Days Transcript Thursday 3/19/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 3/19/20


Episode #13729 ~ Stefano instructs Chad to organize a family reunion; Xander warns Victor that Nicole is on to them; Kristen and Brady comfort one another as they reminisce about Rachel; Nicole takes steps to prove her suspicions.

Provided By Suzanne

John: All right, buddy. Let me know if things change on your end.

Brady: All right, I'll check in on you later, okay? Thanks.

John: What do you got?

Brady: Abe has expanded the search perimeter.

John: All right, and shane's pulling in extra resources from the isa.

Brady: That's good--this is progress, dad.

John: Unless it's too little, too late--steve could have taken marlena anywhere right now.

Eric: Hey. All the flyers are distributed. Any word?

John: Nothing. Multiple law enforcement agencies are on the search. No closer to finding 'em than we were before.

Brady: Dad, don't worry about it--we're gonna find steve and we're gonna stop him.

Eric: Yeah, and if steve is really stefano, there's no better person that knows him than mom.

John: Unless rolf has gotten to her and implanted a chip.

Brady: I don't know anybody who puts up more of a fight than marlena, all right? She's doing everything she can to get back to us--I'm sure of it.

John: No, no, I'm counting on that kind of strength. And I appreciate your support and everybody else, but I'm not gonna be good with this until doc is back home in my arms again.

Steve as stefano: My son.

[Eerie notes] We need to talk.

[Eerie notes]

I'm right here.

Xander: We have a problem.

Victor: I thought we paid our problem a hell of a lot of money to leave town.

Xander: I did, and she did. But not soon enough. Raynor left me a message. Nicole walker is on to us.

[Baby cooing]

Brady: I was helping her to relive those minutes and make her remember, and I was... really surprised at what we were able to recall about our little girl in that short amount of time. I mean, her...her mouth, her eyes... she even remembered that rachel had a very faint heart-shaped birthmark on her neck.

Nicole: [Scoffs] Oh, that little birthmark doesn't prove anything. But what are the odds, huh? What are the odds that kristen's baby was born on the same night with the same little birthmark, delivered by the same doctor who has a very strange relationship with xander? She was really afraid of him. Oh, honey. What if you aren't eric's baby?

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kristen: Uh--sorry, oh--

[Laughs] You.

Kate: Yes, me. And here I thought I was never going to have to lay eyes on you again.

Kristen: Well, then maybe you should just keep moving.

Kate: I heard you were a nun.

Kristen: Well, I heard you're a waitress...until ya blew it. Couldn't help yourself, could you, kate? What did my father, aka steve johnson, promise you for screwing over one of your best friends?

Steve as stefano: Hello, son.

Chad: What are you doing here? I thought you would have taken marlena far away by now.

Steve as stefano: Well, unfortunately, my queen... wasn't quite ready to make the journey.

Chad: Rolf's procedure didn't work?

Steve as stefano: Well...

[Sighs] There have been a few moments when marlena seemed somewhat open to my love. But...she still clings to the memory of that ridiculous husband of hers.

Chad: Is there anything else rolf can do?

Steve as stefano: His work is done. It's just a matter of time now. And reminding marlena...the depth of my love... power of our connection... and once she is able to reciprocate those feelings, john black will no longer hold a place in her memory. And certainly not in her heart.

John: Boys, I'm gonna head on back out.

Brady: Dad, you're exhausted.

John: Yeah, and my wife is out there somewhere in danger.

Eric: All right, at least take a few minutes. Regroup, I mean...grab something to eat.

John: Yeah. You're right, kid.

Brady: All right, listen, we can wait here in case a call comes in--

John: No, no, no, no, you've got a life, and you--you got a baby in the hospital. Listen, just thanks for all your help, you two are the best, but listen--go live your life, all right?

Brady: Yeah, but--well, you keep us posted.

John: You know I will.

Brady: I hate seeing him like this.

