Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 3/30/20
Episode #13736 ~ Brady is shot; Stefano urges Marlena to end John's life; Anna and Abigail attempt to rescue their loved ones; Abe helps Nicole track down Dr. Raynor.
Provided By Suzanne
[Baby cooing]
[Dramatic music]
[Baby cooing]
Eric: Hey.
Sarah: Hey. Look at her. Oh, my god. It's like none of that ever happened.
Eric: Cancer-free. Have to be the most beautiful words in the english language.
Sarah: Uh-huh.
[Both laughing]
Sarah: I, uh--I figured you would have told me if there was any news on your mom.
Eric: You're right.
Sarah: I'm sorry, eric. But I know that john is gonna find her.
Eric: Yeah.
Sarah: And when he does, you can tell her the good news about her granddaughter.
Eric: Yeah, well, the worst part is over. Mackenzie's home where she belongs and nothing is ever gonna take her away from us.
Xander: Well, what do you know? For once, mate, you and I agree on something.
[Tense music]
Nicole: Hi.
Abe: Bad time?
Nicole: Ah, um, eric's not here. Uh, he and sarah took mackenzie home today.
Abe: Oh, that's great.
Nicole: Yes, it is. Ah, oh. Come in.
Abe: Okay. Thank you. So is holly still up?
Nicole: I just checked on her. She is sound asleep.
Able: Ah. I see you're still reading the dna results.
Nicole: Yeah.
Abe: They're not going to change. They're not going to say that mackenzie's birth parents are brady and kristen.
Nicole: But what if I can't believe it? Xander is in this up to his eyeballs. He's so in love with sarah, he would do anything to keep her from knowing that her baby died.
And if he'd forced dr. Raynor to switch those babies, he could force a lab technician to phony up these results.
Abe: You know, the only way you're gonna prove your theory is if dr. Raynor admits what she did.
Nicole: But I have no idea where she is.
Abe: Well, that's the reason I came by. I do.
Abigail: Are you sure this is the right place?
Anna: Well, it should be. Tony's phone is pinging like crazy right now. Okay, should we go in?
Abigail: Anna, wait, wait, wait, wait. I just--I think we really need to be careful.
Anna: Why? Why? I am not afraid of steve johnson or stefano dimera.
Abigail: I know, but we can't just play this by ear. All right, we have to--we have to think about this. We have to have a plan.
Guard: I have a plan. You two broads aren't going anywhere near that house.
[Anna scoffs]
Tony: Oh, champagne.
Chad: Answer my question. What were you talking about?
Kristen: Oh, if you must know, chad, we were talking about how--I was telling tony how catching marlena's bouquet, you know, wasn't the kind of luck I want.
Chad: Our father has come back to us. He plans to restore our family to its--
Tony: What, former glory? My god, chad, what's it gonna take to get through to you? Stefano is dangerous and unpredictable. He's got nothing to lose, but you do.
Kristen: You know, I'm gonna try something.
[Smacks] The phoenix has you under a spell, chad. You know, come on! Snap out of it! Be the man I thought you were!
Chad: That was a big mistake.
[Kristen laughs] I don't know about that. It kinda felt pretty good to me.
Chad: You are the one that is dangerous and unpredictable. The phoenix can't take that risk. Consider this an early wedding gift.
Kristen: Ch--
Brady: Chad!
[Kristen choking]
Brady: Chad, put the gun down. What are you, out of your mind?
Tony: In a word, yes. Father in the person of steve johnson reprogrammed him.
Kristen: Chad lied to us to get us here. He's just a puppet now.
Chad: Shut up.
Brady: You know, I've known stefano for a long time. He does not like it when his kids shoot his other kids.
[Kristen grunts]
Chad: Put that gun down or i will kill her.
[Marlena moans]
Steve as stefano: Let me make love to you, my queen.
John: Get your paws off my wife.
Steve as stefano: Ex-wife. She's married to me now.
John: Get off of her, you lousy son of a bitch!
