Days Transcript Friday 4/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 4/24/20


Episode #13755 ~ Chad and Abigail celebrate their victory; Victor is rushed to the hospital; Ben has a shocking encounter; Xander pleads with Sarah on the phone, insisting he can help her.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: Oh, thank god you finally picked up. Sarah, where are you?

Sarah: I have nothing to say to you.

Xander: Don't--don't, please! Don't hang up. I'm begging you. Just tell me where you are.

Ciara: Yes, ben and I are definitely gonna try to see david in the next day or so. Give him a big hug for us, okay? And, um, you hang in there, rafe, all right? Okay, bye.

Ben: How's my little nephew?

Ciara: Good. And, uh, now he knows that evan is his real father, so...

Ben: Wow, okay. So rafe told him.

Ciara: I mean, he's not sure that david totally gets it, obviously, of course, but, um, I mean, I guess rafe felt that it was important for him to hear it. And apparently david hugged rafe really, really tightly and said, "but I want you to be my daddy."

Ben: That's really great, but what about evan and orpheus? It's not like they're gonna let this go.

Ciara: I mean, they might have to. Rafe asked justin to file a restraining order against the both of them and to move as fast as possible to finalize the adoption.

Ben: Okay, well, that is good news.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: And hopefully we get some good news about all these jobs we've been applying for.

Ciara: From your lips... I heard that they're hiring at julie's place.

Both: Bad idea.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: That's a bad idea.

Ciara: Yeah, it is. It is. You know, don't get me wrong. I love my grandma, but, uh, definitely don't want her to be my boss.

Abigail: Thank you.

Chad: Imagine the look on gabi's face when she, uh...

Abigail: I know. God, locked out of her own place. Could you imagine? So priceless. I'm just so glad that julie was there, you know, in the moment, able to just, like, savor it. Gabi's been so horrible to her.

Chad: And I'm grateful to li shin and the rest of the board for voting out gabi, making me ceo once again.

Abigail: Yes. Well, it's your legacy. Of course. Come on, stefan is just a wannabe, and gabi'S... well, gabi's a has-been now, isn't she? Hmm?

Chad: [Chuckles]

[Soft dramatic music]

Gabi: Stefan... first I lose you. And now I lose my business. If I could do it all over again, I would have never given julie your heart. After they ripped you away from me and no one cared? You should be here right now. You don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. Stefan?

[Tense music]

Okay. Okay. It's okay. Just open your eyes and turn around.


[Suspenseful music]

Victor: What do you think you're gonna do with that?

Kristen: What should have been done a long time ago, you bastard.

Victor: Don't be ridiculous.

Kristen: You stole my child. And now, thanks to you, I may never see her again.

Victor: Oh, don't be so dramatic. We'll find your daughter.

Kristen: I don't believe you.

Victor: Damn it, woman, put that knife down. Both know that you're not--

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ciara: So I guess we should just, uh, call it a night, then, huh?

Ben: On a scale of one to ten, how exhausted are you?

Ciara: [Inhales sharply] Exhausted--you know, I'm really just more frustrated than I am exhausted. Like, come on. I mean, we are two young, smart, driven people who really want to work. You were the head of security at dimera, and I was a junior executive at titan. I mean, why doesn't anyone want to hire us? Why?

Ben: I got an idea about how to get your mind off the job hunt.

Ciara: Well, I'm all ears.

Ben: Yeah?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: It's a beautiful night. It's warm for this time of year. How about we take your bike up to inspiration point and we enjoy the view?

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: [Chuckles]

Ciara: Now, that is what I call an inspired idea, yes.

Ben: Let's do it.

Ciara: Let's do it.

Ben: Saddle up.

Sarah: Xander, you are the last person I would ever tell where I am.

Xander: I understand that you're angry.

Sarah: Angry doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what I feel for you. You let me believe that mickey was my child. And you would've gone on letting me believe it forever.

Xander: I want to have this out with you, sarah. I really do. I want to hear everything you have to say to me. But right now, you are not safe. Everyone is looking for you: Eric, brady, kristen. They all know you took the baby.

