Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 3/18/20
Episode #13728 ~ Hope is shocked to learn Rolf turned her into Princess Gina; Clyde reveals to Ben how he was partly responsible for Jordan meeting Evan; Rafe grills Evan; Jennifer and Kayla reveal devastating news to Hope.
Provided By Suzanne
Lani: I might have something. Someone saw a man matching evan's description.Rafe: For real?
Lani: Yes. Yes, I think I might have found david.
Eli: Well, I hope this is it.
Rafe: Where is he? Where's david?
Orpheus: What is it? Why aren't you waking the boy?
Evan: Quiet.
Orpheus: I thought you were gonna tell him you're his father.
Evan: I was planning to, but before I could wake him, I put my hand on his forehead and he felt a little warm. I think he might have a fever.
Ben: Dad, do you know the son of a bitch who killed my sister?
Clyde: I didn't say that.
Ben: Maybe not, but I saw from the look on your face when I said his real name is christian maddox. So what's the story, pop? Do you know him or not?
Clyde: Well, that depends on what you mean by "know."
Ben: Yes or no?
Clyde: Yes.
Ciara: Mama. Mama, I love you so much. We all do. Especially me and shawn. He's with dr. Rolf right now, at the police station, until we know that you're okay. And jennifer is filling in doug and jack right now. But I promise you, we are all gonna be here when you're awake, okay? God, I just hope that dr. Rolf finally got that horrible princess gina out of you.
Kayla: Ciara, you okay?
Ciara: I will be... as soon as I get my mom back. Aunt kayla, please tell me that she's gonna be okay. Please tell me that I'm gonna get my mom back.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: What the hell are you talking about? You know christian maddox?
Clyde: Take it easy, son.
Ben: No, are you kidding me right now? I've been talking about this guy the entire damn time. You haven't said a word? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Hang on. Did you send him to kill jordan?
Clyde: Of course not.
Ben: It's not far-fetched, dad, you and jordan had plenty of issues.
Clyde: I swear to you, I had nothing to do with jordan's death. I can't believe that maddox is the one that did the deed.
Ben: I'm trying to decide if I believe you, if you're really upset, or if this is just an act.
Clyde: It's no act. Damn maddox for killing jordan, and damn him for almost getting you executed for it.
Ben: So how do you know him?
Clyde: I don't, really. But I know his daddy, guy by the name of orpheus.
Ben: Orpheus? What, the guy you busted out of here a few years back?
Clyde: Yeah. That's the one.
Evan: [Sighs]
Orpheus: What's it say?
Evan: 100.2. Which technically isn't a fever, but it's close.
Orpheus: Should we get him some medicine?
Evan: Normally, I'd take him to the pediatrician to get him checked out, but now, I can't take him out in broad daylight. There are cops everywhere.
Lani: Evan was spotted outside of the lakeside motel.
Rafe: With david?
Lani: No, the person who saw him said he was alone.
Rafe: How confident are you?
Lani: Rafe, he said he was very clear about what he saw.
Eli: That means david could be inside one of those motel rooms.
Rafe: Let's go.
Jack: All right, what do you say? A little gin rummy?
Doug: No, not now.
Jack: Okay, then we order something to eat.
Doug: Jack, I'm not hungry.
Jack: Doug, you've got to eat something. I know, I know, you're worried about hope, but I'm telling you, she is one of the most resilient women I've ever met. I know she's gonna be just fine.
Doug: Then why haven't we heard anything?
Jack: Well, I left a message for kayla and for jennifer, and if they get any news, I'm sure they'll call us.
Doug: I know julie doesn't want me going anywhere near the hospital, but I just cannot sit here and wait.
Jack: All right, all right.
Doug: Oh, jennifer, sweetheart. How is hope? Am I gonna get my daughter back?
[Machinery beeping]
Ciara: Is my mom gonna be all right?
Kayla: At this point, all I can really say is the procedure went very well.
Ciara: Okay, so dr. Rolf didn't pull anything with her?
