Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 4/20/20
Episode #13751 ~ Steve makes a surprising decision regarding Kayla; Orpheus pays Marlena a visit; Rafe is thrown when Zoey declares she's suing for custody of David; Jack comforts Jennifer, who's unnerved about Orpheus being free.
Provided By Suzanne
[Marlena gasps][Dramatic chords]
Marlena: Orpheus.
Orpheus: Long time no see, marlena. Easy, easy.
Marlena: John said that, uh-- that you were in prison for kidnapping, so I--I assume you've escaped. How did you do that?
Orpheus: You assume i escaped, but the truth is as I was masquerading as a magician, I picked up a few new tricks as well.
[Off-key notes]
[Both groan]
Zoey: Are you sure you're okay?
Evan: I'm fine. Thanks for having my back with weston.
Zoey: That's what big sisters do for little brothers, right?
[Evan chuckles]
[Inhales and exhales deeply]
Evan: I wanted to tell david that he was my son, but that psychopath had his hands around my throat before I could. I wish they would have fried him when they had the chance.
Zoey: Hey, what's important is that you're out on bail and that dad's free now. Kidnapping charges dropped.
Evan: Look, I appreciate everything you did to make that happen, zoey. What I want right now more than anything is to get my son back.
Rafe: Ooh!
[Chuckles] Hey, so, um... yeah, listen. You know, there's all kinds of families, right?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, there sure are. Like, um, you know, some families, they have a mommy and daddy, right, bud?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, and then, um, well, you know, there's some kids and their families, they have, um--well, like, ari, right? Like, ari's got a mommy and then she's got two daddies, right? Doesn't she? And that's cool.
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, that's really cool, isn't it? And, um, guess what? You and I are family, too.
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, that's right. You know that, right? I'm your dad.
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah. Now, you know, when you were born--
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah. You had a different dad, but you know I'm your dad now, right? You know that, don't you?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, and you know that's never gonna change and I'm always gonna be here for you, right? You know that, don't you, buddy?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, you sure do. You sure do.
Justin: I'm taking a stand. I made it clear to kayla how i feel, so now it's up to her. Does she wanna be with me or with steve?
Jennifer: I just hate this. I hate every--every bit of it. I can't imagine what the three of you are going through right now.
Justin: Yeah. You know, I thought about stepping aside and just, you know, making it easier for everyone, but sonny, he was the one who reminded me that I am lucky to have a second chance at happiness and not to bow out, and I'm not going to. I'm gonna fight for her, jen.
Jennifer: That--that's good. You should. You have every right to.
Justin: Mind you, I--I don't intend to pressure her, but i did tell her that even though i may not be pleading my case 24/7 the way steve is, that doesn't mean that I love her any less.
Jennifer: And--and she loves you.
Justin: Why do you say it like that?
Jennifer: Like what?
Justin: Like maybe you don't believe it.
Jennifer: No, I--justin, I-- I believe it. I do, but I also know I don't have to remind you that kayla has a lot of history with steve.
Justin: So--so what are--what are you saying? Do you think this is a losing battle for me?
[Machines beeping]
Steve: We really need to talk about what's going on.
Kayla: I agree. The situation is untenable. Painful for all of us. So I've made a decision. You said before that you were willing to fight for me and justin said the same thing, and after the year we've had, I just don't want any more conflicts, so I think I need to make a choice, and that's what I intend to do.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: If you don't leave immediately, john will personally escort you back to prison. He's right in the next room.
Orpheus: Really? Huh. Why don't you call him in here? The three of us can get reacquainted.
[Cell phone rings]
John: Come on, doc. Pick it up.
[Cell phone trilling] Pick it up, baby.
[Cell phone trilling]
Orpheus: Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh! I got it.
[Sniffs] Well, look at that. It's your hubby. Hmm. That's kind of odd, though, him calling you on the phone when he's--he's right in the next room.
Marlena: Jo--john is working in the next room.
