Days Transcript Monday 3/23/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 3/23/20


Episode #13731 ~ Chad struggles to hide the truth from Abigail; Kate and Gabi find themselves trapped together; Stefano attempts to connect with Marlena; Sonny urges Evan to do the right thing.

Provided By Suzanne

[Suspenseful music]

Lani: This is driving me crazy.

Eli: You? We've been here for hours.

Lani: Yeah, and all this creep does is sit on his ass and read the newspaper, and we are not getting any closer to finding david.

Eli: We've just gotta be cool. He can't sit on his ass forever. Ooh, hello.

Lani: You must be psychic.

Eli: [Exhales] Finally.

Chad: Now, with these two out of the way, I can help you plan your party to introduce your queen of the night.

[Eerie notes] Now I just gotta get rid of these two.

Abigail: Surprise! I'm home.

Chad: What are you doing here?

Abigail: [Laughs] What do you mean--I live here.

Chad: That's not what i meant.

Abigail: Well, I miss you, and I miss the kids, and I miss being home and jj was fine, so I just hopped on a plane.

Chad: Without calling?

Abigail: Well, I wanted to surprise you.

Chad: You did.

Abigail: And you don't seem very happy about that. Is everything okay?

[Marlena moans]

Steve as stefano: My queen.

Marlena: Oh... yes, my king.

[Both chuckling]

Steve as stefano: Ah...

[Dark music]

All hail. The queen of the night has returned at last.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: Well, I thought you said that he was on the move.

Lani: We thought he was, but then he ducked into the bookstore, out on the square.

Rafe: He must have seen you two.

Lani: No. I don't think so. We were pretty far back, but he did look really nervous about something.

Rafe: Oh, my god--he's never gonna lead you to david now. Damn it! Okay. I'm sorry. Just keep me posted, okay?

Lani: Will do.



[Line rings]

Rafe: Hey, it's rafe. I need your help.

Steve as stefano: How are you feeling?

Marlena: Better. Rested.

Steve as stefano: Good. That's what I wanted to hear.

Marlena: [Light laugh]

Steve as stefano: Come. I want to show you something wondrous.

Marlena: [Gasps] Oh!

Steve as stefano: Hmm?

Marlena: Ohh...

Steve as stefano: Beautiful, yes?

Marlena: It's exquisite! And it only blooms once a year?

Steve as stefano: And... it bloomed just as you came back to me... and that's all the more reason to throw a party.

Marlena: I remember... you said something about that.

Steve as stefano: Yes. Chad is putting it together... as soon as he...removes a couple of people from the guest list.

Chad: Yeah, of course I'm happy to see you.

Abigail: Okay. That's more like it. I missed you. I missed you so much. Too much.

Chad: Why too much?

Abigail: I don't know. Just being away so long-- it made me feel disconnected and needy and... then I kept remembering what my mom said--she would always say, "abigail, time away from your husband is a good thing, as long as it's not too much time apart." Of course, for my parents, it was too much time apart, so...

Chad: Well, it'll never be too much--not for us.

Abigail: No. You're right. Not for us. Are you sure you're okay? Did I catch you in the middle of something or--

Chad: Why do you ask?

Abigail: Well, you just seem really preoccupied, distracted.

Chad: Just the wife that i missed came home without calling me.

Abigail: Are you sure that's it? Are you sure you don't have some tramp stashed in here?

Chad: Two actually.

Abigail: Oh, really? Two? Well, we're into threesomes now--I have been gone a long time.

Chad: I'm glad you're home.

[Abigail giggles]

[Intense music]

I'm bad.

Rafe: Hey.

Sonny: Hey.

Rafe: Thanks for coming here. I can't leave now.

Sonny: Yeah, no, no problem. Is this about david?

Rafe: Yeah, yeah, it looks like evan might be the son of orpheus.

Sonny: Are you kidding?

Rafe: No.

