Days Transcript Wednesday 4/1/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/1/20


Episode #13738 ~ Nicole is stunned when someone from her past shows up on her doorstep; Sheila returns with a big surprise for Eli; Clyde turns Ben's world upside down when he escapes from prison; Leo returns and has an intriguing offer for Will and Sonny.

Provided By Suzanne

Lani: You asked me to stay in bed, and what you had in mind was breakfast?

Eli: Oh, come on, all right? I got those eggs just the way you like them.

Lani: [Chuckles] That's really sweet. But what's the occasion?

Eli: Well, rafe has david back, and we helped him do it.

Lani:N that case, you should be having breakfast in bed too.

Eli: No, no, no, no. I--I wanted to do something for you. I know how scared you were for that little boy. I mean, you helped rafe-- helped him raise him after we lost our david.

Lani: Our david. You know, right now, he would be toddling around, getting into everything.

Eli: Yeah. He would. You think it's maybe time we start thinking about trying again?

[Knock at door] Let me get rid of whoever this is at the door. Sheila? What are you doing here in salem?

Sheila: I had to come back, eli. I need your help.

Will: Hey, guess what. I just found out my grandmother was rescued last night.

Sonny: Really? Is she all right?

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: Did you hear anything about my uncle steve?

Will: Oh, um, I think he still thinks he's stefano, but, you know, at least he's in police custody.

Sonny: [Sighs] Which is more than I can say for evan.

Will: What do you mean?

Sonny: Well, rafe called, and they couldn't tie evan to the kidnapping. Especially since he, you know, led the cops to where orpheus was keeping david. They released him this morning.

Will: So that murdering psychopath is just walking around free.

Sonny: Yep. And he's out on bail, so he has to stick around salem until the trial. Hopefully, we won't ever cross paths with him again.

[Doorbell rings] That couldn't be him. He knows not to come here.

Will: The only way to find out. Oh, my god.

Sonny: Is it evan?

Will: Worse.

Sonny: What could be worse?

Will: Him.

Leo: I'm back, bitches.

Ciara: Oh, I wish we could just stay like this all day.

Ben: So do I.

Ciara: Mm.

>Ben: Ooh, but I have to think about getting a job.

Ciara: You know, I could just pay you to stay here and make love to me all day.

Ben: Like a gigolo?

Ciara: Yeah, okay, you know what? It sounded a lot more romantic in my head before I said it.

[Knock at door] Didn't you put the do not disturb sign on the door?

Ben: Yeah, I did.

[Knock at door] Whoever it is really doesn't care. Dad, what the hell are you doing out of prison?

Clyde: I went over the wall. You got to hide me.

Ben: What?

Nicole: Hi.

Eric: Hey. I wasn't expecting you till later tonight.

Nicole: Well, I got done early, so I caught a shuttle from laguardia.

Eric: Oh, I'm so glad.

Nicole: Mmm.

Eric: Mmm.

Nicole: Um, is--is holly at nursery school?

Eric: No, I told her she could stay home and wait for you. She's still asleep. Have you had breakfast?

Nicole: Mm-mm.

Eric: Well, why don't you sit down? I'll make some eggs, and you can tell me about your trip.

Nicole: Oh, wait, wait. Hold on the eggs for a minute.

Eric: Sure.

Nicole: I wasn't completely honest with you about why I went to new york.

Eric: Okay.

Nicole: Maybe you should sit down. I have a lot to tell you.

Eric: This sounds so serious.

Nicole: It is serious. Listen...

[Knock at door] Oh, for god's sake. Hang on. Daniel?

Daniel: Hey, babe.

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ben: Get in here. How did you know where to find me?

Clyde: I got friends on the outside.

Ciara: Yeah? Well, then ask one of them to hide you.

Clyde: I think that ben owes me.

Ciara: Owes you? Ben? Tell him to get out of here.

Ben: He helped me escape out of statesville.

Clyde: That's right, and i turned you on to orpheus too.

Ben: Which is how rafe got his little boy back.

Ciara: Don't you remember that when you were a kid, he used to beat you like a gong.

Clyde: Hey, you got every right to turn me out. Don't think I don't know that, all right? The only reason I'm here is 'cause I got nowhere else to go. Don't you turn your back on me. I'm begging you.

[Quirky jazzy music]

Leo: Aren't you gonna invite me in?

Sonny: No. Get out of here.

Leo: Ah, you two are such a riot.

