Days Transcript Tuesday 3/17/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 3/17/20


Episode #13727 ~ Clyde is thrown when Ben tells him Evan's real name; Ciara delivers bad news to Ben; Gina makes one last plea to Rolf to save her; Lani and Eli help Rafe search for David.

Provided By Suzanne

Ciara: Well, you don't look too happy to see me.

Ben: Of course I am. I always am. But I thought you were gonna be spending some more time with your mom.

Ciara: I am. I'm headed to the hospital right now. But I needed to see you first. I have some news.

Ben: Ciara, please tell me that it's about my conviction being overturned and I can finally get the hell out of this place once and for all.

Ciara: I really, really wish it were that, ben. But the news that I have, it's-- it's not good.

Lani: We need to keep looking, eli. We need to keep passing out these flyers.

Eli: Babe, we have been all night.

Lani: Yeah, and with nothing to show for it. Christian or evan, whatever his name is, he ran off with david.

Eli: Hey. We'll find him, okay? But we can't do that if we're exhausted.

Lani: I just-- I really hope that rafe is having better luck than we are.

Orpheus: I picked up breakfast and this to replace the one I lost. You think my grandson will like it? You look like somebody took away your favorite toy. Are you okay?

Evan: I just got david to take a nap. He was up at the crack of dawn.

Orpheus: Was something troubling him?

Evan: He was fine. He's happy to see me. But he wouldn't stop asking for rafe.

Shawn: I'm surprised that we both showed up to your place at the same time. Are you really just getting home?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I've been out all night, putting up posters and handing out flyers with evan and david's picture on them. And a lot I have to show for it, but nothing, not one new lead.

Shawn: Listen, we're gonna find--we're gonna find them, all right? And we're not gonna stop until we find your son.

Rafe: Yeah. All right. Right, thanks. You're right. You're right. So hey, can I make you some coffee or something?

Shawn: No, no, no, I'm good. I know you want to get back to the search. I just--I stopped by 'cause i wanted to see how you're doing. And I also wanted to give you an update on another case.

Rafe: What case?

Shawn: My mom. She's going into surgery this morning.

Rafe: Oh, man.

[Elevator dings]

Jennifer: Kayla, hi.

Kayla: Hey, hi. I'm just finishing up the last bit of hope's paperwork.

Jennifer: Okay, so the surgery is happening today?

Kayla: Yeah. I am just hoping that once we remove that microchip, she will no longer believe that she is princess gina.

Jennifer: That's what we all want, especially doug. And he would be here right now, but julie doesn't want him here. And I agree with her.

Kayla: Is this too stressful?

Jennifer: No, kayla. It's too painful. He has already suffered enough abuse from gina.

Ciara: Is she always like this?

Shawn: You have no idea.

Hope as gina: Oh, do not speak as if I'm not present. I am right here.

Shawn: Well, you know what? We're gonna be very lucky if you're out of that body soon.

Hope as gina: What are you doing? Get away from me. Oh, god. You need a mint.

Ciara: Yeah. Definitely creepy. You're a microchip.

Hope as gina: This is torture. I will not be double-teamed by-- oh, god. How inept, children. Get out.

Ciara: You can insult us all you want, princess. But there is no way in hell that we're gonna give up until my mother is back. We're gonna find dr. Rolf and--

Hope as gina: Oh, please. Even if you find dr. Rolf, my wilhelm, you honestly believe that he'd turn on me? Never.

Ciara: What's the news?

Shawn: Well, it looks like our--our little pain in the ass is wrong. Rolf was apprehended. And it looks like he's gonna turn on our little princess nightmare over here and he's gonna reverse what he did to our mother.

Ciara: Oh, that's just fantastic.

Shawn: You got nothing to say, princess?

Hope as gina: [Screams] How dare you subject me to these--these indignities!


Rolf: Your highness, are you all right?

Hope as gina: Rolf. No. I am not "all right." I command you to free me from these chains. Spirit me away this instant! Please?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: Oh, man. I'm sorry. I wish I could go to the hospital today to support your mom.

