Days Transcript Monday 4/13/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 4/13/20


Episode #13746 ~ 

Provided By Suzanne

John: I feel terrible for kayla because I know how it felt when I found you in that house and you had no memory of our love.

Marlena: But I had it inside me. That's why you were able to reach me. And steve--steve's love for kayla is inside him.

John: Well, knowing kayla the way I do and knowing how much steve and kayla loved each other, I'm sure she's gonna find a way.

Kayla: I wanted so badly to speak my vows but the words just wouldn't come, so you put up your hands like this and you signed for me to have courage. You gave me the strength on our wedding day and you gave me the courage to come back to you. Now, I need you to have the same courage and the same strength to remember what we meant to each other.

Marta: I'm sorry, miss dimera, but I'm going to have to insist.

Kristen: No! You're not taking her. She's sleeping and I don't want anyone to upset her. I just--I need to hold her just a little while longer.

Brady: What is it you have to tell me? I mean, is this about your--your big secret or did kristen do something horrible that you need to tell me about or what--what is it?

Eric: No. Brady, it's about mackenzie.

Xander: Why isn't she picking up?

Justin: I wouldn't panic.

Xander: What if something happened on her way back from the prison? What if she had an accident?

Justin: Well, I could call rafe.

Xander: I just want her to be all right.

Justin: Oh.

Xander: There you are. Finally.

Sarah: You think that our baby was switched with someone else's?

Eric: I know that's what happened. She doesn't belong to us.

Sarah: That's crazy. That's--that's crazy, eric. Then whose baby is it?

Eric: Brady and kristen.

Xander: You scared me. I thought maybe you were getting cold feet. What is it? What's wrong?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Marta: Miss dimera, I need you to hand the child over.

Kristen: No. Not yet, please.

Marta: I thought that it was explained to you. When a baby's taken from the nursery, they have to be signed out and signed in by a certain time. There are very specific procedures to make sure that they're protected.

Kristen: And you know what? I understand that. I do but I'm not taking her anywhere with me. I'm--I--I need to hold her just a little bit longer, please. She's safe, she's happy, she's--

Marta: Look, I know what you've been through, but you can't do this.

Marlena: Hi, marta. Is there a problem?

Xander: I talked to victor. He said you left the prison over two hours ago. Where were you?

Sarah: Xander? So now--now you're claiming that xander switched the babies?

Eric: I know he did.

Sarah: I went to eric'S.

Xander: What? Why in god's name would you do that?

Brady: Mackenzie? And the can--I mean, the cancer didn't come back or anything? But tell me. Is she okay?

Nicole: No, brady, brady, brady, she's--she's fine. She's still in full remission.

Brady: Good.

Eric: You really love her, don't you?

Brady: Yeah, of course i do, man. She's my niece.

Nicole: Eric.

Eric: Brady, she's not your niece. She's your daughter.

Steve: I know you really want me to remember, kayla, but i just can'T. It's all gone.

Kayla: Steve, stefano dimera really messed with your mind. He took it over, but he couldn't ever take over your heart. We were married over 30 years ago and for all those years, if we ever needed you, you'd go to the mat for us. For me, for the kids. You never, ever quit on us and I'll be damned if I'm gonna quit on you now.

Steve: Over 30 years ago? Oh, geez.

Kayla: And I remember every-- every single minute of that day and every word you said.

Steve: I'm standing here and I still can't believe that i deserve you. I wouldn't be--I wouldn't be the man I am right now if it wasn't for you.

Kayla: I thought I was brave.

Steve: But I found out that it takes more courage to open up to another person. I thought I was strong but you--

Both: Showed me--

Kayla: That real strength is letting people see how I feel but now--

Steve: I know it's much harder to let someone love me... and that someone is yoU.

Kayla: [Whimpers]

Steve: You saw into my heart when no one else could, and you believed in me, so I'm gonna spend the rest of my life living up to the faith that you had in me.