Sonny: I think I would have preferred the murdering psychopath.

Will: Yeah.

Leo: Wow. This place brings back so many fond memories. This is where you almost killed me, sonny.

Sonny: It was an accident.

Leo: And this is where we got married.

Sonny: Because you blackmailed me.

Leo: No marriage is perfect. Just ask my mother. And this is where i first spotted that hunky cousin of yours. Where is xandy anyway?

Sonny: Out.

Leo: That's a shame. What about brady? He'll do in a pinch.

Sonny: He doesn't live here anymore.

Leo: Hey, little fella. He was always my favorite. I assume this means aunt maggie is still in residence.

Sonny: You assume wrong.

Leo: Doesn't really matter. It's you two I came to see.

Sheila: I'm sorry for barging in like this.

Lani: Um, di you want to speak with eli alone?

Sheila: No. I need your help too.

Eli: Are you in trouble with the law again?

Sheila: No, it's not like that. Somebody took my baby.

Lani: What? You had a baby?

Sheila: Yes. Yeah, I did, prettiest little girl you ever saw. But I left her with a sitter to go out with a friend, and I come back and pay the sitter, and I go to check on the baby, and she's gone.

Lani: Okay, well, what about the baby's father? Could he have taken her?

Sheila: Well, is my baby here?

Lani: What? Wha--what are you talking about, sheila?

Sheila: Well, you know, right, daddy?

Daniel: Well, aren't you gonna let me in?

Nicole: Who are you? Because you-- you can't be daniel.

Daniel: No, it's me. It's me. I swear. I swear. Hey, eric.

Eric: Listen, I was drunk. I crashed into you. I went to prison because of it.

Daniel: You know, I'm sorry about that.

Nicole: How can this be?

Daniel: Okay, look, it's a long--it is a long story. Have you ever heard of a dr. Rolf and his crazy serum? But, you know, we can talk about all that later. The point is, I am alive, and I'm here. I am here to take my life back. And I hear that we have a daughter. Is that--is that true? Is it?

Nicole: Her name is holly, and she's the sweetest little thing, and she's so much like you.

Daniel: Is she here? Can-can-can I see her?

Eric: Nicole: She's in her room, but she's sleeping.

Daniel: Okay, look, I promise you--I promise you I won't wake her.

Nicole: Yeah, I'll take you.

Daniel: Oh, thank you. You know what? Before you do that, though... there will be parties again soon,

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: What?

Ben: You can stay for now.

Clyde: Thank you, son.

Ciara: Oh my god. This is such a bad idea.

Clyde: I'm really grateful. To show my appreciation, I want to get you in on the ground floor of a great business opportunity right away.

Ciara: Business. Business? You're--you're conducting business deals in solitary?

Clyde: Is she always so negative?

Ciara: Yeah, I am when it comes to you.

Clyde: Hey, you know me. I was putting together a business empire the whole time I was inside. It's really taken off now. You can make a pile of money in no time at all.

Ciara: What kind of business is this?

Clyde: And trust me, it's legit. If you're interested, I can get you started today.

Ben: Doing what?

Clyde: All you got to do is deliver a package.

Lani: You had a baby with sheila?

Eli: This is the first time that I'm hearing about it. I can't believe you didn't tell me.

Sheila: I didn't want you to feel obligated.

Lani: Wait, hold--when did you two even hook up?

Eli: It was a one-night stand.

Lani: A one-night stand, eli?

Eli: Yes. Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?

Sheila: I'm sorry, but it's not important right now. We have to find our baby girl.

Sonny: If you think you can come between will and me again, you're dreaming. Ever since you left town, we've gotten through a lot, the brain tumor...

Will: Homicidal boyfriend...

Sonny: And a prison sentence.

Leo: I heard about poor willie going to the slammer for mowing down mother kiriakis. May she rest in peace. How'd you get out, anyway?

Sonny: It's a long story. I'm sure you have other people to torment.

Leo: Wait, hold on, hold on. You haven't even heard my offer.

Sonny: We're not interested.

Leo: You have every right to be suspicious of me.

Sonny: Ya think?

Leo: But I'm not here to cause any trouble for you. I promise. Just the opposite. Boys, I am here to make all of your dreams come true.

Daniel: She is beautiful. Just like you.

Nicole: Oh.

Daniel: Oh, gosh.

Nicole: Thank you. I--she really is sleeping in this morning.

