Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/8/20
Episode #13743 ~ Kayla and Sarah encounter an unexpected complication during Steve's surgery; Eric shares a tearful goodbye with Mackenzie; Xander has a surprising request for Sonny; Evan meets with Ben face-to-face.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: [Sighs] I think that my blisters have blisters.Ben: Yeah, the whole back to reality thing didn't go quite as planned.
Ciara: Okay, so we didn't get hired on our first day out.
Ben: I didn't get past the receptionist. The whole ex-con thing didn't go over so well. Big surprise.
Ciara: Yeah, well, you know what? No one was super excited to hire me either, so there.
Ben: I know what you need.
Ciara: What, a job?
Ben: Give it up.
Ciara: [Laughs] Oh, right there. Mm. That's really good. You know what, I think that this is your future, ben. I would hire you.
Ben: Yeah?
Ciara: I would hire you in a heartbeat. Of course, that means that I would actually have to get a job first, so--
Ben: No regrets leaving titan?
Ciara: None. Well, except for maybe the paycheck. Yeah, it would come in handy, helping us pay for the rest of the nights that we're staying here.
Ben: Why don't you let me worry about that? In the meantime, we can enjoy the extra night that we already paid for.
[Door closes]
Evan: Why am I here? Is there something wrong with david?
Rafe: David's fine. No thanks to you and your father.
Evan: Where is my father?
Rafe: That's actually what I want to talk to you about.
Sonny: A dress bag?
Xander: For the wedding.
Sonny: You may be taking this "softer side of xander" a little too far, don't you think?
Xander: It's sarah's, obviously. She was called into emergency and so I nipped by basic black to pick it up for her.
Sonny: Wow, it's nice that you're embracing the nontraditional roles. Of course, you know, your wedding is gonna be nontraditional, starting with the, you know, lack of guests. I can't say I'm sorry, I wasn't invited.
Xander: Oh, well, you know, sarah and I've had to throw this together last minute. So we haven't had a chance for formal invitations, but I would very much like you to be there.
Sonny: You would?
Xander: In fact, I was hoping you'd be my best man.
[Sonny sighs]
Nicole: Let's go home. Sarah said she would call us after the surgery. And that's probably gonna be a while.
Eric: How do I tell her? All this time, the little girl that we prayed for, the little girl that we've loved as our own, she isn't our child. I mean, how do I tell her? How do I tell her that our little girl died almost a year ago?
Nicole: It's not too late to change your mind. If you choose not to say anything and raise brady and kristen's child as yours and sarah's, I promise you, I will never tell another living soul.
Jack: One double macchiato coming right up.
Justin: Thank you.
Jack: That's a hell of a lot of caffeine at this time of the night.
Justin: Well, I don't think I'll be doing too much sleeping.
Jack: Yeah, you and me both. I'm glad that sarah's in there with kayla. So I got to question the wisdom of kayla performing brain surgery on her husband--her--her ex-husband.
Justin: Rolf refused, so there weren't a lot of options. And kayla has watched him do the procedure twice now, so it's not like she's going in cold.
Jack: Still, you got to wonder; I mean, why didn't you call in a consultant, a neurosurgeon, somebody? What is the rush?
Justin: I'd say it's a testament to just how badly she wants steve back.
Sarah: He's under.
Kayla: Okay. Thank you for being here. Let's do it. Scalpel.
Sarah: You all right?
Kayla: Yeah, I just keep thinking, it's all in my hands, either I bring steve back or I kill him. G me over.Father, sonny: Why would you want me to be yo at least not until you
N for a happy life
Nicole: I meant what I said. Eric, sometimes, I wish I didn't tell you the truth. But I really do believe that mackenzie's best hope for a happy life is to be with you and sarah.
Eric: No, nicole, it's wrong. And as hard as it's gonna be, brady and kristen deserve to know they have a daughter. Sarah's gonna marry xander tomorrow. She has to be told what he's done.
Nicole: Sarah already knows all the horrible things that xander has done, yet she's marrying him anyway. And xander thinks he's some kind of superhero because he did it all to protect his lady love.
Eric: Yeah, well, he gutted the rest of us, and he ripped my heart apart twice. First, when he lied to me that I wasn't mackenzie's father and then he made believe that my daughter was alive.