Sarah: What choice did I have? I love mickey with all of my heart. And she needs me, and I need her.

Xander: There is a solution here.

Sarah: If you think that you can talk me into bringing her back, then I'm going to hang up this phone right now.

Xander: Don't! Not without hearing me out, please! I can help you, sarah. I swear it.

Chad: For the first time in a long time, I feel free.

Abigail: Mm.

Chad: I get to run dimera the way that it should be, without anybody getting involved, not tony--he's not interested--not kristen.

Abigail: No, kristen's not gonna bother you. She just focusing on finding her baby.

Chad: I hope she does.

Abigail: Yeah. So sad about eric and sarah, right? Their baby is dead.

Chad: Yeah, sad about kristen too, what she's gone through, what she's going through.

Abigail: Yeah, and eric and brady.

Chad: Yeah, I do feel for them. At the risk of sounding selfish...

Abigail: What?

Chad: I thought we were here to celebrate.

Abigail: We are.

Chad: Yeah.

Abigail: You're totally right. Gabi is gone.

Chad: Let's toast to that.

Abigail: I'm gonna go order us the best champagne that julie has.

Chad: I have to call and check on the kids too.

Abigail: Okay, yeah.

Chad: See you in a minute?

Abigail: Go outside 'cause it's quieter. Yeah. Mwah.

Gabi: Brady? What--what--what happened? Where did he go?

Brady: Where did who go? What are you talking about?

Gabi: I--I just saw stefan.

Brady: No, you didn'T.

Gabi: Yeah.

Brady: No, you didn'T. That's impossible, gabi. You didn't see stefan.

Gabi: Brady, really, I did. Okay, I saw him in the reflection of--of the window. I did. He was there. And I--I swear I saw him.

Brady: I'm sorry, maybe you did; maybe you didn'T. I have something else I gotta deal with. Do you know that my baby has been kidnapped? Have you heard about this?

Gabi: Oh, brady, yes. I'm--I'm so sorry.

Brady: It's okay. Don't be sorry. Just, I have to go. I have to go because I have to find kristen. I have to go.

Gabi: Okay.

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: Hey, will. How'd everything go with maggie? What? Why would julie even think to do that? Well, I'm glad you showed up when you did. If maggie finds out that she's responsible for her own granddaughter's death, I mean, uncle vic is right: It would destroy her. And after everything that he's done to protect her, it would have killed him too.

[Suspenseful music]

Kristen: You got what you deserved, you heartless son of a bitch.

Ben: I cannot wait to get out there, just you and me and the open road.

Ciara: Uh-huh.

Ben: [Groans]

Ciara: All right.

[Engine sputtering]

Ben: Huh?

Ciara: Uh, you know what? Let me try again. I'll just--I'll just try again.

[Engine sputtering]

Ben: Aw, damn. We have a problem.

[Somber music]

Gabi: Maybe I... maybe I saw your reflection because... because I miss you so much, I can't breathe sometimes. Or maybe I'm losing it. I mean, I probably am. I mean, I have worked so hard. I've put my whole body and my soul into gabi chic, and now I'm out. And chad and that crazy bitch abigail, they're just gloating over my downfall. But I'm not gonna let that happen, okay? There's just--there's no way in hell. I'm gonna fight this with everything I've got. I'm not gonna let them win. For you, okay? For the love of my life. I'm gonna make you proud.

Abigail: Oh-ho-ho, what perfect timing. High-five your wife?

Chad: Indeed.

Abigail: How are the kids?

Chad: Sound asleep.

Abigail: Oh, good. Look at this.

Chad: Wow.

Abigail: Champagne already poured, ready to go.

Chad: Excellent. Here is to--

[Cell phone ringing]

Abigail: Oh, wait. Hold on. Oh, damn, it's-- that's bizarre. It's a french country code. Hello?

[Speaking french] The--

[Mouths word] Baby? What--what--what baby?

Xander: Don't hang up. I can help you. I swear I can.

