Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 4/27/20
Episode #13756 ~ Brady goes to extremes to protect Kristen; Abigail has a terrifying experience; Ben can't get over Jake's resemblance to an old friend; Gabi tells Will about seeing Stefan's reflection in the store window.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Hey, Will. I'm at the hospital. It's my uncle vic. Call me when you get this, and I'll fill you in.Eli: Hey, sonny.
Sonny: Hey.
Lani: Sonny, I am so sorry about your uncle.
Sonny: Thanks, but I'm guessing you two aren't here to keep vigil.
Eli: No.
Lani: We hear you found victor right after he had just been stabbed.
Eli: Sonny, we need to ask you a few questions.
[Phone beeps]
Brady: Victor's been stabbed. You don't seem very surprised to hear that.
Kristen: [Exhales] The old man got what he deserved.
Brady: You did it, didn't you? You stabbed my grandfather.
Chad: Yes. Gabi's planning to sue for wrongful termination. Hello? Hello?
[Phone beeps] Li hung up on me.
Abigail: What? Why would he do something like that? That's ridiculous--[Gasps]
[Glass shatters]
[Dramatic music]
Ben--ben-- ben?
Chad: What? Are you okay?
Gabi: I only wish you were here to share the joy with me. Ruining those two snakes-- I'm gonna do this for us, stefan, okay? Okay. I'm gonna make sure that chad and abigail get what they deserve, baby. But you're not here. I am all alone. There is nothing that I can do to bring you back. But I can make you proud.
Ben: Uh, excuse me? I'm here about the job. Hello? Hey, man, you got a minute?
Jake: Hey, buddy. Can't you see I'm busy here?
Ben: I don't believe it.
Jake: You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: Stefan, is that you?
Jake: Name's jake. Who the hell's stefan? My old boss, and you look exactly like him.
Abigail: Stay the hell away from me, ben. I will not let you hurt me again.
Chad: What are you--ab-- abby, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Abigail: No, ben, don't move, don't--don't move, ben! Stay right there.
Chad: I'm chad.
Abigail: Chad! Chad!
Chad: I'm chad. Honey--
Abigail: Don't come closer to me--don't--
Chad: Honey, it's okay.
Abigail: Chad!
Chad: It's okay, honey--
Abigail: Don't touch me!
Chad: Stop! Stop!
Abigail: Stay back.
Chad: It's me.
Abigail: No!
Sonny: I walked into the living room, and my uncle vic was sitting in his chair, but i could tell something was wrong, so I rushed over, and that's when I saw all the blood.
Lani: Did you see anyone else? Maybe you heard someone fleeing the scene.
Sonny: No, nothing like that. I did see the knife on the floor covered in blood.
Lani: Did you touch the knife?
Sonny: No. Did you guys find it?
Lani: We haven't been out to the crime scene yet.
Eli: They sent some uniforms over there to guard the door, but they're on strict orders to not collect any evidence or enter the premises until we get there.
Lani: Sonny, do you have any idea who might have done this?
Sonny: I mean, it's no secret that my uncle vic has a lot of enemies, but no one's jumping out at me. Except--
Eli: Except who?
Brady: Kristen, kristen, look at me. Look at me. I need you to tell me if you did this.
Kristen: Brady--
Brady: You knew that victor was behind the baby switching. And xander had told you that it was about protecting maggie. I went to the inn, and you were not there.
Kristen: I was--I was just so angry.
Brady: Did you go to the mansion? Did you go to the mansion? Kristen, damn it, please tell me. Be honest with me. Just tell me right now. I need to help you if you did this, so tell me.
Kristen: Yes, yes, yes, yes. I did it. I am the one who stabbed victor.
Brady: [Sighs] These are real people, not actors,
Brady: Tell me what happened.
Kristen: I--I swear to you i didn't plan it. I didn't plan any of this, I didn'T.
Brady: Kristen, I believe that, I believe that. Buy I still need you to tell me everything. Everything.
Kristen: I didn't run into xander at the inn. I went to his room to confront him about switching the babies, and like I told you, he wasn't just protecting sarah, he was protecting maggie, too.
Brady: So that she wouldn't know that she had killed her own grandchild.
