Days Transcript Thursday 4/9/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 4/9/20


Episode #13744 ~ Justin confides in Jennifer about his fear of losing Kayla; Victor and Xander share a touching moment; Eric and Nicole intercept Sarah on the day of her wedding; Kayla sits vigil with Steve after his surgery.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft music]

Jennifer: Justin.

Justin: Morning.

Jennifer: Hey. Have you been here all night?

Justin: [Sighs] I didn't want to leave kayla. She's so worried about steve.

[Somber music]

Sarah: What if the only way to keep the chip from self-destructing is if we cut it off from the power supply?

Kayla: That means cutting into his brain. Which means all of his memories, his kids, our life together-- everything will be wiped out.

[Rapid beeping] Or it could save his life.

30 seconds.

Kayla: Okay, it's coming out.

Ten seconds.

[Object clinks down]

Kayla: [Sighs] There. I knew it was a huge risk, but I didn't see any other way. Please come back to us. Hi.

Jack: Kayla, um...any change?

Kayla: No. He hasn't regained consciousness.

Jack: What does that mean?

Kayla: I don't know what it means, jack. He should have woken up by now.

Xander: Sarah, what are you doing? You have to get dressed. Justin will be here any moment to marry us.

Sarah: Forget it. I can't marry you.

Xander: Why not?

Sarah: You know the answer to that.

Xander: [Shouts] Sarah. Sarah, where are you?

Nicole: Hey. Oh, you don't look like you got any sleep at all.

Eric: No, I couldn'T. Just kept going over and over in my mind, how would I tell sarah that mickey isn't our child? How would she react to it?

Nicole: I wish there was something I could do to make things easier for you.

Eric: I should have told sarah the truth about it last night, but she needs to know that xander has been deceiving her about mickey. She has to know the truth before she marries xander.

Nicole: Well, the wedding's today--there's not a lot of time. Eric, we need to get back over there.

[Knock on door]

Eric: Maybe that's sarah now. Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Roman: Hey, son.

Eric: Dad.

Roman: Nicole.

Nicole: Hey, roman.

Roman: I'm sorry for dropping in without calling.

Eric: Oh, it's okay. What's going on?

Roman: Well, I was just a little worried. I hadn't heard from you since you left for new york.

Eric: I actually didn't end up having to go.

Nicole: I came back just as eric was about to leave.

Eric: Yeah.

Roman: Hmm. Okay, so I take it everything's okay between you two.

Sarah: Dear xander, I'm sorry we didn't get to wake up together on our wedding day, but there's something I had to do before I could marry you.

Maggie: Oh, sarah! Oh, darling.

Sarah: Mom.

Maggie: When they told me I had a visitor, I was so hoping it would be you. Wait a minute, this is your wedding day. Shouldn't you be home getting ready?

Sarah: Well, I needed to come here first, so that you could see me in my dress.

Maggie: Oh, sarah. So beautiful.

Jack: Look, you're the doctor, kayla, but it just seems to me that the kind of surgery that steve had, it would take him a while to wake up.

Kayla: When he wakes up-- if he wakes up--

Jack: If--what do you mean? Tell me. What?

Kayla: I cut through his frontal lobe, jack. It's the center of everything-- communication, memories, emotions. It's steve's entire personally. What if I botched something?

Jack: Oh, no. No, no. No, that's highly unlikely. First of all, you're a highly experienced surgeon. Not only that, you watched rolf perform the same two procedures before.

Kayla: Yeah, but I felt that something was different. Why would rolf make it easy for me to destroy his idol? And I think that I was right.

Jack: What do you mean?

Kayla: As soon as I realized that the chip was too embedded, I decided not to proceed.

Jack: You stopped? You stopped the surgery?

Kayla: Yes, I did, because I wanted to bring in a specialist and get their input. So I started to close steve up, and I must have nicked the microchip, because all of a sudden it started counting down. Self-destruct in two minutes, in one minute. So I had to make a split- second decision, so I decided to take it out.

Jack: Right, so what you did was downright heroic. If you'd left that thing in, who knows what the hell could have happened?

Kayla: Yeah, maybe nothing would have happened. Maybe nothing. Maybe--maybe rolf was just toying with me, and if had just been a little more patient, if I would have waited, maybe steve wouldn't be lying in this bed right now.

Jack: Okay, listen to me. Look at me, look at me, listen. Kayla, you've got to let go, all the "what-ifs." This surgery was incredibly complicated, possibly without precedent. How could you or anybody else possibly say that every decision you made was the right one? You did the best you could.

