Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 3/27/20
Episode #13735 ~ Abigail makes a shocking discovery. Tony and Kristen are stunned when Stefano reveals he and Marlena are getting married tonight.
Provided By Suzanne
Part of this was interrupted by news again...we'll get it later from On Demand
Kayla: H-hey! What do you think you're doing?
Hope: I'm leaving.
Kayla: No, you haven't been discharged. You are not well enough to leave the hospital.
Hope: I don't care. John and marlena need my help.
Abigail: Whatever the dimera family business meeting is about, I know that chad's main priority is gonna be to protect the children and me.
Anna: Well, I hope you're right, but I still don't like it. Okay, um... "tony, family business is not more important than our marriage. So turn around. Come back to me right now." Send. Hmm. You know all that family solidarity that chad was talking about with tony and kristen? Pretty sure it didn't include us. So you might want to reel your husband back in too.
Abigail: It's just a dimera business meeting. It's not like chad's in any real danger.
Gabi: Just gonna whack him over the head. He's not gonna know what hit him. I mean, I'll make sure he knows, if he survives.
Kate: Okay, you can't do that.
Gabi: Kate, the man wants us dead. I'm not gonna wait around for him to do unto us first.
Kate: Okay, you just don't get it, do you? He's a victim of stefano's, just like marlena.
Kristen: So, father, what is this family meeting all about?
Steve as stefano: Well, actually, it's not a family meeting. It's a wedding.
Tony: Whose wedding?
Steve as stefano: Mine... to my queen of the night.
Chad: He's marrying marlena.
Steve as stefano: I am, and I want all of you to be a part of it.
Tony: You can't marry marlena. She's already married to john black.
Steve as stefano: Not anymore.
Kristen: She loves john. She's never gonna marry you, father.
Steve as stefano: [Sighs] La mia bellissima figlia... where is your faith in the power of my love, huh? After all these years, marlena finally understands that I will lay the world at her feet. And she returns that love.
Tony: That's impossible.
Steve as stefano: Enough of these doubts. You will all see for yourselves. Even as we speak, my bride-to-be is making herself beautiful for me. So very soon, my queen of the night will be my wife.
Brady: Marlena loves you. You're the love of her life. Dad, I don't know what steve's trying to do. Maybe he's trying to rewire her brain or something, but he can't do anything to her heart because what you two have is unbreakable.
John: Yeah, yeah. I want to believe that. But I know how stefano operates. And I know the one thing that he has always wanted that he's never gotten.
Brady: Marlena.
John: "The queen is mine, now and forever." Let me tell you something, kid. You know, this bogus divorce documents, the marriage license, it's all for one thing: Complete dominance over marlena. Possession. And that son of a bitch won't be happy until he takes her to bed. And I'll be damned if I'll let that happen.
[Dramatic music]
[Echoing] Don't do this, doc. Don't marry him.
[Unsettling music]
Marlena: Oh. John. Thank god. You've come for me. I knew you would. Darling, I don't--I don't know what's happening here. I just--I can't explain it, but... now that you're here, it's going to be fine now that you're here. Oh, I love you so much.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Anna: I used to be naive about this family too. I mean, it's--it's just a business meeting. What could possibly go wrong? Everything. We've got to get our husbands out of that meeting pronto.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Dramatic music]
What's wrong? Is it chad?
Abigail: No, it's will. Gabi never picked up ari, and that's not like her. I'm gonna check and see if our nanny has seen her. Excuse me one second.
Anna: [Sighs]
Gabi: How can you defend a man that was just pointing a gun at you and he was very ready to pull the trigger?
Kate: Because it's not his fault, okay? Steve brainwashed him.
Gabi: Okay, all right. I get it. You see chad like a son. But right now, he has turned into the manchurian candidate. He is a hired gun, all right? And he is--he's targeting us to die, so I have no problem targeting him first. And once I hit him over the head with this, you can stay, reason with him, talk to him if he comes to, but you know what? By that time, I'm gonna be long gone.
Brady: Are you still against going to the police?