Nicole: I know that you're angry and you have every right to be. But you cannot tip off xander that we know. At least not until you tell sarah 'cause god only knows what xander will do to stop the truth from coming out.
Sonny: Why would you want me to be your best man? I despise you. You let my husband sit in jail for a crime he didn't commit. All right, you screwed--
Xander: Heard it all from your father, who still ultimately agreed to officiate our ceremony.
Sonny: Why?
Xander: Well, I think maybe justin understands I'm trying to become a better person.
Sonny: Oh, my god, come on.
Xander: If you would just reserve your judgment for a second, everything I did has been to protect our family.
Sonny: Because you love our family just so damn much.
Xander: Yes.
Sonny: Well, it didn't stop you from screwing me over.
Xander: I do regret that. But maggie had to be protected.
Sonny: So will and i were just collateral damage?
Xander: Look, I'm sorry that's how it played out. That's why I want to make a new start. I'm extending this olive branch.
Sonny: Well, you know exactly where you can put your olive branch!
Sarah: You are a hugely experienced surgeon. And no one is more motivated than you to do this. And you have observed this procedure not once but twice. You've got this.
Kayla: But I just have this nagging feeling that, this time, it's gonna be different.
Sarah: Why would it be any different?
Kayla: Stefano is rolf's whole reason for existing. He's his mentor and his idol. And removing the chip means that stefano dimera ceases to exist. I can't imagine that rolf is going to let it be easy for me to destroy the phoenix once and for all. Ine
Rafe: The feds took orpheus to a facility for questioning. Now considering you and your father have entered into a joint defense agreement, the lawyer you share has gone with him.
Evan: So?
Rafe: So until that situation is resolved, you're stuck here. Now it could take a while. In fact, it could take quite a while unless, of course, you want to enter a guilty plea.
Evan: A guilty plea?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Evan: How stupid do you think I am? I was out on bail. I helped return david to you. Now I'm in cuffs?
Rafe: Well, the only reason that you knew where david was is because you were involved in his kidnapping. We now have hard evidence to prove that.
Evan: He's my son.
Rafe: But if you'd like to testify against your old man, we might be able to work a deal.
Evan: To hell with you and your deal.
Rafe: Suit yourself.
Evan: Wait. You and I got to know each other pretty well when I was taking care of david. You know that I'm not a bad guy.
Rafe: You killed jordan, the mother of your child.
Evan: It was an accident.
Rafe: You were gonna let someone else hang for it.
Evan: I regret that.
Rafe: What about all the lies you told every single day.
Evan: The only thing that I'm guilty of is wanting to be a part of my son's life.
Rafe: Tell it to the judge.
Evan: I want to make a phone call.
Rafe: I already told you, your lawyer is unavailable.
Evan: I don't want to talk to my lawyer.
Ciara: So, um, do you think it's too early to, mm, get out of these clothes and get under the sheets?
Ben: Nah.
Ciara: Nah?
Ben: Mm-mm. Besides we have to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, right?
Ciara: Uh-huh.
Ben: Continue the job search?
Ciara: Yes, yes. This is true. So we should definitely, definitely call it a night.
Ben: I think so. I think so.
[Cell phone ringing]
Ciara: Hey, aren't you-- aren't you gonna get that?
Ben: Nope.
Ciara: No? But, ben, it could be about a job.
Ben: You're right.
[Sighs] This is ben weston. Really? Yeah, I don't know about that. I'm gonna have to think about it.
Ciara: Think about it? Ben, if this is about a job interview--
Ben: It was evan frears-- or christian maddox, whatever the hell his name is.
Ciara: Wait, evan? What's going on?
Ben: He's at the police station.
Ciara: Why?
Ben: Said he wants to see me. I don't know why. But I do know I have much better things to do. And I think I was right about here.
Ciara: Okay. But, okay, wait. Ben, ben, wait, wait, wait. This is really important, okay? It could be your chance.
Ben: I like my chance right here.
Ciara: No, ben. Okay, ben, ben! Would you just--would you just listen to me, okay? Evan killed your sister. And he was ready to let you die for it, okay? You've been wanting to confront him. And you can do that now. You can get some closure. Baby, I really think you should go.