Orpheus: Oh, come on. Let's--let's--
[Laughs] Let's just stop the charade, marlena. We both know you're here all by your lonesome.
Marlena: Damn you.
Orpheus: Now, now, now. Is that a way to treat a guest? Especially one who's an old friend? It really has been a long time, marlena. Too long.
[Ringing] Let's catch up.
[Cell phone ringing]
Jennifer: Justin, I promise you, kayla did not indicate whether or not she has made a decision. I am so sorry if it came out that way.
Justin: Don't be sorry.
[Chuckling] My bad. I'm acting like an adolescent, grilling you for answers. "What did kayla say? What didn't she say? Is she gonna pick me? Is she gonna pick steve?" I'm embarrassed, actually.
Jennifer: Justin, that's silly. Don't be embarrassed. It's completely understandable.
Justin: No, it's not. You shouldn't be put in this position. You shouldn't be weighing in on this. It's just--oh, I don't know. I'm just--
[Chuckling] Looking for reassurance, I guess.
Jennifer: Yes, of course you are.
Justin: And you're right. Steve and kayla have a long history together, but not all of it is good. I mean, steve was constantly running off on his missions. They spent a whole lot of time apart, if I remember.
Jennifer: Yes, you're absolutely right. They did, justin.
Justin: Not that, you know, kayla was upset by that or didn't adjust to that, and I'm sure she didn't love him any less because of it. I'm just saying that, you know, their marriage wasn't perfect.
[Laughs] Listen to me. First I ask you questions i shouldn't be asking you, and now I'm judging their marriage. I mean, if anyone was presumptuous enough to tell me how happy I was with adrienne or that our marriage wasn't successful, I'd resent the hell out of it.
Jennifer: Justin--
[Cell phone rings]
Justin: I mean, it's not a competition.
Jennifer: You're right.
Justin: Excuse me. Yeah, rafe. What is it? Okay, all right. I'll be right there.
Jennifer: Is everything okay?
Justin: Yeah, I just have to go see rafe about david. Thank you. Thank you, jen, for being a good friend--a good listener.
Jennifer: Justin, we are not just friends. We're family, and that is everything, and I just wish that--that this was easier for the three of you.
Steve: I appreciate you wanting to do what's best for all of us. You're always looking out for everyone. It's because you're a decent, loving woman.
Kayla: This isn't about decency. It's about necessity. We can't go on like this.
Steve: I know, baby. That's why I've made a decision of my own.
Kayla: You have?
Steve: Yeah. I have to let you go. I'm phil mickelson.
Evan: I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I couldn't have asked for a better lawyer than you, but every single day that my son spends with rafe is--it's an opportunity for them to grow closer and for rafe to make me out as a bad person.
Zoey: I know how hard it is to be away from david, but I am working as hard and as fast as i can to put that little boy back into your arms.
Evan: You're always looking out for me, just like when we were growing up.
[Both chuckling]
Zoey: I'm just glad i could help.
Evan: Yeah. Look, not only are you a great lawyer but you're also a great mom. Our kids are cousins and they should know what--what it means to be a family, even if we never did.
Zoey: Don't worry, chris. I am going to get your son back.
Rafe: Hey. You know everything I told you about evan earlier?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, I'll bet that was a little confusing.
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, right. Um, I get that.
[Chuckles] I get it. You know, the only thing that you have to understand is that we're a family now and you know that, right?
David: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, you sure do. We're family and I love you, and that's never gonna change. Yeah, that's right. Can I get a hug, buddy? Come here. Come here. Give me a big hug. Oh, yeah. That's right.
Marlena: There's nothing I'm going to say to you. I do remember that you tried to burn kayla and me to death in those coffins.
Orpheus: Ah, it's water under the bridge.
Marlena: Hardly! You terrorized a whole town and you turned your son into a criminal.
Orpheus: Watch it.
