Days Transcript Tuesday 4/28/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 4/28/20


Episode #13757 ~ Abigail and Chad learn the reason for her hallucinations; Hope apologizes to John and Marlena for her actions as Gina; Justin gives Rafe disheartening news about his plans to adopt David; Kayla lays into Steve.

Provided By Suzanne

Chad: Everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna figure out what's going on.

[Door opens]

Jennifer: Chad...

Jack: How is she?

Chad: She's, uh--she was upset about the hallucinations, so they had to sedate her.

Jennifer: Oh, gosh. She's so restless. How long has she been like this?

Chad: All night. I haven't taken my eyes off her.

Jennifer: Does she really think that you're ben?

Chad: We were having a good night. I, uh, I went to take off my tie, and she freaked out, and she thought I was ben trying to strangle her.

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh. What is going on? Is she relapsing?

Marlena: Okay, thanks for letting me know, kayla. I will, um--I'll be sure to stop by. Thanks, bye-bye.

John: Uh-oh. What's wrong?

Marlena: Abigail was admitted to the hospital last night. Seems she was having hallucinations.

John: Hmm. I was so hoping those mental issues were behind her.

Marlena: I know, I was too. I'm gonna stop by and see her, see if there's anything that I can do to help.

John: Yeah, there's someone I need to check on too.

Marlena: Brady? You know, you barely slept last night.

John: It's because I can't believe that he stabbed victor.

Justin: Kayla. Hey.

Kayla: Oh, hi.

Justin: How's victor?

Kayla: Um, well, he made it through the surgery.

Justin: Okay.

Kayla: But he's in critical condition. His wounds were extensive, and he lost a lot of blood. He's on a ventilator now.

Justin: Well, I understand a brilliant surgeon just performed an operation on him, so I have no doubt that he'll be just fine.

Kayla: I don't want you to get your hopes up.

Justin: Hey.

Kayla: Hmm?

Justin: How can they not be when I have you in my life? I love you.

[Uneasy music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Justin: Hey. Where'd you go?

Kayla: I'm sorry. I think I'm just tired from that long surgery with victor. I love you too.

Justin: Mm. Maybe we should order in tonight and binge watch that series you've been wanting to see.

Kayla: Sounds like a plan.

Justin: Okay. See you later, girlfriend.

Kayla: Okay, boyfriend.

Steve: Morning.

Kayla: Ah, I didn't realize you were mobile.

Steve: Yeah. Not the hottest set of wheels in the world, but better than laying around in a hospital bed all day. And you and justin look pretty happy. Glad you took my advice and stayed with him.

Kayla: You didn't just say that.

Steve: Say what?

Kayla: You know, steve johnson, if you weren't in a wheelchair, I would slap you right now. But since you are, I'll just say go to hell.

[Somber music]

Evan: [Sighs]

Zoey: You're late.

Orpheus: I'm happy to start my day in the presence of both my offspring, but I'm not too keen on being summoned.

Zoey: I only included you as a courtesy. The news I have is really for my brother. It's about david.

John: [Sighs]

Marlena: Ready?

John: Please give abigail a hug for me.

Marlena: I will, and do the same thing for brady from me, would you?

John: Yeah, I hug brady, I'm never gonna let him go. In jail for attempted murder. And if that's not bad enough, the daughter that he just found out he has is now missing.

Marlena: He and eric, what they must be going through.

John: How's he holding up?

Marlena: He's struggling. He is trying to find sarah, bring back that little girl. And we think that once she's back with her family, everybody can begin to heal.

John: From your lips, doc.

Marlena: Mm-hmm. Mwah.

Hope: Good.

John: Oh, hope.

Hope: I'm so glad I caught you both. There's something I have to say.

Jennifer: I don't understand what's happening. She's fine one minute, and then she's having hallucinations the next? And there is no explanation, chad, unless--

Chad: Abby. Hey, you okay?

Jennifer: Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?

[Distorted] Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?

Abigail: Oh, my god, mom. Mom...