Kristen: Yeah, and I didn't believe that he, you know, gave a damn about maggie. Because the only person who loves maggie enough to do something like this--
Brady: Is victor.
Kristen: Right. And I don't even remember leaving the inn. The next thing I knew, I was at the mansion, and I was ripping into victor for being so unimaginably cruel, for hating me--for hating me because I am with you and that he would do something like this to make us think that our baby was dead. And the next thing I knew--i don't even know what happened. The next thing I knew--[Sighs] I grabbed--there was a knife on the table, and I grabbed it.
Brady: And then what? What'd you do?
Kristen: And then-- victor was taunting me. He kept telling me that i wouldn't do it. But I did do it. And I--I stabbed him in his chest. I stabbed him. In that big, black hole where the heart should be. And then I--I just dropped the knife on the floor, and then i left. Oh, god, brady. Oh, god.
[Sobbing] I'm gonna be put away in prison for the rest of my life and I'm never gonna see my baby girl again.
Brady: No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. You know why? Because it's gonna be okay. Look at me. Open your eyes, look at me. It's gonna be all right. 'Cause I will take care of everything. I'm gonna take care of everything.
Eli: Do you have a suspect in mind? Someone who might stab victor?
Sonny: What about orpheus? I heard he's on the loose. He hated my uncle vic. There's bad blood between them.
Eli: We'll look into it. In the meantime, if you remember anything--and I mean anything at all, give us a call.
Lani: Thank you, sonny, for your help. We're gonna head out to the crime scene. We'll get that knife dusted for prints.
Sonny: You have to find out who did this. Please.
Eli: Count on it.
Sonny: Sarah. What happened? Is it uncle vic?
Jake: So this stefan guy you used to work for, I take it he's good-looking.
Ben: [Laughs] Actually, he's dead. At least I thought that until I just walked in here.
Jake: Could a dead guy do that?
Ben: [Chuckles]
Jake: Huh? I promise you I'm very much alive, and my name is not stefan.
Ben: I'm ben, by the way. I'm sorry for staring. It's just that the resemblance really is crazy.
Jake: Well, they say everybody's got a double out there somewhere. Maybe this guy you're talking about is mine.
Gabi: Stefan.
Will: Hey, hey.
Gabi: Will! Oh, my god. You scared me.
Will: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I just--I was looking for you. You weren't answering your phone, so I figured you might be--
Gabi: What's going on? Is arianna okay?
Will: Yeah, ari's fine. It's just--I heard you got fired.
Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, and not only was I let go as the head of gabichic, I am locked out of my own store. Apparently, dimera owns everything in it.
Will: What--what happened?
Gabi: Well, chad and abigail happened. They lobbied li shin, and the board said to get rid of me, and they won. So now chad is ceo, and I'm out.
Will: I'm so sorry. I--
Gabi: Oh, don't be. No, those two losers think that I'm just gonna slink off with my tail between my legs. They are in for a rude awakening. Chad and abby think they're gonna get away with this, well, no, I'm not gonna let them.
Will: What--what do you mean by that? Gabi, what did you do?
Chad: Stop. Stop. I am not trying to hurt you.
Abigail: Get off of me.
Chad: Stop.
Abigail: Get off!
Chad: Stop!
[Eerie music]
Abigail: Oh, my god. Chad?
Chad: Yes!
Abigail: I--I--
Chad: What the hell are you doing?
Abigail: Oh, my god. I--I-- ben was here. He--ben was here he--he was right here.
Chad: Are you okay?
Abigail: No, I'm not. I--he-- ben was here. He was--you saw him, right?
Chad: No. He wasn'T.
Abigail: But he was here. He was trying to strangle me.
Chad: No, he wasn'T.
Abigail: Yes, he was.
Chad: What--strangle you--
Abigail: With that tie. He was trying to strangle me with that tie.
Chad: With this tie?
Abigail: Yes.
Chad: This is my tie.
Abigail: I'm telling you--
Chad: I took it off.
Abigail: I know! He was trying to strangle me. He was standing right here.
Chad: I took it off, and you started to lose it.
Abigail: I'm not--I-- so I--okay, then what? Then he wasn't here?
