Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 4/10/20
Episode #13745 ~ Sarah gets the shock of her life; Kristen struggles with her pain; Marlena tries to help Steve; Steve wakes up from his surgery, but there's a hitch.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: Hey. Marketing says the new sales figures are in. Is that what you're looking at?
Brady: No.
Nicole: Rachel's death certificate.
Xander: Oh, my goodness. You know, you're breaking a very important rule here, mickey. You're not supposed to show up the bride at her own wedding. I know this isn't the most exciting place in the world to have a wedding, but what matters is we're about to become a family. I'm marrying your mummy today, which kinda means I'm marrying you, too. We're going to be together forever, all of us, and I've never wanted anything more.
Sarah: What did you just say?
Eric: Mackenzie is not our daughter.
Sarah: That's crazy. Of course mickey is our daughter.
Eric: I wish that were true. I wish that we were her parents, but we're not.
John: Okay, what I have in my hot little hands here is your ticket out of this joint.
Marlena: It's official?
John: It is official, baby. I can finally take you home.
Marlena: Oh, thank god.
John: No, no, no, no, no. Hold--I'm supposed to wheel you out of here. You know, liability and all that.
Marlena: Oh, yeah. I can't actually leave yet.
John: Yeah, why not?
Marlena: Well, while you were arranging for me to leave here, um, I got word that steve hasn't woken up from surgery yet, so I want to check on him.
John: Yeah, of course. Of course. He's gonna wake up, doc. And god willing, he will be right back to the old steve.
Kayla: If you can hear my voice, come back.
[Machines beeping] Come home.
Steve: [Groans]
Kayla: Oh, my god, steve. Steve, talk to me. Talk to me, please.
Steve: Who's steve? And who are you?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Steve: Where am I? This is a hospital, huh?
Kayla: Yes, steve, you are in the hospital. You had--you had an operation.
Steve: Why do you keep calling me steve? Why st--steve?
Kayla: That's your name, steven earl johnson.
Steve: Steven earl johnson?
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: And you're my doctor?
Kayla: Yes, I'm kayla. Kayla brady johnson. We used to be married.
Steve: Oh.
[Chuckles] But we aren't anymore?
Kayla: No.
Steve: Oh, well, why? What happened?
Kayla: It's a long story.
Steve: [Groans] Did you, uh--did you operate on me?
Kayla: I did.
Steve: What's wrong with me?
Kayla: It's complicated. You really don't remember me?
Steve: [Exhales]
Sarah: I don't believe this. I don't believe that you're doing this, and on my wedding day.
Eric: I'm not making this up. Sarah, I wish this was a mistake or a lie or anything other than what it is, but that little child you left a few hours ago, that beautiful little girl is not ours.
Sarah: Then where is our baby, eric?
Eric: Our daughter is dead.
Xander: You know, sarah's love for me became real the night I delivered her baby by the side of the road. That's the main reason why i switched her dead baby with you, brady and kristen's daughter. All I wanted was to be her hero. No, wait, that sounds selfish, doesn't it? It was never really about what I wanted. It was about sarah, what she wanted, what she needed. I just knew that she would be devastated.
[Dramatic music]
She would be devastated if she found out that her mother caused that accident. I did what I did to spare sarah that pain.
Justin: What exactly did you do?
Brady: I know I'm supposed to be strong and move forward and just do work, but god, it's really hard, nic.
Nicole: The pain won't last forever. I promise you that.
Brady: Well, I appreciate you saying that. I'm--I'm just wondering if I'm ever gonna really get over losing rachel. I don't know if kristen will either.
Marta: Ms. Dimera, are you ready to hold your baby?
Kristen: Yes.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Xander: I didn't hear you come in.
Justin: Obviously. So what is this pain you spared sarah?
Xander: Oh, is that what you heard me say? I--I was just sharing a conversation I had with mickey's mother earlier with mickey. I told sarah not to bother with the four-inch heels on our wedding day even though they make her legs look amazing. She doesn't want to be uncomfortable on her wedding day, does she, mickey?
