Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/22/20
Episode #13753 ~ Brady, Kristen, Eric and Nicole wait for word on Sarah and the baby; Chad and Abigail take opposite sides over Kristen and Sarah's situation; Victor berates Xander for allowing the truth to come out; Gabi lobbies for the CEO position at DiMera.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Yes. Please tell mr. Shin that I need to speak with him asap. I need to do everything I can to ensure that my husband's legacy in this company is not forgotten.[Keypad beeps]
[Tense music]
Stefan? Stefan, is that you?
Chad: That's a lot to take in, but thanks for letting me know. Yeah, keep me posted.
[Keypad beeps]
Abigail: Well, tony and anna are off. Who were you on the phone with?
Chad: Uh, roxanne.
Abigail: Yeah?
Chad: She was telling me about a breaking news story.
Abigail: Hmm. What?
Chad: Kristen.
Abigail: Oh, god. What'd your sister do now?
Chad: It wasn't her fault this time. You'll never believe what xander kiriakis did to her and brady.
[Soft dramatic music]
Sarah: With you so peaceful.
Xander: Like the little angel she is.
Sarah: [Laughs] I can't lose her, xander. I can'T.
Xander: You won't, sarah. I promise. We're gonna find a bone marrow match for mickey-- ends of the earth, all that.
Sarah: Way you say it, I believe it.
Xander: And you should.
Sarah: Thank you for being here and for not giving up on me, loving me.
Xander: I always will.
[Tender music]
Are you sure this is really what you want?
Sarah: I'm so sure. Don't you?
Xander: Yeah, but--
Sarah: But what? What's wrong?
Xander: Half an hour ago, you--
Sarah: Eric and I kissed. I know, but that was it. I stopped it, because I don't love eric. I love you, and I'm gonna keep saying it until you believe it.
Xander: I've been dreaming of this moment for so long. If only--
Sarah: Mickey wasn't sick. I know. I feel so guilty for being this happy right now, but honestly, if this nightmare has taught me anything, it's that let's never take anything for granted. Especially not the people that you love. This is the first time that I ever felt like my whole world was crashing down around me in I don't even remember how long.
Xander: We're gonna find a match for mickey. I promise.
Sarah: I'm holding you to that.
Xander: You can, for sure. I don't make promises I can't keep.
Sarah: What-- what are you doing?
Xander: [Sighs] Sarah horton, will you marry me? Look, good things don't happen to me very often, so when they do, I have to grab on to them, so they don't slip away. And you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, sarah. You're funny, and smart, and you're so beautiful. And for some reason, you seem to love me back, even though I'm--what did you call me?
Both: Dopey.
Xander: So I'd be a real idiot not to do everything in my power to make you my wife, right?
Sarah: Well, I couldn't possibly let you be an idiot when you're already so dopey.
Xander: Please tell me that's a yes.
Sarah: That was a yes.
Xander: Sarah, how could i tell you that she had died? I had to think of something. I had to come up with some way that you wouldn't have to feel that pain, so I--
Sarah: So you gave me someone else's baby!
[Sobs] You let me take her home and care for her. You let me love her so much that I would die. I would die for her. You let me see her through cancer. I'd be terrified that I was gonna lose her. God. And when eric and I found out that she was cancer-free you kicked him out, so that you and I could celebrate. I mean, did you ever think-did you ever think, for a second, that we'd find out the truth?
Xander: I just--I thought I could handle it.
Sarah: Handle it how?
Xander: I just love you so much.
Sarah: Oh, my god. How can you say that to me? How can you say that when you've hurt me more than I've ever been hurt in my life?
Xander: The jet's sitting on the tarmac. The pilot just is waiting for a call from me. We're all packed.
Sarah: I don't care! God.
Xander: We can do this, sarah. We can take mickey and disappear for the rest of our lives. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we're together. As long as we're a family. We can get out of here before brady and kristen show up and try and take her away.
Sarah: Are you crazy? You'd have to be, to think that I would go anywhere with you. I never want to see you again for as long as I live.
Victor: Well, it's about damn time. Welcome to the land of the living.
Eric: Kristen, why don't you sit down?
Kristen: Brady's been on the phone to the isa for hours. I mean, shouldn't they have located them yet?
Eric: I'm sure we'll hear something soon.
Kristen: What if something happened to them? What if my baby girl is hurt because sarah's been dragging her around god knows where?