Chad: He wasn't here. Look at me. I swear to you on everything. He's not.
Abigail: I don't know what's happening to me.
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Chad: I think we need to go to the hospital, have kayla check you out.
Abigail: You mean marlena. You think I'm losing it.
Chad: No, I don'T.
Abigail: Yeah, you do. You said that.
Chad: That's not what I said.
Abigail: It's what you said.
Chad: But I think something's going on.
Abigail: I swear to you I saw him. I know I did. I saw ben.
Chad: I'm not disputing that. But it was obviously a hallucination. I think that what we need to do is... hey. I think that we need to just go to the hospital and check it out. I think we should drop the kids off with julie, and I think we should go.
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: Okay. Hey. You and me, we're in this together. Okay?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Will: Gabi? Gabi? If you did something to get you in trouble, especially if it involves chad and abigail, you need to tell me. You need to tell me right now.
Gabi: I haven't done anything, okay? I'm just saying I'm not gonna go down without a fight.
Will: You want--you feel wronged, right? You want revenge? Well, let's think about what that got you in the past.
Gabi: I know, I know, okay. I--I do want revenge against chad and abigail, and I'm gonna get that, okay? But I'm gonna do it in a court of law. Okay, i told them tonight that that I'm gonna be suing dimera for wrongful termination.
Will: [Sighs] I-- look, I understand how much gabichic means to you, right. But have you thought that maybe this is all a sign that it's, you know, time to move on?
Gabi: Move on?
Will: Yes, you know, find something new, something that you're excited about.
Gabi: This is stefan's legacy we're talking about, and my husband wanted me to be a part of that.
Will: Stefan's dead.
Gabi: I know that. I know that in my head, but try telling that to my heart. Will, my husband was just taken from me like that, okay. In the blink of an eye, all the hopes and dreams that I had together with him, they were gone. And even though I know that logically, he is not here anymore, sometimes it feels like he is, okay, and I know this is gonna sound nuts, but I feel like earlier, I saw him in the reflection of my window.
Will: You--I mean, you know that's impossible, right?
Jake: As much as I'd love to stand around and talk about my handsome lookalike, it's getting late, and I got a ton of work to do. So what can I do for you?
Ben: Uh, I just need a few parts to rebuild the carburetor on my girlfriend's bike. I also wanted to inquire about the mechanic job that was posted online.
Jake: Oh. Well, the parts, i can help you out with. But as far as the job goes, position's been filled.
Ben: Oh, wow, they found somebody already?
Jake: Yeah. Me.
Ben: [Laughs]
Sonny: Sarah, what happened? Is it uncle vic? Did he take a turn for the worse?
Ciara: No, no, no. But aunt kayla just took him into surgery, and I'm just--I'm so worried. Sonny, I am so scared.
Sonny: Oh, I know, I know.
Ciara: I mean who would do this to him?
Sonny: I've been asking myself that same question, and i don't know the answer, okay? But we are going to find out who did it, and when we do, we will make them pay.
Kristen: Brady can't fix this. It's over. We'll never be a family with rachel.
Brady: Oh, god.
[Sighs] Let's get these prints off, first.
Eli: Well, what do we have here? Your mission:
Jake: Sorry for the confusion, buddy, but they just hired me this morning, and i guess they forgot to take down the listing.
Ben: Got it.
Jake: Yeah. So, the parts for your girlfriend's bike?
Ben: Oh, yeah, yeah. I just need a few hoses and some other parts that I--I wrote down here, along with the specs of the bike.
Jake: Whoa. Okay. Takes some serious skills and knowledge, not to mention a hell of a lot of patience to keeping a classic like this running.
Ben: Yeah. Well, if you knew my girlfriend, you know why I'm happy to do it. Not that she isn't perfectly capable of maintaining the bike herself, but--
Jake: Goin' with a gearhead, huh?
Ben: Oh, yeah. I mean, it's her father's bike. It means a lot to her. Anyway, it's a labor of love.
Jake: Cool. I'm on it.
Ben: Thanks, man. My contact info is on the back, as well.
Jake: I'll be in touch.
Ben: The resemblance really is crazy.
Jake: Hey. Hang on a second.
