Days Transcript Thursday 4/23/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 4/23/20


Episode #13754 ~ Gabi is stunned when she sees a familiar face; Li Shin makes a decision about Chad's fate at DiMera; Kristen attacks Victor; Sarah hides out in Paris with Rachel.

Provided By Suzanne

Chad: Why don't we go down to my office so we can discuss this further.

Li: Not necessary. I'm fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses of both you and mrs. Dimera, and I'm prepared to make a decision.

Gabi: All right, so what is your decision? Who is gonna be ceo of dimera? Chad or me?

Maggie: Hi. Nice you see you. What a nice surprise.

Julie: I wanted to know how you're holding up.

Maggie: I'm as well as can be expected, I suppose.

Julie: Jennifer told me everything, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about what happened to sarah.

Maggie: Okay, what happened to sarah?

Xander: Sarah, it's me. Look, I know you're angry, but you have to call me back. Please, I want to help you, sarah.

Kristen: You wanna help her, do you? Help her do what?

Xander: Sorry, I'm in a hurry, so--

Kristen: No, you are not going anywhere, you son of a bitch.

Brady: You let me believe my daughter was dead, you sick bastard.

Victor: Why don't we concentrate on what's important now, brady: Finding sarah and that little girl.

Brady: What in the hell do you think I'm concentrating on? That's all I'm concentrating on, granddad, since they've been gone. Doing everything humanly possible to bring them home.

Victor: I'm sorry to hear you haven't found them.

Brady: No you're not. Sarah vanished with my baby girl, and it's your fault.

Sarah: Isn't our new home beautiful, mickey?

[Sighs] It's a good thing i remembered cuzzy abigail saying that it's just sitting here empty since she and chad moved back to salem. We can start a whole new life here, you and me. No one ever will find us.

[Doorbell ringing]

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Li: After much consideration, I'm pleased to announce that mr. Dimera, you're back in charge.

Chad: Excellent choice.

Li: Yeah.

Gabi: No, you can't be serious. No.

Abigail: Muah. Congratulations, ceo.

Gabi: This is just--this is insane, okay, you're making a huge mistake.

Li: I believe this is what's best for the future of dimera.

Gabi: You think chad's what's best? Have you lost your mind?

Abigail: Gabi, don't embarrass yourself.

Gabi: You wanna talk embarrassment? My husband would be rolling in his grave right now about this decision.

Li: Be that as it may, it's my decision, and the board is behind me.

Gabi: Okay, well, the board is just as crazy as you are.

Li: We believe chad is best equipped to handle the company moving forward.

Gabi: Really? Okay, you are making a giant mistake, and i swear--I swear to all of you, you are going to regret this.

[Doorbell rings]

Sarah: It's okay, baby. Just be quiet, okay, and whoever it is will just--will just go away. Mommy will keep you safe, i promise.

[Doorbell rings]



Xander: Look, I understand you're upset, but I have more important things on my mind right now.

Kristen: What? Go find sarah and the baby she stole from me?

Xander: Try to have some compassion, kristen, sarah is completely devastated over this.

Kristen: Oh, my god, she's devastated? Why does everyone keep telling me how devastated she is?

Xander: Because she just found out that the little girl that she has known and loved and seen through cancer isn't her biological child.

Kristen: Yes, it never was.

Xander: Just think about the bond they have. Sarah loves that little girl with all her heart, more than you can possibly imagine.

Kristen: Oh, my god. You don't imagine that I know how strong the bond is between a mother and her child?

Xander: I didn't mean that--

Kristen: I know what it is to love--love a child and then lose it, because that's what happened to me, xander.

Xander: I wasn't saying--

Kristen: On the first day she was born, I was told that my baby was dead, and that I would never get to hold her in my arms again, and I never get to see her grow up, and that was a lie. She's alive. My little girl is alive, and she's been kept from me because of you!

Victor: Brady, I don't know what--

Brady: Stop, granddad, don't insult me. Don't insult me. I know that you were working with xander to switch those babies, right?

Victor: Why would you think that?

Brady: 'Cause you're the one that called theresa to convince her to have tate tested as a bone marrow donor for mackenzie, right?

Victor: That was the right thing to do.