Nicole: Kristen, I'm sure mickey is-- I mean rachel-- I'm sure she's fine. Sarah loves her. She would never put that little girl in danger.
Kristen: All this time, I thought my baby girl was dead. And when I finally, finally get to be reunited with her, sarah steals her away from me!
Eric: I think we should just give her some time.
Kristen: Time? Time? Are you kidding me? She's already had her for a year, and now, she is a kidnapper and a fugitive. Oh, god, brady. Tell me you found our baby. Did you?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sonny: You must have done something right. Chef hooked it up. Got cheese, olives, hummus. All your favorites. You didn't even look up.
Will: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just a little distracted. I'm trying to see if there's any news about sarah and the baby.
Sonny: Anything to report?
Will: Not yet. Damn it. I can't believe my cousin took brady's baby, and we could have stopped her.
Xander: Please, just tell me I'm still dreaming. Ow.
Victor: Does that feel like you're still dreaming?
Xander: Can you at least, next time, throw something that still has some booze in it?
Victor: More booze is the last thing you need.
Xander: Last thing I need is one of your lectures. How'd you get in here anyway?
Victor: You might start by showing a little more gratitude. Last night, I got a panicked call from the hotel telling me that my ceo's trashing his room.
Xander: Look, I just lost the only woman I ever truly loved. She never wants to see me again, so yeah. I got a hotel room and tried to erase the pain.
Victor: Yes, I heard how you got dumped at the altar. So tragic.
Xander: My worst nightmare came true. Sarah found out the truth.
Victor: And now the whole world knows that the babies were switched. How could you be so stupid?
Brady: The isa made contact with the titan pilot. His name is joe. He landed in salem a little while ago.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: But there were no passengers on board. He's on his way here now to tell us more.
Kristen: Okay, so then we haven't found rachel and sarah?
Brady: Not yet, but we have a good lead.
Kristen: No, no--
Brady: It's a strong lead.
Kristen: It's not enough, brady, because every second she's gone is a second that we don't have our...
Brady: I know.
Kristen: Baby girl.
Brady: Kristen, I know that.
Kristen: I just--I feel like she's slipping away from me again.
Brady: No, no, no, she's not. No, no, look, this is good news. We are gonna locate sarah, and we are gonna get our baby back. I promise you, I promise you.
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
Gabi: Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my office? I'm calling security!
Li: Oh, that won't be necessary. Mrs. Dimera, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is li shin.
Gabi: Oh, you're shin's son. Of course. That's right. I didn't recognize you. Sorry.
Li: Please. Just call me li. It's quite all right. We've never met before.
Gabi: No, we haven'T.
Li: I'm sorry i startled you.
Gabi: Oh, no, it's fine. It's just that-- it's kind of crazy, but I thought you were--
Li: Your dead husband.
[Mysterious music]
Abigail: So okay, so xander switched kristen's baby with sarah's, on the night they were born?
Chad: Yes, and sarah was supposed to hand over the kid last night, except she didn'T. She just--she took off with the baby.
Abigail: Oh, my god. What is with people in this town?
Chad: I don't know. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for my sister to find out that rachel is still alive, and then for sarah to-- I mean what kind of--
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: Who would do that to another mother?
Abigail: Well, but could you think about it from sarah's perspective? I mean she must have really been suffering in order to do something like that. I mean she probably was just so heartbroken when she found out that mickey wasn't her child.
Chad: Don't tell me you're actually taking sarah's side.
Sonny: How are we to blame for any of this? We had no way of knowing mickey wasn't sarah's baby when we ran into her.
Will: I knew something was up with her, and I knew she was lying about why she wasn't wearing the wedding ring. I just--I could have confronted her, but I didn'T. I just let it go.
Sonny: Will, you can't beat yourself up. The only person to blame for all of this is xander. Letting brady and kristen think their baby was dead and giving her to sarah, whose baby died in the accident-- this guy is slime.
Xander: Well, maybe next time you want to switch babies, you'll leave me out of it, 'cause let's not forget this was all your idea.
Victor: You were a more than willing participant.
Xander: I wanted to protect sarah from the pain of losing a child.
Victor: And I wanted to protect maggie, because thank god, I still can.
Xander: Well, maybe not for much longer.
Victor: Forever, damn it. Look, I'm sorry that sarah found out the truth. I truly am, but our job is not finished. We have to keep maggie in the dark. Bad enough she found out that she was responsible for adrienne's death. If she realizes that she killed her own granddaughter, it would destroy her.