Sonny: Orpheus, clyde weston, and xander tried to blow this town up. I thought he was dead.

Rafe: I hoped he was dead, but now I don't know.

Sonny: Well, how do you know that evan is his son?

Rafe: Well, clyde weston told ben that orpheus offered him a deal. Offered to break clyde out of prison if he could get him a key--a key to a certain safe deposit box. A key that jordan happened to possess.

Sonny: Okay.

Rafe: Yeah, so clyde accepted the deal.

Sonny: Of course he did.

Rafe: Right and, well, he sent orpheus and his son to go get the key from jordan. Never heard from him again, and so he figured that orpheus double-crossed him.

Sonny: And you think that the son did get jordan pregnant?

Rafe: Yeah. That's what clyde told ben, and I also...have reason to believe that orpheus has david.

Sonny: Oh, my god. Well do you know where evan is?

Rafe: Well, I have people tailing him right now, but he's just running around in circles. He knows he's being followed.

Sonny: Well, how do I fit into this?

Rafe: Right. Yeah, um... I need someone to break the standoff. I was hoping that you could talk to evan.

Sonny: What would you want me to say?

Rafe: That if he knows where orpheus is, he needs to tell us, so we can bring david home safe.

Sonny: I just don't think evan's gonna listen to anything I have to say because he knows that I'm back with will.

Rafe: I'll be honest...okay? I keep thinking about david. He must be so damn scared, you know? And, um...I know that you-- if you talk to evan, you can make him do the right thing--you're the only person that can do that.

Sonny: Okay. I'll give it a try.

Lani: Did he make you?

Eli: Nope. I went out back soon as I saw him leave.

Lani: What's in the bag?

Eli: Couple of paperbacks and a burner phone.

Lani: They sell those there?

Eli: Yep. Who knew? Oh, here he is. He's making a call.

Evan: It's me.

Orpheus: Where are you calling from?

Evan: The square. I'm being watched, but it won't get them anywhere. They can't trace this call. How's david doing?

Orpheus: He's still running a bit of a fever.

Evan: Then get him to an urgent care or a hospital.

Orpheus: I do that, and the police'll be all over me.

Evan: I don't care. If you don't do something for my son, I will.

Orpheus: Not if they're following you. Look, kids get fevers. This'll probably go down soon.

Evan: Like you're a doctor now?

Orpheus: I promise you I'm not gonna let anything happen to this boy. He's my flesh and blood.

Marlena: Why are we taking people off the guest list?

Steve as stefano: Well, they're people who are not on our side. People who are not loyal to the dimera family. They're enemies whose only goal is to overthrow us, so I told chad to get rid of them.

Marlena: You mean... to take them off the guest list?

Steve as stefano: I was speaking euphemistically. I told eliminate them.

Marlena: Oh! Why?

Steve as stefano: Because they need to be stopped permanently.

Marlena: Who--who are the two people you're talking about?

Steve as stefano: Gabriella hernandez. Katerina roberts. Managing lipids, like very high triglycerides,

Lani: Man, I really wish I could hear what he was saying.

Eli: I bet you he's talking to orpheus.

Lani: Yeah, that is what is driving me crazy. Hey. Our job, okay?

Eli: Yes, but our target just looked our way.

Lani: Oh, okay. Well, no one has ever kissed me on a stakeout before.

Eli: Hmm.

Lani: I kind of like it. It kind of takes the boredom away.

Eli: Yes, but, um, we can'T. We can't get too distracted. Why don't you go down to the station and check in with rafe?

Sonny: Evan?

Eli: Sonny, what are you doing here?

Sonny: I was hoping we could talk.

Abigail: My god, thomas must have grown 2 inches since i was-- what are you doing in the tunnels? That where you were stashing all your tramps?

Chad: Just looking for my father.

Abigail: Well, I know he got in through the tunnels before, but now that he's kidnapped marlena, he's not gonna be stupid enough to come back through that way and ask for our help.

