Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 4/17/20
Episode #13750 ~ John breaks the news to Marlena about Orpheus; Rafe and Orpheus face off over David; Justin informs Steve that he will fight for Kayla; Kayla is torn between Justin and Steve.
Provided By Suzanne
Steve: You're up and out early. This talk you wanna have must be pretty important.
Justin: Sonny told me that you asked him to come by.
Steve: Yeah. I wanted to give him my condolences.
[Monitor beeping] Can't believe my baby sister's gone. And I'm sorry I wasn't here to pay my respects and--and grieve with everye who loved her.
Justin: Thanks, steve. And I know how much you loved adrienne, and I know how hard this is for you to come to terms with her death after everything that you've been hit with in the last 24 hours. But actually, I'm here to talk to you about kayla.
Jennifer: Kayla, what's wrong? What happened? Did steve have a setback?
Kayla: No, steve's fine. I'm the one who's a mess.
Jennifer: No, what? What happened?
Kayla: Well, the short version is that steve and justin both love me, and I don't know what to do about it.
Marlena: [Sighs]
[Laughs] Hey, what time is it?
John: Good morning. It's not late. I just wanted you to get a little more sleep.
Marlena: Oh, honey, I've got a lot to do today.
John: I know, but you need your rest; you're still recovering from your ordeal, and I was--was kind of hoping that this might help.
Marlena: [Laughs] Oh, you always know just what I need. What a nice way to start the day. Thank you.
John: Well, I'm not sure you're gonna wanna thank me just yet.
Marlena: Why? What's happened?
John: I don't wanna ruin your appetite, but there's something we need to talk about.
Marlena: What?
John: Mr. Milo harp.
Marlena: Orpheus?
John: Yeah. He's back, doc.
[Ominous music]
Rafe: Ciara, I'm here. You guys back?
Orpheus: And so am I. Detective hernandez.
Rafe: You move a muscle, i put a bullet between your eyes.
Evan: You need to know something, david. I wasn't just your baby--
Ciara: Ben! Ben, stop!
Evan: [Grunting]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: No, that can't be. Orpheus is--he's dead. Please don't say that he's back.
John: The devil himself. Orpheus is alive and well.
Marlena: No. No, that can't be true, because I saw him. He was with steve. They were--they were struggling for the gun, the gun went off. Orpheus was shot. He was pronounced dead.
John: If only that were true.
Rafe: So how'd you do it, hmm? How'd you escape federal custody?
Orpheus: Looks like you're behind the times, detective. Yeah.
Rafe: So are you. It's commissioner now.
Orpheus: Wow, aren't you proud of yourself. Sure you're up to the job?
Rafe: You listen to me. I don't why the hell you're back in salem, but if you think you're gonna come back here and lay siege to this town on my watch, you're dead wrong. I'm taking you to jail.
Orpheus: So much moral indignation, self-righteousness. You might wanna take a minute, detective--commissioner... make a phone call. You don't wanna make a big mistake.
Ciara: Ben! Ben, you have to stop this. You have to stop this right now, okay? Ben, please, stop it!
Ben: [Panting]
Ciara: Oh, my god, ben. Ben! I just--I just got you back. Hey! I am not ready to lose you again, okay?
Evan: [Panting] You psycho.
Ciara: Hey, no, ben! Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop it, he's not worth it. He is not worth it, okay?
Ben: [Panting] You're right, he's not.
[Panting] But you need to go.
Ciara: What?
Ben: You need to take david back to rafe right now, please.
Ciara: Ben, I am not leaving you like this.
Ben: I'm not gonna do anything stupid, okay? I promise you. I promise you. Just go.
[Tense music]
Evan: [Coughs]
Kayla: Can you believe that steve actually asked me if i slept with justin last night?
Jennifer: Are you kidding?
Kayla: No, I mean, I told him it was none of his business, obviously. But still, he guessed the truth. But just for the record, I didn'T. I mean, I'm just so exhausted, you know, physically and emotionally.
Jennifer: Yes, of course you were.
Kayla: But steve just--to him, that was just confirmation that I wanna be with him and not justin.
Jennifer: Do you?
Kayla: I just don't know. I don't know, I just-- you know, after everything steve and I've been through, i just finally put him in a nice, neat little box labeled: Past great loves. And you know what a roller coaster we were on.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Kayla: And then with justin, it's just the box is marked: Present and future, and I'm just so happy. And I feel so safe and secure with him. I just wimped out on everybody. I told justin, when he asked me where we stood, that I had to get to the hospital, and then steve told me that he wanted to fight for me, and I couldn't get out of the room fast enough.
