Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 5/4/20
Episode #13761 ~ Sarah pleads with Rex to keep her secret; believing he's really Stefan, Gabi accuses Jake of lying about his identity; Kristen makes a confession to Lani; Abigail has another hallucination.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: Are you sure?Lani: Eli's there now.
Kristen: Eli's at the hospital? Does he know if victor remembered what happened to him?
Lani: No, he--he was too weak to say anything.
Kristen: Okay. Well, then that means that he couldn't say it was brady.
Lani: Not then, but eli's gonna wait at the hospital in case victor gets stronger.
Eli: When I asked you if you remember who stabbed you, I believe that you said that it was kristen. Mr. Kiriakis, you should know that brady has already confessed. He's being arraigned right now. Is it possible that you are covering for him? Or was it truly kristen that stabbed you?
Victor: [Whispers] Yes... kristen.
Rex: Sarah, you can't-- you cannot go on the run with a baby.
Sarah: I can do whatever I want. She's my child.
Rex: You apply for a job, they will find you. You try to enroll her in school someday, they will find you. You will be looking over your shoulder every minute of every day. That is no life for a kid.
Sarah: It's better than being raised by a lunatic like kristen dimera.
Rex: You know what, I actually sympathize with that, but still, this is not your call.
Sarah: You know that I got her cancer.
Rex: Yeah, yeah, I do.
Sarah: I have taken care of her every minute of her life, and I love her. I love her more than I ever knew it was possible to love someone, so I am not just going to give her up.
Rex: I'm sorry. You leave me no choice.
Sarah: What does that mean? What are you gonna do?
Rex: I have to call the police.
Sarah: Rex, you cannot help them take mackenzie away from me.
[Phone beeps]
[Line ringing] Rex, please. Please, I am begging you.
[Line ringing]
[Phone rings]
Rafe: Commissioner hernandez.
Rex: Rafe, it's rex brady.
Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Rafe: How's chicago? Hotter than hell?
Rex: I'm actually not in chicago.
[Phone beeps]
Eli: Brady gave a statement saying that he was furious about your role in switching his child with sarah horton'S.
Kayla: No, I think you're pushing too hard.
Eli: No, kristen dimera is the mother of brady's child. She obviously would have the same motive.
Kayla: Okay. Okay, out.
Eli: Listen, if it's not--
Kayla: Out now--I said out! Come on. Come on.
Eli: I am this close...
Kayla: I know.
Victor: Wait.
Kristen: Do you think that eli's gonna call anytime soon?
Lani: I don't know. I'm going off duty, and you look really stressed. You want to go get a drink?
Kristen: No, I don't--i don't think a drink is the answer right now.
Lani: I know this is a really bad time for you with brady's situation and waiting to hear if they found sarah and your little girl.
Kristen: Yeah. Yeah, it is a bad time.
Lani: Sarah couldn't have been in her right mind when she ran off with your daughter. But kristen, hey, at least you know your daughter is not with someone who is asking for ransom or who wants to hurt her. Rachel is not going to come back traumatized.
Kristen: Yeah, but she'll have one parent in prison.
Lani: There are mitigating factors here.
Kristen: Like what?
Lani: For one, everyone in salem knows what kind of man victor is and everyone knows what kind of man brady is. Victor might not even want to press charges because he wants this whole thing over with. He knows that brady was at the end of his rope when he stabbed him, kristen, and he knows why.
Victor: What do you think you're gonna do with that?
Kristen: What should have been done a long time ago, you bastard.
Victor: Don't be ridiculous.
Kristen: You stole my child, and now thanks to you, I may never see her again.
Victor: Oh, don't be so dramatic. We'll find your daughter.
Kristen: I don't believe you.
Victor: Damn it, woman, put that knife down. We both know that you're not going--
Kristen: This should not be happening.
Lani: What? What shouldn't be happening? Kristen, is victor's story gonna back up brady's? Or is there something here that you're not saying?
