Days Transcript Friday 3/20/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 3/20/20


Episode #13730 ~ Nicole picks a fight with Kristen; Hope presses Kayla to learn what other damage she caused while she was Gina; Stefano makes headway with Marlena; Chad attacks Kate and Gabi.

Provided By Suzanne

Nicole: Hey, what do you want? Get your hands off me!

Sarah: What's going on?

Nicole: [Sighs] You need to teach your boyfriend to keep his paws to himself.

Xander: Didn't mean to offend, I simply wanted just a moment to talk to nicole in private.

Sarah: About what?

Xander: About mackenzie.

Sarah: Why would you need to talk to her about my daughter?

Kayla: Huh, I wasn't sure you'd be awake. How you feeling?

Hope: How am I feeling? Just learned that I spent the past year and a half with a chip in my head, behaving like a psychopath, trying to kill my cousin. How am I supposed to be feeling?

Kate: Good, I was hoping that I would catch you.

Chad: Glad you're here. I was just thinking of you.

Kate: Is that so? Hope they were good thoughts.

[Unhinged music]

Steve as stefano: I need you to finish the job with kate... and gabi.

Chad: Understood.

Steve as stefano: Don't let me down.

Chad: Of course. I have big plans for you.

[Dramatic music]

Steve as stefano: If rolf did his job as promised, I am finally going to have my queen.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: [Groans]

Kristen: Well, those boxers might be prototype, but they are already a home run.

Brady: [Sighs] I kinda like the way they fit.

Kristen: Yeah?

Brady: Actually, yeah.

Kristen: Huh. Maybe we should give production the go ahead to start making them.

Brady: Sure you like the design, like, every angle? I mean, you approve, or...

Kristen: [Indistinct] Good ass.

Brady: I was hoping for that.

Kristen: [Laughs] You know, no more evaluation required. Unless you, uh, wanna repeat the test again just to make sure. What do you think?

Brady: You know what I think? I think we're lucky as hell that nobody came through that door the first time, so why don't we take these home...

Kristen: [Chuckles]

Brady: We'll test them at home, all right?

Kristen: Yeah?

Brady: Is that all right?

Kristen: Mmm, that sounds like a promising idea, mr. Black.

Both: [Moan]

Brady: What is it? What is it? Hey. Rachel.

Sarah: So what did you need to discuss with nicole about my baby?

Xander: I was hoping she would talk to eric for me. You know, make sure he doesn't change his mind, try and cut me out of mickey's life.

Sarah: Eric said that he would leave that decision to me. Why would he go back on his word?

Xander: You know how he feels about me, and, I just wanna make sure that I'm gonna get time with my soon-to-be stepdaughter, now that you and I are engaged.

Nicole: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You two are engaged, as engaged to be married?

Xander: That's the plan.

Sarah: Yeah, um, xander proposed to me last night and I accepted.

Nicole: Uh, why didn't you tell me that earlier?

Sarah: Uh, 'cause we were kinda talking about other things.

Nicole: Or maybe you were afraid to tell me because you knew what I was gonna say. As someone who has done hard time married to your fiancé, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

Sarah: [Sighs]

Kayla: You are a good person. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

Hope: I pushed jennifer off a balcony, kayla-- my cousin, my best friend. I caused her a year of her life. She was in a coma because of me.

Kayla: She doesn't blame you. For god's sake, you had a microchip in your head. You have to stop beating yourself up. It was not your fault. Rolf did this to you.

Hope: Why? Why? Why'd he do it this time?

Kate: Well, I hope what you're thinking about is keeping your promise to me.

Chad: I always keep my promises, kate.

Kate: Well, that's good. Because the charges of aiding and abetting your father-- well, they're still hanging over my head.

Chad: My father and gina trust you. They relied on you.

Kate: Well, I should never have let that happen.

Chad: Kate, I give you my word as a dimera that you will not have to worry about going to prison anymore. What was that look? Why'd you just look at me like that?

Kate: Because you sounded just like your father right then.

Steve as stefano: You look absolutely lovely, my dear. Did you enjoy your rest?

Marlena: I did, thank you. I... I still feel a bit disoriented.

Steve as stefano: Oh. Well, do you approve of the accommodations?

Marlena: Oh. The house is lovely.

Steve as stefano: I'm glad you like it. I had it built for you.

Marlena: For me?

