Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 3/25/20
Episode #13733 ~ Nicole confides her suspicions to Abe; Hattie presses Roman about his feelings for her; Eric expresses concern to Sarah about Xander's role in Mickey's life; Ben and Ciara enjoy a day of romance.
Provided By Suzanne
Part of this is missing, due to news interruption; we'll get it later from On Demand.
Roman: [Sighs] All right, john. Yeah, okay, well...I'm sorry. Hang in there.[Phone beeps]
Hattie: What? No world on marlena?
Roman: He has no idea where steve took her.
Hattie: Oh. Well, he'll find her. He always does.
Roman: Let's hope so.
Hattie: Yeah. Hey, listen, roman, um... in the interests of a little more cheerful workplace, uh, do ya suppose that we could be a little less irish around here?
Roman: What's that supposed to mean?
Hattie: Well, I just--I mean, under all the's a pretty gloomy group.
Roman: That is a cultural stereotype and not even accurate.
Hattie: Oh, no--look. Look at you. You always expect the worst possible outcome of things.
Roman: That's not really true, but unfortunately, sometimes that's what we get.
Hattie: Yeah, well, you know what? I never catch you smilin'. I mean, here's a guy that's fallen in love with me and he's been kissin' on me. He thinks you even gotta go to confession about that.
Roman: Who said anything about falling in love?
Hattie: Well, I did. 'Cause you never talk about it. Anyway, you've kissed on me twice, so I got a question to ask you. Is this thing goin' anywhere or not?
Roman: [Laughs] What the hell are you talking about?
[Quiet music]
Kristen: Well... it is springtime, honey. And I finally can plant some flowers for you.
Brady: Mama's gonna have to do the planting though, because daddy's terrible at planting.
Kristen: Hi.
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: How'd you know I was here?
Brady: [Sighs] When you kinda disappear, it's usually about rachel. Like the time we were talking about her, and then you ended up at the hospital with mickey.
Kristen: Yeah. But she's doing fine, right?
Brady: Yeah, yeah, she is.
Kristen: Oh, good, thank god. I mean, thank god they don't have to go through what we did.
Brady: [Whispers] Yeah.
Eric: The doctor said that this last test was just a formality before they release her.
Sarah: Yeah, I know, i just... I-I wanna, I'm-- I'm ready to bring her home.
Eric: Just gonna be a few more minutes. Is everything ready, or you need me to do anything?
Sarah: No, no, we're good.
[Baby cooing]
Eric: "We're" good, meaning you and xander.
Sarah: Yeah, meaning me and xander.
Eric: Nicole said the two of you got engaged--when were you planning on telling me?
Sarah: Oh, uh, eric... xander and I got engaged, so... can that be the end of that particular discussion?
Eric: Or just the beginning.
Sarah: My love life is none of your concern.
Eric: I'm not interfering with your love life. I'm thinking about the man being mickey's stepfather. Did you ever think that I might have a problem with that?
[Suspenseful music]
Xander: I know you'll be happy with what's in this envelope. And I assume I'll be happy with what's in the one that you handed to nicole walker.
I altered the results... to say that the samples didn't match.
Xander: Very good. There's a little bonus in there to ensure your discretion.
I'll take that secret to my grave.
Xander: As will I. Well, nicole... I hope for your sake you back off now. Because I'll do a hell of a lot more than doctors and lab results to keep sarah from finding out the truth.
Nicole: I don't believe it. I thought for sure xander switched those babies. But kristen isn't mackenzie's mother--she really is sarah and eric's little girl after all.
Abe: Okay. What's wrong?
Nicole: I-I-it's right here in black and white, but I just don't believe it.
[Soft music]
Ben: Is this really happening?
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: Are we in a room with four walls instead of bars?
Ciara: Uh-huh. Uh-huh, this, uh... this is really happening, ben.
Ben: Is there a shower in there?
Ciara: Mm-hmm, there is.
Ben: Are there 19 tattooed convicts in there?
Ciara: [Laughs] No. You know what? I specifically requested a room with no convicts...just for you.
Ben: You did?
Ciara: I did.
Ben: You have no idea how much I've looked forward to a hot shower without an audience. Almost as much as this.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: I haven't really shaved babe--I'm gonna give you beard burn.
Ciara: You know, funny-- I wasn't thinking about beard all. I was actually thinking about something else.
