Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 3/16/20
Episode #13726 ~ Nicole reels as she realizes Mackenzie could be Brady and Kristen's child; Xander proposes to Sarah; Evan conspires to keep David; John questions Kristen about Stefano.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: Everything's gonna be okay now. Sarah's never gonna find out that her daughter is really kristen'S. And she never has to know that her baby died that night.
Brady: Oh, that's where you hold your tension.
Kristen: Thank you. Thank you so much, brady.
Brady: It was a rough day for you. I mean, first, we talk about losing rachel. And then you get to see eric with mickey.
Kristen: I know. But thank god she's gonna be okay.
Brady: Yeah, she's gonna be okay, but... it's still emotional for you, right?
Kristen: Yeah. Yeah, it's still emotional.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: I, uh... I did something really stupid.
Brady: You want to talk about that? What?
Kristen: I asked eric if I could hold mickey.
Brady: Well, number one, that's not stupid. That's just human. What did he say?
Kristen: No.
Brady: He said no.
Kristen: But I do get it. I mean, she's--she's recovering from her procedure. And he hates me for good reason. But I have to tell you, when I was in that room, I had this overwhelming need to just hold that little girl in my arms.
Nicole: She looks perfect. She really is an--
Eric: What? What is it?
Nicole: What--what is that on her neck?
Eric: It's her birthmark. You never noticed it before?
Brady: Memories of our daughter are becoming more and more distant for her. And she was afraid that she was going to lose them completely. I mean, nicole, she only got to hold rachel for couple minutes after she was born.
Nicole: Well, at least she did get to be with her.
Brady: Yeah. And we get to hold on to that. But I was helping her relive those minutes and make her remember it. And I was really surprised at what we were able to recall about our little girl in that short amount of time. I mean, her--her mouth, her eyes. She even remembered that rachel had a very faint heart-shaped birthmark on her neck.
Nicole: No, it has to be a coincidence.
Eric: What has to be a coincidence?
Rafe: So you found this in the square--it was just lying there?
Lani: No, this guy in a hoodie bumped into us, he dropped it. I tried to call after him, but he just kept going.
Rafe: Could it have been evan?
Eli: No, I don't think so. He didn't have the same build.
Rafe: So whoever it was, he has david.
Evan: You have no idea how badly I've been dying to see him. It's a good thing I lost the cops that rafe had tailing me.
I'm not surprised you were able to lose the tail. After all, you learned from the best. You learned from orpheus.
Evan: Well, orpheus, if it's all the same to you, I'll just call you dad.
Male announcer: Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: Okay, I'm a mess, but when you give me ten minutes to get ready, you cannot expect perfection.
Xander: But that's exactly what I got.
Sarah: Liar.
Xander: Sarah, you look so beautiful, so beautiful that you might want to change the plans. How about dinner in bed?
Sarah: Mmm. Down, tiger. Okay. Oh, my god.
Xander: What?
Sarah: Look at that. I got dressed, I combed my hair. Put on some lipstick, even a smile. I haven't seen this woman in forever.
Xander: Well, it's good to have her back.
Sarah: Mmm. Mickey's gonna be okay. I have my life back finally. And this nightmare is over. It's really over.
Xander: It really is.
Sarah: I still feel guilty. I feel like I should be at the hospital with her.
Xander: Sarah, please, eric's with her--she'll be fine. It's like you said, the nightmare is really over. We have nothing to worry about.
Nicole: It's not possible.
Eric: Nicole, what's not possible?
Nicole: I--
Eric: What?
Nicole: Okay. You're gonna think I'm jumping to conclusions or that I'm crazy.
Eric: What's new?
Nicole: I'm serious.
Eric: So am I. So what's going on?
Brady: Of course, you wanted to hold mickey. We had just been talking about rachel. They'd be exactly the same age. I'm sorry that eric said no.
Kristen: Well, he said that mackenzie's immune system is compromised and that she couldn't be around people yet. I still think it's more than that. You know, look what I've done to eric, your family. I mean--I mean, it was big of him not to throw me out.
Brady: You are not the same person anymore. Things are different now.
Kristen: For us, yeah. But don't expect your family to buy into it anytime soon.
Brady: They--they will come around.
[Knock at door]
John: Hey, kristen, it's john black. I know you're in there. I'm not going away until we talk.
[Knock at door] I'm bad.
Evan: Well, thanks for your help.
Orpheus: You certainly needed it.
Evan: Here we go.
Orpheus: Son, you always were a clear thinker, but this time--this time, you really outdid yourself. You want your son back, so you murder his mother. Then you move in with a police detective.
Evan: To be with my son.