Xander: I take it you're declining my offer.
Sonny: We both know the only reason you're asking me is out of desperation because you don't have a single friend. Maybe you should ask yourself why?
Xander: There's no need to pile on.
Sonny: And for sarah, I just feel so bad for her. Whatever she thinks she sees in you, I want her to come to her senses. But just too bad it will be late, it will be after she walks down the aisle.
Xander: I'd be careful if I were you. You know, if victor heard you talking to me like this.
Sonny: Ah, there it is, reverting to form, puffing out your chest, making threats. I knew you wouldn't turn over a new leaf. And just so we're clear, my rsvp to the wedding is no chance in hell.
Eric: Under all that muscle and attitude, he's nothing but a coward. And I'm not gonna let him dictate what I can and cannot do. Let's go.
Nicole: Where are we going?
Eric: We're going to the kiriakis mansion.
Nicole: Now?
Eric: Yes.
Nicole: You're not gonna confront him?
Eric: No, but every night that I have been here, I have read mickey a bedtime story and kissed her goodnight. Tonight is the last time I can do that as her father.
Nicole: Then we'll go together.
Kayla: Suction.
[Suction hose hisses] Oh.
Sarah: What's wrong?
Kayla: The location of this chip. It's surrounded by all this tissue. Marlena's and hope's was much easier to remove. The only way to remove this one is to cut straight through the vital areas of the frontal lobe. I could destroy steve, everything about him. want to se david is great. He's w
Rafe: Oh, hey. Glad you decided to come down.
Ben: Yeah. How's david?
Rafe: David is great. He's walking and talking a mile a minute. You, you need to come and see him.
Ben: I would love that. Thank you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: So why does evan want to see ben?
Rafe: Well, I--I think ben should find out for himself.
Ben: Yeah, might as well get this over with.
Ciara: I'll come with you.
Ben: No, no, no, thank you. But I would rather do this one on one.
[Phone rings distantly]
Ciara: Ben was pretty dark on the way over here. Rafe, are you sure it's a good idea to leave them in that room alone?
Ben: I'm here. What do you want?
Evan: To apologize.
Ben: For what? For killing my sister or almost letting me fry for it?
Evan: Both.
Ben: This your way of sucking up to the court? Maybe show a little remorse, maybe it'll knock a year or two down off your sentence.
Evan: I never intended to touch jordan. You have to believe that. I found out I had a kid. I was excited. And then she started to say I was never gonna see him again and I lost it. The next thing I knew, I... I mean, look, you know what that is like, right? You know what it's like to lose control.
Ben: This is your apology?
Evan: What I'm trying to say is, being a dad, the connection that you have to your kid, the pull, it's--it's more magnetic than anything I've ever imagined.
Xander: [Sighs]
[Exhales] What are you doing here?
Eric: I want to see mickey.
Xander: Why?
Eric: I don't have to tell you why--she's my daughter.
Nicole: He's not asking you, xander, he's telling you.
Xander: Polite as always, but unfortunately mickey's gone nighty night. So maybe tomorrow?
Eric: Yeah, well, listen, you son of a bitch. Don't play around with me, not after what you've done.
Xander: What exactly have I done?
Jack: Stefano dimera rained down hell on so many people and hijacked my own brother's body to do it. I think kayla's just anxious to get rid of the phoenix as soon as possible.
Justin: We both know that's not what's behind this big rush. It's about getting her husband back.
Jack: Ex. Ex-husband. Remember what I said about worst case scenario stuff. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Justin: You also told me to take it one step at a time. Well, it's a damn big step for kayla to rush steve into surgery.
Jack: Kayla loves you.
Justin: I know. What we have is amazing. But I also know it can't hold a candle to what she had with steve.
Sarah: Do you want me to take over?
Kayla: No, I don't want to risk causing permanent brain damage. I'm gonna stop. I'm gonna sew him up. And we're calling a specialist and we'll try again later.
Sarah: I think that that's the best course of action.
[Device beeping loudly] What's that?
Kayla: It's coming from the chip!
[Beeps faster]
Sarah: But what is that? What do you think that means?
Kayla: I have no idea.
Self-destruct mode engaged.
