Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 5/1/20
Episode #13760 ~ Kristen is alarmed when she learns Victor has woken up; Eli questions Victor about his stabbing; Ciara and Ben celebrate his new job; as Sarah prepares to flee, Rex learns she's on the run.
Provided By Suzanne
Jake: Why do you wanna know if there's a lady in my life?Ben: Well, we might be working together. Figured it would be good to get to know each other.
Jake: Oh, yeah, well, uh, there's nobody right now.
Ben: But there was someone.
Jake: How about you mind your own damn business?
Ben: I will do that from now on.
Jake: Look, man, I didn't mean to bite your head off but, uh, it's just been a while since I've talked about her.
Ben: We don't have to talk about her now.
Jake: Maybe I should. God knows I know enough about your girlfriend.
Ciara: [Laughs] It's about time you woke up, lazy bones. Grandpa, it's me. It's ciara. Do you recognize me? Okay, you know what? I'm gonna go find aunt kayla. I'll be right back, okay? Oh, and, um, don't--don't you go back to sleep while I'm gone. You hear me? Listen to me, okay? All right.
[Door closes]
[Machines beeping]
Eli: I just got the forensics report on the knife that was used to stab victor kiriakis.
Lani: Clean as a whistle?
Eli: Yep.
Lani: Brady told you he wiped it off.
Eli: I don't know brady that well but stabbing his own grandfather doesn't seem like something he'd do.
Lani: Even if his grandfather fixed it so he and kristen believed that their child was dead? It adds up to me.
Eli: I think kristen put him up to it. Stabbing an old man seems more her style.
Lani: Mm. I don't think she was in on it.
[Phones ringing]
Eli: Woman's intuition?
Lani: No, I saw her face when brady confessed. She was shocked.
Brady: You cannot confess.
Kristen: Okay, but I did it.
Brady: You cannot confess. No, you need to keep your mouth shut and you're gonna let me handle this. That's how this is gonna go.
Kristen: Well, what? And watch you go to prison for something that I did?
Brady: Kristen, I love you, but you got a rap sheet-- a rap sheet as long as my arm. If you confess to knifing victor, you're gonna go to prison for I don't know how long. Maybe the rest of your life. I have a better chance of a shorter sentence and a lesser charge.
Kristen: Yeah, but I'm the one--no, but I'm the one who stuck a knife in your grandfather's chest. Come on. Look at me. Why would you cover for me?
Brady: Why? 'Cause I love you. 'Cause I love you and my grandfather's a career criminal. When it comes right down to it, kristen, this is my fault.
Sarah: I couldn't believe it when I saw rex in that café. I mean, he's probably calling the salem police right now. You think mommy's being paranoid? It's not like rex knows that we're on the run. It's probably just a matter of time until he talks to somebody back in salem and then he's gonna find out the truth and-- oh, god. Mickey, what are we gonna do?
Kate: So what's the occasion? You never call me. I call you.
Rex: [Laughs] I was just talking about you. So what's new in salem? What have I missed?
Kate: [Scoffs] Seriously, if I filled you in on everything you have missed since the last time you called me, you're gonna have to take a loan out to pay the roaming charges.
Rex: [Scoffs] Okay, look. I'm sorry. I've just--I've been really busy.
Kate: Oh, you've been busy. Is that the best you can do?
[Scoffs] Okay, I tell you what. I think there are probably a few things I could tell you that might interest you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kayla: Well, your blood pressure is a little high but that's nothing new. The rest of your vitals are in the normal range so, uh, I think you're a pretty lucky man.
Victor: Huh.
Kayla: Oh, wait, don't try to talk right now, okay? Save your strength.
Ciara: He's gonna be all right, isn't he?
Kayla: Well, he cleared a major hurdle by regaining consciousness but his heart was severely injured. He's facing an uphill battle.
Ciara: Yeah, it's just so horrible and I hate that maggie's not here.
Kayla: I know. Listen, I have to do a full examination and it's gonna take a little while so why don't you go for a walk or get something to eat, okay?
Ciara: Oh, no, no, I--I'd hate to leave him right now. He--he doesn't really have anybody else.
Kayla: Yeah, and I'll be here with him and I will call you as soon as I finish the evaluation, all right? I promise.
Ciara: Okay.
Kayla: Okay.
Ciara: Okay, thank you. Thank you so much.
Kayla: Of course.
Ciara: Oh, grandpa. You--muah. Try not to give aunt kayla too much trouble, okay? I am gonna be right back. I love you. I love you so much. Okay. All right.