Abigail: Just making sure you're real.
Chad: Are you still having flashbacks from the drugs?
Abigail: No. Mm-mmm, kayla said that it should all be out of my system now.
Chad: Leave it to gabi to use something intended for good as a weapon.
Abigail: Wouldn't be the first time.
Chad: I'm gonna make her pay. I'm not backing off until she ends up in prison where she belongs.
Gabi: Rafe, you better call me back as soon as you get this message, huh? Was it your brilliant idea to sic lani on me after I told you I did not drug abigail? You know how much I hate that woman. I mean, come on. She ruined my life. Because of her, I can never see stefan again.
[Phone beeps] Oh, my god. Stefan? Oh, you're really here! Wait, you came back to me.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Gabi: You can't leave. You cannot leave me, stefan, okay--not again.
Jake: Lady, I don't want to upset you, but I'm not stefan. Name's jake.
Gabi: That can't be. Mm-mmm.
Jake: Ha ha ha. must be gabi. Yeah.
Gabi: Okay, fine. You say you're not stefan dimera. Then how the hell do you know who I am?
Abigail: Can you just-- could you please just try to let the police handle this?
Chad: The police aren't doing anything. Rafe's commissioner now, and he has a history of looking the other way when it comes to gabi.
Abigail: Yeah, you're right. I can't argue there.
Chad: I keep calling, I'm leaving messages, trying to figure on what's going on with this so-called investigation. He's not returning any of my calls. Rafe doesn't have the guts to face me.
[Door closes]
Rafe: I'm working on it. Thought it would be better if we spoke in person. How are you feeling?
Abigail: Well, now, I'm feeling much more like myself, thank you.
Chad: No thanks to your sister. What are you doing to prove that she drugged abby?
Rafe: Well, I'm actually working on a lot of cases right now. In fact, victor kiriakis happens to be in the hospital. He was stabbed in the chest.
Chad: Brady confessed. The case is closed.
Lani: You and I spent a year together in a convent... because we have been through such horrible things that we couldn't face the outside world.
Kristen: Yeah. And if I didn't go through those gates, I would've went right into the sea.
Lani: How many times did we pray in that chapel, asking god how he could take our children away before we even had the chance to love them? Kristen, I know what that pain is like. I know how that pain makes you ache inside and how being full of so much anger that it takes the pain away.
Kristen: I know, but it's just for a little while.
Lani: Let me say this. Kristen, if someone lied to me and told me that my baby david was dead just so they could take him away from me, I would want that person to suffer for the rest of their life.
Kristen: Okay. Okay, yes. I... I am the one who stabbed victor.
Victor: Kristen... told me I deserved to die.
Eli: Why?
Victor: Because of what happened to her baby. The next thing I know, I have a knife in my chest.
Rex: Sarah, you can't prevent me from calling rafe back.
Sarah: No. But I can make you see what it's doing to me and what it's doing to mickey.
Rex: You cannot take another person's baby. It's not right.
Sarah: Do you know how I lost the baby that I was carrying?
Rex: No.
Sarah: I was in labor, and I was on my way to the hospital, and a car swerved in front of the car I was in. She died of a brain injury.
Rex: Oh, god.
Sarah: So was that right?
Rex: No, no. I'm so sorry.
Sarah: And I didn't take her. I thought she was mine. Victor and xander switched my baby with kristen's baby. So was that right?
Rex: No. No, of course not.
Sarah: I became a mother, and I fell in love with this little girl, and she has been mine for a year. Was it right for them to wait all that time to tell me that my baby is dead? Was it right to give me one night to say good-bye to her? And what about--what about what it's going to do to her? I am the only mother she has ever known.
Rex: This is just so--
Sarah: Rex, please. Please. I will get down on my knees, and I will beg you right here. Please, if you ever loved me, please just go. Just go away and let us be. This is my body of proof.
