Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 4/16/20
Episode #13749 ~
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: Good morning.Ciara: Mm. What time is it?
Ben: Mm, beats me. I still cannot believe I get to wake up to you every single day.
Ciara: Same here.
[Both moaning]
Ben: What's the matter?
Ciara: [Huffs] Ben, we can't do this.
[Dramatic music]
Jennifer: Hope.
[Hope gasps]
Justin: Kayla?
[Machines beeping]
Kayla: This day's been so perfect.
Steve: Mm.
Kayla: And I can't believe that this is finally on my finger and that we're finally husband and wife. I've dreamed of that for so long. Have you dreamed of that?
No. Well, I didn't want to, you know, because dreams don't always come true.
Kayla: Ours have.
Steve: They sure have.
[Exhales sharply] Tell you, I gotta--I feel a little weird about being a husband. This is--this is new.
Kayla: I like it.
Steve: But it feels right. It feels right. Hey. Looky there.
Kayla: What's this?
Steve: Just a little something for my beautiful wife.
Kayla: You've already done so much.
Steve: Yeah, come on. Just open it. Don't keep me in suspense. I wanna know if you like it or if I'm gonna have to turn this plane around and take it back.
Kayla: Oh, steve.
[Gasps] It's beautiful. It's the perfect reminder of my wedding day.
Steve: It's not only for that.
Kayla: What else?
Steve: Something important. It's to remind you that you're my anchor, baby. So you're my anchor because you make me feel safe. You make me feel loved. It's the first time I'm gonna have somebody to go home to. And, um, you know--you know i never thought that I could get anybody to love me, especially not somebody like you. So I want you to remember when you see this little gold anchor that I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. I couldn'T.
Kayla: Here, put it on me.
I think it's backwards here.
Steve: Is that it?
Kayla: Yeah, that's it. Did you get it?
Steve: There.
Kayla: How is it? I'm--I'm about to go home.
Steve: To justin?
Kayla: Yes. We live together.
Steve: Hey. You got here early.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Steve: You don't know how good it is to see you.
Sonny: It's good to see you, too. The nurse said you wanted to see me as soon as possible.
Steve: Yeah, I just found out about your mom yesterday.
Sonny: Yeah, I figured.
Steve: So, did they catch the son of a bitch who was driving the other car?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah. The, uh--the driver's in prison now.
Steve: Good. Sonny, I'm really sorry i wasn't--I wasn't here for you back then.
Sonny: You know, I've had a lot of time to deal with it but this is new for you so I know it must hurt like hell.
Steve: Can't imagine my life without adrienne in it.
Sonny: Well, that doesn't really ever change. You know, I find myself so many times throughout the day thinking of her and, you know, just wanting to ask her questions or, you know, "I gotta call her. She's gonna--she's gonna worry." You know, stuff like that.
Steve: Yeah. I can hear her saying to me, "you let stefano's quack put a microchip in your head? What's the matter with you, dummy?"
Sonny: [Chuckles] That sounds like her.
Steve: Yeah.
Sonny: That lady never had a problem speaking her mind.
Steve: No, she gave me so much hell all the time, but if anybody else did--
Sonny: Oh, yeah, she'd be all over them.
Steve: Yeah. Like paint on sheet rock.
Sonny: You know, uncle, um, will and I are, uh, thinking about having another kid.
Steve: That's great news.
Sonny: Thank you, yeah. And I just wish that I could, you know, talk to mom about it.
Steve: Yeah, well, doesn't mean she's not listening. Kind of connection you two had, that doesn't--that doesn't go away.
Sonny: I do feel like she's watching over us.
Steve: Yeah. I should have been watching out for her. Should have been here for you, her, kayla, my kids.
[Sighs] But I wasn'T.
Kayla: Hey.
Justin: Oh, you're here.
Kayla: Yeah.
Justin: I called out your name, and you didn't respond.
Kayla: I was in the kitchen. I brought you breakfast.
Justin: It's not just breakfast. It's homemade muffin. You didn't have to do that.