Kayla: [Sniffling]

Steve: I don't have much, baby, but what I have is yours. But what I have is yours. I'm yours.

Kayla: You remember. You remember.

Steve: Sweetness. Sweetness! Oh, sweetness!


Kayla: Is it true? Do you really remember?

Steve: How could any man ever forget you?

Kayla: [Crying]

Steve: Oh, baby.

[Crying] Oh, baby.

[Both crying] Okay. Listen. I remember you now. But why did I forget? What happened to me?

Kayla: [Groans]

Xander: Oh, I know why you went to see eric. He summoned you, didn't he? Probably giving you more grief about custody, and on your wedding day. He's such a jerk. That baby belongs with her mother.

Sarah: You know what, xander? I agree with you.

Marta: Miss dimera is taking part in the cuddle program and now she's refusing to give this child back.

Marlena: You're very good with her.

Kristen: Oh, she was a little fussy and she's sleeping like an angel now. I just don't want anyone to wake her.

Marlena: I understand. I'll make sure nobody wakes her.

Kristen: [Sniffs]

Marlena: Okay, I've got her.

Kristen: [Sniffles]

[Door closes]

Brady: Sorry, you're gonna have to--you're gonna have to say that again. What?

Nicole: It's true. She's yours. Yours and kristen'S.

Brady: You're not kidding-- are you serious? That little girl--you knew? You knew? You knew!

Nicole: I did. I saw the birth mark, too, and i started to wonder.

Eric: Brady, nicole found out what happened. Our baby, mackenzie, she died that night.

Brady: Your girl--your girl died? That means--that means my-- my girl--that's my girl? That's my little girl?

Eric: That's your girl.

Brady: Rachel's alive and I-- I've gotta tell kristen. She's--I--brother, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Eric: No, nO.

Brady: No!

Eric: Don't go there. I want you to be there for kristen and that beautiful little girl that you have.

Brady: [Crying] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. As a caricature artist,

[Soft music]

Brady: Thank you.

Nicole: Of course.

Brady: Thank you. You were the one that figured it out, weren't you?

Nicole: Yeah. I didn't wanna say anything at first, brady. I had to be sure.

Brady: Because you had to be sure to--because you had to tell--does sarah know? Have you told sarah?

Eric: Yeah, yeah. She knows.

Brady: I know exactly what she is going through right now.

Sarah: Does anybody else want a little pick-me-up?

Justin: Are you okay?

Sarah: Am I okay?

Xander: What exactly did eric say to you? Whatever it was, just forget about it, okay?

Sarah: I don't think I'll ever forget.

Justin: Sarah, if you're not sure about getting married, it's all right. You don't have to do anything--

Xander: Hey, just--thank-- thank you--thank you, justin. Hey, hey, hi. I know this isn't what you were hoping for. I know how much I wish your mom was here even though she's not my mother, but mickey's here and so am I and it's just the three of us that matter. In a few minutes we're gonna be a family officially. I mean, I think we already are a family.

Sarah: You, me, and mackenzie?

Xander: That's right, and i swear I will be a good husband to you and a good father. Sarah, as I've said over and over again, there's nothing i want more in the whole world than to marry you right now and take care of mackenzie.

Sarah: It's true, isn't it? You want this more than anything?

Xander: I swear to god it is.

Sarah: Xander swore to god. Must be true then, right?

Justin: Sarah, are you okay?

Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Let's start the weddinG.

Xander: Are you sure?

Sarah: Do you want me to change my mind?

Xander: Absolutely not.

Sarah: Then let's do it. Let's get married.

Kristen: Thank you.

John: You're welcome.

Kristen: You're being nice to me. It confirms what i already suspected. I really screwed up.

John: Well, yeah, maybe it was a little too intense.

Kristen: I know. Holding a--a living, breathing baby in my arms, it was intense. Honestly, it just--I wanted her to sleep. Yeah. You don't look like you have good news for me.

Marlena: I don'T. They want you to leave the program. I'm so sorry.