Eric: Yeah, she was up through the night missing you.

Nicole: Well, wait till she learns that her daddy is alive.

Daniel: Yes.

Nicole: Are--are you sure you don't want me to wake her up?

Daniel: Well, you know, maybe--no, you know, why don't we just let her sleep? We can use this time to catch up, yeah?

Nicole: It's just I still can't believe you're here.

Daniel: Neither can I. I mean, we have been apart for so long. But all I ever thought about was getting back to you, and now that I know that we have a daughter...

Nicole: Daniel.

Daniel: No, wait, no, we--we could finally, finally be a family. Yeah.

Nicole: Look, a lot has happened since you've been gone.

Daniel: Oh, my god, you know, but now we have all the time in the world, and I don't want to wait a single second. You know what? In fact, I want to pick up right where we left off.

Nicole: What does that mean?

Daniel: Nicole walker, will you marry me? These are real people, not actors,

Nicole: Now, wait a minute. Wait. I mean, ten minutes ago, I believed you were dead.

Eric: He was dead.

Daniel: Look, all I can say, for the last five years, all I've thought about was getting back to you.

Nicole: Please stand up. Please.

Daniel: Oh, okay, yeah. I guess--yeah, I guess the proposal was a little sudden there. I just...

Nicole: I mean, daniel, these last five years, a lot has changed in my life.

Daniel: Sure, but did you stop loving me?

Nicole: Losing you was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I had to go on. I didn't have a choice. Eric and I are together now.

Eric: I'm sorry, daniel. Nicole and I are in love.

Daniel: Wow, I--I wondered why you were here. I mean, are you-- are you two married?

Eric: No. Not yet.

Daniel: Okay. Well, um, look, eric, uh, you-- you brought it up yourself. I mean, the reason I lost the last five years of my life, man, was--it was because of you. And I mean, I hate to say, man, you owe me, but you owe me.

Nicole: Wait.

Daniel: No, no, no. Our daughter is sleeping in there. I mean, don't you think we owe her the family that she never had? Right?

Nicole: I need to speak to eric privately.

Daniel: Yeah, you know, sure. Yeah, yeah.

Nicole: Look, eric...

Eric: Are you-- don't you tell me you're thinking you're actually gonna run away with whoever the--whoever he says he is, because my head is gonna explode.

Nicole: I love you so much, but I--I love him too. And--and he's right. I have to do what's best for holly.

Eric: For holly? He has nothing to do with holly. Chloe--she went to a sperm bank and wrote your name, forged them on the forms.

Nicole: But she's still his biological child.

Eric: And he has nothing to do with her. If he wants to be married to a mom of one of his children, tell him to go run off and marry chloe.

Nicole: I'm sorry, eric.

Eric: My god, you-- you're leaving me for this daniel conniving doppelganger? What?

Nicole: I love you so much. And I hope one day you'll understand. Okay, daniel.

Daniel: You-- you'll--you'll marry me? Yes. Let's do it, like, right now. Right now.

Eli: I know it's not a lot to go on, but it's all the information that my friend has.

Lani: Here you go.

Sheila: Thank you.

Lani: You know, it's funny. Eli and I were just talking about trying for another baby. Then you knock on the door, and now he has one... with you.

Sheila: Crazy world, right?

Lani: Yeah.

Sheila: You gonna be okay with this?

Lani: Why wouldn't I?

Sheila: I mean, because babies have a way of bringing people together.

Lani: Yeah, but you and eli were never together. And he's with me now.

Sheila: Hm, and he was with gabi last year, so goes to show you never can tell.

Leo: Let me cut to the chase. I understand that before will got sent to the slammer, the two of you were thinking about having another kid. Thanks to my new line of work, I can make those dreams--baby bliss--come true.

Sonny: [Scoffs]Yeah, you want to be our surrogate?

Leo: No, but I have a baby for you to adopt, the most beautiful, precious angel you have ever seen.

Sonny: And where did this baby come from?

Leo: I think that's a conversation you should have had with mother kiriakis.

Will: No, what he means is, who's baby is it, and why do you have it?

Leo: Oh, I'll get to all that later, but first, I want you to meet this little bundle of joy, who should be here any second... as if by magic. Meet your new daughter.

Clyde: You kids got any ice?

Ciara: No.

Clyde: I do hate warm whiskey. So I guess I'll settle for some wine spodiodi.

