Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 3/26/20
Episode #13734 ~ Stefano proposes to Marlena; Anna and Abigail grow suspicious of Chad's behavior; Hattie makes a surprising decision about her future; Chad convinces Tony and Kristen to attend a very special family gathering.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: Thank you for coming up with the idea. It means a lot that we'll be keeping her memory alive.
Brady: We're always gonna remember our little girl. Always. Listen, I should--I should, uh, I should go check on my dad and see if there's any news on marlena.
Kristen: Okay.
[Beep beep]
Kristen: It looks like I got a text from chad. Something urgent, family matters. I-I'm gonna go see--
Brady: All right, hey, you-- when you see him, ask him if there are any leads on steve, all right?
Kristen: Yeah, of course, of course. No, I-I'm sure my father reached out to him.
Hattie: You said I should stay. Why should I stay?
Steve as stefano: Hello, darling.
Marlena: Hello, stefano.
Steve as stefano: I missed you this morning. But I decided to let you sleep. Last night was, uh, emotional for both of us. The cereus flower blooming, our waltz. I feel we're growing closer every day.
Marlena: Yes, the evening... was eventful.
Steve as stefano: What's wrong, marlena?
Marlena: Well, I had a, um, I had a hard time going to sleep. I-I-I kept... thinking about someone.
John: So how in hell did steve and marlena just disappear off the face of the earth? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, i know that stefano was slippery, but he always leaves a trail.
[Doorbell rings]
[Sighs] Jus--just call me when you hear something.
[Beep] Yep--
Abigail: Chad-- I wonder if he's down there chasing those rats.
Gabi: Okay, s-so what's chad gonna do? He's gonna starve us down here?
Kate: Believe me, we're gonna die of dehydration before the hunger gets us.
Gabi: God. That's very comforting.
[Door lock clicks]
Chad: Good morning, ladies. Last night, I was distracted. Today, you have my full attention.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Oh!
Tony: Abigail. How nice to see you.
Abigail: Tony and anna. Hi! W-what are you guys doing here?
Anna: Well, didn't your husband tell you?
Abigail: Tell me what?
Tony: Well, chad had asked us to come back from europe. Said some very important family meeting was taking place.
Abigail: Oh.
Anna: You...really didn't know.
Abigail: Oh, no, I-I'm sure that he told me. I just must have forgotten.
Kate: Chad... I know why you're doing this, okay?
Chad: Because you're in my way.
Kate: [Sighs] This isn't you. This isn't even your fault.
Gabi: Kate--kate figured it out, all right? Just listen to her, please.
Kate: I'm on your side--chad! I'm on your side. We've had our differences in the past, but you've always been like a son to me.
Chad this isn't gonna work.
Kate: Listen to me. Would you just listen to me? I'm telling you the truth. You don't wanna kill us.
Chad: Yes, I do.
Kate: No! You think that you do. You think that you do because stefano has brainwashed you.
Steve as stefano: We...
[Sighs] Talked about this when you had that dream about him. your past. I am your present. And your future.
Marlena: I wasn'T... thinking about john.
Steve as stefano: Then who?
Marlena: Kate.
Steve as stefano: Katerina again.
Marlena: You said you were planning on having gabi and kate killed. I told you... I don't want that to happen.
Steve as stefano: Your compassion is admirable, my darling, but they must be eliminated. And not just for my sake. For yours. So that we can have our future together.
Marlena: If you have kate killed... we will not have a future.
Steve as stefano: You can't mean that.
Marlena: I mean that. If anything happens to her or gabi, I will walk out that door and never look back.
John: Hey, kid.
Brady: Any news on marlena?
John: Yeah, I'm afraid so.
Brady: What is that?
John: Divorce decree. Dated today. When it comes to beautiful hair, why are we always ...
Brady: Dad, these papers have a--a notary seal.
John: Yeah, carter wilson. Never heard of him.
