Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 4/6/20
Episode #13741 ~ Nicole reveals the truth about Mackenzie to Eric; Xander makes plans for his and Sarah's nuptials; John nervously awaits news about Marlena's surgery; Stefano is determined to thwart Kayla's attempts to end his control over Steve's body.
Provided By Suzanne
surgery is over. No, I haven't even been able to see her yet, haven't even talked to kayla. But I am optimistic that the surgery was a success.[Elevator bell dings] Oh, belle, honey, I gotta run. I think I'm gonna get an update. I will call you as soon as i find out something--love you. How'd the surgery go?
Rolf: Well, I removed the microchip, thus upholding my end of the bargain. Now it's time for you to uphold yours. I would like to see stefano tout suite.
[Soft music]
Kayla: I want you to know that no matter what happens down the line...I meant what I said. You have been there for me 100 percent, and I am so grateful for that. And I really do love you. I love you, justin.
Justin: I hope that's true, kayla.
Brady: I know that you're eric and sarah's--I know. I know you are. I know you are. It's just's just a coincidence. Just a coincidence.
Kristen: Hi.
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: What's a coincidence?
Brady: Just--just that I was, uh, free and clear to watch mickey while eric had something to do.
Kristen: What was so important that he had to leave this little girl behind? Hi!
Eric: Yeah, I don't care how much the ticket costs. I just need to get to new york as soon as possible. Wait, hey, can you cancel that? Thank you. Hey, I was just trying to get a ticket to new york to find you.
Nicole: Why?
Eric: Brady told me there was no business trip for basic black. Which means you lied to me. And I'm pretty sure I know why.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Nicole: I can explain.
Eric: I understand you were afraid to tell me the truth. Especially after everything we've gone through. But I thought we promised... no more secrets.
[Soft music]
Nicole: Yes. You're right, we...we did.
Eric: Okay. Then be honest with me. Are you sick? Because you said you weren't, but the way you've been acting, and this last-minute trip to new york--
Nicole: This trip wasn't about me. It was about you.
[Baby babbles]
Brady: Oh, yeah. Ohh!
Kristen: So eric left mickey with you to go find nicole? I mean, is there something wrong?
Brady: All I know-- I know that eric was in a bind, and I just offered to watch her until sarah was free.
[Baby babbling]
Kristen: I am so jealous of you that you get to be with this little lady. Can I hold her? Please.
[Baby babbling]
John: So you're telling me that...rachel had a heart-shaped birthmark just like that one?
Brady: Same size, same shape. Same place right on her neck. You know what, I don't think that's a great idea.
[Knock on door]
Justin: Not interested.
Xander: Oh, hold on, mate. I have a very important question for you.
Justin: What question could you possibly want to ask me, xander?
Xander: Justin kiriakis... will you marry me? There will be parties again soon,
Justin: The proposal is very flattering, xander, but you're not my type.
Xander: [Sighs] Very funny. But sarah is very much my type, and we are getting married tomorrow, you're ordained, so I was kinda hoping you'd officiate.
Justin: Why don't you just go down to city hall? I hear they have a nice vows and brunch package.
Xander: Come on, sarah deserves better than to say her I dos amid linoleum floors and fluorescent lighting.
Justin: I think sarah deserves better than you.
Xander: I'm not your favorite person--understood. But...we are family. And sarah needs all the family around her she can get right now with...maggie in prison. Please...will you do it?
Justin: Not a chance in hell.
John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast there, dr. Rolf.
Rolf: We had a deal. I believed you to be a man of honor.
John: And I am, and I fully intend to honor our agreement here once kayla confirms that you have extracted that microchip.
Kayla: Well, here it is. I watched every move. It looked like he replicated the procedure he did on hope.
John: No funny business.
Kayla: Not that I could tell. Although we need to wait till marlena wakes up before we know for sure that the procedure worked.
Rolf: The agreement was that I remove the chip. I've done my part. Now it's time for you to take me to stefano. You yourself said his life hangs in the balance. So time is of the essence if I'm to have any chance to save him.
