Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/29/20
Episode #13758 ~ Chad accuses Gabi of drugging Abigail; Evan tells Zoey his secret; Steve and Kayla share a moment as she helps him put back on his patch; John agrees to Orpheus' offer.
Provided By Suzanne
Kayla: I'm afraid I don't have good news. The damage to your eye is beyond repair.Steve: Well, it's not like i haven't been through this before.
Kayla: I-- I thought you might need this. I--I was so hopeful that we would be able to fix your eye.
Steve: Chances were slim to none. We both knew that. Thanks. Thanks for holding onto my spares.
[Soft music]
Zoey: I have to know everything, chris. I have to be prepared for what they could hit us with. So unless you wanna take a chance at losing your son forever, you have to tell me what you two are hiding. I promise whatever it is, i won't tell dad you told me.
Evan: What dad and I were talking about had nothing to do with the custody case or david.
Zoey: Why don't you let me be the judge of that? Is this about jordan's murder? Was dad involved in that?
Evan: [Exhales sharply] No. It had nothing to do with that, either.
Zoey: Then what?
[Exhales sharply] Chris, you can trust me. After everything we've been through together, come on. You need me. I can help you.
Evan: Okay, fine. Dad and I did something. Something horrible.
Orpheus: Your son is being arraigned as we speak. You really wanna see him locked up?
Marlena: What we want is you out of our lives. May we go?
John: Yeah.
Orpheus: Can you afford to walk away, john, when I'm offering to help brady go free?
John: You know what, milo? I haven't had a good laugh today, so why don't you tell me how you think you can help me with my son?
Abigail: What's not normal? Chad, what did the test results say?
Chad: That somebody drugged you.
Jack: She was drugged?
Abigail: My god. So I'm not--I'm not losing my mind again?
Chad: No. The hallucinations were caused by whatever was in your system. Someone did this to you deliberately.
Gabi: Rafe, I need your help. I have a confession to make.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jack: Drugged? What kind of a monster would do something like this to my daughter?
Abigail: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Chad: How could I not?
Jack: What--clue me in here.
Abigail: Dad, there's only one person who hates me enough to actually make me think that i was losing my mind again.
Chad: One person that has the motive and the means.
Jack: Who?
Gabi: We got a visit last night from mr. Shin's son, li.
Rafe: Really? What's that guy doing back in town?
Gabi: Well, he came on behalf of the dimera board to tell us that chad is the new ceo.
Rafe: What?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Aww, gabi, I'm sorry.
Gabi: Yeah, well, can you believe that they would give this nutcase control over the entire company? And they're only doing this because he's a dimera by birth. You should have seen the way that chad was gloating like he earned it.
Rafe: Wow. You know what? Maybe it's--maybe this is good news, actually. Maybe it's 'cause you're not ceo anymore and it's less stressful and now you can just focus on gabi chic.
Gabi: Oh, they took that. Yeah, they took that from me, too. Kicked me out of my own company.
Rafe: They kicked you out of gabi chic? How did they even do that?
Gabi: I tried to go to my storefront in the square last night and it was locked. I couldn't get in.
Rafe: They locked you out of your own store?
Gabi: Yes. Yes, they did, and they--they were celebrating. I saw them. They were celebrating. They were--they were toasting. I couldn't let them get away with that.
Rafe: Gabi, tell me what you did to them.
Kayla: Do you want me to change your bandage and clean your wound?
Steve: No. No, you don't have to do that. Get a nurse or somebody to come in.
Kayla: Well, I'm here. I'm here. I could--I mean, I don't want you to have to wait any longer.
Steve: [Exhales]
Kayla: Hope, do you wanna just get a coffee or something?
Hope: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kayla: Come back in 30?
Hope: Absolutely. Hang in there, buddy, okay?
Steve: Okay, thanks.
Hope: See you in a few.
Kayla: Okay. Can I take--out this?
Steve: Please.
[Door closing] Thanks, kayla. Thanks for doing this.
Kayla: Well, I know, uh, how big a deal it is for you.
