Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 3/31/20
Episode #13737 ~ Abigail tries to break Stefano's spell over a brainwashed Chad; Kayla and Justin discuss the fate of their relationship; Anna creates complete chaos at Stefano's hideout; Ben and Ciara discuss their future.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: Yeah. All right, I love you. Bye.
Ben: How's your mom?
Ciara: She's, uh, good, she's good, I guess. She's starting to remember more of what happened when she thought she was princess gina.
Ben: Maybe it would be better if she couldn'T.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, she did say that it was pretty painful, but, you know, there is bright side. She told me that she remembered that stefano told her that he was building a house on the outskirts of town.
Ben: Wait, he's--he built a house?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: Keeps getting weirder.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, it does. But, uh, mom told john, and he thinks that's where they're holding marlena, so he and brady are out looking for her right now.
Ben: God only knows what they're gonna find.
Marlena: Okay, there. Ohh.
John: Oh, god.
Marlena: I almost killed you.
John: No, no, no, no, no, baby. That wasn't you, baby. That wasn't you. It's all over now, and I've got you in my arms. I'll never let you go again. Oh, baby, you're home, baby. You're home. Ohh.
Marlena: Ohh.
John: [Chuckles]
Marlena: Ohh.
Brady: Damn it. Chad--chad's locked us in here.
Kristen: I can't believe it. Can't believe my father turned him into his manchurian candidate.
Chad: What are you doing here?
Abigail: I just came from the tunnels. Kate and gabi are locked in there, and they said that you put them there. Is that true?
Chad: Well, they're lying. You can't believe a word that they say.
Abigail: No, chad, I can't believe a word that you say now that your father's done whatever the hell he's done to you. Chad, look at me. Look at me. I am going to make you remember who the hell you are.
[Tense music]
Tony: I just heard what you said to chad. You may be ruthless, but you wouldn't shoot your own son, not if you're really stefano.
Steve: I'm sorry, anthony. You give me no choice.
Anna: Don't you hurt him.
[Dramatic music]
Steve: Augh! Augh!
Tony: Oh, my god.
Steve: Ahh! Ohh!
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Justin: Hey, kayla.
Kayla: Hi. Hi.
Justin: Hi. Ohh, so good to see you.
Kayla: Yeah.
Justin: You look exhausted.
Kayla: Well, I just got finished getting hope settled back in her room.
Justin: She ran away?
Kayla: Yeah, I tried to stop her, but she refused to stay. She just was so determined to help john find marlena. But at least she remembered, and she told him where stefano's house is.
Justin: That's great.
Kayla: Yeah, it is. I'm just waiting to hear back from them now.
Marlena: I'm so sorry. I could have killed you with that figurine.
John: No, it's fine, doc. Listen, we've got to get the hell out of here. We don't know when stefano's coming back, and god only knows what's happened to brady.
Kristen: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Darling, you're bleeding again. Come on.
Brady: Kristen, we're just got to find him. I've got to get to my dad. I don't know what that psycho is gonna do with him.
Kristen: Yeah, you know what? You need to sit down. You need to sit down. Come on. Come here. Come here.
Steve: Augh!
Chad: My father.
Abigail: Chad, chad look at me. Listen to me. Chad. Chad.
Chad: No, my father needs me.
Abigail: No, no, no, listen. Listen to me.
Tony: Oh, my god. What have you done?
Anna: Well, I was--I was trying to knock him out so he wouldn't shoot you. And you, you were just about to kill your own son, you horrible man.
Tony: What are you trying to knock him out with your shoe?
Anna: Well, it worked on the guard, didn't it? And besides, he's the one who turned around. I didn't aim for his eye. My god, steve johnson seems cursed with that eye.
Steve: Ahh!
Anna: [Gasps]
Steve: I'm not steve johnson. I'm stefano dimera. You will pay for what you've done.
Anna: Ahh! Oh! Oh!
Steve: Ahh!
Ben: When they were putting that stuff in my arm to kill me, I kept looking at looking at doctor--
Ciara: Ben, I--I really don't want to talk about that.
Ben: What I was gonna say was, before you got there, I kept looking at dr. Evans, and I thought to myself, man, after everything I had done to her and her grandson, she was still here. She was trying to make things easier on me. She's trying to help me. No.
[Sighs] God, please do not let anything happen to her.
Kristen: Hey, help us. Let us out.
John: Kristen? Is brady with you?