Kayla: Bye, baby.
[Door closes]
[Tools rattling]
Ben: Hey, can you toss me that five mil?
Jake: What?
Ben: The five mil allen wrench?
Jake: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Got me thinking about my ex now.
Ben: Is that a good thing?
Jake: No. You know, she, uh--I've been thinking about her for a little bit now and, you know, she--she's the kind of woman that she gets in your system, but she just stays there.
Ben: [Grunts]
Jake: She drove me nuts at first. I don't know whether to grab her and--and kiss her or strangle her.
Ben: I've known couples like that.
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: I'm guessing you went with the first option.
Jake: Well, I liked how tough and stubborn she was and there was the fact that she was drop dead beautiful.
Ben: So it got serious?
Jake: Ah, I guess you could say that.
Ben: So what broke you up?
[Tools clattering]
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Gasping] No, it couldn't be him. It's impossible. These are real people, not actors,
Lani: And how's she doing now? That's great. Thank you so much for your help.
[Cell phone beeps]
Eli: Who were you talking to?
Lani: A nurse at university hospital. He says he got abigail's tox report back and she definitely ingested some type of hallucinogenic.
Eli: Is she okay?
Lani: She's doing good now but she's still in the hospital.
Eli: Why would abigail take something like that?
Lani: She didn't know she was. Chad says that gabi slipped something into her champagne.
Eli: Gabi is still messing with abigail?
Lani: It looks like it. I would really love to get that girl.
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Oh, sorry, hold on. One sec. Detective grant. Okay, yeah. Uh, I'll be right over. Thanks.
Lani: What was that?
Eli: We might actually get to find out what happened to victor kiriakis. He just regained consciousness.
Kristen: How can any of this possibly be your fault?
Brady: He's my grandfather. My grandfather made us believe that our little girl was dead. I mean, that's what drove you over the edge, kristen, right? That's why you stabbed him.
Kristen: That doesn't explain how any of this is your fault.
Brady: You don't know how many times that man has interfered in my life. I should have cut him out years ago but I didn'T. I should have protected you and rachel from him, is what I should have done.
Kristen: Yeah, but you did not know that he was gonna do something so twisted.
Brady: He's victor kiriakis. He doesn't give a damn about anybody's feelings but--but his own. I should have kept you away from that freaking house. Instead, I brought you in. I should have kept you away from him.
Kristen: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna let you go to prison for something that I did.
Brady: No, no, you need to listen to me. You need to listen to me right now.
Kristen: No, I need you to listen to me right now. I need you. Nicole came to my room and she asked me point blank, did i stab victor?
Brady: Yeah, eric asked me the same thing.
Kristen: Then what did you say to him?
Brady: I told him that you didn't know anything about victor being involved in the baby switch before I stabbed him so you had no reason to hurt him, okay? You remember that. No reason.
Kristen: Brady, this is getting so complicated.
Brady: You didn't say anything to nicole, did you?
Kristen: No, no, but i wanted to.
Brady: You--kristen, you can't say it!
Kristen: You have to understand! You have to understand, living with this is killing me and i can't stand the thought of you going to prison for something that you didn't do.
Brady: What are you doing? Where are you going?
Kristen: I'm--I'm gonna go find rafe. For once in my life, I am going to--to tell the truth.
Brady: Kristen! You do that and you're never gonna see your daughter again.
Kristen: [Breathing heavily]
Sarah: [Sighs] We really shouldn't be staying in abigail's apartment. It's too easy to track us. But then if I move us somewhere else then I'd have to pay rent or--or a hotel bill and then they could track us that way, too. God, why did we have to run into rex? Oh, my god.
[Baby crying] I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Let me just get you your blankie, okay? Let me just... no. No, 'cause we had it when we went to the café and... oh, my god.
Rex: So she just left without a warning, huh?
Kate: Yes. I mean, who can explain hattie's behavior, you know? And now roman is short a waitress and he's hinting for me to help out.
Rex: So are you gonna do it?
Kate: Hell no. I'll never be slinging hash again.
Rex: So this was the news that I was supposed to find oh-so-interesting?
Kate: No. What's interesting is that I've applied for a job at the mayor's office. I'm just waiting to hear from abe.
Rex: So things are relatively quiet in salem?
Kate: Did you hear anything I just said? I'm completely switching careers. Actually, I think politics is going to be a perfect fit.
Rex: I meant aside from that.
Kate: Let's see. Oh, did I tell you that brady stabbed victor in the heart, confessed to the crime, and is currently in jail?