Steve as stefano: Of course. Everything is for you, my queen.

Marlena: You know, I slept so deeply. I had a vivid dream.

Steve as stefano: Do you remember it?

Marlena: I do. I was with john. Managing lipids, like very high triglycerides,

Xander: You're gonna bash my romantic history? You're one to talk. Let's delve into yours for a sec--

Sarah: No, xander, that's-- it's okay. Look, I appreciate the marital advice, nicole. Lord knows you have lots of expertise on that subject.

Nicole: Oh, okay, so we're going there, huh?

Sarah: Look, I-- look, I wasn't here, but I've heard stories. I mean, before xander, there was trent, um, lucas, victor, uh, and ej? Am I missing anyone?

Nicole: Eh, I don't remember. But among that list, xander was my least favorite.

Sarah: Well, not that it's any of your concern, but xander isn't the man that he used to be.

Nicole: Is that what he told you?

Xander: It's the truth. Sarah's love, it-- it changed me.

Nicole: [Laughs] It's a miracle.

Xander: It's a gift.

Nicole: Is it?

Xander: In fact, it convinced me to stop wasting my time with women who didn't deserve me.

Nicole: That's so sweet. Well, I wish you all the luck in the world 'cause you're sure as hell gonna need it.

Sarah: She just wants a fight, mm-kay, so you can either go chase after nicole, or, you can come with me and see mickey.

Xander: You gonna to see her now?

Sarah: Mm-hmm. My mom and eric are in there already.

Xander: Ah, well, you know, there's nothing I'd rather do than see our little girl, but maybe I should avoid eric for the time being.

Sarah: You sure?

Xander: Yeah, I'll go finish some titan business and catch up to you later, yeah?

Sarah: Mm-kay.

[Tense music]

[Elevator dings]

Kayla: I can see that this is upsetting you. I will go get you something to help you sleep.

Hope: No, kayla, please. I've been in the dark for the past year and a half. You know me. I'm not gonna rest until I get the answers that I need.

Kayla: I was afraid you'd say that.

Hope: Then tell me the truth. Why did rolf make me gina again?

Kayla: Rolf was just following stefano's orders, apparently.

Hope: Stefano's back?

Kayla: That is a complicated question.

Steve as stefano: John black is gone. You're with me now. This is where you belong.

Marlena: What is this place?

Steve as stefano: Many years ago, you and I spent some very special time at maison blanche, my estate in new orleans.

Marlena: Maison blanche...

Steve as stefano: It is there that you became my queen of the night. I have never, ever stopped thinking about that time. I had such hopes and dreams for us in that place... until tragedy struck.

Marlena: [Gasps] A fire?

Steve as stefano: Yes. You remember.

Marlena: Is that where we are? Are we in new orleans?

Steve as stefano: As much as I would have liked to see my chateau rise from the ashes in the city of second chances, we are still in salem.

Marlena: Oh.

Steve as stefano: I had maison blanche rebuilt for you. Here. And this is where you and i will reclaim our love.

[Unhinged music]

Kate: You're still wearing the ring.

Chad: What? [Clears throat]

Kate: Stefano's phoenix ring. You're still wearing it.

Chad: So?

Kate: Chad, I hope that you're not letting your father convince you to do something, to do things that you wouldn't otherwise do.

Chad: Like what?

Kate: Like compromise yourself as a father, and as a husband. I know that you swore you made a vow that you would shift your focus away from the dimera family and to your own family, that you would be a better man from abigail and for your children.

Chad: Nothing is more important to me.

Kate: Chad, what's wrong? What is it? Our skin tells a story...

[Soft dramatic music]

Brady: You know, it's not disrespecting rachel's memory to focus on what we have. Yeah?

Kristen: Really think she'd want that? For us just to move on?

Brady: I think she would. I mean, I think she does. She's still here. She's in your heart. She's in my heart. And she's in the love that we share. She's here.

Kristen: [Sighs]

[Tense music]

Xander: Nicole!

Nicole: God, what the hell? I thought I told you to keep your grubby paws to yourself.

Xander: Just wanted to finish the conversation we were having before we were interrupted.

Nicole: Oh, you want me to put a good word in for you to eric, convince him that you should be around mackenzie? And even if I were so inclined to help you, which we both know I'm not, eric hates your guts, and there's nothing that anyone can do or say to change that, so goodbye, and don't ever follow me again.

