Days Transcript Tuesday 3/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 3/24/20


Episode #13732 ~ Ben is released from prison and reunites with Ciara; Kayla fills in the gaps for Hope; Maggie says goodbye to her loved ones before going to prison; Nicole gets answers about Mickey.

Provided By Suzanne

[heart monitor beeping]

Hope: [Gasps] Gina?

Gina: Yes. 'Tis I, hope. Good morning to you.

Hope: How are you here?

Gina: Well, I am here to assure you that all shall be restored. Rolf is on his way to reinsert the chip into your brain.

Hope: No, I won't let him. I won't let him! He can't!

Gina: Shh. Do not upset yourself. There's no need to worry. I am here to take over your body and your life. And this time...

Hope: [Screams]

Gina: Shall be... forever.

Hope: [Starts]

[Dramatic choral music]

Justin: Ciara.

Ciara: Justin. Well, what happened? Did you--did you make your case to the judge?

Justin: I did, I did. I argued that while it's the state's decision whether or not to prosecute evan frears, aka christian maddox, for jordan's murder, all that matters in our case is that we now know that ben is innocent. So I asked the judge to overturn his conviction and release him on his own recognizance.

Ciara: Okay. And what did the judge say?

Ben: That I was free to go.

[Romantic music]

Sonny: Not hungry, uncle vic?

Victor: No. The mood I'm in, I probably couldn't hold anything down.

Sonny: So you heard the news.

Victor: What news is that?

Will: Sonny convinced evan to tell the police where david was.

Victor: And that's bad?

Sonny: No, no, that's good news. It's just that he was keeping the baby with his father, and it happens to be your old business partner, orpheus. He's still alive. But he's in police custody, so he's not a threat to anyone.

Victor: Well, I'm glad the boy is safe. But I have more important things on my mind right now. In case you haven't heard, my wife is going to prison.

[Moody string music]

Sarah: Oh, my god. What a night. I'll feel so much better after I-- I finally figured out what you were keeping from me.

[Tense music]

Xander: The last time you opened your big mouth, you almost ruined both of our happily ever afters. So trust me when I tell you mackenzie's sarah and eric's and drop this.

Nicole: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I gave you the two dna samples last night. Do you have the results?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ciara: Justin, thank you. Thank you. I mean, I don't know what else to say! Thank you just doesn't seem like enough.

Justin: It will more than suffice.

Ben: Oh, justin, thank you.

Justin: I'm happy to help. All I did was present the facts. This is the one you need to thank. She's the one who fought for over a year to prove your innocence.

Ben: Believe me. I will never forget it or stop being grateful for it.

Ciara: Yeah. I was just willing to do whatever I had to save ben's life and freedom. I just hate that you wasted so much time for a crime that you didn't commit.

[Serene music]

Sonny: So you're actually serving time?

Will: I thought victor's lawyers were fighting to keep you out of jail.

Maggie: I asked them to stop. I need to take full responsibility for what I did. And not just to your mother, sonny, and all the people that loved her. But I need to make amends for the people that I hurt when I chose to drink and drive. And I want to start with you, will. I'm very sorry that you were forced to take the blame for my actions. And it breaks my heart that you lost so much time with the people you love.

[Suspenseful music]

Xander: You caught me.

While you were at the hospital last night with mickey, I finally finished putting it together. It just wouldn't do for the princess to come home without a proper place to sleep, would it?

Sarah: Oh, it's beautiful. That must have been so much work.

Xander: Well, not really. The instructions were pretty clear.

Sarah: God. I feel so lucky, because not only am I in love with the most caring and loving man on the planet, I got some very good news.

Xander: And what would that be?

Sarah: I spoke with mickey's doctors. And they said that she is well enough to come home today.

Lab technician: We should be finished running the samples within the hour.

Nicole: And that will prove one way or the other if the dna matches, right? If the two people are related?

Lab technician: I'll find you when I have the test results.

Eric: Hey. Test results? When it comes to beautiful hair, why are we always ...

Kayla: Well, all your vitals look really good, although, you know, your heart rate is really pretty fast.

Hope: I'm not surprised. Before you came in, I had a nightmare about gina.

Kayla: Hope, I promise you, gina is gone. Now that rolf has removed the chip, you have nothing to worry about.

Hope: Kay, I hurt the people I love. Jennifer was in a coma. She lost a year of her life. I helped stefano. I tried to come between john and marlena. How do I live with any of it?

Kayla: The same way we all do, by knowing that you were not in control of your actions.

Hope: I'll feel a lot better when marlena and steve are found. Has there been any word at all?

Kayla: Not yet, but john's on the case, and he's working around the clock.