Rex: Wh--hold--hold on. Brady stabbed victor in the heart? What--did victor die?
Kate: Oh, no, of course not. You couldn't take down that man with a baseball bat.
Rex: Why would brady do that?
Kate: Well, apparently victor knew that kristen and brady's baby was still alive and he kept that information from them.
Rex: Whoa. Hold--hold on. So kristen had a baby with-- with brady?
Kate: Yep, that's what I said.
Rex: So if that baby didn't die, where is it?
Well, the baby--it's a girl-- is, um, with sarah.
Rex: M--my sarah? Why?
Kate: Because everyone thought the baby was sarah's, that's why. I mean, so did sarah, but, well, it turns out that the baby belonged to brady and kristen.
Jake: I guess we broke up because, uh--I don't know. Life goes on. People change.
Ben: Right. Hey, do you mind if I ask you one more question?
Jake: Dude, are you always this chatty?
Ben: No, no, actually I'm not at all. It's just, like, what I told you, man. You look so much like my old boss. I guess it just makes me curious.
Jake: Oh, well, what do you wanna know, cathy?
Ben: Did you grow up around salem?
Jake: Do I sound like I grew up around salem?
Ben: No, you don't, so where the hell are you from?
Jake: It's a long story, all right? I--
Ciara: Hey, ben, are you in here?
Ben: Yeah, I'm in here.
Ciara: Ben, you're never gonna guess-- oh, my god.
Gabi: What are you doing here?
Lani: Abigail dimera was drugged. I need to ask you some questions.
Gabi: You're wasting your time. I already told chad and my brother that I have nothing to do with abigail's magical mystery tour, okay? She can go off the rails without help from anybody.
Lani: She had help this time. The toxicology report proves it.
Lani: So she was drugged. That could have been anybody.
Lani: That's not true. The drug found in abigail's system was not even in the market yet. It's still being tested by the company that manufactures it, and guess what company that is?
Gabi: Well why don't you just tell me?
Lani: Dimera enterprises. Amazing, huh?
Kristen: Even if I do keep my mouth shut, it doesn't mean that we're gonna find rachel.
Brady: No, don't, don't, don'T. Don't say that. We will find rachel and when we do find her, she's gonna need her mother.
Kristen: Yeah, but she's gonna need you, too, brady.
Brady: Don't--don't bring this down on yourself. You gotta understand. The D.A. Is still furious about the fact that haley chen's death was ruled an accident, kristen. You plead guilty to stabbing victor, you could be put away for the rest of your life. You will never--you will never be able to raise rachel the way that you want to.
Kristen: Oh, god, I wish i would have thought about that before I tried to kill victor.
Brady: Well, I'm the only one who knows and no one's gonna hear it from me. It will never come out.
Kristen: Unless victor survives.
Kayla: Well, you are stable so let's try to keep it that way, all right?
Victor: Uh...
Kayla: Just take it easy, okay? Just relax.
Victor: [Mutters]
Kayla: You were hurt very badly and you're weak so don't think you're gonna start giving orders yet, all right?
Victor: [Groans]
Kayla: Yeah?
Eli: Hey, kayla.
Kayla: Hi.
Eli: I was wondering if i could question mr. Kiriakis.
Kayla: You know, he is really not up to being interrogated.
Eli: I'll make it fast.
Kayla: Oh. Victor, eli wants to ask you some questions. Are you up for that? Five minutes and you're out of here, all right?
Rex: So how could sarah end up with brady and kristen's baby?
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, victor and xander pulled off a baby switch and sarah ended up with the baby, and kristen and brady were told that, uh--
Rex: That their baby was dead.
Kate: Yeah, exactly.
Rex: Wait, so that means-- that means eric and sarah's baby--
Kate: Died. Died a few hours after it was born.
Rex: Oh, god. Oh, my poor brother. He must be so devastated.
Kate: Well, sarah was as well, I mean, she had been mothering that little girl for months. Actually, she wasn't able to face giving her up and she's taken off with brady and kristen's baby, and no one knows where they are.
Ben: [Grunts]
Ciara: Thank you.
Ben: Ciara, this is my potential new boss, jake. Jake, this is my girlfriend ciara.
Jake: Nice to meet you.
Ciara: Hi.
Jake: Hi.
Ciara: So nice to meet you, too. Uh, I'm sorry I can't stop staring at you. I--you--you just look like--
Jake: I look a lot like his dead boss.
Ciara: Not even a lot. Like--like, you are the spitting image. It's crazy. I know you warned me but I, uh-- I--I can't believe it.