Marlena: Oh, I see. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. You don't like it when somebody else tells you that your son preyed on sonny, that your son killed a woman, and that your son also was completely willing to see ben be executed for a crime that he himself had committed.
Orpheus: I know what my kid's done. I also know whose fault it is-- yours.
[Piano music playing]
Jennifer: [Gasps] Oh, jack, honey. Thank you so much for meeting me. I know things are crazy at the newspaper. I just needed to see you.
Jack: Always, always. I just said the boss lady was on the phone and I had to take it. So what's going on? You sound so down.
Jennifer: No, I'm not down. It's just--I was at the hospital with kayla and she was talking about how she has to make this decision right away, and then justin walked in and it just--it was just so--
Jake: Crunchy.
Jennifer: Uncomfortable, crunchy, yes, jack, and I just-- I hate this. I hate this for all three of them.
Jack: So, kayla's made her decision?
Jennifer: Yeah. She is sharing it with steve as we speak.
Kayla: This is such a turnaround from earlier.
[Monitor beeping]
Steve: Well, I was being selfish before. I love you, baby. I love you so much, and I just want what's best for you, and i think what's best for you is to be with justin.
Kayla: You want me to be with justin?
Steve: Yeah. Yes.
Kayla: I--I--I mean, this is just all so sudden. I mean, just this morning you were saying that you--you were gonna fight for me, you weren't gonna let me go, and now you're pushing me towards another man? I mean, wh--where's all this coming from?
Steve: [Sniffs] I found out some things.
Kayla: What--what things?
Steve: Before you did the operation on me, when I still had a god-forsaken chip in my head, I not only hurt john and marlena. I hurt you. I kidnapped you, I held you hostage, and I almost gassed you to death.
Kayla: Who told you this?
Justin: When you were stefano, you got shot, so you went to kayla for help, and she of course assumed that you were you, so when you asked her to hide you, she agreed, but she soon realized that something was wrong.
Steve: What did I do?
Justin: You took her hostage. Her life for marlena.
Steve: No.
Justin: Yes, and I was there for the exchange. You were ruthless--brutal.
Steve: But I let her go.
Justin: Yeah, after you got what you wanted; marlena, and you took off, but you locked us in. John, too. You booby-trapped the room. You nearly gassed us to death. Kayla almost died.
Steve: No, no, there's no way--no way I could have done this! No matter how out of my mind i was, I would never try to kill kayla! Never!
[Knock on door]
Justin: If you don't believe me, steve, you can ask john. I gotta go.
Steve: John was here. He confirmed all the horrible things I did to you, and when i heard that, I--I can't expect you to be with a man who tried to kill you.
Kayla: Steve--
Steve: No, baby, please. Please don't argue with me. I've made my decision. I won't change my mind. It's over. It has to be.
Justin: Let me get this straight. Evan is out on bail because orpheus took full responsibility for kidnapping david.
Rafe: Yeah.
Justin: But orpheus gets to skate on that charge because the isa owed him one?
Rafe: It's unbelievable, right? I know.
Justin: It's a travesty of justice.
Rafe: Yes. Yes, and we can fight that later, but right now I need you. I need you to help keep these psychopaths away from my child.
Justin: Okay. Where's orpheus now?
Rafe: I dunno. He was on my couch earlier, though.
Justin: What?
Rafe: Yeah, he broke in here. He broke in while I was gone.
Justin: Well, I'll use that to try and get a restraining order. All right, listen, rafe. Until you legally become david's father, you may not be able to keep orpheus and evan away from him.
Rafe: I know. I know that. That's why I need you. I need you to fast track this adoption process. I mean, the only thing that was--that was standing in my way before was evan's background.
Justin: And we now know who evan really is; a fraud and a killer, and even though the charges against orpheus were dropped, he still kidnapped david.
Rafe: Yeah.
Justin: So once I present that to a judge, I can't imagine that the child would be awarded to either one of them.
Rafe: Yeah, good. Okay. I was--I was trying to explain it to david earlier that--that i was his dad and that--oh, i just--I don't know how much of it he understands.