Orpheus: And then when the noose starts tightening, you take your son and you make a run for it. But first, you stop to propose to your latest paramour, waving a gun--that always works.
Evan: Just give me a break.
Orpheus: And then you let some slip of a girl take the gun from you and march you off to the prison--
Evan: Maybe I should have just put everybody on a yacht and blown them up!
Orpheus: Be careful how you speak to me. Your life and your son's life are both in my hands. Do you have anything you want to say?
Evan: I'm sorry. Sorry, sir.
Orpheus: Forgotten. Isn't this nice? Three generations in one seedy motel. Family is everything, isn't it?
Evan: So you had trouble putting him to sleep or no?
Orpheus: I played my pan flute.
Evan: It's weird. Usually he throws a tantrum if he doesn't have his train.
Lani: We bumped into him right over here.
Eli: He was carrying a bag of groceries.
Rafe: From which store?
Lani: I think the one around the corner.
Rafe: Let's go--maybe they can give us a description.
Brady: Hey, dad.
John: There she is. Any idea where that microchip you call your daddy took my wife?
Kristen: No.
John: He told you he was stefano, what else did he tell you?
Brady: Dad, she said she didn't know.
John: Any dimera crypts or dungeons you want to tell me about?
Brady: Okay. Why don't we go downstairs? I'll buy you a beer--
John: There's a maniac that's trying to annihilate my wife. I do not want a beer, okay?
Brady: I understand. I don't want you going crazy though, okay? I'm a little worried about you right now.
John: Well, guess what. Seeing you holed up in here with her makes me a little worried about you. You never know when she's gonna take a pot shot at somebody.
Brady: All right, hey. That's off limits.
Kristen: No, it's okay. He can be angry. And you know what, john, I should have told you when steve came to me. But I did not know he was my father.
Brady: And that's an honest mistake, dad. He looked and sounded just like steve johnson, right?
Kristen: Come on. And even if I knew--I mean, knew it was even possible... I-I thought he was only here to take the business over. If I would have known that he was after marlena, I would have told you, john. And if I knew anything about him now, I swear to you, I would tell you.
John: Wow. Why is it that I don't believe a word you say?
Nicole: Eric, I'm sure I'm wrong, it's just that--
Eric: It's just what?
Nicole: Well--
Dr. Raynor: Sorry to interrupt--I wanted to talk to you--is sarah here?
Eric: She went out to dinner.
Dr. Raynor: Oh. Well, would you tell her "goodbye" for me.
Eric: "Goodbye"? What, you're leaving?
Dr. Raynor: I was offered another job. And I'm leaving tonight.
Nicole: Well, that's kind of abrupt, isn't it?
Dr. Raynor: Yes, I guess it is. I wouldn't be leaving if I wasn't absolutely sure that mickey was in really good hands here. Dr. Wedret will be taking over, and she's the best.
Eric: Thank you for everything you've done for my daughter. I really wish you the best of luck on your new job.
Dr. Raynor: Thank you. Bye, sweetheart. Be well.
Eric: Well, that sure came out of nowhere.
Nicole: Would you excuse me? I'll be right back.
Eric: Yeah.
Kristen: John, I am so sorry for what you're going through.
Brady: That doesn't excuse him calling you a liar.
Kristen: Last mother's day, marlena and I found a way to, what, coexist? Yeah, I know we-- we both would do anything for brady.
John: How touching. But it doesn't disguise the fact that you are a dimera and you will cover for your old man no matter what he does.
Brady: Right, this isn't really going anywhere, is it?
Kristen: You know what, if i hear from him, I will tell you.
John: Right.
Brady: Come on--
John: Sorry, kid, I'm just a little stretched right now.
Brady: I know. I know. Don't worry about it. You're gonna find her. You always do, no matter who you're up against, you know that, whether it's stefano, anjelica deveraux, hattie--hell, dad, even orpheus.
Evan: Where did it go?
Orpheus: The train? I dropped it on the way back from getting groceries.
Evan: You took him out to the grocery store when the whole city is out looking for him?
Orpheus: I didn't take him. And watch your tone.
Evan: You left him alone?
Orpheus: I didn't leave him. I had someone watching him.
Evan: Who?
Orpheus: Mary poppins. Christian, as I told you before, you and that child need my protection. So don't question my methods. In fact, thanks to me you are here, he's here, and rafe hernandez doesn't have a clue where either one of you are.
Rafe: All right, so no one can remember the guy in the hoodie.
Lani: No. And now he can be anywhere. I should have stopped him.
Eli: What now?
Rafe: There are security cameras all over the square, let's hope one of them caught this guy on tape.
