Days Transcript Tuesday 4/7/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 4/7/20


Episode #13742 ~ Stefano makes one last request to see his children; Eric prepares to tell Brady and Kristen the truth about their daughter; Kayla makes a bold decision in order to get Steve back; Abigail and Anna voice their concern over Chad and Tony.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: Tony?

Tony: Hmm?

Kristen: Where is he?

Tony: Well, they treated him for the injuries that anna caused and then took him in for an mri.

Kristen: Brain scan I assume?

Tony: Mm. They're trying to locate the microchip that turned steve johnson into our father.

Kate: You were always the master manipulator, and now my friend marlena is in the hospital fighting to find herself again. Chad. You knew that I loved chad like a son, and still, you brainwashed him into trying to kill me.

[Suspenseful music]

Eric: Abe, I consider you to be one of nicole's best friends. Do you know the real reason why she went to new york?

Abe: Well, I'm not sure what you mean.

Eric: When I came home last night I walked in on you and nicole talking, and I heard her say there was something she didn't want me to know about.

Abe: Oh, well, she told you that was about brandon.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. I know what she told me, but I think it's really about something else.

Abe: You know, the only thing you've got to prove your theory is if dr. Raynor admits what she did.

Nicole: But I have no idea where she is.

Abe: Well, that's the reason I came by. I do.

Eric: Abe, if there's something important going on with nicole, you need to tell me what it is.

Nicole: I have the medical board's number right here, or should I just go right to the police?

[Cell phone beeps]

Raynor: Look. Okay, okay, okay, enough, please. I will tell you the truth. Yes. Sarah horton and eric brady's baby died last mother's day.

Nicole: Oh, my god. I was afraid of this. So the baby that eric and sarah have been raising all this time-- the baby that they have fallen head-over-heels in love with-- belongs to kristen dimera?

Raynor: And brady black.

Brady: Hi, sweetie. How are you? Hi. Is there anything else? Anything else you remember about the way she looked?

Kristen: Oh, my god. Yes, yes. On her neck. On her neck, just below her chin is a mark.

Brady: Like a birthmark?

Kristen: Yeah. Oh, and it's the shape of a heart, brady.

Brady: No, no. It can't be. Hey. It can't be.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Brady speaks gibberish]

John: [Laughs] Hey, kid.

Brady: Hey. How is marlena doing?

John: Well, she's still in surgery. Kayla, sarah--they're in there with her watching rolf like a hawk, to make sure he removes the chip and nothing but the chip from doc's brain.

Brady: Well, I'm grateful, but the procedure's just a formality, dad. What's important is you got marlena back, and you did it all on your own.

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'll feel a lot better when that chip is out of here. Hey, how's little mackenzie doing?

Brady: She is good. She's good. Uncle brady's doing a little babysitting right now.

John: Yeah. Where's eric?

Brady: He had to leave. Something about nicole.

Eric: Abe, please. After everything nicole and I have been through, I just can't take any more secrets.

Abe: What secrets? Eric, what is it you think I know?

Eric: That whatever nicole is hiding it isn't about brandon. It has something to do with those hospital results, doesn't it?

Nicole: Tell me what happened. Everything that led up to those babies being switched.

Raynor: Last mother's day, sarah gave birth on the side of the road, following a car accident.

Nicole: And that same night you delivered kristen's baby in the hospital?

Raynor: The umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. It was touch-and-go for a while, but ultimately, little rachel made it into the world safely.

Nicole: And then what happened?

Raynor: She was taken to the nursery. By that time, sarah's baby mackenzie was there, as well. While I was examining her, xander and his uncle, victor kiriakis, walked in.

Nicole: And what did they want?

Raynor: I didn't have time to ask. Sarah's baby was in distress. She was having a seizure, so I-I performed cpr. I did everything I could. I wasn't able to save her.

Nicole: Go on.

Raynor: I left xander and his uncle alone in the nursery, to say their goodbyes. That must have been when they came up with the idea to switch the babies.

Nicole: I can't--like, I can't believe this.

Raynor: When I realized what they'd done-- when I realized what they wanted me to do, I was horrified. I mean my heart broke for all of them, but especially sarah. She's not just a colleague. She's a friend.