John: Fine.
Rolf: Oh!
[Laughing] Finally!
John: But...if doc wakes up and she's not totally back to herself, I'm comin' for you.
Rolf: I assure you, there is no need to threaten me. Marlena will be her radiant, original self.
John: I'm counting on that.
Kayla: Follow me. Steve. Steve, wake up.
Steve as stefano: [Grunts] My name is stefano dimera.
Kayla: There is someone here to see you.
Steve as stefano: Marlena?
Kayla: No.
Rolf: Well, they told me you were near death!
Steve as stefano: I am not.
Rolf: But the eye... well, perhaps I can create a new one.
Steve as stefano: Have you seen marlena?
Rolf: Yes, sir, I-I have, and I'm here to beg your forgiveness.
Kristen: Well, you know I know that eric had some reservations about me holding her but I... I just want to hold her. Is that so wrong?
Sarah: No. Of course it's not. Of course it's not, but her mommy's here, so I can take over. Hi! Hello. Hi. Yes, mama's here. Everything's gonna be all right.
Eric: What does you having to go to new york have to do with me?
Nicole: I went to see dr. Raynor.
Eric: Why?
Nicole: Dr. Raynor left salem because of a secret about mackenzie.
Eric: Well, she already had her checkup, and everything was okay. Is there something that I don't know?
Nicole: No. She's fine. It's just--
Eric: Nicole, please.
Nicole: Dr. Raynor knows the truth... about who your daughter really belongs to.
Xander: Come on, cousin. Please reconsider. For sarah.
Justin: You nearly destroyed my son's marriage. You let his husband, an innocent man, go to prison. You let his daughter ari think that she had lost her father, once again. Blood or no blood, what you did is unforgivable.
Xander: I was trying to protect our blood. Victor and I both were, and will was not totally innocent. He was texting and driving. Even he thought he was responsible, so--
Justin: So you let him believe it when you could have set the record straight?
Xander: We couldn't do that. We had to protect maggie. We couldn't let her live with the knowledge that she had killed adrienne, let alone--
Justin: Let alone...what?
Steve as stefano: Forgiveness for what?
Rolf: A j-- could I speak with mr. Dimera alone for a moment, please?
[Beep beep]
Kayla: Well, it's your lucky day. I need to see a patient. But the policeman's gonna be standing right outside if you try to pull anything.
Rolf: I assure you I have no intention of pulling anything.
Steve as stefano: Speak, man. Why are you asking my forgiveness?
Rolf: John black forced me to remove the microchip from marlena's brain.
Steve as stefano: You removed the chip!
Marlana: [Moans softly]
John: Hey, sweetheart. It's john. I'm right here, baby.
Marlena: [Moans]
[Whispers] Stefano.
Eric: Nicole, you're scaring me.
Nicole: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, eric. I--
Eric: No, no, no, please. For what? It's just that you're not making any sense. What's going on?
Nicole: It started when I saw xander and dr. Raynor talking a few times.
Eric: Because xander and sarah are together now? Of course he'd talk to dr. Raynor about mickey.
Nicole: No. He was bullying her. She afraid, and when I asked her about it all she could say was that xander wanted information on mackenzie that she could only provide to the parents.
Eric: Yeah. Xander doesn't like taking "no" for an answer, and I'm sure he was being a jerk about it.
Nicole: But don't you think it's a coincidence that dr. Raynor left salem in the middle of treating mickey?
Eric: But she got a new job.
Nicole: No. She didn'T. Xander and victor paid her to disappear, because they...know the truth about mickey's real parents.
Eric: Stop saying that.
Nicole: Do you remember how hard xander pushed to get tate to be tested to be a bone marrow donor for mickey?
Eric: Yeah. Nicole, we were all desperate to find a match.
Nicole: And mickey's little birthmark.
Eric: Kids have birthmarks.
Nicole: Brady told me that his and kristen's baby had the same birthmark.
Eric: That doesn't mean anything--it was a coincidence.
Nicole: In the same place, eric?
Eric: Doesn't mean anything.