Brady: [Laughs] Of course it was, because you knew that they were siblings. You knew that she was mine.

Victor: I was doing everything possible to save that little girl's life.

Brady: Except tell the truth. That's what you don't do. You don't tell the truth.

Victor: Brady--

Brady: You've been lying this whole time, and kristen and i have been going through unbearable grief, granddad. It hasn't been good, and you've known the whole time that my daughter was alive and right here in this town. Will you do me a favor, please, for once in your miserable life and just be honest with your grandson, please?

Victor: Fine. I did all those things. And if I had to do them over again, I'd do exactly the same thing. Because I was protecting maggie.

Julie: You don't know what happened with sarah. I was sure that jennifer told you, I mean, that's how I found out.

Maggie: Found out what, julie? The last time I saw sarah, she was getting married, and she was so happy.

Julie: And you haven't spoken to anybody since then?

Maggie: No, but obviously something is wrong. Okay, did she not get married?

Julie: Oh, honey-- if I'd known you were in the dark, I nev--I don't wanna upset you, maggie.

Maggie: Well, you have, okay? So just tell me what you know.

Julie: I'm sorry, darling, i don't think it's my place.

Maggie: It's your place. I'm not letting you out of here until you tell me what's going on with sarah.

Feel the clarity

of non-drowsy

Gabi: [Sighs] Putting chad in charge of this company would be a disaster waiting to happen.

Abigail: Gabi, just give it up.

Gabi: You stay out of it.

Li: I understand this is a disappointment, mrs. Dimera.

Gabi: No, not a--no, this is a travesty, okay? And when this company crashes and burns, you know what? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Chad: Gabi, it's time for you to leave, all right, while you still have some dignity.

Gabi: Really? Okay, well, what's gonna happen with my company, gabichic? Because that company is nothing without me.

Li: You have built gabichic into a very successful brand.

Gabi: Right, okay, great, so if you go through with this, i am going to exercise my option to disassociate it from dimera. And I'm gonna move my work somewhere else where it's appreciated.

Li: I might as well tell you now, mrs. Dimera, that's not going to happen. We predicted you might attempt something like this, so we preemptively removed you as head of gabichic.

Julie: People are gonna be very upset with me when they hear I've opened my big mouth yet again.

Maggie: Well, I promise i won't tell them I heard it from you, but please, julie, what went wrong with sarah?

Will: Julie, hey, thank god that I found you.

Julie: What is it? What--

Will: Um, there's been a crisis at the restaurant.

Julie: What? What kind of a--

Will: Yeah, maggie, will you excuse us for a moment, I'm so sorry.

Julie: Wait, what is it?

Maggie: Wait, wait--

Julie: What is wrong at the restaurant?

Will: Okay, nothing. But I'm sorry, I had to get you away from maggie. What were you about to tell her?

Julie: Well, I found out about the baby switch, and i wanted to see if she was okay. I just assumed she knew.

Will: Well, she doesn't she doesn't know, and she won't be okay if she finds out she's responsible for her grandchild's death.

Julie: I did not tell her anything. I just said I was sorry about what happened to sarah. She didn't know what I was referring to.

Will: Okay, well, that-- that's good.

Julie: Will, she's not gonna let this go. What do I say to her?

Will: You--you say nothing. You know, why don't you head home, and I'll-- let me handle it.

Julie: You sure?

Will: Yes, I'm sure. I'll just--you know, I'll say you had to go to the restaurant.

Julie: Okay. Honey, I'm so sorry about all of this.

Will: No, it's okay, it's gonna be--it's gonna work out.

Julie: Okay.

Will: Okay.

[Sighs] Gosh, I'm so sorry, maggie. Julie actually had to run to the restaurant because of the crisis.

Maggie: There's no crisis, will.

Will: What do you mean?

Maggie: I mean I'm not stupid. I know you got julie away from here so you could cover for her. I need to know what's going on. What are you hiding from me?

Victor: Brady, I know you feel betrayed, but you have to look at this from my perspective.

Brady: You took my baby.

Victor: It happened so fast. When that baby died in the hospital, it made me realize that maggie not only caused the death of adrienne, but also of her own grandchild. It would've destroyed her... and sarah. I couldn't let that happen.