Brady: Dad, yes, let us out.
Kristen: Chad locked us in.
Brady: Dad, are you okay? Did you find marlena?
Marlena: Yes, I'm here. I'm fine.
John: Stand back from the door.
Kayla: Thank you. So john got a copy of the divorce decree, but he knew it was invalid, because he never agreed to divorce marlena. And apparently stefano--steve-- is planning on marrying her.
Justin: Look up "obsessed," and there's his picture. I guess it would be a picture of steve now.
Kayla: John got those papers after stefano had already taken marlena. He already had her.
Justin: Maybe you shouldn't think about this.
Kayla: You know, it wasn't enough for him just to possess her. He wants her to submit to him. And he's using steve's body to do it.
Anna: Ohh.
Tony: You ever touch my wife again, I'll take out your other eye.
Anna: Do you want my shoe, tony?
Steve: Argh!
Anna: [Gasps]
Steve: [Groaning]
Chad: What is going on?
Steve: Oh, she-- she destroyed my eye.
Chad: What are you doing here?
Anna: Well, he was trying to shoot tony. I was trying to stop him from killing his own son. And abigail is here too, you know. She knows what he did to you.
Steve: Shut up.
Chad: You shouldn't have done that.
Anna: He was going to kill his own son. I had to stop him.
Chad: Well, now tony can live. But you are gonna die.
Anna: Ohh.
Ciara: Are you still thinking about marlena?
Ben: It's kind of hard not to. I'm sorry.
Ciara: What for?
Ben: 'Cause here I am with the love of my life, and I'm distracted.
Ciara: You're allowed, especially when it's because you have such a good heart, ben weston. And you know what? I've been thinking about marlena this entire time too, so, uh, that makes us even, right?
Ben: I love you.
Ciara: I love you too. Mm, what is this?
Ben: What? Oh.
Ciara: Ben, you left cookie crumbs all over the bedsheets.
Ben: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Um, do you want a cookie?
Ciara: Oh, you know I do want dessert. Just, uh, not that kind.
Kayla: This is all just so surreal. I...and marlena being forced into this against her will.
Justin: Kayla, kayla, steve is not doing this to marlena. Stefano is, and I know it's hard for you to imagine the father of your children behaving like this, but it's not steve, okay?
Kayla: I know that. God, I wish john would call.
Justin: He will. He will soon. Be okay.
Kayla: I'm--I'm really so sorry.
Justin: Why?
Kayla: Because I'm--I am so worried, and it's not just about marlena. I am worried about steve too, and I just--I don't want you to think that I feel differently or...
Justin: That you still care for the man you married, the father of your children? If it makes you feel any better, not that it's a great analogy, I still feel the loss of adrienne very deeply sometimes.
Kayla: Of course you do.
Justin: I thought my life was over when I lost her. But you brought me back to life. And I will always be grateful for that no matter what happens.
Tony: Father... father, tell chad to put down his gun, please.
Abigail: Chad, chad, put the gun down.
Chad: You shouldn't be here, abigail. This is a family matter.
Steve: That's right. La famiglia.
Abigail: No, your famiglia is right here, chad. I am your family. Thomas and charlotte, we are your family, and we are not losing you. We love you. Can you hear me? Chad?
John: Dude, you said you were fine. What happened?
Brady: No, no, dad, dad, I'm all right. It's all-- it's not that bad. It's not that bad. Are--are you all right, marlena?
Marlena: Yes, john saved me yet again.
John: What are you doing here?
Kristen: Well, chad called. He summoned the family for...
Marlena: For a wedding, right?
Kristen: Yeah. John, chad is not chad. He tried to shoot me, and brady took the bullet.
John: Well, that's bad luck.
Marlena: Uh... we're all on the same side here.
Kristen: Are you sure? Are you sure she's not leading you to stefano?
John: I'm sure. So where is stefano? I have some unfinished business.
Kristen: He's downstairs, i think, still with tony.
John: Good, because he thinks marlena has killed me, and he's in for one hell of a surprise.
Steve: Don't listen to her, son.
Abigail: Chad...
Steve: You know what to do.
Abigail: Chad... I know how much you love your father. I know, and it's because how much I love you that I am telling you to do the right thing by him. Your father is in agony right now, and he needs a doctor, and no one in this room is gonna lift a finger to help him. But you can help him. Focus on him and deal with anna later.
Steve: [Groans]
Chad: You're right. Let me help you, father.