Eli: I told you brady has already confessed to stabbing you. Are you absolutely sure that it was kristen?
Victor: Brady would do anything to protect that woman. She gave him a child. It doesn't matter that she's the devil incarnate. He'll take the fall. I'm telling you. Telling you she did this to me.
Kristen: I had no idea that brady was gonna say that he stabbed victor.
Lani: I know, I know. I saw how shocked you were.
Kristen: You know, all that time that we were in here together, I mean, I begged him to let me tell the truth. I made up every argument, but he just wouldn't hear of it, lani. He said that he would--he would get off. He would get a lighter sentence. And he reminded me of my sordid history here in salem, and he was afraid that I was gonna be put away for good and that I would never get to hold my little girl again. And he just... he said he couldn't stand to let that happen.
Rex: Sarah, I loved you so much. And I will always care so deeply about what happens to you.
Sarah: So you'll keep my secret? You'll just--you'll go about your life and you'll just forget that our paths ever crossed?
Rex: I can't do that.
Sarah: Did you not just hear everything I just said, rex?
Rex: Mimi kept emily a secret from me for a year...a year! I can't do that to another father, especially when the father is brady. Think about what this is doing to him.
Sarah: He has...he has tate.
Rex: Oh, god, sarah, come on. You cannot replace one child for another. You of all people know a lot about that. Look, what victor and xander did, I mean, that'S... it's monstrous. I mean, not only did they switch a newborn baby and then took it away from its parents, but they let you and eric fall in love with a baby that you were never destined to keep. I mean, do you want the same thing to happen to mickey?
Sarah: You don't know what you're talking about.
[Baby snuffling]
Rex: Listen. Do you want mickey growing up loving you, thinking that you are her mother... and that it's all a lie? Do you want her to think that? Don't you want to look at her one day and say, "honey, I did the right thing"?
Sarah: I keep thinking that...she's a baby. But she's almost a little girl now.
Rex: Yeah, yeah, and you know what? She's going to be walking soon and talking and asking questions. Questions like, "mommy, why are we moving again?" Or "mommy, where's my daddy?" And you know what? You're gonna have to look at her and you're gonna have to lie to her the same way that you were lied to.
Sarah: God, you're right. I can't--I can't do that to her. I can'T. I have to bring her back.
Chad: Gabi wants control of dimera, and she knows that abby and I want her out. And when something comes between gabi and what she wants, she tries to be eliminate it. She's a danger to society, and you just keep coming up with reasons not to arrest her.
Rafe: No, that's not true actually. In fact, gabi swore to me she didn't drug abigail. But I had lani question her anyway. And lani told her we're aware of the fact the drug that was found in abigail's system was made exclusively by dimera.
Chad: Well, I can't pry your sister's hands off my family's company, so she has access to the drug. Isn't that great?
Rafe: Other people had access to the drug too, including yourselves.
Chad: Are you accusing me of drugging my wife?
Abigail: Wait, I'm sorry. Are you really-- rafe, you're suggesting that I drugged myself?
Rafe: No, absolutely not. I'm just saying that other people had access to the drug as well.
Chad: Yeah, like your sister, who was in the room when she was drugged.
Abigail: It's gabi. You were there when she confessed to trying to kill julie with a device that was manufactured by dimera. And nothing has been done since then.
Chad: How many people does your sister have to kill before you see her for what she really is?
Jake: I know your name because I work in a garage with ben weston.
Gabi: You work with ben.
Jake: Yeah, just hired him. He and his girlfriend had a very similar reaction when they saw me for the first time. Apparently I'm a dead ringer for ben's old boss.
Gabi: And my dead husband.
Jake: Well, maybe dead ringer was a bad choice of words.
Gabi: Mmm.
Jake: Anyway, ben and ciara, they told me about stefan, how he took a bullet that was meant for somebody else, for his old lady, how you donated his heart to save somebody else's life. He also told me how crazy about the guy you were and, uh, well, I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry for your loss.