Brady: Joe, thanks for coming.
Joe: Of course, I miss working for you, mr. Black. You were always so kind to--
Kristen: Okay, enough chitchat. Where did you take my baby?
Joe: Yes, ms. Dimera. Of course. As per ms. Horton's instructions, I flew her and the child to an airstrip in london. She told me not to wait for her.
Brady: Did she say anything about her plans? Where she was gonna stay? Maybe to see a friend? Anything?
Joe: She didn't say. Just that I should come back to salem. I'm sorry, mr. Black. I had no idea she was kidnapping a child. I mean, as far as I knew, the baby belonged to her.
Kristen: Didn't you think something was up when she didn't want to file a flight plan?
Joe: She claimed she was going on her honeymoon with mr. Kiriakis, and they didn't want anybody to know where they were going.
Kristen: [Growls] God, I mean, didn't you think it was strange, maybe, that she was on her honeymoon with a baby and without her husband?
Joe: She said mr. Kiriakis was wrapping up some titan business, and he'd join her later.
Kristen: Are you the dumbest man on the earth? What in the hell's wrong with you?
Brady: No, no, stop, kristen!
Kristen: Stop it! You need to tell me where she is!
Brady: Kristen, stop.
Kristen: Tell me where she is!
Gabi: Well, yes, my late husband has been on my mind lately, and this is his office. You were just sitting in his chair, and I--
Li: I'm really sorry about that. Perhaps I should have called first.
Gabi: Oh, no, that's okay. That's fine. What were you doing in salem?
Li: Well, as you know, dimera enterprises has been without an "official" ceo for weeks.
Gabi: Right.
Li: The board feels it's time to rectify that, so my father sent me here to assess the situation and make a decision.
Gabi: Great. Well, then you've come to the right place, because there's no contest. See, when it comes to running this company, I'm the only choice.
Li: Hmm.
Chad: I know sarah is your family, but you have to admit that what she did-- taking my sister's child-- it was wrong.
Abigail: Well, yeah. I'm just saying I can see her perspective.
Chad: You do?
Abigail: Yeah, I do. She and eric--they were there from the minute mickey was sick, and she was there every second, until mickey was back in good health. I mean since mickey was born, sarah has been her mother.
Chad: Except she's not her mother.
Abigail: No. I know. I mean, like, she is, in her heart. She's her mother.
Chad: That doesn't make any sense.
Abigail: Yes it does. Being--she did everything that a mother would do for a child. She took care of her. She protected her. She was mickey's mother, and that's a really strong bond that you can't just, you know, flip on and off like a switch or something.
Chad: I get it. What I'm saying is my sister's wanted a child her entire life, and to take that away from her I think is cruel.
Abigail: Well, let's not sanctify kristen just yet, okay? She's been party to more than one kidnapping herself, right?
Chad: So what? She deserved it?
Abigail: No, I'm not saying she deserved it. I'm just-- well, chad, she stole theresa's baby right out of her womb. I mean--
Chad: A long time ago, and it was under different circumstances. She's changed.
Abigail: She's changed? Do you hear yourself right now? Come on. I have one word for you. Haley.
Will: I can't imagine what sarah and eric are going through-- learning the child you've been raising isn't yours and that your real baby died almost a year ago.
Sonny: On mother's day. Sarah's baby and my mom died from injuries they sustained in the same accident.
Will: Oh, my god. I didn't even think about that. Maggie didn't just kill your mother. She killed her own grandchild.
Xander: Look, I love maggie too, but I just don't see how we can keep her from finding out the truth.
Victor: Well, ironically, her insisting on going to prison works in our favor. She's in sort of a bubble, in statesville.
Xander: Well, yeah, for now, but eventually she'll hear what happened from the news, or another prisoner, or--
Victor: I plan to talk to the warden. Putting her in a situation where she'll be as insulated as possible.
Xander: What are you gonna do? Have her thrown into solitary?
Victor: No, of course not. I've got people looking out for her, as it is, and I'll just pay them a little more money to make sure she doesn't find out the details of the accident.
Xander: But what about sarah?
Victor: What about her?
Xander: Well, last night, she was too upset about losing mickey for it to dawn on her that her own mother was responsible for the death of her child, but she must have put two and two together by now. It wouldn't surprise me if she's already at the prison confronting maggie.
Victor: She's not.
Xander: And how can you be so sure?
Victor: Well, she fled the country during the night.
