Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 4/21/20
Episode #13752 ~ Hope and Steve commiserate together; Gabi goes up against Chad; Kayla tells Justin her decision about their future; Kate applies for a job with Abe.
Provided By Suzanne
Abe: Well, good afternoon. And thank you for coming by.Kate: Good afternoon. You're welcome.
Abe: Kate. Whatever you want, I don't have time. I'm waiting for someone for a job interview.
Kate: Yes, I know. And I'm the someone you're waiting for.
[Dramatic music]
Abigail: There's my handsome husband. Been looking for you. Chad, you okay?
Chad: No, I'm not.
Abigail: What's going on, babe, you're freaking me out.
Chad: No, I'M... I'm not under my father's control.
Abigail: Okay.
Chad: Okay. I'm not. Um, in fact, he's not gonna be able to hurt me anymore or anyone else, for that matter. Last night, I killed stefano dimera.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: This is, uh... stunning.
Stefan: Yeah, it was my mother'S. I hope that doesn't bother you.
Gabi: I gotta give vivian, you know, credit for good taste. It's beautiful.
Stefan: [Chuckles] Here, allow me.
Gabi: Okay.
Look, I, um--
Stefan: I--
Gabi: You go first. That's okay.
Stefan: I... I know this is all happening very fast and that this is a marriage of convenience, but it's more than that for me... at least. I've developed real feelings for you, and, um... having said that, under normal circumstances, we would not be getting married like this.
Gabi: I know.
Stefan: But if I have to be in a fake marriage with someone, there is nobody I'd rather be in it with. So... what were you gonna say?
Gabi: I feel exactly the same way.
Justin: Kayla. Sweetheart. Why are you crying?
Kayla: I just came from seeing steve.
Justin: It's okay. You don't have to say it. You and steve are getting back together.
Steve: I was on my way home to you when stefano's people picked me up.
Kayla: But you didn't come back. And you didn't call. And I was just so mad. That's why I sent you those divorce papers, to try to push you to come back. But just the divorce papers came back, signed, without a word.
Steve: So tear them up. You know I'd never give up on us, baby. Tear them up and we'll get remarried.
Kayla: You know, I don't know why I'm surprised that you're trying to make decisions for my life. It's what you did our entire marriage.
Steve: What are you talking about?
Kayla: Come on, steve. You know. It was a pattern. You--you making unilateral decisions about our life together. But you know what? No more. Maybe you haven't changed, but I have. And I'm just done with it. I'm done with it. You are not making decisions about my life anymore. Do you got that? Do you understand? Because I have my own mind, and I am gonna do whatever I want with whomever I want. And you can go to hell.
[Knock at door]
Steve: Yeah. Well... if it isn't my partner in crime.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Steve: You shouldn't have.
Hope: I didn'T. I saw them sitting at the nurses' station, and since I was on my way here, I, uh, thought I'd bring them in. Don't you want to read the card?
Steve: What for? Probably just somebody wishing me to get well, whatever that means.
Hope: What's wrong?
Steve: I just told kayla she should be with justin.
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: No. Steve and I are not getting back together. Jennifer showed me that it was an untenable situation and that I couldn't just string you both along, that it was unfair, that I had to make a decision. But steve made the decision for me. He told me it's over and I should be with you.
Chad: The police gave tony and me the microchip that kayla removed from steve's brain.
Abigail: That's weird. Why would they think you would want that?
Chad: Well, I don't-- it wasn't whether or not we'd want it. It was that rolf developed the microchip using dimera money, so technically it belongs to us, his children. And I don't know whether or not it contains his, um-- his essence, but... tony and I weren't gonna risk letting it get into the wrong hands, so... I guess we, um, metaphorically put a stake in its heart.
Abigail: Hmm. That must have been really hard for you.
Chad: It shouldn't have been.
Abigail: Come on. He's your father. You loved him.
Chad: Yeah, my father died a long time ago. I wish he'd stayed dead.
Abigail: Well, now he will.
Chad: I don't know. I'm not so sure. I mean, who knows how many, uh-- how many of those chips rolf made: Two, ten? I don't know. What information's on them?
Abigail: Phoenix does always have a way of rising from the ashes.
[Door creaks] Oh, my god.
Chad: Father?
Abigail: [Scoffs] Humira patients,...
Abe: This interview is over.
Kate: Abe, wait.
