Days Transcript Tuesday 4/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 4/14/20


Episode #13747 ~ Hope and Steve commiserate together; Gabi goes up against Chad; Kayla tells Justin her decision about their future; Kate applies for a job with Abe.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: [Sighs] How'd you know I was here?

Brady: My dad told me that he and marlena dropped you off.

Kristen: So they told you what I did.

Brady: I know what you did.

Kristen: I know, but I didn't mean to break the rules. I didn'T.

Brady: I know.

Kristen: I didn't I just-- I loved--I loved holding that little baby. She was so warm in my arms.

Brady: I know.

Kristen: But now they're never gonna let me volunteer again, and I am never, ever gonna hold another baby as long as I live, brady.

Brady: Kristen, that's not true.

Kristen: You don't know that, so just--

Brady: Yes--yes, I do.

Steve: You left me?

Kayla: You signed the divorce papers.

Steve: [Sighs] But now you know that wasn't me. You know I'd never leave you in a million years, baby.

Kayla: But at the time I was so heartbroken. And you have to admit, it wasn't the first time that you had broken my heart.

Steve: But I swore to you i would never do it again. Do you remember that? I swore to you.

Kayla: I thought you went back on your word. I was just--I was so miserable. It wasn't like I was out looking for anybody new, I wasn'T. Just--I don't know. Just--it just happened, and--

[Sighs] It changed everything for me.

Steve: [Sighs] Well, who is it? Just tell me his name. Justin.

Xander: Sarah. Time for you to say "I do."

Sarah: How could I? How could I marry you after what you did?

Xander: What are you saying? What did I do?

Sarah: Huh-- I think you know.

Xander: I swear, I swear i don't, I--

Sarah: Oh, my god, you let me fall in love with a baby that you knew wasn't mine.

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Jack: Thank you. Thank you, john, thank you very much. All right.

Jennifer: Well, what did he say about steve?

Jack: He's awake. He's regained consciousness, but he has no memory of who he is.

Jennifer: So he can't remember kayla or his kids.

Jack: No.

Julie: Well, you know how that is, that the man you've loved for decades doesn't have a clue who you are.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Jack: Well, that's over now. That is over now, thanks to you.

Doug: Hope was in the same boat. She has her memory back now. Steve's had this microchip surgery just like hope did, so maybe his memory loss will be temporary, too.

Jennifer: I would really love to go over to the hospital if that's all right. Do you mind--

Julie: Go, darling, go ahead, both of you.

Jack: Okay, great.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Julie: And give them our love.

Jennifer: We will. We'll be back.

Jack: Thank you. We'll let you know.

Steve: Justin kiriakis-- the two of you are together now?

Kayla: Yeah.

Steve: What about--what about my sister? Did they split up again?

Kayla: Uh, no--um--

Steve: Okay. When is this gonna start making sense? 'Cause I have loved you for 30 years. And I know that you would never have an affair with adrienne's husband. I mean, you love her like a sister.

Kayla: No, I would never. And justin would never. Adrienne was the love of his life.

Steve: What do you mean was?

Kayla: I'm sorry. There's no gentle way to tell you this. But adrienne's gone. She died.

Steve: [Exhales] Wh-- what?

Xander: Sarah, I said I do. All you have to do is say the same two words and we'll be married. We can work this out after that.

Sarah: No, we are gonna work it out right now.

Xander: No, you don't understand.

Sarah: Yes, I do. Finally.

Justin: Would you two like me to step out of the--

Xander: No! Just-- what I mean is, you've been through too much. You're exhausted, confused--

Sarah: Just shut up, xander. Shut up. God. I know the truth. Eric told me everything.

Xander: What does that mean?

Sarah: I know that my baby-- I know that my baby died the night that she was born, and that beautiful baby over there, that baby that I have grown to love with my heart and soul is not my daughter. That is brady and kristen's daughter.

Kristen: You are sweet to try and make me feel better. I know--I know this obsession of mine has been hard on you, brady, and I am so sorry. And you know, marlena said something to me about acceptance. It's just how am I supposed to accept that our rachel is dead?