Gabi: My loss. My loss, hmm? You son of a bitch!
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
Jake: What the hell was that for?
Gabi: What do you think I am? Stupid? Huh? Do you know what I've been through since you left me?
Jake: Left you? I--I never seen you before.
Gabi: Oh, cut the crap. And while you're at it, drop the phony accent.
Jake: Oh, this is how I talk.
Gabi: Please, I practically begged on my knees to rolf so that he could bring you back.
Jake: Rolf? Who is that, a muppet?
Gabi: Would you please stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about.
Jake: I--if I was your husband, this guy you say you're crazy about, which I'm not, why wouldn't I just come back to you if I could? Huh?
Gabi: That's what I'm trying to find out. I'm trying to find out why you're trying to make me believe you're somebody else. You're lying low. You're lying low for some reason--why, why?
Abigail: Gabi has told both of us on more than one occasion that she would do anything necessary to get dimera back and she feels like she's entitled to it because she's stefan's widow.
Chad: We all know what she's capable of, and yet she never seems to pay for it.
Rafe: And you seem to think that I'm fixing things for her.
Chad: Aren't you?
Rafe: Absolutely not. No. I told her that she needed to plead guilty for what she did to julie. I had nothing to do with the deal that was made.
Chad: No, she was going to let a baby die if she went to prison.
Abigail: Chad, chad.
Rafe: Listen, I cannot... I don't have enough probable cause to arrest her, all right?
Chad: What are you going to do about it?
Rafe: I already told you. I have assigned lani to take over the investigation. And trust me when I tell you that she feels the same way about gabi as the two of you. If gabi is guilty, lani will find a way to prove it.
Chad: Well, she better. Or she's going to answer to me.
Rafe: Right. Feel better.
Rex: So I just booked two tickets on my flight back to chicago so we can all go together.
Sarah: Sounds like you don't trust me to go through with it.
Rex: No. No, no, that's not it at all. I just--I just want to be there for you, that's all.
Sarah: Thanks, I guess.
Rex: I mean, how many times have you set me straight when I was out of line, right?
Sarah: Is that what you think you did?
Rex: No.
Sarah: Set me straight when I was out of line?
Rex: No, no, no, that's not--that's not what I meant at all. It's just--I'm a better person because of you, and I owe you for that.
Sarah: We should call brady and just let him know that I'm coming back with the baby, so could you please handle that? Because I don't think I could go through with it.
Rex: Yeah, yeah. But you know, why don't we-- why don't we just wait until we get back to salem?
Sarah: Don't you want to let brady know that I've come to my senses?
Rex: I do, definitely, I do.
Sarah: Then call him.
Rex: I can't--I can'T. He doesn't have access to a phone right now.
Sarah: What? Did he not pay his phone bill or something?
Rex: No, not exactly.
Sarah: Brady's a zillionaire. How does he not have access to a phone?
Rex: Because... he's in jail.
Rafe: Damn it. Forgot to call rex back.
Eli: Hey, rafe. I just took victor's statement.
Rafe: Oh, yeah? Did he corroborate what brady said?
Eli: Absolutely not. He said it was kristen, and brady's covering for her.
Rafe: Oh, well, a knife to the chest-- that does sound more like kristen's M.O.
Eli: Yeah. I'm on my way to the salem inn to talk to kristen right now.
Rafe: Oh, well, she was just in the interrogation room right before I left here, talking to lani. I assumed that they were talking about her missing the baby. Maybe I was wrong.
Lani: You shouldn't say another word to me, not without an attorney present. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Kristen: Please, please.
Lani: If you cannot afford...
Kristen: Lani, just hear me out, please. I need you to hear me out. You're my friend. Probably the closest one that I have ever had. And you're talking about the convent, you know, us being back there. Remember? And...I remember telling you, don't you ever give up. And I supported you when we came back here, and I helped you get the goods on gabi. I even encouraged you. I encouraged you to fight your way back into eli's life because you deserve a happy ending. And I...I really believed that if it wasn't for me that you would be back in the convent.
