victor kiriakis, he always tells the truth.

Eli: Well, if kristen is innocent, why has she disappeared?

Brady: What do you mean?

Eli: It's like you said yesterday. She was here, you went to the arraignment, I went to the hospital. Everyone assumed that she went back to the salem inn, but she wasn't there. No one had heard from her. What a coincidence, right? Victor wakes up, says that she stabbed him, kristen dimera suddenly vanishes. Now I don't know about you, but I think she's making a run for it.

Kristen: I need to say something to you. I can't believe that you are doing this for me, and I really, really do not want to drag you down with me like I--I've done with brady.

Lani: Kristen, we have been over that, okay? Look, we are best friends, and we are sticking together. And we are gonna get your little girl and we are gonna bring her back where she belongs. And that's with you.

[Liquid squirts]

Sarah: You're hungry, aren't you? If I take it out, you have to swear, swear that you will not call for help. Do not make me regret this. It's the 6:10

Brady: Kristen's not making a run for it, eli. She's out there looking for our baby, since the police don't seem to be.

Eli: Come on, man, that's bull, and you know it. We're gonna find sarah and the baby and we're damn sure gonna find kristen.

Brady: Just because victor says that she did it doesn't make her guilty.

Eli: Yeah, and just because you said that she's innocent doesn't make it true. Brady, I know what you're up to. All right, yesterday, you confessed because you knew that kristen was going to come in and turn herself in. You're protecting the mother of your child because you want her free when rachel's found.

Brady: I confessed because it was the truth.

Eli: Brady, did you and kristen have a plan? Because I think that you put her up to it, maybe even found somewhere to hide out. I need you to tell me where the hell kristen is. The longer this drags out, the worse it is for her.

Lani: Your phone has enough power to check your messages.

Kristen: Okay. I wonder if sarah had a change of heart and actually called me.

Lani: Well, look, I think we tracked down anything that can possibly help us.

Kristen: All right, well, there's a 312.

Lani: That--that's chicago.

Kristen: I don't recognize the number, though.

Lani: Okay, well, just listen to it.

Kristen: All right.

Rex: Kristen, hey, this is rex brady. Um, could you call me back as soon as you get this message? It's really important. It's about--

[Beeping] Rex: Can you just untie one hand, please?

Sarah: No.

Rex: You took the gag off. Did I scream? I don't think so.

Sarah: No, that's because you think you can talk me into letting you go, and it's just not gonna happen.

Rex: I almost did.

Sarah: Shut up.

Rex: No, last night, I almost convinced you...

Sarah: That was last night!

Rex: ...That you cannot lie to this girl for the rest of her life!

Sarah: You think that she should know the truth? Do you think that she should know that her biological mother is a sociopath? No, I'm sorry, not a sociopath, she's a psychopath. She's a murderer. Do you think that she should know that she was conceived when her biological mother tricked her biological father into thinking that she was someone else?

Rex: Yeah, look, I get it, just add it to the long laundry list of bad things that kristen dimera has done.

Sarah: Oh, my god! Rex, how can you be so flip about this? It is not about bad things. She did the worst thing that you could possibly do. She murdered another human being!

Rex: I know, and there is a very large social and legal network that will protect mackenzie.

Sarah: Oh, my god. Right. God, why didn't I think of that? So this--this large social and legal network, they're gonna--they're gonna move in with kristen and mackenzie? They're gonna monitor them and follow them wherever they go and make sure that kristen dimera, who is genetically predestined just by the virtue of her name, to do crazy and/or evil things, doesn't in fact do anything crazy or evil?

Rex: And what you're doing right now is not crazy?

Sarah: Oh, god, I'm putting the gag back on.

Rex: No, no, no, stop, stop--listen. You are making decisions based on what you think is best, your decisions. You're trying to play god right now, are you kidding me? That's something kristen dimera does or victor kiriakis!

Sarah: Just shut up! Brady will go to prison. My mother is in prison, which means that my little girl could end up alone in that mausoleum with kristen and victor.

Rex: She is not your little girl.

