Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 4/2/20
Episode #13739 ~ Eric realizes Nicole lied to him; Nicole confronts Dr. Raynor; John tricks Rolf to get what he wants; Eli and Lani have a frosty encounter with Gabi.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Watch where you're going! Uh--[Tense music]
Brady: Hi. Thank you. Thank you.
Kristen: How did she do overnight?
Brady: Well, dad said she was pretty restless, but she's sleeping now, so that's good.
Kristen: Yeah, that is good. That's good. I mean, she's definitely been through an ordeal.
Brady: Yeah. Father wanted me to watch her while he was gone.
Kristen: Where is he?
Brady: He's at the station. He's trying to convince rolf to take that chip out of her head that he and stefano put in.
Kristen: That is--that's gonna be a tough sell. Rolf is forever loyal to stefano.
Brady: Dad's not gonna give up, you know. 'Cause is this chip doesn't come out of her head, I don't think she's ever gonna be the same, kristen.
John: Hello, rolf.
Rolf: If you are expecting me to tell you where marlena is, you're wasting your time.
John: No, no, that's over with. I've already rescued marlena, and steve's been arrested.
Rolf: No.
John: Yes.
Rolf: But it's a temporary setback. You know better than anyone that the phoenix always rises again.
John: I wouldn't count on it. But right now, I don't give a damn about stefano. I'm here for you.
Rolf: What do you want?
John: You're gonna take that chip out of my wife. Whatever you did to her, you are about to undo.
Eric: I mean, the good news just keeps on coming, huh?
Sarah: I know. My little sweetheart. She's getting stronger every day. And heavier. Can you believe she gained two pounds?
Eric: Did you hear that? You're crushing it, kid.
Sarah: Yeah, you rock star who probably needs her diaper changed before we head home.
Eric: Yeah, I'm on it.
Sarah: No, no, no, I've got it. You should go check on your mom.
Eric: Good idea.
Sarah: Yeah, just, you tell her that I'm thinking about her.
Eric: I will. But first, I'm gonna call nicole. See how her business trip is going.
Sarah: Absolutely.
[Gasps] You did it.
Nicole: Hi, abe.
Abe: Well, how's new york? Have you met with dr. Raynor yet?
Nicole: Well, my flight got in late last night, so I thought I would wait till this morning to visit. But thank you again for the address.
Abe: Well, no problem. Let me know if you need anything else.
Nicole: Thank you.
[Phone beeps] Eric's calling.
Abe: He has no idea what you're doing there?
Nicole: No, and I don't want him to know anything until I'm sure if he is mackenzie's father or not.
Abe: Good luck.
Nicole: I'll keep you posted. Hey.
Eric: Hey. How's new york?
Nicole: I am walking through central park to my meeting, and as beautiful as new york is in the spring, I would rather be home with you.
Eric: Me too. I miss you. But I understand how important this meeting is to you.
Nicole: The most important thing to me is you and our family. And I hope you always remember that.
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: I'm sorry. That-that was all my fault. I had all these samples and I wasn't watching where I was going.
Lani: Obviously.
Eli: Here, I'll help you with this stuff.
Gabi: Thank you, seriously. Thanks.
Eli: Yeah. There.
Gabi: I'm actually really glad I ran into you guys.
Eli: You are?
Gabi: Yeah. I was wondering if I could talk to you in private.
Eli: Not interested.
Gabi: Well, it's important, and it's just gonna take a minute.
Lani: It's fine. Okay. It's not a problem for me.
Eli: Baby, are you sure?
Lani: Yeah. I'll go meet my dad and the pub, and you'll join us after.
Eli: Okay.
Lani: I love you.
Eli: I love you, too. So what do you want?
Gabi: Well, we haven't spoken since our wedding day here at the square.
Eli: What is there to say?
Gabi: Plenty.
Eric: So how long do you think you're gonna be on business on new york?
Nicole: Well, I'll be done after my meeting, and if everything goes well, hopefully I will catch a flight back tonight.