Abigail: Here, uh, put--put pressure on his eye.
Steve: [Groans]
[Suspenseful music]
Chad... you take care of him, and I will take care of everything else.
Ben: I still can't believe that we are actually together.
Ciara: Mm.
Ben: Alone and happy.
Ciara: Really, really, really happy.
Ben: Yeah. You are so beautiful.
Ciara: Hmm, you're not so bad yourself.
Ben: You know, I love being here with you like this more than anything, but even if-- even if we had all the money in the world and we could stay like this forever, this is not all i want. It's not how I want to spend the rest of my life.
Ciara: Well, then how do you want to spend the rest of your life?
Ben: I want to work. I want to take care of you. I want to be the kind of guy that can take care of himself and the ones that he loves. I want us to build a life together with the ups and the downs. I want--I want a real life with you.
Ciara: Mm. My parents were bigger than life. They had adventures and romance and beautiful, beautiful weddings, tons of them, in fact. They had a lot.
Ben: Tons.
Ciara: Yeah. You know, sometimes when I miss my dad, I like to think about the little stuff. Like there was this one time where they were at the kitchen table, and they were arguing about whether to lease or to buy a car, and they were just--just listening to each other, and they were laughing. I would really like to talk about stuff like that with you someday.
Ben: Tomorrow's back to the real world.
Ciara: Mm. As long as I'm with you, ben weston, even the real world sounds just amazing.
Ben: Sounds pretty amazing to me too.
Ciara: Mm.
Ben: Perfect, in fact.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: Perfect.
Ciara: Mm.
Kayla: I am also so grateful for you love and support. You have no idea how much it has meant to me to have you in my life this year. In fact, I don't think that i could have even gotten through it without you. What? Where did you go? What?
Justin: Kayla, I know we're good together and that we love each other, but I also know you are very scared that something bad is gonna happen to steve. And I think we need to talk about what if it all works out for the best?
Kayla: I'm not--I'm not following you.
Justin: Here, sit down. I've been thinking about this since I saw hope the other day. Look, rolf removed the microchip, and now hope is hope again, and thank god for that. But what if steve is steve again?
Kayla: Well, I--well, first of all, we had to drive a hard bargain to get rolf to even perform the operation. I--I really don't think that he would go along with operating on steve. I mean, he knows that if he does that operation, it will erase stefano dimera from the planet.
Justin: Well, maybe he won't do it willingly, but we can't ever stop trying to bring steve back.
Kayla: We?
Justin: He's adrienne's brother. He's stephanie and joey's father. He's a human being, for god sake. We can't give up on him. We have to do whatever it takes to bring him back. But I have to be honest. I am scared as hell that if we do I'll lose you.
[Gentle music]
Abigail: No one else is getting hurt here. I'm not losing you, chad.
Kristen: Father? What happened to you?
Chad: That bitch took our father's eye.
John: You all right here?
Steve: You...why aren't you dead? My wife was supposed to kill you.
John: Well, my wife couldn't go through with it. But look what happened to you. All I've got to say about that is, you brought it all on yourself.
Steve: This is not over yet.
John: Oh, it's over all right, because at the end of the day--and, pal, this is the end of the day--you're not stefano. You're just another pathetic loser.
Marlena: Brady, thank goodness you're all right.
Brady: Right.
Marlena: Uh, I think I should get downstairs.
Brady: No, dad doesn't want you anywhere near stefano.
Marlena: I don't want john anywhere near him either. In my experience, stefano is never more dangerous than when he thinks he has nothing to lose.
[Suspenseful music]
John: Let me take care of this for you.
Abigail: I'm glad you could make it.
John: Well, you have had quite a run, haven't you? Taking over innocent people's lives, playing dress-up with princess gina. Hell, you even had time to build a house and plan a wedding. Let me ask you something. Do you have your robot son here--your zombie son as part of your best man, huh?
Chad: Shut your mouth.
John: Get back. This is my time to gloat. This is my time to call out your lousy father for the sack of crap that he is. So hey, your plans, all the misery you've caused people once again have what? It's come to nothing. Even the damn microchip you put in my wife's brain couldn't make her your queen of the night. You know why?
Kristen: No, dad, dad...
John: I'll tell you why. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. Because she's out of your league, always has been, always will be!
Tony: But what about marlena? She's a doctor. Maybe she can help him.