Lani: Are you asking me to let you go?
Kristen: Yes. I knew my daughter could be at risk of certain cancers
Lani: I will go to bat for you with the D.A.'S office, kristen, but I can't sit here and act like I don't know that you stabbed victor.
Kristen: Hey, lani. Lani. Lani, please.
Lani: Kristen.
Kristen: Yes, I know. I held my baby one time, just once, and that was right after she was born. Victor and xander stole her from me--listen to me. I need you to listen to me. They stole her from me, and they hid her away in plain sight all this time. I have looked at my daughter and I have grieved my dead child. And you can go ahead. You can charge me for attempted murder if you want. But I won't let you stop me from holding my child again. Do you understand?
Lani: Kristen, you took a chance. You confessed to a crime, a serious crime, to a detective in a police station.
Kristen: I thought I was baring my soul to a friend during a time I'm most vulnerable.
Lani: You can say that to your attorney.
Kristen: Lani. Listen, please. Please. You lost david. You lost david before you ever knew him. That doesn't still make you-- it makes you a mother. You still are a mother. Don't you understand? You're just the same as me. And if I could give you that chance back to see your little boy, you know I would do it. Please. Please. All I'm asking is for you to give me a chance. Just let me be free so that I-- I can go get my little girl. My rachel, please.
Sarah: Brady, he... he really stabbed victor?
Rex: That's what my mom said, yeah.
Sarah: And now he's in custody? So when I bring the baby back to salem, the only parent that she's going to have is kristen dimera?
Rex: Only until brady is cleared of the charges.
Sarah: If. If brady is cleared of the charges. He could go to prison, and then the only person mickey will have is kristen.
Rex: I understand that kristen has changed.
Sarah: Who told you that?
Rex: My dad--he said that she spent a year in a convent.
Sarah: Oh, did you get any other character references while you were asking? Did you ask nicole or brady or eric or john or marlena or susan or anyone else?
Rex: No, no.
Sarah: So you convinced me to take a defenseless child back to salem and hand her over to kristen dimera because you heard that she changed? Let me tell you something. I live in the same city as that woman, and the whole grieving mother thing, it's an act, because that woman would stab her best friend in the back to get what she wants.
Gabi: Is this about dimera?
Jake: What the hell is dimera?
Gabi: Oh, my--come on. Okay, you know this. You know that I'm fighting abigail and chad over control of the company, right?
Jake: Wrong. I'm a mechanic. I work in a garage.
Gabi: Don't give me that. Okay, listen, if this is about dimera enterprises and taking over on your own, just let me in on the plan. Please, we can do it together. Don't you see this?
Jake: Lady, get your hands off me, please. I don't know you from adam. This is the first time I've ever laid eyes on you.
Gabi: Why are you lying to me?
Abigail: I know that you're upset.
Chad: Aren't you? You're the one that was drugged.
Abigail: Yes, I am upset. All I'm--I'm just saying that I believe rafe. I don't think that he is covering for gabi.
[Chad scoffs] Just hear me out, chad. Listen. He put lani on the case, and lani hates gabi is much as--
Chad: And all they talk about is probable cause and making a case! Everybody in this town knows that gabi is the one that would want to hurt you! She's the only one that would do it, and she was in the bar that you were drugged at!
Abigail: Chad, you are stressing me out right now.
Chad: I am stressing--I'm not the one doing it, abby! She is--she's doing this to us.
Abigail: Chad, stop yelling. Where are you going?
Chad: I'm going to find gabi. I'll choke the truth out of her.
Abigail: Stop, please calm down!
Stefan: You're not going anywhere near my wife.
[ Snoring, indistinct talking on tv ]
Abigail: Stefan, get off of him--leave him alone!