Kayla: But maybe my best wasn't good enough. Maybe I made the wrong call. I mean, what if I have damaged steve for good?

Xander: Morning, uncle.

Victor: Well, there he is.

Xander: Did you need me for something?

Victor: No, I was just wondering when you'd be getting up, getting ready to tie the knot. Where's your bride-to-be?

Xander: Well, when I woke up this morning, she was gone, which was alarming. Then I was much relieved to find a note that she left telling me that she went to see her mom.

Victor: Why were you relieved?

Xander: Eric and nicole came by last night to talk to sarah. She was asleep and I don't know, just--there was a urgency in their tone.

Victor: Did they say what they wanted to talk her about?

Xander: No, they made up some lame excuse, which just made me suspicious.

Victor: Suspicious?

Xander: Look, I hope to hell I'm wrong, but...just something about their demeanor, the way they looked at me just gave me a feeling that--

Victor: What feeling? Will you spit it out?

Xander: I think maybe they know about the baby switch.

Roman: Hey, look, if I'm overstepping--

Eric: No. No, dad. Everything's good between nicole and I. We had a miscommunication, but it's all good now.

Roman: Okay, well, just seemed, uh, you were pretty worried about why nicole went to new york.

Nicole: Roman, I'm fine. We're fine. Eric and I couldn't be happier.

Roman: Okay then. All right. Well, no more questions. I'm gonna head out. I'm gonna stop by the hospital and check on steve.

Nicole: How's he doing?

Roman: Well, last I heard, he was out of surgery. Still unconscious, so it's a waiting game.

Eric: Well, give kayla my love.

Roman: I will do that. And, uh, I'm glad you two are all right.

Nicole: Thanks.

Eric: I hate keeping secrets from my dad, about mickey and all, but sarah needs to know first. And we have to tell brady and kristen the truth.

Nicole: And we will do it together. I am here for you, eric, every step of the way. Eric...little mickey will still be part of your life. I know it won't be the same, but-- eric, I'm so sorry. I know how painful this is for you.

Eric: No. It's not me that I'm worried about. It's sarah. How I tell that her child, our baby, the one that she loves so much, gone? She died. I mean, how am I supposed to tell her? How do I do it?

Sarah: It's basic black. And nicole did me a solid by rushing the delivery. Do you like it?

Maggie: Oh, sarah. You're gonna be the most beautiful bride.

Sarah: I'm so happy. I mean, like, I never, in a million years, imagined that I'd be marrying xander, but... I love him so much, mom. And so does my daughter, which is the most important thing to me.

Maggie: He surprised us all, didn't he?

Sarah: In the best ways, right?

Maggie: Definitely.

Sarah: I wish you could be at the wedding.

Maggie: I will be. I will be, in spirit. And you'll just have to send me tons of pictures.

Sarah: Can't we ask the warden just to let you have a few hours?

Maggie: No. Listen, as much as I want to be a part of your big day, I don't deserve any special privileges.

Sarah: Nobody would look at it like that, mom. Nobody would.

Maggie: I would. Come on. Sarah, my recklessness, my driving when I was drunk... when I think of dear adrienne, and I think about her every day, my heart aches, knowing she'd be alive if I hadn't been so damn stupid and irresponsible. And it could have been so much worse. You and my sweet granddaughter, you could have been killed too.

Sarah: Mom.

Maggie: No, no. No. Don't argue with me, please. Don't say anything. I'm where I belong. And this is where I'm going to stay. My sweet girl.

Justin: Thank you.

Jennifer: Jack said that you two talked last night.

Justin: Yeah, we did. We've actually had a couple good conversations lately.

Jennifer: Good. I don't mean to pry.

Justin: Oh, please. It's no secret that I'm in a bit of a precarious position right now. But jack keeps reminding me that I--you know, not to get ahead of myself.

Jennifer: That's good advice.

Justin: But as I told him, what kayla and I have can never compare to what she had with steve.

Jennifer: Justin, I-I-- I'm really so sorry. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now.

Justin: And the worst part is, I feel really terrible because I know how selfish this sounds, but I'm worried that if steve wakes up--the real steve--it will be the beginning of the end for me and kayla.

Jack: Don't--don't--don't do this to yourself, kayla. My god, what choice did you have but to operate on steve? Rolf refused. What were you gonna do? Leave the chip in? There's no way you could have accepted the status quo.