Justin: How thoughtful of you.
Xander: I try. You look exhausted. What's the matter?
Justin: I was at the hospital all night. Kayla operated on steve to remove the chip that made him think that he was stefano.
Xander: And you stuck around for the whole thing?
Justin: Well, she was waiting for him to come out from the anesthesia, and I wanted to be there to support her.
Xander: And to remind her that you were still there.
Justin: Where else would I be?
Xander: Oh, look, I--I don't blame you, mate. You have every reason to be nervous that when steve finally wakes up and lays eyes--eye on kayla that they'll get back together, and you, hmm-- you'll be left in the dust.
Marlena: Oh, hi, honey. We were just heading in to see steve.
John: Did he wake up yet?
Kayla: Uh, yeah, he woke up a little while ago.
Marlena: All right. You don't seem too happy about that. Did he wake up thinking he's stefano?
Kayla: He doesn't have any idea who he is, or who I am, for that matter.
Marlena: Wait, he has no memory at all?
Kayla: He says he doesn't remember anything. I think something went wrong with the surgery.
John: Think rolf's behind this?
Kayla: It's hard to know.
Marlena: Say, maybe i can help.
Sarah: Our baby is not dead. No. No, xander delivered her on the side of the road. I heard her first cries, eric. I--he--he put her in my arms, and I held her until we got to the hospital.
Eric: The baby was alive when she arrived at the hospital, and after that I cannot explain what happened, but our daughter, she--
Sarah: No, no. She was fine. Xander took her, and he had her--he had her examined by the doctors, and then a little while later he brought her back to me, and he put her in my arms, and he said the doctors examined her and that she was perfectly healthy.
Eric: The baby that they brought back to you was not our baby.
Sarah: So you think that our baby was switched with someone else's?
Eric: I know that's what happened. She doesn't belong to us.
Sarah: That's crazy. That's--that's crazy, eric. Then--then whose baby is it?
Eric: Brady and kristen.
Kristen: My baby.
Marta: The baby you're assigned to hold.
Kristen: Yes, of course. I, uh--I've been looking forward to volunteering for this. So who is this little angel?
Marta: Lily's mom is all alone and dealing with complications from a c-section.
Kristen: Well, I'm just so glad I can help. You know, I know how important it is for newborns to feel loved and have skin-to-skin contact, even if it's not the person that brought them into the world.
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
Kristen: So I have 30 minutes to hold her, right?
[Dramatic music]
I've got this.
Well, it's just you and me, kid, huh?
Brady: You know, we never really finished our conversation the other day.
Nicole: Didn't we?
Brady: No, no, we got interrupted. Kristen got a text from chad about his father, and--and you hadn't explained to eric why you lied to him about going to new york on basic black business.
Nicole: Yes, we will continue that conversation, I promise, but eric has to be involved.
Brady: Well, it sounds kinda mysterious, nicole.
Nicole: There's a lot to it.
Brady: All right, well, do me a favor. Don't make it bad news, please? Because kristen and I have kind of had our share since last year.
Nicole: I know how hard things have been for you since you lost your daughter.
Brady: I keep trying to find closure, you know? But even holding mackenzie the other day in the hospital, all I could think about was--was rachel and--and, "oh, my god, she would have been the same age as this little girl right here."
Nicole: Oh, brady, I--I don't know what to say.
Brady: You know what? You know what the strangest thing is? Eric and I are not brothers by blood, but mackenzie, she has the same little birthmark, the exact same one, as rachel did.
Sarah: Our baby cannot belong to brady and kristen. Their baby is dead!
Eric: No, sarah, our baby is dead.
Sarah: No, I don't believe you! Maybe you're just trying to stop the wedding or what, I don't know.
Eric: I have proof.
Sarah: No.
Eric: Nicole ran a dna sample.
Sarah: She did what? What gives her the right to do that?
Eric: She saw something that made her suspicious. She took a sample of the baby. She had a lab tech do a dna test. They compared that sample to kristen's hair. It's a match.
Sarah: This doesn't prove anything, okay? Nicole could have paid to have those tests faked.