Sarah: No little girl should have to go through that.

Rex: I understand that you've been through a lot of trauma, okay, with--with the accident and the baby switch. But I also know when you recover from that trauma, you will regret everything that you're doing right now. Everything that you've done!

Sarah: Are you done eating? Because you are done talking.

Maggie: He was stabbed! Oh, god, is he all right?

Xander: You've got a big mouth, you know that?

Maggie: For telling me that he was stabbed? What, did you think I didn't need to know this? How is he?

Xander: He's fine. Lost a little bit of blood, that's all.

Maggie: And you weren't gonna tell me? You said he was sorry he couldn't come to visit and you just skipped over the fact that he was stabbed?

Xander: He's gonna be okay.

Maggie: Who did it?

Xander: Does it matter?

Pam: It was his grandson. Brady something.

Maggie: What? Is that true? But why? Why, xander? Damn it, tell me why!

Serest though, all right?

Nicole: Oh, you're not?

Holly: I'm not hungry.

Nicole: Oh, you're not? Hmm, okay. Well, you can go play in the playground. Mommy will clean up here and then I'll push you on a swing, okay? Just stay where we can see you, though, all right? Go, go, go, go, go! You okay?

Eric: Yeah. Why?

Nicole: Because I realized-- and being me, my realizations always come too late, or always come after the damage is done--

Eric: Nicole, I don't know what you're talking about.

Nicole: I--I'm just saying that maybe this is just over-the-top.

Eric: I'm sorry. I'm still lost.

Nicole: Eric, I know that you're grieving over mickey and here I drag you to a picnic with holly, and--

Eric: Nicole...

Nicole: Demonstrating, once again, my stunning insensitivity and I am so sorry. Look, I--I don't think that holly could replace mickey or that you need cheering up, and I hate when people tell other people not to feel what they're feeling or just to get over it, and I just want us--I just want us to--you're not alone. That's all I'm trying to say.

Eric: Nicole, if this is over-the-top, it's exactly what I need. I know you're trying not to allow me to forget mickey. You're reminding me that there are other important things in my life. Wonderful things. Like you. And that potato salad.

[Laughter] And pushing holly on a swing. So I--

Nicole: Hey. I love you.

Eric: It works out well because I'm crazy about you. Holly, here I come!

Kristen: I haven't talked to rex in years.

Lani: Yeah, and he-- he left salem a while ago.

Kristen: Yeah, and sarah dumped him for eric. Oh, my god, do you think he knows where she is?

Rex: No, you--you don't have to do that. I'll stop.

Sarah: No, you won'T. SRex: I swear.

Sarah: I don't believe you. I think that you're enjoying this.

Rex: You think that I'm enjoying something that is hurting you so much?

Sarah: What's that saying? Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Rex: Oh, my god. Is that what you think this is about? Sarah, I am trying to help you because I care about you.

Sarah: Oh. That's so sweet. Thank you. I'm touched, rex, honestly, I am.

Rex: God, would you stop with the sarcasm for just a second? After everything we've been through, we are still friends. Because, sarah, you are the most kind and loyal and compassionate and intelligent--

Sarah: Oh, I can see through it, rex; you can just stop. All right?

Rex: I love you as a friend, sarah, and I only want what's best for you, so there's nothing to see through!

Sarah: Fine. You love me as a friend. You still don't know what's best for me. You never did.

Rex: I made you angry, I get that.

Sarah: Oh, how incredibly perceptive of you, rex. Not to mention unimaginably laughable and arrogant. I mean, you-- how dare you preach to me about what is right and best for me? You! The man who said that he loved me. That I was the one. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, and then you go and knock up another woman.

Rex: Okay, can we not dredge this again? I have acknowledged my wrongdoing, my stupidity. Come on, this is not the conversation we need to be having right now, sarah. We need to be talking about you and this baby and who she belongs to. And how your decisions right now are not just gonna end badly for you and for her, but for all those involved and concerned. Just look at me, please!

Sarah: You don't understand.