Chad: Well, now that you're home I just wanted to make sure that he hadn't gotten back in.

Abigail: Good--and are you sure?

Chad: All I saw was a couple of rats.

Abigail: Are you serious? Chad, that's not--we have to call an exterminator right now.

Chad: That's exactly what I was thinking.

Abigail: Oh, my god. Ugh!

[Dark music]

Kate: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, not again.

[Softly] Gabi. Gabi. Gabi. Gabi, wake up. Oh, my god. Chad got her too. Gabi. Gabi. Gabi!

Marlena: No, you--you can't kill gabi and kate.

Steve as stefano: Why not?

Marlena: Well...because gabi is your son's widow, and kate--kate was your wife.

Steve: Well, katerina did not marry me for love. I had to blackmail her. I told her I was going to the police with information that she tried to kill daniel jonas.

Marlena: Well, maybe in the beginning, perhaps, but then...something happened. I-it became real. I was there. I saw it.

Steve as stefano: Nevertheless, katerina betrayed me with ian mccallister because she thought he was going to be the new head of the dimera family. Katerina's loyalty is only to herself.

Marlena: Oh, but to kill her?

Steve as stefano: What about poor andre--why do you think she married him? That was all about self- preservation, and look what happened to him.

Marlena: She had nothing to do with that.

Steve: That woman is my sworn enemy!

Marlena: She is my friend, and I forbid you to kill her. According to her daughter,

Rafe: Did you lose him again?

Lani: No. Eli is there. Evan bought a burner phone and made a really long call.

Rafe: Oh, well, he must be talking to orpheus.

Lani: I would like to confirm that, but I didn't hear a thing.

Rafe: Yeah, well, it's hard to do when our suspect's sitting in the middle of town.

Lani: Yeah. The only thing that I can report is that sonny showed up right as I was about to leave.

Rafe: Oh.

Lani: He might be the one good guy who can get through to evan.

Rafe: I know. That's why I sent him there.

Evan: How'd you know where to find me?

Sonny: I know that you like the coffee at the cafe.

Evan: The cops sent you, didn't they? I know I'm being watched.

Sonny: Yeah. No, please, come on, hey, don't go! You know you can't go on like this.

Evan: Why not? David's my son. Mine. I'm not giving him to rafe or anybody else, and as soon as I get this matter with jordan's accident settled, he and I are gonna be on our way, so you can just tell rafe or whoever that, you know, david's in very good hands.

Sonny: Yeah? Is orpheus watching him? I know he's your father, and I know that he's alive. So does rafe. So does all the law enforcement in this country.

Evan: Then you know that david's grandfather won't let anything happen to him.

Sonny: David's grandfather is on the top ten most-wanted list. Do you really want your son in the middle of a shootout between him and the feds?

Evan: My father won't let something like that happen.

Sonny: Orpheus wants what's best for orpheus.

Evan: That is not true! He risked everything to go pick up medicine for david.

Sonny: What kind of medicine? What's wrong with david?

Steve as stefano: Marlena, you are a very loyal person. You're loyal to people who don't deserve it, like katerina. She is not the same woman she was when you befriended her. She hasn't been for a very long time.

Marlena: Kate and I share a grandson, and we adore him.

Steve as stefano: Well, loyalty is a two-way street. Do you think that katerina would stand up for you if she was in your shoes right now?

Marlena: I, uh, don't know.

Steve as stefano: Yes, you do. If she was such a wonderful friend, why did she keep gina's identity a secret from the police? Why did she lie to roman brady about her affiliation with me? I'll tell you why. It's because you mean nothing to her. She put her own needs first, as she always does.

Marlena: Well, that... makes sense.

Steve as stefano: Yes. Yes, it does, but let me offer you some advice. Let go of the past and live in the present.

Marlena: Live in the present? I don't know what that means.

Steve as stefano: We can start right now.

