Days Transcript Thursday 4/30/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 4/30/20


Episode #13759 ~ Sarah is stunned when she runs into Rex in Paris; Gabi faints when she sees Stefan; Kristen tells Brady she's going to confess; Ciara holds vigil next to Victor in the hospital.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: Brady's gonna pay for doing this to you. I swear.

Brady: What are you doing here?

Eric: I could say the same about you.

Brady: You didn't hear? I--I stabbed my granddad.

Eric: I heard.

Brady: How is he doing?

Eric: Well, the doctors aren't offering a lot of hope. I don't think he's gonna make it.

Brady: Maggie.

Eric: Brady, if--if victor dies, you're facing murder one. What the hell happened?

Nicole: Okay, kristen. It's time for a little girl talk.

[Knocking on door] Kristen, it's me. Let me in. Geez. Oh, looks like a war room in here, and you look like hell.

Kristen: You know, what do you want, nicole?

Nicole: Well, I--I came by to see how you're doing. Any news?

Kristen: No, no. Nothing since sarah landed in london and, I mean, she probably hit the ground running and she could be anywhere in europe, and if she has a fake passport, she could be anywhere in the world. I mean, with my daughter.

Nicole: Eric went to talk to brady. Have you seen him?

Kristen: No, I have not seen him. I promised him that I was gonna find sarah and I am not gonna stop until I do.

[Baby cooing]

Sarah: There is no sign of that old bat jeanne marie so it is time for us to get out of here.

Ben: Let's get out of here. I'll get you something to eat.

Ciara: I can't leave and I'm not even hungry.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: But, um, you should go. You were gonna go check on that job at the garage.

Ben: No, that can wait.

Ciara: No, ben, it doesn't make sense for the both of us to just sit here.

Ben: Ciara, I'm not gonna leave you.

Ciara: Ben, please. Please, okay? I don't want our lives to come to a dead stop just because of what happened. Go talk to, um--what's his-- what's his name?

Ben: Jake.

Ciara: Jake.

Ben: Yeah. I still can't get over how much this guy looks like stefan dimera.

[Foreboding music]

Gabi: Oh, my god. Stefan?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: You know what happened. I stabbed him.

Eric: Really?

Brady: Really. Really. When I--when I figured out it was all his idea, when I figured out that he--that victor was the one that stole my baby, having believing that my daughter was dead, yeah, yeah, yeah. I--so I don't know. Some--something took over.

Eric: I was here, remember?

Brady: Yeah, I know you were. Yeah. Like I said, something took over.

Eric: Yeah, but see, what I'm not understanding is how you could try to kill someone-- anyone, let alone your grandfather.

Brady: Hey, I--I don't--what he--what he did--what he did, I blew up. I blew up.

Eric: Mm-hmm, but not like that. Not enough to try to kill someone. So brady, why don't you tell me the real story?

[Machines beeping]

Xander: It'd be different if brady had stabbed me. I mean, me, I wanted sarah. I wanted that baby. I was out for myself as always, but he had to have known you were only trying to protect maggie. You cared for maggie the way you've cared for brady 17,000 times, and he stabbed an old man-- an old man who loved him.

[Scoffs] And I was trying to warn you about kristen. But yeah, when she found out you were in on it, I--I was sure she was gonna try and kill you, but brady beat her to the knife. Brady. It's not just what he did. It's that it could turn out that the--the last thing you ever saw in your life was him coming at you with a knife. You loved him and you had to watch him do that to you.

Kristen: You know, your concern has been duly noted. You can go now.

Nicole: Damn it, kristen, brady is in jail.

Kristen: You know what? I know that. I don't need to be reminded.

Nicole: Okay, right.

Kristen: Just--just-- you can go.

Nicole: Eric and I want you to know that we'll do whatever we can to help.

Kristen: That is very, very sweet, but I thought you hated my guts.

Nicole: Well, of course I do. I'm doing this for eric. I'm doing this for brady and his daughter, and if I give up on you, then I'm giving up on her. Kristen, I know what you're going through and I know that it's hell.

Kristen: You know what? I don't need you to be nice to me. I don'T. I don't want you to understand me because I don't deserve this. I don't deserve any of it, not after what I've done. I just...

Nicole: You what? Kristen?

[Sighs] Just what have you done now?

Gabi: [Hyperventilating] Oh!

Sarah: We have been cooped up in this place for too long and you have been cooped up in all those hospital rooms, so it is time for us to go out. Welcome to paris, mon petit.

[Baby cooing] It's time for la vie en rose.

Kristen: What have I done?