Kayla: No, I couldn'T. I couldn't tolerate for one more minute hearing that monster's voice coming out of steve's mouth.

Jack: None of us could. But it was more urgent for you than for anybody else. And you had to end the nightmare. You had to bring back the father of your children.

Kayla: But I could have waited, I could have consulted with a neurosurgeon before I attempted to do the procedure by myself.

Jack: Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna say it, I'm gonna say it, I'm gonna keep saying it till you finally hear it-- you did what had to be done. You did. I mean, there's no way in hell the rest of us could have left steve the way he was. And not just for ourselves, but for him. Do you think for one second that my brother would want to live like that? That's why you did the surgery. Because you knew that steve would tell you, "get this thing the hell out of me. Regular of the risks." And you never would have doubted his decision. So stop doubting yours.

[Huffs] Um... you made the only choice. The only choice. All right? So I'm gonna--I'm gonna go fill in jennifer, and then I'm gonna check on you later.

Kayla: Thank you, jack.

Jack: Thank you. Thank you.

Kayla: I need you to wake up.

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

Victor: You say that as if it's no big deal. What the hell is the matter with you?

Xander: No big deal? Do you think I don't consider this a big deal? My god! Nicole and eric do know that we switched those babies.

Victor: Well, they damn well better not know. We're both screwed. See, I don't see what you're worried about. You said that nicole stopped sniffing around when she saw the results of the dna test that you tampered with.

Xander: That's what i thought. And, you know what, that's what I still think. I just had a moment of panic that clearly I shouldn't have shared with you, because it freaked you out. But I'm fine, we're fine and-- I really do believe that that blonde bitch is done playing detective once and for all.

Victor: She damn well better be.

Xander: Agreed. And not just because it will be a disaster for you and me. If sarah ever finds out her baby died and that her mother was responsible...

Victor: Or if maggie ever finds out what she did-- just knowing that she caused adrienne's death has traumatized her--she'll never be the same. What if she finds out that her driving drunk caused the death of her grandchild?

Xander: They can never find out the truth. Neither sarah nor maggie. It would destroy them both.

Eric: You--you have been so amazing through all of this. You have supported me through mickey's illness, and when your instincts kicked in and told you something was up with xander, you went above and beyond to find out the truth.

Nicole: But I'm so sorry it turned out this way. That my investigation is gonna tear that little girl from your arms.

Eric: And sarah'S. I just hope we can find sarah right now and talk to her alone.

Sarah: As much as I hate that you're not gonna be at the wedding, I...

[Sniffles] I respect your wishes. And I know that you're sharing in my joy, and it's like you said, you'll be there in spirit.

Maggie: Definitely. And while I'm here, I'm gonna try to focus on the future. And that's you and xander and my darling mickey.

Sarah: You should see the little outfit I got her for the wedding. It's such a cute little dress.

Maggie: Oh, wait. That reminds me, I made this in the craft room. I didn't have much here for you to borrow, and nothing blue. So this is your something new.

Sarah: I like the stitching. It's beautiful.

Maggie: I know it's not very much, but...

Sarah: No, it's perfect. It's perfect, mom, I love it. And I love you so much.

Maggie: Oh, my precious sarah.

Jennifer: You don't know what's gonna happen with steve. None of us does. But I think that we need to take jack's advice and just stay in the moment, don't get ahead of ourselves. I think that's really the key right now, okay?

Justin: Okay.

Jennifer: It's gonna be all right.

Justin: Jack. Has there been any change?

Jack: No. No. And she's having a really tough time. She's blaming herself. She's thinking she may have really screwed up the surgery.

Justin: Oh, no. I'm gonna go talk to her.

Jack: Okay.

Jennifer: I feel so bad for kayla and justin right now.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If steve comes back and we all--we want him to come back--someone is definitely gonna get hurt.

Kayla: Hey.

Justin: Hey. I heard there's been no change.

Kayla: His vitals are fine. It's's just hard to tell if there's any brain activity.

Justin: Jack told me that you have been beating yourself up over steve's condition. And honey, you can't do that.

Kayla: You know, he already gave me a stern talking to. Told me I couldn't blame myself.

Justin: Well, he's right. He's right, okay? You did everything you could for steve. I'm just so sorry you're going through this.

Kayla: Are you, justin? Or is this what you really want? (Asaad) since my mother got cancer from smoking,

Jennifer: All this time, kayla believed that steve had abandoned her and her children. I mean, 30 years together, jack. She was so amazing. She didn't let it crush her. And then she made this brave choice to move on with justin and build a home with him. And now, she is praying for the love of her life to come back.