[Both grunting]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Anna: Listen, we are members of the dimera family and you are gonna be in big trouble if you manhandle us.
Guard: Uh-oh, I'm so scared.
Anna: Well, you should be. I am antony dimera's wife and this is mrs. Chad dimera.
Guard: I'm the prince of wales, myself, and the duke of windsor just informed me that two intruders of female persuasion just gave him the slip.
Anna: Intruders?
[Scoffs] Well, your friend must be misinformed. So why don't you just go find the real perpetrators and let us go?
Guard: How come she's not saying much?
Anna: She has a head injury, and she needs some medical attention.
Guard: Oh, too bad. You two are staying right here.
[Tense music]
Chad: Brady, put the gun down or I will kill her.
Kristen: He'll do it, brady.
Brady: Take it easy. Don't hurt her.
[Kristen grunts]
Tony: We were witnesses to father's wedding.
Brady: You couldn't stop it?
Chad: Of course I couldn'T. It was destined.
Brady: Oh, man, you really are out of it, aren't you?
Chad: I'm seeing clearly for the first time.
Tony: Chad, i haven't finished. You would see father come down for his wedding supper to find all his guests or most of them slaughtered? He brought us together so that we'd become a family again. Now, he may have anointed you favorite son, but the minute you pull that trigger, you're going to lose that status. Don't do it.
[Both grunting]
[Blow lands]
[Marlena screams]
[Both grunting]
John: No, you don't!
[Marlena screams]
[Stefano grunts]
John: That's enough.
[Blow lands]
[Stefano laughing] Well done, my queen.
[Stefano laughs]
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
[Dramatic music]
Xander: So.
Eric: So?
Xander: So, I made myself scarce while you two brought mackenzie back from the hospital and got her settled in, but you've done that now and you have sarah. Mackenzie is out for the night. I'm sure nicole's waiting for you at home, right?
Eric: You telling me to leave?
Xander: That's exactly what I'm doing.
Nicole: You know where dr. Raynor is?
Abe: Well, I still have contacts from my time as police commissioner and they tracked her to a new address in new york city. In fact, it's all right here.
Nicole: Oh. Abe, thank you so much.
Abe: Now, you have to treat her carefully this time.
Nicole: You know, xander was breathing down her neck when i confronted her before and she denied it probably because she was scared to death.
Abe: She has an unblemished record as a doctor.
Nicole: Xander must have had something on her. I don't think she wanted to switch those babies.
Abe: If that happened.
Nicole: You know, she's far away from xander now and he doesn't know where she is.
Abe: Now, look. That is another big if.
Nicole: But maybe I can get her to tell me the truth, because if there's a chance that brady's baby is still alive, no matter how much I hate kristen, they both deserve to know.
Chad: I am the only one in this family that supports our father's plan. When he finds out that you told him where we were--
Brady: Chad, she didn't tell me anything.
Chad: Then how did you find out where we were? Who else knows?
[John grunts]
[Dramatic music]
John: Doc.
Steve as stefano: "Doc." She doesn't answer to that asinine nickname anymore and she won't allow you to attack me. She did this of her own free will.
John: So rolf fixed her up, too, huh? Same number he did on you and hope.
Steve as stefano: I assure you marlena is still very much her own being. Isn't that so, my queen?
Marlena: You're my past. He's my future.
Steve as stefano: Mm.
Marlena: Nothing's ever going to change that.
I'm leah and that's
me long before
Sarah: Was that really necessary?
Xander: Eric asked me a question. I gave him an honest answer. I would like him to leave, and I'm sure you'd like to get back to nicole, right? Hey, when are you two gonna tie the knot, anyway? What are you waiting for, man?
Eric: I'm not discussing nicole with you.
[Dramatic music]
All right.
Sarah: Nicely done.
[Distant door closes]
[Abe sighs] Nicole... you know that you'll be walking into a very dangerous situation. If xander finds out that you've located dr. Raynor--
Nicole: Ah, but xander has to keep sarah horton thinking that he's mr. Law and order now so i can handle him.