Brady: I've heard of him. I've heard of him. I can--I can go and talk to him. There's gotta be something shady about these documents.
John: All right, all right. I'm gonna check out the security footage outside the townhouse here. Hopefully, we can zero in on who dropped this package off.
Brady: Yeah, sounds good.
John: Yeah, just take these papers with you and see what-- see what carter has--
Brady: What is it?
John: There's something else in here.
Brady: What's that?
John: Stefano's handwriting. "You are a pawn, john black. The queen is mine now and forever." S.
Marlena: I don't care what you say about kate. She's my friend. She's a member of my family... and I won't let you take her away from us.
John: You're being short-sighted.
Marlena: Think that if you wish. But if you really care about me, you'll respect my wishes.
Steve as stefano: [Sighs] Very well. I know that when your mind is set on something...
[Chuckling] There is no changing it.
Marlena: The case, it is set.
Steve as stefano: All right. Then allow me to make a phone call.
Marlena: You'll put a stop to all this? You promise no one will be hurt?
Steve as stefano: As you wish. In the meantime, why don't you go back upstairs and look in your bedroom closet?
Marlena: Why? What's in there?
Steve as stefano: I left you a present. Something I think you'll like. Something that is almost as beautiful as you. Go see.
[Soft, uneasy music]
Anna: Abigail I'm sorry. I know it can't feel good to know that chad didn't let you know what's going on.
Tony: Well, my father has a history of demanding loyalty from his children above all others--even their spouses.
Abigail: Well, that's--that's not true with chad.
Kristen: Hmm...tony. Anna. Yeah, I didn't know you'd be here.
Anna: Do I really have to act like I'm happy to see you?
Kristen: No, no, no pretending necessary. Tony, I assume that chad asked you here for the meeting?
Tony: Yes, yes, but apparently, he's nowhere to be found.
Abigail: Well, we've had a small pest problem. I told chad to call the exterminator, but I think he's probably down there just handling it himself.
Kristen: Huh. In the tunnels. What kind of pests?
Abigail: Rats.
Anna: Ha. Sounds fitting for this place.
Kristen: Are you sure that's what is going on in the tunnels?
Tony: What else would it be?
Kristen: How do we know that stefano isn't down there?
Abigail: That was chad's first thought as well, and that's why he's down there now, checking it out.
Kristen: Well, I'd like to see for myself.
Chad: You're desperate. You're reaching.
Kate: I know the truth. Because I spent time with steve.
Chad: Stefano.
Kate: Stefano, steve-- whatever. I did his bidding. I regret it.
Chad: So does he.
Kate: I know how he got to you, okay? I know. All those mysterious communications that he had with you--the chess games. He never let you see him. He never let you know his whereabouts...okay? The whole time, he was laying the ground to pull you back into his web, chad.
Chad: My father didn't do anything to me.
Kate: Your father was brainwashing you the entire time!
Gabi: Show him the letter, okay?
Kate: Okay.
Chad: What letter?
Kate: This. This letter. This is the trigger. This is the trigger that sets you into motion, okay? Listen, just listen. "The most important thing in la famiglia."
[Intense music]
Roman: Hattie, do you remember me telling you about being a special woman? Well, you are. You are, I mean, the bravery, the unselfishness that you showed putting your life on the line for marlena-- my god, that was incredible. I have been so impressed by the woman you've become. And believe me, there are a lot of other people in this town who feel the same way. And you have become indispensable to the brady pub. I mean, my god, you took over, you covered for me on all these hectic days. So, yes, you have become very important to me. Very important to the brady pub, very important to marlena. Hell, hattie, you have become important to this town. You make salem better.
Hattie: [Small laugh]
Roman: You have a home here, hattie. That's why I don't want you to go. You have gained the respect of every single person in this town who has gotten to know you. And as far as the other thing goes...come on. Despite what you think, I sure as hell am not the only guy in the world for you. There are lots and lots of guys out there that would be lucky to have you in their life.