Stefan: You two really thought I was dead, didn't you? You really thought you could take the company away from gabi and me. Well, you're dead wrong.
Abigail: What did you do to him?
Stefan: What did you do to me! You made me think you were in love with me and then you turned on me!
Abigail: You raped me!
Chad: Hey, hey, hey.
Abigail: Stop it, stop it. Get off of me!
Chad: It's okay.
Abigail: Get off of him!
[Stefan grunting, abigail screaming] Get off of him!
Chad: Stop. Stop! Hey, it's me.
Abigail: Get off!
Chad: Stop!
Abigail: Get off! Get off of me! Let me out!
Chad: Abby. Help! Help! Somebody!
Abigail: Get off of me!
Chad: Help!
Gabi: This is--this isn't the first time you've ever seen me. I was in the square and i thought I was hallucinating. And I passed out and you went over to try to help me.
Jake: Yeah, I was hoping you didn't remember that.
Gabi: I do, then I came to, and you were gone and you just left me there lying on the ground.
Jake: You were starting to come around. I was late for work, but you were not alone. There were plenty of people surrounding you.
Gabi: Yet, but I fainted because I saw you.
Jake: I didn't want to get involved.
Gabi: You are already involved. You're my husband.
Jake: I keep telling you I'm not that guy. Who's that? See you around.
Gabi: Wait. Stefan.
Chad: Kayla!
Kayla: I've got it. I've got it.
Abigail: Get off of me! I hate you. I know you're trying to drug me too, and you guys are working together. You are, admit it--admit it! I know you are! And you guys, you gave steve the bionic eye. You're trying to drug me right now, you are. Admit it, kayla. Admit it. Get off of me. Chad! Chad! Chad! Where are you? Chad! Chad! Help! Get off of me. Stop, no, no, no. No! No!
Kayla: I got it, I've got it.
Chad: It's okay. It's okay.
Eli: Victor was lucid when I went back to his room. Okay, he stated clearly that it was kristen who stabbed him. Where the hell is she?
Rex: Do you remember what we talked about? You don't have a choice. You cannot keep running with this baby.
Sarah: You told me that brady was going to take care of her, and you lied to me.
Rex: I didn'T. Kristen is the baby's mother, sarah.
Sarah: What are you doing?
Rex: I have to call kristen.
Sarah: You have her number in your phone?
Rex: She was a patient of mine.
Sarah: I don't remember that. Are you two working together?
Rex: God, no.
Sarah: Then how did you end up at the same cafe that I was hiding out at with mickey?
Rex: Don't--just stop. Don't do that. Do not spin conspiracy theories. Hey, kristen, it's rex brady. Hi. Could you call me back as soon as you get this message? I have something really important to talk to you about. It's about-- in this time of social distancing,
Chad: I thought the drug was all out of her system.
Kayla: I thought so too.
Chad: Then why is this happening?
Gabi: That was you, stefan. You're back. It wasn't just the face. The hands...those are the hands that put this necklace around my neck. Why are you doing this to me? I have no idea why you're doing this to me. But I'm gonna find out. You're lying low--you're lying low for some reason. Why? Why?
[Phone rings]
Rafe: Commissioner hernandez.
Eli: Lani told me kristen was headed back to her room at the salem inn. I just got here, and there's no sign of her.
Lani: Eli has probably already gone to your room. You don't have much time.
Kristen: Hey, hey, hey. How do I ever thank you?
Lani: Forget about me. Just go and find your little girl and be the best mother that I know you can be.
Kristen: Okay. Thank you.
[Baby crying, sarah sniffling]
Sarah: Everything's okay. Everything's okay, baby. All right? Your tummy is full. And mama is here. Just go to sleep, okay? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you have to see him like that. I didn't have a choice because he was--he was trying to trick me into taking you back to salem and handing you over to a very bad woman. And I won'T. I won't do that to you, I won'T. I'll never go back there. It's okay.
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