Sarah: And why the hell would I want your help after you ripped my heart out the way you did? The bottom line is, I am the only mother that mickey has ever known. For almost a year, I have-- I have fed her and bathed her. I have rocked her to sleep. I have loved her with all of my heart. So I don't care what you or anyone else says. I am not just going to hand her over to brady and kristen! Good-bye, xander.

Xander: Wait. Sarah, nobody knows better than I do how much you love that baby. I love her too. I want to help you keep her, and I can. I swear I can. I will make sure no one will ever take mickey away from you.

[Tense music]

Brady: [Sighs]


Sonny: Hey, uncle vic, you'll be relieved to know that will showed up at the prison just in time to stop julie from opening her bi-- uncle vic! Uncle vic! Uncle vic! Oh, my god. Uncle vic.

Sonny: Hang on, uncle vic. I'm calling an ambulance right now. Hi, 911, I need an ambulance at the kiriakis mansion, please.

Brady: I was surprised when I went back to the inn and you weren't there. I thought we both agreed that you needed some rest.

Kristen: I... I tried. I just couldn't stop thinking about our little girl and how much I wanted to hold her in my arms. Brady, I think we should-- we should go to europe and help with the search. I can ask chad for the dimera jet.

Brady: Kristen, okay, let's-- listen. Listen. Look at me. I know how you're desperate to get her back. I'm desperate too. But we have to have faith that the authorities are doing everything they can to find her. They're gonna bring her home.

Xander: The police spoke to the titan pilot. They know that he took you and mickey to london.

Sarah: Well, maybe I'm not in london anymore.

Xander: The point is, they're on your trail. I can help you, sarah, but you do have to tell me where you are.

Sarah: I already told you, I don't want your help!

Xander: You may not want it, but you're gonna need it if you want to keep your daughter.

Sarah: How exactly can you help us?

Xander: I have a plan, a foolproof plan that will ensure that the three of us--you, me, and mickey-- will never be found. We can disappear together... forever.

Ben: Oh, it's the carburetor.

Ciara: Oh, man. So that means no moonlit romantic ride for us tonight?

Ben: Unfortunately not, but I think, with a few new parts, I can have this baby purring in no time.

Ciara: Oh, I bet you can.

Ben: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: Hmm. I mean, you practically rebuilt my whole bike after my accident.

Ben: [Scoffs]

Ciara: My dad's most prized possession. You knew how much this thing meant to me, and you put in the time and the effort to make it new again. You know, that told me that you were a kind, generous, caring person. Well, I, uh-- I already knew that about you-- well, at least I assumed-- way, way before that.

Ben: Yeah?

Ciara: Mm-hmm. When you rescued me off the side of the road. You set my broken leg. You saved my life.

Ben: I hate that you got hurt. But since we would've never met otherwise, I'm also really grateful.

Ciara: Me too.

[Tender music]

Mm, all right. Let me check to see what garages are open near us right now.

Ben: All right.

Ciara: Mm. Oh, my god.

[Laughs] Oh, my god. Ben, you're never, ever gonna believe this.

Ciara: So not only is the nearest auto shop still open, but they're looking to hire a new mechanic. Ben, this could be the perfect job for you.

Ben: I don't know about perfect. I mean, I do have slightly more ambitious goals.

Ciara: No, I know, and it won't be forever, but... ben, you and I both know that we can't afford to keep staying at the salem inn without bringing in some sort of income.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: Yeah?

Ben: If being a grease monkey pays the rent...

Ciara: You know what? I know you're destined for much greater things, but if you get this job, ben, you're gonna be my smokin'-hot grease monkey. And you're gonna come home dirty every night, and I'm gonna get to clean you up every night.

Ben: Oh, god, okay. All right, all right. All right, that does sound... pretty good.

Sarah: Get it through your head, xander. I will never go anywhere with you, not after what you did, lying to me for months and months. How--how do I know that you're not lying now? How do I know that the cops aren't listening in on this phone call?

Xander: Sarah, no.

Sarah: You already said that the cops are looking for me. They must know about the baby switch. Maybe--maybe you made a deal with them, hmm? You come--you come find me, and then you get immunity.

Xander: I swear, I haven't done anything like that.