Eric: Yeah, I wish there was really something more I could do.

Brady: Honestly, man, I think the best thing you can do is just go back to the hospital and...give that little daughter a kiss for me, will you?

Eric: Yeah, I will. Thanks.

Brady: Eric, um... I wanted to apologize to you about what happened with kristen.

Eric: She told you about asking to hold mackenzie.

Brady: Yeah. I guess you know she's been struggling a lot with the loss of rachel, and... I think she thought that maybe by holding your little girl, that might...make her feel a little better about losing ours.

Victor: Damn it. We paid that idiot doctor a fortune, and she goes and blabs what we did to nicole?

Xander: She didn't, but nicole straight out asked her if I switched the babies.

Victor: What did raynor say?

Xander: Well, she denied it, of course, but you know nicole. She's not one to let things go.

Victor: Damn it. How did that bitch know something was up?

Nicole: Sarah, I-I didn't hear you.

Sarah: Where's eric?

Nicole: He's with his father helping with the search for marlena, and I offered to stay here with mickey.

Sarah: Still no word about marlena?

Nicole: Nothing.

Sarah: I'm sorry. Thank you for being here for mickey.

Nicole: Oh, she's so sweet. But now that her mommy's here, i really should check in with the office.

Sarah: Nicole, wait.

[Tense music]

Why would you wonder if eric is really mickey's father? (Lisa) one of these tax prep services lets more people file for free.

Eric: It's not like I don't genuinely feel for your loss. Because I do. And I can't imagine the hell of losing a child. Kristen, she's not only hurt me, nicole, my mom and john. I just-- I just don't know if I can get past it.

Brady: I understand. I do, I just...want you to know that she's different now. I swear to god she has changed.

Eric: Listen, I've heard that before, brady, and for your sake, I really hope that's true. Whatever it's worth, I respect that you truly love each other. And if you're happy--

Brady: I am. Brother, I'm happy.

Eric: Then I'm happy for you.

[Soft music]

Brady: Thank you.

Kate: You don't give a damn about marlena.

Kristen: I don'T. But you do, supposedly. And you had no problem helping stefano steal her from john.

Kate: You saw stefano in his steve johnson face and body, and you kept your mouth shut while he planned and plotted his return. Tell me how I'm any different.

Kristen: He is my father, and there is a certain loyalty. So let's try this again, kate, hmm? What did my father offer you? Money? Power?

[Laughs] What did you get for helping him?

Kate: Ah...

Kristen: Yeah. Exactly. Once again, you trusted the same man who made your life a living hell...and once he was done with you, he kicked you to the curb. And now look at you. You're unemployed, your roots are showing. You're back in the gutter where you belong. Have a nice day.

Xander: Nicole's been suspicious ever since I insisted tate get tested to save mickey.

Victor: I warned you at the time that it was dangerous, but did you listen?

Xander: You're the one that contacted theresa behind brady's back--blew it all up again.

Victor: And I'm sure you were the picture of discretion with dr. Raynor. Nice, quiet place, no prying eyes.

Xander: Nicole may have happened upon us at an inopportune moment.

Victor: Damn it. That ex-wife of ours is like a bitch with a bone. She's never gonna let it go. What is it with her? I mean, I'm sure she'd love to bring you down for this.

Xander: Nicole hates kristen as much as she hates me. The last thing she'd want to do is take mackenzie from eric and place her in kristen's arms.

Victor: Exactly. All the more reason she would want to keep this a secret.

Maggie: What is this about a secret?

Nicole: You heard that?

Sarah: Yeah, I did. So why don't you think eric is mickey's father?

Nicole: Well, I... I was...I was looking at mickey and I realized that I didn't really see any eric in her.

Sarah: Maybe she takes after her mother.

Nicole: Of course! Yes, that's it, and she's so cute...and I was just thinking out loud, which is never a good idea.