Kayla: Not that I could see. And I was in the operating room the entire time. I watched every move he made. But I will say, despite his crazy experiments and his undying love and devotion to stefano, he's a skilled surgeon.
Ciara: Okay, so he removed the chip, but what about the rest of it? I mean, is my mom ever gonna be herself again? Like, truly herself again, aunt kayla?
Hope: [Gasps]
Ciara: Mom?
Jennifer: Kayla assured me that the chip was removed successfully, and shawn took it to the crime lab to be analyzed.
Jack: What about rolf?
Jennifer: Shawn is with rolf at the police station, and he is not going anywhere until we know that hope is okay.
Doug: And where is hope now?
Jennifer: She's in recovery and she's resting comfortably.
Doug: When she wakes, then we will know if she is back to herself again?
Jennifer: Exactly.
Kayla: Hope. Hope. It's me, kayla. You're at the hospital. Can you hear me?
Ciara: Why--why isn't she responding?
Kayla: Well, her heart rate looks normal. Her blood pressure's fine. Hope, can you take a deep breath for me?
Ciara: I really think that something's wrong.
Kayla: No, no, she's fine. She had general anesthesia, so it's gonna just take her a while to come out of it, all right?
Ciara: Okay, mom? Hi mom, it's me, ciara. I'm here. We're here.
Hope: Ciara.
Ciara: Mom. Oh, mom. Oh, my god, I'm so happy that you're awake. But is it--is it really you?
Ben: I can't believe your buddy orpheus is evan's father.
Clyde: He ain't my buddy. Me, him, and xander teamed up only 'cause we had unfinished business back in salem.
Ben: Well, that's a nice way of putting it. I remember hearing about orpheus trying to kill dr. Evans and dr. Johnson.
Clyde: Yeah, he nearly burned them alive in their coffins.
Ben: Nice. Well, I guess we know where evan gets his murderous tendencies from. I probably shouldn't be throwing stones at that particular house.
Clyde: Hey, you had a mental illness. You're better now.
Ben: Yes, I am, dad. But you're not. You're nowhere near reformed. And you expect me to believe that you had no idea about this connection to your old partner in crime? You had no clue whatsoever that orpheus' son was hooking up with your daughter?
Clyde: Well, I wouldn't go that far.
Ben: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Dad, you just said you had nothing to do with jordan's murder.
Clyde: I didn'T. But knowing what I know now, I'm starting to feel like it's all my fault.
Rafe: Freeze! Police. Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.
Ben: I don't get it. You said you had nothing to do with jordan's murder. But you think it's your fault.
Clyde: Yeah, pretty much. And you will too, once I explain.
Ben: I'm listening.
Clyde: It all started about three years ago. They told me I had a visitor. Who the hell are you?
Orpheus: You don't recognize your old pal?
Clyde: [Chuckling] I thought you was dead.
Orpheus: Lower your voice, so people will go right on thinking that.
Clyde: I should've known you'd find a way to cheat the reaper. Why are you here?
Ben: Okay. So let's hear it. Why did orpheus come to see you?
Evan: Can I help you?
Rafe: Where's david? Where the hell is he?
Ciara: Mom, is it really you?
Hope: Yes, baby.
Ciara: Oh, god. Oh, thank god. Mama, I missed you so much. You have no idea how much I missed you.
Kayla: We all missed you.
Hope: Hey, kayla.
Kayla: Yeah, it's me. I'm so happy it's you.
Hope: Yeah, of course it's me. Why would you have any doubt?
Doug: Sweetheart.
Hope: Hi, daddy.
Doug: Oh!
[Laughter] Oh, god!
Hope: Okay.
Doug: Sweetheart, I'm so glad to have you back.
Ciara: All of our prayers have been answered.
Hope: I am happy too. Could I please have a glass of water?
Ciara: Is that okay?
Kayla: Sure. There's a pitcher over there.
Jack: So she seems alert. Aware of her surroundings.
Kayla: Yeah, so far, so good.