Steve: Yeah. Except for a few doctors and a nurse or two over the years, no one's ever seen this mess under here. No friends, no family, no one but you.
Kayla: I know that.
Steve: And I know how hard it is to look at.
Kayla: It's a part of you. I could never have a hard time looking at you. These are real people, not ac
make it feel
impossible to breathe.
Zoey: My god, chris. Th--this is worse than I imagined.
Evan: It wasn't my idea. I never wanted any part of it.
Zoey: Then why did you go along with it?
Evan: Because he pressured me. He wouldn't take no for an answer.
Zoey: You didn't have to say yes.
Evan: I was in a bad place, after the jordan thing and having to be a nanny to my own son. I'm not--I'm not trying to let myself off the hook here but you know how relentless dad can be.
Zoey: Of course I do.
Evan: He said that he was the only one that could help me out with david and that meant that i had to help him out, too.
Zoey: So you caved.
Evan: [Scoffs] Maybe I'm not a strong person because I did exactly what he asked me to. I've regretted it ever since.
John: So what's your proposition? No, no, no, first, why don't you tell me why you want to help me with my son?
Orpheus: Well, like I say, I empathize. My own son christian has been accused of strangling jordan ridgeway, the mother of his child.
Marlena: He did it. He confessed to it.
Orpheus: He confessed because ciara brady had a gun on him. That confession is worthless. A judge has said as much.
John: What does that have to do with brady?
Orpheus: He confessed as well. He admitted to stabbing his own grandfather and no one had a gun to his head when he said it.
John: So what's your point?
Orpheus: John, you and I have been enemies in the past and, uh--
Marlena: You're still enemies.
Orpheus: No. No, marlena, right now we're just two fathers trying to protect our children.
John: If you say so.
Orpheus: Look, john, on this one I'm actually on your side. As far as I'm concerned, they could just pin a medal on brady for stabbing that old goat. I mean, he's the most corrupt and selfish son of a bitch that ever walked the earth. I'm just glad he's finally getting his comeuppance and not walking away scot-free.
Marlena: You're the one who's walking away after all the crimes you've committed.
Orpheus: Well, what can I say? Justice is blind.
Marlena: I--I'm over this. May we go?
John: Yeah, there's nothing here.
Orpheus: If something bad happens to brady, I don't think you'll be able to forgive yourself for turning down my offer.
John: Did you just threaten me?
[Tense music]
Jack: All right. All right, assuming gabi didn't take the firing well, how do you think she might have drugged you?
Chad: We were--we were celebrating with champagne and then gabi showed up.
Abigail: Yeah, we were at doug and julie'S. That's right.
Jack: And that was before you showed any symptoms?
Abigail: Yeah, it was, and actually, gabi was the one losing it.
Gabi: I'm gonna let you two know that I've decided to sue dimera for wrongful termination. Isn't that great? Cheers!
Abigail: She's suing dimera.
Chad: Get out. It all--all must have been a distraction while she yelled at us and grabbed the champagne bottle.
Abigail: Right, and then she could have, I mean, slipped something maybe into my glass.
Jack: All right, all right. I'm convinced. We--we gotta call the police.
Chad: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, stop, stop, stop. Just sit tight. I'm gonna--I'm gonna handle this.
Gabi: I, uh, picked up a metal sunflower and I broke the lock.
Rafe: Oh, great. So you broke into the store?
Gabi: My store. That's my store.
Rafe: Uh-huh, but why the hell did you break the lock? Did chad say that he wouldn't allow you in?
Gabi: No. No, he gave me permission to go inside.
Rafe: So why'd you do it, hmm? Why?
Gabi: Well, because I don't trust those two, okay? Chad and abigail, they're stringing me along to make this torture worse.
Rafe: Well, and what was so important that you had to get in there that night?
Gabi: I have a--I have a lot of personal belongings in there, okay? And I was not about to let chad and abigail take everything from me... so I did what I had to do.
Rafe: Uh-huh. Why do I get the feeling that breaking into the store isn't the only thing you did?