Jennifer: Wh-what's wrong? What's wrong?

Chad: Listen, abby--

Jennifer: Baby, what's wrong?

Abigail: No, no.

Orpheus: We're here for you, abigail. We're right here.

Jack: We're right here.

[Tense music]

I'm phil mickelson.

John: Hope, uh, doc and I, we were just heading out.

Hope: Just--just that it's all over the news about baby mackenzie. Is there anything I can do to help?

Marlena: No. Thanks for the offer.

Hope: I'd like to help any way I can. Please, it's the least I can do considering everything I've put you through.

John: Oh, we've been through that. You apologized.

Hope: To you. Not to you. Not that words are worth much after everything I put you through, and I--I'm so sorry.

John: Hope, doc and I, we have forgiven you and steve for what you did. Maybe it's time you both started forgiving yourselves.

Steve: Why are you so angry?

Kayla: Okay, I'm gonna spell this out for you, okay? And that way there won't be any confusion. You just implied that it was your idea that I'm with justin.

Steve: Oh, come on, wait a minute, no--

Kayla: You know what, you have no say in my life or in my choices, and I chose justin. You didn'T.

Steve: I just meant that--

Kayla: And you know what? When you say that I took your advice to stay with justin, here's a little newsflash. You need to turn down your ego. Because then you would realize that I never left him.

Rafe: I was gonna call you, but figured you were a bit preoccupied. How's victor?

Justin: Kayla says he's critical but hanging in there. How's brady?

Rafe: Not saying a whole lot. I'm really sorry for everything your family's going through.

Justin: Thanks. But I'm actually here about your family. So I filed our motion with the court to have zoey's claim for custody of david thrown out. We should hear something soon.

Rafe: Well, it can't happen soon enough. When zoey told me that she was orpheus's daughter, I thought that they were trying to pull a fast one. But I did the research. Turns out that zoey burge, she's that son of a bitch's flesh and blood.

Orpheus: You be some high and mighty attorney, but I'm your father, and you'll show me respect. And you damn well better include me in everything that has to do with my grandson.

Zoey: Roger that.

Orpheus: Yeah, I'd watch the tone.

Zoey: I'd rather just get on with this.

Evan: Tell me, what's happened with david?

Zoey: I told rafe I was suing for custody.

Evan: Oh, I bet he loved that.

Zoey: Especially when I got to the part that I was david's aunt. I don't know what ticked him off more, that I'm your sister or your daughter.

Orpheus: The bottom line is you're that tyke's auntie, blood wins, so it's a done deal.

Zoey: It's in process.

Evan: But you'll get custody, right? I mean, like dad says.

Zoey: I wish it were that easy. Rafe's lawyer just filed an emergency motion to get my custody petition thrown out.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: Abigail, I'm right here, sweetheart.

Abigail: Mom.

Jennifer: Abigail, I'm right here, sweetheart. It's okay, sweetie, I'm right here.

Orpheus: Looks like you're out of luck, darling. This time hope brady isn't around to save your mama.

Abigail: Stop it! You stop it! I will not let you hurt her!

Chad: Abby, abby--

Abigail: I will not let you hurt my family!

Orpheus: As if an itsy-bitsy thing like you could stop me.

Abigail: I will not let you hurt her!

Jack: Abigail, everything's all right. No one is hurting anyone.

Abigail: No! No!

Jennifer: Abigail, you're fine, you're fine!

Abigail: Get away from her!

Jennifer: Everyone is fine!

Abigail: Get away from her right now. Get away!

Chad: Abby, stop, hey, hey!

Abigail: No, I have to save her.

Chad: Your mom is safe! Your mom is safe, you're safe. Hey, do you hear me? You're safe. Okay, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or anybody else, okay? I promise. You're safe.

Abigail: [Breathing heavily] I--uh, I-- I did it again, didn't I? I did it again. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Jennifer: No, abigail, it's okay.

Abigail: It's not. Um, it's not okay. Nothing about this is okay.

[Somber music]

Copd makes it hard to breathe

[Gentle music]

Abigail: What's happening to me?