Jennifer: I know, but is there a chance that she's faking?
Hope: Faking? Who's faking?
Kayla: Oh, nothing.
Jennifer: Don't worry. You don't need to worry.
Hope: No, actually, I am worried. No one's even told me what I'm doing here. What happened to me?
Kayla: You don't remember?
Hope: No. Was I in an accident?
Kayla: Not exactly, no.
Hope: If I wasn't in an accident, then what did happen? Why does everyone keep asking me whether I'm me? Is something wrong with me?
Kayla: No, no. Nothing is wrong with you. You are fine. You know, you might be a little confused 'cause you're coming out of general anesthesia.
Hope: Anesthesia? I had surgery?
Kayla: Yes.
Hope: Why?
Kayla: You know what, we don't need to go into it right now. But we will later, I promise you. Right now, you just need to stay calm.
Hope: How can I stay calm when I have no memory of how I ended up here?
Kayla: Okay, let's try this, okay? Think back. What's the last thing you remember?
Ben: So orpheus just showed up here one day to pay you a visit?
Clyde: Pretty much.
Ben: Well, he didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, dad. He must have wanted something from you. What was it?
Orpheus: Can't one old friend pay another old friend a visit?
Clyde: We ain't friends. I still can't believe you're even alive.
Orpheus: Surviving, but not thriving.
Clyde: What, are you sick?
Orpheus: No. But given my circumstances, I'm finding it difficult to access a whole lot of resources.
Clyde: [Laughs] I see. You need some money.
Orpheus: You're always ahead of me, clyde. Didn't you one tell me that you have a nest egg hidden away somewhere?
Clyde: What's it to you?
Orpheus: Well, more to the point, what's it to you? I mean, you're stuck in here, and it's out there, doing nothing. I could put it to work. Use it to build a new power base.
Clyde: Why should I help you? What's it in for me?
Orpheus: Once I'm on my feet, I'll bust you out of here. You know I could pull it off. I've done it before. Come on, clyde. What have you got to lose?
Clyde: Nothing. As long as you keep your word. But you're nuts if you think I'm gonna hand over my life savings.
Orpheus: Of course. I was thinking 50/50.
Clyde: 80/20. And if you cross me, I'll make you pay.
Orpheus: I'll never cross you, clyde. So it's settled then. Partners? Again? Now just point me to that stash.
Clyde: There's a key to a safety deposit box hidden in my dead wife's jewelry case. My step-daughter, jordan, has got it. She's in california.
Orpheus: Hmm. What a coincidence. So is my son.
Ben: His son. Evan.
Eli: Anything?
Rafe: Nothing.
Lani: No sign of david anywhere.
Evan: That's because david was never here.
Orpheus: I know it's risky taking david out into broad daylight, but that's exactly what we're gonna do.
Evan: I don't understand. Is this about david's fever?
Orpheus: In part. But it's also because there's an apb out, and it's possible someone in this motel may have seen us.
Evan: And called the cops.
Orpheus: Exactly. So for now, what's best is that we split up and relocate.
Rafe: Last time. Where is david?
Evan: I have no idea.
Rafe: You said that he was in good hands.
Evan: Yeah, I said what you wanted to hear so you'd get off my back. I guess it didn't work, since you're still on my case, even though I'm out on bail.
Rafe: All right, you're coming with me.
Evan: Where?
Rafe: We're going downtown to answer a few questions.
Evan: You have no right.
Rafe: I have every right.
Evan: Fine. All right, take me in. It's better than staying here where you'll beat me within an inch of my life in front of two witnesses who will say they never saw a thing.
Rafe: We're leaving now.
Evan: I said okay. But on the way, I'm calling my lawyer.
Hope: The last thing that I remember? I was here, inside the hospital chapel, praying.
Kayla: Okay, that's good. Keep going.
Hope: I was praying for julie, asking god for a miracle. Julie needed a new heart, and-- daddy? Is julie--
Doug: Julie's just fine, sweetheart. She had the transplant.