Rex: I do. I do. I understand how you think about losing this little girl. I mean, I--and how painful that could be, beyond words.

Sarah: It is. God, this is such a mess. It's not a mess. It's a nightmare. The night of that accident, what-- what happened, I-- I don't think I'm ever gonna recover from it. I know I won'T.

Rex: I really am so sorry. Oh, god, honey.

Sarah: [Sobs]

Rex: Look... oh, god, I--I get it. I do. I can see that you don't think you can handle any more loss. I know. But that being said, you have to face some facts right now.

Sarah: What facts?

Rex: I was supposed to go home yesterday. Which means that I--I'm supposed to show up for work at the hospital today. And if I don't show up, people are gonna wonder where I am, and they know that paris is the last place I was. So they will come looking for me here.

[Phone rings] That's probably them. Can you-- can you get that?

[Ringing continues] Yeah, yeah, it's-- it's the hospital. Sarah, you have to let me take this. Please.

[Ringing continues]

Xander: Please, I have a lot to tell her and not much time. Please.

Maggie: You need to tell me everything. And if you don't, we have internet access here. I can find out what it is you're not telling me. So what happened? Why did brady stab victor? And don't tell me it was because he gave you brady's job, because that was over a year ago, and you don't wait a year to stab someone. But-- but when brady gets to the end of his rope, he drinks. So something horrible must have happened to make him violent.

Xander: It wasn't brady that stabbed him.

Maggie: Well, then who was it?

Xander: Kristen. This is what it's all about. take this call, thin

[Phone rings]

Rex: Sarah, if I don't take this call, things are gonna get a whole lot worse.

[Ringing continues] Sarah! What if it's a patient?

[Ringing continues]

Sarah: There are other doctors.

[Ringing continues]

[Beep, ringing stops] No one is taking my child away from me.

Brady: Look, eli, if-- if I knew where kristen was, I would tell you. Because she has no reason to hide, she is innocent. And according to you, I'm innocent as well. So how about this, why don't you let me go? And I can help you find her, I can bring her back here.

Eli: Nice try. But until we find kristen, we have to assume that you're a coconspirator. I'm not going anywhere.

Maggie: Kristen stabbed him? Why?

Xander: Well, you know she's always hated him.

Maggie: Yes, what why? Something must have happened.

Xander: Maybe the voices in her head told her to. She's always been crazy. She--she pushed that nurse down the stairs.

Maggie: Well, because the poor nurse had just told her that her baby was dead. There was a trigger then. And there was a trigger now. Ah, victor did or said something to set her off.

Xander: I don't know. I swear. All--all I know is that brady confessed to protect kristen.

Maggie: Did you talk to her or to brady?

Xander: No.

Maggie: Kristen stabs victor. Brady covers for her. But you don't seem all that interested. You know, from the moment you got here, you've been trying to keep me from knowing the truth by dodging my questions. Just like will did when i asked him why you and sarah had called off the wedding. And julie, she wanted to tell me something, and will did everything he could to stop her. And now you. You all think you're trying to protect me, don't you? From what, xander? From what? I'm telling you, xander, one way or another, I'm gonna find out what's going on. Wouldn't it be best for me if I heard it from you?

Xander: I-- I don't think I can do it. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you? And weric has the exclus

Eric: The one and only

Eric: Oh, my god. We have some breaking news. So listen up!

Nicole: Whoo!

Eric: The one and only miss holly jonas at 11:57 climbed to the very tip-top, without any adult assistance, of the monkey bars. And weric has the exclusive footage of this event! Yay!

Nicole: Oh! That's great, holly!

Eric: Yes, it is. And after a flawless descent, miss jonas reported that she is never climbing to the monkey bars again because they are too little and she is not a baby.

Nicole: Oh, my goodness.

Eric: And without a reasonable doubt, we can say that you're a big girl.

Nicole: Oh. He is so silly, isn't he? Yes.

Eric: Look at this. Hey, walter cronkite, when he first covered neil armstrong walking the moon, didn't call him silly.