Ciara: [Chuckles] I just-- I really can't believe that ben is actually out running an errand for you right now.

Clyde: Well, blood is thicker than water. And ben is being paid handsomely for his work.

Ciara: What kind of delivery is it, anyway? Is it drugs? It's drugs, isn't it? It's--it's drugs.

Clyde: I told you it was legit.

Ciara: [Chuckles] You? Legit? Yeah, right. No, you've definitely gotten ben involved in some kind of a scam.

Clyde: What are you doing?

Ciara: I'm turning you in, clyde.

Clyde: Like hell you are. You give me that phone or you'll regret it.

Ciara: I am not gonna let you ruin ben's life again. Hey!

Clyde: I'm so sick of you and your big mouth.

Ciara: Let go of me, clyde.

Clyde: I've got a really good thing going here, sweetheart, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it. (Christine) things were stolen from my kids I feel like.

Eli: Okay, good work. Thanks, man. Bye.

Sheila: So what did you find out?

Eli: That was a guy I used to work with at the bureau.

Sheila: The fbi?

Eli: Yes, sheila. He said that they're investigating what they believe to be a baby brokering ring.

Sheila: Oh, my god.

Eli: Yeah, and they key players, he said, just might be in salem right now.

Lani: What players?

Eli: Head of the organization is clyde weston.

Lani: He's in statesville.

Eli: Not anymore. He broke out.

Sheila: Well, let's go find that hillbilly bastard and get our baby back.

Eli: Actually, my friend thinks that the baby may be with an associate of clyde weston.

Will: What the hell is going on here? How are you a part of this?

Ben: I was asked to make a delivery. I had no idea the package would be a little baby.

Leo: I had no idea the deliveryman would be such a babe.

Ben: Can I go now?

Leo: If you must.

Ben: Don't let anything happen to her.

Leo: Go ahead, pick her up. Get to know her.

Sonny: Where did you get the baby? And don't give me a bunch of bull.

Leo: It's my new business endeavor, placing children in need in good homes with loving parents for a reasonable fee.

Sonny: That doesn't sound like a legal way to adopt a child.

Leo: I assure you it is all on the up and up. This little girl was taken from a negligent mother. And I knew the two of you would make perfect parents. So what do you think of her?

Daniel: Thank you so much for coming, abe. Thank you.

Abe: Well, I see you, but I still don't believe it. You're alive.

Daniel: And ready to resume the life that got taken away from me. So you will help us out?

Abe: Well, if that's what you and nicole really want, I'd be honored.

Daniel: That's what we both want, yeah.

Abe: Well, I'd have to hear it from her. Where is she?

Daniel: Oh, she's just getting dressed. Hey, honey, abe's here. Oh, my god. You look amazing.

Nicole: Thank you. Hi, abe.

Abe: Look, is this all right with you?

Nicole: Sure.

Daniel: Let's--let's--let's get the show on the road.

Abe: All right. We are gathered here today to join this man...

Daniel: You know what? Since we don't have an audience, can we just, like, skip to the good part?

Abe: As you wish.

Daniel: Yeah.

Abe: Do you, daniel jonas, take this woman, nicole walker, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?

Daniel: I do.

Abe: And do you, nicole walker, take this man, daniel jonas, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?

Eric: You can't marry him.

Nicole: Eric, please don't make this any harder than it already is.

Daniel: Okay, excuse me.

Eric: You don't understand. You can't marry daniel, because he's already married.

Ben: Ciara? Dad? Hey. You okay? You don't look so good.

Ciara: I have something that I need to tell you.

Ben: Hey, I know you don't want me to get mixed up with my father, but he really did; he helped me more than once in prison. I can't turn my back on him now. Where is he?

Ciara: I...I don't really know how to say this.

Ben: Say what? What? Oh, my god. What happened?

Ciara: I killed him.

Nicole: Is he right? Are you married?

Daniel: Come on. Dude, how-- how did you find out?

Eric: I did a search on where you've been the last few years. And lo and behold, I found some wedding photos.

Nicole: You married her?

Abe: Who?

Daniel: She means nothing to me.

Nicole: Okay, now, now wait a minute. If you were free to marry her, then you were never held by rolf or kristen. So... so what took you so long to come back home?

Daniel: I--I just-- I needed to just clear my head. You know, so I went to australia to catch some tasty waves, and--

Nicole: You went surfing?

Daniel: I just needed some inner peace.