Hope: Oh!
Doug: Yes, yes, she did.
Hope: Oh, thank god.
Doug: Keep going, sweetheart. What else do you remember?
Kayla: The chapel? You were at the chapel?
Hope: Yeah. Um... rolf. He came up behind me. He said that he was the answer to my prayers.
Jennifer: Which means...
Hope: He told me he could help julie, extend her life until a heart became available.
Jack: Did you believe him?
Hope: I was hesitant. It was rolf. But he kept talking about his brilliance, repeatedly reminding me of how he'd helped people I love. And I so badly wanted to help julie, daddy.
Doug: Oh, honey.
Hope: So I went with him to his lab. Daddy, you said that julie is okay, right?
Doug: Yes, she's fine, believe me.
Hope: Is it rolf that saved her?
Kayla: You know what, why don't we focus on what else happened that day? So you got to the lab, and then what happened?
Hope: He had a, um-- rolf had a vial with some kind of liquid in it.
Kayla: Did he say what it was?
Hope: [Sighs] Yeah, it was some kind of compound that he was working on. He was confident, yeah, that it would be really effective.
Jack: For what?
Hope: For julie, to help her. You know, I told him that I would meet him outside of julie's room. He was filling the syringe with his compound, and-- oh, my god. That's it. That's why I'm here. He stabbed me with the syringe.
Kayla: All right--
Hope: Wait! Wait! What did he do to me? What did rolf do to me?
Kayla: You know, jack, why don't you and ciara take doug out for a coffee, okay?
Doug: I don't want to go anywhere.
Kayla: You know what, i think it's just the pressure--
Hope: Jenn. Why won't anybody tell me anything?
[All talking at once]
Ciara: Let's go. It's okay.
Hope: Tell me what's happened. What did rolf do to me? Why won't anybody tell me?
Ciara: Mom, I love you.
Jennifer: I just want you to take a breath. I just, I don't want you to feel overwhelmed. Just take a breath.
Kayla: Listen, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have had that crowd here.
Hope: No, I'm fine.
Kayla: I'm sorry.
Hope: It's okay.
Kayla: I'm sorry.
Hope: What did rolf do to me?
Kayla: He turned you into princess gina. A sommelier searches for the perfect wine.
Hope: Princess gina?
Kayla: Yes, it's true. Rolf did the same thing he did years ago. He implanted a microchip in your head, and gina completely took over.
Hope: I can't believe it.
Jennifer: Look at me. Hope, look at me. But she's gone. Gina is gone. They removed the microchip. It's gone.
Hope: That's why I had the surgery.
Kayla: Yes.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Kayla: And it went very well. Your vitals are strong. Your memory is already coming back. And it's clear that you're gonna be your old self again very soon.
Jennifer: Yes. And we are here for you. Whatever you need, we are all here for you.
Hope: How long ago-- how long ago did this happen?
Kayla: Gina showed up in october.
Hope: And now it's--
Kayla: March.
Hope: Five months.
Kayla: We meant the previous october.
Hope: You're telling me I've been gone for a year and a half?
Ben: So you're the reason jordan and evan met.
Clyde: Technically, yeah. But evan was just a courier. He wasn't supposed to knock her up.
Ben: So is that why jordan didn't tell evan that she was pregnant? Did she figure out that she was orpheus' kid and that you sent him her way.
Clyde: I have no damn idea. I haven't heard from orpheus since. I assume he's trying to screw me over again. Hell, evan probably ran off with my money.
Ben: Well, he also ran off with my nephew.
Rafe: Sit down. Recognize this?
Evan: Of course I do. That's david's favorite toy.
Rafe: You still claim that when you told me you had someone watching david, that you just said that to get me off of your back? See this? It was found in the horton town square.
Lani: The guy who dropped it was carrying a bag of groceries.
Eli: And a hoodie to hide his face.
Rafe: Witnesses say he bumped into them. The train dropped to the ground, so they called after him, but he kept on going.
Evan: So?