Ben: I told you.
Jake: Well they say everybody's got a double out there somewhere.
Ciara: I literally just said that. Um, except for I always thought it was a load of bull up until right now. Oh, my god. I can't even imagine what gabi would do if she saw you.
Ben: [Scoffs]
Gabi: So the drug was made at dimera enterprise's lab. No big deal. What?
Lani: You work for dimera. You have access.
Gabi: So does abigail, okay? Maybe she was sick of her little dreary life.
Lani: The drug was slipped into a glass of champagne that abigail was drinking at julie's place. Chad says that you were there with them, that you still have it in for abigail, which gives you means, motive, and opportunity. The D.A. Might go easy on you if you just admit that you did it.
Eli: Well, I'm glad you pulled through, sir. You remember what happened to you? Okay, can you tell me about it?
Victor: I was--I was--
Kayla: You know, he's terribly weak. Maybe you should come back another time and do this. What do you think?
Eli: Okay, yeah, just one more question and I'll go.
Kayla: [Sighs]
Eli: Mr. Kiriakis, do you remember who stabbed you? Was it your grandson brady black?
Brady: Do you know how victor's doing?
Kristen: Um, I mean, the nurse's staff isn't too free with the details but he, uh, survived surgery and now he's in critical condition.
Brady: Well, if he pulls through, I guess I could find a way to force him to keep his mouth shut.
Kristen: How?
Brady: Well, I could remind him that what he did to you and me was illegal, number one.
Kristen: Ah, you don't think that he's gonna pass up the chance to ruin my life?
Brady: I gotta--I gotta find a way to get through to him, kristen.
Kristen: Oh, come on, brady. He doesn't want you to go to prison any more than I do and he'll talk as soon as he opens his eyes.
Brady: Probably right. There's really no way to control him.
Kristen: Well, there is one. I could go to the hospital and finish him off.
Rex: I have to go.
Kate: What? Just like that?
Rex: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, we'll talk later.
Sarah: You're still here. You must really like the pâté.
Rex: Yeah, I got waylaid by a phone call. What are you doing back?
Sarah: I--I lost mickey's blanket when we were out for a walk and she--she just can't sleep without it so I thought i must have left it here.
Rex: Oh, uh, is--is this it?
Sarah: Oh, great, yes. Thank you. Rex, give me my daughter's blanket back.
Rex: Sure, except that's not your daughter, is she?
Lani: You gaslighted abigail before.
Gabi: And abigail has framed me before. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe her multiple personalities are back? Why don't you ask chad and abigail about them? They've got these names like gabby, blabby, dr. Somebody.
Lani: Chad says abigail was fine. Drugs are out of her system.
Gabi: Oh, well, what about chad? He was caught talking to the walls last week. You have nothing on me.
Lani: You do know that it is only a matter of time until we make the case?
Gabi: Well, knock yourself out. Follow all the phony leads you want. Just get the hell out of my house.
Jake: Gabi? I don't know any gabi. She, uh--she was married to stefan.
Ben: My old boss.
Jake: Ah.
Ciara: Yeah, they were, uh-- they were crazy about each other but then he was killed and she was an absolute wreck.
Jake: How was he killed?
Ben: He was shot by a cop.
Jake: What--was he a bad guy?
Ben: No, it was an accident.
Ciara: Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that he was a-- a good guy.
Ben: Well, he was good to me. Guy gave me a place to live, a job when nobody else would--
Jake: How--how did a cop shoot him by accident?
Ciara: Well, she was aiming for his mother and he jumped between her and the bullet.
Jake: His mother?
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, the dimeras aren't exactly your average american family.
Jake: Huh, guess not.
Ciara: [Laughs softly] And, uh, then after he was pronounced brain dead, gabi had to decide whether or not to donate his organs.
Jake: All right, so--so she donates the guy's organs and then what? They just-- [Clicks tongue] Pulled the plug?
Ben: [Exhales]
Ciara: Yeah.
Jake: Wow. I'd like to meet the guy but, uh, it don't sound--don't sound like you come back from that.
[All laughing]
Ciara: [Chuckles]
Brady: No. You can't--you can't--you can't make another attempt on victor's life. You can't do that. You understand that if you do that, the charges against me will be up from attempted murder to murder one?
Kristen: I didn't think about that. I just--I'm not thinking, period.
Brady: I need you to promise me that you're gonna stay away from him. Promise me you'll stay away from victor, please.
Kristen: I promise. But I don't think I can let you take the rap for what I did.