[Waltz plays]

May I have this dance?

Kate: Gabi, wake up! You have to wake up.

Gabi: Mmm.

Kate: Do you hear me? Gabi! Gabi!

Gabi: Quit yelling. Ah! Oh, my head is killing me.

Kate: Oh, I know, sweetie. Come on.

Gabi: [Groans] What... what... oh, my god! What happened--did she faint? Kate, kate, kate. It was chad. It was chad that did this to us. What is wrong with him?

Abigail: It's just so gross. I mean there's rats in our home? If it were mice, that would even feel different, but, I mean, rats? Th-they carry diseases, and they bite, and we could all get sick.

Chad: Yes, I'm well aware of that.

Abigail: Why are you acting so calm right now?

Chad: There's no point in freaking out.

Abigail: I'm not freaking out. I--you know, if you were a little freaked out about it, then maybe I wouldn't have to be freaking out because I would know that you were gonna do something.

Chad: I'm calling the exterminator.

Abigail: Are you? 'Cause you haven't called yet.

Chad: I will in a second. Why don't you go upstairs and get out of these traveling clothes?

Abigail: I have a better idea. Why don't you call someone and seal up those stupid tunnel entrances?

Chad: That would be overreacting.

Abigail: Are you saying that I'm overreacting? This is... this is our home. We live here. I don't want rats or people like your father entering whenever they want. My children live here.

Chad: They're my kids too.

Abigail: I know they're your kids too. God, why did you say it like that?

Chad: Like what?

Abigail: Like that. Like you're, you know, mad at me or something. Look, obviously I'm a little rattled right now about all of this and I mean, even you have to admit that strange stuff has been happening. Steve getting in this fight with gabi and giving... you that ring, which you're wearing.

Chad: It's all I have left from my father.

Abigail: The man that gave you that is not your father.

Chad: I know. It's just a ring, honey.

Abigail: It's not just a ring, honey. It's a symbol, it's--it's-- look, I understand keeping it, but wearing it? It's like you're, I don't know, marked by him or something. Like you're on his side, and that's not possible. I mean, you know that, right?

Sonny: I have a daughter. I've been through this before. If david is sick, he has to see a doctor.

Evan: It's just a fever.

Sonny: Do you even know how high it is? Come on, evan, or--

Evan: You can call me evan.

Sonny: Even before I got to know you, I could tell how much you love that kid. You've always been good to him.

Evan: He's my whole life. I didn't know anything about having a son until I saw him for the first time. I looked into his little face and all of a sudden, I knew why I was here on this earth.

Sonny: Having a child is more than a rush, okay? He is a responsibility. You need to put david first. You need to do right by him, no matter what that means for you. That is what parenthood is all about, and I am telling you right now I know exactly what orpheus is capable of.

Evan: He's not dangerous to david.

Sonny: You keep saying that, but do you really know him? Level with me right now. Can you trust that man with your son?

Gabi: I cannot believe that chad would do this to me!

Kate: Okay, well, believe it, because he did the same thing to me.

Gabi: I mean, I know he hates my guts, he wants me out of the house, out of the company but I never thought he would do something like this!

Kate: Okay. Neither did I.

Gabi: What the hell is going on with him?

Kate: Look, when I saw him, steve had just left the ring for him, okay? A-and he was different. Even the words he was saying. It was like it was coming straight out of stefano's mouth.

Gabi: What?

Kate: And then I find a letter.

Gabi: What letter?

Kate: Written by stefano to chad, but before I could read it, chad came back in the room, so I hid it.

Gabi: Okay, and you have this letter?

Kate: Yes, yes, I saved it.

Gabi: So why aren't you opening it? Well, can you please read it?

Kate: "My dearest son, I know that I have kept you at a distance since my return, but the time is coming when you must know and understand my plan. Until we can meet face-to-face, please believe that I have chosen you as the one who will be by my side as I retake control of my empire"--oh, I don't like the sound of this.