Sarah: There's no one here.
Xander: That's the idea.
Sarah: Does the food suck or did you buy the place out?
Xander: I bought it out.
[Both laugh] I, uh, didn't want a bunch of other men just staring at the most beautiful woman in the place.
Sarah: Oh, I definitely am that now--you got rid of all my competition.
Xander: I thought you deserved some peace and quiet.
Sarah: Peace and quiet, that does sound wonderful.
Xander: Well, instead of hospital coffee, how about some champagne? And instead of paging dr. Whoozit and orderly to triage, how about some pleasant music?
[Laughs] Xander: Oh, you're laughing. I haven't heard you laugh in ages. And it's such a good laugh.
Sarah: Mmm, not really.
Xander: To mackenzie horton, a perfectly healthy, perfectly beautiful baby, with a perfect mother.
Sarah: To mickey, and well, to be fair, gabi hernandez.
Xander: I'm not big on being fair.
Sarah: She did donate the bone marrow that saved mickey's life.
Xander: I mean, 'cause it was her get out of jail free card.
Sarah: That's true. And I do still hate her guts, but she did come through for us. And what about dr. Raynor? I mean, it's thanks to her that mickey got well, and that I still have my daughter.
Nicole: I have to talk to you.
Dr. Raynor: Get your hands off me.
Nicole: It's important. It's about mackenzie.
Dr. Raynor: Sorry ms. Walker, I can only discuss her condition with dr. Horton and mr. Brady.
Nicole: And xander kiriakis?
Dr. Raynor: Damn it.
Nicole: I'm not asking about her condition. I'm asking about her identity. I just noticed that mackenzie has a faint birthmark on her neck. And so did brady and kristen's baby. You remember rachel, the baby you delivered the same exact night mackenzie was born?
Dr. Raynor: What are you trying to say?
Nicole: I'm just asking, do you think it's possible that mickey is really brady and kristen's child?
Evan: I'm not questioning your methods. And I'm grateful for your help.
Orpheus: What I fail to understand is why you never call me before you commit these catastrophic blunders.
Evan: I didn't want to put you out.
Orpheus: I should have tracked down that jordan woman. I know enough not to strangle a person before they tell me what I need to know. But, uh...that little murder wasn't premeditated, was it?
Evan: No. It wasn'T.
Orpheus: No. I didn't think so. I didn't think you planned to have a convicted serial killer discover the body and conveniently take the rap for you. That would have been slick. But even after that gift from heaven, you stayed around mooning after little kiriakis and allowed that nancy drew to bring you down.
Evan: Okay, you know what, you're right, I screwed up. I screw everything up. But I stuck around to be with my son. I did everything I did to be with my son.
Orpheus: Yeah. You're a devoted father. Like me.
Evan: There's--there's something that I didn't tell you.
Orpheus: You failed algebra?
Evan: [Scoffs] When ciara took me to stop the execution, marlena evans was there.
Orpheus: Sounds like her idea of a good time.
Evan: I knew her the second I saw her, but she didn't know who I was.
Orpheus: Well, you and your sister were very young when she took care of you. It was only for a few months.
Evan: I heard she's been kidnapped by steve johnson. Only he thinks he's stefano dimera.
Orpheus: [Laughing] Well, let's hope it ends horribly for all of them-- john, marlena, kayla, and especially steven "patch" johnson. I really hate people who try to kill me.
Kristen: Orpheus--I've heard that name before. Who is he?
John: He was an old isa agent partner of mine. He went rogue, he kidnapped marlena, forced her to raise his kids.
Brady: Couple years ago, he broke out of prison. He and clyde weston and xander tried to blow up the town.
John: He kidnapped marlena again--this time along with kayla. He locked them in coffins, set them on fire. Thank god steve and I got there in time.
Kristen: And what happened to--what happened to him?
John: Well, he and steve struggled for a gun, orpheus got shot, and the paramedics declared him dead at the scene. Damn!
Brady: What is it? What?
John: I just remembered being so grateful to steve for helping me. And now all I want is him dead.
Dr. Raynor: Who else have you talked to about this?
Nicole: No one.
Dr. Raynor: Keep it that way. Even though this is a wild supposition based on nothing more than a birthmark. I mean, just imagine how upsetting this could be not only to mickey's parents but to ms. Dimera and mr. Black as well. I mean, haven't they all been through enough?
Nicole: There is more than a birthmark. Babies were born on the same night, within few hours of each other. And mickey has a birthmark exactly where brady said rachel's was.
Dr. Raynor: Ms. Walker, I was in the nursery when ms. Dimera's baby died.