Brady: You'll be doing it for our daughter, too, and like i said, she's gonna need her mom.
Kristen: I need her. God, brady, this shouldn't have happened this way. I mean, we should be so blissfully happy right now raising our little girl.
Brady: I just--I just don't think blissful happiness was in the cards.
[Sniffs] Never was. I mean, I--the minute I found out you were pregnant, I should have realized that.
Kristen: Why?
Brady: 'Cause I knew. I knew how much victor hated you. I knew he was never gonna change. I knew something like this would happen. I put you in this position. I did this to you. I basically ruined your life, kristen.
Kristen: Come on.
[Both speaking at once] Don't say that anymore, please. You did not ruin my life. Come on.
Brady: [Sighs]
Kristen: [Crying]
Eli: Mr. Kiriakis, did you hear me? Was brady the one that stabbed you?
Victor: [Grunts]
[Monitor beeping faster]
Kayla: Well, do--I think that's enough, all right? Let's go. Come on, now. Let's go.
Eli: I'm sorry to upset you more than you already are. We'll talk again soon.
Kayla: Just try to relax, okay? I'll be right back. Let's go. Come on.
[Door closes]
Victor: Kristen.
Ben: So, with all this excitement going on, I forgot to ask you what made you even show up here. I thought you were determined to stay with your grandfather.
Ciara: Yeah, but, uh, kayla asked me to leave so that she can examine him.
Ben: Is he worse?
Ciara: No. He actually woke up, ben. I'm so relieved.
Ben: Oh, my god.
Ciara: I'm so relieved.
Ben: Oh, thank god.
Ciara: I know.
Ben: Thank god.
Ciara: I know.
Ben: So wait. Does that mean I'm gonna be able to see you tonight?
Ciara: I don't know yet. Kayla said that it's all very touch and go but I'm sure he'll, uh--he'll fight his way through.
Ben: Good.
Ciara: Mm.
Ben: Then we can celebrate that and my new job. I think I got a new job.
Jake: That so?
Ben: Oh, maybe--
Jake: You're doing a great job on the bike. You can stick around.
Ben: Oh, thank you, man.
Jake: All right.
Ben: Really?
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: I appreciate it.
Jake: So now that you're officially hired, hope you don't mind holding down the fort while I go run a few errands.
Ben: Yeah, yeah, no problem.
Jake: Right. Well, uh, nice to meet you, ciara.
Ciara: Nice to meet you, too, jake.
Jake: All right, and hey, if you don't already know, he's crazy about you.
[Both laughing]
Eli: Hey, how'd it go with gabi?
Lani: She denied everything. She's been in the system long enough to know that we have nothing to charge her with, but I'm not giving up, though.
Eli: Yeah, don'T. She was definitely in that room when abigail got that drug.
Lani: How'd it go with victor? Did you get to interview him?
Eli: I tried but he was just too weak to talk. Yeah, I asked him if he remembered who stabbed him and he nodded his head yes, but...I don't know. Look, I'm gonna stick around for a little bit and see how he feels later.
Lani: Well, I hope you have some luck. Brady's arraignment is today.
Eli: Yeah, and a victim statement could change everything for him.
Kristen: Oh, my god. All right, you know what? I'm gonna stop crying and I'm gonna figure this out.
[Chuckles] I'm not gonna let you go to jail and we are gonna find our baby girl, and we're gonna raise her together, brady.
Brady: Wouldn't that be good? That would be good.
Kristen: Yes. Hey. It's gonna happen. It's going to happen, and we are gonna be the family that I have always dreamed about.
Brady: You're right. You're right. Everything's gonna be okay, but we can't stop believing that.
Sarah: What are you talking about? Of course she's my daughter.
Rex: I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me everything.
Sarah: I--I don't know what you mean.
Rex: I know what xander and victor did and I know that you are on the run with brady and kristen's child.
Sarah: No. It's not true.
Rex: Sarah.
Sarah: God, rex, you know your mother. She lies all the time.
Rex: But why--why would she lie about this?
Sarah: God, are you kidding? She has plenty of reason to lie. She hates that I ended things between you and I and she never got over it. She's just been waiting for an opportunity to punish me and now she's just trying to ruin my life.
Rex: No, no, no, no. No, my mom always understood why you and I did not work out.
Sarah: Okay, fine, then you're--you're the one that's lying.
Rex: Wh--what?
Sarah: You're making up this--this awful lie because you're angry at me. You're angry and your precious male ego is just upset because i fell in love with another man.