Chad: I don't know. But we're gonna find out, okay?


Jennifer: Marlena.

Marlena: Good morning.

Jennifer: Thank goodness you're here. We need your help.

Evan: What the hell? Rafe can't get your custody petition thrown out.

Zoey: He can try.

Evan: Damn it! He can't keep my son away from me or you. If this is how he wants to play it, he'll be sorry.

Orpheus: Jordan tried to get between you and your kid, and we know how that turned out.

Zoey: Would you stop? And you, get it together. You could lose david forever if you do something stupid. Right, dad? The best way for you to have david in your life is to trust the system, go through the courts.

Orpheus: Are you kidding? What are we supposed to do, just stand around and wait and do nothing in the hope that victor kiriakis's second-rate nephew doesn't beat you in court?

Justin: The fact that zoey is david's blood relative certainly changes things.

Rafe: Why? It's not like she's his mother. She's an aunt. And her brother, her brother's a murderer. Her father's, well, orpheus. Tell me, what judge in his or her right mind would give her custody?

Justin: I don't think who her father or brother are is relevant.

Rafe: Yeah, why the hell not? They're criminals.

Justin: Which is exactly what people could say about your family.

Steve: I'm sorry, sweetness.

Kayla: Maybe you don't need to call me that anymore.

Steve: Okay. Listen, I didn't mean to imply that you weren't following your heart.

Steve: Sure sounded like you did.

Steve: No. What I was trying to say is what I said before, that I think you'd be better off with justin, happier, and I'm glad you made the choice that you did.

Kayla: Right.

Steve: You know what, the last thing I want to do is bring you down. So as soon as I hear from that eye specialist, whether she can save this eye or not, I'll be out of the hospital and out of your life.

Kayla: Well, I'll go call that specialist and move it along.

[Gentle music]

Justin: Your father is in prison, gabi was in prison, more than once.

Rafe: Well, I've never been to prison. Oh, okay. So my family sucks, that's it? It's 'cause I'm not related to david, isn't it? Zoey is. What? You think I'm gonna lose this thing?

Justin: Look, just because zoey is david's aunt doesn't mean you don't have a strong case. I mean, you have been his legal guardian for over a year. Jordan made it very clear that you were her choice to raise her son. A dead mother's wish can have an effect on a cynical judge, so if that's the case, your adoption should sail right through.

Rafe: Well, I hope so.

Justin: I hope so too.

Rafe: For david's sake.

Justin: Is, uh--is he into trains?

Rafe: Can't get enough of them.

Justin: It's a fun age.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, and I wanna be there for all of them.

Justin: I will do my best to help make that happen. In fact, I'll head over to the courthouse right now and see what I can find out. Hang in there.

Rafe: Yeah.

Zoey: Here's an idea, father. Why don't you try to not underestimate me.

Orpheus: When she calls me "father," she's really ticked.

Evan: I say we listen to zoey. Do what she says. The only reason we're free is because she's a brilliant lawyer. She's got this.

Orpheus: You may be a legal eagle, but I'm not a fan of trusting a system that's always stacked against us.

Zoey: It was your idea for me to sue for custody.

Orpheus: Yeah, well, I've slept on it, and I reconsidered. It seems to me a hell of a lot more proactive just to grab the kid and skip town.

Zoey: So david grows up on the run? What kind of life is that?

Orpheus: He'd be with his daddy.

Zoey: And rafe will never stop looking for him and his daddy. And once they find him, and they will, chris will lose any chance of being with david ever again.

Evan: I'm with zoey on this. By the book.

Orpheus: Fine. We'll do it your way. For now. But keep in mind, when it comes right down to it, taking david and disappearing is always an option.

Zoey: Do I have to say it again? Enough with the stupid ideas.

Orpheus: I warned you about watching your tone.

[Phone beeps]

Zoey: The decision on justin's motion to dismiss my claim is in. Gotta get to the courthouse.

[Monitor beeping]

[Gentle music]

Steve: Hey.