Victor: What do you think you're gonna do with that?

Kristen: What should have been done a long time ago, you bastard.

Victor: Don't be ridiculous.

Kristen: You stole my child and now thanks to you, I may never see her again.

Victor: Oh, don't be so dramatic. We'll find your daughter.

Kristen: I don't believe you.

Victor: Damn it, woman, put that knife down. We both know that you're not going--


[Glass clinks]

Kristen: You know better than I do what I've done. I--I--I, uh--I stole your identity and I kept holly from you. You know, maybe losing my baby is just payback for that.

Nicole: Maybe, but brady didn't deserve all of this, now did he?

Brady: That is the real story.

Eric: Like I said, I saw you leave.

Brady: You saw how mad i was, right?

Eric: And I also said that i didn't see you with a knife. So where'd you get that?

Brady: The--the knife was just there, eric.

Eric: Oh, it just happened to be laying around in the living room and you, what--next to maggie's figurines?

Brady: My family's full of mobsters. What can I say?

Eric: So you just happened to pick it up in the heat of the moment?

Brady: Why are you grilling me about this, huh?

Eric: Because I'm having a hard time understanding this. When you found out what xander did, you didn't even try to kill him?

Brady: I didn't try. I wanted to kill him, yeah.

Eric: But you didn'T. You didn't even come close, but your grandfather?

Brady: That's right. That's right, it's my grandfather. That's what made it worse.

Eric: So much worse that he had to die?

Brady: You don't understand.

Eric: No, I don'T. My daughter is the one who's actually dead. Yours is alive and so is your son and you were willing to throw it all away in a fit of rage?

Brady: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wasn't thinking. I was in a fit of rage. Exactly.

Eric: Or someone was.

Ben: I'm telling you, he doesn't just look like stefan. He looks exactly like stefan.

Ciara: Well, they say that everyone has a double.

Ben: No, no, but he moves like stefan. His smile was the same. His body language--I'm telling you, if I didn't know stefan was dead, I'd swear they're the exact same person.

Jake: Hey, are you all right? Do you hear me?

Gabi: [Groans]

Jake: Hey, hey.

Gabi: Stefan. Stefan?

Kate: Honey, try kate.

Gabi: No. Where's stefan?

Kate: He's in the cemetery, gabi.

Gabi: No, he was here.

Kate: No, I--I think that you fainted and must have been dreaming.

Gabi: I'm telling you, he was here. You didn't see him?

Kate: No, because I don't see dead people. Come on. I think we need to get you to the hospital.

Gabi: No.

Kate: I think you're delusional, gabi.

Gabi: I'm not delusional. I'm telling you right now, it wasn't the first time I saw him. The first time was--was in the reflection of my--of that window, but now I saw him. He was here. I swear it.

Kate: Look, look, look, I know. Like, living in salem is like living in the land of the living dead right now, but even rolf couldn't bring stefan back. You gave away his heart, gabi.

Gabi: No, I know. I know that. I know that but I also know what I saw, okay? Who I saw. My husband.

[Mysterious music]

Jake: [Exhales]

[Sniffs] What are you staring at?

Ben: You. This guy who looks exactly like my old boss.

Jake: Ah, so you keep saying. Hey, I got the part for your girlfriend's bike.

Ben: Oh, great. Thank you, man.

Jake: Yeah.

Ben: Did you get a chance to talk to your boss about me? Do I have a job?

Xander: Still don't know where sarah is. Managed to get her on the phone. Tried to convince her that I was her best chance to get away, but she wouldn't tell me where she is. Said she doesn't trust me.

Ciara: And I can't imagine why.

[Accordion music playing]

[Baby cooing]

Sarah: So, mommy used to come here every day when I studied at the sorbonne. It was kind of a walk, and to be honest with you, the coffee's really not that great but I did like to look at the morning light on the seine, and if the coffee's really not that good, the chocolate croissants are magnifique. You wanna share one with me?

Rex: Sarah?

[Chuckles] Okay, where were we?

Sarah: Oh, my god. It's you.

Rex: Well, I already knew that.

[Laughs] What are you doing in paris? Wait, is this--is this mickey?

Sarah: Uh, yeah. Yes, it is.

Rex: Oh, goodness. Hi. Oh, she's so beautiful.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Rex: Bonjour, mademoiselle.

[Speaking french]

[Laughs] I--I can use "tu" because she's my niece.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Why are you here?

Rex: Uh, medical convention, actually. What about you?

Sarah: Yeah, just a little vacation.

Rex: Oh, I bet you need that. Do you mind if I sit?

Sarah: Yeah.