Abe: Still, would you like me to go with you?
Nicole: No. No, you're--you're needed here and you've already done so much for me already. Look, I am so grateful for this.
Abe: Well, there's something I want you to think about before you leave for new york. Now, suppose dr. Raynor says that your suspicions were correct. That brady and kristen's baby didn't die. Now, how do you break it to eric that the baby he loves is really his brother's child?
Brady: Chad, I didn't come here alone. Your father's hideout, it's not a secret anymore. Stefano's grand plans or steve johnson's plans or whatever the hell you wanna call him, they're about to blow up in his face, all right?
Chad: All the more reason for me to take matters into my own hands. You wanted this to happen. You are a traitor to this family.
Tony: No, no, no, now chad, now, that was me. I did it. That wasn't her.
Chad: Fine. Then I will kill all of you. Starting with you.
Brady: No, no, no!
Steve as stefano: Something's gone wrong.
John: Brady.
Steve as stefano: I need to get downstairs and see what happened, but not before I take care of you.
Marlena: You should go.
Steve as stefano: Not while he's still breathing.
Marlena: He won't be for long.
John: What has he done to you?
Steve as stefano: You sure, my love?
Marlena: As you said, he's my past. You're my future.
Steve as stefano: That's right. I won't be gone long.
[Tense music]
[Brady groaning]
Kristen: You shot him in cold blood! Brady.
[Brady breathing heavily] Xander: What are you looking at?
Sarah: Mackenzie's baby book. You know, I wrote everything down so carefully. You know, what she ate, how much she slept, her first little smile, and, uh, we found out she was sick and, uh, nothing.
Xander: Well, you'll start again tonight. Here you go.
Sarah: Thanks.
Xander: At least you're talking to me now.
Sarah: You do know that you acted like a complete jackass with eric tonight?
Xander: Yeah, well, sorry about that. I just didn't want him hanging around ruining our night.
Sarah: The only one that ruined anything was you. Why are you pushing eric to propose to nicole?
Xander: Yeah, that probably was a little much.
Sarah: No, it's none of our business.
Xander: I just... I don't know.
Sarah: Doesn't matter when they get married.
[Dramatic music]
Nicole is the only woman for eric, just like you--my sweet dopey--are the only man for me.
Xander: Still?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Still. Now, stop being a jackass.
[Xander chuckles]
Nicole: Oh. I've thought about telling eric a million times that mackenzie isn't his daughter. I know what it's gonna do to him and maybe to us, and then i thought about just dropping it altogether because brady and kristen are starting to heal and eric and I are getting so close again.
Ace: But you're not going to drop it, are you?
Nicole: I can'T. I can't, abe, because I keep remembering how I felt when chloe had custody of holly, and she was raising my child. Mine.
Abe: I figured that was it.
Nicole: And I just don't think I'll have any peace of mind until I know the truth, and I'm hoping what's on this paper is the truth because I don't want to tell eric about any of this.
Eric: Tell me about what?
[Dramatic music]
Anna: You don't wanna see our id or something?
Guard: I don't need them. I got a list of everyone who's allowed inside tonight and they all got here before you did.
Abigail: All right, okay, so you know what? I'm sure that--that our husbands are somewhere on that list and i can also just prove to you--
Guard: Oh, no you don'T.
Abigail: Excuse me! Hey, give--give me my purse back. Give that back to me. What do you think you're doing? Give me my purse. Thank you. If you won't let us go inside and we can't leave, what can we do?
Hmm, hmm?
Guard: Okay. I'll radio mr. Dimera and see if he'll give permission for you two to go in.
Abigail: All right.
Guard: But even if he gives you the green light, you're still gonna be too late.
Anna: For what?
Guard: The wedding. It already happened.
John: Oh, doc, please. You don't have to do this. Come on, baby.
Marlena: I don't have a choice.