Rafe: So who is he? Who's this guy hustling through the square, carrying david's favorite toy and bag full of groceries not wanting to be seen?
Evan: I give up.
Rafe: I will tell you who he is. He's the guy you have looking after david. Who is he?
Evan: I don't have to answer your questions!
Eli: Yes, you do.
Evan: I'm sorry, are you cops? Right. Just a couple of goons on rafe's squad, forcing me to do what he wants.
Rafe: You came here voluntarily.
Evan: Yeah, because I thought there was a better chance of me not having my face bashed in. In any case, I've already left a message for my attorney.
Rafe: Yeah? Well, I've left a message for the da and for the judge to have your bail revoked.
Evan: This is harassment. You two are witnesses.
Eli: I didn't see anything. You?
Lani: Nothing.
Evan: Yeah. Like I said, goons. Hear no evil, see no evil.
Lani: Oh, I see plenty of evil.
Evan: And I see the three of you and the salem pd on the losing end of a major lawsuit. I've already told me attorney I've been intimidated, threatened, followed. If this gets out, oh, the media's gonna have a field day. So if you don't want this department to look even worse than it already does, you better let me go... now.
[ Singing indistinctly ]
[Cell phone rings]
Rafe: I gotta take this. Watch him.
[Cell phone ringing] Da giddens. Yeah, thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I really hope you can help me out with this. Yeah, like I told you before, this maddox guy, he's not only a murderer, but he's a kidnapper too. Oh. No, no, I understand. Thank you for-- thanks for trying.
Lani: Hey, what happened?
Rafe: Damn it. Da wouldn't revoke evan's bail. This whole thing is all my damn fault.
Lani: Rafe, why would you say that?
Rafe: Because I'm the one-I'm the one that got the judge to let him go in the first place. I just--I thought if-- thought if evan was out, that he would--he would lead us right to david.
Lani: He still might.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, he might. You know, I actually believed him. I believed evan when he told me that he actually cared about his son, and clearly he doesn't give a damn about the boy. He doesn't give a damn about who he's with or where he's at.
Lani: Hey, rafe. Hey, look, we are gonna find david, okay?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, the bottom line, though, is evan made bail, and I'm not gonna change that. Evan's right, you know? Dragging him down here is just gonna make things worse. I've got to let him go.
Evan: Right. Yeah. Bye. I just spoke with my lawyer, and he's fully prepared to sue you and salem pd for harassment unless--
Rafe: You're free to go.
Evan: I assume you'll have me followed again, but I lost you guys the first time, and I'll do it again.
Eli: Don't be so sure, evan.
Ciara: Ben, I'm so glad that you called.
Ben: How's your mom?
Ciara: Good news. I mean--I mean, great news, actually. Ben, she seems to be herself again. Yeah, aunt kayla and jennifer are in with her right now, and they're helping her figure everything out.
Ben: What a relief. I'm happy for you. Any updates on david?
Ciara: No. Ben, I've just been totally preoccupied here at the hospital. I was actually just about to check in with rafe.
Ben: Well, I'm glad I caught you before you did, because believe it or not, I think I got some information that could help.
Doug: When you mentioned coffee--a cup of coffee, I imagined that we were going downstairs to the hospital cafeteria.
Jack: Yes, well, kayla did say that hope needs a little space.
Doug: Yes. I hated to see her like that, so upset, so agitated because she couldn't remember what happened to her.
Jack: Yeah. I know how it feels not being able to access your memories.
Doug: Yeah. Well, jack, you had a terrible accident, near-death. Hope was attacked by a madman who took over her brain. Circumstances are entirely different.
Jack: But still, I mean, in terms of trying to recover your memories, I think the basic principle holds true. You can't force it.
Doug: Yeah. Yeah, well, must be so frustrating.
Jack: Oh, yes. God, yes. I mean, you just want to snap your fingers and just-- and make it happen. But it doesn't work like that. You've got to be patient. I'm sure that if we just give hope a little bit of time, something is gonna start coming back to her.
