Days Transcript Wednesday 4/15/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/15/20


Episode #13748  ~ Eric confronts Xander about the baby switch; Sarah makes a shocking decision; Jack encourages Steve to fight for Kayla; Will and Sonny discuss expanding their family.

Provided By Suzanne

Kayla: There's nothing I want more than to go home with you.

Justin: I get it. You just saved steve's life and you're still worried about him. You can't leave him so, um, I'll go.

Kayla: I don't know what to say.

Justin: You don't have to say a word. You know where to find me if you need me.

[Melancholy music]

Kayla: Justin, wait. If the offer still stands, I'd really... I'd really like to go to dinner with you.

Justin: Of course. But what about steve?

Jack: Steve. You just did your surgery. You...being you is new. It's a lot for all of us to process, including kayla. It's obvious to me that she still loves you.

Steve: How's it obvious? She's with justin now.

Jack: That's 'cause you made it very clear that you didn't love her anymore. But now she knows that you never stopped. You wanna be with her, right?

Steve: Sure, I wanna be with her. I love her. I love her more than ever.

Will: So...steve's awake and back to his old self.

Sonny: Well, I haven't seen him yet, but that's what they tell me.

Will: Man, so I mean, if he has his memory back, does that mean he forgot about all the crazy stuff he did when he thought he was stefano?

Sonny: I don't know. All I got was a text from aunt jennifer.

Will: Hmm. Well, it's good news, in any case. In fact, you wanna get a dessert later and celebrate the end of stefano and princess gina?

Sonny: I'm gonna pass because too much sugar gives me weird dreams, and I've had enough of those lately.

Will: What? What are you talking about? What kinda weird dreams?

Sonny: Oh, it'S...nothing.

Will: Well, you brought it up, so now you gotta tell me. What, yeah--what? Come on.

Sonny: Okay, um... I had a dream that I walked into our bedroom and you were having sex with leo.

Kristen: I'm aching to hold our baby in my arms. I have waited so long, brady. I don't think I can wait another day.

Brady: Eric and sarah, they just started grieving, kristen. But we...we get to stop. 'Cause we have a beautiful future ahead of us. The three of us.

Kristen: I know...I know we do, I just-- I don't understand. I mean, how could the hospital make such a terrible mistake?

Brady: That's the part i didn't tell you about. It wasn't a mistake. It was xander.

Kristen: Xander? What on earth are you talking about?

Brady: Xander. He switched the babies. And he did it on purpose.

[Dark music]

[Dramatic musical sting]

Xander: I don't have anything to say to you. Get the hell out of here.

Eric: I'm not going anywhere.

Xander: Look, I don't have time for this.

Eric: Where's sarah?

Xander: She's upstairs saying good-bye to mickey.

Eric: And I'll give her her privacy. And you and I can have a little chat.

Xander: I don't have time for one of your lectures--

Eric: A lecture after what you did? You belong in a grave just like my little girl.

Sarah: [Sobbing] Oh, sweet little girl. I know I'm supposed to say good-bye to you, but... and I don't know how I'm gonna let you go. I...I loved you from the moment that xander put you into my arms. God. How could he do this to me? How could he let me fall so in love with a baby that wasn't mine? What am I gonna do without you? What am I gonna do?

[Somber music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kristen: Xander. Why? I mean, is he just trying to get back at me?

Brady: I think it was more about sarah. He was there when mackenzie died. He didn't want sarah to face what--what you faced.

Kristen: Well, now i understand the pain that i caused you and theresa. Maybe--maybe it was retribution, right?

Brady: No, hey, no, let's-- I don't think we should be looking back there. I want us to move forward, kristen. Can we move forward, please?

Kristen: Oh, yeah. I am moving forward. And I am looking forward to making xander pay for what he did.

Xander: Go ahead and kill me. I--I don't care. I lost sarah. You could come at me with a baseball bat and it wouldn't hurt more than this.

Eric: Did your little fairy tale go sour?