Gabi: Yeah. Me neither.

Abigail: Are you gonna answer me?

Chad: My father held this family and this business together.

Abigail: Yeah, and he did that while he was doing horrible things to good people.

Chad: My family's been pulled apart since he disappeared, and I'm doing my best to put it back together again. This ring represents his power and his strength. It's a symbol, and it says that I am meant to carry it on...and I hope you can understand that.

Abigail: I am trying to understand.

Chad: Do you remember what it felt like when you found out that your father passed away? The book that he had finished, right before he passed away. It was coming out soon. I knew it was important to you. That it represented a connection between the two of you. This ring is that for me. There was good with him and I. I know you saw that.

Abigail: Even if your dad is alive and it's steven brainwashed, he kidnapped marlena and he kidnapped kayla, and he is doing bad things right now, currently, in the present. And I respect that he is your father, and I respect that relationship, but I see him as a threat to us, to our family, to your family and mine. And...yeah, you're right. I am freaked out. I'm freaked out about what is happening in this house.

Chad: Nothing happened to thomas and charlotte while you were away, right? They're fine. We're fine. I don't want to talk about my father anymore.

Abigail: Okay.

Chad: I would love to hear about your trip and how jj's doing and how theo is. You must be really tired.

Abigail: Yeah, I am tired. I'm pretty beat, actually. Look, I didn't mean to fight with you. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be hard on you. I just--I am tired. I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep on the plane, and that's part of it, and I... I just--I really missed you. And I missed the kids, and I miss being home.

Chad: I missed you too.

Abigail: Okay, so... is thomas still waking up at 5:00 A.M.?

Chad: To watch the universal kids channel. Yeah.

Abigail: Well, he's almost perfect.

Chad: Yeah.

Abigail: All right. Well, before we are both woken up at 5:00 A.M., The only thing I want to do right now is just go upstairs, take a hot shower, and climb in bed with my loving husband.

Chad: That sounds excellent. Why don't you go up? I have some things I need to finish.

Kate: What the hell do you think stefano's up to?

Gabi: Well, we can probably find out if you read the rest of the letter.

Kate: Oh, god. "I cannot stress this enough, my son. As a father, I have learned a hard lesson from the loss of some of your siblings. I know now that my children are the future. Andre may be dead and gone. He and i don't always see eye-to-eye, but we did agree on one thing. The most important thing in life is la famiglia."

[Sighs] Oh! I know now that he had read this letter when I first saw chad, because he was standing in front of stefano's portrait and he was talking to him, and he was wearing the ring.

Gabi: Okay, so you think that chad tried to kill us because he received a letter from "stefano," right? That's what you think? This is life, kate, okay? Not a stephen king novel.

Kate: You know what? Just listen to me for a second, all right? He specifically mentions andre, and I know a couple of years ago andre managed to sneak into a hypnosis session that marlena was having with chad.

Gabi: And how did he do that?

Kate: Well, you know, I have no idea what the details were, but I do know that he managed to brainwash chad into not wanting to have anything to do with abigail.

Gabi: Oh, that's right. That's when he started going after belle.

Kate: Yeah. That's right, because that's what andre wanted him to do. And I also know that he planted a trigger word in his brain, and that trigger word was "la famiglia."

Gabi: Oh, and that's why it's in the letter.

Kate: All I know is that the ring and the letter were together and chad was acting different, so I think the reason that he did what he did to us--because stefano ordered him to do it.

[Waltz continues]

Steve as stefano: It feels like we're perfectly in sync.

Marlena: It does.

Steve as stefano: This is just like I imagined it would be. Everything falling into place, step by step, till there's nothing between us. Not even air. Marlena? Marlena, what's wrong? What is it?

[Marlena breathing heavily]

Sonny: Orpheus has a score to settle with people in this town, and that is more important to him than you and david.

Evan: I don't know much about that.