Kayla: I was up early.
Justin: Yeah, I figured you'd already gone to the hospital.
Kayla: Oh, come on. Do you really think I would leave without saying good-bye to you?
Rafe: Welcome back. You two have been missed.
Lani: Well, it is really good to be back.
Eli: Definitely. So what's up, man? Coffee still suck?
Rafe: Oh, hell yeah. You know, some things never change.
Eli: Yeah.
Rafe: Oh, speaking of which, obviously you were commissioner when you left. I'm sure you've spoke to abe but he wants me to remain in that position.
[Eli laughs] I'm messing with you, man.
Rafe: Don't do that.
Eli: I couldn't report to anybody I respect more. Besides, I miss being out in the field. When I was a commissioner, all i did was deal with a bunch of obnoxious jerks.
Zoey: Which one of you's in charge?
Eli: Like I was saying.
Jennifer: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just saw you standing here and--hey. Are you okay?
Hope: How can I be okay? I was looking at how high up that balcony is. When I think about what I did to you...
Jennifer: Hope, it wasn't you.
Hope: You're my cousin. You could've died--
Jennifer: No, you went through something awful, too. We have already talked about this. It wasn't your fault.
Hope: Stop saying that. Please. I did it. I pushed you. It was my fault.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Hope: Whether I was programmed, brainwashed, whatever, I hurt you badly. I hurt so many people.
Jennifer: Julie told me that you were trying to track down eve.
Hope: Yeah, I--I found her. She's in new york city.
Jennifer: You're still a good detective.
[Hope scoffs]
Hope: I apologized for railroading her.
Jennifer: Great. How'd that go?
Hope: Uh, as exactly as i expected she--she threatened to take legal action against me.
Jennifer: Oh, yeah, well, she never disappoints.
Hope: Jen, I set her up. I sent her to prison for a crime she didn't even com--
Jennifer: Right, but she's--she's free. She's been vindicated. It's all been taken care of. If she's gonna take legal action against anyone, it should be rolf.
Hope: I know.
Jennifer: I mean, think of all the people that--that she has hurt. What gina did to her pales in comparison.
Hope: But it wasn't her hands that pushed her off that balcony. They were mine.
[Machines beeping]
Sonny: Uncle steve, even if you had been here, there's not much you could have done. Okay, it was a freak accident. Aunt kayla and her team at the hospital did everything they could to save her life, but mom was--she was hurt badly.
Steve: It kills me to think of her like that.
Sonny: I know. It kills me, too.
Steve: Well, my own sister left this life thinking I was a bum.
Sonny: You don't know that.
Steve: Come on.
Sonny: I'm serious. I mean, I don't know if you ever saw it, but she--she cut you a lot of slack.
Steve: She did.
[Chuckles] Bless her heart. Still, I should have been here.
Sonny: You would have been here if stefano and rolf hadn't gotten to you first.
Steve: Just to get my hands on those people.
Sonny: I know, I know. Me, too, okay? But stefano is gone and rolf is finally in jail.
Steve: Yeah, that's right. I need to get myself up and out of here and get my life back together.
Sonny: I'm glad you brought that up.
Steve: Okay.
Sonny: 'Cause now that--now that we've talked about my mom, I think it's time we talk about my dad.
[Steve exhales]
Justin: Uh, yeah, the morning, I know you wouldn't leave without saying good-bye, but this isn't any other morning. You must be anxious to get back to the hospital.
Kayla: You mean back to steve.
Kayla: Well, he did have brain surgery and I do wanna see how he's doing today. He is my patient.
Justin: He's a lot more than a patient.
Kayla: He's also the father of my children and they are worried about him. I talked to stephanie this morning. I told her I--I didn't think that we would be able to save his eye, but I do have an eye surgeon coming in this morning to check him out.
Justin: Well, I hope he gives you good news.
Kayla: Just have to wait and see.
Justin: You sound professional, but I know you're worried. You were tossing and turning all night long and then you said that you got up early. You hardly slept last night, right?