Nicole: Then why didn't you say anything?

Raynor: Because xander and his uncle paid me to keep my mouth shut.

Nicole: Oh, so it was about the money?

Raynor: I did it out of fear. Along with a very large check, xander gave me a one-way ticket out of town, but I couldn't just leave. I couldn't abandon sarah.

Nicole: So you stayed to care for the baby that sarah thinks is hers?

Raynor: When xander saw me at the hospital he was furious, but I told him I couldn't just take off, and I couldn't live with this secret.

Nicole: That I overheard, and when I asked you what the secret was you lied.

Raynor: Because I was terrified of xander! He harassed me. He threatened me.

Nicole: Well, you should have spoke up. People would have stepped in to help you.

Raynor: No one could have helped me. Not when xander had the full power of victor kiriakis behind him. He made it very clear that if I said one word to anyone, I'd be killed. That's when I knew I needed to leave salem.

Nicole: So when you escaped to new york you assumed that it was all over?

Raynor: As far as my involvement, yes. But if the truth were to come out now, xander could still make good on his threat, so I have to ask. Do you intend to go public with what you know? These are real people, not actors,

Kate: What are you doing with that?

Chad: Oh, no. Damn. Sorry. I was just--I-I was gonna open--I was gonna open up the mail.

Kate: Okay. Are you sure? I mean, is this really you?

Chad: Yes.

Abigail: It is. I promise you it is. We were together the entire night. Chad did intensive therapy with a psychiatrist who assured us that chad is back.

Chad: I ditched the ring.

Kate: I'm sorry. Sorry.

Chad: No. What do you--oh, right, sorry. You have no need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing. Can you ever forgive me?

John: [Chuckles] Little mackenzie seems so happy. So peaceful.

Brady: Yeah.

John: Really hard to imagine just what that little tyke has gone through.

Brady: You know, when I hold her--this is gonna sound really strange. I get the feeling that--it just reminds me so much of rachel.

John: Yeah? How's that?

Brady: Dad, the night our daughter was born, kristen--she actually got to hold her for a couple minutes, and a few days ago, kristen came to me, and she said that those memories that she had of rachel were--they were fading, and I didn't know what to do, so I used that technique that marlena showed me years ago, to help her remember those moments when she had rachel in her arms.

John: Yeah? Yeah, did it work?

Brady: Yeah.

John: Really?

Brady: No. It really worked. She remembered details right down to her smell.

John: Yeah.

Brady: She remembered the color of her eyes. She remembered so much, right down to the little heart-shaped birthmark that she had on her neck.

John: Amazing.

Brady: You know what's more amazing? Mackenzie has a birthmark that's exactly the same.

Nicole: I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do.

Raynor: I understand being torn. Ever since those babies were switched, I have been living with the most unbearable guilt. Every day, I pick up the phone, but then I have to stop myself, because I know that xander will find a way to get to me. And I hate that I deceived sarah, but at least she's not in pain. The pain I caused ms. Dimera will never go away.

Nicole: Believe me, kristen has caused plenty of pain herself.

Raynor: I don't know her very well, but I do know she was responsible for haley chen's death. She was such a caring nurse and a genuinely kind person.

Nicole: Mm. Caring and genuine. Those are hardly the words I would use to describe kristen.

Raynor: I guess in some ways that's how I'm trying to rationalize my decision, by convincing myself I did that baby a favor.

Nicole: How so?

Raynor: By having her grow up with sarah as her mother, and not someone like kristen dimera.

Kristen: I am really surprised to see you here. The man claiming to be our father almost killed you, tony.

Tony: Well, he did the same thing to you, so why are you here?

Kristen: Yeah. Rolf guilted me into checking in on him.

Tony: You saw rolf?

Kristen: Yes. He agreed to operate on marlena, to remove the chip. He only did it because john promised that he could see stefano afterwards.

Tony: Well, that's great news for marlena, but what's gonna happen next? I mean will they force rolf to operate on father, as well? And if he can remove that chip from his brain, does he become steve johnson again?

Kristen: I mean gina turned back into hope. I would assume the same would happen to steve.

Tony: Well, if that's the case, what happens to father?