Eric: Sarah, she didn'T.
Sarah: I know that you love her, but she's lying to you, eric, okay? So we can do another test, and I'll prove to you I am mickey's mother!
Eric: Sarah, nicole confronted dr. Raynor. Everything that I am trying to explain to you right now, I'm sorry, but it's the truth, and you can call her if you want.
Sarah: No.
Eric: Sarah, I'm sorry.
Kayla: Hello again, steve. I brought some old friends that want to say hello to you.
Steve: Well, I don't--I don't think I'm really up for any visitors.
John: Hey, buddy. Come on, you don't recognize us?
Steve: No. Should I?
John: Well, yeah, we were kinda hoping so. I mean, after all, you and i have been partners for--for quite a few years here, not to mention best of friends.
Steve: Yeah, well, I don't--i don't know you. I don't even know the pretty doctor who says I was married to her.
Marlena: Well, brain surgery can be very difficult, and the recovery can be a bit unpredictable.
Steve: Brain surgery? What?
Marlena: Yeah, and um--um, sometimes there can be a little memory loss because of the swelling, but if that's the case, then that should disappear in a few days.
Steve: So you--you must be a doctor too.
Marlena: I'm a psychiatrist.
Steve: Oh. So what, am I crazy?
Marlena: No, hardly that. But as I was saying, um--um, the treatments can cause some memory loss, and we have some ways of dealing with that.
Steve: Okay, what ways?
Marlena: Well, um, of course, there's therapy, and, um, hypnosis can be very helpful in retrieving memories.
Steve: O--okay, well, let's do the hypnosis right now.
Marlena: Well, there's no need to rush. I mean, you--you did just wake up.
Steve: Yeah, but I don't know who I am, all right? This--this woman says I was married to her, and I don't remember that, so break out the pocket watch and let's do this right now. (Vo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?
Marlena: I've got a few simple questions I want to ask you, so I'd like you to stay relaxed. Just focus on the sound of my voice.
[Machines beeping] Do you know who you are?
Steve: I--I don'T.
Marlena: Are you steve johnson?
Steve: Don't know.
Marlena: All right. I want you to remember that you are completely safe with me, and I need you to answer my questions honestly, okay?
Steve: Okay.
Marlena: Are you stefano dimera?
Steve: Who's that? They said I was steve johnson.
Marlena: I'd like you to reach deep into your memories and tell me what you do recall.
Steve: I'm trying to remember, but it's--it's a blank. I just can'T. It's, uh, just like a fog.
Marlena: That's all right. Kayla.
Steve: The doctor?
Marlena: Yes. I'd like you to focus on her, on her face, on the sound of her voice. Tell me if it reminds you of anything.
Steve: She seems familiar, but she said I was married to her. I should be able to remember that, but I can'T. I just can'T.
Sarah: Dr. Raynor is a friend and a colleague.
Eric: I know.
Sarah: She's a good doctor, and she's a good person, so she would--there's no way that she would--she would let a mistake like our babies being switched with brady and kristen's happen!
Eric: It wasn't a mistake.
Sarah: What?
Eric: It wasn't an accident that the babies were switched. The babies were switched on purpose.
Sarah: Switched by who?
Nicole: Wow. Mackenzie has the same birthmark as rachel? Are--are you sure?
Brady: The same one, right on her neck, just like mackenzie.
Nicole: Are you thinking it's more than a coincidence?
Brady: That's what my dad asked me.
Nicole: And?
Brady: I don't know. I mean, kristen and I, we're still--we're still trying to grapple with--with the loss and--and the pain, but I'd be lying to you if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind.
Nicole: What?
Brady: It crossed my mind that maybe eric's baby is actually ours. I know, I know. It's a stretch, but I keep thinking about that night when these two little girls were born around the same time at the same hospital. Think about it. I mean, sarah's baby was born on the side of the road, but when she was brought into the hospital, she was put in the very same nursery that rachel was in around the same time. So you tell me. Is it crazy to think that there might have been a baby switch?