Steve: Well, I'm happy to talk about kayla. She's all I've been thinking about.
Justin: Sonny mentioned that you said you plan to fight for her.
Steve: I do.
Justin: She is definitely worth fighting for.
Steve: Yeah. So doing the right thing, stepping aside is not your plan?
[Monitor beeping]
Justin: Maybe the right thing is what's best for kayla, the right thing for her.
Steve: And that's you? That's what you think?
Justin: Yes, that is what i think.
Steve: Kayla and I have loved each other for decades. We have children together.
Justin: I know, steve. Everyone knows kayla's and your love story. So I'm here to tell you kayla's and mine.
Justin: Kayla was lost after you disappeared.
Steve: Man, I didn't disappear.
Justin: Steve, please. This is my story. Just let me tell it.
[Monitor beeping] Kayla was lost. And the night that adrienne was killed, it was like... I'd stepped off a cliff, free fall.
Steve: And kayla was there. She's always had a soft spot for anyone in need.
Justin: Yeah. The funny thing is, it turns out, she needed me just as much as I needed her. She remembered how I like my coffee. So she would drop by my office in the morning. And I would bring her leftover lasagna, 'cause I always make too much. And one day, I was cleaning out my office drawer, and I came upon concert tickets for the summer series in the park. I was gonna drag adrienne to it. It was my--one of my favorite jazz bands, even though she-- not a big fan. But anyway, I had an idea.
Steve: You invited kayla.
Justin: I surprised myself, and I asked her. She surprised both of us, because she said yes.
Steve: Too bad she hates jazz.
Justin: Not anymore. So we went on this date that wasn't really a date...shared a picnic, drank some wine, danced a little bit under the stars. We'd gone to this thing alone together, but when we left, we were together...even though neither one of us realized it at the time. And it wasn't one of those big moments, you know, where the hero comes in and rescues the damsel in distress, but it was a rescue nonetheless. And that's what our love is... kayla's and mine. A love made up of little rescues. That night and countless other times...kayla and I have saved each other...heartache and loneliness. And that's what brought us together.
Kayla: You know, justin has saved me in a thousand ways this year. And just the way he looks at me and his kindness, I know that his love for me is real. And all this that's going on, he has given me so much space. He's so understanding. But steve, I mean, you know. You know our history, our family...and you were right. His memory did come back when I started saying the vows. And he knew them, every single word, and I know that there is nothing he wants more than to have our life back.
Jennifer: Right, kayla, you keep talking about how steve feels and how justin feels, but not one time have you said how you feel.
[Solemn music]
Rafe: Oh, you're kidding me, right, eli? Why would they drop the kidnapping charges? Oh, my god. Well, you know, that's all right, 'cause I found the son of a bitch on my couch. So I'll just bring him in for breaking and entering. The isa said what?
[Sinister music]
John: It seems that after orpheus was shot, the isa whisked him away to a private location to recover.
Marlena: And let us believe that he was dead. Why would they do that?
John: Well, you'd have to blame the head of the agency for that.
Marlena: Pamela van damme.
John: Mm-hmm. She felt orpheus had critical information, was too valuable of an asset to let him go to his grave, so she protected him. And he parlayed that information into full immunity for all of his crimes against you, kayla, and everybody else.
Marlena: So he's back. He's back in salem, why?
[Daunting music]
Ben: Get up.
Evan: So you can hit me, huh? Choke me again?
Ben: I said I wouldn't do anything stupid. Please don't make me change my mind.
Evan: You already did. What the hell was that all about?
Ben: I was protecting my nephew.
Evan: I'm david's father.
Ben: You're the man who murdered his mother, and there's no way in hell I'm letting you tell that little boy that you're his father.
Evan: I am his father, and he has a right to know the truth.
Ben: He has a right to be raised in a happy, loving, stable home. So if you really love that little boy the way you say you do, you'll leave him alone.
Evan: That's not gonna happen.
Marlena: Okay, so evan is orpheus' son. That's--that's why he came back to salem?
John: Well, it would make sense, seeing that orpheus tried to kidnap his grandson. But he was caught, and he's back in federal custody now.
Marlena: What if he makes a deal, and they let him out? Or what if he escapes? Do you think that he'll come after me now?
John: No, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna happen, sweetheart, you're safe. You're safe because I'm here, and I'm always gonna protect you.
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: I don't know how I feel. I love them both. I mean is that--is that a possibility? I mean--I mean I don't even know what that means, really. When I'm with steve, you know, it's just this crazy, crazy love and all the history. But with justin, I just feel safe and happy and there's no place I wanna be but in his arms.