Ben: I really hope we're thinking along the same lines.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. I'm pretty sure we are. But ben... after being there... let's just go slow. Okay? Go have a shower. We have all day and night to be here, and more than anything, i just... I wanna feel like all that is over, you know?
Ben: How did I get so lucky?
Ciara: You're just finally getting what you deserve. Now, go. Hello? Hi. Yeah, this is room 513. I, uh, I'm gonna need a few things sent up.
Abe: What is that?
Nicole: They're test results.
Abe: Are you all right?
Nicole: No, they're not-- they're not mine. They're mackenzie'S.
Abe: Well, I heard she was going to be fine.
Nicole: Oh, she is. This isn't about the cancer. As a matter of fact, eric and sarah are taking her home today.
Abe: [Sighs] Why do I get this... sick feeling of deja vu? What are you up to now?
Nicole: Oh, that's nice... coming from an old friend.
Abe: I am a friend, yes. Which is why I know you're up to something.
Nicole: Okay. If I tell you, will you promise not to say anything?
Abe: That depends.
Nicole: Abe... when I tell you this, I know that you will wanna keep it between us. O-okay, let me buy you lunch, okay? Come on.
Kristen: Hey... do you, um, do you ever think that you're just never gonna get past this? You know, that life doesn't have any meaning and it never will--
Brady: Let's just say that my faith...yeah. It's been sorely tested.
Kristen: One thing that keeps me going is to think... think about mickey and her being all right because... you know what, this is-- I sound crazy.
Brady: Hey, hey, hey. Because what?
Kristen: Because as long as she's alive, I feel that rachel is still here with us.
Sarah: You don't really get to say anything about it.
Eric: This isn't about me. This is about me being a concerned father. You know all the things that he's done.
Sarah: I know all the things that he's done for me and my daughter.
Eric: Our daughter. When you get all "stand by your man," and that man is xander, it makes my head explode, 'cause you know I never liked him anywhere near my daughter.
Xander: Tell us how you really feel, padre.
[Tense music]
They say life is all about making choices.
Roman: Wow. Later, okay, hattie?
Hattie: No. No, not okay. How 'bout right now? You know, you--you would rather die than talk about your feelings. A-and your face gets all scrunched up if somebody says the word relationship to you.
Roman: Abe just came in and he called about marlena. 'Scuse me.
Hattie: That is a one-woman man... always trying to find the one that got away.
Roman: Hey, nicole.
Nicole: Hi.
Roman: Abe, I got your message.
Abe: Hey.
Roman: John didn't find anything new, huh?
Nicole: Listen, uh, roman, eric's going crazy. He needs to stay at the hospital, but he wants to help find marlena.
Roman: Well, I'm not sure... what he could be doing that john isn't already doin', so, uh, listen, I, uh, got some stuff to take care of in the back. I'll send, uh, hattie over with some menus.
Nicole: Thank you. Thank you.
Abe: [Sighing] Okay. Let's try this again. What are you up to now?
Nicole: I got a dna test on mackenzie.
Abe: Oh, boy, why am I not surprised? You don't think eric is her father.
Nicole: Or that sarah is her mother.
Eric: What, is that supposed to make me feel awkward? It didn'T. In fact, I'd be happy to tell you how I really feel. You're just still a crook who smuggled blood diamonds... tried to strangle my cousin on her wedding day.
Sarah: Damn it, eric, we are in mickey's hospital room, all right? Can't this wait for later somewhere else?
Xander: I never denied my past--I'm not that person anymore.
Sarah: Xander, did you not hear what I just said to eric? Not now, not here.
Eric: And you're not that baby's father... so never, ever forget that.
Xander: Trust me, I'm very, very clear...about who her father is.
Brady: You know, I been thinkin'...
Kristen: Hmm.
Brady: And I know it's a long shot, I know that it probably wouldn't even be able to happen but, uh...
Kristen: What?
Brady: Why don't we think about...trying to conceive another child?
Kristen: I--no, I couldn't, I couldn't, I mean... it-it just--it wouldn't be right, brady.
Brady: Why wouldn't it be right?
Kristen: I just feel like... I feel like we would be betraying rachel.
Brady: I--why? I don't understand why you would think that.
Kristen: Because... she's in our hearts and the thought of replacing her right now while she's still in here...