Jack: And if he does--if he does, she can't turn her back on him.

Jennifer: Well, she can't turn her back on justin. I mean, he has been so kind and loving and supportive.

Justin: How can you say that? Of course, this is not what I want. Steve is my brother-in-law, okay? He's a good man who's been going through hell.

Kayla: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know that I suggest--i didn't meant it. I really--please, please forgive me. I'm just so exhausted and I'm so stressed, and I'm taking it out on you, and it's just--it's unfair. This whole damn thing is so unfair, I just--

Justin: Okay, okay, okay, okay, sweetheart. Okay, I get it, okay, okay. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Okay. I understand. I do. Okay?

Kayla: Yeah.

Justin: Just know that I love you, and I'm here for you. Okay? No matter what.

Kayla: Thank you, thank you.

Xander: [Sighs] I mean, sarah may not know the truth about her baby, but I do.

Victor: Your point?

Xander: It's just... it's a bit unsettling to think I'm gonna be saying my vows to her, pledging my eternal love and devotion, with this enormous secret between us.

Victor: Oh, here we go. The softer side of xander.

Xander: Excuse me for caring about the woman I'm about to make my wife.

Victor: You know, sometimes i wish you'd downshift to the old xander--all muscle, no morals. A hell of a lot easier to deal with.

Xander: Sarah made me want to be a better man. And look, I understand that you're only involved in all of this because you want to protect maggie, but also have to protect sarah from the pain of knowing that her baby died.

Victor: You've done that. Now walk down the aisle and don't look back.

Xander: And live with this secret forever.

Victor: What's the alternative? You tell her the truth, she loses mackenzie, and the relationship she has with her mother. And she'll hate your lying guts with every fiber of her being.

Xander: I can't imagine my life without sarah now.

Victor: Well, let's hope you don't have to. I've lost my wife. Just be happy you'll still have yours.

Nicole: You can do this.

Sarah: Eric? Nicole.

Nicole: Sarah.

Sarah: What are you guys doing here?

Eric: I need to talk to you. Now. Ta-da!

Roman: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Roman: Any change?

Jennifer: I'm afraid not.

Jack: Justin and kayla are both in with steve right now.

[Phone rings]

Roman: I'm gonna take this and then I'll go see kayla. Okay.

[Beep beep]

Kayla: What's that?

Justin: My alarm. I have to go officiate sarah d anxander's wedding.

Kayla: You agreed to do that?

Justin: Reluctantly. You know what, I'll just tell them that they have to find somebody else.

Kayla: No, no, no. Come on, after everything sarah's been through, you need to be there for her.

Justin: You sure?

Kayla: Yes. I'm sure. Please, give her my best.

Justin: Okay, I'll be back right after the ceremony.

Kayla: Listen, I'm so sorry for snapping at you.

Justin: Already forgotten. See you soon.

Kayla: Okay. You know, if you are just taking your sweet time, and dreaming about playing the harmonica in a bar somewhere or playing pool with your friends, it's really pretty selfish of you, you know that? Because there are a lot of people...a lot of people who are waiting for you and are going crazy. Especially me. Please, please wake up.

[Whispers] Please.

Roman: Hey. How you doing, sis?

Kayla: Not good. Not good.

Xander: You're right. I should be grateful for what I have. Just stop worrying and focus on how incredibly lucky I am to be marrying the woman of my dreams. Speaking of, can you stick around for the wedding?

Victor: Last time I came to a wedding in this house, I was traumatized. Walked in to find sonny marrying some grifter with a sharkskin suit.

Xander: Well, that was about blackmail. My wedding to sarah is about love.

Victor: And nobody loves sarah more than maggie, and I'm sure she'll be heartbroken not to be here today. So my place is at her side.

Xander: Of course. Well, I should get ready. Please tell maggie we miss her.

Victor: Xander, wait.

Xander: Yes?

Victor: I know I haven't been the best uncle to you in the last few years. But you have proven to me that you are a true kiriakis. And of that, I'm very proud.

Xander: That means the world me, uncle.

Victor: Well, I appreciate the help you've given me with sarah and maggie. And for that reason, I want you to have this.

Xander: Is that from the old country?

Victor: Yes. This coin belonged to yurgos kiriakis, my father, your grandfather. He used to give one to the children that he loved on their wedding day. He would say, "as long as you carry this, your family will carry you." I know if your father was here, he'd want you to have one.