Xander: Wait.

Nicole: [Sighs] What now?

Xander: There is one other thing. I just got a rather unsettling message from dr. Raynor.

Nicole: Oh?

Xander: Yeah, she said that you came to her with a crazy theory that I switched sarah's baby with kristen'S.

Nicole: Oh, I don't think it's crazy. I think it's the truth.

Xander: And what could possibly make you think that?

Nicole: I saw you threatening dr. Raynor at the hospital. And I also saw the birthmark.

Xander: What birthmark?

Nicole: Little heart-shaped birthmark on mackenzie's neck?

Xander: [Scoffs] What about it?

Nicole: Brady said that his daughter, kristen's daughter, had one in the same exact place.

Xander: Doesn't prove anything.

Nicole: Oh, I think it does. I think it proves that mackenzie is really rachel.

Xander: And I think that you should drop this immediately, or else--

Nicole: Or else what, xander? Huh? What are you gonna do? Kill me?

[Suspenseful music]

Kate: Chad, what's wrong?

Chad: Nothing, I-- I just haven't been, um, I haven't been sleeping well. I have a lot on my mind.

Kate: Has your father approached you again with another one of his twisted agendas as usual?

Chad: Agenda?

Kate: Chad, I know firsthand how seductive stefano can be, especially at getting the people who love him to do his bidding. Has he contacted you again?

Kayla: This is hard to explain, but even harder to understand, probably. You aren't the only person that rolf targeted. What he did to you, he also did to steve.

Hope: What do you mean?

Kayla: Like you thought that you were gina, steve believes he's stefano.

Steve as stefano: Come, my dear. I have a special gift for you.

Marlena: You didn't-- you didn't have to get me a gift. You've--you've already built me a mansion.

Steve as stefano: I know you will appreciate this. This is the cereus cactus, also known as the queen of the night.

Marlena: The queen of the night?

Steve as stefano: Mm. Each year, on one single night, it blooms from dusk until dawn, showing its rare and stunning beauty only in the presence of total darkness.

Marlena: It blooms in the dark.

Steve as stefano: Yes. That's what makes it so rare. It is a symbol of my patience, my willingness to wait in the shadows for you to flower before me, and now, my patience has finally paid off. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?

Nicole: I used to be afraid of you, xander, and now I think you're nothing more than a clown.

Xander: Oh, I'm a clown?

Nicole: A toothless dog. All bark and a soft, gummy bite.

Xander: [Chuckles] I don't have to threaten you, nicole, because this wild theory of yours, it's not true. Just another one of these stories you make up in your head because you're addicted to chaos and drama. But this time, innocent people could be hurt by your false accusations.

Nicole: I have seen a lot of strange things the past few days.

Xander: I don't care what you think you've seen. You know what's going on at the hospital. It seems like mickey might be finally out of the woods with her cancer. Haven't eric and sarah been through enough?

Nicole: I would never want to hurt them.

Xander: That's exactly what you'll do by repeating this insane baby-switching theory, upsetting them for no reason. Is that what you want?

Nicole: No, of course not.

Xander: Last time you opened your big mouth, you almost ruined both of our happily ever afters. So trust me when I tell you mackenzie is sarah and eric's, and drop this. Drop it.

Nicole: [Sighs] Sorry, xander, but I can't do that.

Hope: The last thing-- the last thing I knew of steve, he was in europe, trying to undo the harm caused by his security breach.

Kayla: Yeah, well, stefano's henchmen tracked him down somehow and then rolf performed his procedure on him.

Hope: What exactly was the procedure?

Kayla: Like you, he uploaded stefano's personality, his memories, his essence...

Hope: Oh, my god.

Kayla: Into steve, yeah. And then you, as gina, brought him back here to salem--

Hope: I brought-- I brought him back here?

Kayla: For all intents and purposes, yes.

Hope: I can't imagine how hard this has been for you.

Kayla: Hasn't been easy.

Hope: Kayla, I'm so sorry. Steve's your one true love. You must be dying to have him back. I am so sorry.

Kayla: Well, we can't worry about it right now. Our biggest concern is that steve has taken marlena hostage, and we don't even know where they are.

Steve as stefano: What's wrong?

Marlena: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Steve as stefano: Why not?

Marlena: [Exhales] I have the most terrible headache.