[Sighs] Yes, I lied to you about mickey, but I did it out of love. I love you, sarah. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. And all I want to do right now is to help you have a life with your daughter.

Brady: I know how hard it is to just sit around here and wait for news, but... the cops are on top of it, okay? We have--we have the isa; we have--we have the police in london looking, all right? We're gonna catch a break. It's gonna happen. You trust me on that, don't you?

Kristen: Of course.

Brady: Good. 'Cause I'm not gonna stop looking, not until we find her. But I also have to tell you, um, some news about my grandfather.

Kristen: What about him?

Brady: Well, we know that xander was involved with this baby switch, right, but it turns out that victor was as well.

Victor: I don't seem to recall inviting you into my home.

Kristen: Shut the hell up, old man.

Victor: How dare you talk to me that way?

Kristen: How dare I? After what you did to me?

Victor: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

Kristen: Xander told me everything. I know it was you. You planned to take my baby and give it to sarah, let brady and me believe that our little girl had died.

Victor: Fine. I did what I had to do to protect maggie.

Brady: No, I know all too well what--what my grandfather's capable of, and... I can't believe that he would deprive us of--of knowing that our daughter was alive and well in this town. But I-I just... I gotta--I have to tell you the truth, and I'm sorry that I have to tell you this.

Kristen: I already knew, brady.

Kayla: His bp's dropping. I need you to administer ringer's lactate stat.

Sonny: What's happening?

Kayla: Well, he might have a rupture in his aortic valve. You know, sonny, I really need you to leave, all right?

Sonny: But is he gonna be okay?

Kayla: I will get back to you as soon as I know anything, all right? Leave. Thank you.

[Tense music]

Abigail: [Speaking french]

Chad: Who was that?

Abigail: Well, jeanne marie. Do you remember her? She lived below us in paris? Remember?

Chad: Yeah, but how'd she get your number?

Abigail: Well, she said that, uh, she would check on our place if we wanted while we were gone, and I gave her my number, thinking that, you know, she would never actually do it. I mean, she's kind of-- you know, her eyesight's not great, and she's--

Chad: Yeah, she was always a little bit out of it.

Abigail: Yeah, more than a little out of it, right? Anyway, she was talking so fast, I couldn't really understand her, and obviously my french isn't very good, um, but she was saying something about how she--she went over to check on our place and she thought that maybe we were in a fight or something.

Chad: In that apartment?

Abigail: Yeah.

> Chad: We're not in that apartment.

Abigail: Well, I know, but she was saying, um-- and then she said she would be happy to watch our baby girl for us.

Chad: Charlotte?

Abigail: Yeah. But she didn't say anything about thomas, so...

Chad: This is all very strange.

Abigail: It's very bizarre.

Chad: So what do you think? You think that...

Abigail: I don't know.

Chad: What, somebody, like, got ahold of our key and is using our place or what?

Abigail: Well, no, I mean, I didn't think that till now. You think? I'll just--I'm gonna call her and I'm just gonna tell her to talk to the landlord and keep an eye on it, right?

Chad: Yeah.

Gabi: Oh, I hate to ruin your celebration, but I have a bone to pick with you.

Chad: Gabi, you need to leave.

Gabi: And you need to listen. Okay, I was at my store earlier, trying to get some items that I had left there, and I noticed it was locked.

Abigail: Hmm, shame.

Gabi: That is my business, and you have no right to do that.

Chad: All right, what we did was standard hr procedure when someone gets fired.

Abigail: Really, think about it. We couldn't have you wrecking all of the inventory.

Gabi: Oh, you do always think the worst of me, don't you, abs?

Abigail: Yes, I do. I mean, I'd--I'd like not to. I'd love to think that you were a lovely, levelheaded woman, but you--

Gabi: But you are a crazy woman, right? You seem to have that whole sane act down, but I know deep inside, there are several crazy women, actually.

Chad: Gabi, back off!

Gabi: No. You know what? You should enjoy this. This is the calm before the storm. Because I'm telling you right now, your little wifey, she's--she's gonna crack up, and then those alters, they're gonna want to join in on the fun.