Eric: That'd be great.
Nicole: I'm sorry I left you holding the bag with the kids, especially after everything that happened with your mom.
Eric: I'm just glad john was able to get through to her and break stefano's hold.
Nicole: I'm sure it's great to have her back.
Eric: It is. But I won't be comfortable until rolf removes her chip and we make sure this never happens again.
Rolf: You can lock me up forever. I will never reverse what I've done.
John: Why's that? You think stefano's gonna reward you for your loyalty?
[Laughs] Doctor, I don't think stefano is in any condition to reward anybody anything.
Rolf: What is that supposed to mean?
John: It means he sustained grievous injuries when I arrested marlena. I don't even think he made it through the freaking night.
Rolf: Please, please, take me to him immediately. Perhaps I can be of some service and restore his health.
John: Well, you know, I do have the power to get you out of here to go see your boss. But that's only gonna happen if you agree to help marlena first.
Kristen: Brady.
Brady: Mmm.
Kristen: I--I'm really sorry that my father has turned your family's world upside down yet again.
Brady: Can't be easy for you either. I know that. How is he?
Kristen: Well, he is, um-- he's still in icu. He sustained some pretty severe injuries at the hand of anna or, more accurately, her shoe.
Brady: Sounded pretty rough.
Kristen: Yeah. The last I heard, he was still fighting for his survival.
Marlena: Stefano. Stefano.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Abe: Hey.
Lani: All these years, and you still have to look at the menu.
Abe: Oh.
Lani: Hi, dad.
Abe: Well, you know, you never know. Something may surprise me.
Lani: Well, it is good to see you.
Abe: It's good to see you too. So where's eli?
Lani: He will be here shortly. I hope.
Abe: You hope?
Lani: We ran into gabi in the square on our way over here. And she asked to speak with him privately.
Abe: Are you okay with that? What were you thinking?
Eli: Lani and abe are waiting for me, so whatever you've got to say, just hurry up and say it.
Gabi: I just want to say that I-I truly loved you.
Eli: As if you know what love means.
Gabi: I know that I can't defend what I did to you and lani. I was-I was consumed with revenge. I would've done anything to hurt lani for what she did to stefan.
Eli: That shooting was an accident.
Gabi: My husband was dead. And lani was the reason. I just, I couldn't see past my pain, eli. And then I-I never thought that I would fall in love you again, I didn'T. But it happened. And I need you to know that I really did love you. And I hope that someday you can forgive me.
Eli: Never.
Sarah: Xander! Hi, baby. I was just about to call you. Yep. Mickey's numbers are even better than we expected, so it's all good news. I am happy to report that she will be at our wedding with bells on. I know, I can't wait to be your wife. All right, I love you too. I'll see you at home.
Kristen: Sarah.
Sarah: Hi, kristen.
Kristen: Hi. What are you guys doing here? Is everything all right with mackenzie?
Sarah: Yeah. No, no, no, she's fine, we just here for a check-up.
Kristen: Oh, thank god. Oh, you are getting prettier and prettier every time I see you. I hope your momma knows what a precious gift you are.
[Both laugh]
Nicole: Did holly behave for you last night?
Eric: She was an angel. As always.
Nicole: Not always. She is my daughter, after all.
Eric: Well, she did try to convince me to let her and mickey have a sleepover. But I didn't think it was such a good idea, seeing she had a check-up in the morning.
Nicole: How did that go?
Eric: Well, it went great. You know, she's recovering faster than we had hoped.
Nicole: I'm so happy to hear that.
Eric: Yeah. Such a big weight has been lifted. You know, there was a time not long ago that we thought we were gonna lose her, and I don't what I would have done if that would have happened. Now, I don't even have to worry, thank god.
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: Hey, you know what, I'm sorry I've just been yammering on. I'm sure you have a business meeting to attend, and I should go and check on my mom.
Nicole: I do. I'll see you tonight.
Eric: I can't wait.