Rafe: I'm commissioner hernandez. How may I help you?
Zoey: I'm zoey burge. I represent christian maddox.
Rafe: Oh, lucky you.
Zoey: I demand that you release my client immediately.
Rafe: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. You do understand he's facing kidnapping charges?
Zoey: You might wanna have a look at this.
Rafe: Why don't you just sum it up for me?
Zoey: It's a deposition. Mr. Maddox's father has taken full responsibility for the alleged kidnapping.
Rafe: Orpheus is in federal custody.
Zoey: I just came from there. His statement is quite clear, so I'd appreciate it if you had an officer go and fetch my client.
Rafe: Yeah, not a chance.
Ciara: Ah, oh, come on. Don't tell me you're pouting.
Ben: I don't pout.
[Ciara laughs]
Ben: It's just that you have never, ever turned me down.
Ciara: Okay, well, ben, we can't lay in bed forever. We have to get back to the real world.
Ben: Oh, I hate the real world right now.
[Groans] I have applied to so many jobs that I know I'm qualified for. None of them even wanna interview me.
Ciara: Just hang in there, baby.
[Ben groans]
Ciara: I know it'll happen.
Ben: Yeah, I don't know.
Ciara: Well, I do. Plus, when I was talking about the real world, I wasn't talking about looking for jobs.
Ben: What did you mean?
Ciara: It's a surprise.
Ben: Hmm.
Ciara: And if we don't get moving, then I'm not gonna be able to make it happen so--
Ben: Well, what kind of surprise?
Ciara: Well, if I tell you, it's not gonna be a surprise anymore, will it? Okay? So you just get your butt in the shower and then meet me in the little park off the square in 20 minutes.
Ben: Don't you need to shower, too?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: I mean, don't you think it would save a little time if maybe we went together?
Ciara: Oh, no, no, no, see, i know where your head is at. No. No, weston.
Ben: What do you--you know what? Excuse me. Here I am thinking about time management and you're--you're accusing me of--
Ciara: Of, uh, wanting to fool around in the shower.
Ben: You have to admit it would save a little time.
Ciara: Uh-huh.
Ben: Or maybe a little water.
Ciara: Oh?
Ben: And we wouldn't be in bed. What do you say?
Ciara: I'd say you do have a point there.
Ben: You know I do. In this time of social distancing,
Steve: Sonny, in case you're wondering, I know that kayla and your dad are together.
Sonny: Yeah, he--he's--i mean, he was, like, out of his mind when--when mom died.
Steve: I'm sure.
Sonny: And I don't know if he would have gotten through it without kayla.
Steve: Oh, okay. You know, if kayla hadn't gotten those divorce papers from me, she wouldn't have been much more than a good friend to your dad.
Sonny: Probably, but she did get the divorce papers and she didn't know that--that it wasn't you that signed them.
Sonny: So what are you saying? That even though it was actually stefano who signed those papers, that my marriage is over?
Sonny: I can't imagine what it feels to--to come out of this and to realize that while you were--while you weren't here, you were getting screwed over.
Steve: Yeah. Doesn't feel good, I'll tell you that.
Sonny: My dad and kayla are-- are good together.
Steve: Sonny--
Sonny: Okay, they--they were there for each other during the worst time in their lives.
Steve: Listen, and I'm really happy about that. I'm glad that somebody was there for her but kayla now knows that her situation isn't what she thought it was.
Sonny: Uncle steve, you're not hearing what I'm saying.
Steve: What are you saying?
Sonny: My dad and kayla, it's not a rebound thing. They fell in love.
Kayla: I did have a pretty restless night. I hope I didn't keep you awake.
Justin: This isn't about me, and I was relieved when you finally seemed to settle down and get some sleep.
Kayla: Till my eyes flew open at 4:00. Couldn't go back to sleep, so i got up and I baked.
[Both laughing]
Justin: Yes, your--your go-to remedy for stress relief. It meant a lot to me that you decided to come home last night instead of staying at the hospital.