Nicole: Oh, inner peace, huh? I'll show you inner peace, you son of a bitch.

Eric: Whoa! Hey! Whoa!

Abe: Whoa! Whoa!

Nicole: Oh!

Sonny: You can't just barge in here with a baby and expect to sell her to us. First of all, it's disgusting. Second of all, will and I, we need to figure out if we still want to adopt.

Will: I want her.

Sonny: What?

Will: Hello. Come on. Look at her. Is she adorable?

Sonny: I-I can see that, okay, but I think we need some time.

Will: Time to what? You're the one who said you wanted another baby.

Sheila: Give her to me.

Will: Huh? What?

Sheila: Give her to me.

Will: Oh.

Eli: This is our baby?

Sheila: Yes.

Eli: You sure?

Sheila: Yes, this is her.

Will: What's going on? Is this for real?

Eli: I just found out that sheila had our baby, this baby. She was kidnapped from her apartment a week ago.

Sonny: I knew you were up to no good.

Sheila: Leo, I can't believe your bitch ass is behind this.

Leo: I didn't know that was your baby.

Sheila: The hell you didn'T. And I thought the two of us were tight. But the only reason you invited me to drag queen bingo is so your partner can kidnap my baby? And I lost 40 bucks at bingo too. Don't ever come near either of us again. Come on, eli, let's go.

Ben: You killed my dad.

Ciara: I was defending myself, ben. He was trying to strangle me. And I saw that bottle of wine, and I just--I hit him. I hit him in the head as hard as I could.

Ben: Why was he doing that?

Ciara: Because I was calling the police. I was gonna turn him in, because I knew that that business of his was illegitimate, and I didn't want him to drag you--I didn't want him to drag you down with him. And I-- I didn't want to kill him. But I did it. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.

Ben: It's okay. I'm the one who's sorry. I was so stupid. I was so stupid that I was crazy enough to let him stay here alone with you. Are you sure you're okay?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Do you want me to take you to the emergency room?

Ciara: No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ben, what are we gonna do?

Ben: We're gonna call the police, and we're gonna tell them the truth, that he attacked you, and you were defending yourself.

Ciara: No, no, no.

Ben: Ciara, it's not gonna be a hard sell.

Ciara: No, ben, because if we do that, then they're gonna know that you said he could stay here, no.

Ben: Then we say that he showed up when I was gone. No, we can't do that either.

Ciara: Why? Why, why, why not?

Ben: People know that errand I ran for him.

Ciara: Oh, god. Okay. Okay, okay, okay, so, uh, okay, okay, so we just--we've got to get rid of the body then. We have to get rid of his body.

Ben: It's not gonna--

Ciara: And we've got to clean--

Ben: Ciara, it's not gonna be that easy.

Ciara: We have to. And we don't have a choice, okay? No one can know that he was here.

[Knock at door]

Lani: Open up, ben. It's lani price. I need to talk to you about your father.

[Tense music]

[Knock at door]

[Knock at door]

Ben: You try to stay calm, and you let me do the talking, okay?

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: What's this about my father?

Lani: He broke out of prison today. Has he contacted you?

Ciara: No, no, he hasn'T.

Ben: That's not true. My father was here today. He actually asked me to hide him, and I refused.

Lani: Then why did you lie?

Ben: She wasn't here. She wasn't here when my old man showed up. All I can tell you is that I had to get rid of him. I don't know where the hell he went, but hopefully far away from here.

Ciara: Why are you looking for him, anyway? I mean, you're not--you're not a cop anymore.

Lani: Eli and I found out that clyde started a black market baby business.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Lani: We found out, because clyde kidnapped eli's baby.

Ciara: Wait, eli has a baby?

Lani: Yeah, it-- it's news to me too, okay? It's been quite the day. Anyways, look, I want to make sure that clyde pays for what he has done, okay? So if you see him, if he contacts you, ben, please let me know right away.

Ben: Yeah, we definitely will. But I don't think I'm gonna be hearing from my father again.

Lani: Thank you.

Sonny: I can't believe you waltzed in here and tried to sell us a baby that you knew was stolen.

Leo: What was I supposed to do? You heard the lady. She abandoned her so she could go play drag queen bingo.

Sonny: Get out of my sight right now.

Leo: Hold on, hold on. I've got binders full of babies. Give you a two-for-one deal on some chinese twins.

Sonny: Do you want to end up on the rug again?