Hattie: [Exhales] I bet that's true. The thing is, you know, I-- I'm done with all that. I-I don't care anymore. I don't need some guy to complete me or make me feel whole. I am fine just the way I am.
Roman: Yes, you are.
Hattie: Yeah, yeah. And I know that we don't-- we don't have a relationship and we don't have any...anything really special between us, but... in spite of all that, I'm dumping your ass.
Gabi: Why the hell did you do that?
[Overlapping shouting]
Kate: Chad, please, you... you're gonna regret it. You'll regret it.
Gabi: No, no, no, no, no, no!
Kate: No!
[Phone rings]
Gabi: What--
[Ringing] What?
Kate: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
Chad: Yes, father.
Steve as stefano: Is it done yet?
Chad: I was on the verge of eliminating kate and gabi when you called.
Steve as stefano: Well, i need you to pull back for the moment.
Chad: Why?
Steve as stefano: There's been a complication. There are more important things we need to deal with.
Chad: Like what?
Steve as stefano: The family meeting that I requested you set up. Have you spoken to your brother and sister yet?
Chad: I left word for tony and kristen--I haven't heard back yet.
Steve as stefano: We need them on our side. You said whatever you have to say to get them to me immediately, without alerting anyone.
Chad: I understand.
Steve as stefano: Good. Now, I cannot afford any more of your mistakes. La famiglia needs you. Do I make myself clear?
Chad: Yes, father.
Abigail: That's not necessary, kristen.
Kristen: Well, nobody knows the basement better than I do.
Abigail: And I'm well aware of your experience with our basement, but this is my home now, and chad and I will handle this ourselves.
Kristen: Well, at least let me go with you.
Anna: She doesn't want you with her, kristen.
Kristen: Why not, anna?
Anna: Because chad called this meeting and didn't tell her about it, and she obviously wants a word alone with him.
Abigail: You know what?
Kristen: I see, no, okay.
Abigail: You're welcome to-- to stay here, but why don't i just give you a call when I know something?
Tony: We'll wait.
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: Chad.
Chad: Abigail.
Abigail: I was just gonna come find you to tell you that your siblings are all here.
Chad: I see that. Thank you for coming.
Tony: You said this was urgent.
Chad: It is.
Abigail: Well, you didn't-- you didn't tell me. You didn't tell me.
Chad: I didn't?
Abigail: No.
Chad: I'm sorry. I must have been so happy that you were home it slipped my mind.
Abigail: Yeah, so what's this about?
Chad: I'm sorry. It's a dimera family matter. I'm gonna need to speak to tony and kristen alone.
Anna: Ah, well...
[Chuckles] We should have expected this. Abigail, how do you feel about joining me for lunch at the pub?
Tony: You okay about this?
Anna: Yeah, I wanna say hi to roman anyway.
Abigail: Well, we'll talk about this later.
Chad: I'll see you later.
Tony: So does this, um, family matter involve father?
Chad: It does. We've been summoned for an important meeting.
Kristen: About what?
Chad: Father didn't give me the details. He said we'd find out when we got there.
Kristen: You swear he's not down a secret tunnel?
Chad: There's nothing but rats.
Tony: I gotta say this. Um... how can we trust you?
Chad: I just told you he wanted to meet with us. If he was here, I would take you downstairs.
Kristen: Well, then where is he?
Chad: Come with me.
Kristen: Or you could just... tell us.
Chad: Why is it so important for you to know right now?
Kristen: Because I would like to call brady. He, john, and marlena's kids are worried about her. We need to help them find her.
Chad: Can't let you do that.
John: Yeah, thanks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll, uh, I'll check it out for ya.
Brady: Any news on the security cam front?
John: The cameras were disabled. So no way to tell who dropped the package off. What'd you find out from the notary?
Brady: Carter said that the man that brought in the divorce decree paid in cash.
John: Mm-hmm.
Brady: Then he convinced him to put the seal on the document despite some inconsistencies.