Justin: He understands that you love him, and that's what matters most.
Rafe: Not to the law, it doesn'T. It doesn't mean a damn thing, not until this adoption process goes through. I can't risk this--I need this to happen. I cannot have anyone take david from me ever again.
[Both sighing]
Evan: I wish I had been able to control my temper when i found jordan here in salem.
Zoey: You killed jordan by accident and it is my job to prove it, and I will.
Zoey: I know. It's just sometimes I wish i listened to dad and taken off with david when I had a chance.
Zoey: Well, I'm glad you didn'T. If you were on the run, i wouldn't get to see you or my little nephew again.
Evan: I'd hate that, too. But at least I'd have my son.
Marlena: You're blaming me for what happened to evan?
Orpheus: You're damn right I do. Things could have turned out differently if you'd raised my children like I asked.
Marlena: I'm not their mother! I'm not their nanny. It was your responsibility to raise your own children.
Orpheus: Mine and my wife's, but john stole rebecca from me, so I stole you from him.
Marlena: Oh!
John: Damn you!
Marlena: John, thank god you're here.
John: I just got word from salem P.D.
Marlena: Yes, yes, morpheus has escaped, so call them and he should be taken back in.
Morpheus: I'm not going back to prison.
Marlena: John, john, call them--please call them.
John: There's nothing they can do. All the charges against orpheus have been dropped.
[Kayla groans]
Steve: When I came back to salem, I was horrible to you, and then after I got shot, I had the nerve to ask you to help me. You should have kicked me to the curb.
Kayla: I told you I don't blame you for any of it.
Steve: I blame myself.
Kayla: Well, why? Stefano had you picked up and ordered rolf to put a chip in your head. Now, how is that your fault?
Steve: I never would have been in a position to be picked up by stefano's people if I had come home when you called me, but I should have!
Kayla: No, it was me. It was me--I went behind your back with stefan and I--and i got the bionic eye and then it was hacked and--and then you were arrested.
Steve: I can still hear the pain and the sadness in your voice when you begged me to come home, and I didn'T.
Kayla: If you would just--
Steve: No, kayla. No. I almost took your life. I did that. That's why you can't be with me anymore. They are the heroes, the helpers -
John: So that's it. Orpheus provided information to the isa, and in return they let him go.
Marlena: Well, I hope the isa vetted the information because-- because orpheus can never be trusted.
Orpheus: Ah, well, you'll have plenty of time to change your mind about me now that I'm free and living in salem. I'm sure we'll have a lot of opportunities to see one another.
Marlena: How can you live in a place where everybody despises you?
Orpheus: Simple. My grandson lives here. Davey's a real cutie. I'd love to introduce you.
John: You come anywhere near my wife again--
Orpheus: And you'll what? Kill me? Many have tried. None have succeeded.
John: Get out of my house or I'll end that streak right now.
Orpheus: Hmm. My dear marlena. It's good-bye for now but not forever.
[Marlena crying]
John: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, it's okay.
[Marlena crying]
Justin: I'll get right on those restraining orders and I'll do my best to expedite david's adoption.
Rafe: Excellent. Thank you. Thank you so much. I know, uh, it's a lot to ask considering how much you're going through right now. By the way, how's steve?
Justin: Steve? Uh, yes. Well, the good news is, uh, the microchip was successfully removed and he got his memory back.
Rafe: Yeah.
Justin: The bad news is, I'm not sure what that means for me and kayla.
[Clears throat]
Rafe: Yeah. Well, I'm friends with all of you, so, hard for me to know what to say.
Justin: Yeah, well, kayla and my love story may have just started, but it's a damn good one and I plan to fight to keep it going.
Jack: Even though justin told kayla that he's gonna fight for her, he's gotta be prepared for the worst knowing the history that she shares with steve.
Jennifer: Yeah, but justin also made a good point that all of their history wasn't good, jack.