Nicole: Well, I am so glad you got video. We're gonna have to send that to grandma maggie. Yes. Oh, my goodness, I am so proud of you. I love you.

Eric: Me too, kid.

Holly: I love you, daddy.

Brady: You're kind of throwing your weight around here, eli. You know, you tell me I didn't stab my grandfather but you won't let me go.

Eli: Damn it, man, look-- she threw haley down a flight of stairs. Okay, she stabbed your grandfather in the heart. The woman is a menace. Brady, please. Think about it. What if she finds sarah? What happens then? What, do you think she's gonna show restraint or is she gonna grab a knife? What if she finds rachel? Damn it, brady, please, man! You gotta help me out here! Where is she?

Brady: Eli, I don't know. I have no idea where she is.

Eli: Then who would she turn to for help?

Brady: I--no--no one I can think of, I don't know. Stefano's dead. Tony's gone. Chad would never help her in this kind of scenario. So she doesn't exactly have a lot of friends, eli.

Eli: Except for lani.

Lani: Thank you so much for your help, dr. Betts. You, too.

[Beep] Rex didn't show up for work this morning. Apparently he went to a medical conference and never came back.

Kristen: Well, where is it?

Lani: Paris.

Rex: Sarah, all you did was just delay the inevitable. Because everybody's been looking for you and now they're gonna come looking for me.

Sarah: Shut up!

Rex: Nobody is going to blame you for what you've done. But the longer you run, the worse it's gonna be.

Sarah: Just shut up!

Rex: Look, there's--I know that I'm the last person in the world that you wanted to see. But there's got to be-- there's got to be someone, someone you trust. That you can talk to, that can help you.

Sarah: Someone I trust. Who the hell do I trust? I have been lied to over and over and over again. Every second of my life since the baby was born has been a lie! So I don't trust anyone!

Rex: What about your mom?

Maggie: Fine! Then get the hell out of here!

Xander: Maggie, I--

Maggie: Listen, if you don't tell me the truth, and I mean all of it, you are wasting my time. And the second you're out of here, I'm gonna call sarah and I'm gonna tell her I want to see her right now.

Xander: No, maggie, you can't do that.

Maggie: Oh, you can't stop me! Guard! Guard!

Xander: Maggie, no, no--

Maggie: We're done here.

Xander: Please, just... just sit down. Please. I'll tell you everything.

Maggie: Why did kristen stab victor?

Xander: Because-- because he let her believe that her baby was dead.

Maggie: She went insane? She thought her baby was still alive?

Xander: She's right, maggie. Brady and kristen's baby is alive.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.Ke a morning

Eric: Did you tell her to say that?

Nicole: I didn'T. I--I wouldn'T. Sweetheart, you know daddy's in heaven, right?

Holly: I know, but can i call eric my daddy down here?

Nicole: Well, it's okay with me if it's okay with eric.

Eric: Yeah, I'd like that. I'd like that very much.

Nicole: Oh.

Eric: Oh.

Nicole: Oh. Ooh.

[Chuckles] Love you.

[Mysterious music]

Kristen: All right. We know that sarah took the titan jet to london. She must have taken a train to paris to meet up with rex.

Lani: No, kristen, I--I really think you're getting ahead of yourself.

Kristen: No, no, no, no. I mean... why else would rex be calling me? He knows that sarah and rachel are in paris. That's--that's got to be it.

Sarah: You want me to call my mother? My mother?

Rex: Yeah, sarah--

Sarah: I mean, that just goes to show how ridiculously clueless you are. You want me to call my mother, of all people, rex? Have you forgotten that she's a drunk?

Rex: Okay, but you know, she's still a good woman, and you two are very close.

Sarah: Things change. People are close, things happen, they're not close anymore.

Rex: Yeah, okay, I still don't understand what could've happened.

Sarah: My baby died!

Rex: Yes, I understand that, but what does that have to do with your mother?

Sarah: Everything! You see... my mother is the one who killed her.

Maggie: If her baby is still alive, where is she? Where is she?

Xander: With sarah. It wasn't brady and kristen's baby that died that night. It was sarah'S.

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