Abe: You gave my secretary a phony name.
Kate: Well, of course I did. If you knew it was me, you would never have agreed to this meeting.
Abe: You're right.
Kate: Give me five minutes. That's all. I promise you you're not going to regret it.
Abe: I already regret it.
Kate: Okay, look. The mayor's spokesperson is the most important job at city hall. I mean, besides yours, of course. You need someone with experience and gravitas.
Abe: Kate... people are suffering in the aftermath of a catastrophic, damn near tragic course of events. Steve and hope are struggling with the knowledge of how many people they hurt. And you, you're the one person who could have stopped it, and you didn'T. So tell me. How the hell do you live with yourself?
Hope: So you told kayla...
Steve: That she should be with justin. I hadn't planned on it. At first, I was gonna fight for her.
Hope: So what changed?
Steve: Well, I found out about all the horrible things I did to her when stefano was still in the driver's seat. I kidnapped her. I damn near gassed her to death. I know what you're gonna say, that I wasn't in my right mind, that I wasn't responsible for any of it.
Hope: No. That's not what I was gonna say, steve. You see, I understand why you pushed kayla away.
Justin: I don't understand. I thought steve was determined to fight for you.
Kayla: He was... until he found out everything that he's done the past few months, especially to me.
Steve: You seem to--to think that, uh, kayla's not safe around me. Now, if I did something to hurt her, I need to know about it.
Justin: Okay, all right. When you were stefano, you got shot, so you went to kayla for help. And she, of course, assumed that you So when you asked her to hide you, she agreed. But she soon realized that something was wrong.
Steve: What did I do?
Justin: You took her hostage, her life for marlena.
Steve: No.
Justin: Yes. I was there for the exchange. You were ruthless, brutal.
Steve: But I let her go.
Justin: Yeah, after you got what you wanted--marlena-- and you took off. But you locked us in-- john too. You booby-trapped the room. You nearly gassed us to death. Did he tell you how he found out?
Kayla: He said john told him. It doesn't really matter who told him. What matters is, he wasn't prepared to deal with it. So he believes that I would be better off with you, safer with you.
Justin: [Sighs] And what do you believe?
[Cell phone rings]
Gabi: Simon, hi. Hi, thank you so much for getting back to me. Listen, I need you to get the fall line ready for the new york buyers as soon as possible. And we need to expedite shipping. Canceled? Hold on. Wait. What do you mean? No. Hold on a second. I run gabi chic. That means that you take my orders, not chad'S. No, I am just as much as a dimera as he is. I don't care how long I was married to stefan. I am still his widow and I...
[Line clicks, dial tone hums] Loved him.
[Sighs] Oh, my god. Stefan, baby, how I wish you were still here.
Tony: Do I look like father?
Chad: Tony.
Abigail: That was-- we were just talking about stefano, and the door opened.
Chad: What are you doing down in the tunnels?
Tony: I was in the wine cellar, actually, looking for this. So would you care to join me, abigail, chad, in a toast?
Chad: What, to father?
Anna: Are you kidding me? No, to us.
Chad: What's the occasion?
Anna: Our departure from salem. We've come to say good-bye.
Tony: [Laughs]
Chad: Mm. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Steve: You do understand.
Hope: I think the two of us are the only people who do. Every time I mention all the horrible things that I've done...
[Sighs] Everyone else just--
Steve: Yeah, everyone else says it wasn't your fault. You didn't know what you were doing.
Hope: Right. But it doesn't change the fact that... that it was my hands that pushed jennifer off that balcony, my lips that kissed john. You know, I can't help thinking, what if... what if I hadn't trusted rolf and followed him to his lab? Stefano wouldn't have had any influence over me then.
Steve: Yeah. Hardest part is knowing that it didn't have to go down that way. I mean, you and I have been through this before. You'd think we'd know better.
Hope: We did all of these unspeakable things... together.
Kayla: Justin, you know how I feel about you. I love you, and I always will.
Justin: I know. And I've never doubted that. But whether or not you love me is--is not the issue. I don't want you by default, kayla. I don't want us to be together because steve walked away. That's not going to work for me.
Abe: And it's not just steve and hope who were hurt. Kayla, john, marlena--
Kate: I'm aware. I'm aware, abe. And I'm sorry about everything that happened.
Abe: Sorry is not enough. You know, kate, I thought you'd changed. When theo was shot, I thought you'd learned something.