Jennifer: Okay, but when you, when you close your eyes and you see your future, who's by your side? Who's the man that you are choosing to move forward with?
Kayla: I honestly don't know. I have to say, honestly, I never thought in my whole life that i would have to choose between steve johnson and another man. But justin has made that choice very difficult.
[Monitor beeping]
Steve: I know what it's like to fall in love with kayla. Buddy, looks like you fell hard. And I do appreciate that someone was there to take care of her when she was in pain. But the reality is, I'm back, and she is my wife.
Justin: Ex-wife.
Steve: Oh, come on, counselor. You know as well as I do that divorce document will never hold up in court, and it's clear that I am in control of my body and mind now.
Justin: Are you sure about that? It's--stefano is long gone?
Steve: The chip is out, thanks to my wife. Marlena hypnotized me. She couldn't find one trace of that son of a bitch.
Justin: You can't blame me for being protective, 'cause you hurt a hell of a lot people when you came back to town.
Steve: I know what I did. I know what I did to john and marlena. I still have to make that right with them, and I will.
Justin: Forget about what you did to john and marlena! How 'bout what you did to kayla?
Steve: What'd I do to kayla?
John: You know, I could stay like this with you all day long.
Marlena: Mm-hmm. Except you're worried about steve.
John: It really shows, huh?
Marlena: Mm-hmm. Oh, honey. He's your best friend. He's getting his memory back. Of course you wanna be there for him.
John: Yeah, but I don't feel good about leaving you alone, not today.
Marlena: Well, I'll be fine if orpheus is behind bars. Besides, I'm having a lot of work sent over. So I can start catching up, and I've got a lot of catching up to do.
John: Okay, then. I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick. Love you.
Marlena: Love you.
[Dramatic music]
Great. Orpheus is back...and evan's his son.
Evan: You have a hell of a nerve telling me to stay away from my kid like I'm not good enough.
Ben: You're not.
Evan: [Scoffs] Like you're some kind of role model for anybody's kid. You're the damn necktie killer.
Ben: You're right. I am no role model, but rafe is. He's the only father that david knows, and I'm gonna make sure to do everything in my power to keep it that way.
Rafe: Turn around. It's unbelievable. I don't know how in the hell you pulled this off, but for some reason, the isa says you're untouchable.
Orpheus: Well, it pays to have friends in high places.
Rafe: Mm. Well, you won't for long, not if I have anything to say about it.
Orpheus: Well, I just don't understand why you're getting so worked up.
Rafe: You broke into my house.
Orpheus: The door was open.
Rafe: The hell it was.
Orpheus: Imagine my disappointment when the little rug rat wasn't here.
Rafe: Now would be a good time for you to leave.
Orpheus: I understand. Yeah, folks tend to--tend to like a heads up, put something on the calendar. So I'm perfectly amenable to working out some visitation schedule that's good for--
Rafe: There'll be no visitation.
Orpheus: You can't blame a man for wanting to spend quality time with his grandson.
Rafe: You're not getting anywhere near david.
Ciara: Rafe?
Rafe: Yeah.
Orpheus: Looks like you're mistaken about that, commissioner.
[Tense music]
Orpheus: Hey, davy-boy. It's good to see you again. I've been waiting for this, tell you who I am.
Ciara: I know who you are.
Orpheus: And I know who you are. You're hope brady's brat.
Rafe: That's enough.
Orpheus: Who dragged my foolish son into a death chamber at gunpoint. Must be tougher than you look.
Ciara: And you must be a lot dumber than you look, because there's no way that I'm letting you touch this little boy.
Orpheus: Blood has rights.
Rafe: You don't get the hell out of my house right now, I am gonna put a bullet in you, and i don't give a damn about the isa.
[Dramatic music]
Orpheus: Well, I've got stuff to do anyway.
Rafe: Good choice.
Orpheus: Commissioner.
I'll see you soon, kiddo.
Evan: You must be off your meds if you think I'm gonna let some psychopath much less anybody else come in between me and my kid.
Ben: I just had my hands around your throat. Do you really think you're gonna scare me off?
Evan: Well, you just, uh-- just promised your girlfriend you wouldn't do anything stupid.
Ben: Why don't you push me and take that chance?
Zoey: Step away from my client now.
[Unsettling music]
Justin: Kayla didn't tell you what you did to her?
Steve: No.
[Monitor beeping]
Justin: Well, look, it, uh-- you should hear it from her.