Brady: So you just decided to play god. And you let it destroy kristen and me, your grandson, instead.

Kristen: How could you do this to me? We were partners, allies. How could you hand over my baby to someone else and let me believe that my little girl died?

Xander: I'm sorry for what you went through, kristen, I am, I truly am, but I love sarah. I'd do anything for her.

Kristen: Oh, and that makes it alright.

Xander: I've never loved anyone the way I love her. Hey.

Kristen: Hm?

Xander: I know you know what I'm talking about, that all-consuming feeling. I've seen how far you were willing to go for brady.

Kristen: Okay, don't you dare put this on me, don't you dare.

Xander: I saw sarah's baby die right in front of me. I knew she'd be completely heartbroken, I just-- I couldn't bring myself to deliver that devastating news to her.

Kristen: So instead, you switch the babies and let me be the one to get the news?

Xander: I'm sorry.

Kristen: You're sorry? You're sorry? My baby is out there with sarah god knows where.

Xander: I wanna find her just as much as you do.

Kristen: Yeah? Well, I'll tell you something, when we do find her, I promise you, I will make her pay for stealing my baby. What kind of a person does that?

Xander: Get off your high horse, kristen. Sarah may have taken your baby, but you tried to take hers first.

Kristen: Oh--

Sarah: Um, bonjour. I--can I help you?

Jeanne marie: Ah, american. I live downstairs, and I heard a baby crying. Is everything all right?

Sarah: Uh, yeah, um, it was my baby. She was a little bit fussy earlier, but she's fine. So there's nothing to worry about. I really have to get going--

Jeanne marie: Uh, no--I know who you are.

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Gabi: You can't--okay, you can't remove me from gabichic. That's my company. I built it.

Li: Look at your contract. You'll see we're perfectly within our rights.

Gabi: I'm not gonna let you do this to me.

Li: It's already done. You were officially out as of this morning.

Gabi: What?

Li: Which, by your reaction today, I see we made the right choice.

Gabi: My reaction? My reaction? How would you like me to react? You are taking away my life's work.

Chad: Gabi, it's time to go.

Abigail: I just--in these situations, I really like to try to just see the bright side of things, you know, like in this case, for example, you get to go home and have time to just pack your things leisurely, right? Wow.

Sarah: Um, I think you're mistaken.

Jeanne marie: Surely you remember me, jeanne marie, your neighbor.

Sarah: Jeanne marie?

Jeanne marie: I did not see much of you when you first lived here, but I know you are madame dimera.

Sarah: Madame dimera?

Jeanne marie: What's your given name, again? Um, antoinette? Amelie?

Sarah: Abigail. My name is abigail.

Jeanne marie: Oh, yeah, abigail. [Speaks french]

Sarah: Yes, I--it's good to see you again.

Jeanne marie: And you--where is your handsome husband?

Sarah: Husband?

Jeanne marie: Who could forget dear charles, huh?

Sarah: Chad. Chad, yeah, he is back in the states.

Jeanne marie: Salem, if i remember.

Sarah: Yes.

Jeanne marie: You seem a bit lost. I hope you two have not have a quarrel, huh?

Kristen: You think you can turn this around on me?

Xander: Are you really gonna try and pretend I don't know exactly what you did? Arraigning to have dr. Rolf steal sarah's unborn baby from her womb so you could get it implanted into you.

Kristen: She wanted an abortion, xander. You were there. I was planning on taking the baby that she didn't want.

Xander: Oh, please, you didn't care about the baby. All you care about is finding a way to trap brady.

Kristen: Okay, that is not true.

Xander: Of course it is!

Kristen: No, it's not!

Xander: Of course it is. The only reason you didn't go trough with your insane plan is because you found out you were already pregnant. Turns out you found a way to pull brady into your web after all, and the poor dolt is stuck there to this day.

Kristen: Stop it. Stop it.

Xander: Go on.

Kristen: Just stop it!

Brady: You say that you couldn't bear to watch maggie suffer, I get that. I don't like to see maggie suffer, but my question to you is why is it so easy to watch me suffer? How do you think I felt when i heard that I'd lost my little girl, hm?

Victor: I wasn't okay with it, in fact, it damn near killed me, literally.

Brady: What are you talking about?