Shawn: Are you kidding? I mean, everybody understands that you should be focused on finding david. It's okay.

Rafe: Yeah, which it would be a hell of a lot easier if I had one thing to go on.

Shawn: Give this back to you.

Rafe: Yeah. David's favorite toy. Did you find any prints on it?

Shawn: Just david's and yours. I'm sorry.

Rafe: Yeah. Right.

Orpheus: Don't you think it's time you told that boy who his real father is?

Ciara: So the judge threw out evan's confession.

Ben: How is that even possible? He admitted he killed jordan.

Ciara: Only because I had an actual gun to his head. Apparently, that is coercion, which makes his confession inadmissible.

Ben: So what, evan just gets to walk?

Ciara: I mean, he did make bail. But the charges against him still stand, ben.

Ben: And what happens if he beats those charges? Am I stuck in here?

Jennifer: Ciara called me earlier. She should be here very soon.

Kayla: Yeah. You know, she and shawn were here yesterday, trying to get through to their mom. I just--I can't even tell you. I thought it was just--it must be so hard on them to see their mom like that.

Jennifer: We really need to support those kids. And we really need to support hope once we get her back. I mean, how long is it even gonna take to remove that chip?

Kayla: Well, I don't think it would be long. But you remember, I will not be doing the procedure.

Jennifer: I know that. Rolf is doing it.

Kayla: Right, he's the one that did this to hope.

Jennifer: But, kayla, I don't understand after everything that he has done, how can we even trust him?

Rolf: Princess, there are police standing guard right on the other side of that door.

Hope as gina: Then we shall find another way out.

Rolf: Oh, there is no other way. You simply must accept your fate.

Hope as gina: If you're not here to rescue me, you impetuous buffoon, then why are you here?

Rolf: I came to examine you.

Hope as gina: No.

Rolf: It's preparation for the procedure to remove your microchip.

Hope as gina: No, you cannot do that. I forbid it!

Rolf: I'm sorry. There was no other way. They wanted me to turn on stefano.

Hope as gina: So instead you turned on me?

Rolf: You must understand, my loyalty to the phoenix is paramount. I could never betray him, not for you, not for anyone. So yes, your highness, I have agreed to end your reign. U diet. Exercise.

Evan: Don't you think it kills me not to tell my son I'm his father?

Orpheus: Does it?

Evan: Of course it does. For the past year, I've done everything for david. I fed him. I bathed him. Rocked him to sleep. Anything that he needed, I was there, okay? I loved him the way a father should love his son, did everything that I had to do.

Orpheus: Except be honest with him.

Evan: David is at an age where he repeats everything, okay? I couldn't risk him telling anyone I said I was his father, especially rafe.

Orpheus: But rafe's not in the picture anymore. So what's stopping you?

Ciara: I spoke to justin this morning, and he's confident that the judge will still overturn your conviction.

Ben: How does he figure that?

Ciara: Well, because we have new evidence this time. And I mean, evan's dna was at the crime scene. There was bad blood between him and jordan. They have to exonerate you this time, ben. They have to.

Ben: Well, that's great. Really. But it's still hard.

Ciara: The waiting. Yeah, ben, I know--

Ben: No, ciara! What's hard is knowing that that psycho murderer, who murdered my sister and took my nephew, is still out there while I'm locked up in here. I can't even help with the damn search.

Ciara: Rafe is on it, ben. He's really determined.

Ben: I'm sure he is. But the more time that goes by--

Ciara: Look, ben, he's not gonna give up, okay? He's gonna find that little boy.

Eli: Okay, shower's all yours. Come here. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna bring david home.

Rafe: I can't believe that "princess gina" had us fooled for so long. I should have figured it out.

Shawn: How? You didn't have any experience with gina.

Rafe: Yeah, I could have asked more questions, dug deeper.

Shawn: You started a file on my mom. I mean, you were documenting all of her strange behavior.

Rafe: Yeah. But I just wanted to make sure that she was okay.

Shawn: And she's going to be, thanks to you. I mean, if you hadn't called me in hong kong and told me to come here, we might not have ever put the pieces together and we might not have ever figured out what rolf had done to my mom.