Nicole: Eric.
Eric: Yeah.
Nicole: I just want you to know how much I love you.
Eric: I love you too. Bye.
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Lani: Dad, I'm not worried about gabi anymore. I mean, yes, she put eli and me through hell. Kept us apart for more than a year. But we're back together, and we are happier than ever.
Abe: Well, I am happy to hear that. But what I don't understand is why eli would want to talk to her.
Lani: Maybe he needs closure. And I'm okay with that, dad. Let him have it out with gabi, and then we can finally put her behind us for good.
Eli: How can you claim that you loved me when the whole time that we were together, you knew that you had put a ticking time bomb in my grandmother?
Gabi: I would have never used the app that was controlling julie's pacemaker. I just--I had it as leverage over lani.
Eli: But when she came back to salem, you threatened to use it.
Gabi: That's because I was so crazy in love with you by then that I didn't want to lose you.
Eli: You know what the sad thing is? I loved you too. Or at least the woman that I thought you were.
Gabi: I'm still the same woman.
Eli: I don't know who the hell you are. And to be capable of the things you did, you're lucky you're not in prison.
Gabi: Eli, I'm not in prison because I donated by bone marrow to save eric brady's daughter, okay? I saved a child's life, okay? Doesn't that count for something?
Eli: No. Hell no, it doesn'T. Gabi, you only did that to save your own ass. Face it, you don't care about anybody but yourself. And that's why you will always be alone.
Sarah: I heard that your donation to the nicu was really well received.
Kristen: Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah. And what a nice way to honor rachel's memory.
Kristen: Yeah, and hopefully it will help a lot of families in need. Sarah, I just--I want to thank you for your suggestion that I volunteer to hold babies. It really does appeal to me.
Sarah: Have you been to volunteer yet?
Kristen: No, no, not yet. With everything that's been happening with marlena, I just haven't had a chance yet.
Sarah: Oh my god, eric told me. That poor woman.
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Hey. Hey, how was mickey's check-up?
Eric: It was great. She's doing better than we could have ever hoped.
Brady: Oh, that's good, man. I'm really happy for you.
Eric: Thank you. Hey, how's mom?
Brady: She had a restless night, but she's sleeping now, so that's good.
Eric: Yeah, that's good.
Brady: Yeah.
Eric: Hey, what's going on?
Brady: Right before you came in here, she was sleeping, and then she-she-she kind of called out for stefano, for god's sakes.
Eric: Which means he's still in her head.
Brady: Yeah, along with that chip that rolf put in there. My dad is at the station right now trying to convince that son of a bitch to get that thing out of her.
Eric: I know, he texted me. Let's just hope it works.
Brady: Yeah, let's hope.
Eric: Hey, why don't you get out of here? I'll stay with mom.
Brady: No, I can stay. It's fine.
Eric: No, it's okay. I mean, sarah, she's taking mackenzie home, and holly, she has a playdate after school.
Brady: Where's nicole?
Eric: She's in new york for business.
Brady: For business?
[Knock at door]
Nicole: Coming.
Dr. Raynor: Hello again, dr. Raynor. People used to care. Heck, they'd come
Eli: Hey there.
Abe: Hey.
Eli: Sorry for the delay. Good morning, good morning.
Abe: Yes, sir. Good to see you.
Eli: How you doing?
Abe: All right.
Lani: Everything okay?
Eli: It's all good. So, you guys catching up?
Lani: We have. And dad was just about to tell us why he invited us out to breakfast.
Eli: It wasn't because you missed our sparkling personalities?
Abe: Well, no, this is more official business.
Lani: Like, mayor official?
Abe: I want to thank you both for involving yourselves in the rescue of david and in the apprehension of orpheus.
Lani: Dad, we don't need commendation.
Abe: I understand.
Lani: We love david and rafe, and there is nothing that we wouldn't do for them.
Abe: I get all that. But I didn't invite you here just to sing your praises. I'm here as, well, representing salem pd. And they want you back. Both of you. So will you join the force again?