Jack: Hey, hey, couples have rough patches. Look at--I mean, you and me. We've had ours.
Jennifer: Absolutely, jack, but steve was cruel to kayla. I mean, he was absolutely awful, and of course she knows that that wasn't really steve, and-- and I'm sure that she can get past all that.
Jack: So you think kayla's leaning toward steve?
Jennifer: Well, don't you?
Kayla: And you think I belong with justin because what? I'm safer with him?
Steve: Oh, you will be, sweetness. But that's not the only reason. Justin's a good man. He's stable. He's supportive. And it seems like he puts you first. That's what you deserve. I want you to have a life with him that you can't have with me.
Kayla: Right. Oh, right, of course. What you want for me or you don't want for me or--and when did you become this expert about what I need and what I don't need and what I deserve and-- and who--what justin can give me and what you can give me? I mean, don't I have a say in any of this? People used to care. Heck, they'd come
Jack: Look, we've both been in the newspaper business long enough to know that even though you think you know where a story's going--
Jennifer: I know, I know. There's always twists and turns that you can never anticipate, jack. I know.
Jack: Yes, yes, yes. So, uh, on that subject, I got some news to share with you that's not so good. Uh, evan frears--A.K.A. Christian maddox--has been released back on the street, and so has his father.
John: I shot right home as soon as I heard orpheus was released. I am so sorry you were here alone. He didn't hurt you, did he? He didn't threaten you, did he?
Marlena: No. No, mostly he just gave me a hard time about deserting his children and he--he blamed me for what happened to evan.
John: Oh, that's insane. If anything is to blame for evan becoming a criminal, it's the genes his father passed on to him.
Marlena: Yeah. Evan's got a sister with the same dna. I hope she turned out better.
[Evan breathing heavily]
Zoey: I know you're not the monster that people are trying to make you out to be. From what you told me, you really loved jordan. And I love you.
[Somber music]
[Evan sniffles]
Zoey: We're family, chris, and we'll always be there for you.
Evan: You were there for dad, too.
Zoey: I did what I had to do.
Evan: I know you have issues with him, but he was there for me when I really needed him.
Zoey: I know, but--
Evan: You have your suspicions.
Zoey: It's not that I don't love him. I do, but we've been around dad enough to know that he always has his own agenda.
Orpheus: You have a problem with that, my darling daughter?
Kayla: This is my life that we're talking about and yet you go on and on and tell me what i need and who I should love. I mean, don't you think that i should be the one to decide who I wanna share my life with?
Steve: I'm doing this for you, sweetness. You have been patient and understanding with me for decades. I mean, just for once, be selfish and choose someone who will always be sure that you're safe and protected and happy.
Kayla: This is the last thing that I expected to hear from you.
Steve: You know, you and justin had a good thing going before I came back here and wreaked havoc on your lives. So forget about me. Go back to being happy and know that I will never try to stop you. I didn't choose this exact type of metastatic breast cancer.
Zoey: Do you deny having your own agenda, dad?
Orpheus: Wow. I feel like I'm on the witness stand. Am I? I'll admit that on occasion i make plans that are in my own self-interest, but never do they take precedence over the needs of my children. I've gone above and beyond to help christian get his son back.
Zoey: Which hasn't happened yet.
Orpheus: It will. David needs to be with his father. He needs to know who his real father is.
Evan: I tried to tell him this morning but then ben weston tried to strangle me.
Orpheus: Are you okay?
Evan: I'm fine. Just frustrated as hell that i can't be with david.
Orpheus: Yeah, well, rafe wouldn't let me near him, either.
[Beep beep]
Zoey: [Scoffs] Rafe's lawyer just filed papers for a restraining order against you both.
Orpheus: Mm. Yeah, I had a feeling rafe hernandez would take action. So we move forward with our counter-plan, yes? You know what to do?
Zoey: I'm on it, dad.