Nicole: Remember when you came into the hospital room, and I was hovering over mickey? I wasn't cleaning her ears. I was swabbing her cheek to get a dna sample to compare it to kristen.
Eric: You what? Without permission? You helped yourself to my daughter's dna, and you lied about it?
Nicole: I had to know the truth.
Eric: Well, that's great, so what's the truth? Was it a match?
Nicole: No.
Eric: Well, there you go.
Nicole: I thought the test could have been tampered with, so I went to see dr. Raynor, to get her to admit everything that happened... and she finally did. I'm so sorry, eric.
Eric: No.
Nicole: But mickey is not your little girl. She belongs to brady and kristen.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
John: Oh, please, please, please, doc, come on, come on. Tell me that stefano is out of your mind and you've come back to me. Please tell me that.
Marlena: Stefano is completely out of my mind.
[John gasps]
John: I--oh, baby, I'm so relieved.
Marlena: I'm so relieved too.
John: I was so afraid that I had lost you forever.
Marlena: You found me, and you saved me, and you're never going to lose me again.
John: I'm telling you, doc, when I saw you in that monster's arms--
Marlena: Where is steve?
John: He's in the hospital, but he's in police custody. That incarnation--never gonna hurt you again.
Steve as stefano: Why would you ever agree to help john black--why?
Rolf: Well, he exaggerated the extent of your injuries. Made it sound as though your very life were in danger, and of course, I wanted to help!
Steve as stefano: Idiot. He waved a bait in front of your ego, and you took it. How could you let him manipulate you this way!
Rolf: I am sorry, sir. May I say it is wonderful to see you in such good health, except for--
Steve as stefano: How is marlena--how is she?
Rolf: Well, she had not yet awoken, according to what I understand.
Steve as stefano: And when she awakens, whose name will she speak?
Rolf: I believe there is a very great probability it will be...john.
Steve: Ah!
Rolf: Look, look, please. Please tell me.
Steve as stefano: Ah!
Rolf: How can I make this up to you, sir, please?
Steve as stefano: Never. But...there may be something you can do.
Justin: Let alone--what?
Xander: I'm sorry, justin. It's just--look. It's bad enough that maggie killed adrienne, but sarah was in the car, as well, and she and the baby could have been hurt too. That's--
Justin: Mm-hmm. I'm sure maggie thinks about that every second of every day, especially now. God help her.
Xander: Well, sarah does, as well, which is why I'm just trying to give a little happiness to the woman I love, so please, can't you just--just for an hour--just forget how much you hate me, and help me do something special for sarah? What do you say?
Brady: Rolf is so damn loyal to stefano I thought he might try something in the operating room.
Sarah: Well, he didn't have the chance, 'cause kayla was right next to him, making sure he did everything by the book.
Brady: How is marlena? I mean can I see her?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, as long as you keep your visit to a minimum and just don't stay for a very long time, it should be fine.
Brady: Okay. Kristen?
Kristen: What? What?
Brady: Do you want to go with me, to see marlena?
Kristen: Yeah. Sure. Of course.
Brady: Okay. Thank you for the good news.
Sarah: Mm-hmm, and thank you so much for watching mickey.
Eric: No. This has got to be a mistake.
Nicole: I'm so sorry, eric.
Eric: You are? You lied to me before. Is this another lie--a new lie?
Nicole: I didn't want this to be true, eric. It's horrible, but I didn't want to tell you, until I was sure. Dr. Raynor admitted everything. The night the babies were born, the baby that died was... yours and sarah'S.
Eric: Mickey's not mine?
Nicole: I know how much you love her.
Eric: How is this possible? I need to know, nicole. I need to know everything.
Nicole: When your baby was in the nursery, she was near kristen and brady's baby. And when she stopped breathing, dr. Raynor tried to resuscitate her. Xander and victor were there.
Eric: They switched them.
Nicole: Xander and victor paid raynor to keep quiet and go away.
Eric: When you got close to the truth, xander tampered with the dna results. And all this time, mackenzie's been fighting for her life, and xander knew the truth. He let us believe that little girl... our...our baby-- she's gone. That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him.