Nicole: Are you sure it was kristen's baby?
Dr. Raynor: Of course I am! There are procedures, protocols, all designed to make an accidental switch impossible.
Nicole: What if it wasn't an accident?
Dr. Raynor: What are you saying? Who would do such a thing?
Nicole: Your friend and mine, xander kiriakis.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Rafe: I sent the train down to the lab. So now we're just waiting for security footage from the square.
Eli: Yeah, I know a guy over there--let me see if he can speed things up.
Eli: Great.
Lani: Rafe, I'm so sorry. I know this is killing you.
Rafe: I just keep telling myself that evan loves david and he wouldn't let anything to happen to him. But yeah, then I realize that he's crazy. So yeah, yeah, it's killing me.
Eli: Hey, they just emailed you the footage.
Rafe: Let's pray to god there's something there.
Evan: So the paramedics steve called actually worked for the isa?
Orpheus: Pamela vandamm was head of isa then. And she presumed I'd be willing to give up my secrets in exchange for my life. May she rest in peace.
Evan: Natural causes?
Orpheus: Accident. And while it's been convenient to be presumed dead, it's actually been a little hard. I've had to lie low, and it's difficult to access resources.
Evan: I know. That's why I went to sonny for money.
Orpheus: Ohh...wonder if i could get you to refrain from using that name again?
Evan: I was in love with another man, dad-- deal with it.
Orpheus: It's not his gender I object to, it's his species. Kiriakis. Can't abide them.
Evan: You're always so easygoing. Well, you don't have to worry about sonny anymore. He's back with will. David's all I have now.
John: Sorry I barged in here like that.
Brady: No, no, no. It's okay, it's okay. Listen, you keep me posted on marlena, all right?
John: Yeah.
Kristen: John. I'm gonna be praying for marlena. But if anyone can find her, it's you.
John: Yeah. Thanks. Well...
Dr. Raynor: Will you keep your voice down! Why in god's name would xander kiriakis switch those babies?
Nicole: For sarah. What if it was sarah's baby that died that night? She was in labor in a car that was hit so hard it killed adrienne kiriakis.
Dr. Raynor: The baby came here and was given a clean bill of health.
Nicole: "A" baby was given a clean bill of health. Xander didn't want sarah to know that her baby died, so he switched them. I know firsthand what that man is capable of.
Dr. Raynor: But he couldn't have done it. He couldn't just waltzed into the nursery and walked out with a baby.
Nicole: I see your point. Xander couldn't have done it alone. You know, right before mickey's procedure, I caught the two of you in a rather intense conversation. I warned you about him. I told you what that man was capable of. But you already knew, didn't you? 'Cause you're in it with him. And this isn't the last time I caught you two together.
Dr. Raynor: He wanted to know about the baby.
Nicole: Why did you come back--to renegotiate your payment schedule? How odd is it that I saw you two shaking hands and then right after that, you're like, "ta-ta, I got to go," huh? Where's the fire? Is that money burning a hole in your pocket? Dr. Raynor, have you forgotten your oath? I think you did a whole lot of harm.
Sarah: Oh, my god. I can't eat another bite.
Xander: Aw, I ordered creme brulee. I'll just tell the chef to cancel it.
Sarah: Not unless you want me to stab you with this steak knife.
Xander: There's that smile again. Can I tell you something?
Sarah: Sure.
Xander: When mackenzie was sick, I could see what it was doing to you. I mean, I felt it too. Not just because I love her like she's my own kid. I mean, I hurt for you.
Sarah: Yeah, I could feel it too.
Xander: That's never happened to me before. I've never loved someone so much that I felt what they were feeling. Look, I know you know my history with women. It's, uh...awful. But you make me never want to be that man again.
Sarah: I don't think you have to worry about that at all.
Xander: Not if I'm with you. See now, for better or worse, when you're in pain, I'm in pain. But when you're happy, I am happy. So I have a vested interest in keeping you happy, right?
Sarah: I would say so.
Xander: To that end...
Sarah: What are you doing?
Xander: Sarah horton, will you marry me?
Sarah: [Laughs]
Lani: Stop, stop. Right there--that's the guy!
Rafe: Can't see his face though.
Eli: It's like he knew where the cameras were.
Lani: All right, rafe. Play it slowly. There, that's not a bad shot. Can you zoom in right there? It's hard to make out his features.
Rafe: Yeah, but there's something familiar about that guy.
Orpheus: You think you could alight somewhere?
Evan: Sorry. I was thinking.
Orpheus: God help us.
Evan: I know that rafe let me go on bail so that he could have me followed. And even though I'm david's father, he still has legal custody. So he's gonna do everything he can to get him back and send me to prison.