Victor: The stroke. I'm convinced it was brought on by the terrible stress of making the decision that I had to make.

Brady: Think it was stress, or do you think it was guilt?

Victor: Both. I never wanted to hurt you, brady.

Brady: I don't believe that anymore. Don't--don't claim that you care about me, because I don't think that you ever did.

Victor: That's not true.

Brady: You know, right after I lost my baby--or I thought that I had lost my baby--you know what you did? Do you remember what you did? You fired my ass.

Victor: I had to do that.

Brady: And you replaced me with xander. Xander! Who I know that you couldn't stand, and you made him ceo of the company.

Victor: I didn't have a choice.

Brady: What do you--you keep saying that. What do you mean you didn't have a choice?

Victor: It was the price that he demanded.

Brady: You--that--that was his pr--his price for doing the baby switch, is that what you're saying to me?

Victor: Yes. He had me over a barrel, and he knew it. It was the only way to protect maggie.

Maggie: You need to tell me what you're hiding from me, will. You of all people know what it's like to be in prison. Isolated. Alone. People on the outside try to protect you from anything upsetting.

Will: Maggie, I--I--you're right--

Maggie: You know what, you have a daughter. How would you feel if people lied to you about arianna?

Will: I--I'd feel terrible.

Maggie: I know sarah's a grown woman, but she's still my little girl.

Will: I--I know that, I know.

Maggie: She was so happy, and she was so hopeful when she was here. She had her wedding dress on, and she was preparing for a life with xander and mickey. And now something is wrong with her, and everyone seems to know about it except for me.

Will: Look, I--I'm not sure what julie was telling you--

Maggie: Okay, you know what, will, look. You went to prison for me. And I will forever be grateful for that. But if you don't tell me the truth now, I'll never forgive you.

Will: O--okay, okay, okay. I'll tell you. It's about xander.

Allergies with nasal congestion

make it feel

impossible to breathe.

Julie: Planning on adding breaking and entering to your long list of criminal activities? Why am I not surprised?

Maggie: Sarah, she was here, and then she left to get married. I could tell how much she loved xander, and how excited she is to be marrying him.

Will: You know, that must have been a bittersweet moment for you, knowing that you couldn't be there.

Maggie: Yeah. Yes. So now I know something is wrong, so please, will, what happened?

Will: Maggie, I'm sorry that the truth is that... the wedding never happened.

Maggie: Ohh. Why not?

Sarah: Yes, I'm sorry to say that my husband and I did have a fight.

Jeanne marie: [Speaks french]

Sarah: Yeah, unfortunately, it was a terrible one.

Jeanne marie: But you are such a beautiful couple. You should not be here alone.

Sarah: Every couple needs their time apart.

Jeanne marie: Tell me, dear girl, what did he do, huh?

Kristen: Uh! You will do or say anything to justify what you did.

Xander: I'm just pointing out that you're in no position to judge.

Kristen: You know what, xander, that we're being honest now, I don't think you really loved sarah. You never loved anyone but yourself.

Xander: That used to be true. I do love sarah. She changed me.

Kristen: Oh, my god. People don't change.

Xander: You've been running around telling everybody that'll listen that you've changed for a year!

Kristen: No, but that's different because I became a mother.

Xander: Raising that little girl changed me, too.

Kristen: Oh, god, don't you dare. Don't you dare act like she's yours.

Xander: All I'm saying is i finally know what it means to be selfless, and it wasn't just sarah that I had to look after. I had to spare maggie, too.

Kristen: Maggie.

Xander: Yeah, she had no idea that she just killed her own granddaughter in an accident.

Kristen: When did you care so much about maggie?

Xander: We have a bond. I--i didn't wanna see her suffer.

Kristen: Oh, come on. The only person that loves maggie and would risk everything would be--

Xander: What?

Kristen: Oh, my god. Victor. He put you up to this, and don't you dare--don't you dare deny it. I can see it all over your face.

Brady: How many times? How many times are you gonna do this to me?

Victor: It wasn't about you, brady.

Brady: Never is. Never is. You always find a way to put me last, and funny enough, no matter what you do, I always come back to you. I'm always here.

Victor: Because we're family.