Kayla: I got you some contraband.

Steve: Is that what I think it is?

Kayla: Yep. Brady pub chowder.

Steve: Okay.

Kayla: Piping hot. You can kinda feel it, piping hot, mmm. I thought it was the best way to keep you quiet about being discharged too early.

Steve: Not that I would ever turn down mama brady's chowder, but I can think of a few good reasons why I want you to take me home now.

Kayla: A few?

Steve: And then some.

[Both chuckle]

Kayla: Oh. Oh, adrienne forgot her notebook.

Steve: Oh, yeah, that reminds me. She said she wants to go with the romance angle. She'll need a quote from you about how the love of my life helped me get my sight back.

Kayla: Yeah, I think that the romance angle is definitely the way to go.

Steve: Yeah. I do love you, sweetness. That's why I had to let you go. It's the right thing to do.

[Knock at door]

Hope: Not thrilled to see me, huh? Join the club.

Kayla: How's abigail?

Jennifer: Want some?

Chad: Thank you. She had another episode.

Kayla: I'm sorry to hear that.

Jack: That she's suffering, there has to be something that we can do.

Jennifer: I mean, do you think that abigail could be relapsing with her did, considering our family history with mental illness?

Kayla: Well, it could certainly be a possibility, but we need to wait until we get the test results back and see what they say.

Chad: Well, whatever it is, it came out of nowhere. Scares the hell out of me.

Marlena: Have you had any other breaks from reality since laura was treating you for your did?

Abigail: No. No, I've been taking my meds, I've been stable, I've been good, I mean, I've been great.

Marlena: Good, well, I'm glad to hear that you're great. I just want to remind you that you are under a great deal of stress right now. And even a little stress could be a trigger for you, but, well, the combination of stresses could be overwhelming.

Abigail: Yeah, I know, but I haven't had any triggers. I mean, that's true, what you're saying, but I--I mean, my family, I have a solid foundation with chad and the kids. I mean, I--

Marlena: How's your marriage? Any problems?

Abigail: No, I mean, my marriage is great. It's better than it's ever been, honestly, and chad and I are really in love, we're good, and...we're really committed to the family and the kids.

Marlena: Good. I'm glad to hear that.

Abigail: Marlena. It sounds like you don't believe me.

Marlena: I think we have to take your history into account here. You know, in the past, well, you made claims about-- about your illness, saying everything was fine even though we know it wasn'T. I'm wondering if that maybe is what's happening here now.

[Somber music]

There will be parties again soon,

Abigail: I'm not crazy.

Marlena: I didn't say you were

Abigail: Look, I know what's happening, okay? I mean, I don't know what's happening, but I know what I'm-I'm--I'm not lying to you. Okay? And I'm not hiding a relapse. Look, no one cares more about my mental health than I do. I almost lost my family before. And I almost lost myself. And I promised myself that I would never get there again. And I've been--been doing everything right. I've been taking care of myself, being accountable, communicating open and honestly about triggers and symptoms when they happen in real time, and I'm telling you that I'm--I'm doing it. I'm being honest, right? And here I am, I'm here because I'm trying to figure out what's going on with me, and I-- I mean, I can't go through this again. I'm not gonna lose my family.

[Monitor beeping]

Steve: There wouldn't happen to be a cup of brady pub chowder in that bag, would there?

Hope: How about your other favorite, hmm? A brady pub bacon and egg cheese sandwich.

Steve: Ooh, that sounds good. Thank you.

[Sighs] So how you doing?

Hope: I just went to see john and marlena. To apologize. They forgive me.

Steve: Yeah, they forgave me too. So why are we so miserable?

Hope: John said that it was time you and I forgive ourselves. How do I forgive myself for trying to kill someone I love?

Steve: Yeah. There's no forgiving what I did to kayla. No words that can make it better. There's no promise that I'm still the man she loved. And I know she resents me for pushing her toward justin. But seeing her happy and safe with a good man, the kind of man she deserves... that's the closest I'll ever come to forgiving myself.