Rafe: Yeah.

Kayla: Believe me. I have my concerns about rolf.

Jennifer: So you don't trust him?

Kayla: I trust him to take out the microchip. Otherwise, he's gonna spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Jennifer: Yeah, but that scares me. What if he tries to pull something in the middle of the surgery?

Kayla: He won't because I'm gonna be watching him every step of the way.

Jennifer: This is crazy that gina's cold, cruel behavior comes down to this chip, that this little chip has caused so much trouble for so many people.

Hope as gina: Step back. Back off!

Rolf: I--

Hope as gina: Do not even step near me.

Rolf: I simply wanted to listen to your heart.

Hope as gina: Well, listen to this. Lay hands on me again, and I shall tear them from your limbs!

Rolf: All right. All right. But your protestations have impeded my exam. However, I have more than enough data to conclude that you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure.

Hope as gina: No, this is an outrage! A crime of the highest order, rolf!

Rolf: Yes. Yes, well, I will go and see if an operating room is ready.

Hope as gina: Wait. Wilhelm, I understand that you don't wish to be disloyal to stefano. But I also know that you do not wish to destroy your own masterpiece.

Rolf: I don't understand.

Hope as gina: Me. Me, rolf. I am your masterpiece, one that you worked tirelessly to create. Do not let them force you to eliminate me.

Rolf: What are you suggesting?

Hope as gina: Outsmart them as only you can. Go through the surgery, go through the motions of it all, but surreptitiously leave the chip right where it is. The fruits of your labor will live on. And I will still be princess gina von amberg. And no one-- no one will be any the wiser.

Rolf: Hmm.


Orpheus: Son, do you have any idea how hard it was for me to swallow my pride and reach out to you and your sister once you were grown only to have you reject me?

Evan: This isn't about pride or fear of rejection. As I said, I didn't tell david who I was to protect him.

Orpheus: But david is safe now. And you're still not telling him the truth.

Evan: You need to stop.

Orpheus: Son, listen to me. The greatest feeling a father can have is the one I missed. When a man looks at his son and he tells the whole wide world, "that's my boy," and then he turns around. And the son looks at him and says, "dad." Now it may not mean much to you, but it means everything to me, even now. I want you to have that.

Evan: For david to call me "dad"?

Orpheus: When a son looks at you and says that little word, it makes you want to be better. It makes you want to be worthy. I can still--I can still see it in my mind's eye, you were--you were probably no bigger than that... the way you looked at me, it was--it was like your old man was some kind of superhero.

Evan: Boy, was I wrong about that.

Lani: You know, when I was a cop, I dealt with the worst of the worst. I looked them right in the eye and I didn't even blink.

Eli: I know. And I saw it firsthand.

Lani: And some of the cases we worked on, bad things happen to good people.

Eli: All the time.

Lani: And it's heartbreaking, but we--we learn how to put our emotions aside and do the job, work the case. But, eli, this is different. When--when that little boy was a baby, I helped rafe take care of him. And I know--I know that my attachment to him was not healthy.

Eli: Lani, you were grieving the loss of our child.

Lani: I know that. But I had to create distance between me and david because of that. I don't know. I just-- this feels really personal. And I know that I will not be able to rest until that little boy is safe.

Eli: Okay. Why don't I go get dressed? We'll go find him.

Shawn: Well, if you're not gonna sleep, you got to eat something. You got to keep your strength up for your son.

Rafe: Waffles.

Shawn: There wasn't really anything else in the kitchen except for seven boxes of waffles in the freezer.

Rafe: They're david's favorite. Once I ran out, and, uh... total meltdown. So now I--I make sure I'm stocked up, you know?

Shawn: Well, we better hurry up and find your kid so he can help you eat 'em, right?

Rafe: Damn right. Yeah. Not bad.

Shawn: It's not my first time using a toaster. All right. I'm gonna head to the hospital.

Rafe: Hey, listen. I appreciate the support, man. Really; I know you're going through a lot right now too.