Rex: Well, I know the--the past few months must have been pretty intense for you, but my mom said the transplant went well. I mean, she looks healthy.

Sarah: Yeah, yeah, she-- she is. She's--she's perfect. How's emily?

Rex: She's good, good. Great, actually. Beautiful. And mimi is--she's quite an amazing mom. It'S... on another note, they offered me a--a job here.

Sarah: Really?

Rex: Yeah. I turned them down flat.

Sarah: Why? You love paris.

Rex: I do, but I realize that I don't wanna be away from chicago. I wanna be there and present to watch my little girl grow up 'cause it's--it's the most important thing in the world to me.

Sarah: Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.

Kristen: I don't need to be reminded that none of this is brady's fault.

Nicole: Except trying to kill victor. I mean, it's hard to walk that back.

Kristen: Okay, I need to continue to work, nicole.

Nicole: Maybe I can help.

Kristen: Thank you but I've got the whole dimera security department looking for them. I don't think that there's anything that you can do to help me.

Nicole: Well, just so you know, eric is racking his brain trying to remember everything-- anything sarah said that could help figure out where she took mickey.

Kristen: Rachel! She took rachel! My little girl!

Nicole: Okay, I know. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Kristen: I'm sorry. I mean, I can--I just--I can't lose it like that anymore.

Nicole: Well, you're angry and frustrated. It's understandable.

Kristen: Is it? Is it? I mean, is it understandable that I push--I pushed a nurse down a flight of stairs? I mean, what about her mother? What about jj? I mean, do you think it's understandable to them that i killed her?

Nicole: You were overwhelmed.

Kristen: Oh, my god. It happened all over again. It's happening.


Nicole: Thought maybe it had.

Kristen: [Inhales sharply]

Nicole: This is classic kristen dimera and it's obvious to me that you're the one that stabbed victor.

Brady: Look, this--this isn't helping, obviously, so I know you don't want to believe that I stabbed victor, but i did it. I did it and, uh, if I could take it back, I would, but i never meant to.

Eric: You couldn't do it. You're not violent. You could have never done it. I know you. It's not in you. I mean, when I mentioned to you victor may die, you said, "maggie." You care and protect the people you love, but when you go crazy, you take it out on yourself. You drink. You blame yourself. You don't wanna ever attack those that you love, and you can't even make me believe that you would start with your grandfather.

Brady: You know, it's funny.

Eric: What?

Brady: Don't you get it? I mean, you--you're sitting here telling me that I wouldn't be able to put a knife into my grandfather but it's like one of those--those sick greek plays that grandfather always talks about, you know? The family curse, and how he couldn't stop playing god so his own flesh and blood had to kill him. You know, the--the fall of the house of kiriakis. It's very poetic.

Eric: Wow.

Brady: That's it.

Eric: Wow, that's, um--what's the word that I'm looking for? A bunch of bull! I know you and I know you didn't do it unless you were drunk as hell, but you weren't, and i saw you.

Brady: Hey, I wasn't drunk when I buried vivian.

Eric: No, because that was premeditated. It was calculated. It was level-headed. The person who stabbed victor was in a frenzy.

Brady: I had just found out that my daughter was taken from kristen and me, and given to you and sarah. I hated him for that. I did--I did go into a frenzy, eric. I mean, he deserved everything that happened to him.

Eric: No, wait.

Brady: He deserved it.

Eric: He deserved what happened to him? You said you were sorry, that you wish you could take it back. I know why you didn't do this. You don't even know how you feel about it. That's why I know you didn't kill him.

Brady: No, just--just shut up about it, all right? I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

Eric: Listen to what you're saying. Fit of rage. Frenzy. Something took over you. Brady, that's not you. It's kristen. I'm bad.

Gabi: Oh, I don't want tea. I need a double tequila.

Kate: No, no. You're already seeing things that aren't there, so drink.

Gabi: I wasn't hallucinating. That's abigail's department.

Kate: What are you talking about?

Gabi: Chad didn't tell you? She's back in the hospital. She's seeing crazy visions of ben--imaginary ben.

Kate: Oh, my god. Not again.

Gabi: Oh, no, it's not again. This time she was drugged, and everybody thinks it's me.

Kate: Well, is it?

Jake: So, I talked to the owner and he said he doesn't know you from adam, right? Doesn't know your work history, doesn't know anything about you.

Ben: I got it. I got it.

Jake: Hey, ben, stay with me, all right? That was me yesterday. Look at me now.

[Chuckles] Okay? Like I said, I got my fair share of work cut out for me here, which means you have a good chance of being hired by me. I'm gonna be your boss.