Chad: Gabi, you say one more word about my wife, and I'm gonna rip your tongue out. You understand me?

Ben: Hmm.

[Groans] I better go check out that job, right?

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Before somebody beats me to it?

Ciara: Mm-hmm. I'll be waiting for you right here.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: We can pick up where we left off.

Ciara: Mm-hmm. Good luck.

Ben: Thank you.

[Cell phone ringing] Hey, cuz. What's up?

Sonny: Hey, uh, I'm afraid I have some bad news. I'm at the hospital. Uncle vic's been stabbed.

Ciara: Wait, what? Oh, my god, sonny, what happened?

Sonny: I found him in the living room at home. He was unconscious and bloody, and now kayla's working on him, and that's all I know.

Ciara: Um... all right, all right. I'm on my way.

Sonny: Who would do this? Who would try and kill uncle vic?

Brady: You knew about victor? How?

Kristen: [Sighs] I... I ran into xander at the inn, and he mentioned he was protecting maggie from the truth. And I just figured it out.

Brady: Of all the times that man has screwed me over, I didn't think it could get any worse. I mean, he allowed us to--to-- to grieve for how long, knowing full well that that little girl was alive and in salem? I mean, trust me, I gave him holy hell about it.

Kristen: I'm sure you did.

Brady: I'm surprised you're here, that you didn't go confront him yourself.

Kristen: You're surprised? Why? Because the woman I used to be would've shown victor no mercy?

Brady: Yeah. Yeah, but you are not that woman anymore, and I know that. I'm proud of you for not engaging with that miserable old bastard.

Kristen: You know what? I don't have any energy for this right now, brady. For much of anything. I... I just-- I want to find our rachel. I want her back.

Brady: No, I know. Hey. Hey, hey. We're gonna get her back. It's only a matter of time. I promise you that. I promise you that. We're gonna live a long, happy life, and we are gonna-- we're gonna raise that little girl, and it's gonna be great. I promise you. I'm gonna go check in with the cops and see if they have any more information on sarah, okay?

Kristen: Okay.

Chad: Hang in there.

[Tense music]

Xander: In my wedding vows... I told you that your love made me a better man but that I still-- I still wasn't perfect. I still do bad things. And lying to you was a very bad thing, obviously. But I did it... I swear I did it for the right reasons. I just couldn't bear to have you suffer the way I knew you would if I told you the truth. I only wanted what was best for you, and I still do. I want us to be a family, sarah--you, me, and mickey.

Sarah: That's not possible.

Xander: Just think back to the early days with her, when we were in the trenches with a newborn, the-- the 3:00 A.M. Feedings, the diaper changes, pacing the floor with her until we were so exhausted, we thought we'd pass out, and then... she would just give us that little smile that would-- would light up our world. I was there for all of it, sarah. I want to be there for the rest of it. I want us to raise mickey together. I want to see her grow and change and achieve all of her dreams. So...of course it's possible for us to be a family. We already are one.

Sarah: I... I don't--I don't know.

Xander: Just tell me where you are. I'll come and get you. Nobody will find out. I'll take care of everything. You won't have to do a thing.

Sarah: Are you honestly telling me that no one will ever find us?

Xander: That's right. I am honestly telling you that. And I am also telling you that you and I and mickey will have a good life together, sarah, a happy life with everything that we need. We can raise our beautiful daughter together, be a perfect little family. All you have to do is say yes.

Gabi: Wow. I really hit a nerve with that, huh, reminding you that your little wifey here is a total wack job?

Chad: Get out of our sight.

Gabi: You're going to let me into my store, right? Right?

Chad: How about this? I'll make you a deal. I'll let you collect your things, but you have to do me a favor.

Gabi: And what would that be?

Chad: Find a new place to live.

Gabi: Me? Oh, wow. Yeah, why should-- why should I do that? My husband owned that house. If anybody should find another place to live, it should be the two of you. I have already reminded you that I'm allowing you to live there because I don't want to uproot your children.

Abigail: Oh, gabi, always such a big heart.