Shawn: Yeah. Are you kidding me? Absolutely. Anytime.

Rafe: Yeah. I'll be praying for your mom. Well--

Shawn: Yeah.

Rafe: I hope the procedure goes well.

Shawn: Thank you. Thanks. And I hope you do know that the second she's back, I'm gonna be helping you find your son. That's the first thing.

Rafe: Yeah.

Shawn: Take care, man.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: I will keep you posted on the search for david, okay? I promise.

Ben: Thank you. And thank you for coming.

Ciara: I'm just so sorry that I had to come with bad news.

Ben: It's just a setback. We'll get past it.

Ciara: I know we will. Now you must be going absolutely stir crazy in here. I mean, tell me what I can do for you. Can I get you a book? Can I get you--

Ben: No. Nothing, nothing. Look, look, I love that you're always thinking about me, I do. But right now, you need to be with your mom.

Ciara: I just want her to be okay.

Ben: I'll be praying for that, that this procedure is a success and you get your mother back.

Ciara: Me too. God, I love you so much.

Ben: I love you so much.

Hope as gina: You do your part, and I shall do mine. Wilhelm, I promise you, when I wake from the anesthesia, I shall pretend to be hope brady in all of her dreariness.

Rolf: That will be very challenging.

Hope as gina: Nonsense. Well, I managed to fool the entire population of salem for over a year. Surely, I can dupe them again. I promise.

Rolf: Oh, gina. While I appreciate your passion for self-preservation, what you are proposing simply is not possible.

Hope as gina: And why not?

Rolf: Because dr. Kayla brady will be watching over me like a hawk. She will be in the operating room while I remove the chip. And once it's extricated, she will expect me to hand it over to her as proof of my cooperation.

Hope as gina: Come now. A genius like you can surely perform the sleight of hand necessary to fool these fools. Rolf, please, I am begging you. You must do this for me. This one--

Rafe: I'm glad we got a lot of calls. That's the whole reason that we set up the tip line so people with information about david could contact the police. Well, I don't care if it's a hundred or a thousand or a million, I want to read them all. So please, email me the transcripts right now.

Orpheus: You're right. You're right, son. I was no superhero. And any vitriol you want to throw my way is well deserved.

Evan: We don't have to talk about this anymore.

Orpheus: I was nobody's idea of an ideal father by far. Took me a long time to realize that, get the blinders off and see the terrible pain I caused my children. I'm not gonna bore you with a lot of apologizes and the hundred regrets I feel about not being there for you and your sister, but I want you to know one thing. I want you to know how grateful I am that finally we've reconnected after all these years.

Evan: Thank you for saying that. And hey, I'm no superhero myself. In the short amount of time I've been a father, I've made more mistakes than I can count.

Orpheus: Well, there were extenuating circumstances.

Evan: Okay, we don't need to get into it. I just want to put all that behind me and focus on doing right by my kid.

[Baby cooing]

Orpheus: You're realizing what it took me most of my life to learn that no matter how good or bad a man is, there's nothing on this godforsaken earth that can compare to a father's love for his son.

Ben: Dad.

[Elevator door dings]

Ciara: Shawn, hey.

Shawn: Hey.

Ciara: Hey, I'm so sorry that I'm late.

Shawn: No, it's okay. I just got here myself.

Ciara: Is mom in surgery yet?

Shawn: No, they're prepping her right now. Kayla's in there with her.

Hope as gina: I would think a hospital, even one as dreadful as this one, would prohibit strangers from barging into patients' rooms. What if I had been in a state of undress or perhaps having a private conversation?

Kayla: I assure you that jenn and I were neither peeping or eavesdropping. I'm just prepping you for surgery.

Hope as gina: Well, next time, ask permission before you enter.

Kayla: I have given you a sedative so we can get you to the or. I have an officer out there that could escort you to change and scrub in. Have you gone over the procedure with your patient?

Rolf: Hmm. She fully understands what to expect.

Hope as gina: Here I am, holding court with tweedledumb and tweedledumber.

Jennifer: We're here to make sure that hope is done being the nightmare that you are.