John: You showed him the photo.
Brady: It was steve.
John: And was doc with him?
Brady: No, he was alone.
John: When did all this happen?
Brady: It happened this morning.
John: All right, he couldn't have gotten far. Probably still here in town. So all we have to do is track down steve, and he's gonna lead us right to doc.
[Heavy music]
[Dramatic musical build-up]
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Gabi: Okay, what is wrong with you? If you knew that was the trigger, why would you say "la famiglia" when chad had the gun pointed at us?
Kate: Because I was trying to show him what's happening to him.
Gabi: Okay, by making him shoot us?
Kate: I told you, he's brainwashed.
Gabi: Great, congrats! You know what--you get a reward! It's a bullet to the head.
Kate: He is not going to shoot either one of us.
Gabi: Oh, yeah? How do you know that?
Kate: Because I could see it. I could see that I was getting through to him--I could see it in his eyes, okay? There's something inside of him that's fighting whatever stefano did to him.
Gabi: Okay, well, you were dead wrong. As in you're wrong, and we're both dead.
Kristen: If you know where father is, we need to tell john and brady. Now, in fact--[Grunts] I'm gonna alert them, and you call the police.
Chad: You will do no such thing.
Kristen: Excuse me?
Chad: Our father made it very clear that no one is to know about this meeting-- especially the police.
Tony: This whole situation is absurd. You're talking as if...he's actually stefano. This is steve johnson.
Chad: He's not steve.
Tony: Well, I know that rolf messed with his brain.
Chad: There's more to it than that, tony--I've seen him.
Kristen: Well, so have I.
Chad: He may look like steve, but he has our father's consciousness. His desires, his drive. His ruthlessness. For all intents and purposes, he is our father.
Tony: Have you forgotten that I met him, too, in prague? He was just as volatile to anna as father would have been. But I didn't know about his insanity at the time.
Chad: He's not insane.
Kristen: Okay, you know what? Chad's right. You know what, we need to treat steve as if he is our father.
[Chuckles] God...brady'll forgive me for having this--
Chad: It's not our problem.
Kristen: What?! You know what? You don't understand a thing. Brady and I have come so far, and I am not gonna let the love of my life just slip through my fingers. And you know what, how 'bout you, tony? You think anna's just gonna be okay with you protecting stefano?
Tony: No, it wouldn't go very well.
Kristen: Yeah. Exactly. Chad, come on.
[Huffs] You could lose abigail over something like this. I know that you love her very, very much.
Chad: It should show you how vitally important this is, 'cause I'm not telling her where we're going or what we're doing.
Kristen: Why not?
Chad: 'Cause if anyone breathes a word of this outside this room, marlena is gonna die.
Steve as stefano: Do you like it? I had it designed just for you.
Marlena: Uh... it's--it's too much, it'S... it's all happening way too fast.
Steve as stefano: Not for me, it isn'T. I have waited my whole life for this. Now, I know you have had your doubts. You disapproved of my plans for gabriela and your friend kate. But I did as you asked.
Marlena: Oh... you stopped the killing.
Steve as stefano: Yes. I made you a promise, and I've shown you my devotion.'s time for you to show me yours. Marlena... will you marry me?
Roman: Okay, wait, so... so you're breaking up with me.
Hattie: Yeah, and... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Roman: Well, you know what? It does hurt, but, uh... I totally understand.
Hattie: Oh. A-and the important thing is that if I--if I hadn't broken up with you, I could make you fall so crazy in love with me, you wouldn't be able to see straight.
Roman: Oh, well, I have no doubt about that.
Hattie: [Scoffs] Yeah. A-and even if you--even if you did fall in love with me-- even if you did fall in love with me, that... that wouldn't change my life. That wouldn't make me feel like I was somebody.
Roman: No. Because you already are somebody.
Kristen: I don't believe for a second that father would ever hurt marlena. He loves her.