Hope: You and steve have been apart for so long. Kay, when he is found and rolf removes that chip from his brain, the two of you will finally be together. What is it?

Kayla: You know what? Right now, we need to focus on you getting better.

Hope: That's the second time you've avoided the subject of you and steve reuniting. What is it you're not telling me?

Maggie: Sonny, I don't have the words to express my deepest sadness and my terrible guilt at having caused the death of your wonderful mother.

Sonny: Well, maggie, you know, in the beginning, I did blame you for the accident because I needed to blame someone because it was less painful for me to be angry than to deal with the grief that I eventually did. And I know that you loved my mom and she loved you. And if she was here right now, she would want you to be forgiven.

Maggie: That's kind of you to say. And I agree that adrienne would have--she would have found it in that big kind heart of hers to forgive me. And her big heart is the reason she was so determined to help my daughter that night, driving her to the hospital when she went into labor. Sarah said that your mom was badly injured in the crash, but she was so brave. She was concerned about sarah more than herself. And because of that, my granddaughter came safely into this world.

Sarah: You know, not too long ago, it just--I don't know, it felt like my whole life was crumbling around me. And now... now everything is perfect. Mickey is gonna be okay. And we're engaged. And we can just finally start planning our lives together.

Xander: Nicole's been suspicious ever since I insisted tate get tested to save mickey.

Victor: I warned you at the time that it was dangerous, but did you listen?

Xander: You're the one that contacted theresa behind brady's back, blew it all up again.

Victor: And I'm sure you were the picture of discretion with dr. Raynor? Nice quiet place, no prying eyes.

Xander: Nicole may have happened upon us at an inopportune moment.

Victor: Damn it. That ex-wife of ours is like a bitch with a bone. She's never gonna let it go.

Sarah: Xander? What's wrong?

Xander: Nothing. Actually, you said it. Everything is perfect.

Sarah: Yeah, but that look that you just had on your face. Xander, I know you. I can sense when something's off, so just tell me what's wrong.

Nicole: I just came from a doctor's appointment. You know, routine checkup, nothing for you to worry about. And I'm just waiting here for the results of my bloodwork. What? What's so funny? Why are you looking at me like that?

Eric: I just had a thought.

Nicole: What? What thought?

Eric: Are you-- are you pregnant? 

Ciara: You okay?

Ben: Yeah. Just taking it all in.

Ciara: What?

Ben: This. What do you mean what? This, all this. Ciara, when I first went to prison, this is all I dreamed about, just walking through the square, my beautiful ciara by my side, being free to do whatever I want, come and go as I please, go wherever I want when I want.

Ciara: And that is not a dream anymore.

Ben: Mm-mm. Definitely not.

Ciara: No. So now that you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, what would you like to do first?

Hope: Kayla? Why is it you don't want to talk about you and steve?

Kayla: Uh...

Hope: Is it because you're protecting yourself? Are you afraid? Is that it? Are you afraid that when he's found, you won't be able to get the real steve back?

Kayla: No. No, that's not it. Listen, right now, all I care about is him coming out of this safely and with no ill effects just like you. But when that happens, god willing, steve and I aren't gonna be together.

Hope: Why not?

Kayla: Because I'm with someone else.

Sonny: Maggie, I respect you so much for the good person that you are. And I can see that you're in pain, but you mustn't forget that people love you, and they need you.

Maggie: You're so sweet to worry about me, but I'm--I'm fine. But I want a promise from the both of you, all right?

Will: Yeah, anything.

Maggie: I want you both to promise that you won't waste one single minute worrying about me, all right? Every single precious moment that you have together, I want you to cherish it, I want you to spend it loving each other and making up for all the time that you lost.

Will: I--I think we can do that, right?

Sonny: Definitely.

Maggie: Justin, I'm glad you're here.

Justin: I was over at the courthouse and another lawyer told me that you changed your plea to guilty, that you're planning to surrender to the authorities.

Maggie: Yes. It's the only thing that I can do to try to-- not to make things right. Nothing will ever make things right, not with adrienne gone. But I guess I should say that it's the only way that I can go on.

Justin: Maggie, I know how profoundly sorry you are and how much you cared about adrienne and how devastating her loss has been to you. And that is more than enough punishment. Nothing that happens, nothing that any of us do now, will bring her back. And adrienne would want us to go on living and loving and finding joy wherever we can and being good to each other. You know that's what she would want, don't you?

[Melancholy music]

Nicole: Why would you ask me that?

Eric: Well, yesterday, you mentioned that you were late, and I know you thought it was because of the stress of working with kristen, but still, I--

Nicole: I'm not--I'm not pregnant.

Eric: Well, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.

Nicole: No, no, it's all right. You were hopeful, and there's nothing wrong with that. I sometimes am too, even though I know the odds are against me that I would ever have another baby. But what's important now is our precious little holly.