Sonny: Because you weren't here when brady was supposed to marry theresa donovan. But your old man was. He had broken out of prison with clyde weston and my cousin xander. And while xander was trying to strangle the bride, your father crashed the wedding, and he held hostages. He actually put a gun to the head of theresa's sister eve. He shot my cousin jj in cold blood, and if that wasn't bad enough, he put kayla and marlena in coffins and tried to burn them alive. So do you see what I mean when I say he has a score to settle with people in this town?

Evan: Yeah.

Sonny: I can't even believe that you're his son, because I've seen you with your son and with my daughter, and I know what you're like when we're alone. Unless you were just faking that.

Evan: I wasn'T.

Sonny: Then there's good in you, okay? So whatever happened between you and jordan--

Evan: It was an accident.

Sonny: Oh, okay, okay. Being a parent is about putting the needs of your child ahead of your own needs, and I don't know how to say this, evan, but you come with a lot of baggage. I'm sorry, but you are not what david needs right now. Rafe needs to be raising that child, and deep down, you know it. Have you seen rafe lately? It looks like he hasn't slept. He's been going crazy, since he found out that you took david. He's a wreck, okay? And this is not going to end well for you. And if david is sick--

Evan: It's just a virus or something.

Sonny: How do you know it's just a virus? What if this fever spikes, and he needs to go to the er? Do you think orpheus is gonna put your son's need ahead of his own? Because he is not. Your son could be sitting there right now getting sicker and sicker, and you're doing nothing. Are you gonna be able to live with yourself, after that? As a caricature artist,

Lani: Sonny, hey. Thank you so much for what you did for david.

Sonny: I just hope it turns out okay.

Orpheus: 17. 18. 19. 20. Ready or not, here I come. Hmm. Now, where could david be? Huh. Hmm. I wonder if I'll ever find him, unless maybe... he's right here! You're such a great hide-and-seek player. You're the best. I think maybe you get that from your granddad.

David: Yeah.

Orpheus: I thought I told you to stay away from here. He's fine. I told you to stay away.

Evan: I had to see him for myself. How you doing, little buddy? Not so good? That's okay. I'm gonna get you to a doctor, all right?

Orpheus: If we go to a doctor, the police'll have the place surrounded before we even get out.

Evan: Well, it's too late to worry about that. Yeah, okay. Hey, you guys can come in now. I got david!

Orpheus: Are you out of your mind?

Evan: Actually, I'm thinking pretty clearly. I love you, little guy. I always will.

David: Yeah.

Evan: Here you go.

Rafe: Hey, buddy. Hey. Hey, it's me. It's all right. You don't have to be scared anymore, pal. Yeah, I got ya. I got ya. Oh, my god. I got you, buddy.

Abigail: [Laughs] Really? You have some things to finish? Might I remind you that the love of your life just traveled a very long way to come be with her husband and spend time with you?

Chad: I'll be up there before you're out of the shower.

Abigail: Really? This can't wait, chad?

Chad: The rats.

Abigail: All right, I can cope with rats for...the night. Jeez, twist your arm. I mean, come on!

Kate: It's all starting to make sense.

Gabi: Okay, then why don't you walk me through it?

Kate: Steve manages to brainwash chad and then he orders him to get rid of us, right?

Gabi: Okay, so if I wouldn't have walked in when I did, then you--

Kate: Yeah. I'd probably be dead right now, and the thing I really don't understand--after he knocked you out, why didn't he just finish us off?

Gabi: Maybe somebody else walked in.

Kate: Maybe, but whatever it was, I'm getting the feeling that this is only a temporary reprieve.

Marlena: [Breathing hard]

Steve as stefano: What's wrong, my queen?

Marlena: I'm so sorry. I can't do this. I... uh, I-I think... if we're...having a party, I should go

Steve as stefano: Of course. You and I... have all the time in the world now.

[Dramatic music]

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