Xander: Why did you tell her? She was so happy and you had nicole, you had mackenzie. Why did you blow it all up?

Eric: Because it was the right thing to do. But of course no one would expect for you to understand that.

Xander: It was nicole, wasn't it? I knew she was sniffin' around.

Eric: Listen to you! Brady and kristen thought their little daughter was dead. That's because of you! And you're all mad because of nicole sniffing around?

Xander: News flash, pal. Nicole wasn't trying to do the right thing. She's just a nosy bitch. You feel better?

Eric: No.

Xander: And you're not going to either for a very long time. Look, you can be as pious as you want, but sooner or later, it's gonna dawn on you just how badly you screwed everything up. Sarah is gonna grieve for the rest of her life and now you get to watch brady and kristen raise the kid that could have been yours if you just kept your mouth shut! And then it's gonna dawn on you that you're gonna have to live with the fact that your precious nicole took the child that you always wanted away from you, and now you can never get her back.

Eric: You know the one good reason for telling sarah? It stopped her from marrying a bastard like you.

Sarah: Look at you. You have no idea why mommy's crying. Only, I'm not your mommy.

[Sniffling] I don't think--I don't think i could love you any more, even if I were. This is like... like waking up from the most beautiful dream only to realize that you're in a nightmare.

[Sniffling] Nothing is ever gonna be as hard as giving you up-- nothing.

[Sniffling] I don't think I can.

Jack: did kayla take it when you told her you loved her more than ever?

Steve: I didn'T. Didn't get the chance. But I did tell her to tear up those divorce papers and marry me...again. But that was before she told me she'd moved on with justin.

Jack: You know, I-I could go get her and the two of you could finish this conversation--

Steve: No, no!

Jack: Just take a second--

Steve: Jackson, no!

Jack: You know... hmph. You know... you know you weren't always such a passive guy.

Steve: What's that supposed to mean?

Jack: means I can't believe that you say that you still love kayla... and your game plan is just to sit there and do nothing?

Steve: What do you want me to do? Jump up, go out there and grab her? Carry her off to my castle and prove to her that I'm the only man for her?

Jack: Well, the steve I know probably would try something like that--I mean, he certainly wouldn't sit around on his butt feelin' sorry for himself, not even talk to her.

Steve: Listen, man, even before stefano and rolf messed with my head, I had let kayla down so many times before. I do love her. But maybe she's better off with justin.

Jack: Hmm. You know... maybe I'm better off on a low-calorie diet with a, uh, well-planned program of exercise. But it won't make me happy. You know? Won't make me look forward to each and every new day.

Steve: Now I remember. Talkin' to you makes my head hurt.

Jack: Kayla loves you, dude. Always has, always will. Now, maybe...maybe sitting in front of a fire with justin while he drones on about torts was the best she could do. But you're back and you're exciting. Least you used to be.

Steve: I thought you liked justin.

Jack: I love the guy. I just can't say good things about him and try to make you do something.

Steve: You know what, jack? I don't need a pep talk. I need the truth. Now, you've seen them together. When kayla is with justin, is she happy?

Kayla: "What about steve?" That's not a question that's gonna go away, is it? Um, he's awake and, um, resting comfortably.

Justin: With his memory intact.

Kayla: Yeah. And there's no... reason that he shouldn't make a full recovery. But the overnight staff has been briefed, so I don't see any reason that I...I don't really need to stay.

Justin: Not medically. How 'bout personally?

Will: [Clears throat] Wow, talk about an appetite suppressant. You know, sonny, I do believe in an open and trusting relationship, but you don't have to tell me everything.

Sonny: Did you not kind of force me to tell you?

Will: No, I did not kind of force you. You mentioned having a weird dream, and I assumed that you wanted to talk about it, otherwise why the hell would you even bring it up? And by the way, that dream was disgusting.

Sonny: It was disgusting. I agree. But now that it's out in the open, maybe we should talk about why I had the dream.