Kate: So that's what this is all about. This is about your son.
Abe: He almost had to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair because you pulled him into your drama with the dimeras.
Kate: You know, the funny thing is, I remember, just a short time ago, you did pr for the dimeras, didn't you? I mean, your son is a dimera, right? So, you know, the way I see it, love and loyalty... it's a really complicated thing. You know, stefano was my-- was my friend. He was my enemy. He was my lover. He was my husband. And now he's just a memory. And we all have a chance to start our lives over again. So are you really going to begrudge me that chance? I mean, are you blaming hope and steve for the things that they did?
Abe: Of course not. Their situation is completely different.
Kate: Yeah, it's completely different because they were under stefano's spell. Well, I was under stefano's spell as well, just in a different way. But I take complete responsibility for what I did. And I will always regret what happened, always.
Chad: You're leaving?
Anna: Well, we're anxious to get back to our life in europe with carrie and noah and italian wine, french cheese.
Tony: And away from the ghost of our father.
Chad: Mm.
Abigail: So have you told kristen?
Tony: I wanted to. Uh, as a matter of fact, I was hoping she would join us here so we could have one last meeting of the minds. But I wasn't able to reach her.
Anna: And we don't have time to wait, because our plane is leaving in just a couple hours.
Chad: Well, look how great it was the last time we all got together. Don't really want to repeat that again, do we?
Tony: No, well, there won't be any guns blazing this time. And you're gonna need some extra firepower to deal with that last unwanted guest of yours before you eject her, gabriella hernandez.
Gabi: That's gabriella dimera to you. And don't you ever forget it.
Tony: Huh.
Seresto, seresto, seresto.
Kate: Well, I suppose you've never made an error in judgment, though, right? I mean, like installing a faux princess as police commissioner for our fair city, almost letting an innocent man be executed, allow convicted felons to escape prison? I mean, honestly, abe, jack was doing a better job, and he had amnesia.
Abe: This is your strategy to impress a potential boss? You know, if you think I am such a terrible mayor, why would you want to work for me?
Kate: I don't think you're a terrible mayor, not at all. I think you are extremely hardworking. I think you're completely honest. And I think that you are 100% committed to ensuring that your constituents live a better life. But I also know that you have problems. And I know that the latest polls show that the voters really have lost confidence in you, are not happy with your performance. I can change that.
Abe: With your amazing pr skills.
Kate: Yes, exactly. What you need is a spinmeister extraordinaire. And you and I both know that I fit that description perfectly.
Gabi: I just got off the phone with simon. He said you canceled the shipment for my fall line?
Chad: That is correct.
Gabi: Without consulting me?
Chad: Why would i consult you, gabi? I'm the boss.
Gabi: Okay, and how would the board feel about the boss making decisions in a fugue state?
Chad: I'm no longer in a fugue state. You know that.
Gabi: Oh, I do? I don't--I don't know that. I mean, does--does anybody know that? Because you were so clever about telling everybody you were back to your old sane-- or wait, semi-sane self, but you were really under the spell of your progenitor. That's another word for parent, okay? Oh, and since you're making all of these executive decisions, why don't you just hire a full-time psychiatrist, since somebody here might need one?
Chad: You shut your mouth.
Gabi: Oh, anna, anna, anna, aren't you tired of all of this? Don't you want to go back to your cushy life in--in europe, to your charming villa? We can do that, okay? Just count on me, and I can make that happen, okay? If I have your support, I'll give you all the first samples of every season. You're gonna be the chicest american in europe.
Anna: Oh, darling. You think I need your damn samples to be chic? And for your information, tony and I are leaving for europe today, having nothing to do with your insulting suggestion.
Gabi: Oh. Okay, well, bon voyage, then.
Anna: And wherever we are, we will stick together. So my husband and my brother-in-law will have my full allegiance and support.
Gabi: That's the-- the brother-in-law that tried to murder your husband? And he did it because steveno made him do it.
Chad: I'm not under stefano's influence anymore.
Gabi: Okay, well, what are you gonna do if he comes back and he says "la famiglia"? Oh, although I think he's probably gonna try a different person this time, because he's gonna give steve johnson a break, right? How is the old cyclops doing since you decided to poke his eye out with the heel of your shoe?
Anna: I did what I had to do to protect tony.
Gabi: Yeah, such a loyal little wife.