Brady: Shh. You don't have to.

Kristen: What?

Brady: Look at me.

Kristen: I'm looking.

Brady: Look at me.

Kristen: What?

Brady: Our daughter's alive.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.

Kristen: I know you wouldn't say something like this unless you really believed it was true.

Brady: I know that it is.

Kristen: How? How do you know that?

Brady: Because the night that rachel was born... we were told that she was dead, and they were wrong.

Kristen: But why in god's name would they do--why would they say something like that?

Brady: Because the hospital--

Kristen: I don't understand.

Brady: The hospital staff didn't know the truth. There was a newborn that night that died. It wasn't ours. It wasn't our little girl, and the little girl... that's in that grave is not our little girl.

Kristen: Then whose-- whose baby's this? Whose is it?

Brady: It's eric and sarah'S.

Kristen: [Exhaling]

Justin: I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure there's not going to be a wedding.

Sarah: Oh, you're damn right there's not gonna be a wedding.

Justin: Sarah, I am so sorry. You are very dear to me and my family, so if there's anything any of us can do for you--

Sarah: Thank you, justin. But you can just go now, please.

Justin: Are you sure?

Sarah: Ah--

Justin: Maybe I should stay.

Sarah: No. Please, just go. I need to speak to xander alone. I'll be fine.

Xander: Please. Please let me ex--

Sarah: How can you explain it? You lied to me about the most important person in my life. You let me think that that sweet baby over there is mine, and she isn'T. How could you do something like that?

Xander: I did it for you.

Steve: Adrienne can't be dead.

Kayla: I am so sorry.

Steve: Well, what-- I mean, did her cancer come back?

Kayla: No. It was, uh, it was a car accident.

Steve: Tell me what happened.

Kayla: Sarah had gone into labor, and adrienne--adrienne was driving her to the hospital. But somebody veered into their lane, and-- and adrienne's car hit a tree. The emts brought her into the hospital, but her injuries were too severe.

Steve: Oh.

Kayla: We couldn't save her. I am so--I am so sorry.

Steve: [Crying]

Kayla: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Steve: [Sobbing]

It's totally normal

Kayla: I know. I'm sorry.

Steve: When did this happen?

Kayla: Almost a year ago. On mother's day.

Steve: Oh, god, I should've been here.

Kayla: Look, I know how you're feeling. But there was nothing--nothing you could do.

Steve: I should've been here. And she's just gone now. She's gone. What then? Oh, god. Oh, god, I loved her so much.

Kayla: She knew that. And she loved you right back. She did.

Steve: She was such a good sister. When we were little, you know, all we had was each other. We looked out for each other.

Kayla: I know. I know.

Steve: I'm never gonna see her again, now, kayla. I'm never gonna see her again.

Kayla: I know. Hi. Yeah. Steve's amnesia's gone. He has his memory back.

Jennifer: What?

Jack: Okay.

Jennifer: Thank goodness. Oh, this is so wonderful.

Jack: It's--wait a minute.

Jennifer: Hey. This is so wonderful.

Jack: What's--wait a minute, what's going on? What's going on?

Kayla: I had to tell him about adrienne.

Jack: Oh, my god. Right. Steve--I'm so--steve.

Steve: Jack.

Jack: Oh, man, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Steve: I can't believe it. I can't believe she's gone. We don't have our sister anymore.


Kristen: How did you find this out? I mean, do you have any proof?

Brady: Remember telling me about rachel's birthmark?

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: That cute, little heart shape birthmark on her neck--eric and sarah's baby has that exact same birthmark.

Kristen: That just could be a coincidence.

Brady: No, it's not, it's not. It's not. She was born to us that night and she is ours, and I have dna results in my pocket to prove it.

Kristen: Oh, god. I-- I just--[Grunts] I'm too afraid to believe this.

Brady: No, no--I--hey, I was, too. I was, too. I couldn't believe it.