Will: Okay... I mean, I hate to have to say this, but are you implying that there is something I did or said that made you think that I was attracted to that... I can't even think of a term demeaning enough to describe leo.

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, no, I, uh, I was not implying that at all. I'm just--I think I had the dream...maybe because I have like some deep insecurities that I'm not dealing with or I'm just really messed up. I don't know.

Will: [Laughs] Do you remember like three minutes ago when we were having like a nice, normal dinner?

Sonny: Hold on--but that wasn't the weirdest part about my dream.

Will: Okay, well, then, please spare me the weirder part because the less weird part already made me almost hurl.

Sonny: Okay, well, fine. I'll just, uh, shut up and... we won't talk about the dream.

Will: Okay, well, now we have to talk about the dream because you brought it up again and now you gotta tell me the rest of it.

Sonny: Are you sure?

Will: Yes. I think--yes, I'm sure.

Sonny: Okay, well, I dreamed that leo talked us into buying a baby from him, and then it turned out that he stole the baby from abe and sheila.

Will: What?! How--how long was this dream?

Sonny: Do you know what it reminded me of?

Will: What, not to eat pepperoni before bed?

Sonny: No, that you and I... we talked about having another kid.

Will: You're right, yeah. On mother's day. And we said we'd discuss it further when I got home, but... then the accident happened.

Sonny: And everything went to hell for us. But that's in the past now, so i was just wondering if you would like to talk about it again.

Xander: I love sarah. I would have made her happy.

Eric: I don't think sociopaths make good husbands.

Xander: I'm not a sociopath.

Eric: Like hell you're not! You're a sociopath who'd stand by and smugly watch the agony that kristen and brady went through. Now it's sarah who's only at the beginning of the same agony-- what? Even you can see that there's nothing you can do. There's nothing that anybody can do. As much animosity as I've had towards kristen, to see her go through what she went through after the loss of her daughter...brady thought she was gonna crack through that grief. That she would go insane, that she would take her own life. Now sarah, she's feeling that same nightmare and only sarah's gonna face the pain of that black hole. That's all because of you.

Sarah: You and I have been through a lot together, huh, haven't we, sweetheart?

[Baby coos] Yeah. Your first...[Sniffles] Your first laugh, your first smile, the first time you crawled.

[Sniffling] Then... then you got sick... I quit filling this out as much, you know? I was afraid of... jinxing it. But then you got better and... and I started--I started filling it out again.


[Sniffles] But I guess it's gonna be kristen's job to fill it out now. She lost...

[Sniffling] She lost the first year with you and even worse, she... she had to watch it. She watched me raise the sweetest little girl to ever be born. I don't think kristen will mind if I keep this book, right? She doesn't need a book of memories--she's gonna have you. And baby, I have to believe that she's gonna be a really good mama. She's done... questionable things in the past, but...but brady swears that she's changed, and I have to believe that. You know, for your sake. 'Cause, really, I don't-- what choice do I have, you know?

[Somber music]

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Jack: It depends on how you define happiness.

Steve: Ugh. You gonna double-talk me to death now? Cut the crap and tell me the truth.

Jack: Truth is, I haven't spent that much time with them.

Steve: So...justin does make her happy.

Jack: I think it's more a matter of propinquity.

Steve: Would you speak english, dude?

Jack: The divorce papers came... supposedly from you. Justin's a lawyer. He lost adrienne. Kayla loved adrienne. Kayla and justin started spending a lot of time together. They developed a closeness, which is the meaning of propinquity.

Steve: Tell me this. Are they livin' together?

Jack: Yeah.

Steve: In my house?

Jack: Now, that's the steve I'm talking about.

Steve: Just answer the question.

Jack: No. He moved in to kayla's new place. So, no, they're not living in your house.

Steve: But they made a home together. Now you want me to break 'em up.

Jack: I want you to not give up. I've been very supportive of their relationship. Full disclosure here. I've also told justin not to give up.