Kayla: Okay. All set on my end.
Steve: [Grunting]
Kayla: Ready?
Steve: Yeah.
Kayla: There. It's all done.
Steve: Thank you, sweetness. I'm sorry. Can't stop calling you that. Old habits. Thank you.
Kayla: How are you doing?
Steve: I'm okay. Ready for the next chapter, whatever that is.
Kayla: Do you want me to do the honors?
Steve: No. No, I can handle this. What you got here? All right, I'll do it.
[Exhales] All right.
Kayla: How does it feel?
Steve: You know. Like an old pair of-- both: Shoes.
Kayla: [Chuckles] You really are your old self again, aren't you?
[Dramatic music]
Steve: I know it in my head but I can't quite believe it.
Orpheus: Oh, I'm not threatening anyone. I'm just simply offering to help. You know how simple it is. A--a well-placed call to the right person. Your son can be free by tomorrow.
John: Hmm. Well, if it's so easy, why didn't you make that call for your son? He's still up on murder charges, right?
Orpheus: Yeah, that's--that's a bit more complicated. I'm--I'm still working on that.
John: Yeah, I'm sure. Well, for the sake of argument, let's say that I take you up on your offer. What do you want in return?
Jack: Are you all right, sweetheart? Yeah, I know how scary this must have been for you.
Abigail: Yeah, it was scary but now that I know gabi drugged me, it's a relief really 'cause I know I'm not losing my mind again.
Jack: Abigail, I know a lot of things happened when I was gone and I know that you and i have not had a chance to talk about it. Not much.
Abigail: Yeah, but it's okay, dad. It's not--you know, it's not really something that I like to revisit too often. It was the worst time of my life and I nearly lost my family and myself, but I got treatment and, uh, you know, I've been strong and stable ever since.
Jack: I'm so proud of you.
Abigail: Thanks. I'm proud of me too. I am. Coming back from mental difference, it wasn't easy, uh, and it took a lot of work and patience from my family, but i did it, you know? For gabi to make me think that i was losing my mind again, I-- that's just--
Jack: I just--I'm so--I just don't understand.
Abigail: You don't understand what?
Jack: Gabi. Years ago you--you and she, you were such good friends. Yeah, I know. We were. We were really close.
Jack: So how did it go so wrong?
Rafe: How many times have we talked about this? How many times have you done something crazy and illegal and then you come running to me for help, hmm?
Gabi: This time it's different, okay?
Rafe: Oh, it's always different! It's always different. There's always an excuse. It's always someone else's fault for provoking you.
Gabi: So you're not gonna help me?
Rafe: And you think because I'm your big brother and I'm a cop, I should do whatever it takes to bail you out.
Gabi: I'm not even asking you--
Rafe: You know how many times I have come to your rescue? Time and time again I have defended you when you were seemingly defenseless. I mean, hell, I've even lost my job and got to jail for you.
Gabi: I know, I know, and i said I was sorry. I am sorry.
Rafe: Yeah, and that's what you always say, and then--and then you promise me that you're not gonna do it again, and then you always do.
Gabi: You have to understand. They fired me and I have--
Rafe: Just stop! Just stop it, please! Damn it, gabi! I can't take this anymore and certainly not right now. It's like you act and then you think about it later, okay? Can you--just stop.
Gabi: Rafe, they were trying to destroy me. What do you want me to do?
Rafe: That does not mean that you can do whatever it is that you wanna do and come running back to me again to bail you out.
[Knocking] What?
Our future. Control, b
Steve: I know that the chip is gone and I think I'm back in control, but who I was, what i did--it haunts me.
Kayla: But you're back. You're steve johnson again. You don't have to carry the burden of these past few months any longer. It's over.
Steve: It's not over for me. I hurt so many people. My friends, my family.
Kayla: And everybody-- everybody has let it go. Everybody but you.
Steve: I'm trying; I can't let it go. These things--these images keep flashing across my mind. They're like memories that aren't even mine.
Kayla: I think you're gonna have to make a choice to let them go. Make it in the past.