Gabi: Stop, stop looking at me like that, okay. I know what I saw.
Will: For your sake, I hope you did see stefan. But gabi, I--
Gabi: Yeah, he died. He died, and I made the monumental mistake of giving julie his heart. But what if stefano or rolf-- what if they intervened during the surgery? It could happen, right?
Will: Gabi.
Gabi: No, really, they--rolf brought you back, didn't he? Yeah.
Will: Yes, but--
Gabi: And not only you. He brought back that witch vivian, and jack and ej--your mom, she buried her husband, she thought that he was gone, but rolf brought him back with that magic formula.
Will: Gabi, I thought rolf told you that the serum would not work on stefan.
Gabi: Yeah, that's what he said, that's what he said. But given everything that's been happening lately, I mean, downloading stefano into a microchip? Turning hope into a psychotic princess? Okay, I'm having a very hard time believing anything that comes out of rolf's mouth.
Will: So, what, you're saying that rolf might have saved stefan and he's just keeping him hidden somewhere?
Gabi: Rolf had half of salem on ice in nashville. Okay, so the formula, fine, it didn't work on stefan. So maybe he went back and whipped up a new one. I'm just saying that the heart that's inside of julie, it could not be stefan'S.
Will: Gabi, I don't think that's plausible.
Gabi: Oh, my gosh. We are talking--listen to me--we are talking about stefano dimera here. Everything in his life was about his legacy, and that means controlling his children, making sure they are in line and doing his bidding. I mean, look what he did to chad.
Will: Yes, that's true, but chad--
Gabi: Chad is an idiot. Chad is an idiot, all right? And then tony, he flew off with that cuckoo anna, and kristen, please, she's--
Will: So what are you saying? Stefano has, like, a kid in reserve somewhere, just in case?
Gabi: I mean, the man was a tyrant. An egomaniac. You're having a hard time believing that he had a secret weapon stashed away? A failproof plan? A plan b? Come on. If--if stefan is out there, rolf would never tell me.
Jake: I was just thinking, if you know enough to keep up with a bike with specs like the one on this paper, and you're willing to work hard, maybe you can give me a hand.
Ben: As in a job?
Jake: No, man, I'm hoping you can help me out with my golf swing. Yes, a job.
Ben: Well that sounds great, um, do you think the owner would be willing to take on someone else?
Jake: When they hired me, they said were thinking about taking on another mechanic. I said that'd be a great idea, business is clearly booming, i can't handle all this work on my own. So no promises. I'll talk to 'em, see what they say. I'll tell them that you're willing for me to be your boss. That'll be how it works. You okay with that?
Ben: Yeah, yeah. No, absolutely. Yeah.
Jake: Good.
Ben: Yeah. Wow, thank you, man, that's--that's really nice of you.
Jake: Sure.
Ben: Mind if I ask you something?
Jake: Go ahead.
Ben: If you don't even know me, why are you willing to stick your neck out for me?
Jake: Any reason I shouldn't?
Ciara: So do eli and lani have any leads or--
Sonny: No. I told them everything I know, which isn't much, but they're heading over to the house right now to get the knife and get it dusted for prints.
Ciara: Okay. Well, hopefully that'll lead them to whoever did this.
Sonny: Yeah, hopefully.
Ciara: I just--please, god, please let him be okay.
Sonny: I know.
Chad: I'm gonna go check in with the nurse. You gonna be okay right here?
Abigail: Yes, I'll be fine.
Chad: You sure?
Abigail: Yeah.
[Intense music]
Ciara: [Choking]
Abigail: Stop! Let go of her!
Sonny: Abigail.
Abigail: Get your damn hands off her, ben.
Lani: Brady, what the hell?
Brady: I--I--looks bad, i know, I can explain.
Eli: You mean how you stabbed victor? We're all ears.
Brady: Ah--no. Listen, I-- sonny called me, he told me what happened, I raced over here, and yeah, I found the knife just now.
Eli: How did you get past the uniforms?
Brady: I came in through the back. I parked near the garage. I didn't even see a uniform.
Lani: They were told to wait for us to get here before they entered the crime scene.
Brady: Lani, I didn't--
Lani: You shouldn't touch this.