Kayla: I'm so glad that abigail is with marlena until we sort this out. She's in good hands.

[Phone rings] Sorry, excuse me. Oh, it's steve's eye specialist. I'm gonna have to take this.

Jennifer: Yeah, of course.

Kayla: Right, I'll see you.

Jennifer: Okay.

Jack: This not knowing, that's what's killing us.

Jennifer: And what if abigail does relapse? What do we do then?

Chad: I'm not going there. I'm not. The last time I did because of gabi's lies, I threw her into a psych ward, and she was completely sane. It nearly destroyed my marriage, so this time I'm gonna-- I'm gonna trust my wife. I'm gonna wait for the test results to come back, and I'm not gonna assume anything.

Jack: So you're convinced that this is not dissociative disorder?

Chad: I don't know. The last time she was ill, it--she did everything she could to hide it. She denied it, she lied about it, she fought off anybody who tried to help her. This time, last night, she-- I told her I wanted to help, and she was totally for it. She wants to get better.

Jack: Oh.

Jennifer: Oh, how is she?

Marlena: Well, I didn't have enough time with her to come to any real conclusion, but I don't see any evidence that she's in danger of relapsing into her mental illness.

Jack: Thank god.

Chad: Well, knowing what it isn't is a start.

Marlena: Yeah, I guess it is. Her test results should be ready. I'll see what I can find out.

Jack: Okay.

Rafe: Hey, john.

John: Hey, commissioner.

Rafe: Well, what can I do for you?

John: They, um, they won't let me in to see brady. What's up with that?

Rafe: Well, he confessed to stabbing victor.

John: Did he offer up a motive?

Rafe: Said victor was trying to keep him from seeing his baby girl.

John: Hmm. Yeah, that's what doc and i were afraid of. Any other evidence?

Rafe: Well, unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to say.

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kinda know how that works. Just a father trying to look out for his son, you know?

Rafe: I understand. Listen, I will do everything I can to help brady.

John: Appreciate that. And I'll give you a little advice, not that you need any. You do whatever you need to do to keep orpheus away from your kid.

Orpheus: Girl's attitude needs an adjustment.

Evan: Zoey loves you. You know she does. We can trust her.

Orpheus: Not with everything. So in case I need to remind you, your sister does not have to know--

Evan: You have my word, dad. I won't say anything to zoey about what we did.

[Tense music]

Orpheus: Abigail. How does it feel to know that your whole life is about to blow up?

Abigail: No.

Orpheus: Now the fun begins.

Abigail: No. No, no, no, I--it's not real. It's not--it's not-- he's not there. He's not real, he's not real, he's not real.

[Sighs] Okay.


Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Jennifer: Here, I want you to try to eat this.

Abigail: [Chuckles]

Jennifer: Really, I do.

Abigail: Thanks, mom.

Jack: How are you feeling?

Abigail: Well, I--I haven't had any crazy hallucinations in the last 20 minutes, so, you know, there is that.

Jack: We're here, all right? We're here to help you get better, you know that.

Abigail: Yeah, I know, I do. Thank you. I love you guys for being here.

Jennifer: Baby, where else would we be?

Abigail: Come on, dad, you have a newspaper to run, and my kids would love to see their grandparents, yeah. And I'm sure doug and julie would love to be relieved of babysitting duties, so...

Jack: Sounds like someone's trying to get rid of us.

Jennifer: Wait, I have an idea; jack, why don't you stay here with abigail, and I would love to go spend some time with thomas and charlotte.

Abigail: Dad, you should go too, really.

Jack: No, no way, no.

Abigail: Dad, I'm okay.

Jack: No.

Jennifer: I'm gonna let the two of you argue this out. But I need you to call me as soon as you know anything.

Abigail: Okay, promise.

Jennifer: I love you.

Abigail: Love you too.

Jennifer: Please take care of her.

Jack: You know I will.

[Gentle music]


Abigail: Dad, don't get all emotional. Come on, you should just go. It's okay, you've been here long enough.