Steve: Oh, hell no. You brought it up, now you're gonna tell me.
Justin: You know what? It's not my place.
Steve: No, it is your place. You seem to think that kayla's not safe around me. Now if I did something to hurt her, I need to know about it.
Justin: Okay, all right. When you were stefano, you got shot. So you went to kayla for help, and she of course assumed that you were you. So when you asked her to hide you, she agreed. But she soon realized that something was wrong.
Steve: What did I do?
Justin: You took her hostage, her life for marlena.
[Monitor beeping]
Steve: No.
Justin: Yes, and I was there for the exchange. You were ruthless, brutal.
Steve: But I let her go.
Justin: Yeah, after you got what you wanted: Marlena. And you took off, but you locked us in, john too. You booby-trapped the room. You nearly gassed us to death.
Steve: No.
Justin: Kayla almost died.
Steve: No, no, there's no way--no way I could have done this. No matter how out of my mind i was, I would never try to kill kayla. Never!
[Knock at door]
Justin: If you don't believe me, steve, then ask john. I gotta go.
[Uneasy music]
Steve: John.
Jennifer: You know, and poor jack. He--steve's his brother. And he loves justin, but he just feels like he's really in the middle of it, and I can't even imagine how torn you must feel.
Kayla: I honestly can't see a way forward. What do you think I should do? I don't know what's right.
Jennifer: I don't even know if it's about the right thing to do. I think you just need to just listen to what you feel. I mean, let--let your heart choose the man that you wanna spend the rest of your life with.
Kayla: That's the only way i can do it.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Kayla: Yeah, and I need to do it sooner than later.
Jennifer: Yes, you do.
[Melancholy music]
Steve: John, tell me it's not true. Tell me I didn't try to kill kayla.
John: I'm afraid you did.
[Monitor beeping]
Steve: So I kidnapped my own wife, I went after yours, and i was ready to kill anyone who got in my way.
John: No, no, no, no.
Steve: My god.
John: Don't beat yourself up here. I've been in that place. I know all about the guilt that comes when stefano tries to compromise a man, bends him to do things otherwise he would never do.
Steve: But...but to be so--so out of control that I would hurt my loved ones...come on.
John: Hey, doc and i understand. You're as much a victim as we are, no one's blaming you, partner.
Steve: But kayla.
[Monitor beeping] How can she look at me now and not see the man who was ready to kill her?
Jennifer: Justin, hi.
Justin: Jennifer.
Jennifer: Um, I was actually on my way out. I need to go.
Kayla: Thank you, jennifer.
Jennifer: Call me--sure-- if you need anything. Bye.
Kayla: So what brings you by?
Justin: There's something i need to say to you, and it can't wait. It's about you and steve.
[Dramatic music]
[Suspenseful music]
Orpheus: I'm going out for a little trick or treating. When I get back, the real fun begins.
Ciara: Okay, so david's got his animal crackers, his juice box, and he is watching that doggy movie that he knows by heart. So everything is totally fine.
Rafe: Thank you.
Ciara: But man, that orpheus guy, what a total freak.
Rafe: The son of a bitch was in here. He broke in. He was sitting on the couch. He greeted me when I came in. He thinks he can get away with anything.
Ciara: Oh, well, I'm afraid the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the twisted tree. Ben and I ran into evan on the way over here, and he was totally about telling david that he was the father.
Rafe: Ugh, what the hell?
Ciara: Yeah, I know, but don't worry about it. Ben shut it down.
Rafe: He didn't get violent with him, did he?
Ciara: I just reminded ben that evan's not worth it.
Rafe: Okay, good. Good. And thank you. Thank you both for protecting david.
Ciara: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah. What?
[Solemn music]
Ciara: Evan is david's father. That's just a fact, rafe. No matter how horrible of a person he is or anything that he did, evan is david's father, and david is gonna find the truth out at some point. And the secret is already getting really, really hard to keep. So I mean, wouldn't it be better if the truth came from you, rafe?
Ben: Who the hell are you?
Zoey: I'm zoey burge, mr. Maddox's attorney. Are you okay?
Evan: I can handle a few threats.
Zoey: You thought it was a good idea to threaten him?
Ben: I was advising your client what the best course of action for all of us would be, including his son.
Zoey: Christian has every right to be a father to his child.
Ben: Christian's a murderer.
Zoey: As are you, mr. Weston, and there is that whole innocent until proven guilty thing.
Ben: He confessed.
Evan: With a gun to my head.
Zoey: Ah, yes, your vigilante girlfriend. That confession was coerced and means nothing.