Xander: Well, if it isn't my beautiful fiancée and soon-to-be stepdaughter.
Sarah: She just fell asleep. You seem like you're in an awfully good mood.
Xander: I am. I have very great news. I asked justin to officiate our wedding tomorrow, and he said yes.
Kayla: Everything looks great. You just need a little more rest, and I think you're gonna be good to go.
John: And go home.
Kayla: Yeah. Listen, I am so happy you're back. Come around again to see you.
Marlena: Thank you, kayla.
John: Thank you, doctor.
Kayla: Yep, yep, yep. Ah, who do we have here?
Brady: Hi. Is it okay if we come in?
Kayla: Yeah, yeah, just don't tire her out, all right?
Brady: I won'T. I've been dying to see you.
Marlena: Oh. Honey, honey.
Brady: Hi. You look good. You look healthy and happy, and you're next to this guy.
John: Yeah. Well, you know, thanks to dr. Rolf holding up his end of the bargain, we got this pretty lady back, and stefano's never gonna hurt her again.
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: Well, I am so relieved that you're okay.
Marlena: Well, I'm not the only one injured around here. Brady, how's your arm doing?
Brady: It's very sore, but I'm gonna be okay. It's all right.
Marlena: You could have died trying to save me. John too. Kristen, your father wreaked havoc on all of our lives.
Kristen: Well, I'm as much to blame as he is.
Marlena: Why do you say that?
Kristen: My father first came to me as steve, and I kept it secret, and I chose...loyalty to a man that didn't deserve it, and I chose it over your safety, john's, brady's, and so many others.
John: Yeah. You could have stopped it right then, and none of this would have happened.
Marlena: John, it's all right.
Kristen: No it's not. It's not, and I apologize to you, marlena, from the bottom of my heart, and I really do hope that you can forgive me.
Marlena: When stefano was leading me out of the room to our honeymoon, you were concerned. You were the one that intervened. I'm so grateful to you for that. Now, I know there's been a lot of tension between us. I think it's time we put that to an end. I think it's time we all move forward.
Kristen: Thank you.
John: Well. You know, I think that part of that moving forward is to get dr. Rolf to remove the microchip from steve's brain. Once that happens, the phoenix will never rise from the ashes again.
Steve as stefano: Do you understand?
Rolf: Yes. Completely.
Steve as stefano: And I have your solemn word that you will see this through?
Rolf: I won't let you down.
Kayla: All right, gentlemen--and I use that term loosely--your time is up.
Steve as stefano: May I ask, is there any word on marlena?
Kayla: She's awake.
Steve as stefano: Thank god.
Kayla: And she's with john, and I am happy to report that she is back to her old self again. I'm sorry if that put any kind of crimp in your day.
Steve as stefano: Ha. Why should it? I'm not about to give up. The connection between me and my queen is too strong. She will be mine again, one day, and for all eternity.
Kayla: You are so delusional, but go ahead. Enjoy the fantasy while you can, because your days are numbered.
Steve as stefano: The hell they are. I am a phoenix.
Kayla: Phoenix. Right. For now. You removed the chip from hope and marlena, and you're going to do the same for steve.
Brady: So you and my mom.
Kristen: What?
Brady: Practically besties.
Kristen: Oh. I wouldn't go as far as that, but it was kind of her to forgive me for my part of stefano's plan.
Brady: It's over--stefano's reign of terror is done.
Kristen: God. I hope so, but the phoenix always has a--
Brady: No, no, no. Don't say it.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: Don't say it. Like marlena said, today is a good day to move forward. You and I have a lot to look forward to.
Kristen: We do, don't we?
Brady: Yeah we do. Well, let's go find eric and give him some good news about his mom, okay?
Kristen: Okay.
Eric: I'm going to rip xander apart and victor.
Nicole: Victor was just protecting maggie.
Eric: Yeah? He played god. They both did!
[Object shatters]
[Solemn music]
So what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to tell sarah? Am I supposed to say goodbye to my daughter?