Kristen: [Chuckles] I have to look at it from their point of view. Why would you hand over a newborn baby to a crazy woman? It's okay. I'll see you guys around. Thank you.

Marlena: Oh, kristen, wait.

Steve: What do you mean, i thought I was stefano dimera?

Kayla: It wasn't a delusion. You remember dr. Rolf.

Steve: Oh, I think I know where this is going.

Kayla: He implanted a microchip in your brain and it contained the essence of stefano.

Steve: How long has this been going on?

Kayla: Almost two years, but it's over now and the chip is out. (Dad) got it?

Steve: What'd I do?

Kayla: Oh, I--

Steve: Come on, kayla. Just tell me. I mean, he didn't take over my mind and body so he could work for world peace. He wanted something or someone. What did he make me do?

Kayla: You know what? You have just had major surgery and I think you need to rest so why don't we forget about it right now?

Steve: I can't rest. How can I rest? I can't forget about it! He took me--he took me over! He made me do something! What did he make me do? Who'd I go after?

Kristen: Brady has been wonderful but that just makes me feel guilty. It just--I feel like I'm dragging him down and I know that's not true and I know it's not fair to him.

Marlena: Grief and guilt. Those are some powerful forces to deal with. It's one of the reasons I think you could--you could use some help here. Someone to talk to. Somebody who will be on your side.

Kristen: You're right. You're right. I need to find a way to accept... that my rachel is gone and she's never coming back.

Brady: This--how--how could the hospital mix up babies? How does that happen? I mean, I'm suing the hospital. It's incompetent. It's criminal.

Nicole: Now, brady, wait.

Brady: You can't do that and expect people to--

Nicole: Listen to me! It wasn't the hosp-- it wasn't the hospital. It wasn't incompetence. No.

Brady: Then I don't know what you're telling me. How the hell does something like this happen?

Nicole: The babies were switched on purpose.

Brady: Who in the hell would do that?

Justin: If anyone here knows of any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. But since the only person in attendance is mickey--

Xander: And how could she possibly object? She knows I'd move heaven and earth to make her mother happy. And to that point, sarah and i prepared our own vows. Sarah, darling, do you mind if i go first?

Sarah: Go for it.

Xander: I'm on. To start, I have to tell you that there's something I haven't been totally honest about, and before you say, "I do," you need to know the truth. The whole truth. I didn't choose this exact type of metastatic breast cancer.

Kayla: All right. I'll tell you. Stefano had two goals when he came back to salem. One was to take over the dimera empire, but his kids put a stop to that.

Steve: The second one?

Kayla: Well, you know how he was obsessed with marlena.

Steve: [Exhales sharply]

Kayla: The main reason he came back was her. He went after her.

Steve: You mean I did.

Kristen: [Exhales sharply] Oh, thank you.

John: You're welcome.

Marlena: Would you like us to take you home?

Kristen: Oh, no, you both have been so kind to me. I mean, really kind, but there is, uh--there's someplace that I need to be.

Brady: Xander. You're telling me xander did this? Okay, then I'm gonna kill him.

Eric: Brady, no.

Brady: Yeah!

Eric: No!

Brady: You come with me and we'll both kill him.

Eric: No, listen to me! We need to let sarah handle this her way.

Xander: I have done anything and everything to make this day happen.

Sarah: I know that now.

Xander: I've lied over and over again just like I always do but I don't want to lie anymore. Not to you, sarah.

Sarah: So now you're gonna tell me the truth?

Xander: Yeah. You and I have been telling everyone--anyone that will listen--that I'm a changed man because of you, but that wasn't the truth, was it?

Sarah: Why do you say that?

Xander: Because I still do things. Bad things for bad reasons, but the only thing in my life that i do for all the right reasons is love you and I'm gonna do it till death do us part.

Xander: Um, sarah, your turn.