Anna: And not that I owe you any explanation, but it was never my intention to stab his eye out. When I ran at steve with my shoe, I-I...[Sighs] I had no idea he would turn around and...ugh!
Gabi: Don't beat yourself up, anna, okay? He had one eye to begin with. Now he's back to his old self.
Hope: Maybe this will cheer you up.
Steve: No, not if it's from kayla.
Hope: Steven... maybe it's from someone else.
Steve: Who else would send me flowers?
Hope: Just open the card.
[Tender music]
Justin: Sweetheart, look at me. I know how difficult this is for you, and I know how much you're hurting. And all I want to do is hold you in my arms and tell you everything is going to be okay.
Kayla: I want that too.
Justin: But I can't, because I'm not sure you'd be here right now if steve hadn't pushed you away. I can't be your consolation prize, kayla. I want us to be together because that's what you want. It has to be your choice. And right now, it isn't, is it?
Gabi: Time's a-wasting, chad. That fall line needs to go out asap, so you better get on the stick and un-cancel that order to the buyers immediately.
Chad: Or what?
Gabi: Well, you'll lose your shirt. You'll lose all your shirts. See, all of you, you're all concerned that i can't lead this company, but I contend that I am better-qualified than any of you, okay? Because unlike you, arrogant and entitled, I have earned my way to the top, okay? I have worked my butt off to become the businesswoman that I am. No one gave me a ceo job on a silver platter, nor am i ashamed of the dimera legacy. Actually, I'm very proud of it. I'm very proud to be stefan's wife.
Tony: Oh, look at the time. We have a flight to catch. I tell you what. Why don't you take your self-important drivel elsewhere so we can get on with our good-byes?
[Cork pops]
Gabi: I'm not going anywhere. No, no, no, you're not gonna push me out. There's no way in hell. And you know what? I don't care that stefano never met my husband. He's--he's no less a dimera than any of you. As a matter of fact, yeah, yeah, you're no more of a blood dimera than I am.
Tony: Here you are.
Chad: Thank you.
Gabi: You know what? Stefan cared about this company more than any of you, and he sure ran it better. I'm not gonna let you forget him, never. And while you're here just sipping your champagne on your asses, I'm going to go to the office, okay, and run this company.
Tony: Oh, oh, oh, oh, well, excuse me, but... cheers.
Abigail: Yes.
[Glasses clinking]
Tony: Ah. [Laughs] Oh, well. Mm.
Anna: Hmm.
Steve: Aha. [Laughs] It's from anna dimera. She says, "I offer you my sincerest and most heartfelt apology for poking out your eye with my shoe."
[Laughs] "If I had it to do any other way, I would have chosen a body part that didn't affect your vision." Wow. Woman has a way with words, huh? But you know what? She did me a favor. You know, if it wasn't for her, I would have never been in police custody. And I wouldn't be myself again, more or less. You remember steve 1.0, hope? Huh? The dude with the butterfly knife, got in a fight with bo, lost his eye? Round one. Terrorized you when I was working for victor kiriakis.
Hope: How could I forget the terrorizing?
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Those were the days.
Steve: Yeah, I was living on the edge then. As much as I wanted to believe that kayla could change me... no. No, I'm still the same old steve "patch" johnson. Yeah. No-good husband, ne'er-do-well. Kayla's definitely better off with justin, safer.
Hope: Safer doesn't always mean happier.
Steve: I think she loves him. And I want her to have a life with him... a life I can't give her.
Kayla: Justin... you know better than most people that steve and I have loved each other a very long time. It has been passionate and crazy. And the road that we have traveled on has never been all that easy. You know, in fact, sometimes it's kind of impossible.
Justin: I know.
Kayla: You know what he said to me today? He said that none of the pain and suffering that he inflicted would have even happened if he didn't decide to stay away after he was let out of prison. And, you know, he's right. I mean, he would never admit this, but, you know, I think the other reason he stayed away was because he could never forgive me for going behind his back with stefan. I mean, never mind that I was just trying to get his eyesight back, that I was trying to help him. But that's not how he sees it. In his eyes, I took away his right to make his own decision. Do you know how many times he did that to me, how many times he made those kind of decisions when we were married? But I do it one time. I do it one time, and he can't forgive me. So this is really all his fault. It's not my fault. You know, I'm not the sweet, innocent nurse that he once met. I raised stephanie as a single mother. I--I put myself through medical school. I--I climbed my way up the ladder at the hospital to become the chief of staff, and I have worked really hard to make a stable life for myself, and you know what? I am--I'm not giving that up. So you know what? I think I'm just-- I am just finally seeing that... I can't ride that roller coaster with him, not anymore.