Sarah: So what else were you thinking? About how I tried to pass mickey off as xander's? Because you were in on that too, weren't you?

Nicole: Yes. Yes, I was. And I'm not proud of it, but you have to admit when the truth came out that xander wasn't really her father, everyone just assumed it was eric.

Sarah: There was no assuming because there wasn't any doubt. Rex and I were over, and there was only eric. There wasn't anyone else.

Nicole: But did you actually get a dna test to prove the paternity of your baby?

Sarah: Why would I have to have a test when I know without any shadow of a doubt that eric is mickey's father?

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

John: What are you doin' here?

Kate: Checking about marlena. Any news?

John: No. There has been no sign of steve since he was at the dimera estate.

Kate: Okay, well, at least we know princess gina was finally right about something. Stefano did go back to his family home.

John: Hmm. Last place I expected him to go to ground. I mean, come on, chad shot him at gina's lair... my god, steve would have to be delusional to think that chad would risk the safety of his family to protect him.

Kate: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Chad: It's just too bad that marlena needs to be brainwashed.

Steve as stefano: It's not brainwashing. The chip merely opens her up to the reality of my love for her...and allows her to express her love for me.

Chad: What about john?

Steve as stefano: John... is nothing but a pawn. Ah... I sense you disapprove.

Chad: It's just that--

Steve as stefano: I'm disappointed in you, son. I thought I had ensured your la famiglia.

Chad: Forgive me, father.

Steve as stefano: Perhaps i can't count on you as I'd hoped.

Chad: Of course you can.

Steve a stefano: And yet... gabriella hernandez is still very much alive. As is katerina. Why have you not followed through on my orders?

[Door opens]

Brady: Hey, you.

Kristen: Hey. Any word on marlena?

Brady: Nothing.

Kristen: God, I wish there was something I could do, you know, some way to reach out to my father.

Brady: I know, I know, I know you wanna help, but...marlena's a force. And my dad's not gonna rest until she's home, so... how are you? I know yesterday was hard for you.

Kristen: Yeah, it was horrible. But you got me out of it.

Brady: Mm-mm. We got through it together. Right?

Kristen: Yeah. And as hard as it is or was... it made me realize that I can't dwell on rachel and what could have been. And I...I will love her until my last breath. But I can't obsess on her anymore. It won't bring her back.

Maggie: Well, I'm waiting. Why do you two have your heads together? It's never good. You might as well just tell me.

Xander: [Laughs] You caught us. I guess we have to confess all.

Victor: What the hell are you doing?

Xander: Maggie has a right to know, uncle victor. This concerns her too.

Maggie: What on earth is going on here?

Xander: I, um, I wasn't gonna say anything until sarah got back, but uncle victor knows, should too.

Victor: I don't think that's a good idea at all.

Xander: There's no other way to say this than to just say it, so...last night I proposed to sarah, and she said yes.

Maggie: Uh--

Nicole: Uh... I upset you. I-I'm sorry.

[Baby snuffling]

Sarah: I know that I didn't handle the whole paternity thing well, but... mickey's everything to me. She's everything.

Nicole: Eric feels the same way. She's the little girl he's always wanted.

Sarah: I'm sorry, I know... I know it can't be easy for you to share eric with mickey and... me. I mean, is that why y-you don't think that he's her father? Y-you wish it wasn't true?

Nicole: No! No, not at all! I see the way eric lights up when her name is mentioned. She brings joy to his life. He has plans for her. She even has a pony in her future if...

Sarah: No, I--there's no "ifs," nicole. M-mickey's gonna be fine. She's gonna come home in a matter of days, not weeks. And there'll be...there'll be plenty of time for eric to buy her that pony after he checks with me.


[Both laugh]

Nicole: Of course, of course. Mickey's gonna be fine.

[Phone rings]

Sarah: Um...sorry, I have to take this.

Nicole: Okay, well, if you want, I can stay here until eric comes back.

Sarah: But you said that you needed to check in with your office.