Brady: I see the way you're looking at me. You think it's crazy, right?
Nicole: No.
Brady: Yes, you do.
Nicole: No, I--I don't think it's--it's crazy. I mean, baby switches happen. You know as well as anyone.
Brady: Yes, they do. You know what also happens, though? Wishful thinking happens, and I know it's a shot in the dark. I mean, come on. You know, these hospitals, they--they have safeguards to prevent this very kind of thing, right?
Nicole: That's true.
Brady: I mean, those little--those little bracelets alone, they check them, what, over and over and over again.
Nicole: They are thorough. It's not likely that they made a mistake.
Brady: And I know it's not healthy to be--to be holding out hope and having thoughts like these, you know? I mean, over a birthmark, right?
Nicole: No one would blame you for going there.
Brady: Well, I--I can't help it because I swear to god, when I was holding mackenzie, I--all I could think about was: What if? What would it--what would it be like? Not just for me but for kristen. I mean, the--the loss of rachel has destroyed her. I don't know if she's ever gonna recover.
Justin: Aww, cute outfit. She makes a beautiful maid of honor. Huh.
Xander: What?
Justin: I never noticed that birthmark on her neck before.
Xander: So? Lots of kids are born with them.
Justin: I guess they are. Well, it looks like maybe the maid of honor needs a nap. Shouldn't we get this ceremony started?
Xander: Well, yeah, I'd love nothing more, but sarah's not here.
Justin: I hope she's not getting cold feet.
Xander: No, no, she's visiting her mum at the prison, but you're right. She should have been back by now. I hope nothing's wrong.
Sarah: Xander? So now--now you're claiming that xander switched the babies?
Eric: I know he did.
Sarah: God, it doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense!
Eric: Sarah, he switched our little girl with brady and kristen's, and then he paid dr. Raynor to keep the secret.
Sarah: Xander loves mackenzie. After she was examined by the doctors, he brought her back into my room, and he put her in my--
[Baby crying] You were gone a long time. Is the baby okay?
[Baby crying]
Xander: She's perfect.
Sarah: Oh, hi. Hi. It's so strange. Um, she doesn't look how i remembered her. It's, like, almost like she's a different baby or something. Oh, my god.
Marlena: Well, while I--i couldn't get steve to remember his past life, he--he did say that you seem familiar.
Kayla: Familiar? After 30 years.
Marlena: Oh, honey, steve is in there. You just have to find a way to reach him.
Kayla: I can do that. Thank you.
Marlena: Mm-hmm, always.
John: Damn, doc. I was so hoping this nightmare would be over once that chip was removed.
Marlena: I was too.
John: We're gonna get him back, right?
Marlena: I hope so. But if we do, it's only gonna happen if kayla can reach him.
Steve: Well, I guess your, uh, head doctor friend told you the hypnosis was a bust.
Kayla: She did, but I don't think we should give up. I'm, uh--I'm gonna let you rest now, but, um, there's something I want to do before you drift off.
Steve: What's that?
Kayla: I, uh--I want to tell you a story.
Steve: A bedtime story?
Kayla: Our story.
Steve: Oh.
Kayla: Steve and kayla's story.
Steve: I definitely want to hear that. So how'd we meet?
Kayla: Well, I was kinda sweet and innocent when I first ran into you.
Steve: But I wasn't?
Kayla: [Chuckles] I would say that you were pretty much the opposite.
Steve: So that was it? I won you over, we fell in love, and we were happy?
Kayla: [Chuckles] It wasn't quite that simple. We faced so many challenges, I couldn't ever recount them without confusing you more. But seeing you in this bed, it just reminds me of when I was in the hospital myself.
Steve: Why were you in the hospital?
Kayla: I had suffered some trauma, and I lost my hearing and my voice. I was so afraid that we would lose our connection, but you took sign language just to communicate with me.
Steve: I did that?
Kayla: Yeah, you did, and even though I couldn't speak, we planned to get married on a boat. It was a beautiful day, and all of our friends and family were there.
Steve: Sounds-- sounds romantic.