Steve: How?
Kayla: By forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for everything. All of it.
Hope: Hi. I--I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?
[Soft music]
Abigail: Gabi and I, we--we never really recovered from everything that happened when she fell in love with chad.
Jack: Uh-huh. Well, I--I guess that would-- that would make things complicated, wouldn't it?
Abigail: Yeah. So what, dad? I mean, you know everything that happened. I told you all this, remember? Dad, we... chad thought that I was dead and gabi conveniently comforted him and originally I thought everything would be okay with gabi and me, um, when I came back into chad's life, and it was at first, but then it wasn't and I--you know, I had my whole episode with--with my D.I.D. And I--I did what I did to andre and--and then gabi went to prison and--
Jack: And gabi--gabi went to prison. Gabi.
Abigail: Yeah.
Jack: And in prison she was beaten and now she can't have children and--and for that she can't forgive you.
Abigail: Right. Mm-hmm. And it's sort of hard for me to forgive myself for that but--but gabi, I mean, to make--to make me think that I was losing my mind again, I--I mean, she convinced everyone that I was having another episode. Even chad.
Jack: This is--this is all the time that you were locked up in bayview.
Abigail: In bayview, yeah. I mean, I--my children were taken away from me, I had no one, and nobody believed me. Uh, yeah, not even mom, actually.
Jack: I'm--I am--I am so sorry that I was not here for you.
Abigail: It's okay. I, um--you know, I got through it and I--I feel like I'm stronger because of it.
Jack: Abigail, you've always been strong. Always, even when you don't know it.
Abigail: Thanks. I don't know if I got that from mom or maybe from you but I do-- I mean, I feel strong now.
Jack: So now gabi's trying to make you feel crazy again.
Abigail: Yeah, but it's not gonna work this time. I mean, how could it. Chad and I, we're way too strong for that now, right? And... yeah, we could never be in that place again where we were vulnerable and gabi could wreck our lives and now everyone knows what gabi's capable of.
Rafe: Can I help you, chad?
Chad: Yeah, I came to press charges against you.
Gabi: For what?
Rafe: Listen, if this is about the storefront, she's already told me about it.
Gabi: Rafe!
Rafe: And she's very sorry that she did it, all right? Give her a break. She's had a rough year. Lost her husband, her job, and now her business, okay? She's--I'm sure she's more than willing to pay for the damages.
Chad: Pay for the--I don't give a damn about the lock on the store.
Rafe: Okay, then what's his about?
Chad: Because she drugged my wife!
Evan: I know I've made some terrible mistakes.
Zoey: Not gonna argue with you there but I'm here to help you now.
Evan: Maybe I never should have told you what we did.
Zoey: Chris--
Evan: I never should have told anyone what we did.
Zoey: I'm your sister.
Evan: And my lawyer which means you have to keep what i said confidential no matter what, right?
Zoey: I would never tell anyone. What happened, it has to stay buried forever. If someone else were to find out, you could lose a lot more than just custody of your son.
Orpheus: Well, of course I'd want to be made whole for my troubles. I'm not in the habit of, uh, giving something for nothing.
John: So what do you want?
Orpheus: If you agree to accept my help with brady, I'll tell you my terms and we'll make a deal.
John: Or we won'T.
Orpheus: I'll give you time to think about it, but I suggest you don't delay. You don't wanna see your son railroaded the way they're trying to railroad mine.
Marlena: It's different. Your son is guilty.
Orpheus: He's my son and i could lose him the way john could lose brady and brady could lose his children.
John: Let's go home, doc.
Orpheus: Think about it, john. I look forward to speaking to you soon.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone beeps]
Zoey: Hello? Okay, great. Thank you.
[Cell phone beeps] That was about your case. I need to head down to the courthouse.
Evan: What's going on?
Zoey: There's a ruling on rafe's restraining order. I'll keep you posted.
Evan: Zoey, hang on.
Zoey: What is it?
Evan: Dad can't find out i told you what we did. He could totally turn on me. You and I both know what that would mean.