Brady: Sorry, I know. I wasn't thinking. My mistake.
Eli: Do you still live here?
Brady: No, not technically. No, I don't--I haven't lived here in a while, but I go in and out all the time.
Lani: Didn't you have a falling out with your grandfather?
Brady: I don't know how that's relevant, lani, but I had fallings out with my grandfather all the time, but I certainly didn't attack the guy. Hold on. I did not--I did not do this.
Eli: Regardless, we'll need to discuss this down at the station. I'm bad.
Gabi: Even with everything that you have been through and everything that you have seen, you--you can't believe that maybe stefan could be alive?
Will: Listen, I--I get why you'd go there, but no, I can't believe it.
Gabi: Why? I mean, stefan was young, and fit. I mean, why couldn't rolf have saved him, you know?
Will: I--well, from what i understand, stefan's body wasn't the issue, you know, it was his brain.
Gabi: Yeah, that's right. No, yeah, stefan--stefan was braindead. And rolf told me that medically, he could never bring him back.
Will: I'm sorry.
Gabi: Thank you. You know, I don't--I don't mean to whine, it's just very unfair. You know, it's very unfair because sonny got you back, you know, and--and jennifer got jack, and chad even got abigail back after she faked her own death a couple years ago. What about me, huh? Don't I deserve a happy ending, too? Hm?
Jake: You're saying i shouldn't speak to the owner?
Ben: No. No, I would really appreciate it if you would. I'm just saying I'm surprised that you'd offer since you don't know anything about me.
Jake: You know your way around an engine. What more do i need to know?
Ben: My past. It's kinda-- it's kinda complicated. It's been a problem with other potential employers. I just wanna be transparent, that's all, man, you know. I'll give you references, a resume. Whatever you need.
Jake: All right, look, ben, let's be clear about one thing. This is about me, not you. I don't care about your past.
Ben: Oh.
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: Okay.
Jake: Like I said, I got more work here than I can handle. You seem more than qualified for the job. That's what you want, right? To get paid to fix cars, motorcycles--
Ben: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Jake: Then if I can make it happen, do you want a shot or not?
Abigail: I told you to get your hands off of her. Get--get away from her.
Sonny: Abigail, what are you talking about?
Ciara: Abigail, what is going on with you?
Abigail: I'm saving you, that's what's going on. I'm saving you from ben.
Chad: Stop, stop.
Abigail: He was trying to strangle her.
Chad: It's not ben. It's not ben.
Abigail: No, he was--
Chad: It's not ben.
Abigail: He--but it--
Chad: It's not.
Abigail: No I--okay, but he was right here.
Chad: He's not.
Abigail: He was. Yes. No, he was. He was right there.
Sonny: Is everything okay?
Chad: Everything's fine. It's fine. We're gonna get some-- we're gonna figure it out.
Abigail: No, I know, but I'm just saying he was--
Chad: We're gonna figure it out, she's fine.
Abigail: He was trying to--
Chad: She just needs to get some rest. Come on, let's go. It's fine, she's just a little stressed out.
Abigail: I'm not stressed.
Chad: Get back to work! What are you doing?
Brady: This is--this is ridiculous.
Eli: Take it easy.
Brady: I shouldn't even be here. I'm innocent of this.
Kristen: Hey, hey, wait. What is going on? Lani?
Lani: Kristen, what are you doing here?
Kristen: Well, I'm waiting for news about my missing baby.
Lani: Right. I'm so sorry.
Kristen: Why did you bring brady in?
Brady: My grandfather was stabbed, kristen. He--he was stabbed, and they found me with the knife, so they're coming up with all these wrong conclusions.
Kristen: And you think brady did this? I mean, you're insane. Brady would not stab victor.
Eli: How do you know that?
Ben: Of course I want a shot. I need a job.
Jake: Good. Like I said, no promises, but I'll ask. I got a good feeling about you.
Ben: Thank you, man.
Jake: Yeah. I'll be in touch.
Ben: It was jake, right?
Jake: Yep. Not stefan. The hell kind of name is that anyway?
Will: Everybody deserves a happy ending. I really wish you got yours with stefan.
Gabi: I mean, I know I should be grateful. I mean, I have you and arianna and sonny.