Kayla: It was really--it was incredible. But then when it came time to say our vows, I couldn't speak. My voice was in there somewhere, but I needed someone to pull it out.
Steve: Are you saying I did that for you?
Kayla: Yes, you did, and now I want to do the same for you. Steve, I know that you are in there somewhere. I need you to come back to me, please.
Xander: She's not texting back.
Justin: Maybe she's driving.
Xander: Hey, you're right. Yeah, she's probably on her way back now. Uncle vic is also at the prison with maggie. I'll--I'll check in with him.
[Cell phone trilling] Hi, uncle vic. Is, um--is sarah still with you and maggie? Are you sure? All right, cheers.
[Cell phone beeps]
Justin: She left?
Xander: Over two hours ago. Why hasn't she come home?
Sarah: At the hospital when xander gave me the baby back, there was this moment where I--
Eric: Where you what?
Sarah: Where I didn't think it was the same baby.
[Crying] And when--and when I brought it up to xander, he just--he assured me it was, and I was still so out of it from the accident that I--
Eric: No, he was lying. Hey.
Sarah: [Crying] Have you told--have you told kristen and brady? Have you told them?
Eric: No. Not yet. I just wanted you to know first, and I wasn't gonna let you run off and marry xander without knowing what he did.
Sarah: [Crying]
[Dramatic music]
[Cell phone ringing]
Brady: I'm sorry for laying all of this on you. I shouldn't be doing that.
Nicole: No, no, no, brady, you don't--you don't have to apologize. You know what I went through with my babies.
Brady: I do 'cause i was there. It was really painful for you. I'm just glad you--you got your happy ending, though. That's something that kristen and I are not going to have.
Nicole: No, you--
Brady: It's not gonna be that way.
Nicole: You don't know that.
Brady: You know, you know what--you know what I do know? That even if there was some kind of a baby switch, I don't even th--I don't even think I'd want to know about it, nic.
Nicole: You wouldn't?
Brady: No. Why? Because then--then my--then my brother would have to go through this, of knowing that his little girl didn't make it. I don't want anybody to go through what--what I'm feeling right now, let alone my--my brother. It's--
Nicole: You are such a good person, brady. You deserve the best.
[Phone beeping]
Brady: Ah. Oh, it is the sales department. I have to--I gotta deal with this, but, um, thank you for listening to me.
Nicole: Please let eric break the news to sarah and come back soon because I don't know how much more of this I can take. These are real people, not actors,
Kristen: Hush little baby
don't say a word
mama's gonna buy you
a mockingbird
if that mockingbird-- she has to go back to the nursery? Can I just have a little more-- more time with her, please?
Marta: I'm afraid we have to keep the babies on a schedule.
Kristen: I just got her to sleep, and I'm afraid if I, um, give her to you, she's gonna wake up. Just ten more minutes.
Marta; I'm sorry, ms. Dimera, but I'm going to have to insist.
Kristen: No! You're not taking her.
[Dramatic music]
[Knock at door]
Nicole: Hi.
Eric: Hi. I broke the news to sarah.
Nicole: How did she take it?
Eric: She didn't want to believe me, but I think i finally got through to her, and now it's time that we start the process of saying good-bye.
Nicole: And you need to talk to brady.
Eric: I know. I need to tell my brother.
Brady: Tell me what?
Xander: She's not picking up.
Justin: I wouldn't panic.
Xander: What if something happened on the way back from the prison? What if she got into an accident?
Justin: Okay, uh, I can call rafe.
Xander: I just want her to be all right.
[Door opening]
John: I feel terrible for kayla because I know exactly how it felt when I found you in that house and you had absolutely no memory of our love.
Marlena: Oh, but that love was inside me. That's why you were able to reach me, and now we know that steve's love for kayla is inside him.
Kayla: I wanted so badly to speak my vows to you, but no words came out, so you put your hands up like this, and you signed for me to have courage. You gave me the strength on our wedding day, and you gave me the courage to come back to you, and now I want to do that for you, and I want you to have the strength and the courage to remember what we meant to each other.
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