Sarah: Well, I better get going, because I'm getting married soon.
Kristen: Oh, that's right, that's right, to xander.
Sarah: Yes, yes. I'm very, very excited.
Kristen: Well, congratulations. I do hope it works out for you.
[Elevator bell dings]
Rolf: Kristen. Have you seen your father? How is stefano?
Kristen: John, what is he--what's going on?
Rolf: Please, answer me. Is he still alive? Did he make it through the night?
Kristen: If you're talking about steve, yes, he's still alive. He's in icu.
Sarah: I'm sorry, what is he doing here?
John: Well, rolf has agreed to remove marlena's chip if I let him see stefano. And I explained to him that stefano's life is hanging in the balance, but he was still desperate to see him, so we came to an agreement.
Rolf: Why aren't you by your father's side in his time of need?
Kristen: I'm not with my father because he's in intensive care, and visitors are restricted.
Rolf: I'm not sure I believe you.
Brady: You said nicole went to new york for business. What kind?
Eric: It was for basic black. I mean, she left last minute on a trip to new york so she could be there this morning.
Brady: We don't have any operations in new york.
Eric: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Brady: Eric, all of our business is based out of L.A. Did she say who she was meeting with?
Eric: No. But I talked to her this morning while she was walking through central park on her way to the meeting. Are you sure there's no basic black meeting?
Brady: Yeah, I'm sure. I don't mean to freak you out, man, but she's not in new york on basic black business.
Eric: So you're saying she's lying to me.
Brady: I'm afraid so, yeah.
Eric: I don't understand. After everything we've been through, I mean, why would she do that? Unless the real reason for this trip is something personal.
Dr. Raynor: Ms. Walker. I was just about to head out.
Nicole: In your bathrobe? Oh, and banana bread baking in the oven?
Dr. Raynor: I meant I was just about to get dressed.
Nicole: Why don't you stop lying to me and tell me the truth for a change?
Dr. Raynor: What are you even doing here? How did you find me?
Nicole: Well, despite your best efforts to disappear, a good friend of mine helped me located your nice new digs here in new york city. I notice the mail slot says smith. Was that the name of the former resident of this apartment or the alias you're currently using?
Dr. Raynor: You've got this all wrong. I have no reason to hide from you or anyone else.
Nicole: Well, I hope not, for your sake. I'm here because I want to know the truth about exactly who mackenzie horton's parents are. And I'm not leaving until I get it. How do you get skin happy 24/7?
Eli: Abe, I'm not so sure that I'd be welcome back at the salem pd. I kind of left them in a lurch when I quit.
Lani: So did I.
Abe: You know, you both went through something very traumatic, and it wasn't your fault. And you said you want to put it behind you, right?
Lani: Yes, but dad--
Abe: You both have a calling. And it's not to be a nun or a head of security. You're cops. And you're both among the most dedicated, talented detectives I've ever seen. And the salem pd needs you. Right now. So what do you say?
Lani: Can we think about it?
Abe: Sure, you can take all the time you need. I'm just hoping that you'll decide soon, because there are too many crazies running around this town to make me feel comfortable.
Rolf: How do I know you're not lying about your father's condition?
Kristen: It's the truth. The man took a spiked high heel to his eye socket, and the strategy barely saved his life.
Sarah: I can vouch for that.
Rolf: But I have to see him. Now. As a matter of fact, kristen, why don't we go together?
John: First things first. You're gonna remove that chip from marlena's brain.
Kristen: I'll visit father, rolf. And if you want to see him, I think it'd be wise that you do as john asks.
Brady: You think nicole is in new york for something personal. What do you mean personal?
Nicole: I'll-I'll-I'll just open it later. Like I told you, it's just some blood work. Really, it's no big deal.
Eric: Okay, if it's not a big deal, then why don't you just open it? Nicole, are you not telling me something? I saw her getting test results from a lab tech, and I thought--well, I thought she was pregnant.