Eric: And our mickey too. I talked to the doctors earlier, and they said she can come home today.

Sarah: No, never mind. I know what it is, why you're on edge. You've been worrying about mickey and worrying about me and constantly having to comfort me or talk me off of a ledge. And I know it had to be hard on you to have to ask eric for permission to see our daughter.

Xander: Well, there were a lot of people that would have been more than happy to see me disappear from your life and mickey'S.

Sarah: Well, that's their problem, isn't it? Xander, these past few months, you have done so much for mickey and me. And in my whole lifetime, I have never--I've never had a man treat me the way that you do.

Xander: That's 'cause no man has ever loved you this much.

Sarah: How do you know that?

Xander: Just a-- a gut feeling.

Sarah: Oh, yeah? And for me, it's more than a gut feeling, 'cause I happen to know it's true. So now you have to tell me what I can do to make you feel better.

Xander: I do have one idea.

Sarah: Hmm?

Nicole: Mickey gets to come home? That's wonderful! Oh!

Eric: It's the best ever.

Nicole: Yeah.

Lab technician: Your results.

Eric: Hey. Aren't you gonna open it?

Sarah: You know, the better I get to know you, in every way, the more I begin to wonder.

Xander: What do you wonder?

Sarah: How I didn't see, early on, that you and i kind of made for each other.

Xander: I used to wonder about that too. I'm so glad you finally came to your senses.

Sarah: Now, there is nothing that you or anyone else could say that would ever make me change my mind.

Xander: Is that a promise?

Sarah: Cross my heart.

[Tender music]

Ciara: So what did rafe say when you called him?

Ben: Well, I told him that I wanted to visit david. And he said that once david is settled with this whole evan and orpheus ordeal, then I can visit him whenever I want.

Ciara: That's great!

Ben: Yeah, I know. He's been really awesome about it. Honestly, I almost asked him if he'd mind if I crashed with the two of them just for a little while until I figure out my whole living situation.

Ciara: Yeah, you know, I was actually thinking about that. And what if you come live with me? I mean, we have plenty of room at the mansion.

Kayla: I've been with justin for over six months. We live together. And we're very happy.

Hope: You and--wait. Justin and adrienne are divorced?

Kayla: No. I'm sorry to tell you, but she passed away.

Hope: Oh, my god. What happened?

[Melancholy music]

Justin: Take care, maggie.

Maggie: You too.

Sonny: This isn't goodbye. We're gonna come visit you all the time.

Will: If you need anything, just let us know.

Justin: All you have to do is ask.

Maggie: You're so good and kind. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Sarah: Mom, what's going on?

Nicole: I'll--I'll just open it later. You know, like, I told you, it's just some bloodwork. Really, it's no big deal.

Eric: Okay, if it's not a big deal, then why don't you just open it? Nicole, are you not telling me something?

Xander: It's seems like mickey might be finally out of the woods with her cancer. Haven't eric and sarah been through enough?

Nicole: I would never want to hurt them.

Xander: That's exactly what you'll do by repeating this insane baby-switching theory, upsetting them for no reason. Is that what you want?

Nicole: No, of course not.

Xander: The last time you opened your big mouth, you almost ruined both of our happily ever afters. So trust me when I tell you mackenzie's sarah and eric's and drop this.

Eric: Nicole, please. You're obviously worried about these results. And I know you don't want to burden me. After everything that mickey has gone through, if there's one thing that I've learned with her illness is that... we can work through it. You know, secrets only make things worse. So if there's something you want to tell me, just tell me and we can get through this together. I promise. okay.

Nicole: Eric, no. I'm not sick.

Eric: You're not?

Nicole: I swear to you, on holly's life, it's the truth. I'm fine. And if I weren't, I would-- I would tell you.

Eric: Okay. That's a relief.

Nicole: I love you.

Eric: I love you too. Listen, I hope you don't mind, but I kind of got to get back in there.

Nicole: Yeah, of course. Give mickey a kiss for me.

Eric: I will.

Nicole: Give me a kiss.


Sarah: Mom, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I'm sorry.

Maggie: Please, don't be. As long as I have my precious daughter and my granddaughter, I'm gonna be fine. And that's all I need, for now. And, xander, we've become unlikely friends because I know how much you care about my daughter. So if there's any doubt, I want you to know that I am happy that you and sarah are getting married. You have my blessings.

Xander: Thank you, maggie.

Maggie: And even though I-- I won't be here to look after sarah at least for a while, I'm glad to know that you will.

[Melancholy music]

Hope: You and justin were both dealing with losses.