John: Yes, you do.
Marlena: I have to purge you from my body and soul for all time.
[Baby crying]
[Sarah gasps]
Xander: Is she all right?
[Sarah exhales] I think it was just a dream.
[Xander exhales]
[Sarah exhales] There's no way I'm gonna put her in her own room tonight. I want her to stay with us.
Xander: Oh, so do I.
Sarah: Okay. I wonder how long it'll be before we stop jumping every time she makes a sound.
Xander: 15, 20 years.
Sarah: Probably.
[Baby cooing]
[Sarah exhales] I don't think we're gonna get much sleep tonight.
Xander: I'm sure we'll survive.
[Sarah giggles] Maybe we could pass the time by planning our wedding.
Xander: Oh, yeah?
Sarah: Yeah, why not?
Xander: Oh, I just thought you didn't wanna plan anything until we knew if your mom could be there.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, she refused the, um--the plea deal so it's gonna be years before she's released and I just think I have to go on and live my life even if it hurts to do it without my mom. I owe it to mickey. Honestly, I--I think I owe it to myself because my happiness has been upended so many times that, like, now I just, like--i don't wanna wait. I just wanna seize the moment before anything can ruin it.
Xander: Nothing's gonna ruin that. We're finally home free.
[Dramatic music]
Nicole: Uh, I--I'm so sorry, abe. Uh, I shouldn't have promised not to tell eric because we don't keep secrets from each other.
Abe: Oh, okay.
Eric: What are you talking about?
Nicole: Oh, um, brandon. Abe came over here because he's going through a rough time right now and he doesn't want people to find out, and--and I know that you won't say anything to anyone.
Eric: Of course I won'T. I'm--I'm sorry, abe.
Abe: Well, thank you. Thank you.
Nicole: So mackenzie's home from the hospital? How--how's she doing?
Eric: She's great, actually. She was sleeping peacefully when I left her.
Nicole: So she's back in her home with sarah there all the time. That's--that's gonna make a big difference.
Eric: Yeah.
[Cell phone rings]
Abe: Excuse me.
[Cell phone beeps] Yeah, what's up? Well, is she sure? All right, all right. I--I'll be right there.
[Cell phone beeps]
Nicole: What was that?
Abe: Kate roberts called police headquarters. Anna dimera may have located stefano's hideout.
Eric: So the police know where stefano is?
Abe: Well, apparently anna asked kate to call but she neglected to share that crucial piece of information.
Nicole: Surprise, surprise.
Abe: Yeah, well, I'm gonna head over to the office, see what I can find out. Now, I will call you the minute I get any information.
Eric: Hey, thanks.
Abe: All right. I will not rest until we get your mother home safe.
Eric: Yeah.
Abe: All right.
[Dramatic music]
[Door closes]
John: I love you so much, doc.
[Whimpering] If you have any of your free will left, you know that you don't have to kill me just because he wants you to. Hell, this isn't even about me. Think about our kids. Think about our grandkids. Think about what this is gonna do to our daughter. About brady. You raised him as your son. Brady loves you so much that he came here with me tonight, and that gunshot you heard downstairs, I am so afraid that he just wound up on the wrong end of it.
[Crying] And you holding that gun on me, that is not you. You are a doctor! You're--you're a healer. You help people. You don't hurt people. You save lives. You help people. And brady and I, we need you to be you. We need you to help us right now. Please, doc. Just help us. Please help us.
Brady: It's all right. It's not bad. Went--went in and out.
Kristen: Brady, you're bleeding.
Brady: It's all right.
Kristen: Look what you did to him!
Steve as stefano: I heard gunfire. Oh, so I see. John black did not come alone, huh?
Chad: John black is here?
Steve as stefano: Yes. Nothing to worry about. He's under control. I see you've taken charge here.
Kristen: Taken charge? He shot the man I love, father.
Chad: He barged in here and he started making threats against our family.