Kayla: It's where I wanted to be.
Jennifer: Eve, she never can take responsibility for anything bad that happens in her life. You can't let her get to you.
Hope: I don't know how to avoid it. I took a year of her life and i did the same thing to you. And cuz, you know what scares me too? When I did all of those horrible things...I was able to look the people I love in the eye and I-- I felt nothing.
Jennifer: Hope, because it wasn't you.
Hope: So everyone keeps saying that, but it was. It was me.
[Scoffs] I should be punished for what I did.
Ciara: Are your eyes closed?
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: You promise?
Ben: Yes, I promise. What is the damn surprise?
Ciara: Okay, you can open your eyes.
[Ben chuckles]
Ben: David!
[Ciara chuckles] Oh, my god! What's up, little man? What's up? Am I glad to see you.
[Phones ringing]
Rafe: So I'm supposed to release maddox because his psychopath father says he didn't have anything to do with david's kidnapping? No, no way.
Zoey: My client said you'd be completely biased toward him. You're trying to keep him from being reunited with his son.
Rafe: Your client killed his son's mother. Then he let another man take the fall for it--in fact, it's a miracle that that man wasn't executed.
Zoey: Miss ridgeway's death was an accident and the man who almost got executed was ben weston. It's what should have happened to him after he committed three murders.
Rafe: Right. Well, listen. The bottom line is christian maddox was involved in david's kidnapping and I don't care what he or his father has to say. He has lost all rights to his son. Now, if you would like to take your paperwork across the street, maybe you'll have better luck with the judge.
Zoey: What do you think I am? A neophyte? I just came from the courthouse. Judge covelli and D.A. Giddons both agree mr. Maddox has been exonerated. You might wanna read this one. It's a court order. My client is free to go, commissioner. You've been instructed to release him. Never run dry of...
Jennifer: You can't be punished. You didn't have control over your actions.
Hope: It doesn't matter. I still did what I did.
Jennifer: You didn't ask to have a microchip be put into your brain. You were a victim. You would never intentionally hurt someone, hope. Especially me.
[Suspenseful music]
What? What is it? What's wrong?
Hope: I didn't just push you off that balcony. I found out that you regained consciousness and I was gonna suffocate you.
Jennifer: But you didn't, hope. Something stopped you.
Ciara: Mom, what are you doing?
Hope: Yeah, something did. Ciara walked in. Thank god. What if she hadn't? Oh, you could be dead right now.
Ben: You are way bigger than the last time I saw you. Yeah.
David: Yeah.
Ben: You are. So I guess you can talk. Can you say, "vroom?" Vroom! No? Come on, that's what all little dudes say when they're playing with their toy truck. It's, like, hardwired into us. Man of few words. You're smart. Keep them guessing.
[Chuckles] How did you make this happen?
Ciara: I, uh, figured it out with rafe last night.
Ben: And he agreed to let me see david?
Ciara: Yeah. Timing is everything. Yeah, his sitter had a doctor's appointment and, um, she needed to go to work so she dropped him off, and here we are. Yeah, rafe actually even said that I was doing him a favor.
Ben: Really?
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: And he knows that I'm here, too? You didn't let him think that you were just taking care of david alone?
Ciara: No, he's okay with it, and evan and orpheus are locked up so, uh, there's absolutely no problem.
[Phones ringing]
Rafe: I may have to let your client go, but let's not forget he still has a murder charge hanging over his head.
Zoey: Temporarily. He's looking forward to his day in court.
Rafe: Mm-hmm, I'll bet.
Zoey: Take those cuffs off of mr. Maddox now.
Evan: Guess I'm a hard man to keep down.
Rafe: Mm. Well, enjoy your freedom while you have it.
Zoey: Bye, commissioner. Have a good day.
Rafe: Yeah.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: Who's with david right now?
Rafe: Oh.
[Cell phone beeps]
Justin: When we were lying in bed last night, neither one of us could sleep much. I wanted to reach out and hold you, but I didn't because I just wasn't sure that's what you wanted. Guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't know where we stand.