Doug: That's what I'm praying for.
Jack: Just so you know, it's a lot harder on the family than it is on the person trying to remember.
Doug: It's hard on all of us. I know hope is grown.
Jack: Uh-huh.
Doug: But she's always gonna be my little girl, and I would trade places with her in a heartbeat if I thought that I could spare her the pain of what she's going through now.
[Machinery beeping]
Hope: I can't believe how much time I've lost.
Jennifer: Hope, I get it. I was in a coma for a year.
Hope: What? Did rolf do that to you too?
Kayla: You know, we don't really need to discuss it right now. You just need to rest.
Hope: No, kayla, I don't need rest. I need answers. What happened, cuz? Why were you in a coma?
Kayla: You know, maybe go ahead and tell her, because she's gonna remember or somebody's gonna tell her.
Hope: Tell me.
Jennifer: The day that jack and I got married, I fell off a balcony at the bistro.
Hope: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, cuz. Oh, my god. Thank god you're okay. Oh, my god. Thank god you survived. What happened? What--how?
Jennifer: I was pushed.
Hope: Pushed? Who pushed you off a balcony?
[Machinery beeping] It was me. Wasn't it?
Jennifer: No.
Hope: How could I do--
[Sobbing] Oh, my god. (Beep)
Jack: We have to remember, gina is gone, hope is back.
Doug: I still worry.
Jack: Of course you do. But just--hope has been through this before. She's been challenged by so many things in her life, and somehow she has always risen to the occasion.
Doug: I don't know, jack. This time, when she remembers and realizes the damage that she did while she was under the spell of rolf, how cruel she was to people who love her, I have no idea how she'll even begin to handle it.
Hope: How could I do something so horrible? I pushed you, my best friend, my cousin, off a balcony. I cost you a year of your life.
Jennifer: No.
Hope: I'm sorry.
Jennifer: I need you to hear me right now. You did not push me. It was gina.
Kayla: Rolf brainwashed you.
Hope: And no one knew?
Jennifer: Not for a very long time.
Hope: When did you figure it out?
Jennifer: We're not gonna go into this right now. I'm not gonna overwhelm you. In a nutshell, I was figuring out what rolf was up to, and I was going to expose him. And gina pushed me because she did not want that to happen.
Hope: I could have killed you. I could have killed you, jennifer.
Jennifer: No one blames you. No one holds you responsible for my fall or anything else that gina did.
Hope: What? What do you-- what other terrible things did I do?
[Phones ringing]
Rafe: What?
Ciara: Rafe, it's me. Is everything okay? Are you okay?
Rafe: Yeah, sorry. Hey, how's your mom?
Ciara: Well, we're not totally out of the woods yet, but she seems to be herself. And things definitely seem to be moving in the right direction, so.
Rafe: That's terrific. That's amazing. Yeah, listen, sorry, I'd put you on with shawn but he's down at the other end of the station. We're holding rolf.
Ciara: I will give him a call as soon as we're off.
Rafe: Okay. Great. Listen, I'm sorry for--for not being there during the surgery. I've just been focused on finding david.
Ciara: Don't apologize, okay? So anyway, what's the latest?
Rafe: You know, we had a lead, and then we went and checked it out and it didn't pan out, so.
Ciara: Well, there's actually another reason why I'm calling you. I might have something for you.
Rafe: I'm all ears.
Ciara: I just talked to ben, who wanted me to pass along some information. He thinks he knows who evan's accomplice is. He wanted me to make sure that you knew right away, so--evan's accomplice is orpheus.
Rafe: Orpheus? Orpheus is dead.
Ciara: Not according to clyde weston. He told ben that he's very, very much alive. And that's not all. Get this, rafe: Clyde told ben that orpheus is evan's father.
Rafe: What? Orpheus is evan's father? Are you sure?
Ciara: Ben is. He is 100% sure, and as soon as he can use the prison phones again, he's gonna call you and he's gonna tell you everything, okay?
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