Ben: Okay. Uh, well, that would be fine.

Jake: Good, but you gotta prove yourself first. You can get the engine on this bad boy running, you're in like flynn.

Ben: Right, man. I'm glad there's hope.

Jake: Yeah, so am I, 'cause you and me, I think we're gonna hit it off.

Ciara: You know, I can't even believe that sarah answered the phone. I mean, after what you two have done. Maggie's in jail. Sarah is god knows where. If they find her, she'll go to prison forever, and if they don't, brady will never see his own son again. You convinced sonny that his husband killed his own mother, and will went to prison for something that he didn't even do.

Xander: I've hurt people terribly, I know.

Ciara: Oh, please. You can drop the contrite puppy dog act, okay? Because I am not maggie and i will not fall for your crap. Oh, grandpa. Look at what you've done.

Xander: Ciara, he really did believe that if maggie found out what she'd done, it would have killed her.

Ciara: And you wanted to help sarah because you love her.

Xander: I do.

Ciara: [Chuckles] Well, lucky, lucky maggie, huh? What better than to be loved by two kiriakis men?

Rex: Mmm, so by the way, my mom tells me that you are engaged to xander. When's the happy day?

Sarah: Uh, it's not for a while, I'm afraid.

Eric: Brady, think about it. You're trying to protect kristen so rachel has her mother, but come on, brady. What kind of mother? It's not widely understated that she has some anger management issues.

Brady: All right, stop. You know, eric, I'm not gonna try to change your mind about the way you feel about kristen. I don't need to do that. I don't have to do that, but you were right here when I figured out that my grandfather was behind that baby switch. I went right from here and i went right to him. The fact is, kristen didn't even know that victor was involved in the baby switch until after I stabbed him. She didn't have any motive to kill him, brother. I did.

Nicole: Oh, my god. You pushed haley down the stairs when she told you your baby had died. You stabbed victor when you found out he took your baby from you.

Kristen: I don't know. Being put away is the best way to live and I'm never gonna see my baby again.

Brady: No you're not, no you're not, no you're not, no you're not. You know why? 'Cause it's gonna be okay. Look at me. Open your eyes. Look at me. It's gonna be all right.

Kristen: [Crying]

Brady: 'Cause I'm gonna take care of everything. I'm gonna take care of everything.

Kristen: I--I won't lie. When I found out, I--I did wanna kill victor but brady got there first.

Nicole: Then what did you mean when you said, "this is happening all over again"?

Kristen: I meant that my baby is stolen and brady is in jail and I am all alone. No matter what I do, I always-- I always end up alone.

Ben: There we are.

Jake: You know, most mechanics have dirt under their nails.

Ben: Yeah, well, this would be a career change for me.

Jake: Oh.

Ben: If I get hired.

Jake: Right. What'd you do before?

Ben: Security.

Jake: For the guy who looked like me?

Ben: Yeah.

Jake: Well, looks like you know what you're doing.

Ben: Yeah, well, if you think I know bikes, you should see my girlfriend.

Jake: Ah.

Ben: She can take a bike apart, put it back together blindfolded.

Jake: And how often is she called upon to do that?

[Both chuckling]

Ben: Sorry, man. Seem to get a little carried away when I talk about her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Xander: You don't have to tell me what I've done to sarah. I never stop thinking about it.

Ciara: Thinking? Well, too bad you weren't thinking before you and grandfather decided to play god with people's babies.

Xander: Sarah wanted that baby so much.

Ciara: And the baby died, and that's horrible, and the pain that sarah would have felt would have been unbelievable, but what about now? After a whole year of believing that rachel was her little girl, after a year of loving her and holding her and taking care of her and falling more and more in love with her every single day, how is sarah supposed to lose that baby now, huh? How the hell is she ever gonna get over this?

Rex: So you and xander, it's a long engagement?

Sarah: No. I, uh--um-- I changed my mind. Weddings don't really work out all that well for me anyway.

Rex: I vaguely remember.

Sarah: Rex, I am so sorry.

Rex: [Laughs] No, stop, look. Sarah, I was just trying to will us into being happy and being in love with each other. I was trying to will you into forgetting about the fact that i had cheated on you multiple times and fathered a child with one of those women. Or I was trying to will myself into not seeing that you and eric were in love.

Sarah: Yeah, can we just not talk about it?

Rex: So--

Sarah: It wasn't my finest hour.

Rex: Was xander a-- was it a rebound or--

Sarah: Can you not talk about it?