Kristen: Well, how did you get the dna test results?

Brady: I didn't order the test, nicole ordered the test.

Kristen: Well, why? Why?

Brady: Because she got suspicious, but... read it. Just read it. See?

Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, god! No wonder why I was so drawn to her. She's our baby.

Brady: She's our baby.

Kristen: And she's alive.

Brady: She's alive.

Kristen: She's alive.

Sarah: You did it for me? My baby died, and you knew it, and you didn't tell me.

Xander: Sarah, remember what it was like after the accident?

Sarah: Yeah, actually, I do.

Xander: There was only one ambulance, and they had to take adrienne. There was no way I could get you to the hospital on time.

Sarah: I know that, xander. I was there

Xander: I was in a panic, and you were telling me that the baby was coming and I had to deliver her. And I was so afraid that i would--that I would kill her or you. But we did it. We brought her into this world.

Sarah: When she didn't cry at first... it was a head injury from the accident.

Xander: As soon as I held her in my arms, I-- I loved her like she was my own. And when I placed her in yours, the look on your face, I-- I'll never forget it. I was so happy. So I put you both in my car, and I took you to the hospital, and I was sure everything was gonna be all right. But when I got there, they told me they had to examine her in the nursery, and I just assumed it was all routine.

Sarah: When did you find out you were wrong?

Xander: I looked in on the doctor examining her, and I knew she wasn't right. The next thing I knew, she was having a seizure.

Sarah: Oh, my god, my poor baby.

Xander: She stopped breathing after that. And they told me they-- they said there was nothing they could do for her.

Sarah: Oh, you saw her die, and you didn't tell me!

Xander: I would've rather died myself... than let you lose her. How? Sarah, how could I tell you that she had died? I had to think of something. I had to come up with some way that you wouldn't have to feel that pain, so I--

Sarah: So you gave me someone else's baby. You--you let me take her home and care for her. You let me love her so much that I would diE. I would die for her. You let me see her through cancer and be terrified that i was gonna lose her. God, and when eric and I found out that she was cancer-free, you kicked him out so that you and I could celebrate. I mean, did you ever think for a second that we'd find out the truth?

Xander: I just--I thought i could handle it.

Sarah: Handle it how?

Xander: I just love you so much.

Sarah: Oh, my god. How can you say that to me? How can you say that when you've hurt me more than I've ever been hurt in my life.

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Steve: When kayla told me adrienne died, first thing that popped into my head was, I gotta call my sister.

Jack: Yeah.

Steve: She'll know what to do.

Jack: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: [Chuckles]

Jack: I'm kicking myself right now. I'm kicking myself for being furious at you for missing that funeral. I should've known. I should've known something was seriously wrong. You would've gone through hell to be at adrienne's funeral.

Steve: How could you know that some crazy son of a bitch put a microchip in my brain?

Jack: Hey, rolf is the reason that I'm here. It never occurred to me what he would go through to bring stefano back.

Steve: I heard I did some pretty bad things. Especially to marlena.

Jack: It wasn't you. We all know that you weren't in control when you missed adrienne's funeral, you weren't in control when you signed those divorce papers. You never would've been that hurtful.

Steve: No, not deliberately.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Steve: Before all this happened, before sefano's people grabbed me, I made a bad decision. I was trying to be noble for my country. When my eye was hacked, i thought, well, it's my responsibility to put everything right. But I should've made kayla my priority. If I had come back here sooner, this nightmare--none of it would've happened. Kayla would... never have left me.

Jennifer: I know how steve feels, just losing all that time and then learning that someone that you love so much has died.

Kristen: I'm afraid steve has a lot of pain ahead.

Jennifer: We saw you holding him when we came in.

Kristen: I felt like I had just punched him in the gut.

Jennifer: Wow. What's ahead for you and steve right now?

Kristen: You know, up until now, I was just his doctor. I managed to get him through that surgery, I thought-- I thought for sure I botched it. And then in recovery, he woke up and he didn't remember who he was, so... as his doctor, I felt the best treatment for him was for him to remember how much we loved each other. So I sat at his bedside, and I... I told him the story of us.