Rex: Oh, my god.
Sarah: You're the one that cheated on me.
Rex: Sarah, please stop. You--you are better than this.
Sarah: Oh, my god, who are you to judge me? All I'm trying to do is protect my baby from these lies, and you and your mother ganging up on me.
Rex: No, no, no. Nobody is ganging up on you. I just want you to do the right thing. I'm sorry. I ju--look. You must be in a lot of pain, and believe me, sarah, I understand why. Honey, you're a good person. You are a moral person. This is not you. So I know that when you calm down and you see things clearly, you will do the right thing and you will take this child back to her actual parents.
Sarah: Not in a million years.
Rex: [Groans]
Rex: Sarah, just think about mackenzie.
Sarah: She's all I think about.
Rex: Okay, just hear me out. All right, obviously you're in too much pain to consider what's right now, but surely you can see how a life of being on the run is--how it's gonna affect this little girl.
Sarah: She'll be fine. As long as she has her mother, as long as she's loved.
Rex: No, no, it's not that simple. Anytime you try to apply for a job, they will find you. You try to enroll mackenzie in school in the future, they will find you. You will be looking over your shoulder every minute of every day. That is no life for a kid.
Sarah: It's better than being raised by a lunatic like kristen dimera.
Rex: Okay, you know what? I sympathize with that. I really do, but this is not your call.
Sarah: You know I got her through cancer.
Rex: Yeah, yeah, I do.
Sarah: I did. I did. I prayed every minute of every single day and I talked to her. I talked to her all the time, even when she was asleep and i would tell her--I tell her i love her more than anything. I love her with every cell-- every fiber of my being. I am the one who took care of her every minute of her life, and I--and I love her. I love her more than I even knew it was possible to love someone. So no, I am not just going to give her up.
Rex: Yeah, I'm--I'm sorry. You leave me no choice.
Sarah: What does that mean? What are you--what are you gonna do?
Rex: I'm--I'm calling the police.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line ringing]
Kristen: [Sniffling]
[Phone ringing]
Lani: Things were a lot easier back in the convent.
Kristen: [Chuckles] Yeah. If only I wanted to do my laundry and make jam for the rest of my life.
Lani: [Chuckles] Brady asked me to check in on you until he gets back from the arraignment.
Kristen: Oh, god. Don't worry. I haven't had a mental breakdown yet.
[Chuckles] I mean, it's a miracle considering that I, uh... that my child has been kidnapped, and the love of my life is facing prison.
Lani: Actually, it's possible that brady won't even be charged.
Kristen: Oh, how--how is it possible?
Lani: Well, victor has to press charges, and now that he has regained consciousness--
Kristen: What? Victor's awake?
Kayla: I'm only doing this because victor asked to speak with you.
Eli: He--he's talking now?
Kayla: Don't get him agitated, all right?
Eli: Mr. Kiriakis, I don't wanna pressure you. I just need you to confirm that it was brady black that stabbed you. You should know that he's already confessed.
Victor: [Grunts]
Eli: Are you saying that it wasn't brady black?
Victor: No.
Eli: Okay, then who was it?
Victor: Kristen.
Eli: Mr. Kiriakis, are you saying that kristen dimera stabbed you? Is that right?
Ciara: This is a nice bike. What was the problem with it?
Ben: Oh, the--it's too complicated to even get into.
Ciara: Mm.
Ben: Although I'm sure you would have fixed it in no time.
Ciara: Yeah, probably, since I am kind of a genius mechanic.
Ben: You are?
Ciara: I am.
Ben: You know, maybe you should apply for a job here.
Ciara: You know, I would, but, um, something tells me that we wouldn't really get much work done.
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: You being all crazy about me and everything.
Ben: Probably right.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: I'd be distracted as hell.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: Speaking for myself.
[Both giggle] Mmm. I'm gonna get fired my first day.
Ciara: [Laughs] God, I still can't believe how much jake looks like stefan.
Ben: Me, either.
Ciara: Like, I hate gabi. I do. I hate her so much for what she did to my grandma julie, but somebody ought to warn the girl.
Ben: Oh.
Ciara: Can you imagine what it would be like if she ran into him on the street?
Ben: No, it's a total shock.
Gabi: Rafe, it is me, okay? You damn well better call me back as soon as you get this message. W--was it your--your brilliant idea to sick lani on me after i told you I did not drug abigail? You know what that woman has done to my life. She is the reason I will never see stefan again. What--
[Phone beeps]
[Dramatic music]
[Exhales sharply] What?
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