Justin: Is that how you really feel? Or is that just the hurt and grief talking?
Kayla: What's talking is my love for you, my gratitude for how you've treated me. You have made me feel so loved and--and safe and protected. That's what I want in a relationship right now. You're not getting me by default, because that would imply that I want to be somewhere else. And I don'T. Steve is my past. And you... you're my now, my future.
[Soft music]
Steve: You've always been a good friend to kayla. Will you be there for her now?
Hope: I want to be. I'm just not sure I... I know how to be right now. I wasn't there for her at all this past year... or ciara, shawn, jennifer, claire. Steve, I don't know how to move past any of this. And since I'M... being honest right now, I have not felt like me in a while, a long time. Not my true self. What if I never do again?
Kate: Let's just be honest with each other. What you need is someone who can convince the people of salem that you are completely in control of everything and that you had absolutely nothing to do with the chaos and mayhem that has been going on in salem. I'm the person to do that. I can convince the people of salem about that. Now, you don't have to hire me. But when the next election rolls around, if you don't, you're toast.
Tony: Where were we? Oh, yes, we were discussing a strategy on how to dispense with gabriella hernandez.
Abigail: If I might, uh, offer a suggestion?
Chad: You mean other than firepower?
Abigail: Well, as, uh, tempting as that sounds, why not just give gabi control of gabi chic?
Chad: You mean like give in to what she wants?
Abigail: No, no, no, I didn't say give in. I'm just saying bend a little. Keep enemies closer. A wounded gabi is a dangerous gabi. Think about it.
Chad: I'm not gonna call a truce with her, no way. We tried that. It didn't work.
Anna: I am so sorry. I feel like this is all my fault. I mean, we wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't temporarily joined forces with that little minx.
Chad: Thank you for saying that, anna, but... this was my fault. I got us into this mess. I will get us out. So I hereby promise that, uh-- that I will not let this travesty drag on, and I will make it my sole priority to make sure that the next time we toast, it will be to the departure of gabi from our, uh, business, our lives, and, uh-- and certainly our home.
Abigail: And our home, ugh.
Chad: Yes.
Abigail: Yes. Cheers--you have to toast first, honey.
Anna: Hear, hear.
Abigail: I know. Tide antibacterial fabric spray
Abe: [Sighs]
Kate: Abe, wait.
Abe: Your five minutes are up.
Kate: Okay, fine. That's fine. Just answer a question for me. Are there really any other candidates? No. I didn't think so. Let me leave you with a parting thought. I'm the best person for this job, and you know it. Just think about that.
Steve: Justin was reluctant to tell me everything I did to kayla. But I got it out of him.
Hope: Every day, I, um... find out something else I'd done. Sometimes someone tells me. Other times, they come back in terrifying flashes.
Steve: I have those too.
Hope: Know what I remember more than anything is... how damn pleased I was with myself, about all of our plans.
Hope as gina: I wish to make a toast. To finally receiving all that we want.
Steve: When we toasted to getting everything we want. Maybe now... I'm finally getting exactly what I deserve.
Justin: Kayla, maybe you shouldn't make a decision right now. I mean, after what steve just said, I think you need some time to process it.
Kayla: No, I have processed it. I want you. I love you. I choose you.
Justin: Mm.
Kayla: Take me
[Soft music]
Tony: I know what to toast to.
Chad: We just toasted.
Tony: I know, but we can have another drink when we toast to the future.
Anna: Yes.
Tony: As a matter of fact, this'll be the first time in my memory that father will not be part of it. And I've always been proud to be a dimera. But the name dimera is gonna mean something entirely different from this day forward.
Chad: Hear, hear.
[Glasses clinking]
Tony: I know I'm leaving the company in the best of hands. So I'll just say, you know, au revoir and all that good-bye and best of luck and... go get gabi.
Abigail: I'll walk you out.
Tony: Okay.
Gabi: Yes, please tell mr. Shin that I need to speak with him asap. I need to do everything I can to ensure that my husband's legacy in this company is not forgotten. Stefan?
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