John: You know, stefano's got moles everywhere. That's why I've been working so closely with the isa. I just didn't want to... take that chance. But...maybe now it's time to bring rafe in on this.
[Knock at door]
Whoa, hope. I didn't know you were released from the hospital.
Hope: I don't even know where to begin. I-I am so sorry. You know I would never try to hurt you. I would never try to come between you and marlena. You know that, right?
John: Stop it. No need to apologize here. You are no more gina than steve is stefano. I am just so glad that you're okay.
Hope: Oh, john.
John: Now we just have to make sure that doc's gonna to be okay too.
Kayla: Do you have any idea where steve's taken her?
John: Uh, afraid not. Um, but stefano did send me a little something that kind of indicates what his plans are.
Kayla: Divorce papers. Well, they can't be valid.
Brady: Without my father's consent, no, but... seems steve is bringing his own rules to the game.
John: Yeah, kind of looks like stefano's endgame is marrying marlena and taking her to bed. I'm here, sweetheart. You're safe. And you are mine, doc. That's why you can't go through with this marriage. You know how much I love you. And you know you belong by my side, not steve'S.
Marlena: Oh. I love you too.
[Sighs] John?
Steve as stefano: Marlena, will you marry me?
[Tense music]
Tony: Marlena would never marry you of her own free will. Clearly you and that mad scientist rolf have done something to her, just like you did hope.
Kristen: Mind-melding marlena would be the only way she's ever gonna come close to loving you.
Steve as stefano: Mm. I must admit I am disappointed. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by your lack of support. You are ruled by your stupid wife. And you, I came to you asking for help, and you refused me.
Kristen: Is this about the shares? Because that is not true.
Steve as stefano: Only chad has been truly loyal. Only chad is aware of what this family, this night of nights, mean. So if you cannot share in my joy, if you can't bear witness to my becoming one with the woman who is my heart's desire, perhaps I should have security take it from here.
Tony: Like hell. I'm calling the police.
Chad: I would not do that if I were you, brother.
Managing lipids, like very high triglycerides,
Kayla: A bogus marriage just so he can take marlena to bed?
John: Afraid so.
Kayla: But--but she could already be compromised, a chip in her head or brainwashed or completely vulnerable.
Brady: That's what steve is counting on.
Kayla: Look, I have seen firsthand what steve has become. There is not an ounce of the steve that I knew. His decency has completely left in his body. He is stefano dimera, 100% pure evil.
Hope: Kay, we have to have faith. If rolf was able to remove my chip and bring me back from being gina, he can do the same for steve.
Kayla: I hope so. But you know what I know more than anything? Is that steve or stefano has the resources to vanish. What if--what if we never can find steve?
Abigail: Our nanny hasn't seen gabi in the last 24 hours, and none of the dimera staff has seen her either. As a matter of fact, they haven't seen kate as well.
Anna: Hmm. Kate. You know, the way that woman looks at my tony... she's a carnivore, that one.
Abigail: Yeah, it's odd about kate, though, because she--she insisted that she had to have this outfit pressed for this event last night, and the maid said that when she went in there, it was still hanging in the exact same place. It's so strange that both gabi and kate...
Anna: What?
Abigail: When I--when I first came back from south africa, I was joking with chad about hiding women in the house. You just seem really preoccupied, distracted.
Chad: Just, the wife that I missed came home without calling me.
Abigail: Are you sure that's it? Are you sure you don't have some tramp stashed in here?
Chad: Two, actually.
Abigail: I know he got in through the tunnels before, but now that he's kidnapped marlena, he's not gonna be stupid enough to come back through that way and ask for our help.
Chad: Well, now that you're home, I just wanted to make sure that he hadn't gotten back in.
Abigail: Good. And are you sure?
Chad: All I saw was a couple of rats.
Abigail: And then he was wearing the phoenix ring. But he swore that it was because he wanted to be more connected to his father.
Anna: Why? Why would he want to be connected to a man who is so evil and corrupt and-- and who has wreaked havoc since he's returned? What are you doing?
Abigail: Oh, I'm just gonna go in the tunnels and make sure there's nothing in there but a couple of rats.