Steve as stefano: I'm sorry to hear that.

Marlena: [Wincing]

Steve as stefano: Let me see if I can help, hm?

Marlena: [Sighs] Oh.

Steve as stefano: Yes. This should make everything feel better.

Marlena: [Moaning]

Chad: I'm sorry, katerina. But my only allegiance is to la famiglia.

Gabi: It's about time you admitted that you're just as ruthless as the rest of the dimeras.

Kristen: Chad left a message. He apparently wants to get the family together to discuss the future of the company.

Brady: Oh, good, I'm sure everyone's gonna be impressed with the direction we're taking basic black, so we got a lot to show them.

[Emotional music] Right? What's wrong?

Kristen: Um, you know, as much as I'd love for you to be by my side, it seems like meeting is for family only. What?

Brady: Okay, I see.

Kristen: No, no--oh, no, no. Don't worry. Please, please. Please. I will make sure I represent our interests.

Brady: I know you will. I have no doubt that you will. So I guess I'm gonna be going to get some coffees...

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: And we will strategize before we go home, okay?

Kristen: Okay. Whew.

Nicole: I'm glad you're here. We need to talk.

Hope: Marlena's being held hostage? Oh, my god, I can't believe I brought stefano back here.

Kayla: No, you didn't bring stefano back, gina did. And she used your position as the commissioner of the police department to cover their tracks.

Hope: What were they trying to do?

Kayla: Well, like stefano has always been obsessed with marlena, princess gina had similar interests.

Hope: John.

Kayla: Yeah.

Hope: So we--they, gina and stefano, joined forces and tried to tear john and marlena apart. Did it work?

[Soft suspenseful music]

Marlena: [Sighs] Oh, um...

Steve as stefano: I don't have to stop.

Marlena: No, no, I, uh... my headache is gone. Thank you.

Steve as stefano: You're welcome. I'm glad I could be of service.

Marlena: I--I feel much better now.

Steve as stefano: Good. Then perhaps you will feel up to hosting a party.

Marlena: What kind of a party?

Steve as stefano: A party where I can show you off. My son chad is making all the arrangements. I'll have my children around me, and my queen by my side.

Marlena: Oh, I see. Will john be here?

Steve as stefano: You need to forget about john black! It's time you reconcile yourself to the fact that you will never, ever see john again.

Marlena: [Exhales]

Steve as stefano: [Sighs]

Marlena: I'll never see john again?

Steve as stefano: [Sighs]

[Stammers] I'm sorry I raised my voice. But you need to know how passionately I feel about this. Marlena, you need to let go of your old life and embrace your new one. Give in to your feelings for me. I know they're there deep inside of you. Just give in. Let go. And everything will be better.

Gabi: I know that you don't want to see me, but before I went to prison, this was my home.

Chad: You don't belong here.

Gabi: [Scoffs] All right, I don't--look, it was ari's home too. Do you even care about the child's life I just saved at the hospital?

Chad: If you were hoping for a hero's welcome, you are dead wrong.

Sarah: Why is it that I can't stop looking at you, huh? It's almost like I'm afraid that if I look away, you'll disappear.

[Laughs] That's silly, isn't it? I guess that's just part of being a mommy. It's scary.

[Laughs] And it's stressful. But it is also the best thing that has ever happened to me, especially now that you're getting better. I'm so happy that transplant worked. Guess what? Mommy has even more good news. I'm engaged!

[Laughs] Just, ahh.

[Laughs] If you must know, it's not my first time. I made some mistakes in the past. It was, you know, wrong guy, wrong time--honestly, a lot of people think that I'm making another mistake now, but I don't because I know that xander loves me, and I definitely know he loves you. I mean, he has been there for us since the day I found out I was pregnant, and every single day since. Honestly, if it wasn't for xander, I wouldn't have you right now.

Sarah: I didn't know you were in here.

Xander: Oh, I hope I didn't interrupt.

Sarah: No. What's wrong? Why do you look so upset?

Kristen: What do you want?

Nicole: Eric told me you tried to hold baby mickey.

Kristen: And?

Nicole: And you have some nerve, after all you've done to eric?

Kristen: I just wanted to make sure the baby was okay.

Nicole: And why do you care?

Kristen: Because I feel connected to her. And I always will. My daughter was born on that same night, and I am--I'm invested in mickey's recovery, and I want what's best for that little girl.