John: He's not going anywhere near that son of bitch. You lousy son of a bitch. Get out. Move it. Move it. Move it. Move back. Get out of the way. Cops are gonna be here soon enough. They can deal with 'em.
Tony: Okay, come on, father. Let's take you to the hospital.
Steve: Augh!
John: Get over there. Get over there. Yeah, it's over, now and forever.
Steve: [Chuckling]
I didn't have to shout out for help.
Ben: Ohh, so I guess the first thing I have to do is find a place to live, find a job to pay for that place to live.
Ciara: You know, I could ask my grandpa. You could work at titan.
Ben: Ciara, what happens when victor kiriakis does a favor for someone?
Ciara: He takes over their life.
Ben: Exactly. I just got out of prison, baby. I'm not trying to get into another one.
Ciara: Yeah, baby, point taken.
Ben: I wonder how much a room at the y would be.
Ciara: [Laughs] Okay, no, no, no, I love you, man, but I am not staying at the Y.
Ben: Wh...we're doing this together?
Ciara: Well, yeah, of course we are. I'm going job hunting too. Because there is no way that i am working for xander again. Uh-uh, that guy was a big jerk even before I accused him and grandpa of framing you. No. No, no, no. I don't want to go back in any way, ben. I just want to move forward.
Ben: Together? Yes?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: Ohh.
Marlena: Okay, my darling, that should hold until we get you to the hospital.
Brady: Thank you. How you doing? You okay?
Marlena: Yeah, I'm just great... considering the fact that I just married a man that I loathe, then fell into bed with him.
Brady: No, you didn'T. My chip in your head did that.
Marlena: When they take it out, I hope they take out the visual of that. And then I just want about a ten-hour shower.
Brady: [Laughs] Ten-hour. Well, think about this. After the ten-hour shower, you will be home with my dad.
Marlena: Mm, he found me again.
Brady: Yeah, he always does, doesn't he?
Marlena: Yeah, he always does. Thank you for coming with him. Looks like you literally took a bullet for him.
Brady: Yeah. Well, hey, you know, considering the way I treated you in high school, I figured I owed you one anyway.
Marlena: Oh, I think the way that you treated your stepmother was completed age-appropriate.
Brady: No, you've never treated me like anything other than a son. You're my mom, and I love you.
Marlena: Mm, I love you too. Easy, easy, easy, easy, yeah. Mmm.
John: He's all yours, abigail.
Kristen: Lucky you.
Abigail: Spare me, kristen.
Kristen: Well, this has been one hell of a night, fairy-tale wedding meeting "invasion of the body snatchers."
Abigail: I'm sorry. Do you think this is funny?
Kristen: No, I don't think this is funny. This is very sad. Because I've spent my life not just loving my father but trying to be like him, to be his favorite, dimera heir apparent. And tonight I have come face-to-face with the undeniable fact that the man I devoted my whole life to is-- as john so eloquently put-- a pathetic loser.
Chad: You are a traitorous bitch.
John: Shut up.
Kristen: Abigail, good luck getting chad back.
Abigail: She's right about everything, chad.
Chad: My father is not pathetic.
Abigail: No, it's worse than that; it's sick.
Chad: Do not talk about my father that way.
Abigail: Chad, he is not your father. It's my uncle steve, and I am getting both of you back. You're both coming back to me. And I'll do whatever it takes to get you to see that your children, thomas and charlotte, and me, we are all the famiglia that you will ever need.
Brady: Hey, I want to tell you something. One night when dad didn't know where you were, he came pounding on kristen's door, of course, and came in, started accusing kristen of, you know, knowing where you were and that she was covering for stefano and--
Marlena: No, no, no, that wasn't true.
Brady: Well, dad knows that now, but at the time, it was interesting to me, because kristen didn't react the way i expected. I wanted to throw dad out of there, and she was the one that said, "no, he has a right to be angry. He has a right to distrust me. He has a right to not believe what I'm saying."
Marlena: I see.
Brady: I mean, she even said that if she knew where stefano was that she would turn him in just to get you home.
Marlena: Mm, she did, huh?
Brady: Yeah. She also said to him that you and she despite all the history that you've had that you were willing to let it go or make amends and-- for my sake anyway.
Marlena: And for mine.
Brady: And I--I thank you for that. I just truly believe that she has seen how crazy her father was and how crazy her family was and in turn how crazy she was. And I know I push this subject on you a lot, and I'm sorry about that, but I'm really-- I'm really hoping that you and my father can someday see kristen as the woman that I know she is now.