Hope as gina: Oh, jenny. Please be a dear and go find another balcony to fall off.

Kayla: That's enough, gina.

Hope as gina: I cannot tell you how it pleases me to hear me called by name.

Jennifer: Not for much longer.

Kayla: Jenn's right. This is goodbye.

Hope as gina: It does not matter what you do to me. I shall always be princess gina von amberg. Just as your beloved steve shall always be the great stefano dimera.

Kayla: Well, we'll see what happens when you wake up.

Clyde: [Laughs] Man, I didn't think I'd ever see you again.

Ben: Yeah. It came right down to the wire.

Clyde: That's what I heard. Is it true your girl burst into the death chamber holding a gun on the guy who really killed jordan?

Ben: Yeah. She blasted right by all the guards and demanded they stop the execution.

Clyde: And you already had a needle in your arm?

Ben: I flatlined, yeah.

Clyde: Oh, my god.

Ben: Ciara, she did it. She saved my life.

Clyde: Man, I tell you, it's already the stuff of legend. That kind of grit and determination? You got to love that.

Ben: I do. I do. Ciara's an incredible woman.

Clyde: No, she's a badass is what she is. Oh, man! I'll be forever grateful.

Ben: Ah, dad--

Clyde: You must be over the moon. You're gonna be reunited with her soon. When do you get out of here?

Ben: I'm not so sure that's gonna happen any time soon, dad.

[Baby sniffling, hiccups]

Evan: I've wanted to tell david I'm his father from the moment I took him from rafe's house.

Orpheus: Then do it.

Evan: I almost did this morning. I'm so tired of him calling me "evan."

Orpheus: It's not your real name. Tell him.

Evan: Just before sunrise, while I was holding david, listening to his breath rise and fall as he slept, I knew from the smile on his face, he felt safe in his father's arms. And I was about to tell him the truth.

Orpheus: And then he woke up and asked for rafe?

Evan: I didn't want to confuse him.

Orpheus: From this day forth, there will be no more confusion. You, christian, are that boy's father. And you don't have to worry anymore. Nothing will ever come between you and that child again. When he wakes up, tell him who you are.

Evan: I will. Right now, I need you to tell me something. What's our next move?

Eli: What's all this?

Rafe: The transcripts from all the calls we got on the tip line.

Lani: Wow. That's a lot, rafe.

Rafe: Yeah. And I'm gonna read them all. Listen. I just want to say thanks. I really appreciate you guys helping me and go out there and find david. I know, I understand it's was totally frustrating we came up empty-handed. But we tried, and that means a lot. So get out of here, all right? Go get some sleep.

Lani: We are not resting until we bring your little boy home.

Ciara: Why does mom look so out of it?

Shawn: Is she okay?

Kayla: Yeah, she's fine. We just sedated her.

Ciara: Why?

Kayla: Because we have to give her general anesthesia for the surgery, and we didn't want her to physically resist-- I mean, gina to resist.

Ciara: All right.

Shawn: How long is she gonna be surgery for?

Kayla: It shouldn't be very long. I'll let you know when she's out and you can see her, okay?

Ciara: And you--you are gonna be there with her, right? During the surgery, you are gonna be with her?

Kayla: Every step of the way. Okay?

Ciara: Okay.

Hope as gina: Wait. I want a word with my children.

Shawn: Mom. Mom, yeah, we're here.

Hope as gina: Yes, you're here. But your mother is not. And she's never coming back.

Kayla: Let's go. I'm bad.

Rafe: Huh. Just got an email from shawn. Says he's gonna have forensics go back over to my place and search evan's room again just to make sure that he didn't miss anything.

Lani: That's a good idea.

Rafe: Yeah. How are those tips going?

Lani: Most of them are from well-meaning citizens who want to help, but they don't actually have any helpful information.

Rafe: And the rest?

Lani: Total nut jobs.

Eli: I just talked to one of my contacts from the fbi, asked him to run down christian maddox's known associates.

Rafe: The guys he used to run with?

Eli: And his various cellmates from when he was locked up.

Rafe: Oh.