Jennifer: That is quite a story.

Kayla: Yeah. When we met, and I recited our vows, and... the wedding on the boat.

Jennifer: Yeah. Is that what did it? Is that what brought his memory back?

Kayla: Well, I don't know if it was just physiological or maybe it's just a coincidence that it happened at that time.

Jennifer: No, kayla, it's not just coincidence. He remembers your great love. Uh, does he know about justin and--

Kayla: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. So that has to be so difficult for him to--

Kayla: And for justin, what he's going through.

Jennifer: Right, it's so difficult for him, too.

Kayla: It's not that he doesn't want steve back or for him to be okay. He does. It's just that this changes everything. We had come to be so close, you know? I mean, really, we have been there for each other through such sad times. I mean, I didn't really think that I would fall in love again. But I have. Deeply.

[Elevator bell dings]

Brady: Oh, so--

Kristen: I don't know what to say, eric, but I--I am so sorry, and I will pray for you.

Eric: Thank you. Thank you both.

Kristen: And I know you hate my guts for good reason, but... you uncovered the truth. You got the dna results, and i thank you, I thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart.

Brady: Uh, let's give them-- give them some privacy, okay?

Xander: I know you're still in shock.

Sarah: You could say that.

Xander: All I can say is i was trying to protect you. I've never loved anyone the way I love you.

Sarah: Do you actually think that that's love? You lied to me about the most important person in my life. My god, you're delusional.

Xander: I didn't want you to lose your child.

Sarah: So you gave me brady and kristen's? Xander, you let them think that their child was dead. That isn't love. It's a classic move from the kiriakis family goon. And it didn't work. These are my last hours that i get to have with the baby that i thought was mine.

Xander: You don't know that.

Sarah: Eric's probably telling brady and kristen now. They're gonna want their daughter. So you have any big ideas on how--how am I supposed to let her go?

Xander: You don't have to let her go.

Sarah: What are you talking about?

Xander: We can take her, sarah. We can take her and run away right now and never come back. In this time of social distancing,

Doug: Steve will get his memory back, sweetheart, just like hope did.

Julie: Right, right.

Doug: You worried about something else?

Julie: Well, it's just that everybody in salem has always thought of steve and kayla as sort of a legendary love story, you know?

Doug: Yeah.

Julie: Sort of like us.

Doug: Yeah. Not at the same level.

Julie: Oh, of course not. Steve and kayla came very close. It's just that time passes. It intervenes, people change.

Doug: You trying to tell me something?

Julie: No, sweetheart. No, nothing could ever change the way I feel about you.

Doug: Oh, okay.

Julie: No, I--I'm concerned about justin.

Justin: You two seem to be having a serious conversation.

Kayla: Steve regained his memory.

Justin: That's amazing.

Jennifer: Um, I--I need to tell doug and julie. I'm gonna tell them in person, I think.

Kayla: Thank you. There's more.

Justin: Okay.

Kayla: I told steve about adrienne. It hit him pretty hard.

Justin: Yeah, I imagine it did. They were very close. Well, breaking it to him must have been awful for you.

Kayla: Yeah, it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I mean, everybody loved adrienne. The people who loved her most were you and sonny and steve.

Jack: Hey, your eye was hacked. You were arrested. It wasn't your fault you had to leave town.

Steve: No. But it was my fault I didn't come back here sooner. I love kayla more than anything on this earth. But instead of running back here to be with her, I tried to be some kind of damn hero.

Jack: Man, you did what you thought you had to do. I know, I've been there. Ask jennifer. She was madder than hell at me, but she never really gave up on me.

Steve: When kayla found out what happened to me, when she knew I could be saved, she didn't give up on me either. She did the surgery that brought me back. But look what I did to her life. She got those divorce papers. She thought I signed them. She probably said, "well, that's it, I'm done." She's a survivor, jack. She's got courage to burn. So she moved on. She made a new life for herself. And maybe she likes that life too much to give it up. Maybe she's over me.