Kayla: We need to talk about it. We talk about everything. Right now I need to get to the hospital to meet that specialist.
Rafe: Okay. Kayla.
Kayla: Yeah?
Justin: Thanks for the muffin.
Kayla: My pleasure.
Sonny: I'm telling you the truth, uncle steve, okay? My dad and kayla fell in love. So do you just expect him to walk away now that you're back? Kayla makes him happy.
Steve: Okay. And I don't wanna hurt a guy like your dad, but I do want my life back.
Sonny: I understand.
Steve: You've been honest with me. I'm gonna be honest with you. Kayla is my one true love. She's the mother of my children and I'm gonna win her back.
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
[Cell phone rings]
Ben: Wait, give me one. Yeah.
Ciara: Hey. Hey, rafe, what's up?
Rafe: Ciara, you have to take david home now.
Ciara: Wait, but you said that we could spend the whole day with him. Did you change your mind?
Rafe: No. Evan has been released.
Ciara: You're kidding me.
Rafe: No, orpheus took full responsibility for the kidnapping so they--they let evan go for now. So, listen, I want you to take him--take him home. Lock the doors and don't let anyone in, and I will be there as soon as I can.
Ciara: Okay. Okay, we're on our way.
[Cell phone beeps]
Ben: What's going on?
Ciara: Freaking evan has been released. Rafe is afraid that he's gonna come and try to find david so--
Ben: All right, little man. Hey, time to grab some lunch, okay?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: Let's go.
Both: Let's go.
[Suspenseful music]
Jennifer: Ciara stopped gina from smothering me.
Hope: And what if ciara hadn't walked in and gina had smothered you? It was me. I was holding the pillow over your face. Oh, I--I would have taken you away from jack and abigail and jj. God!
Jennifer: What, hope? What is it?
Hope: I just remembered something else. Just remembered something else. Would you be so forgiving of me if... if you knew I was a danger to your daughter, too? I thought about killing her.
Justin: Hey. I was just on my way to work.
Sonny: Do you have a minute?
Justin: Sure. Come on in. Something wrong?
Sonny: I just came from talking to uncle steve.
Justin: Oh. So you went to see him.
Sonny: Yeah, he asked me to. He wanted to talk about mom.
Justin: Oh, yeah. Well, that must have been a hard conversation. He has to be devastated.
Sonny: He wanted to know if they got the person who caused the accident.
Justin: Did you tell him it was maggie?
Sonny: No, I just said the person is in prison. I just figured he had a lot to deal with.
Justin: Yeah, that's a good decision. Okay, well, I'll, uh, tell kayla that, uh, he asked about the accident.
Sonny: Well, speaking of kayla, we also talked about you and her.
Kayla: Hey, hey. What are you doing? I did not give orders for you to dangle.
Steve: I need your permission to dangle?
Kayla: It's a medical term, thank you very much. It means to sit on the side and let your feet hang over. You know, you just had brain surgery. You could get dizzy. You could fall out of bed. Come on. You need to lie back down.
Steve: Oh, I'm glad you're here. I was so bored.
Kayla: I said lie back down.
Steve: Oh.
Kayla: Thank you.
Steve: When you put it like that--
Kayla: Uh-huh. Well, I can see that you're feeling better.
Steve: No, actually. I'm feeling pretty lousy.
Kayla: Well, your eye specialist will be here soon.
Steve: It's not my eye. It's my heart.
Kayla: What's going on? Is it racing or do you feel like it's skipping a beat or what?
Steve: Well, as much as i love your hands all over, my sweetness, it'S...not that. It's my broken heart. When you went home with justin last night...
Kayla: Yeah, what?
Steve: Did you two make love?
Kayla: You know, we are divorced and my personal life is none of your business.
Steve: I'm thinking that's a no. Your mission:
Rafe: I've gotta go see david. You two hold things down while I'm gone?
Eli: Definitely.