[Kristen exhales]

Brady: I know nicole had some medical tests run recently, 'cause I asked her point blank.

Abe: What did she say?

Nicole: She said she was fine, but I also know that she lied about her trip to new york, and maybe she's only trying to protect me, after everything that happened with mackenzie. But if nicole--if she's sick, I need to know.

Abe: Look, eric, just--

Eric: Listen, abe, my mind is starting to spin, and I'm trying to keep it from going to some very dark places, so if nicole told you what really is going on, you need to tell me. Humira patients...

Chad: I'm absolutely sick about what I did to you, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Kate: Of course I can forgive you. You were under the control of your father, while I, on the other hand, chose to be his partner in crime.

Abigail: Stefano can be quite persuasive.

Kate: Yes, he can.

Chad: And about that, I made that deal with you. Your shares for your freedom, so that I could give the shares to him. I want to give them back to you.

Kate: No. You paid me for them. You keep them. I don't want them.

Chad: You don't?

Kate: No. I'm closing that chapter on the pursuit of dimera power and money. You know, it just didn't work out for me. I'm done.

Tony: Well, let's say that father's essence is really on that chip. Does that mean when the procedure is done, so is father?

Kristen: Hold on. If the distilled version of stefano dimera is stored on that chip, after everything he's put us through, I mean, you really want him back in our lives?

Tony: Well, I don't want to see him dead. That vice grip he has on all of us--

Kristen: Yeah, it can be suffocating, to say the least. I mean, we want to be free, and yet, we are so compelled to be a dutiful dimera.

Tony: So you are tormented by it, as well?

Kristen: I used to be, but finding real love with brady and having his baby--it really changed me, tony. You know what, I don't want to go back to being that same woman I was. You know, desperate and obsessive. Willing to do whatever it takes to get what I wanted.

Tony: [Chuckles] Like father with his queen.

Kristen: God. [Laughs] I used to love that people feared me the way they feared stefano. I took pride in being able to inflict pain and suffering on those who wouldn't bend to my will.

Tony: And now?

Kristen: I can't change what I've done in the past, but going forward, moving forward, I can prove that I am not the monster that everybody thinks I am. Make amends to the people I hurt, like you, tony.

Tony: Me?

Kristen: I almost let you go down for murdering ted laurent. I mean, that was so wrong.

Tony: But you did the right thing, in the end.

Kristen: Yeah, and that was the beginning of my quest to being a better person. And I would really like to think that I would have risen to the occasion for rachel and, you know, would have been a good mother to her.

Tony: Oh, listen. I think you have the potential to be a great mother. I have no doubt in my mind.

John: So you're telling me that rachel had a heart-shaped birthmark, just like that one?

Brady: Same size, same shape, same place, right on her neck.

John: Well, that's some coincidence.

Brady: Yeah. You can call it a coincidence. I mean, you got two babies that were born on the same night, in the same hospital, delivered by the same doctor. Yeah, you could call that a coincidence, if you want to--

John: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. What are you saying? You think there's more to the story?

Nicole: You're right. Kristen would be a terrible mother, but brady--he's a wonderful man and an incredible father. But so is eric whom I love very much, and to think what this would do to him. Oh, my god, I mean, first, I kept him from knowing that sarah's baby was his, and now, that baby has died, and he doesn't even know.

Raynor: And I'm sure you don't want him living a lie. Now that you know that the child he's raising isn't his, I understand why you have to put a stop to it. So go ahead, and call the police. I'm done running. It's time for the truth to come out, no matter the consequences. This is ava.

Abe: I hear you, eric, and I understand what you're saying, but I gave my word to nicole. I can't betray her confidence.

Eric: Listen, abe, I'm begging you.

Abe: I'm sorry. This is between you and nicole.

Nicole: I'm not gonna call the police. I just wanted to know exactly what happened, and now that I know, I realize you're not the villain.

Raynor: Thank you, but what about xander?

Nicole: I promise I won't tell him we spoke.

Raynor: I get chills just thinking about what he could do when he learns his secret is out, but whatever he does, it's out of my hands.

Nicole: And in mine. I should go. Thank you, dr. Raynor. Take care of yourself.