Xander: What?
Victor: Along with brady and kristen's baby.
Brady: Kristen!
Kristen: No, listen, no! I am gonna have you arrested for aiding and abetting, you son of a bitch!
Nicole: Kristen!
Kristen: What?
Nicole: The man clearly had no idea that sarah was lying to him. Just leave him alone, and calm down.
Brady: She's right. She's right.
Joe: I'm really sorry. I feel terrible about this.
Brady: Joe, it's okay. Just thank you for talking with us. If you remember anything-- anything--call me, all right?
Joe: Okay, I will. I'm sorry.
Brady: It's okay.
Kristen: Stupid pilot was completely useless.
Brady: Hey, hey. Listen, it's not--you can't blame him. It's not his fault.
Kristen: You know what? You're right, you're right. It's not his fault, and I don't blame him. I blame your brother. I'm phil mickelson.
Li: Hmm. You are awfully sure of yourself, mrs. Dimera.
Gabi: Well, why wouldn't I be? I have the knowledge, the drive, the experience. I ran this company for the last year-- successfully, I might add.
Li: Well, until the board had to fire you, because of what you did to julie williams.
Gabi: Okay, fine, so you have your reservations about my history, but I will say I'm still the best candidate. What? You're not gonna rehire me? You're gonna hire chad?
Li: I take it you feel that would be a mistake?
Gabi: A huge one, and I can tell you all the reasons why.
Chad: That's a low blow. Haley's death was an accident.
Abigail: Oh, chad, come on. You and I both know that kristen pushed haley down those stairs, come on.
Chad: She was suffering from post-partum depression. She had lost her mind, because she had just lost a child.
Abigail: Don't do that. Do not excuse...
Chad: Don't do what? And the whole thing was a lie! The kid was alive.
Abigail: Okay. If xander hadn't triggered kristen, then haley could still be alive right now. And I don't know, maybe she and my brother could be really, genuinely happy together.
Chad: Yeah. Like I said, what xander did-- it affected a lot of people.
Abigail: And you know what? Including sarah. Sarah is gonna be grieving the loss of that baby forever.
[Soft dramatic music]
Chad: I'm sorry. I should have been more compassionate to what sarah is going through.
Abigail: Hmm. I'm sorry. I should have been more sensitive. I know she's your sister.
Chad: Are we making up?
Abigail: Well, I don't think we were necessarily fighting.
Chad: What do you call it?
Abigail: I don't know. Difference in opinion, maybe.
Chad: Whatever that was, I do not like it.
Abigail: You don't?
Chad: I don'T.
Abigail: Oh.
Chad: Listen, we have to be on the same team here, if we're gonna get rid of gabi.
Abigail: Oh, we're always on the same team when it comes to that bitch.
Chad: I mean we have to get rid of her, once and for all.
Abigail: Yes we do. Absolutely, and it's not like we haven't tried, but this time, we have to get rid of her. She has to be out of this house and out of dimera.
[Cell phone rings]
Chad: It might be my assistant. It could be about kristen. It is my assistant. Hey, roxanne, what's up? What? Okay. All right, yeah. We'll be right there.
Xander: Sarah kidnapped mickey? No. No, that can't be right.
Victor: Is that so hard to believe?
Xander: I mean I knew she left the mansion with mickey last night, but eric and I just assumed that she was giving the baby back to brady and kristen.
Victor: Well, obviously, she couldn't go through with it. Instead, she took off. Straight for the titan jet.
Xander: Where did she go?
Victor: Don't know. They didn't file a flight plan.
Xander: Well, have you contacted the pilot?
Victor: Brady is supposed to be in touch with him this morning, but I haven't heard anything yet.
Xander: No, just-- I can't believe sarah would do this.
Victor: She was desperate.
Xander: When I offered to run away with her and the baby, she said no. She turned me down, but I never would have thought she'd just go off on her own.
Victor: Well, obviously, she preferred to make her escape without you.
Xander: But she doesn't have my resources. She's out there all by herself. I've got to find her.
Victor: Didn't she say she never wanted to see you again?
Xander: Yes, but she's gonna need my help to evade brady and kristen. If they track her down first--
Victor: And kristen is going to unleash a fury on sarah, the likes of which the world has never seen.
Nicole: How is any of this his fault?
Kristen: Well, he's the one who convinced brady to let sarah say goodbye to rachel. I wanted to go over there right away to get my baby, but no, no. We had to put sarah's feelings first, didn't we?