[Dramatic music]
Shhh! pressed up againen: There was a needle
Ben: Maybe I don't know what it's like to have a kid. But I do know that if you had gotten your way, I never would have had the chance.
Evan: I didn't want you to die.
Ben: There was a needle in my arm! You looked at me in the eye. But still you didn't confess until there was a gun pressed up against your head.
Evan: I love my son more than anything, okay, more than doing the right thing. There, I said it! But I was finally getting the chance to be with him. If I would have came clean, I would have lost it all and I'd have broken david's heart and I would have lost-- I couldn't do that.
Ben: You didn't want to break david's heart? How do you think he's going to feel the day he learns you killed his mom?
Evan: I regret that, okay, and what I did to you, more than anything.
Ben: You feel better now that you got all that off your little chest? Maybe I was right all along, all this remorse is just a big play for leniency.
Evan: No, no, no, no, no. No, I--I mean it.
Ben: Even if you do, doesn't change the facts, evan, christian, whatever the hell your name is. My sister's still dead. And if it wasn't for ciara, I would be too.
Nicole: What haven't you done, xander? You lock people up in cages, you blackmail them to marry you. And what would sarah say if she knew you were keeping eric from seeing his little girl?
Xander: Fine, just don't take too long and don't wake her up. She just got back from the hospital, she needs her rest.
[Nicole sighs]
Self-destruct in two minutes.
Sarah: Oh, my god.
Kayla: This is exactly what I was afraid of! Rolf's revenge. He's made it impossible to remove the chip.
[Device beeping rapidly]
1 minute, 30 seconds.
Kayla: Okay, that's it. Everybody just get out of here right now; I don't know what's gonna happen. Now! Go! You know, new customers save over $1,000 on average
Justin: [Scoffs] And I want
Justin: Adrienne was the love of my life. And I can never have her back. But kayla has a real chance of having steve back. And I want that for her.
Jack: Stop being so damn noble.
Justin: [Scoffs] And I want that for adrienne. Hell, for my own sake. He's my brother-in-law. He has a life, has a family, has friends. I care about him. Okay, I wish I could say I meant that with my whole heart. I'm sorry, jack. I know he's your brother.
Jack: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. I get it. You're crazy in love with kayla. You're lucky to have found this kind of a love second time around. You just don't want to lose it.
Justin: Yeah. Well, the way I see it, there are really only three possible outcomes to this surgery. Steve dies and kayla will never forgive herself for killing him, the real steve comes back, and steve lives, but he's never the same.
[Laughs] I'm not being noble. Jack, I'm being selfish as hell and realistic because pick any scenario you want and none of them--none of them ends well for me. Steve dies, lives, or otherwise, it's the beginning of the end for me and kayla.
Sarah: I'm not going anywhere!
One minute.
Sarah: Okay, what if the only way to keep the chip from self-destructing is if we cut it off from the power supply?
Kayla: That means cutting into his brain, which means all of his memories, his kids, our life together, everything will be wiped out. Or it could save his life.
30 seconds.
Kayla: Okay. It's coming out.
[Device beeping rapidly]
Ten seconds.
[Kayla grunts]
[Device clatters on tray] There. There's no going back now.
[Heart monitor beeping]
Sarah: You did great. Steve's vitals are stable.
Kayla: God, what have I done to you?
Ciara: Hey. That looked intense. How did it go?
Ben: I said what I needed to say. I hope I never have to look at that bastard again.
Eric: You're such an angel. How do I stop feeling the way I do, feeling like she's mine?
Nicole: You wouldn't have to if it wasn't for me going after the truth.
Eric: No, the truth is the best.
Nicole: Even if it rips your heart out?
Eric: This is not on you, this is on xander.
Nicole: Yeah, but you mentioned before that xander took your daughter from you twice. And now I feel like I've done the same thing. In the beginning, I lied to you. And now--and now this. I know how much you wanted a child.
Eric: She's my niece. She'll always be in my life.
Nicole: It's not the same.
Eric: No, it's not the same. Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you no matter whose daughter you are.
[Solemn music]
Humira patients...
[Phone rings distantly]
Rafe: Well, I'm about to head home. The guard should be along soon to take you to your cell.