Sarah: Uh--um, right. From almost the time that we met, you saw how people hurt me and you made it your job to look after me. To fix things for me, and I knew. I knew the kinds of things that you did and the man that you were, but slowly, little by little, it just--it stopped mattering so much. It stopped mattering at all. I--I told myself, "he's good to me, and he's really good to my daughter." My little girl is the center of my life. You delivered her. I mean, you held her before I did. Sorry. Sorry, this is about you. It's not about mackenzie.

Xander: Everything is about mackenzie for both of us.

Sarah: You're right. You're so right. Everything is about mackenzie.

Justin: Sarah?

Sarah: What was I saying? Oh. That--that all of the things that you did for me and for my daughter even before she was born kind of--kind of made me forget all of the things that nicole told me about you. All of the things that everyone told me about you. I persuaded myself that you were different with me. You were really, really different with my daughter and i know that I probably shouldn't say this. It was almost like she--she brought us together. I mean, look at her, xander. There she is. She's right there. She's the only witness to what we're doing here today. But when I think back to a time when we didn't know each other very well or very long, that's when I started to lie. Or I guess when we started to lie together. I didn't tell eric that he was mackenzie's father and you backed me up. You said that you were. It's kind of funny when you think about it. When you think about us. It all started with a lie.

Brady: All right. All right. I mean, sarah--poor sarah.

Eric: Yeah.

Brady: And you, how are you, man? I'm so sorry that this is happening to you.

Eric: I know. I know that, brady, but sarah and I, we need to face what you and kristen have faced. It's not gonna help either of us for you to grieve with us. Right now you need to go to kristen and you need to tell her that your daughter is alive.

Brady: I got a little girl. You--hey, take care of him, okay?

Nicole: You know it.

Brady: I know you will. I love you.

Eric: I love you.

[Door closes]

[Soft music]

Kristen: I held another baby girl today... and I got in trouble because i didn't wanna give her back to the nurse and it reminded me of that night. The night that you were born... I handed a healthy baby girl to a nurse and I never got to hold you ever again.

Justin: Sarah, are you okay?

Sarah: Sorry. Sorry, I--I just got lost in the past there for a second. Lost in the night that my baby was born. It was this horrible, beautiful night. Losing adrienne and going into labor before I could get to the hospital, but I knew everything was gonna be all right because you were there taking care of everything, making sure that everything was all right, and i remember--I remember being so scared to give my baby to the nurse to make sure to have her examined and make sure that the accident hadn't--hadn't hurt her. But there was no reason to be scared because you were there, and it seemed like forever. It wasn't that long until you brought this beautiful child back and put her in my arms. So, xander, you took care of everything.

Steve: Oh, my god. What have I done?

Kayla: You didn't do anything. Stefano did and you know who understands that and accepts that? John and marlena. They do not blame you so it makes no sense for you to blame yourself.

Steve: Is marlena okay now?

Kayla: John could get through to her.

Steve: Just like you got through to me. So the only person marlena wants to be with now is john. Just like the only person I want to be with is you. Just you, babe.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.

Steve: I was on my way home to you when stefano's people picked me up.

Kayla: But you didn't come back and you didn't call and i was just so mad and that's why i sent you those divorce papers to try to push you to come back, but just the divorce papers came back signed without a word.

Steve: So tear them up. You know I'd never give up on us, baby. Tear them up and we'll get remarried.

Kayla: I thought you didn't want me. So I moved on. I'm with someone elsE.

Justin: Do you, xander kiriakis, take sarah horton to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Xander: I do.

Justin: Sarah horton, do you take xander kiriakis to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Eric: I think that might have been the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Nicole: I can't imagine.

Eric: As hard as it was to hear that my baby girl was dead, it was so much harder to say out loud, 'cause it would make it true.

Nicole: You had to tell sarah and brady, but you haven't had a chance to cry for your baby.

Eric: [Scoffs] If I do, I don't think I'll ever stop.


Kristen: Good-bye, honey. I--I have to finally find a way to let you go.


[Exhales sharply]


Xander: It's time for you to say, "I do."

Sarah: How could I? How could I marry you after what you did?

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