Brady: Kristen.
Kristen: Yeah!
Brady: Nope. Nobody--nobody could have anticipated that sarah would do something like this. Do you understand me?
Kristen: Really? Nobody?
Brady: Kristen.
Kristen: Nobody? God, I am so sorry, eric. I didn't mean to--I didn't mean to take this out on you. I didn't, and I mean, if it wasn't for you and nicole--I mean brady and I would never know that our baby was alive.
Eric: I understand.
Kristen: I just-- I'm just so scared. I--
[Whimpers] I'm afraid that I'm never gonna see my baby again, and I'm never gonna get to hold her. Brady--
Brady: Stop.
Kristen: No, no, no. If we don't get her back, I just don't know what I'm gonna do. Challenge what soft can be.
Will: Poor maggie.
Sonny: You know, xander and maggie have this strange bond, but it's a real one, so I guess he was just trying to protect her.
Will: [Scoffs] Maggie's already had a hard enough time dealing with the fact that her drinking and driving killed your mom. I mean god knows what this is gonna do to her.
Sonny: Well, I think she deserves to be told.
Will: Are you serious? After all she's been through, you just want to rub it in her face that she killed her own grandchild?
Xander: I've gotta get out there to find sarah.
Victor: You sure you want to get involved with this? She's a fugitive. You've got enough trouble as it is.
Xander: I don't care. Sarah needs me. I'll do anything to make sure that she and mickey are okay.
Victor: I'm not sure sarah will see it that way.
Xander: Well, I know she's angry, but maybe in time, she'll change her mind.
Victor: And if she doesn't?
Xander: I still need to help her, even if she never forgives me.
Victor: You really are in love with her, aren't you?
Xander: More than anything in this whole damn world.
Kristen: [Sighs] I'm so sorry.
Brady: No.
Kristen: I'm so sorry.
Brady: You don't have to apologize. You don'T.
Kristen: I do, I didn't mean to lash out at everyone, and especially you, eric.
Eric: It's all right. I don't blame you.
Brady: Why don't you let me take you home?
Kristen: Uh-uh, no, no. I can'T.
Brady: No, you need to. You need to because you need your rest. You look exhausted, and you need to have your strength for when we get her back, and we will get her back.
[Emotional music]
Gabi: Well, yeah. Chad may have the dimera name, but he doesn't have stefano's killer instinct.
Li: Well, he was able to re-acquire all those shares from kate dimera.
Gabi: He was going to hand them over to brainwashed steve johnson. He attacked me and kate. He threw us in a basement. He tried to kill us. Does that sound like a mentally competent person to you?
Li: I thought you said he doesn't have a killer instinct? I--which is it?
Gabi: Both, it's both, okay? He turned into this psycho zombie, and who knows if there's after effects? What if you're in a meeting, somebody says the wrong word, he tosses that person out of a window?
Li: [Chuckles] That seems a bit extreme.
Gabi: Totally plausible. I know chad. He is unstable, unreliable, and unfit for this job.
Chad: And he's standing right here.
Chad: Li, my assistant said you were in town. It's great to see you again.
Li: You too. Last time we saw each other, the circumstances weren't so idea.
Gabi: Yeah, didn't you have to fire him for sexual harassment?
Abigail: Oh, actually, gabi, chad was reinstated once they realized that there was some evidence proving that juliette framed him.
Gabi: Right. There's always some excuse. Someone's always trying to get chad to do something he doesn't want to do. He's very easily manipulated, isn't he, li?
Li: I'm not here to talk about the paris office.
Chad: You're here to decide who should run the company.
Li: Indeed, and I have to be honest, chad. Gabi has made some very convincing arguments against you.
Nicole: I am so sorry. On top of learning that mickey isn't yours, you have to deal with this too.
Eric: Nicole, I would never say this in front of brady or kristen, but I understand why sarah ran off. I didn't want to let go of the baby either.
Brady: Hey.
Eric: Hey, so how's kristen?
Brady: She's at home resting finally. Is there any news? Tell me some good news.
Eric: Rafe and the isa-- they contacted the local authorities in london, but unfortunately, there's still no sign of sarah or the baby.
Brady: Damn it.
Eric: Brady...
Brady: Damn it!
Eric: They're gonna find her.
Brady: You know what I keep thinking about? How did I not know that mickey was my baby?
Nicole: How would you know?
Brady: Kristen knew. Deep down, she always had that connection.