Nicole: Maybe you don't have to.
Eric: What are you saying? That we should keep quiet? Not tell anyone the truth?
Sarah: Justin is officiating our wedding?
Xander: Yes.
Sarah: What made him agree to that?
Xander: Well, I was honest. I told him how loving you has changed my life. Made me want to be a better person. It seemed to resonate.
Sarah: You're the best man ever. I mean not only have you proven how many times that you'll do anything for mickey and me--I mean you even--you went, and spoke to a man who hates you, and convinced him to marry us, just so I wouldn't miss my mom so much.
Xander: You're not gonna call me dopey again, are you?
Sarah: I'm gonna call you "husband" tomorrow, and I can't wait. I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Kayla: I want to get that chip out of there as soon as possible--let's see. We can schedule a procedure for tomorrow morning. 8:00 A.M.
Rolf: [Laughing] I have no intention of doing any such thing. Now, you can threaten me. Do your worst, but you will never, never make me destroy the one man who has always supported me, turned my dreams into reality, so no. No! I will never remove that chip.
Kayla: You have to.
Steve as stefano: Actually, he doesn'T. Which means steven johnson will be hosting yours truly till the end of his life. (Asaad) since my mother got cancer from smoking,
Marlena: You know, all the time I was falling down stefano's rabbit hole... I kept hoping you would find me and save me, and...and you did. You saved me.
John: Well, after all the time we had to fight to be together, there was no way I was going to let that son of a bitch stefano beat us. Although, I have to say I'm really glad that rolf took that chip out of hope, because if he didn't, right about now, I'd probably be on a submarine with princess gina somewhere.
Marlena: About that. Were you a willing participant, or were you a hostage?
John: Oh, well now, wouldn't you like to know?
Marlena: I would like to know, and I think I have a way to get it out of you.
John: Mm-hmm. How's that?
Marlena: I think you can also fit under these covers.
John: I like the way you think. Princess who?
Kayla: Justin, what are you doing here?
Justin: I just needed to see you.
Kayla: Oh.
Justin: Are you okay?
Kayla: No. I'm not actually.
Justin: Is it marlena? Didn't the surgery go well?
Kayla: No. It went fine. She's fine. She's back to her old self. The problem is that rolf refuses to remove the chip in steve's head.
Justin: Can he do that? Refuse?
Kayla: Well, apparently. He says nothing is going to change his mind.
Justin: So steve is just going to believe that he's stefano forever?
Sarah: So it's your last day as a free man. Are you nervous?
Xander: I've never been more sure of anything in my life.
Sarah: It's all happening so quickly. Are we forgetting anything?
Xander: No. Justin officiating.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: This adorable little girl to be our witness.
Sarah: Yeah.
Xander: What else do we need?
Sarah: Just each other.
Xander: I can't believe it's finally happening. I'm marrying the woman of my dreams, and for once in my life, things are gonna work out, and not just for me. For both of us.
Nicole: Sarah is a wonderful mother, and you are a great dad, and you have both been through so much with mackenzie. You fought so hard to keep her alive, and you are the parents that mackenzie loves. You are the parents that little girl deserves.
Eric: We're not her parents. We need to tell the truth.
Nicole: And what will the truth do? Put her in the arms of an unstable, hateful woman.
Eric: Brady says kristen's changed.
Nicole: Please. No one can change that much that quickly. The truth is you and sarah are the best parents to raise mackenzie and give her a stable, wonderful life.
Eric: But brady--
Nicole: Brady is already grieving the child he believes he lost.
Eric: No. It's wrong. Brady deserves to know that he has a daughter.
Nicole: You'll hurt sarah. Look, I know how much you love your brother, and I know how you feel about secrets and lies, but mackenzie's best chance at a happy life is with you and sarah. That's up to you. I will follow your lead on whatever you decide, but for all intents and purposes, mackenzie is your child. Sarah, brady, and kristen never have to know the truth.
Brady: Eric? Eric, it's me and kristen. Are you home? Eric?
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