Marlena: How about one day at a time, shall we?
Brady: Yeah, okay. When--when--when the hell can we get out of here?
Marlena: [Laughs]
John: Any time now. Abigail is downstairs with chad. Police are on their way.
Brady: Okay, what about steve--stefano?
John: Tony and anna took him to the hospital. He's been hurt pretty badly.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh. What happened? Will he be all right? For most patients that have
Ben: So my résumé...
Ciara: Uh-huh.
Ben: Think I should put my months in prison on it or...
Ciara: [Laughs] You know, maybe if we spin it. "Ben weston works well under close scrutiny."
Ben: Ohh. "Can function in a cubicle."
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: Maybe I could put my parole officer as a reference. Who knows? I...
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: Oh, my god, this is not gonna be easy.
Ciara: Yeah, well, we will definitely figure something out, ben.
Ben: Mm.
Ciara: And, you know, I am so on board with the whole living in the real world thing. I can't wait, like, truly, but can we not spend our last night in this beautiful, beautiful motel room looking at depressing help wanted ads.
Ben: Do you want to do something else?
Ciara: Uh, yeah.
Ben: Oh, you got something in mind?
Ciara: Actually, I do.
[Romantic music]
Kayla: I think that, uh, I need to be honest with you.
Justin: I think so too.
Kayla: You're right. This has been horrible for me. Seeing steve be stefano, I mean, it is very confusing.
Justin: Yeah.
Kayla: And I know in my head what's going on, but it still really trips me up. But I still--I still want steve to be himself.
Justin: Of course you do. Of course you do.
Kayla: I mean, I don't even know if it's a possibility. But I want you to know that no matter what happens down the line, I meant what I said. You have been there for me 100%, and I am so grateful for that. And I really do love you. I love you, justin.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh. I'm worried about the man after all he's done to me. Why is that?
Brady: It's because you still have the thing in your head.
John: Yeah, you broke away from him, doc. It's just that you're not completely free of him yet.
Marlena: I hate him, and yet I still feel the draw.
John: Hey, hey, we're gonna take care of that. Don't worry. We're gonna-- we're gonna take care of everything.
Abigail: Chad, it's okay. It's okay that you won't look at me, because I know why. I know that your father programmed you not to look at me, but he did that because he knows how much you love me. And he knows that our love is stronger than his hate. Chad, everything that we have been through we have never, ever been defeated. And we've never been defeated because we never give up on each other. You never gave up on me, and i will never, ever give up on you. Chad, look at me. It's okay. It's me. Love you.
[Tense music]
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Chad: Abigail.
Abigail: Yeah. Yeah, it's me.
Chad: What's going on? Why am I tied? Why am I tied up? What did I do?
Ciara: [Sighs]
Ben: [Sighs] Ciara, maybe I'm--
Ciara: Maybe what, ben?
Ben: I'm being selfish. If--if we are gonna try to make it on our own, it might be grim for a little while. With my record, for more than a while, for forever.
Ciara: Okay, and you, like, like, shut up, okay?
Ben: Wow.
Ciara: 'Cause--'cause I am, like, I react really badly to negative energy, and you're totally giving me a lot right now, so I'm just gonna need you to just stop it.
Ben: Oh, my god.
Ciara: Okay, ben, look, our life may not look perfect from the outside, and maybe other people wouldn't want to live it, but...
[Sighs] Being together and being us, that's all I've ever wanted. And now I have it.
John: All right, we're gonna get you down to the hospital, and we're gonna get dr. Rolf to extract that microchip.
Kristen: You think he will?
John: Pretty soon, this is all gonna be a distant memory, doc.
Kristen: What about chad? I mean, how are we gonna get him back?
Chad: You know, you really should be waiting until the police get here to untie me. That would be the smart thing to do.
Abigail: I believe in you.
Chad: I believe in us. I'm back. Ohh, I didn't grow up a dimera. I, um, I grew up, and I always wanted a family, brothers and sisters, and I finally--i finally get it, and I think that I have everything that I could ever want. But there's you, thomas, and charlotte. That is all that I need.
[Gentle piano music]
Abigail: Oh, yes.
Chad: You're everything to me.
Kayla: Oh, my god. Steve.
Justin: What the hell happened?
Kayla: What happened?
Anna: He ran into the wrong end of my stiletto.
[Dramatic music]
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