Nicole: It can wait.

Sarah: Ah--um--then thank you.

Nicole: Of course.

[Phone ringing] We all love you very much, sweetheart. And we all want what's best for you. And maybe what'S... best for you is to... find out who you actually belong to. Okay. Just a little swab, sweetheart.

Eric: Nicole?

[Dramatic musical sting] What are you doing? This is ava.

John: You think chad knew that steve was on the property?

Kate: Well, I mean, I don't know. He seemed surprised by the fact, I mean, when he heard that stefano was on the premises. Then again, he was perfectly fine with you searching the grounds, so...

John: Well, then why do you think he's in league with stefano?

Kate: I didn't say that. It's just...the ring.

John: The ring.

Kate: Yes. When andre died, I tried to give stefano's ring to chad. He didn't want it. He didn't want to have any part of his father. And then we flash forward and stefano's back, and suddenly chad is wearing that ring and it just seems kind of crazy. Because he was so adamant about not wanting to follow in his father's footsteps.

John: He's made peace with his father.

Kate: Yeah. Maybe, I don't know. But stefano does have a way of drawing his children back into the web.

Steve as stefano: You, of all my children, are the one I have put my trust in... to take back dimera. To lead us into the future. And question me. You defy me. You fail me. Perhaps I've chosen poorly.

Chad: You can trust me, father.

Steve as stefano: Can I? I have given you two tasks. Both are incomplete.

Chad: I can explain.

Steve as stefano: I don't want explanations! I want obedience!

Maggie: You know about this?

Victor: Well, I-I just found out.

Maggie: Why didn't you think it was a good idea for xander to tell me?

Victor: Well, um...I-I just thought that the bride should be present. Don't you?

Maggie: You're marrying my daughter.

Xander: You're not happy. Because I'm not good enough for her--you've said as much in the past. But I hoped that we were in a better place now and...

Maggie: Oh, xander... I'm not upset that you're marrying sarah. I'm upset... that I won't be here to share the joy that you both deserve so much.

Victor: What do you mean, won't be here? My lawyers have guaranteed you won't spend a minute behind bars.

Maggie: I told you that's not what I want. I killed an innocent woman, a woman that we both love. And I will do my penance.

Victor: But prison?

Maggie: It's the only way! And that is not enough. It never will be enough.

Victor: Maggie, I-- I know you wanna do what you perceive to be the right thing. But can't we just leave it up to the lawyers for now? And be happy for xander and sarah?

Maggie: I am happy for you, xander. And for sarah. I know--I know how much my daughter loves you and trusts you...and that does mean everything to me.

[Soft music]

[Mickey snuffling]

Nicole: I was... cleaning her ears.

Eric: Cleaning her ears.

Nicole: Yes. I-I know this sounds weird, but I used to love to do it when holly was a baby, a-and the nurse said it was okay.

Eric: Okay. Well, thank you for... cleaning her ears.

Nicole: Sure.


Eric: How is she?

Nicole: Well, she'S... an angel. A-always. She, uh, just woke up a little bit ago.

Eric: You are an angel, aren't you? Daddy's little angel.

Limu emu & doug

Chad: I was about to eliminate gabi and rafe showed up.

Steve as stefano: What about katerina? We have her dimera shares, she's no longer of use to us. Yet, she lives.

Chad: I had a plan. But then john dragged in rolf. I couldn't exactly kill kate in front of the two of them. And when john took off to the police station, I thought it was important that I go there to do damage control, make sure wil stayed in line.

Steve as stefano: There is no one more loyal than wilhelm rolf.

Chad: I understand. But my priority was you and making sure I gave you enough time to get away. Which is why I convinced rolf to offer to remove the microchip from hope, focus the authorities' attention on hope's return and away from you. I hope you approve, father.

Steve as stefano: Huh. I must say... it was inspired. Princess gina has already played her part. There is no longer a role for her in my plans for la famiglia.