Brady: Was she?
Eric: No. No, no, no. She swore it was just routine. But she was a bit shaken.
Brady: You don't think it's anything serious, do you?
Eric: I don't know. I mean, when I checked back in with her, she assured me it was nothing to worry about. And I mean, maybe she's just trying to protect me.
Brady: What, do you think she's in new york getting a second opinion? You think she's seeing a specialist or something?
Eric: We've been through hell and back with mickey. I mean, the last thing she wants to lay on me is a medical crisis.
Brady: Let's hope that's not the case.
Eric: Yeah. I need to figure this out one way or another.
Brady: Oh, it's my dad. He's here at the hospital. Here's brought rolf with him.
Eric: All right, the nicole situation can wait. But not for long.
Dr. Raynor: I already told you I did not switch those babies. Now, I don't know where you got this crazy idea, but you're delusional.
Nicole: You really think so? Then how do you explain these dna test results?
Dr. Raynor: You ran a dna test on the baby?
Nicole: Wasn't that hard. Maybe what's best for you is to find out who you actually belong to. Okay. Just a little swab, sweetheart.
Kristen: Ahh!
Brady: What are--stop. Come on! Kristen, kristen, get off her. What are you doing?
Nicole: She attacked me.
Kristen: Oh, for good reason. Ow.
Nicole: Sorry, kristen. But I need to know if I'm right about you being mickey's mother. And with your hair, I can prove it.
Doctor: We should be finished running the samples within the hour.
Nicole: And that will prove one way or the other if the dna matches, right? If the two people are related?
Doctor: I'll find you when I have the test results.
Nicole: So what's what I think happened that night.
Abe: So eric and sarah's baby died, and somehow xander managed to make the switch?
Nicole: Yes. And I know from experience that it's possible.
Abe: So there was the birthmark. And you saw xander threatening the doctor.
Nicole: That doctor who then immediately took off to parts unknown.
Abe: But there's-there are the test results.
Nicole: Abe, this is salem. Can we really trust test results? Mackenzie is a perfect match to kristen dimera, whose baby supposedly died the same night mackenzie was born. So tell me, dr. Raynor, how the hell do you explain that?
Brady: Dad.
John: Hey, son. Eric, I've got some good news. Dr. Rolf here has agreed to extract the microchip from your mother's brain.
Eric: That's great news.
Rolf: And then you will take me to stefano.
John: A deal's a deal. How is she?
Brady: She's resting.
John: All right, I'm gonna go check her out. Sarah, who don't you round up kayla, prep an or?
Sarah: Sure. Yeah. And then I will help our friend here get scrubbed in.
Rolf: How kind of you.
John: And I'm confident that we will have the real marlena back soon.
Sarah: Eric, would you mind watching mickey while I help john?
Eric: Of course. Take as much time as you need.
Rolf: All right, rolf. Let's go. Let's get you ready.
Brady: Hey. I know you're worried about nicole. So why don't you go figure out what's going on, and I'll watch mackenzie until sarah gets back.
Eric: If you're sure.
Brady: I'm sure. It's fine. Good luck.
Eric: Thanks.
Dr. Raynor: I really--i don't know what you're talking about.
Nicole: I'm finding that harder and harder to believe.
Dr. Raynor: Whatever those test results say, I wasn't involved.
Nicole: Really? Because you signed the death certificate for kristen's daughter. I suppose xander paid you off for that, and to leave town. And did he help you get this nice please? Because I know victor kiriakis is very well connected.
Dr. Raynor: No. I--
[Timer dings, buzzes] I have to take the bread out of the oven.
Nicole: Stop lying to me. Or I promise I will make your life a living hell. You tell me everything you know, or I will not only make sure that your medical license is taken away, you will go to prison. Do you really wanna go down for xander's crimes?
Marlena: [Moans] Oh.
John: Hey.
Marlena: John, it's you?