Orpheus: Son, you have a firm grasp of the obvious.
Evan: Dad, please. Until I figure something out, I need to come up with a way to keep him at bay.
Xander: Not exactly the reaction I was looking for.
Sarah: I'm so sorry. It's ju--this is--this is our first real date. And you're proposing.
Xander: Fine. Maybe this is the first time I've actually taken you out to dinner properly. But we've been side by side for the last year.
Sarah: Yeah, but we just officially got together. And I mean, this is a little unconventional.
Xander: Unconventional? We slept together when we barely knew each other, when you couldn't stand the sight of me--we've always been unconventional. You and rex were conventional to the max and look how that turned out.
Sarah: Point taken.
Xander: I love you and you love me. So why wait?
Sarah: We don't have to rush this though, xander. I'm not gonna go anywhere.
Xander: I can't risk losing you.
Sarah: Baby, why would you lose me?
Xander: It's just--look, good things don't happen to me very often. So when they do, I have to grab on to them so they don't slip away. And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, sarah. You're funny and smart and you're so beautiful. And for some reason, you seem to love me back, even though I'm--what did you call me?
Sarah: Dopey.
Xander: Dopey. So I'd be a real idiot not to do everything in my power to make you my wife, right?
Sarah: Well, I couldn't possibly let you be an idiot. And you're already so dopey.
Xander: Please tell me that's a yes.
Sarah: That was a yes.
[Xander laughs, sarah squeals]
Dr. Raynor: You're out of your mind. Baby switches only happen on tv and in the movies.
Nicole: I did it myself.
Dr. Raynor: And you're judging me?
Nicole: I'm not proud of it. But I did it for love, not money. And now it's more than just money, isn't it? Why are you so desperate to leave town? Because you're scared, aren't you? And you have every reason to be.
Dr. Raynor: I have another job.
Nicole: That money you took to cover the baby switch, you thought you were just getting paid for services rendered. And now xander has made it very clear that he bought you with that money. He owns you. And if you so much as look at him cross-eyed, you could lose your license, you could go to prison. Dr. Raynor, I saw you wince when he shook your hand. That wasn't an agreement. It was a threat.
Dr. Raynor: And what do you think eric brady will say when you tell him you want to take his daughter and give her to his brother? Do you think he'll ever feel the same way about you again? Well, here's your chance to find out.
Eric: I was wondering where you went.
Dr. Raynor: She was just thanking me for everything I did for your baby. And now I've really got to run. Excuse me. According to her daughter,
Brady: You were really great with my dad. Thank you. I was gonna go take a shower. I don't know if you wanted to join me maybe. Maybe?
Kristen: Maybe--it sounds like a plan to me.
Brady: Yeah. I'm gonna go warm up the water.
[Both chuckling]
Xander: It's the best night of my life.
Sarah: Oh. Aren't you forgetting something?
Xander: Right, yeah. Of course.
Sarah: Wow. It's not bad.
Xander: It's from my diamond smuggling days.
Sarah: Is this stolen?
Xander: No. I was supposed to hand it off to some buyer, but I decided to keep it for myself. Paid for it fair and square.
Sarah: Really?
Xander: Sure.
Sarah: Okay.
Xander: I knew it was special the moment I set eyes on it. Just like you. I love you, sarah.
Sarah: I love you, xander cook--kiriakis.
Dr. Raynor: It's me. I'm on my way out of town, but I thought you'd like to know. Nicole walker is on to you. She asked me point blank if you had switched those babies. I denied it, but she wasn't buying it. I'd say you have a big problem on your hands.
[Phone beeps
Eric: Hey, what were you gonna tell me before dr. Raynor came in?
Nicole: It was nothing.
Eric: It seemed pretty important.
Nicole: What's important is that you have some peace and quiet with your daughter.
Eli: Do you think you know this guy?
Rafe: Hard to say. I'm gonna check the other footage for a better angle.
Lani: Hey, rafe, we're gonna help you, okay? We're gonna get david back, I swear.
Rafe: We have to find this guy. This guy is gonna lead us to david.
Orpheus: Maybe we could make a run for it.
Evan: Then I'd be running forever. No, I need to stay here and get my son back legally. Which will be easier now that they threw out the confession.
Orpheus: They still have your dna at the crime scene.
Evan: That's circumstantial. And if I can beat the charges, I can sue for custody.
Orpheus: That's a big "if." Don't worry, I'll handle it.
Evan: I don't want you to get into trouble.
Orpheus: I still have one big advantage going for me. Nobody knows orpheus is back.
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