Gabi: And you with your lame sarcasm and your stupid, smug look on your face. Gosh, if you weren't such a self-absorbed princess, you'd actually be thanking me. Yeah, yup. Not just for my charity but for the great success that gabi chic is. See, the millions and millions of dollars that it has brought to your company.

Chad: Mm.

Gabi: But of course, you're obviously just ungrateful and you're being your bitchy usual self, so I'm gonna let you two know that I've decided to sue dimera for wrongful termination. Isn't that great? Cheers!

Abigail: She's suing dimera.

Chad: Get out.

Gabi: I assure you, I am way more sick of the two of you than you are of me. Enjoy your celebration.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: Sorry. It's okay.

Ciara: Sonny. Sonny, hi. What's the latest?

Sonny: Hey.

Ciara: Where's grandpa? How's grandpa?

Sonny: Kayla and her team are working on him right now. She said she would give us an update when she could, okay?

Ciara: All right, so where is he right now?

Sonny: He's in trauma room 4.

Ciara: Trauma room 4.

Sonny: But--no, no, ciara, ciara, hey, you can't-- you can't--


Brady: Hey.

Kristen: Hi.

Brady: Good news. They found some surveillance footage of the titan jet landing in london.

Kristen: Oh, god, brady, that--that's so great.

Brady: It's good, it's good, because they're gonna review it, and hopefully there'll be a lead as to where sarah went. We're getting close.

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: Honey, we're getting close; I can feel it. It's good. It's good.

Kristen: Okay, you know what? I-I-I think we should fly out immediately to europe so that when they find our daughter, we're gonna be right there for her.

[Cell phone ringing]

Brady: Sorry, sorry, sorry. Oh, it's, uh--it's sonny. I need to take this, okay? Sonny, hey. Uh, listen, man, I'm sorry I missed your call earlier, but I'm assuming you're calling to see if there's news on rachel, right?

Sonny: Actually, I have some news for you. It's about uncle vic.

Brady: Granddad? What about him?

Xander: I know exactly what to do. I have it all planned out, every single detail. Sarah... just tell me where you are.

Sarah: And, what, we just-- we away?

Xander: Yes. I'll handle all the logistics. I'll arrange new identities for all of us. We'll disappear without a trace. You know I can do this. You know I can make this happen, sarah.

Sarah: Yeah, that's the problem, xander. I know exactly what you're capable of.

Xander: Sarah, please.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I just--I can't trust you.

[Line beeping]

Humira patients,...

Xander: No, sarah, don't hang up! Damn it!

[Line ringing]

Sarah: Hi, this is dr. Sarah horton. Sorry I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message.


Xander: [Inhales]

[Dramatic music]

Sarah: We have to do this on our own, baby girl. I'm not exactly sure what our next step is, but... the one thing that I do know is, I'm never gonna let anyone take you away from me.

[Monitors beeping]

[Soft dramatic music]

Ciara: I'm here, grandpa. I don't know who would do this to you, but, um, I also know that no one on this planet is as tough as you are. You're gonna be okay. I mean, you have to be okay, because what is this family gonna do without you, grandpa, huh? What are we gonna do?

He's gonna pull through, right, aunt kayla?

Brady: Thanks, sonny. Keep me posted, okay?

[Tense music]

Victor's been stabbed.

Gabi: You know, I just saw chad and abigail. They were gloating over me getting fired, chad being named ceo. Oh, god, baby, it should be you. It should be you running dimera, okay, not that remote-controlled moron. They're gonna get what they deserve. They should know by now, they should never cross a woman like me. They're gonna learn the hard way. I just wish, baby-- I just wish that you were here to share this joy with me of ruining these two snakes. I'm doing this for the both of us, stefan. And when I'm done, chad and abigail, they are gonna get what they deserve.

Chad: Yes, gabi is planning to sue for wrongful termination. Hello? Hello? Li hung up on me.

Abigail: What? Why would he do something like that? That's ridiculous.


[Suspenseful music]


Chad: What? Are you okay?

Ben: Uh, excuse me. I'm here about the job. Hey, man, you got a minute?

Jake: Hey, buddy. Can't you see I'm busy here?

Ben: [Chuckles]

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