Nicole: You kept me from my daughter. Why would anyone let you near their child?

Kristen: You know what? Apparently, eric agreed with you. But I just wanted to hold her for a minute. You know, I thought if I held her in my arms--you know what? I don't even know what I thought. I just was missing rachel so much.

Nicole: Did you ever think maybe there's a reason you lost your daughter?

Kristen: A reason?

Nicole: Yes, you only conceived a child with brady because you were pretending to be me.

Kristen: What is your point, nicole?

Nicole: While you were off in that convent, did you ever ask god why? Did you ever ask if maybe your baby was taken from you because of all the horrible things you've done? Because you don't deserve a baby!

Kristen: [Screaming] (Vo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

Kristen and nicole: [Screams]

Brady: What are you-- stop, come on!

Nicole: Get off me!

Brady: Get off! Kristen, kristen, get off her! What are you doing?

Kristen: Ow!

Nicole: She attacked me!

Kristen: Oh, for good reason. Ow! You know what? She said horrible things about me, brady, and about our daughter.

Xander: I saw eric leave with maggie and I thought I'd take you up on your invitation to spend some time with my two favorite ladies.

Sarah: Hm. Then why'd you look so upset when you walked in?

Xander: Did I?

Sarah: Are you still thinking about what nicole said?

Xander: Oh, maybe a little, yeah.

Sarah: I want you to forget about all that. There is no way that you are going to lose mickey. And there is absolutely no way that you will lose me.

[Soft dramatic music]

Hope: I helped stefano. I threw myself at john? When he rejected me in prague, I tried to kill him.

Kayla: But you didn'T. He's safe.

Hope: But marlena's still in danger...because of me.

Marlena: Oh, I'm so sorry. This--this doesn't feel right.

Steve as stefano: Marlena, you should sit.

Marlena: No, I have to go. Gotta go back to-- go back to john.


Gabi: I know you want me out of your house and out of your company, but I'm here to let you know that I'm not gonna go down without a fight.

Chad: In that case, I'm glad you're here.

Gabi: You are?

Chad: Yes, I am. See, it gives me the chance to kill two birds with one stone.

Gabi: I don't understand.

Chad: I've already given kate notice that she no longer fits the plans at dimera anymore.

Gabi: Well, what does kate have to do with anything?

Kate: [Groans]

Gabi: What was that?

Chad: Our old friend, katerina.

Kate: [Groans]

Chad: She didn't take the news very well.

Gabi: Oh, my god. Wait, what happened? Did she faint? What--hey, hey, kate. Kate? Kate.

[Grunts] Your mission:

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: Hey. Look at me.

Xander: [Sighs, laughs]

Sarah: Hey, it does not matter what nicole or anyone else says. I know the man that you are now. Hey. I know your heart. And I know your devotion, and... I trust you, xander. You are the man that I want by my side when we raise our little girl.

Xander: You have no idea how it makes me feel to hear you say that.

Sarah: Good. I'm gonna go check on mickey's latest labs. Will you stay with her?

Xander: Of course.

Sarah: I was telling her about how we're getting married.

Xander: I heard.

Sarah: Mm-kay, well, while I'm gone, why don't you two plan our wedding, and then the rest of our lives together?

[Baby cooing]

[Door shuts]

Xander: Your mother is right about one thing. I love you both more than anything else in the world. You and me and sarah, we're a family now. And I will not let nicole tear us apart.

Brady: What did you say to her?

[Stammers] You know what? I don't care, I don't care. Just--I want you out of here. Come on, we're leaving. Walk behind me.

Nicole: Brady, I--mm. I'm sorry, kristen, but I need to know if I'm right about you being mickey's mother. And with your hair...

[Chuckles] I can prove it.

Hope: Marlena will never give in to stefano. She hates him.

Kayla: She does.

Hope: What aren't you telling me?

Kayla: I'm just afraid that they've done the same procedure on her that they did on you. That just like stefano had rolf turn you into a princess, I fear he had him turn marlena into his queen.

[Ominous music]

Marlena: Mm. Mm.


Steve as stefano: My queen.

Marlena: My king.

Steve as stefano: [Chuckles]

Chad: I hope you are pleased, father. With these two out of the way, I can start helping you plan your party to introduce the queen of the night.

Abigail: Chad! Surprise! I'm home.

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