Steve: Oh, great. So now you're jerking us both around?

Jack: I care about you both. I want you both to be happy.

Steve: Well, you ain't gonna get your wish, dude. Because only one of us can be with kayla.

Kayla: Steve has a lot to grapple with.

Justin: Does he have any memory of pretending to be stefano all this time?

Kayla: No.

Justin: Wow. So he has to deal with all the stuff that he did during that time as well as the loss of adrienne.

Kayla: Yeah.

Justin: It is a lot.

Kayla: But he has a good support system. His brothers are with him and jack will stay there as long as he needs him.

Justin: So if steve has A... a memory gap that big, I-I guess he must have assumed that the two of you could just pick up where you were when he left.

Kayla: Well, as you know, steve and I were not in a good place when he was arrested.

Justin: Mm-hmm. Is that how steve remembers it?

Kayla: Are you trying to get out of making me dinner?

Justin: [Light laugh] So now steve wants to be with you.

Kayla: I told you, he knows about us.

Justin: Hmm. What you didn't tell me is if you want to be with him.

Eric: Sarah, it's me, eric. Can I come in? Sarah? Are you here?

[Suspenseful music] Oh, god. Where did you go?

Will: Well, the reason that I...I warmed up to the idea of having another child was because of the conversation i had with abigail about having two kids. And she said that two is a lot more complicated but ultimately convinced me that, you know, it would be worth it.

Sonny: So you...still wanna go ahead with it?

Will: I mean, it--it's a big step, you know? I mean, whether we used a surrogate or adopt, it'S... it's gonna be a long process.

Sonny: I know. Guess that's why people steal babies.

[Both laughing]

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: Sarah?

Sarah: Uh, hi.

>Sonny: Hey, what are you doing? I thought you and xander were getting married tonight.

Sarah: The wedding's over. I just wanted to stop and grab mickey a couple of things before we go on our honeymoon.

Sonny: Oh, you're taking her with you?

Sarah: Yeah, it was a last-minute decision. I just realized that I couldn't stand to be separated from her. Real strawberries.

Eric: Did, uh, did sarah come down here?

Xander: No. Why?

Eric: Because she's not upstairs. The baby isn't up there either.

Xander: Car's not here.

Eric: Oh, my god.

Kristen: [Sighs] When I get my hands on xander, he will wish he'd never been born.

Brady: Kristen, I hate his guts too--I have for a long time.

Kristen: You know what, this is different.

Brady: No, this is also the past that we're talking about. We need--we need to think about the future right now. Our little baby is alive and well. It's not gonna be long before we're all a family together and happy.

Kristen: Yeah, but he gets to get off scot-free? Come on!

Brady: Oh, god, I'm sure sarah is making him pay in ways that we can only imagine.

Kristen: Right.

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: Ugghhh!

Brady: Kristen, this is... this is her last night with rachel, all right?

[Liquid pouring] Her last night.

Kristen: Yeah. I-I-I-I can't wait the whole night, brady. I don't think I can even wait until tomorrow.

Brady: All right, listen, I'll call eric, I'll feel it out. But like I said--hey, like i said, I think it's important that we give them the decent amount of time to say good-bye. This is the worst night of their life, okay?

Kristen: Yeah, but at least... at least they'll know she's alive. At least they'll know she's alive--at least they know she is alive! Because we went through months, brady...months thinking that our baby was dead. And I have to be honest. It is taking every ounce of self-control that I have right now not to just rush over there right now.

[Exhales] Just...

[Baby snuffling]

Sonny: She's gorgeous.

Sarah: Thanks.

Sonny: You know, will and i were just talking about having another kid.

Will: Yeah, I mean, we know it's a long process and it's a little more complicated for us-- adopting than, you know, straight couples.

Sonny: We have to decide if we wanna adopt or find a surrogate.

Will: Yeah, adopting kinda scares me, though, because what if the biological parents want the baby back? You know, I mean...I can't imagine what it'd be like to have to give up ari.