Brady: Don't you cite that family crap with me. You know, when you had your stroke, you know where--I was at the hospital. I came to see you, even though I was so angry with you I didn't wanna have anything to do with you. But I said hell, brady, he's still your grandfather, so--

Victor: And always will be.

Brady: No, no, I don't think so, not anymore.

Victor: You don't mean that.

Brady: Do you know what my half-brother eric is doing right now? He's been up all night, and he is searching for sarah and my baby girl. He's going through the worst time in his life. He just found out that his girl is gone. But he's helping me out. You know why he's doing that? Because he cares about me, grandad, because that's--that's family.

Victor: Maggie is my family, too.

Brady: Does she know what you did?

Victor: No, and you can't tell her.

Brady: [Scoffs]

Victor: Please.

Brady: No, I--don't worry about it. Well, it might serve you right if I did, but I have bigger things to do, don't I? I have to get my family together, and i need to find my daughter.

Victor: Brady--

Brady: No, I'm done, grandad. I don't want you contacting me. I don't want to see your face. We're not family anymore. You're dead to me.

It's starting to

happen every day.

Chad: Now, that was an excellent decision.

Li: Well, it wasn't an easy one.

Abigail: Well, it should've been.

Li: She did build a successful company from the ground up, whereas dimera enterprises was handed to you, chad.

Chad: I'm not sure I would put it that way.

Li: I would. By all accounts, you were your father's favorite.

Chad: Okay, yeah, my--I've been fortunate. But through my family's legacy, I mean, yeah, we've had a lot of tragedy and missteps, but through it all, I'm committed to prove that dimera can succeed and I'm not just gonna create a profit, I'm gonna do some good in the world.

Li: Noble sentiments. Ultimately, the proof will be in the bottom line. We're with you, chad, but the leash is short. We'll be watching.

Chad: I'll do my best.

Gabi: This is my store, okay? I have been locked out, and I'm gonna get in by whatever means necessary.

Julie: You have a very broad interpretation of what belongs to you.

Gabi: Oh, you're talking about my husband's heart. It still makes me very sick that it's beating inside of your body.

Julie: Because you can't blow it up anymore. I'm alive, I'm breathing. I'm here whether you like it or not.

Gabi: Well, if it weren't for me, you'd be six feet under. To think I did that out of the kindness of my heart.

Julie: There's no kindness in your heart, gabi. You belong in prison and you would be there if you hadn't held everybody hostage over an innocent baby's life.

Gabi: I saved that baby, just like I saved you, although i really wish I hadn'T.

Julie: Yeah, well, we all have regrets. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I'm married to the most wonderful husband in the world. I have a family. I have friends that love me. What have you got, gabi?

Gabi: Shut your mouth.

Julie: Or what? Gonna brain me with that pot metal daisy, sending yourself right back to prison? I thought not. It's over, gabi, and you know it. It's all over.

Gabi: [Sighs]

Will: I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but right before they were about to get married, sarah changed her mind about xander.

Maggie: Why?

Will: I--I--maybe she came to her senses, and realized that he has done too many terrible things to commit to spending her entire life with him.

Maggie: But I thought she loved him enough to put aside all of her reservations she had about him, unless--

Will: Unless what?

Maggie: Unless he did something new. Something that you're not telling me.

Will: Look, maggie, I know how you feel, okay? I--I went through the same thing when i was locked up. You're trying to hold onto the outside world as hard as you can, but it's slipping away. And I know that it's killing you right now that sarah's in pain and that you're here and you can't be there for her.

Maggie: It is, and that's why you need to tell me what happened. Why did my daughter walk away from her wedding?

Sarah: The man that I love did something awful. He lied to me.

Jeanne marie: [Speaks french] Sometimes they do stupid things, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him, huh.

Sarah: I don't know. Some things are unforgivable.

Jeanne marie: I'm very sorry to hear that. Well, I will leave you now.

Sarah: Well, thank you for stopping by.

Jeanne marie: Wait.

Sarah: What? What is it? That baby is very young.

Sarah: Yeah.

Jeanne marie: If I remember, your children were older, and you had two of them.

Sarah: My older children are with their father.

Jeanne marie: Mm.

Sarah: This is a new addition to the family.

Jeanne marie: [Speaks french] A child is such a gift, huh?