Xander: I don't know what to say. Thank you so much.

Victor: Go get ready for your wedding day.

Sarah: All right, can whatever it is just wait? I'm about to get married.

Eric: Sarah, please. It's very important.

Sarah: Okay, yeah, I get it. This is some sort of, like, pre-nuptial intervention. Look, I know that you are not a fan of my fiancé, but eric, I love him. I love him so much. I wouldn't be marrying him if I didn't, so if you're here to rip him apart--

Eric: It's not about that.

Nicole: Wait. Xander didn't tell you eric and I came by last night?

Sarah: No. But I left this morning, before he was awake. Eric, what is going on?

Eric: It's about mickey.

Sarah: Is she not feeling right?

Eric: No, she's fine. But what I'm about to say is very difficult. It's very painful. So please understand, I prayed to god it wasn't the truth. This is what's worth protecting

Jack: If steve comes through this, he's gonna have to deal with so much. He's gonna need a really good lawyer.

Jennifer: What? What for? Why would he need a lawyer?

Jack: The man was on a major crime spree. I mean, assault, kidnapping, attempted murder. I mean, I don't know what the charges for attempted mind control--I mean, he did all these people, even chad.

Jennifer: Wait a minute, that wasn't steve. I mean, he--there's no way he would be held responsible for all of that.

Jack: I know, I'm not saying that--he's as innocent as everybody else. But I mean, what if--okay, stefano's gone, and now, all of a sudden, rolf has to take the stand, and he's up there, and he lies, or he takes the fifth, or he takes a cyanide pill and he pops it, and he's--

Jennifer: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Jack: What?

Jennifer: You need to take your own advice.

Jack: What? What advice?

Jennifer: You are getting ahead of yourself--way ahead.

Jack: Right. Got it.

Jennifer: Jack. But in all seriousness, his legal issues are not what's gonna devastate him. He's gonna realize how much he's missed. And that's when he's gonna be devastated.

Jack: He's gonna realize how much he missed while he was gone.

Jennifer: Yeah. And he's gonna have to absorb all of that, and he's gonna have to figure out how to get his bearings again, jack, and...I get that. I know exactly what he's going through right now.

Roman: What can I do to help?

Kayla: Unfortunately, there isn't anything anyone can do except pray that steve wakes up. And that my reckless decision didn't cause permanent damage.

Roman: Whoa, reckless? Kayla, your decisions weren't reckless. You did what you had to do to bring steve back. I mean, the alternative is to let steve live like this miserable, destructive human being, ruining people's lives and wreaking havoc over everybody in his orbit. You had no choice.

Kayla: I know everybody says that. And I appreciate that. I just don't know how I am going to look in my children's eyes or live with myself if I'm the reason he doesn't come back.

Maggie: Victor, what are you doing here? Is everything all right?

Victor: Everything is fine.

Maggie: Shouldn't you be at sarah and xander's wedding?

Victor: This is where I want to be. With you.

[Soft music]

You tell her the truth, she loses mackenzie, and the relationship she has with her mother. And she'll hate your lying guts with every fiber of her being.

Sarah: Okay, I'm starting to freak out, eric. Can you please just tell me what's going on?

Eric: Nicole, maybe I should talk to sarah alone.

Nicole: Of course. I love you.

Eric: I love you too.

Sarah: Eric, you're scaring me. Please, whatever it is, just tell me what's going on, please.

Eric: I will. But not here. Copd makes it hard to breathe

Kayla: Steve, I'm here. All the people who love you are...they're waiting to welcome you back. Please. Please, if you hear my voice, come back. Come home.

[Dramatic chords]

Maggie: Thank you for coming.

Victor: There's no place else I'd rather be. Xander tells me sarah came by to see you.

Maggie: Oh, victor, she was glowing. She's so in love. So how's xander? Is he nervous?

Victor: Oh...he loves your daughter, that's for sure.

Maggie: You know, I wasn't so sure about him at first, but now I'm as certain as sarah is that he's the right one.

Victor: As you are for me.

Maggie: Well, xander makes my daughter very happy. So I'm hoping that it lasts forever.

[Tense music]

Xander: Uncle vic is right. Sarah can never, ever find out the truth.

Eric: Come in. Um, would you like some water or something?

Sarah: No. I just--I want you to tell me what's going on with our daughter.

Eric: That'S... that's the thing, sarah. Mickey... she's not our daughter.

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