Ben: Yeah, except that it's true.
Zoey: Well, that's for the court to decide. So until that happens, i strongly suggest you and your gun-toting bae immediately cease and desist from harassing my client, or I'll slap restraining orders on you both.
Ben: You wanna help your client? Tell him to keep his mouth shut and stay the hell away from my nephew.
[Tense music]
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Evan: That son of a--
Zoey: Hey. Do I really need to remind you that your temper has gotten you into enough trouble already?
Evan: That jerk started it.
Zoey: Whoever started it, you need to be concerned about your next move right now.
Evan: I'm not afraid of ben weston.
Zoey: You should be afraid of rafe hernandez. You're out on bail for murder. It's not gonna take much for the police commissioner to find an excuse to have you thrown back into lockup.
Ciara: Hey. Are you okay?
Ben: Yeah. Ciara, I was an idiot for going off on evan like that. Thank you for stopping me.
Ciara: Like I said...I have no intention of ever losing you again, ever.
[Emotional music]
Ben: Did you get david home to rafe?
Ciara: Yeah, but, um, orpheus was there.
Marlena: Orpheus is in prison. He can't hurt me now.
[Suspenseful music]
I'm safe.
Orpheus: Poor, marlena. I know you were counting on john to ride to your rescue like as he has so many times before. But like I said, this time, i made sure he couldn't find you. Say your prayers, doc. You're about to enter the great unknown.
Marlena: You'll never get away this. You'll never get away with it. You won'T. You won'T. Orpheus, don't do this! Don't do it! They'll find you. They'll catch you. They'll hunt you down. Don't do it! I have a family, please.
John: Hey, I'm telling you, partner, kayla doesn't blame you for anything you did when stefano was controlling you.
Steve: Oh, man. I tried to kill her. I used her. I treated her like dirt.
[Monitor beeping] How can she ever forgive me?
John: Hey, you sure you got your memory back? 'Cause it seems to me that you're forgetting just how much that woman really loves you.
Kayla: Justin, I don't really think this is a good time--
Justin: Just hear me out. I know I'm the underdog in this, and I was pretty much ready to just step aside and make this easier for you, but I can'T. You know why? Because I love the hell out of you, and I have every intention of fighting for you.
Kayla: Justin--
Justin: And I know steve has been pressuring you to come back to him, but I don't want you to think for one minute just because I'm not pressuring you means that I love you any less than he does.
Kayla: I know that.
Justin: And I know that this is hard for you, and I know that last night wasn't the last sleepless night you'll have. But I wanna be the one you wake up with tomorrow morning and every morning after that. This isn't pressure. This is just truth. I told steve that.
Kayla: You spoke with steve?
Justin: Yes, I told him how you and I have saved each other this past year.
[Dramatic music]
You are my hero, kayla brady, and I'd like to think that I'm yours. And there's nothing I want more than for you and I to keep saving each other for the rest of our lives.
Kayla: [Groans]
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
John: Yeah, what about orpheus? He's free?
[Suspenseful music]
[Doorbell rings]
Zoey: Are you sure you're okay?
Evan: I'm fine. Thanks for having my back with weston.
Zoey: That's what big sisters do for little brothers, right?
Ciara: It was so weird. Ben, orpheus is such a freak, and he totally almost told david that he was his grandfather.
Ben: Rafe stopped him, right?
Ciara: Yeah, he did. He did, but the fact is evan is david's dad, okay? We can't keep the truth from that little boy forever.
Rafe: Hey, listen. Hey, david, come on up here a sec, will you? Come on. Come here, I need to talk to you. Come here. Come on up here. Here we go. You and I, uh...there's something we need to talk about, okay?
David: Okay.
Rafe: All right, good. Good.
[Gentle music]
Justin: Hey, jennifer.
Jennifer: Hey. How you doing?
Justin: How do you think?
Jennifer: I can only imagine.
Justin: I'm taking a stand. I made it very clear to kayla how I feel. So now it's up to her. Does she wanna be with me or with steve?
[Monitor beeping]
Kayla: Hi.
Steve: Hi. I was afraid I scared you away.
Kayla: After all my years with an isa agent, I don't-- I don't scare so easily.
Steve: I want to apologize for earlier. I never should have questioned you about your relationship with justin. I was out of line.
Kayla: It's okay.
Steve: No, it's not, kayla.
[Monitor beeping] We really need to talk about what's going on.
Kayla: Yeah, we do. This situation is untenable... painful for everybody. So I've made a decision.
[Dramatic music]
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