Evan: I'm not a monster. I don't want my son to think I'm a monster. I've always tried to do what's best for him; that's gotta count for something.
Rafe: Well, I don't think kidnapping is "what was best for him."
Evan: David's gonna miss me. Can you at least tell him that I was asking about him, that I love him?
[Door slams]
Ciara: You've been awfully quiet. Are you sure you're okay?
Ben: I just-- I couldn't do it, ciara. I couldn't just accept evan's apology.
Ciara: He killed your sister, ben. He also kidnapped your nephew, so I think it's pretty understandable.
Ben: I've done heinous things, unforgivable things. And there have been people out there that were able to forgive me. I mean, shouldn't I be able to show that same type of generosity to evan?
Ciara: Hearing him out was generous enough, ben. It was. He was ready to let you die for what he did. Jordan is dead because of him.
Ben: When I was a kid, jordan protected me. She was my hero. The only opinion that mattered to me growing up was hers. But when she tried to kill you, when she kept me away from my nephew, I... I went back to that same place, that place of rage just like evan.
Ciara: But you never would have acted on it.
Ben: That's because of you. Ciara, your love, I'm a completely different person now because I now know what true love is. Thank you. I have you to thank for that.
Kayla: Hey.
Justin: Hello. So?
Jack: What happened?
Kayla: We successfully removed the microchip.
Justin: All right, that's great.
Jack: Yeah.
Kayla: Except for rolf's sabotage.
Jack: Wait a minute, what does that mean?
Kayla: He wired the chip to self-destruct. So I had no choice but to remove it even though it was deeply embedded into steve's frontal lobe.
Justin: So what's the prognosis?
Kayla: I don't know what to expect when he wakes up.
Jack: Look, you're a crackerjack surgeon. I mean, you did what had to be done. I have every possible confidence.
Kayla: I wish I could say the same.
Justin: Well... hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. Whatever happens with steve, with us, I'm here for you.
Kayla: Thank you. Thank you.
Eric: And the tiny princess knew that wherever she was, whatever she needed, the man who held her heart would always be there.
[Phone beeps] It's sarah. The surgery is over. She's on her way home. So this is it. Good night, sweetheart. You will always be my angel. Good-bye for now. I didn't have to shout out for help.
[Ciara laughs]Y, romantic music]
[Sultry, romantic music]
[Ciara laughs]
[Ciara laughing]
[Sarah sighs]
Xander: Oh, there you are.
Sarah: Hi, baby. My god! I'm so glad to be home. That surgery was the most harrowing experience of my life.
Xander: Was it successful?
Sarah: I don't know. We have to wait and see.
Xander: Well, hopefully, this will help.
Sarah: Mmm. Do you know what does help? Coming home to you 'cause you're so good to me. Did you--
Xander: Pick up your dress? I did.
Sarah: You didn't peek at it though, did you?
Xander: Of course not.
Sarah: I am the luckiest girl in the world.
Xander: That's the plan.
[Sarah yawns] Hmm. You need to get to bed.
Sarah: Oh, my gosh.
Xander: Don't want you falling asleep on the wedding cake.
Sarah: [Gasps] Never.
[Door opens]
Kayla: Steve? I'm here. And I've been thinking about all of our memories we made. Even if you forget, I will never forget. Come back to us.
Xander: Hm, there you are. I was just about to come and throw you out.
Eric: Is sarah back? She texted me she was on her way. And I'd like to have a word with her before I go.
Xander: Oh, I'm sorry. She's asleep.
Eric: Well, you're gonna have to wake her up. This is very important.
Xander: What could be so bloody important that I have to wake up my fiancée on the eve of her wedding?
Nicole: Sarah asked us to watch mickey while you're on your honeymoon. And we just wanted to discuss living arrangements.
Xander: Well, there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow.
Eric: I said this is important.
Xander: So is a good night's sleep. Sarah and I have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. So if you don't mind.
Eric: Nicole, sarah needs to know the truth.
Nicole: I know, but you've done everything you can for now. Let's just wait until tomorrow.
Eric: All right. As long as it's before she marries that son of a bitch.
Xander: Everything I did, I did for you, sarah. And tomorrow, you will finally be mine.
[Dramatic music]
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