Will: Hey.

Sonny: Get out of here.

Will: Okay, okay. I'll throw him out. Come on. Come on.

Lani: You found her.

Eli: Fbi was right. The head of the operation was none other than leo stark.

Lani: The guy who blackmailed sonny kiriakis?

Eli: Yeah, he was at sonny's house trying to sell our baby to sonny and will.

Sheila: Yeah, that miserable bastard, mm.

Eli: You talk to ben about clyde?

Lani: Yeah, he's already reached out to ben, but ben didn't want anything to do with him.

Sheila: Well, why don't you keep looking for him? 'Cause I mean, I wouldn't mind some alone time with my baby and my baby daddy.

Lani: Sheila, your baby daddy has a girlfriend.

Sheila: [Scoffs]

Eli: Lani, I was talking to sheila, and i think that I should be with her.

Lani: What?

Eli: I don't want to be a deadbeat dad.

Lani: Eli, you don't-- that doesn't mean you have to be with sheila.

Eli: Yeah, but listen, I don't want my daughter to grow up the same way that I did. She deserves to have both her parents under one roof.

Sheila: Lani, please say you're not gonna make this difficult.

Lani: Okay. I will be a grown-up about this after you give a dna test.

Sheila: Excuse me? Are you calling me a liar?

Lani: I mean, eli, come on. Don't you want to know if this baby is really yours? You know sheila.

Eli: Actually, she's right. You know, why don't we-- why don't we go down to the hospital right now?

Sheila: Okay, she's not yours. I mean, seriously.

Eli: What'd you say?

Sheila: I said she's not yours, okay? I lied.

Lani: Sheila, who's baby is that?

Daniel: Honey, what are you doing here?

Sonny: Will? Look, I'm really sorry how that all turned out. But we can always get a baby legally. Will? What the hell?

Eric: Thank god you didn't have to marry that guy.

Nicole: I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, and if you hadn't found out the truth about him, I would've married him.

Eric: Don't worry about it. It's over. You know what? Right before he showed up, you said you had something important to tell me about your trip. It seemed kind of serious.

Nicole: Yes, um, we've been through so much today. It'll keep until tomorrow.

Sheila: Honey, I thought you said were on a spiritual retreat and I couldn't reach you.

Daniel: I was on a retreat, yeah, and I was just--you know, I was on my way home, and I just thought I'd stop in salem and say hi.

Lani: What is going on here? How do you two even know each other?

Sheila: This is my husband, dr. Daniel jonas.

Eli: Do you know anything about this guy?

Lani: Yeah, he's maggie kiriakis' son.

Eli: I thought maggie's son was dead.

Lani: Okay, daniel, does this mean that you are the father?

Daniel: No, no, no, she--no, she was pregnant when we met. In fact, she told me that the baby's father lives here in salem. Your words.

Eli: Sheila, you said that the baby wasn't mine.

Sheila: She's not.

Eli: Okay, well, if the baby's not mine and the baby's not daniel's, then who's the father?

Lani: Oh, no, please, no.

Abe: Sheila. Hey, what a surprise. You know, I haven't seen you since your last night in salem.

Sheila: Yeah. Well, we made a lot of memories that night, um, and this beautiful baby girl.

Abe: What?

Sheila: [Chuckles] Oh, yeah. Come say hello to your new daughter, baby sheila.

Ciara: You know, for a second there, I thought you were gonna rat on me.

Ben: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scared you. I just thought it would be better to admit that clyde was here in case he got stopped or he got caught by one of the security cameras.

Ciara: Yeah. No, that's good. That's good thinking. So what are we supposed to do now, ben?

Ben: We do what you said. We get rid of the body.

Ciara: You see, I'm having second thoughts about that. Because bodies, they--well, they tend to just, you know, kind of turn up, and this might be able to be traced back to us.

Ben: Well, I guess we have to go on the run.

Ciara: But, ben, I don't want you to give up everything that you have for me.

Ben: I have nothing without you. Don't you know that by now?

Sonny: How could you do this to me?

Eli: I'm--sonny, I'm so sorry. I just--I--I couldn't help it. I mean, he's such a good salesman. First he talked me into buying a baby, and then he kind of talked me out of my clothes.

Sonny: No, stop, stop, stop, stop. I can't hear this, okay? I've got to get out of here.

Leo: Wait! Can I just say one last thing before you go?

Sonny: What?

Leo: April fools'.


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