[Dramatic music]
Tony: Chad, what are you doing? You can't possibly support father marrying marlena.
Steve as stefano: Chad understands the importance of la famiglia, and he has embraced his place in it. You both would be wise to do the same.
Kristen: What a great little liar you turned out to be. "We have to save marlena. Father's dangerous, volatile." All to get us here for this sham of a wedding.
Chad: You both thought that our father was a threat. I simply used words that you would understand.
Kristen: Yeah, well, I have words I'd like you to understand.
Steve as stefano: Enough! This is a night of celebration... of this family, of our legacy, and my queen. And I will have my children be a part of it. All right?
Chad: I'm gonna need your phones.
Kristen: What? No.
Chad: I'm gonna have to insist.
Kristen: Fine.
[Tense music]
You are not acting like the chad I know, the chad who wants nothing to do with the phoenix and everything he stands for. Father... what have you done to our brother?
Kate: Oh, my god! Abigail!
Kate: Abigail. Abigail, honey, wake up. Abigail?
Abigail: Ow.
Kate: So much for your element of surprise.
Abigail: Ooh. Ow. What happened?
Kate: Okay, gabi knocked you out.
Gabi: It was an accident.
Kate: Are you okay?
Abigail: Oh, I think so. But what are you guys doing here?
Kate: Chad locked us up in here.
Gabi: And we need to get the hell out of here before he gets back.
[Line ringing]
Anna: Where are you, tony?
Steve as stefano: Chad has simply proven himself to be more loyal than either one of you.
Tony: Chad, how is this possible? You always despised father's cruelty, his corruption, his arrogance.
Steve as stefano: Chad was young, idealistic. Now he has a better understanding of the world and our place in it, our legacy, and the promise of our future.
Kristen: Why don't you let him speak for himself... if he can?
Chad: Father has shown me that our family was weakened by pretenders and interlopers. It is time to restore la famiglia back to its former glory.
Tony: You brainwashed him.
Steve as stefano: Well, it's safe to say that chad is now my favorite child, which is why he will perform the ceremony. My queen... ah, you have never looked more beautiful.
Marlena: What's all this?
Steve as stefano: I told you. My children are here to witness our marriage. Are you ready, my love?
Marlena: Nothing can make me happier than becoming your wife.
Brady: There's not gonna be a wedding, 'cause we're gonna find steve; we're gonna find marlena.
Hope: They could be anywhere.
Brady: As of a couple hours ago, steve was at a local notary getting a fake seal to put on the fake divorce papers, so he can't be that far, right?
Kayla: But you don't have any other leads?
John: No. Just more taunts.
Hope: "The queen is mine, now and forever." John.
[Knock at door]
John: Looks like another communiqué. "It is with great pleasure that stefano dimera announces the wedding to marlena evans, march 27th, maison blanche."
Brady: Maison blanche? Didn't that place burn down?
John: Doesn't the phoenix always rise from the ashes?
Tony: Marlena?
Marlena: Hmm, yes?
Tony: You don't quite sound like yourself. Are you okay?
Marlena: Oh! Nothing could make me happier than marrying your father. I'm--I'm so glad you're here. I'm glad you're here too, kristen.
Kristen: [Scoffs] You don't even like me.
Marlena: Well, I know we've had our differences in the past, but I was very supportive of you and brady, and... I hope you'll be supportive of your father and me.
Kristen: Marlena...
Marlena: Hmm?
Kristen: You're in love with brady's father, john black, the love of your life. Does that ring a bell?
Marlena: I love stefano now.
Kristen: She's definitely brainwashed or worse.
Tony: Father, you can't take advantage of marlena in this state. Something's wrong with her mind. And she doesn't love you.
Steve as stefano: Oh, but she does. Don't you, my love?
Marlena: [Giggles]
Steve as stefano: All right. Antony, I not only asked you here as my guest, but I want you to be my best man. And you, kristen, will be marlena's maid of honor.
Kristen: Or we can just leave.
Steve as stefano: I was expecting a little more enthusiasm. So let's begin. The rings.
Kristen: This is so wrong.
Chad: Shall we?