Sarah: Yeah, she is.

Jeanne marie: Well I hope you can find it--a way to reconcile because of the baby, huh? Every couple goes through difficult times, but as moliere said, [Speaks french] To live without loving is to not live, really. Ah. [Speaks french]

Sarah: [Speaks french]

Xander: Come on, uncle vic, pick up. Pick up!

[Phone rings]

Kristen: You and I need to have a word.

[Phone ringing] In this time of social distancing,

Will: I--I'm sorry, maggie, i can't tell you more than i already have, and I'm sorry i came here with such bad news.

Maggie: All I want is for sarah to be happy.

Will: I know. She deserves to be, you know, after everything she went through with rex and eric.

Maggie: And the baby.

Will: Yeah.

Maggie: Okay. [Clears throat] When you get home, you tell her how much I love her and that she needs to call me or come visit.

Will: Of course, yeah. Um, but I just sort of think I get the sense that sarah wants to be alone for the time being. And I'm sorry, maggie, I gotta go, I--

Maggie: Will?

Will: Yes?

Maggie: Thank you for telling me the news.

Will: Of course. Take care.

Maggie: [Sighs]

Xander: Sarah, it's me. Look, I know you're angry, but you have to call me back, please. I wanna help you, sarah.

Victor: I don't seem to recall inviting you into my home.

Kristen: Shut the hell up, old man.

Victor: How dare you talk to me that way.

Kristen: How dare I? After what you did to me?

Victor: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

Kristen: Xander told me everything. I know it was you. You planned to take my baby and give it to sarah and let brady and me believe that our little girl had died.

Victor: Fine. I did what I had to do to protect maggie.

Kristen: This wasn't about protecting maggie. You hated that I was having brady's baby from the very beginning.

Victor: I won't deny that.

Kristen: Exactly. You act like your motives were noble. You didn't do this out of love, victor, you did it out of hate. You did everything you could to turn brady against me, and you knew--you knew that if we were having a baby together, that he would love me forever.

Victor: He always needed protection against his bad judgment.

Kristen: I will never forget how angry you were when brady invited me to move in here. And you would've done anything to break us up, including letting us believe that our baby had died.

Victor: Are you done ranting? Because I have things to do.

Kristen: [Sighs] Oh, yeah. As a matter of fact, I am done talking about this.


[Dramatic music]

For what you did to me... you deserve to die, you son of a bitch. Copd makes it hard to breathe

Julie: Hey, you two.

Abigail: Hi.

Julie: Are you in for a special occasion?

Abigail: Um, yes.

Chad: We are, yes. It's been a good day.

Abigail: Yeah, it has. Finally, chad has gotten a second chance at being ceo of dimera.

Julie: Oh, chad, darling, that's wonderful. Wonderful.

Chad: And gabi's out for good.

Julie: Ah. Oh, that makes sense.

Abigail: Why?

Julie: Oh, I just ran into her in the square, and she was unhinged, to say the least.

Chad: Are you okay? She didn't try anything, did she?

Julie: No. No, I can handle gabi hernandez. I put her in her place. I think she is finally ready to admit defeat.

Gabi: Stefan... first I lose you, now I lose my business. If I could do it all over again, I would've never given julie your heart. After they ripped you away from me and no one cared-- you know, you should be here right now. You don't deserve this. I don't deserve this.

[Dramatic music]


Sarah: Hi, this is dr. Sarah horton. Sorry I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message.


Maggie: Sarah, it's mom. I heard about the wedding. Please, I need to talk to you.

[Phone ringing]

Sarah: Hello?

Xander: Oh, thank god you finally picked up. Sarah, where are you?

Sarah: What do you want?

[Phone line trilling]

Brady: [Sighs] Kristen, it's me. Listen, I'm trying to find you. Please call me, all right?

Victor: What do you think you're gonna do with that?

Kristen: What should've been done a long time ago, you bastard.

Victor: Don't be ridiculous.

Kristen: You stole my child, and now thanks to you, I may never see her again.

Victor: Oh, don't be so dramatic. We'll find your daughter.

Kristen: I don't believe you.

Victor: Damn it, woman, put that knife down. We both know that you're not going--

[Knife slices]


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