Will: I bet you--you wanted a family with your husband. And everybody's just trying to wipe him away, you know, like he never even existed, and I'm just trying to hang on.
Will: I'm sorry that you're missing him so much. You know what, if you're convinced that you saw stefan, maybe there's a logical explanation.
Gabi: [Gasps] Ye--yeah? Yeah?
Will: Right? Yeah? So, here's--you know, obviously, you know I wasn't his biggest fan, but I know he loved you, and i know he made you feel safe.
Gabi: He did.
Will: So, okay, you're going through so much right now, and maybe seeing stefan is kinda like a coping mechanism. Right, you know, forget that. You wanna get spiritual, maybe it was a guardian angel. You know, you needed comfort and safety, and then stefan appeared.
Gabi: Does--does that make me a freak?
Will: No. Gabi, I mean, it makes you human. It's beautiful. But you don't always need to rely on a ghost, you know. Not as long as I'm here. Thank you.
Will: Come here.
Chad: I'm sorry. Abby's in with the nurse now.
Sonny: What's going on with her?
Chad: I don't know. We were at home, we were winding down for the night, and she started seeing ben, and she freaked out.
Ciara: Wait, seeing ben?
Chad: Hallucinating. Having flashbacks from when he terrorized her.
Ciara: Yeah, but ben's changed, chad, he's not like that anymore.
Chad: I'm not saying he is.
Sonny: Why is she seeing ben all of a sudden? Is she having some kind of relapse?
Chad: I don't know. I, uh, I thought everything was fine, now that, you know, after her treatment for did, but-- there's been no signs of trouble.
Ciara: So all this just came out of nowhere.
Chad: Yeah, I wish I knew what was causing it. I don'T. It's driving me nuts.
Sonny: I'm sorry, man, if there's anything that you need--
Chad: Thank you. What are you guys doing here?
Ciara: Um, my grandfather--
Chad: What about him?
Sonny: He was stabbed.
Kristen: How can I be sure that brady didn't stab his grandfather? I mean, what the hell kind of question is that?
Brady: Kristen, don't get involved.
Kristen: No, I'm going to get involved. I am. I know everything about this man. He's kind, he's loving, he's gentle, and despite the history that they have together, he and victor-- that man, he is vile, he has no heart, he has no humanity, and he would never hurt him.
Brady: But I did.
Eli: What do you mean?
Kristen: Brady, don't do this.
Brady: No, stop. I did it. I did it. I confess. I did it. I stabbed my grandfather.
Ciara: Ben, I'm so happy that you're here.
Ben: I got your message. How's victor?
Ciara: He's in surgery right now. Oh, ben, I am so scared.
Ben: It's all right.
Ciara: I'm so scared.
Ben: It's all right. I'm right here. It's okay. It's okay.
Chad: Kayla's in surgery with victor. But the nurse is gonna find out who the doctor in charge is. They should be here soon.
Abigail: [Sighs] What's screaming at sonny, but she thought that she was seeing you.
Ben: [Sighs] It wouldn't be the first time abigail hallucinated me.
Ciara: I don't know. Maybe she's having some sort of relapse--I-- I just--whatever it is, I hope that she's okay.
Ben: Well, abigail isn't the only one who is seeing things tonight.
Ciara: What do you mean?
Ben: Brace yourself for this one.
Gabi: [Sighs] Come back my guardian angel.
[Tense music]
Eli: So you're admitting that you stabbed victor kiriakis.
Kristen: Brady. Brady, please don't do this.
Brady: No, it's what happened. My grandfather was behind the baby switch, and he lead kristen and me to believe that our little girl had been dead for almost a year. And I think the two of you can understand how that might've felt.
Eli: Talk us through it.
Brady: What--eli, we had a horrible fight, we-- in the heat of the moment, i stabbed him. That's what happened.
Kristen: That's not true. That's not true.
Brady: It's absolutely what happened, and please don't try to dispute it, 'cause you know that that is what happened. What I want you to focus on is our little girl, okay? I want you to make sure that you are there when rachel is found. You promise me that, okay? You promise?
Kristen: I promise.
Eli: Let's go.
Brady: All right.
Kristen: [Sobbing]
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