Chad: I don't deny that. But there's no doubt in my mind that he would rather have her dead than with someone else.
Kristen: He said that to you?
Chad: I know you both just think I'm father's little messenger boy. But I care about marlena too. And I don't wanna see her hurt.
Tony: Nor do I.
Chad: That's why we have to do everything father asks. Make him believe we're loyal to him.
Kristen: But we're not, right? We're doing this to keep marlena safe.
Chad: If we do everything he asks... he'll tell us where marlena is hidden. We'll be able to protect her.
Kristen: So you'll take us to him?
Chad: Only if you promise to keep his secret. No one can know where we're headed. Not abigail, not anna. Certainly not brady or john.
John: Let me see that.
Brady: Dad, listen, you need to know something. According to carter, when steve brought in the document to be notarized, he said it was urgent that it be delivered to you today.
John: Yeah, did he tell you why?
Brady: Yeah, he said that otherwise he and his fiancée wouldn't be able to get married tonight.
John: Married? Tonight?!
Brady: Dad, yes.
John: Oh, my god, this is insanity! What are we talkin' about here? There's no way this marriage is legal--all these documents are fake. Doc and I are still married.
Brady: Dad--dad! That is not gonna stop stefano.
Marlena: Have you lost your mind?
Steve as stefano: I have never been more clear.
Marlena: Well, how could i possibly marry you? I-I'm still married to john.
Steve as stefano: That's all been taken care of.
Marlena: What does that mean?
Steve as stefano: It means that your marriage to john black is over. And there's nothing stopping us from becoming husband and wife.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempic®!
Roman: Hey, you are way more than you think you are. You are one of a kind.
Hattie: [Laughs] I guess I am. Hey, roman, you know, I-I was thinking, I was kind of wonderin', you know, what might be next for hattie adams. And I was...I was thinkin' about putting my, you know, my amazing talents to some sort of--some sort of use in creating the next chapter for myself.
Roman: I'm sure you could do that.
Hattie: Yeah?
Roman: Yeah.
Hattie: Well, you know I'm a really great cook and I've got this sparkling personality, and I was thinking maybe I could do a cooking show on the internet.
Roman: [Laughs] I would watch that.
Hattie: And you know what else? I was thinking I've got this gift of gab... like will. And I was thinking maybe i could--maybe I could do an advice blog, you know? What do you think?
Roman: I think you could pretty much do whatever you choose to do.
Hattie: You mean that?
Roman: I couldn't mean it more.
Kate: You know, when ted laurent and I were locked in here, he actually tried to split a raisin with me.
Gabi: Whole raisin.
Kate: I swear to god, if i get out of here alive, I'm gonna make sure that this room is stocked with granola, jerky, and cases of water.
Gabi: Don't--just don't say water. You're gonna make my cotton mouth worse.
Kate: I know, I feel like I'm dying of thirst.
Gabi: You know what? Gimme that.
Kate: Okay, but don't drink all of it. What--what the hell are you doing?
Gabi: I have an idea.
Kate: What?
[Huff, mutters]
Chad: Can we agree that we will not tell anyone that we are meeting with our father? For marlena's sake. Tony. Kristen, I know that you're not a fan of marlena, but I know that you don't want her blood on your hands.
Abigail: What'S...going on here?
Tony: Well, we are much stronger together than we are alone.
Anna: How lovely.
Kristen: We've a meeting to attend to at dimera enterprises.
Anna: You're leaving now?
Tony: Ah, yes, but not for long, darling.
[Anna giggles]
Abigail: Everything okay?
Chad: It will be. I'll see you later.
Anna: [Scoffs]
Abigail: You trust them?
Anna: Hmph! About as far as I could... throw their father.
Marlena: How could my marriage be over? We were never divorced. I never signed any papers.
Steve as stefano: As I've said, I've taken care of everything. All you have to do is let go of your old life and allow it to stay where it belongs-- in the past.
Marlena: My... my marriage is...over?