[Somber music]

[Door closes]

Kristen: Brady and I are trying to keep rachel's memory alive. We made a donation to the nicu in her name, and I'm hoping to volunteer to hold babies. You know, offer comfort when the families can't be there.

Tony: Mm, how lovely.

Kristen: [Chuckles] I know that all babies are precious, but the one that I am most drawn to is little mackenzie. You know, I wanted to hold her, but eric told me that I couldn't, because her immune system was compromised at the time. But then I ran into sarah, and she was kind to me.

Tony: She allowed it?

Kristen: No, I didn't ask. I didn't ask, but the whole time we were talking, I couldn't take my eyes off that little baby. You know, actually, every time I see mackenzie I just get this powerful urge that I want to hold her. Pick her up. You know, it's intense. It's almost primal, tony.

Tony: Try not to judge yourself, kristen. You've been through a lot.

Kristen: I know, but I just want to know why. Why do I feel this overwhelming pull toward this little girl? Mackenzie, every time I see her, I mean, why do I feel completely drawn to that baby, when I know that she's not even mine?

Brady: Dad, I don't know what I'm saying; so what? Rachel had a similar birthmark. So what, right?

John: So obviously it's been on your mind.

Brady: I think I'm just trying to find a way to help kristen and to help, you know, ease her pain.

John: Yeah, yeah.

Brady: But holding on to these ridiculous coincidences--that's not healthy for us, is it? It's not. We need to move on.

John: Yeah, yeah, you will. You just need a little time, right?

Brady: I'm just a little worried, because I know how attached kristen is to this baby. I don't know why. I mean maybe it's because she's my niece, but, dad, I think subconsciously kristen just feels it's unfair that that little girl is here, and our little girl is gone. And it happened on the same night.

[Cell phone rings, beeps]

Nicole: Hi, abe. Is everything okay?

Abe: I just talked to eric, and he knows you're not in new york on business.

Nicole: Oh, my god. Does he know the real reason I'm here?

Abe: No, no, but he pressed me pretty hard.

Nicole: I'm so sorry to have put you in that position.

Abe: Nicole, he's really worried. He thinks you're sick, and you're hiding some upsetting test results from him, so please tell me you're making some headway.

Nicole: I was right about the dna tests. I bluffed raynor, and I made her think that the results I had in my hand were the real ones, although I never actually let her see them.

Abe: So she confirmed the babies were switched?

Nicole: Yes. I can't believe my hunch was right. Mackenzie is not eric and sarah's baby. She belongs to brady and kristen.

Abe: Wow, so what are you gonna do about it?

Roman: Hey, hello, kid. What's wrong?

Eric: Nothing. I'm fine.

Roman: Well, I can see that's not true, so come on. Talk to me.

Eric: It's nicole. She's keeping something from me, and I don't know what it is.

Nicole: I am so torn, abe, and part of me just wants to let it be.

Abe: So you're not gonna tell eric anything?

Nicole: You know, abe, I thought knowing the truth would give me peace of mind and maybe some clarity, but I mean how could I--how can I tell eric that this little girl that he loves with all his heart and that he's watched go through cancer treatment and finally allowed home--that she's not his daughter? And the worst part? That he has to hand her over to kristen.

Abe: Well, that won't be easy.

Nicole: It'll be torture.

[Exhales] When I think about all the things that kristen did to me it still makes me so angry.

Abe: That's all over. You, and eric, and holly are a family.

Nicole: Oh, my god, abe. It doesn't matter what I do or what choice I make. Someone I love is gonna get hurt.

Brady: I mean whatever the reason for kristen's attachment to mackenzie, I get it. I get the yearning, and that--

John: Yeah. It's still pretty strong, isn't it?

Brady: Oh, dad. It's right there.

John: Yeah.

Brady: I just have to look at her little birthmark, and I think of my little girl. Facts are facts though. Dr. Raynor pronounced my little girl dead, and signed the death certificate, and rachel's gone, so no amount of wishful thinking is gonna bring her back, right? So tell me that's the end of the story, dad.

John: Well, kid--

Brady: That's it.

John: I think that it's the end of a tragic chapter.