Kayla: Yeah, but his was a death, so his loss-- well, I can't really compare it to me thinking that steve wanted to divorce me. But we were there, supporting each other. We were both newly single after long-term relationships. And then we just sort of realized it had become something more.

Ben: Ciara, I really appreciate the offer, but--

Ciara: But what? What, ben? The mansion is huge. We will have plenty of privacy, if that is what you're worried about.

Ben: It's not. It's victor. I'm pretty sure he'd have a big problem with it.

Ciara: All right, because of the whole us thinking that it was him and xander who really killed jordan?

Ben: Yeah, that.

Ciara: Yeah. You know, I don't think he can hold a grudge for forever.

Ben: Actually, I'm pretty sure he can. But you know what? The last thing I want to worry about right now is my future. I just want to be totally in this moment alone with you. And I really don't care where.

Ciara: You know what? Me neither. This is our first day alone together. And I am honestly just not ready to share you with the world yet. No, I don't want to, ben. I kind of want you all to myself right now.

[Warm music]

Hope: Poor adrienne. She was such a wonderful woman, friend.

Kayla: She was all that.

Hope: Kay, I imagine it was-- well, still is a comfort for you and justin to have each other.

Kayla: It's more than a comfort. We love each other.

Hope: I'm happy for you, for both of you. I'm sorry. I just--I can't help but wonder.

Kayla: What? Just say it.

Hope: Now that you know that steve wasn't the one who asked for the divorce, that he wasn't acting of his own free will, does that change how you feel about justin?

[Uneasy music]

Victor: Everyone else is gone. Just you and me.

[Moody music]

Xander: Hey, you all right?

Sarah: No. No, I'm not. God, it's just that-- that whole night was just so terrible. All adrienne wanted to do was help me. All my mom wanted to do was just see her grandbaby be born. And why? Why did my sister have to show up that night because my mom would have never relapsed if it wasn't for summer just terrorizing--

Xander: Sarah, stop! That's all in the past. Nothing we can do about it now. And, darling, your mother is a very strong woman. She's gonna get through this.

Sarah: [Sniffs] Thank you. You're right. Eric is probably in there with mickey.

Xander: Say no more. I'll be waiting when you bring our little girl home.

[Quiet suspenseful music]

Nicole: Oh, my god. For most patients that have

Ciara: Why aren't you opening the door?

Ben: Because you have the key.

Ciara: Oh, right.

Ben: Yeah.

Ciara: I do. I have a key.

Ben: Why aren't you opening the door?

Ciara: Actually, I'm-- I'm kind of nervous. My hand is shaking a little bit and my heart is--is beating really, really hard.

Ben: Honestly, mine too.

Ciara: Yeah?

Ben: Feel it.

Ciara: Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. It is. Here, feel mine.

Ben: Oh, wow.

Ciara: So both of our hearts are kind of going crazy, huh?

Ben: You know what? I think that's a really good thing.

Ciara: I think so too.

Ben: Been dreaming of this moment for so long.

Ciara: Me too. Okay.

Ben: You got this.

Ciara: Okay.

[Tender music]

Kayla: Justin, what brings you by?

Justin: Well, I just wanted to come by and say hello to hope. Is this a bad time?

Kayla: No, no. Of course not.

Hope: No, no. I am always happy to see you. You know that.

Justin: Feeling is mutual. I'm so glad the procedure went well.

Hope: Yeah, me too. I am very grateful. Kayla was filling me out on everything. Justin, I'm terribly sorry about adrienne.

Justin: Thank you. Yeah, it was really, really rough, but I was lucky, because I had the love and support of friends and family.

Maggie: I'm not the only one, am I? Playing at being strong.

Victor: All right, I'll admit, grudgingly, that my heart is breaking right now because having you in my life, in my home, has become as essential to me as breathing. But I want you to know how proud I am of you for having the courage to do the right thing.

Maggie: Thank you for saying that.

[Sobs] My darling victor, I'm not worried about you at all because I know if you lean on the people that you love, you're gonna be okay. I love you.

[Ventilator hissing]

Eric: I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I do admire her courage.

Sarah: Yeah, me too. I don't really want to talk about it right now, though, 'cause if I do, I'm just gonna-- I just want to focus on the good news. Our little girl is gonna be okay.

Nicole: I don't believe it. I thought for sure xander switched those babies. But it's right here in black and white. According to these results, kristen isn't mackenzie's mother. She really is sarah and eric's little girl after all.

[Uneasy music]

Xander: Look, I know you'll be happy with what's in this envelope. Can I assume that I'll be happy with what's in the one you gave to nicole walker?

Lab technician: I altered the results to say that the samples didn't match.

Xander: Very good. There's a little bonus in there to ensure your discretion.

Lab technician: I'll take that secret to my grave.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: As will I.

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