Ciara: Shawn, what time is it?

Shawn: It's five minutes past the last time you asked.

Ciara: Sorry, I just-- I can't stand this waiting. You know, I've been so focused on ben, and I haven't spent any time with mom.

Shawn: Well, it's not exactly a bad thing. She's not exactly the most pleasant person to deal with. And she--it's weird she provokes me, and I push back. And even though I know that she's not my mom, I just--I still feel bad.

Ciara: You shouldn'T. Shawn, she's--

Shawn: You can say it, ciara. Princess gina's a royal bitch.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Ciara had a gun to evan's head. So the judge ruled that his confession was coerced.

Clyde: He confessed to jordan's murder and made bail, and you're still in here behind bars?

Ben: Yeah, and the worst part is, he won't tell anybody where davis is.

Clyde: [Scoffs] Man, my poor grandson. If I weren't in here, I'd make that lowlife talk. You can ask nicely, but sometimes you got to resort to other means.

Ben: I hate to say it, but I agree. I wish I could take a run at him, dad. Give me five minutes alone with that son of a bitch who let me take the fall for jordan's murder and took her son.

Evan: So what's the plan?

Orpheus: I think we should get out of dodge, hit the road and keep moving.

Evan: I've spent the past year pretending I'm someone I'm not. Now you want me to become a fugitive?

Orpheus: It's not so bad. It's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

Evan: No. No way. I don't want that kind of life for my son.

Orpheus: It's not forever. It's just right now, we don't have a choice.

Evan: I disagree. I think my best move is to stay here and lie low.

Orpheus: And take your chances in court? I'm sorry, son, but that's nuts.

Evan: The case against me is weak. All the evidence is circumstantial. I truly believe that I can beat the charges, clear my name, and then be able to leave salem and live a normal, happy life with my son.

Limu emu & doug

Ciara: Well, the surgery's over now, mama. And aunt kayla, she said that you did amazing. She said you were so brave. Now please just come back to us. Please just come back to us, mom.

Kayla: Hope is stable and resting comfortably. She should be awake pretty soon.

Jennifer: Okay. Well, while she's sleeping, I'm gonna run home, I'm gonna tell doug that the surgery is over. I mean, I would call him, but--

Kayla: No, no, no, no. Go, go. I will text you if anything changes, all right?

Jennifer: Thank you so much. Okay.

Shawn: Bye.

Jennifer: Bye, honey.

Shawn: See you later.

Jennifer: All right, we'll talk soon.

Kayla: Okay. Here is the microchip.

Shawn: I'll take it down to the station. I'll have the lab do a thorough analysis on it. Did he--did he do anything suspicious while he was in there?

Kayla: I didn't see anything.

Rolf: With all due respect, dr. Brady, what you saw was a master at work.

Shawn: My mom is not herself when she wakes up, you're gonna have some serious problems.

Rolf: In my expert opinion, the procedure was an unqualified success.

Shawn: Well, until we know for sure, you're coming to the station with me where I can keep an eye on you.

Rolf: All right.

Shawn: Bye.

Kayla: Oh, my god. Please, let hope be all right.

Clyde: I just can't believe that jordan's killer was hiding under rafe's roof the whole time. What, this frears guy didn't have a record?

Ben: No, he did, and a substantial one from what I heard.

Clyde: What, that just got by detective hernandez?

Ben: No, evan changed his name to hide his identity and his whole past. His real name is christian maddox.

Clyde: Wait, what? Did you say christian maddox?

Ben: Yes. Why? Dad, do you know the son of a bitch who killed my sister?

Evan: I should wake david. If I let him nap any longer, he won't go to sleep tonight without a fight.

Orpheus: You really know that kid, don't you?

Evan: Damn right I do. I know him better than anyone. He's my son.

[Phones ringing]

Rafe: People know we're looking for a child, right?

Eli: Of course.

Rafe: I just got a tip about a missing parakeet.

[Phone rings]

Lani: I think I might have something. Someone just saw a man matching evan's description.

Rafe: For real?

Lani: Yes. I think I know where david is.

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