Brady: I understand. You're not ready to... think about having another baby. I get it. But, hey, I have another idea.
Kristen: [Laughs] Okay.
Brady: How 'bout this. We're in this together, right?
Kristen: [Whispers] Yes.
Brady: We're grieving. I'm never gonna stop missing her, you're never gonna stop missing our little girl, so...
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: [Exhales] Maybe we could do something to help. The only reason mickey is-- is healthy is because of those people at that hospital, right?
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: The workers, the doctors, the nurses--everybody. We could set up a charity... under rachel's name, you know? So that any kid that came through there--boy, girl, whoever--they would be able to have the same treatment as mickey got. What do you think?
Kristen: That is so beautiful. It's a beautiful idea, brady.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah.
[Sultry music]
Ciara: You know, I was thinking we could conserve some water.
Ben: I've said it before. You have the best ideas.
Ciara: Mm-mm, not so fast.
Ben: I didn't expect a spa day.
Ciara: It only gets better from here, ben weston.
[Sultry music]
You know, new customers save over $1,000 on average
Kristen: Do you think that i could--I could do more than just give money, I mean be involved? Actually do something.
Brady: Oh, my god, yeah, yes! We can set this up any way you want. I think that's a great idea, I-- let's--let's do it, let'S... sweetie, you know what, mommy and I, we're gonna go do something good. We're gonna go do something good. Let's go do it--come on.
Kristen: Hey. Brady.
[Soft, stirring music]
Nicole: So that's what i think happened that night.
Abe: So eric and sarah's baby died and... somehow xander managed to make the switch.
Nicole: Yes. And I know from experience that it's possible.
Abe: So there's the birthmark... and you saw xander threatening the doctor.
Nicole: That doctor who then immediately took off to parts unknown.
Abe: But there's--there are the test results.
Nicole: Oh, abe, this is salem. Can we really trust test results?
Abe: [Sighs] If you're right... this is all very sad.
Nicole: It's awful. And I have a horrible feeling that I'm right. And an even worse feeling of what it will do to eric.
Eric: I imagine you were "very clear" that brady was ceo of titan... right up to the moment that you got victor to give you a job.
Sarah: Eric--
Eric: After brady's daughter died. It's very textbook to kick a man when he's down... but I'm not down. And you're not taking my daughter away from me.
Sarah: Eric, stop it. Please...just look at me. You are right, okay? I'm sorry--I should have told you that xander and I were engaged the moment it happened, personally. And xander and I know exactly who mickey's father is. have to respect that eric's concerns are valid and you have to accept that. You--you have to respect the fact that just because you're mickey's father does not give you the right to dictate my life. So because of mickey, our lives are always going to be intertwined. Now, I suggest that we all try and act like grown-ups.
Xander: I will if he does.
Eric: And I will if you stop provoking me.
Sarah: Oh, my god! This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life--my child is not going to die and i get to take her home today, but I'm too busy dealing with you two!
Xander: Sarah... I'm sorry, I was out of line. Eric...I apologize. Sarah's right. I know I have to prove myself so you'll trust me.
Eric: I'm gonna help you get mickey home, help get her settled in.
Xander: That's no problem. I actually have some business to attend to.
Eric: You mean you need to go blow something up? Sorry.
Xander: Just...give her a kiss good night for me. I'll see you later at home.
[Heavy music]
Sarah: [Sighs] Eric... I know that it is hard for you to believe... but xander really does love me and mickey, and there is nothing that he wouldn't do for us.
Ben: Smooth as a baby's bottom.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: There is no end to your talent.
Ciara: Actually... I am just getting started.
[Soft music]
Kristen: I need you to know you mean so much to me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, brady. And I am so sorry that my grief keeps me from letting you know how grateful I am that I still have you.
Brady: Oh...[Murmurs].
Kristen: I love you.
Brady: And...I feel the same way, I really do. So let's go down to that hospital and meet with seth burns, and let's get this charity started for this little girl. And then we're gonna pick out some beautiful flowers, and we're gonna plant them. By "we" I mean you--I don't know how to plant.
Kristen: I am so glad you found me today. Oh...god. You know what? Mommy and daddy will be back. And we will plant those flowers.
Brady: You're gonna plant the flowers. Come on, let's go.