Jack: No, you know I can't do that. You know why. I wasn't here before when-- when you went through this sort of thing, but now I'm here. I'm here and I'm gonna do whatever it takes. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to help you get better. Your old dad's right here.

Abigail: Thanks, dad.

Jack: Don't mention it.

[Both chuckle]

Abigail: Hey. Did you find anything out?

Chad: Yeah, marlena got the results back from the lab.

Abigail: Okay.

Chad: Something definitely isn't normal.

Hope: I keep saying the words "I'm sorry, please forgive me." It's not enough.

Steve: Yeah. You know, you're probably the only person in the world who knows where my head's at. You're not gonna try to convince me like everyone else that we were victims, that what we did was somehow okay because we weren't in control. And you understand why I had to let kayla go. You're not gonna get on me for not fighting for you.

Hope: I might get on you about sharing half of that sandwich.

Steve: Oh. Sure.

Hope: You haven't even had any yet.

Steve: Which half do you want?

Hope: No, not hungry.

Steve: No?

Hope: All right, give it to me.

Steve: Come on.

Hope: Aren't we a pair?

Steve: Yeah.

[Knocking at door]

Rafe: Yeah, come in.

Justin: You got a minute?

Rafe: Yeah, what do you got?

Justin: [Sighs] I'm afraid it's some bad news. The judge is allowing zoey's petition for custody to proceed. Which means your adoption of david is on hold.

Evan: You won? Your custody petition's going forward?

Zoey: It is.

Evan: You are the best. Thank you.

Orpheus: You actually pulled it off.

Zoey: Gee, thanks, dad.

Orpheus: Yeah, well, don't mess it up. I've got some things I need to do, so I'll see you two later.

Evan: I've gotta go too. Thank you, sis.

Zoey: Chris, wait. You and dad had your heads together, and you shut up real quick when I got here. What were you talking about?

Marlena: Hi there. Were you able to see brady?

John: No, they wouldn't let me in, so I can only imagine what he's going through right now.

Marlena: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.

Orpheus: What do you know? Just the pair I was looking for. You mind if I join you? Humira patients,...

Justin: Moving forward, it'll

Rafe: They're allowing zo

Rafe: They're allowing zoey's petition for custody?

Justin: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: Okay, so now what?

Justin: Moving forward, it'll be a standard custody battle. Whoever proves that they're the better parent wins.

Rafe: You'd think that that would be obvious.

Justin: So let's make it more obvious. Maybe we can find something to show that zoey's unfit.

Rafe: Well, coming from that family, you better believe that they have secrets. And I'm gonna find 'em. I'm gonna find every last one of 'em and I'm gonna bury with 'em.

Evan: We weren't talking about anything. Just stuff.

Zoey: Ah, yeah, stuff. Never good.

Evan: Just let it go, okay?

Zoey: I can't do that, little brother, and he's why. I am fighting like hell for custody of your son so you can have a life with him. And you can bet that rafe hernandez is gonna come at me with everything he's got to prove that I'm unfit.

Evan: But you're practically perfect. You've never done anything wrong.

Zoey: Well, maybe there's nothing in my past that could hurt us, but you and dad? I have to know everything, chris. I have to be prepared for what they could hit us with. So unless you're willing to lose your son forever, you need to tell me what you and dad were talking about. Whatever it is, I promise, I won't tell dad you told me.

John: Back off, milo.

Orpheus: I was just thinking about what we have in common, john.

John: Nothing.

Orpheus: Are you sure about that? Because depending on whether or not old victor survives that knife to his chest, it looks like both of our boys could be on the hook for murder. Maybe we can help one another.

Abigail: What-what-- what's not normal? What did the results say?

Chad: Somebody drugged you.

[Dramatic music]

Kayla: The eye specialist called.

Steve: Okay. What'd she say?

Kayla: Well, she didn't have good news. I'm afraid that your eye is damaged beyond repair.

Steve: It's not like I haven't been through this before.

Kayla: I, uh... I thought you might want this.

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