Kristen: You know what? That is not what happened. Chad tried to shoot me. Brady took the bullet. I'd be dead right now. Is that right? She sold us out, father.
Brady: She did no such thing.
Tony: You said that you wanted us to come together as a family.
Steve as stefano: That's exactly what I want. I will handle la famigilia for now.
Chad: Yes, father.
Kristen: You married brady's stepmother tonight. That makes brady part of the family. Now, he needs medical attention and she would want that for him.
Steve as stefano: There's a first aid kit in the parlor. You fix him up with that. Take him upstairs. Do not let them get away.
Brady: What's your plan? What are you gonna do to us? What are you gonna do to my dad?
Steve as stefano: We shall see.
Marlena: Brady is your son, not mine.
John: I know what you're going through. I spent years as stefano's pawn. And then I didn't even know my name. But you know what saved me? You did. You did. You know why? Because your love was always stronger than his hatred.
Marlena: You're still stefano's pawn because stefano is the king and I'm the queen.
John: No, you're not!
Marlena: And you are just my past.
John: You wanna talk about the past? Let's talk about it. Stefano has tried over and over to take you away from me, from your family, from everything that mattered, and he never won. You know why he never won? Because our love was too strong for him. We can beat him again, doc. We can do it. All you gotta do is look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Just look in my eyes. Look into my eyes and you will see how much I love you and then I want you to go back and you'll remember, and when you remember, you're coming back to me, baby. Come on, do it now.
Come back to me now. Hey america, I've got something to say.
Nicole: You know, even though the tip came from anna, it's still a--a breakthrough in the case and hopefully the police will find marlena and this will all be over.
Eric: Yeah, it'd be nice to stop worrying.
Nicole: You've been doing a lot of that lately with mackenzie and now your mom.
Eric: And I'm worried about you, too.
Nicole: Me?
Eric: Yeah. I mean, are those the test results? Have you opened them yet?
Nicole: I--you don't have to worry about me. I'm healthy as a horse.
Eric: Nicole, seriously.
Nicole: No, I--I swear. I'm fine. I am just fine.
Eric: Mmm.
[Both groaning] Ah, I just don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you. Thank god we just got back together.
Nicole: Yeah. Yeah, thank god.
Eric: You know what? You must be starving. I mean, you know what? Why don't we go to julie's place, order take-out? You know I can't even remember the last time we even had dinner or even had a talk.
Nicole: Well, that sounds wonderful but I just found out that I have to go to new york.
Eric: Like, now?
Nicole: Yeah.
[Eric scoffs] How long are you gonna be gone?
Nicole: Well, I mean, it's-- it's just a business trip. It's kind of an emergency, but i will hopefully be back by tomorrow and then I will pick up dinner on my way home from the airport and we will have that talk, okay?
Eric: Yeah.
Nicole: Um, hey. Would you mind watching holly until I get home?
Eric: Of course I don't mind. It's--I just don't know what's gonna happen with my mother. Couldn't brady or kristen go on this trip?
Nicole: Oh, I wish. I wish but I have to take care of this myself. You know, this project, it's-- it's my baby.
[Brady groans]
Kristen: It's not as bad as I thought.
Brady: No, I told you.
Kristen: But he still needs a doctor.
Chad: You can forget about that.
Brady: Did you even know that he was gonna bring you here?
Kristen: No! I honestly thought we were going to a family meeting. The joke was on tony and me. I mean, he dragged us here to witness his ridiculous wedding.
Brady: You're telling me that marlena actually went through with the ceremony with steve?
Kristen: Yeah, and dr. Rolf got a group rate on mind control. Exhibit A.
Brady: Chad, I need to get out of here and make sure my dad is okay.
Chad: I'm sure he's not. My father will make sure of that.
John: Oh, come on, baby. Put that gun down. You hate guns.
Marlena: I promised stefano.
John: And you hate stefano, too.
Marlena: No. He took me to paris.
John: He kidnapped you. He had you living in the sewers.