Steve as stefano: And... an incredible journey awaits. Get ready to celebrate our new life together.
Marlena: The party you were talking about... that's a wedding. That'S...
[Exhales] That's our wedding.
Steve as stefano: Yes. And I want my children there to witness the moment when you become mrs. Stefano dimera... queen of la famiglia.
Marlena: Well, I don't-- I don't know if that's--I-- I don't know if--
Steve as stefano: No, no, my darling, yes, you do know. It is time for you to allow me to give you the life you've always dreamt of. To...make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is say yes.
Marlena: Uh... yes, okay. Yes.
Steve as stefano: Ha ha ha. Oh, my queen. Ohh! You won't be sorry.
[Beep beep] Ah, excuse me. Aha! Perfect timing. My son chad has arrived. I must go greet him. Now, you put on that dress. I can't wait to see how beautiful you look in it. All right?
[Dramatic music]
Marlena: [Whimpers]
John: All right, what if he's brainwashed her? What if marlena is willingly going along with this damn marriage?
Brady: He wouldn't have risked sending the divorce decree if he wasn't sure that marlena was gonna cooperate.
John: You know, it doesn't even matter if this marriage is legal or not, as long as marlena thinks it is. I mean, the ultimate goal here is not just to marry her. It's to consummate that marriage! I'm bad.
Roman: Are you sure you don't wanna stick around? Least till you figure out your next step.
Hattie: Nah. It's a big world out there. I gotta see where hattie adams fits in.
Roman: Look out, world.
Hattie: [Quietly] Yeah. Oh--ha. I got it, I got it. Thanks for everything, roman.
Roman: Thank you, hattie. Thank you...for the kindness, the laughs, and for bein' such a good friend.
Hattie: Well, you're a good guy, you got a big heart. And you're fun to look at, too.
Roman: Back at you, hattie. You are really a good person, and I really, really am gonna miss you.
Hattie: I'm gonna miss you too.
Kate: Why did you just pour out a perfectly good bottle of champagne? It's the only thing that might keep us alive.
Gabi: Yes, actually, it might keep us alive, but that's because I'm thinking about using it as a weapon.
Anna: [Sighs, laughs]
Abigail: You know, I have to admit, it has been...really nice to have someone to talk to about these things.
Anna: Well, we dimera wives have to stick together, right?
[Both laugh]
Abigail: Yeah. Yeah, it can be, um, pretty lonely being suspicious of your husband.
Anna: Oh, hmm.
Abigail: Yeah, I really love him.
Anna: But he is still a dimera.
Abigail: Yeah.
Anna: Yes, well, I know all too well what you're going through. And I have to say, I'm very worried about... whatever it is they're all up to.
Steve as stefano: Ah... my children are here. Welcome, welcome!
Chad: Hello, father.
Steve as stefano: I trust you weren't followed?
Chad: I made sure of it.
Steve as stefano: Good. Oh, my darling daughter. You... you look radiant.
[Chuckles] Oh...
Kristen: [Exhales]
Steve as stefano: I know you've been through so much. And it's wonderful to see that you're doing better.
Kristen: It''s good to see you, father.
Steve as stefano: Anthony. Ha ha ha. I am very sorry that I couldn't reveal my true self to you in prague.
Tony: Of course.
Steve as stefano: Thank you for coming.
Tony: Yeah.
Kristen: Uh, so, father, what is this family meeting all about?
Steve as stefano: Well, actually, it's not a family meeting. It's a wedding.
Tony: Whose wedding?
Steve as stefano: Mine. I'm marrying my queen of the night...
Chad: Marlena.
Steve as stefano: That's right. And I want you all to be a part of it.
Brady: Dad, we'll find her.
John: I've gotta find her tonight, son. Gotta stop this sham of a marriage and whatever stefano thinks is gonna happen afterwards.
[Suspenseful music]
[John's voice] Don't do this, doc. Don't marry him.
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