Brady: [Sighs] You know, i think that that'S...a healthy decision. We're always gonna love little rachel isabella, always, but... we have to move on.

Kristen: Okay. And we'll be able to do that together.

Brady: And there's no other place I'd rather be. Oh, uh, this came in the mail.

Kristen: Oh. Oh, oh, my god. Oh, I don't believe it.

Brady: What is it?

Kristen: It is our...

[Scissors cutting] Our new prototype.

Brady: Oh, the boxer brief.

Kristen: Yeah--they're nice.

Brady: Oh!

Kristen: Very nice.

Brady: All right, we'll call nicole, we'll have a fit model come over, and we'll take a look at 'em.

Kristen: No.

Brady: What do you mean no?

Kristen: No nicole, no model.

[Phone clatters] Just you.

Brady: Me?

Kristen: Mm-hmm. You heard me, mr. Black.

Brady: Ohh...

Kristen: Drop trou. That's an executive order.

Brady: Ooh.

Maggie: [Chuckles] It really is the best news. My granddaughter's on the road to recovery, and my daughter is marrying a man...who I know will take care of her.

Xander: That is the plan.

Maggie: Well, I'm on my way to the hospital to see mickey and now to congratulate sarah on her big news. Would my future son-in-law like to join me?

Xander: There's nothing I'd like more, but I do have some urgent titan business to discuss with victor. Can I see you there shortly?

Maggie: Of course. Don't keep him too long.

Victor: Damn it, man, you damn near gave me another stroke. I thought you were gonna tell maggie the truth.

Xander: I did. I proposed to sarah last night. She said yes.

Victor: Heaven help us.

Xander: Too much to expect you to congratulate me or to give me some best wishes for happily ever after.

Victor: You wanna live happily ever after? You better damn well find a way to deal with nicole.

Nicole: Uh...I hate to run, but I really do need to get to work.

Eric: You know what, I just wanna say that... you've been amazing through all this.

Nicole: I just wanna help.

Eric: I know--it's been a tough time all the way around, and you've been... right here by my side, you know, giving me strength to fight for my little girl. And hope and my mom and mickey will be home right where they belong.

Nicole: Ohh... of course they will.

Eric: Mm.

Nicole: Any news about marlena?

Eric: No. No, not yet, and it's tearing john apart. Thank god I have you.

[Baby cooing] And my little girl.

Nicole: I'm sure marlena will be found soon. Just let me know if you hear anything, okay?

Eric: Yeah, I will. I love you.

Nicole: I love you too. I'll see you later?

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: Okay.

Eric: Okay.

[Mickey snuffling] I see you.

[Chuckles] Your mission:

Chad: What are your plans?

Steve as stefano: Well, it's reunion of sorts. I want you, tony, and kristen to be there.

Chad: What about ej?

Steve as stefano: Oh, well, in a perfect world, he would be there as well, but that would mean I'd have to deal with that beast sami brady.

Chad: But ej--

Steve as stefano: No. That wench stole half my fortune. So until she's out of the picture, elvis will have to wait.

Chad: What can I do to help?

Steve as stefano: I want you to make sure my children gather... at this time and location.

Chad: Consider it done.

Steve as stefano: Good.

Chad: Can we talk about the future?

Steve as stefano: There will be time for that, but right now I need to get back to marlena. And son, I need you to finish the job with kate... and gabi.

Chad: Understood.

Steve as stefano: Don't let me down.

[Uneasy music]

Kate: Well, chad isn't stefano's only child in salem. I mean, there's always kristen. Who I ran into earlier. She is still crazy as a loon.

John: Yeah, I already questioned her. She swore to me that she only saw steve once.

Kate: Yeah. Really? Because she said the same thing to me. You know, I know that she supposedly has found god, but I do not put it past her to lie to either one of us. Besides, she admitted to me that she still has a certain loyalty to stefano.