Sarah: It's the worst thing in the world. Anyway, um, I have to get going so...

Will: Wait, what-- uh, well, wait a second--if you just got married to xander, where's your ring? People used to care. Heck, they'd come

Kayla: You know, um, all of this just happened and it's pretty overwhelming, so do you think maybe you could just cool it with all the questions? For now, anyway?

Justin: I'm sorry. I really am.

Kayla: For what?

Justin: For pressuring you. And insecure.

Kayla: No, you are not insecure--listen, you have every reason to wanna know how I feel about steve. Right now I just wanna go home with you. It's where I belong. I wanna go home, especially if you're cooking.

Justin: You only love me for my lasagna.

Kayla: There are a few other dishes I like.

[Both chuckle] Listen, I'm gonna go check on steve as my patient... and then I'm gonna home with you, my boyfriend. Got it?

Jack: Didn't anybody give you any candy?

Steve: Up until this morning, I was stefano dimera. Nobody gives him candy. But why don't you go get yourself something to eat?

Jack: No, no, no, no, no. You need me.

Steve: No, I don't need you. You need a candy bar--now, go.

Jack: No, uh-uh-uh-uh! You need me to show you the reality of your situation.

Steve: The reality is my situation sucks. Kayla's with justin now and she's happy.

Jack: Oh.

Steve: Like so many times before, she's fine without me.

Jack: So you're gonna do the

[Accent] "Far, far better thing" and bow out gracefully. Well, that's demeaning to kayla.

Steve: What?

Jack: Yeah! Kayla loves justin. She also loves you. She has the right to know how you feel about her. So give her a choice, and then she can make the decision accordingly.

Kayla: Decision about what?

Sarah: I, uh, um...I left my ring at home.

Will: Oh. Well, I mean, I guess as long as your new husband is cool with it.

Sarah: No, he understands. It just--it was so big and i tend to lose things when i travel, just was safer to leave it at home in my jewelry box.

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: So where are you and xander going on your honeymoon?

Sarah: Uh, I don't know yet. He said I could decide right before we take off. Um, speaking of which, I, um, am late, so I have get to the airfield.

Will: Yeah, of course. Well, enjoy the honeymoon and congratulations.

Sarah: Yeah, thanks.

Will: She's totally lying to us. Who waits till they get to the airport to decide where they're gonna take their honeymoon? And who takes off their wedding ring right after their wedding?

Sonny: And why--why would she lie to us?

Will: Maybe she doesn't want to admit she made a huge mistake marrying that psychopath? Wow, I bet she breaks up with him before the honeymoon is over.

[Cell phone rings]

Brady: Oh, wait. Oh, it's eric.

Kristen: Well, maybe they're ready to bring the baby over. Put him on speaker!

Brady: Okay.

[Beep] Hey, man, what's goin' on?

Eric: Hey, is, uh, is sarah with you?

Brady: No, why?

Kristen: I mean, isn't she with the baby?

Eric: Well, I'm at the kiriakis mansion. She's not here and neither is mackenzie. I mean rachel. I thought maybe she'd already brought her over to you.

Brady: She's not here and we haven't heard from her.

Kristen: Where could they be? Hmm?

Eric: Well, she has to be on her way to you. Listen, I'm gonna try her cell phone again, but if she doesn't pick up because she might be driving, just please let me know if you hear from her.

Brady: All right, will do.


Kristen: Brady... I have a really bad feeling about this.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Kayla: A decision about what, steve?

Steve: I was trying to decide whether to push the call button or not. I have a little headache. I know they're really busy out there.

Kayla: How bad a headache? And let's be honest, all right?

Steve: I had one too many beers the other night.'s not--it's not a big deal.

Kayla: Well, I don't want you to be in pain, so I'll go write an order and a nurse can bring the meds.

Steve: Thanks.

Kayla: How are you feeling otherwise?

Steve: Great.