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey. Sorry I had to skip out on you for a while, but you were asleep, and I had some pretty important business to take care of.
Marlena: I'm glad you came back.
John: Yeah, so am I. How you feeling?
Marlena: I had a dream. I dreamt that steve, or stefano-- there was a wedding.
John: Yeah. Well, you know, that--the wedding wasn't real. Stefano is never gonna make you his queen of the night, I can promise you that.
Marlena: I--see, I don't know why I feel this pull towards him. I don't want to feel that. I don't want to feel that, but I can't help it. I do feel that.
John: I know.
Marlena: I just hope it goes away. I mean, as long as I'm under some sort of control, I don't want that to affect, you know, how we are together, our relationship. These are real people, not actors,
Eli: You don't care about anybody but yourself. And that's why you will always be alone.
Lani: You were pretty quiet on the way home.
Eli: This isn't our home. It's jj'S.
Lani: I know, but it's where we live.
Eli: Temporarily, while he's away.
Lani: Okay, well it is very convenient to live rent-free. We are both unemployed. And--come here--as much as I would love to live on our love forever, I'm pretty sure it's not sustainable.
Eli: Yeah, okay. I guess you're right.
Lani: Do you miss it?
Eli: Having my own place?
Lani: No. Being a cop.
Eli: Yeah. Every day.
Lani: Yeah, me too. And I really thought that I had found my calling with being a nun, but after rescuing david, it made it so clear that I am just more suited to a badge than a habit.
Eli: So we tell your dad it's a yes.
Lani: Yeah. We will be a team again. At home and at work, just like how it was before gabi tried to destroy our lives.
Eli: Like it should have been all along.
Lani: Mm-hmm. You know, it feels really great that everything is coming full circle.
Eli: I couldn't agree more.
John: Hey, got some great news. Rolf has agreed to remove your chip.
Marlena: Oh. He's gonna perform surgery?
John: Mm-hmm. Sarah's helping him get scrubbed in as we speak.
Marlena: And do you think that we can trust him?
John: Well, I exaggerated stefano's medical condition and promised to allow rolf to see him in exchange for removing the chip.
Marlena: So you strong-armed him.
John: Where there's a will, there's a way. You know how loyal rolf is to stefano, so this is great incentive for him to perform the procedure safely. Besides, kayla's gonna be in the or watching him like a hawk, just like she did with hope.
Marlena: Good. Thank you. I just-I just want us to love each other the way we always have.
John: It's gonna happen, doc, I know it. And after all of this, I also know that no matter what stefano tries to do, he can never destroy our love.
Eric: Abe, hey.
Abe: Oh, eric.
Eric: Hey. Your assistant, she told me where to find you.
Abe: Is everything all right with your mother?
Eric: Yeah, yeah. Actually, rolf, he's removing the chip today. But that's not what I want to talk to you about. I consider you to be one of nicole's closest friends, and you wouldn't know the real reason why nicole went to new york, would you?
Dr. Raynor: Please. Your boyfriend loves his daughter. You need to leave this alone.
Nicole: I am doing this because I love eric. And he deserves to know the truth about the baby he believes is his child.
Dr. Raynor: You can still walk away.
Nicole: [Laughs] It's not too late.
Nicole: Oh, it is too late. For both of us. I have the medical board's number right here. Or should I just go right to the police?
Dr. Raynor: Wait, okay, okay, okay, enough. I'll tell you the truth. Yes, sarah horton and eric brady's baby died last mother's day.
Brady: Look at you. Look at you. Are you looking at me? Do you want snuggle time? I need snuggle time. I would love some. Come here. Come here, sweetie. Whoa, look at you. You are getting so big. Sweetie, look at you. You are just a little miracle, aren't you? Hey. Daddy knows you're a miracle. You're about the same size as my little girl, you know that? [Clicks tongue] Oh, you like that? This little head is a miracle and these little fingers are miracles. Even your ears are--even your little birthmark on...on your neck is a miracle. How about that? It's amazing.
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