John: Yeah, well, you know if she's lying it's highly unlikely we're ever gonna get the truth out of her.

Kate: But chad is different. Chad still has a heart. He has a soul. You know, we've had a lot of issues, but... I trust him with my life.

John: Yeah, well, you've been like a second mother to him ever since madeline died. Let me ask you this. Do you think chad would open up to you about stefano?

Kate: I'd like to think so. I'll tell you what. I will talk to him and, um, if he's had any contact with steve, I'll find out.

John: Thank you.

Kate: Yes, well, it's the least I could do--

John: Since you sold out marlena for a place at the dimera table?

Kate: [Laughs] Okay, I know that you are still angry with me. And I understand that. But I'm really hoping that as time passes and we have marlena'll be able to forgive me.

[Scoffs] You know, for what it's worth, I never intended it to go this far.

John: And yet it has.

Kate: Okay. Look...everyone is doing everything they possibly can, so you need to trust that we're going to find stefano and we're going to rescue marlena. Okay?

Maggie: It's beautiful. You know xander smuggled diamonds. I mean, he did buy this, didn't he? He didn't steal it.

Sarah: No!

Maggie: Okay.

Sarah: But I totally asked the same thing.

[Both laughing]

Maggie: Aw... you look so happy.

Sarah: I am.

Maggie: Yeah.

Sarah: I mean, who would have thought xander, of all people, right? He's like the cockiest, most irritating man I have ever met, and now...I can't wait to be his wife.

Maggie: Oh... xander does have a way about him.

Sarah: Are you sure you're okay with this?

Maggie: I have come to love him too. His kindness to me when I had my relapse and his attention to you and constant devotion to you and mickey. I really do believe that he's changed. And I couldn't be happier for you.

Sarah: Thank you.

Maggie: Okay, now, please, i want to see my granddaughter.

Sarah: Yes. Um, I have to look in on a patient really quickly, but you go ahead, and I'll catch up.

Maggie: All right.

[Sarah giggles]

Nicole: One sample down, one to go. And then I'll know exactly who mackenzie's parents are.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Dramatic musical sting]

Xander: Just the woman i wanted to see.

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Brady: Well, what do you think?

Kristen: [Laughs] I'm just enjoying the view.

[Sultry music]

Brady: I can get you a model if you want one. I mean, whatever you want.

Kristen: I'm sure I don't want a model. Take 'em off.

Brady: Whoa. Is that an executive order or what?

Kristen: Oh, you better believe it's an executive order.

Brady: I'll see what I can do.

Kristen: [Squeals]

Maggie: She is... she's such a sound little sleeper.

Eric: I swear she wakes up with a smile on her face... even in the middle of all this.

Maggie: She's a lucky little girl...

[Sniffling] To have you and sarah... and sarah as her parents. I'm sorry.

Eric: Well, and a grandma like you too.

Maggie: [Sobs] Oh, eric, I'm a hypocrite.

Eric: Maggie, you have no reason to--

Maggie: Please, let me say this. I judged you... so harshly. After what happened with daniel. And yet I did the exact same thing. I drove drunk and I killed adrienne. I mean, if not for the grace of god, I...I could have killed sarah. I could have killed my own granddaughter. And then what kind of a grandmother would I have been then?


Eric: [Softly] It's okay.

Maggie: Ohh...

[Tense music]

Nicole: What do you want?

Xander: I was wondering if we could have a private chat.

Nicole: Well, I'm afraid i have to go to work.

Xander: I'm're going to be late. This is important.

Nicole: What do you want? Get your hands off me!

Sarah: What's going on?

[Intense music]

Kate: Chad, are you here?

[Suspenseful music]

What's this?

Chad, distantly: Kate?

Kate: Oh, good, you're here. I was hoping I would catch you. Hey.

Chad: Hi. I, uh, I'm glad you're here. I was just thinking about you.

[Eerie off-key notes]

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