Rafe: Okay, good.
Lani: Hey, rafe, give him a kiss for me.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, will do.
Lani: You don't think evan would be so stupid to go after david so soon, right?
Eli: We are in charge until rafe gets back. We could assign ourselves to tail him.
Lani: I like the way you think.
Eli: Grant and price.
Lani: Together again.
Zoey: I need to speak to the commissioner.
Lani: He just left.
Eli: Can we help you?
Zoey: No.
Eli: You know, I bet you think you did a good thing by setting evan free.
Zoey: Evan?
Eli: Sorry. That's the name maddox choose when he came here to kill the mother of his son.
Zoey: Mm, that's not what happened.
Eli: Christian maddox is going to prison just like his dad, and they will be there a long time. Kidnapping's a federal offense.
Zoey: The feds only get involved if the alleged kidnapping crossed state lines.
Lani: It's still a serious felony.
Eli: And orpheus admitted to the crime, and with all the other crimes that he's done, he'll be there forever.
Zoey: Mm. You're boxing above your weight, detective. You don't even know what you're talking about.
Ciara: We were just leaving.
Evan: David, you remember me.
Ben: Get out of our way.
Evan: Listen, buddy, did you miss me? I missed you, I'll tell you that. Yeah, look, I, uh--I'm really glad I ran into you. I got something so important i gotta tell you.
Jennifer: Hope, do you know what's important right now? And we're gonna talk about this. Look at me. Gina is gone. You won. She is gone. None of this is your fault. You're gonna drive yourself crazy. No, you know who does know what this is like? Steve. He knows what it's like and you are both going to pull through this and you have to believe that.
Hope: I want to believe that. I do. I really wanna believe it.
[Exhales sharply]
Jennifer: Hope, I love you so much.
Hope: I love you, too, so much.
Justin: I appreciate you going to bat for me with steve but, um, maybe you shouldn't have.
Sonny: I felt like I had to 'cause he was pretty up front that he still loves kayla and he wants her back.
Justin: Of course he does, and I don't blame him, but, um, she came home with me last night.
Sonny: So she's made her decision.
Justin: No, no, she's too wise to rush a decision like that, and--and I'm not gonna force her to. She needs her space and I'm going to give it to her.
Sonny: That's very noble, but uncle steve is not gonna give her space. Those two have a lot of history.
Justin: Uh-huh. And I've learned from kayla that a significant part of that history was pretty rough. She and I have learned from our mistakes, and what we have together makes us both very happy.
Sonny: Well, then maybe you shouldn't stand back and try to be fair. Maybe you should fight for her.
Steve: I'm right, aren't I? You and justin went to bed last night to sleep.
Kayla: Don't make assumptions about my personal life.
Steve: I don't have to. It's written all over your face. Something monumental happened between us yesterday, kayla. You saved my life. I was lost and you brought me back.
Kayla: I was just doing my job.
Steve: It's much more than that, and you know it.
Kayla: Your specialist I'm sure is here. I'll go brief him.
Steve: You know, when I got my memory back and I told you that I wasn't giving up on you-- I meant that. Sweetness. I want you to know I never will.
[Dramatic music]
[Mother giving birth]
Jennifer: Gina didn't succeed. She is gone, hope. You won.
Hope: Then why do I feel like she's beaten me?
Jennifer: Kay.
Kayla: Oh. Hi.
Jennifer: Oh, gosh, what's wrong? What's wrong? What--did steve have a setback?
Kayla: No, no, he's fine. It's just me. I'm a mess.
Jennifer: Oh, gosh.
Steve: Yeah? Come in.
[Door closes]
Justin: Steve. I think it's time for the two of us to have a talk.
Ben: No decent man would do this in front of a little kid.
Evan: You need to know something, david. I wasn't just--
[Ben grunts]
Eli: If I don't know what I'm talking about, why don't you enlighten me?
Zoey: Gladly. Orpheus is a free man.
Rafe: Ciara, you guys here? I'm back.
Orpheus: And so am I.
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