Jack: Great. I'm gonna cut out and let you two talk--

Kayla: No, no, that's okay, actually, 'cause I'm about to go home.

Steve: To justin?

Kayla: Yes. We live together.

Steve: Jack told me.

Kayla: Well, if you don't need anything else, um...

Steve: No, I'm good. I'll see ya tomorrow, huh?

Kayla: Absolutely. Good night.

Jack: She gave you the opening. You didn't take it. You didn't say anything. You're not gonna let her know that you're gonna fight for her? Hey, you are going to fight for her.

Steve: Seems to me... she's already made her decision.

Justin: Do you, xander kiriakis, take sarah horton to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Xander: I do.

Brady: All I'm saying is that when you let your imagination run away, that's when you tend to get in the most trouble. All right? So just take it easy.

Kristen: I thought that she and eric were gonna go through this together. Why would she leave without giving eric a chance to say good-bye?

Brady: 'Cause the world just came crashing down and she's probably not thinking that clearly.

Kristen: Oh, good, good! So she's overwhelmed, driving our daughter god knows where? We should have gone to get our daughter when we found out the truth. I'm not gonna sit around here anymore. I'm gonna go get our daughter. I wanna go--let's go. We're gonna go find our daughter, brady.

Eric: Hey, sarah, it's me, eric. I'm at your house. I stopped by, you know, so i could spend some time with the baby, but she's not here and neither are you. Actually, nobody knows where you are, so when you get this, can you please call me? All right, bye.


Will: Eric, hey. What are you doing here?

Eric: I'm just trying to track sarah down.

Sonny: We just ran into her at the square.

Eric: Did she have the baby with her?

Will: Uh, yeah--she said she's picking up some baby stuff.

Eric: Okay. Okay, well, maybe she and the baby will be home soon.

Sonny: I-I don't think so. She said she was heading to the airfield.

Eric: Airfield? Are you sure?

Will: Yeah, she said she and xander were leaving on their honeymoon.

Eric: What?!

You wouldn't accept

an incomplete job

Jack: So... kayla's going home to justin. Doesn't mean anything, does it?

Steve: Nah. They'll probably just have some dinner, watch a little tv, and then climb into bed together.

Jack: We don't know that. Maybe he sleeps on the couch. Maybe he does.

Steve: Jack, do me a favor, would you?

Jack: Name it.

Steve: Shut the hell up.

Jack: Got it.

[Light music]

Justin: All set?

Kayla: Yeah. I just remembered that you, um, officiated with sarah and xander today--how'd it go?

Justin: didn'T.

Kayla: They didn't get married?

Justin: No.

Kayla: Why not?

Justin: Well, she was strange from the moment she entered the room.

Kayla: Strange how?

Justin: Well...

Xander: It can't end like this. I won't let it. I'm gonna find some way to get this ring back on your finger, sarah. I'll never give up on us.

Sonny: Yeah, I'll hold.

Will: So mickey is really brady and kristen's baby. Are you sure?

Eric: Yeah, I've seen the dna test results. That's why we decided not to go to court. We were supposed to be with her tonight so we could have a chance to say good-bye to her. But now it looks like sarah took off with her.

Will: Well, I mean, hopefully sonny'll find out something from the titan airstrip.

Brady: Hey.

Kristen: Have you found sarah and the baby yet?

Eric: Look, there may be a problem.

Kristen: What kind of a problem?

Sonny: Are you sure about all of this? Okay, thank you.

Eric: What'd you find out?

Sonny: The titan jet just left a few minutes ago and sarah and the baby are on board.

Brady: I don't believe this.

Kristen: Okay, where are they going?

Sonny: They didn't file a flight plan.

Kristen: Oh, my god, she did it--she did it, brady. She kidnapped our child.

Sarah: You don't worry, sweet angel. Everything's gonna be fine. I don't care what anybody says.

[Sniffles] You're my little girl. No one's ever gonna keep us apart.


[Intense, sweeping music]

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