Orpheus: [Clears throat]
[Tense music]
Hope: I--I'm so sorry. Should I just--I'll come back later.
Kayla: No, no, no, no. He's all set.
Steve: Okay, so you can work on getting me discharged? No reason to hang around here anymore, huh?
Kayla: Nope. No reason you shouldn't be free. I'll, um, get the paperwork ready.
Steve: Thank you.
Hope: Thanks, kayla.
Steve: [Exhales sharply]
[Door closes] Well.
Hope: Patch is back.
Steve: Yeah. Patch is back, baby.
Hope: Must be a relief to be getting out of here.
Steve: No reason to linger in a hospital.
Hope: You have a place to go?
Steve: Not really.
Hope: Well, what about jennifer and jack? I'm sure they would love to have you stay there.
Steve: No, they just got back together and I don't wanna get in the way of that. I don't feel comfortable imposing on anyone. Feeling like a man without a country. I don't belong anywhere.
Hope: I know exactly how you feel.
Gabi: Did I just hear you say that I drugged abigail?
Rafe: What are you talking about?
Chad: Abby's in the hospital right now after suffering severe hallucinations.
Gabi: Oh, okay, so abigail's gone crazy again and it's my fault? Typical, of course! Chad, let me remind you, your wife is a nutcase, okay? She always will be!
Chad: And she's not insane! She was drugged!
Gabi: Well, it wasn't me.
Rafe: Why do you think that gabi did it?
Chad: Do you want me to run down the list for you? How many times has she made a fool of you by looking into your eyes and telling you she swears she didn't do anything wrong?
Gabi: I didn'T. You're insane.
Chad: I'm insane?
Rafe: All right.
Gabi: Shut your mouth!
Rafe: Every--enough. Chad, I see you're upset. I see that but you still have not explained to me why you think abigail was drugged.
Chad: Hallucinogenic drugs were found in my wife's system. There's the proof.
Allergies with nasal congestion
make it feel
impossible to breathe. I will call you when i whole world.
Orpheus: Well, if it isn't my two favorite people in the whole world. What are we talking about?
Zoey: Nothing, dad. Well, I need to get back to work. I will call you when i know something.
Evan: Zoey, thank you.
Orpheus: Your sister putting pressure on you?
Evan: Pressure?
Orpheus: To tell her everything that might be used against our family in court. I know how her mind works.
Evan: She's just trying to be a good lawyer. Zoey's doing everything that she can to get my son back to me.
Orpheus: And I'm not?
Evan: I know you are, dad.
Orpheus: As a matter of fact, I may have, uh, made some progress in that regard.
Evan: Really?
Orpheus: Yeah, I've laid the groundwork to turn some old enemies into potential allies. A new dynamic that may end up benefiting us all.
Marlena: Well, if it were up to me, I'd never have anything to do with that sick son of a bitch again.
John: Well, doc, you know what they say. Gotta keep your enemies closer sometimes.
Marlena: Well, then, they haven't met orpheus. So you're not really thinking of accepting his help with brady, are you?
John: Oh, no, of course not. I don't think he'd give it anyway.
Marlena: Then why are you humoring him?
John: Well, I'm thinking it might be smart to play along, let him think that I'm desperate enough, take him up on his proposition. Might just be the easiest way to figure out what he's really up to.
Jack: Where is he? What did chad think he was gonna do?
Abigail: I don't know, but i know that he's gonna be back soon and he's gonna have answers.
Jack: Well, you--you certainly have a lot of faith in him.
Abigail: Chad and I, we've been through a lot. We've struggled a lot more than most couples, but I know chad's heart and I know that ultimately he'd do anything for me.
Jack: Well, you're very fortunate to have someone like that in your life.
Abigail: Yeah, I am. I mean, that gives me the strength that I need to face anything--any obstacles that come our way, even gabi.
Rafe: Well, it, uh, unfortunately does appear as though abigail was drugged but by no means does that prove that gabi did it.
Chad: Right before abby had her first hallucination at julie's, gabi came in to confront us. Blamed us for her losing her job.