Brady: Mm-hmm.

John: And do you know what else I think? And that is you and kristen-- you're gonna write a few more chapters all by yourself, and I know for a fact that your old man is gonna be here for you whenever you need me. I know that.

Brady: Oh, I know you will be. You always are, you know?

John: Oh, god. I love you, kid.

Brady: Thank you.

John: Hey, I'm gonna go and see if there's any word on doc, okay? You hang in there.

Brady: All right, man.

John: Okay.

Brady: Thanks, dad.

John: Hey.

[Door opens, closes]

Kristen: Oh, you think I'm nuts, don't you?

Tony: No. Not really. I think it's a perfect explanation for your attachment to mackenzie.

Kristen: You do?

Tony: Well, yeah, yeah.

Kristen: Really?

Tony: You lost a child, kristen, and it's perfectly reasonable to see that you're drawn to another child who has so many similarities, and... and your rachel--well, our rachel--she'll live in our hearts forever.

Kristen: You're being very kind to me, tony, and comforting me, after all the things I did to hurt you.

Tony: You're my sister. My family.

Kristen: Tony, thank you. Thank you very much.

Abigail: Mom, mom, okay. I know, but can you please just--can you try not to worry right--yes. Yeah, we'll get an idea of where marlena is soon. Oh, yeah, he's home. He's doing a lot better, and you know, he's where he belongs. And stefano is in the hospital, in handcuffs, where he belongs. Right. I know, yeah. No. I'm--mom, I'm good. I just--I'm-- yeah, exactly. Honestly, I'm just wiped. I think I'm gonna try to get a nap in, before the kids come home from school actually. And hey, could you do me a huge favor? Right, would you--could you just call jj and fill him in on everything? 'Cause I just--I don't have the energy to-- thank you. Okay. All right, love you too. Bye.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Sighs] Okay.

[Lock clicks]

[Drawer closes]

Chad: Hey, heard you on the phone when you came in. Who were you talking to?

Abigail: La famiglia. - Oh. - What's going on?

Abigail: Did you hear me? I said, "la famiglia."

Chad: Yeah. I heard you. Are you testing me?

Abigail: Damn right I'm testing you. I have to make sure you're okay.

Chad: I am okay, all right? My father's out of my head. He's out of my life. Like I said when you broke that spell, you, thomas, and charlotte are the only family that I need. I am just sorry that I put all of you through that.

Abigail: We've both put each other through a lot. It's okay. We always get past it, right?

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: I believe in you, chad. Love you.

Chad: You're the love of my life.

Abigail: And you're the love of mine.

[Soft music]

Eric: Last night, nicole mentioned she had to go on an emergency business trip to new york, but when I mentioned it to brady he said basic black has no business there.

Roman: So she lied?

Eric: You know, I thought we were past all this. You know, after she told me that mackenzie was xander's baby--I mean we promised each other no more lies.

Roman: So nicole broke her promise?

Eric: I'm not judging her. Maybe she's just trying to protect me. Trying to handle whatever this is, but I don't want that. I want her to know that whatever she's going through I want to be there for her.

Roman: And you have no idea what this trip could be about?

Eric: Well, I think that she confided in abe, and when I asked him, he refused to betray her confidence. Listen, dad, I'm just worried, and I don't know what to do about it.

Roman: My advice? Leave out the middleman. Leave out abe. Go to the source. Find nicole.

Eric: You know what? I think I will. Hey, thanks, dad.

Roman: All right. Good luck.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.


yeah, yeah

we're in the light

dancing in the light of love

holding you tight

drifting in the light

of loving

lucky, oh, am I

because you're mine

Tony: Oh, john. Kristen tells me that rolf has agreed to operate on marlena.

John: Yes, he did.

Tony: Well, I'll be praying for her. Hopefully, it'll be a great success.

John: Well, I just found out that the surgery is over, so I guess we're about to find out.

Brady: I know that you're eric and sarah's, I know. I know you are. I know you are. It's just a coincidence. Just a coincidence.

Kristen: Hi.

Brady: Hi.

Kristen: What's a coincidence?

Eric: I don't care how much the ticket costs. I just need to get to new york as soon as possible.

[Door opens]

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