Steve as stefano: Yes.
Chad: Dearly beloved... we're gathered here today to join stefano dimera and marlena evans in holy matrimony.
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Hope: Maison blanche?
Brady: Looks like we're going to louisiana. I'll get the jet fueled and prepped for the trip.
John: Yeah.
Hope: Maison blanche.
Kayla: What is it, hope?
Hope: Something's coming back to me.
John: Did steve ever talk to you about maison blanche?
Anna: Oh, my-- oh, are you okay?
Abigail: Yeah.
Anna: What did you do to her?
Gabi: It was an accident.
Kate: We were locked in the tunnels.
Gabi: I thought abigail was chad coming back to kill us, so I knocked her out.
Abigail: Gabi... chad is not a fan of yours, but to kill you, really? I mean, don't you think that's a little extreme?
Kate: It's--it's true. Un-unfortunately, um, his father told him to.
Abigail: What's that?
Kate: It's a letter from stefano to chad.
Abigail: "My dearest son..."
[Dramatic music]
[Stammers, scoffs] Stefano's has chosen chad to be by his side? Yeah, but this is-- he's never gonna agree to that.
Kate: Okay, unfortunately, normally he wouldn't, but stefano brainwashed him. It's all here in the letter. The trigger word--trigger word to put him into motion is "la famiglia."
Gabi: Yeah, so basically all steve has to do is say the magic word and chad does whatever steve orders him to do, like murder us.
Abigail: There's no way chad's gonna fall for that again. That happened a long time ago, and...chad--that's just not possible.
Kate: I know. Normally it wouldn't be, but unfortunately, right now, chad is completely under the control of his father.
Abigail: Damn it. To be honest, he-- well, he has been a little off since I got back from south africa.
Abigail: I'm calling the police; I'm sorry.
[Cell phone dings]
Anna: Ooh!
Kate: What?
Gabi: Oh, my god. Are you serious?
Anna: I have their location!
Kate: Did it work?
Anna: Oh, my god!
Gabi: Wait. Hold on.
Abigail: Let's go.
Anna: Somebody call the police.
Gabi: Wait, anna.
Kate: Anna!
Gabi: Did she just-- she just left. She just left without giving us the location, didn't she?
Kate: Yeah, she did.
Hope: I know I could help john and brady.
Kayla: You know what? You should be still in a hospital bed.
Hope: But maybe I-I would remember something else. Maybe I could get through to steve.
Kayla: No, no, no one can get through to steve. The best thing we can do right now is just pray that john and brady get to marlena in time.
Hope: The marriage won't be valid.
Kayla: It doesn't matter. Steve is just using it to get marlena in bed. And I'm sure she's just alone and confused and vulnerable, and he is using that to claim her physically. And it is just--it's just-- it's just sickening.
Hope: Kay... the man who is preying on marlena, it's not steve.
Kayla: Just the thought of him taking her to bed like this, I just...
Hope: You okay?
Kayla: Yeah, I have to be. For justin. Because I love him. And I don't want him seeing me falling apart over steve.
Tony: Oh, look, more champagne.
Chad: Answer my question. What were you talking about?
Kristen: Oh, god. If you must know, chad, we were talking about how... I was telling tony how catching marlena's bouquet, you know, wasn't the kind of luck I want.
Chad: Our father has come back to us. He plans to restore our family to its former--
Tony: What, former glory? My god, chad, what's it gonna take to get through to you? Stefano is dangerous and unpredictable. He's got nothing to lose. But you do.
Kristen: Let me try something. The phoenix has you under a spell, chad. You know, come on, snap out of it! Be the man I thought you were--
Chad: That was a big mistake.
Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, I don't know about that. It kind of felt pretty good to me.
Chad: You are the one that is dangerous and unpredictable. The phoenix can't take that risk. Consider this an early wedding gift.
Kristen: Chad.
Brady: Chad! Chad.
Steve as stefano: [Sighs]
[Soft dramatic music]
I... have waited my whole life for this moment. My queen of the night... you are finally mine, forever...and always.
[Moaning softly]
Let me make love to you.
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