Xander: I told you we can go anywhere in the world for our honeymoon, and you wanted to take mickey with us.

Sarah: Her name isn't mickey. It's rachel. And there isn't gonna be a honeymoon.

Xander: The company jet is sitting on the tarmac. The pilot just is waiting for a call from me. We're all packed.

Sarah: I don't care. God.

Xander: We can do this, sarah. We can take mickey and disappear for the rest of our lives. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we're together, as long as we're a family. We can get out of here before brady and kristen show up and try and take her away.

Sarah: Are you crazy? You'd have to be to think that i would go anywhere with you. I never wanna see you again for as long as I live.

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

Justin: You have been through a hell of a time since steve got rescued. You have to be exhausted. I came here to take you home, make you some dinner. But I don't wanna put any more pressure on you.

Kayla: No. You're being wonderful.

Justin: I just want you to know that if you need any backup... I'm here. If you need to stay here with steve, I understand.

Jack: You really think kayla's had it with you?

Steve: She's with justin now.

Jack: So you know.

Steve: Yeah, I do. And I get it. Justin's a good dude. He's solid. Reliable. Everything I'm not.

Jack: He was a wreck when adrienne was killed.

Steve: Kayla helped him, right?

Jack: Yeah. He helped her, too. She was in bad shape, too, when she thought that you left her for good.

Steve: So then it makes sense. They turned to each other when i was gone.

Jack: Now you're back.

Eric: You were only with us-- only with us for one day, and... I just want you to know that that one day was the greatest day of my life. And I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you until the day that I die. And I'll always love you. I will always love you.

[Door opening]

Kristen: [Sighs] Well, I still don't know why you insisted on us coming back here. I mean, we should go get our baby.

Brady: No, no, we can'T. We can't do that.

Kristen: Why? Why not? She should be with us.

Brady: Kristen, because eric and sarah just found out the truth. They just found out the truth. They need time to say good-bye.

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: They've been living with rachel as if she was their daughter, and they just found out that they don't have a daughter. It's not fair. We need to at least give them one more night with her.

Xander: After everything we've been through each other, you... you can't say you never wanna see me again.

Sarah: Yes, I can.

Xander: Please. You've got to give me a chance to make this right.

Sarah: I don't have to give you squat. Get out of my face so I can say good-bye to my baby.

Xander: Sarah, I just love you so much.

Sarah: I don't-- I don't love you. I'm gonna take the baby upstairs, and I'm going to get her ready for bed, and if you are still in this room when i come back downstairs, I swear to god I will call the police and have you arrested. Hi. Hi. This is what it's all about.

Steve: You know it was kayla who got me out of that black hole stefano put me in. She just sat next to the bed right there. She talked and talked to me. That way she looked at me-- I was sure she still loved me. I was sure we were still married. Still us. She told me about adrienne. Then she told me about... her and justin. I guess it's just not gonna be that simple.

Jack: [Sighs] Not that simple is different than impossible.

Steve: I don't know, man. It might be too late for us. This time I might've lost her for good.

Kayla: It's not that I don't wanna go home with you.

Justin: I get it. I get it, you just saved steve's life. And you're still worried about him. You can't leave him right now. So, I'll go.

Kayla: I don't know what to say.

Justin: You don't have to say a thing. You know where to find me if you need me.

Kayla: [Sighs] Justin, wait.

[Sighs] Oh, my sweet, little girl. I know I'm supposed to say good-bye to you, but-- but I don't know how I'm gonna let you go.

Kristen: Oh, god, I'm aching to hold our baby in my arms. I have waited so long, brady. I don't think I can wait another day.

Brady: Eric and sarah, they just started grieving, kristen. But we--we get to stop. 'Cause we have a beautiful future ahead of us, the three of us.

Kristen: I know--I know we do, I just--I don't understand. I mean, how could the hospital make such a terrible mistake?

Brady: That's the part i didn't tell you about. It wasn't a mistake. It was xander.

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