Rex: It was that bad, huh? 'Cause, like, I gotta be honest with you. I'm happy you woke up because, like, xander? Come on.

Sarah: Thank you--thank you for not talking about it.

Rex: All right. Is that why you're here?

Sarah: What?

Rex: In paris. There's no better place to visit when you've called off a wedding.

[Clears throat] Where you staying?

Sarah: I--

Rex: You, uh, don't wanna tell me?

Sarah: Rex--

Rex: No, it's-- it's--it's okay. Sarah, you wanted to get away from everything with your baby, and I'm the absolute last person on the face of the earth that you wanted to run into. I--I understand that. Call me the--the ghost of weddings past.


Sarah: Something like that. Well, look, um, she's an angel but not when she doesn't get a nap so--

Rex: Oh, look, I-- I completely understand that. Kids, they-- they rule everything. But I--I do wanna say that motherhood looks really good on you. Come here. Adieu. And say hi to eric for me. And I'll see you in salem maybe sometime soon.

Sarah: No. No, you won'T.

Eric: So that's your story? And you're sticking to it, right?

Brady: Mm. You're really getting on my nerves, man.

Eric: I'm sorry. Let me know if you need anything.

Brady: Eric, there--there is something that I would like you to do for me, actually. Uh, when we--not we. When kristen finally gets rachel back, since she thinks of you as a dad already, would you mind, um, being there for her when she comes home? Because I obviously can't be there. Will you do that for me?

Eric: I'll be there.

[Phones ringing]

[Door closes]

Nicole: Well, of course you're alone. Everyone in salem is related to someone that you tried to kill.

Kristen: Get out, or I'm gonna--

Nicole: Or you'll what? You gonna kill me? Is that what you were gonna say?

[Sighs] Kristen, I am not taunting you. I am just trying to get you to think. Look, you can pour over maps or give arias about how much you love your little baby, but crazy ladies need to make big changes if they want to be good at motherhood. I love holly more than life itself and she can be obstinate, defiant, drive me up a wall, but I have got to be the grown up. I have to keep it together. I can't get angry. That's the job. That's the job. So before brady goes to prison and leaves rachel entirely in your hands, you need to ask yourself, are you up to it? Can you not be you?

[Downtrodden music]

Kirsten: Can I? Can I not be me? In this time of social distancing,

[Melancholy music]

Nicole: Eric, I'm scared. I'm scared that it wasn't brady who stabbed victor. I think it was--

Eric: Kristen.

Nicole: You, too?

Eric: Sit down. I just saw brady. I told him that I thought it was kristen, that he was just covering for her.

Nicole: And?

Eric: He said it couldn't have been her. She didn't know what victor had done until after he was stabbed.

Nicole: And you believe that?

Eric: I believe that brady's not gonna back down. I think he's just doing what is best for rachel.

Nicole: I told kristen she needs to think about what's best for rachel.

Eric: You know brady's not gonna back down about this.

Nicole: Maybe kristen will.

[Phones ringing]

Kristen: Brady, I'm so--

Brady: Come here. Here, yeah. We have to get something-- something straight about last night, all right? Listen. You didn't know anything. You didn't know anything about victor being involved in that baby switch until eli and lani brought me in here. You hear me? I want you to repeat that. You didn't know anything.

Kristen: Brady, brady. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Please. I have decided that I am not gonna let you do this. I'm gonna confess to what I did.

Ciara: You know what? Just go, okay? I would like to be alone with my grandfather right now.

Xander: I'm gonna find sarah.

Ciara: Then god help her.

[Machines beeping] Kind of an awful sense of deja vu going on here right now. Me sitting by your bed and begging you to wake up.

[Soft dramatic music]

Uh, you know the last time I was sorry because I thought that i didn't tell you that I loved you enough when I had the chance, but I just--I hope that you know how much I love you because i love you so much even though you make it so damn hard sometimes. Oh, grandpa.


Victor: Ciara.

Ciara: [Laughs softly]

Ben: So how about you? You got a woman in your life?

Gabi: Okay, why does everybody keep asking if i drugged abigail?

Kate: Because they know you.

[Cell phone ringing] Ooh, I'm gonna have to take this.

Gabi: Okay. Well, as always, great talking to you.

Kate: Uh-huh. You, too.

[Foreboding music]

Sarah: [Breathing heavily] Of all the cafes in the world. It's fine. It's fine. He doesn't know why I'm here. It's not like--it's not like he's talking to anybody in salem any time soon.

Kate: So, what's the occasion? I call you. You never call me.

Rex: [Laughing] Mom, hi. I was just talking about you. So, what's new in salem? What have I missed?

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