Marlena: We went to the opera! We danced in grand ballrooms.
John: He lied to you. He always had to have you under some kind of a spell because when you were you, you wouldn't give him the time of day, and he knew that.
Marlena: We've exchanged wedding vows.
John: No, you weren't! It was all a lie! Everything was a lie. The whole marriage was a farce. He made up a divorce decree right here. I never signed any divorce papers, doc. You and I are still married.
Marlena: No, I'm married to stefano!
Chad: Do you take stefano to be your husband, to love and to cherish until death do you part?
Marlena: I do.
John: We took vows, too, doc. I, john black... take you, marlena evans, for my lawfully wedded wife.
Abe: By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
John: Hallelujah.
[Cheers and applause] Do you remember, doc?
[Steve and stefano exhales]
Tony: So what have you done to john?
[Steve as stefano groans] Well, my bride is in the process of making short work of him right now.
Tony: You can't force her to do something like that.
Steve as stefano: I didn't force her. She volunteered.
Tony: If you were truly sure of her love for you, you wouldn't have to get john out of the way. And no matter what you've done to her, there will always be a part of her that loved john. But if she goes through with this... she'll never be able to live with herself again.
Guard: Guard post to central command. Do you read me?
[Clears throat]
Nothing. Looks like you two ladies are gonna miss the party.
Anna: Oh, dear.
Abigail: Well, you know, I-- if we're gonna miss it, I--can we just look at the list, then, just to check just--just for a second? Can I see the clipboard?
[Guard scoffs] Fine.
[Blow lands]
Abigail: Who are you?
[Anna exhales] I knew I only had one shot. And these puppies were slowing me down anyway. Let's go. - Oh. - What's going on?
Xander: Weekend after next?
Sarah: No, I have, um--I have a medical conference.
Xander: Oh, you're going back to work, then?
Sarah: Yeah, in a few weeks. Um, oh. What about next weekend?
Xander: I've a big meeting in la.
Sarah: Okay, um, I guess we're looking at next month, then.
Xander: Well... I do know one day that works for both of us.
Sarah: Hmm?
[Dramatic music]
Xander: I know it doesn't leave a ton of time to plan--
Sarah: I mean, it leaves, like, no time. Like, zero time.
Xander: But we don't want a big to-do, right? I mean, just you and me. Somebody to make it legal, couple of witnesses, that's all we need and you did say you don't wanna wait.
Sarah: You're right. We need to get a marriage license.
Xander: Tell me who to bribe.
Sarah: So tomorrow?
Xander: You'll be my mrs. And we'll have a happy old happily ever after.
[Both giggling] That actually sounds good to me. Will wonders never cease?
[Sarah laughs] That sounds good to me, too.
[Sarah giggles]
[Door closes]
Nicole: I got a seat on the last flight out to new york. Thank you so much for watching holly.
Eric: Stop, you don't have to thank me. You, holly, and mackenzie are family. We take care of each other and nothing's ever gonna change that.
[Nicole chuckles] I love you so much.
Eric: Love you, too.
Kristen: I know brady might not be in any position to take you on, I am ready to go.
Brady: Don't--kristen, don't provoke him. He's nuts.
Chad: You wanna see how your father's doing, brady? Why don't I go check? Finish the job myself.
[Tense music]
Abigail: There you are. I've been looking for you.
Steve as stefano: You will speak when spoken to. I am not interested in your opinions.
Tony: Well, I'm sorry, father. But I can't go through with this. Someone's gotta stop this insanity.
Steve as stefano: One more step and you're a dead man.
John: Doc. Come to me, doc. Doc.
[Both crying] It's okay, baby. It's okay. You're home, baby. It's okay.
Steve to stefano: No.
Tony: I just heard what you said to chad. You may be ruthless but you wouldn't shoot your own son. Not if you're really stefano.
Steve as stefano: I'm sorry, antony, but you give me no choice.
Anna: Don't you hurt him!
[Steve as stefano screaming]
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