Abe: You know, I... I don't deny that xander is capable of this, but why? I don't think he would do anything that doesn't serve his own self-interests.
Nicole: I'm not sure why he did it. Maybe to get closer to sarah or to hurt kristen. I mean, those two have a pretty sick relationship.
Abe: Trying to figure out xander's mind makes me a little bit nauseous.
Nicole: Yeah, well, I don't know how xander thinks, but i know all too well how he operates. And when he's threatening to destroy your life or hurt someone you love, he gets this menacing look on his face, and that's exactly how he looked at raynor.
Abe: Raynor?
Nicole: The doctor he bribed.
Abe: The doctor you think he bribed.
Nicole: No, abe, I can't prove it, but I know he did it.
Abe: Nicole... are you doing this to get at the truth... or settle a score with xander?
Roman: Yeah, get me, uh, couple cases of pale ale. Yeah. No, that'll do it, thanks, bart. Take care.
Hattie: Hey. Now that you're off your phone call, you can join the foreign legion where you can avoid my question.
Roman: [Laughing] I'm not avoiding any question.
Hattie: Well, you sure as hell didn't answer it.
Roman: Hattie, we're at work, okay? We got things to do here, we got things to do out there. You know that as well as I do. So this is not the time or place to talk about whatever in the hell it is you wanna talk about.
Hattie: Hmm. Well, you know what it was? It was a yes or no question, so you can answer it with a single syllable. What is it, yes or no?
Roman: Hattie!
Hattie: Oh. I see. Okay. If that's the way you feel, I am done with this job, and I am done with you.
Ciara: There we go. All done.
Ben: I don't think so.
[Soft music]
The way the light
kisses your eyes
it's hard to explain
I lose all track of time
loving you has saved
my life
it's so crystal clear
I found my home
right here
baby, I'm here
rest your head
on my shoulder
when the night seems
much colder
Sarah: Um...eric told me that you asked to hold mickey.
Kristen: I' sorry.
Sarah: Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't be. I-I totally understand.
Kristen: I just--
Sarah: I mean, I think... I do, I-- how could anyone understand what you're going through? know, this... this may be wrong, but the hospital has this program where volunteers can hold babies whose mothers can'T.
Brady: Kristen said that she didn't wanna just give money. She wanted to do something.
Kristen: Yeah, no, that sounds nice.
Sarah: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah.
Sarah: You know, kristen, i don't think... I don't think I could ever be as brave as you.
Kristen: Oh, my god, brave. No. No, I'M... definitely not brave.
Sarah: Oh, no, I disagree. Of course you are. Of course you are, you're here, you're gonna try to help other children. You got your marrow tested to try and save a child's life when went through the worst thing. You lost yours, you... that is very brave in my book, kristen, very, very brave. So if there is anything that-- that we can do to help your charity, you have to let us know, okay? Isn't that right, eric?
Eric: That's right.
Sarah: Okay?
Kristen: Thank you.
Sarah: Take care of her, okay?
Brady: I will. Thank you.
Kristen: Oh, my god, she was so sweet.
Brady: Yeah. She really was.
Kristen: And she's right. I mean, she doesn't understand, but... 'cause they get to take their baby home. And we're never going to be able to.
Nicole: I thought about what you said, and... I realize now that I was crazy. I was crazy to think that you would switch the babies.
Xander: Right? Very crazy.
Nicole: And besides, there was no reason for you to do it.
Xander: No kidding. And look, you and eric are happy--or at least as happy as that dead fish will allow himself to be--and sarah and i are so happy. Just leave well enough alone, yeah?
Nicole: Don't worry. I'm going to.
Abe: Well, what was that all about?
Nicole: I just told xander what he needed to hear.
Ben: "You will be blessed with a loyal and loving friend." Well, that's an understatement. My loyal and loving friend saved my life.
Ciara: Ben, I was just being selfish. Because... I just--I really can't imagine living my life without you in it.
Ben: Read yours.
Ciara: "You will find your forever love." You see, I think this is wrong. Because I've already found him.
Ben: I think you forgot something.
Ciara: I did not.
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: No. No, I just wasn't finished. "You will find your forever love"... between the sheets. Does that seem like it could apply to us?
Ben: Mmm. Well, there's only one way to find out.
Ciara: Hmm?
[Soft music]
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