[Tense music]
Jack: I got reporters trying to nail it down, but so far what we know is that whatever information orpheus has given to the isa is enough to get him released from prison. They have given him immunity from all his past crimes and dropped all the new charges as well.
Jennifer: That is crazy. He is a sadist. He shot jj. He strapped a bomb to me.
Jack: Right. I'm just glad that hope was there to diffuse the bomb.
Jennifer: Yeah, she diffused it. I owe her my life.
Jack: Yeah. She was a real hero that day.
Jennifer: Yeah, and the sad thing is, she doesn't feel like a hero anymore, especially when she found out that she's the one who pushed me off that balcony and all of the other terrible things that gina did.
Jack: Yeah. If only those memories could be removed like a chip.
Jennifer: Jack, when I think about all the horrible things that all of our friends and family are going through, I just feel so lucky. I have you back, we have our kids, we have our grandkids, and I couldn't love you any more than I do right now.
Jack: I love you, too, jennifer, with all my heart. Oh, hey. It's okay.
Zoey: Thank you for seeing me. I'll get right to the point. I know your attorney filed papers for a restraining order against christian maddox and his father.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's also moving full speed ahead to finalize my adoption of david.
Zoey: David has a father.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. Yeah, who's a murderer.
Zoey: An alleged murderer. That child belongs with his family, and I'm suing for custody to make sure that's where he ends up.
Rafe: Well, I can tell you right now that you're wasting your time because that's never gonna happen.
Kayla: You know, I don't know why I'm surprised that you're trying to make decisions for my life--that's what you did our entire marriage.
Steve: What are you talking about?
Kayla: Come on, steve. You know it was a pattern. You--you making unilateral decisions about our life together, but you know what? No more. Maybe you haven't changed, but i have, and I'm just done with it. I am done with it. You are not making decisions about my life anymore. You got that? Do you understand? Because I have my own mind and i am gonna do whatever I want with whomever I want, and you can go to hell!
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
[Melancholy music]
[Kayla sniffles]
Justin: Kayla. Sweetheart. Why are you crying?
Jennifer: I mean, jack, i told hope that no one blames her for what gina did and that she just has to stop blaming herself.
Jack: Not so easy, though, huh?
Jennifer: No, but I'm gonna be there for my cousin, and I am gonna support her any way that I can.
Jack: Okay. Just do me a favor. Don't go running all around town. With orpheus back in town, i think I wanna keep you in sight.
Jennifer: Yes, well, as hard as it may be, I think that I'm gonna stay really close to you.
Jack: Good. That's the way I like it.
[Both laughing]
Marlena: Does everyone know that orpheus is back?
John: Well, eli told me "the spectator's" got the story so they'll know soon enough. Just in case, though, I'm gonna give steve a heads up myself.
Marlena: I know you saw steve.
John: Yeah. He's struggling, doc.
Marlena: Yeah. Yeah, of course he is. Even more complicated now that orpheus is back.
John: Mm, don't worry, that maniac's not gonna hurt him or us. Because if stefano couldn't break us, no one can, and I'm always here to protect you, baby.
Marlena: Mm.
[John groans]
Rafe: Please tell me why the hell you think that a judge would give custody to evan or orpheus. They're--they're criminals, for god's sake.
Zoey: I'm not suing for custody on their behalf. I'm suing for myself.
Rafe: [Laughs] Okay, so you think that the judge is gonna give custody to evan's lawyer?
Zoey: His name is christian, and I'm not just his attorney. I'm his sister.
Evan: I hope you don't think zoey isn't loyal to you.
Orpheus: Oh, I don't expect passionate displays of allegiance from your sister. She's more the, um, buttoned-up cerebral type. Smart. Really smart.
Evan: I am so grateful for that right about now.
Orpheus: As well you should be. It's good to have a lawyer as sharp as she is in the family, but there are some things that need to stay between us. You know what I mean, right?
Evan: Of course I do.
Orpheus: Well, keep it to yourself. No one needs to know what we did.
[Intense music]
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