[Emotional music]
Kristen: [Sighs]
[Laughs] Brady. Nurse chen was wrong, wasn't she? Our baby's still alive. Let me...
Brady: Uh... the doctor gave her to me so we could, um-- we could say goodbye.
[Sniffs] Here. We have-- kristen, we have to say goodbye.
Kristen: No, no.
Brady: We need--
Kristen: No!
Brady: Kristen, kristen.
Kristen: No, no, no.
Brady: Look at me. Look at me.
Kristen: [Sobbing]
Brady: Listen, listen. Shh. Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Shh. Shh. Okay.
Kristen: Oh, brady
Brady: It's all right.
Kristen: Oh, god.
Brady: That's all right.
Kristen: You have no idea how much it would mean to me. I only got to hold rachel for a short time, and-- and then she was gone.
Eric: Kristen, I understand, but I can't let you hold her.
Kristen: Oh, god. Oh, my god. I was so close to holding her. So close. No, I can't stay here anymore. I have to find her. I have to find my baby.
Will: Look, of course you have every right to be angry with maggie, but I mean I just--wanting her to suffer like that? I mean it just seems a little cruel.
Sonny: No, no. That's not what I meant.
Will: Well, then why would we tell her?
Sonny: Because the truth is going to get out, and I would hate for her to find out through the guards, or other inmates, or on the news.
Will: I don't know. Maybe she doesn't have to know.
Sonny: But how are we gonna keep it from her?
Will: You're right, yeah.
[Scoffs, sighs] Maybe I should go to statesville right now and tell her.
Sonny: You?
Will: Yeah, me, I mean maggie and I understand each other, and we kind of went through the fire together when we found out that she'd caused the accident and not me.
Sonny: And you tried to protect her then too.
Will: Everyone is so focused on the missing baby, and nobody understands how maggie feels right now better than I do, so I think I'll go over there and find a gentle way to break the news to her about sarah and the baby.
Victor: Like hell you will.
Nicole: Brady, how could you possibly have known that xander switched those babies?
Brady: Well, you figured it out, didn't you?
Nicole: I got lucky. You mentioned that rachel had a birthmark, and I spotted the same one on mickey. And then I just started thinking how xander insisted that tate get tested for the bone marrow transplant.
Brady: And he knew. He knew tate was rachel's half brother, of course.
Eric: Yeah, and you remember how thrown you were when theresa called?
Brady: Yeah. Oh, god. Wait a minute.
Eric: What? What is it?
Brady: Xander--xander pushed for tate to get tested, but he wasn't the one that convinced theresa to do it. That was victor.
Nicole: And?
Brady: And that son of a bitch knew that that was my baby all along.
Abigail: Shin, you're not actually giving any weight to gabi's arguments against chad, are you?
Li: Well, they're pretty damning.
Abigail: Mr. Shin, here we are again. Hate to tell you this, but you've found yourself another liar.
Gabi: Oh, was I lying when I told you he recently was brainwashed and tried to kill me?
Chad: I'm happy to explain that. I can make a case for myself.
Gabi: I'm sure you can.
Chad: Maybe we go down to my office. We can discuss this further.
Li: That won't be necessary. I'm fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses of both you and mrs. Dimera, and I'm prepared to make a decision.
[Tense music]
Eric: Maybe I should have gone after brady. You know, he was so furious.
Nicole: Can you blame him? His own grandfather knew that his baby was alive, and he didn't tell him.
Eric: I just can't believe victor would do something like this.
Nicole: I can. And I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when brady gets his hands on him.
Victor: So are we clear? You won't breathe a word to maggie about the babies or sarah. The truth would kill her.
Sonny: Aren't you worried she's gonna find out some other way?
Victor: I'm going to do everything in my power to see that that doesn't happen. Just promise me that you won't tell her.
Will: We won't say anything.
Victor: I need you to tell the rest of the family. Please.
Sonny: I'll call my dad.
Will: We're sorry about-- about all of this.
Victor: Everything I did, I did to protect you, maggie.
Brady: Is that why you let me think my daughter was dead?
[Dramatic music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line ringing]
Sarah: Hi. This is dr. Sarah horton. Sorry I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message.
Xander: Sarah? It's me. Look, I know you're angry, but you have to call me back. Please. I want to help you, sarah.
Kristen: You want to help sarah, do you? Help her do what?
[Pensive music]
Sarah: Welcome to our new home, mickey.
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