Gabi: Well, because it's your fault.
Rafe: Gabi--
Chad: And while she was lashing out, she grabbed a champagne bottle to fill her glass. Abigail's glass was obviously spiked.
Gabi: Well, yeah, but not by me, it wasn'T.
Rafe: You have proof that she put a drug in abigail's drink?
Chad: I just told you that she had the opportunity while she was distracting us to spike her drink.
Rafe: I'm gonna need more, chad.
Chad: Why? She's done it before. She--she drugged my wife into thinking that she was insane before.
Gabi: So what? That doesn't--why would I do it now? Why now, hmm?
Chad: Because you're upset that I got the ceo position and you finally got what you deserve.
Rafe: Okay, I--chad, i promise you that I will look into this, but at this moment, there's no way that I can charge her for a crime.
Chad: [Chuckles] I should have known that you were gonna protect your sister. You better do your job now or I'm gonna do it for you.
Gabi: Whoo, I'm beginning to wonder which one of them is crazier.
Rafe: Gabi--
Gabi: I mean, well, abigail is certifiable and chad was just turned into a psychotic robot by his psychotic father so i don't know. Well, thank you for backing me up there.
Rafe: Gabi.
Gabi: What?
Rafe: He's gone now. So I have to ask. Did you do it? Did you drug abigail?
Gabi: Of course I didn'T.
Rafe: Swear to me on arianna's life. You probably think all pads are the same
Gabi: You want me to swear on my daughter's life? How could you ask me to do that?
Rafe: If you're innocent, you shouldn't have a problem with it.
[Door opening]
Zoey: Hello, commissioner. I just came from the courthouse.
Rafe: Yeah, sorry. We're in the middle of something.
Gabi: No, we're done. We're--we're good. Thank you, rafe.
Rafe: Gabi--
Gabi: No, really.
Rafe: Gabi--
Gabi: Bye, rafe. Thank you very much for your support.
Zoey: Good. We're alone now.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, now's really not a good time.
Zoey: Oh, you're gonna want to hear this. It concerns you and david.
Rafe: [Clears throat] Okay. What about us?
Zoey: Well, your restraining order to keep my father and brother from seeing him was just tossed out by the judge.
Rafe: What?
Zoey: So it seems you have no choice but to allow for visitation so your lawyer and i will work out the details.
Rafe: It's not right. That is not right. That's putting him in danger.
Zoey: We're his family.
Rafe: His family?
Zoey: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Oh. You know I'm not gonna stop protecting him.
Zoey: [Scoffs] Face it, commissioner. You lost that round and if i were you, I'd prepare to lose the next one, too.
Rafe: Hmm.
Zoey: Look forward to seeing you in court where I'm planning on being awarded custody of my nephew.
Rafe: Yeah. Hey, good luck.
Zoey: Oh, good luck to you.
Kayla: Well, there you are. Ready to be released?
Steve: Yeah.
Kayla: Have to sign here and, uh, you're a free man.
Steve: Free man. There you go.
Kayla: Thank you. Uh, do you know where you're gonna be staying? The kids--kids wanna know.
Steve: As a matter of fact, um, hope invited me to stay with her. So that's where I'll be.
Kayla: Really?
Hope: He didn't have anywhere else to go, kay.
Kayla: That's really very generous of you. Well, I'll let the kids know, then.
Steve: No, that's all right. Don't worry about it. I'll--I'll be in touch with them.
Kayla: Sure.
Steve: Well, uh, thanks, kayla. Thanks for everything.
Kayla: Of course.
Steve: I'll see you around.
Kayla: See you around.
Steve: Let's go.
Hope: Okay.
[Soft music]
Chad: Well, gabi denied it. Rafe backed her up, of course.
Abigail: What? He--rafe believed her?
Chad: Well, he acted like he did.
Jack: Wait, you think that rafe is gonna try to cover up for what his sister did?
Chad: Well, he can try. He's not gonna get away with it. Look, if the police don't do something about gabi, I will.
[Suspenseful music]
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