Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 3/13/20
Episode #13725 ~ Evan meets up with someone unexpected. Kristen asks Eric if she can hold Mickey. Nicole starts to put the pieces together regarding Mickey and Rachel. Will and Sonny recommit to their marriage.
Provided By Suzanne
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: We got a bite to eat.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: Now do you want to go back to the apartment?
Lani: No.
Eli: [Sighs]
Lani: As great as our little bubble has been, you do know we have to come out and face the real world.
Eli: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Lani: [Giggles]
Eli: That bubble has been pretty sweet, though, hasn't it?
Lani: Very sweet. But I've checked my messages and we have missed out on so much while we were reconnecting.
Eli: Yeah, you know, that situation with marlena, steve, and hope, that sounds crazy.
Eli: Yeah, and david is still missing. I really cannot believe that his nanny is actually his father.
Eli: Not to mention jordan's killer.
Lani: I just feel so bad for little david.
Eli: I know how much you care about that little boy.
Lani: Yeah, I do. And I can only imagine what rafe is going through.
Sonny: How the hell did you make bail?
Evan: The judge was nice enough to set it at a reasonable number.
Will: You're a murderer, and you kidnapped a child.
Evan: I guess they don't consider it kidnapping when he's your own son.
Rafe: I'm david's guardian. You have no legal claim on him.
Evan: Actually, you're the one with no legal claim and no right to keep me here, so, as fun as this has been, I'm gonna hit the road.
Rafe: Not so fast. You're not going anywhere.
Brady: Where did kristen go? I mean, why would she run off like that?
Nicole: Maybe I drove her out of the building. Better yet, maybe the country.
Brady: Mm-hmm, so much for your sympathy.
Nicole: Look. I told you, when it comes to losing the baby, I feel for her, but I am never gonna forgive kristen for what she did to me.
Brady: I know. She was really struggling today, nic, I mean, she-- she was worried about forgetting our baby entirely. When I helped her remember, i thought it would help, I thought it would make things better, but... what would make her run off without telling me?
Eric: I promise you, I'm gonna be right here by your side. Always. So is your mommy.
[Door clicks open]
[Dramatic music]
Kristen. What are you doing here?
Dr. Raynor: What are you saying?
Xander: I'm saying you should take your money and run, or you won't be running anywhere ever again. So what's it gonna be?
Sarah: What's going on?
[Intense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Dramatic music]
Evan: I don't have to stay here. I'm free on bail, remember?
Rafe: I still need to process your paperwork before you can be released, so sit tight.
Evan: Seriously? I'm waiting for you to finish your paperwork?
Rafe: Yeah, seriously. You wouldn't want to get it wrong and then I'd have to pick you up again, now, would you?
Evan: Fine, but hurry up. I've spent enough time in this station.
Rafe: Don't push your luck.
[Door clicks shut]
Sonny: This is ridiculous. She's already hiding david. Who's to say evan won't take off too?
Will: He could walk out the door and we would never see david again.
Sonny: Well, how did-- how did the judge make a decision like this?
Rafe: 'Cause I asked him to.
Lani: Rafe must be so overwhelmed, with the search with marlena, hope not being around, everything that happened with gabi, and now david being taken by someone that he thought he trusted.
Eli: It's a lot, even for a guy like rafe.
Lani: You know, maybe he could use some help. What?
Eli: Okay. I mean, we're not on the force anymore, so we don't have to follow any protocol. Maybe it'll be a good thing.
Lani: Okay. And are you sure you are ready for our-- our bubble to end?
Eli: Uh, no.
[Both laugh] If I could, I would stay in that bubble with you forever.
Lani: Me too. And we still have so much lost time to make up for.
Eli: A whole year. A year that we should've been together.
Lani: I will never stop trying to make that up to you.
Eli: Hey. We'll make it up to each other the rest of our lives. But you're right, our friends need us.
Lani: Well, let's head down to the station and see if we can be of help.
Eli: Okay.
Sonny: You told the judge to let evan out on bail?
Rafe: Well, I suggested that he set it low enough so that he could make bail.
Will: Why would you do that? You know how dangerous he is.
Rafe: Believe me, I don't want him out on the streets any more than you do, but if he can't make bail, he's sitting in his cell.
Sonny: And you won't be able to find david.
Rafe: Yeah. We need him out there.
Will: Ah, so it's like a setup.
Rafe: Very much so, yes. Soon as he leaves the station, he's gonna be followed, and hopefully he goes right to david, we pounce, I get my son back.
Brady: The security guard said he saw kristen leaving the building. She's gone.
Nicole: I don't know what you want me to do here, brady. I mean, you know how unstable she is.
[Phone beeps]
Brady: It's a text from kristen. "Sorry I left without saying good-bye. I couldn't stop thinking about mackenzie. I'm going to the hospital to check on her." She's going to check on mickey?
Nicole: Oh, I can't imagine eric's gonna be too pleased about that.
Kristen: I'm--I'm here to... check on the baby.
Eric: That's not necessary. In fact, we're supposed to keep visitors to a minimum, so if you don't mind...
Kristen: No, I-I know that you still hate me because of what I did to you and nicole. I'm sorry, eric. I'm not that same person anymore. And I do genuinely care about your little girl. I feel invested about her recovery.
Eric: Why?
Kristen: I don't know. I don'T. Being a mother to rachel for that short time, it's changed me. And she and your daughter were born on the same night. And we're always gonna share that. And I also-- I don't want you and sarah to go through what brady and I went through when we lost-- when we lost our rachel.
Xander: Surely you're not jealous me being alone with the good doctor here.
Sarah: No, it's just... you look uncomfortable, is all.
Xander: No, I just ran into the doctor and had some questions about mackenzie.
Sarah: Did she tell you the good news? That mickey's blood work showed that the bone marrow transplant worked?
Xander: Yeah, she did. I'm so happy for you, sarah.
Sarah: Thank you. So where were you? 'Cause I heard that you left the hospital in a hurry.
Xander: Oh, I-I just had to go home and check in with victor on a few things.
Sarah: Okay, what's going on? Why do you both look so tense?
[Dramatic music]
Brady: Why would kristen feel the need to check up on mackenzie?
Nicole: Why does that woman do anything?
Brady: That's not helpful. It's not.
Nicole: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But that woman is really hard to figure out, you know? And if she tries to go anywhere near mackenzie, I'm not sure how eric's gonna react.
Brady: I should get over there, just to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Nicole: I'm going with you.
[Tense music]
Eric: Listen, I appreciate your concern for mickey's recovery. I heard you allowed yourself to be tested as a possible donor. Sarah and I are both grateful.
Kristen: Well, it's the least that I could do. How is she? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I understand.
Eric: Actually, we, uh... we just received some good news a little while ago.
Kristen: You did? Really?
Eric: Yeah, it turns out that mickey's new bone marrow is actually producing blood cells faster than they even thought it would.
Kristen: That's wonderful, eric.
Eric: Yeah. It's good. Her transplant was successful, so we're very hopeful. I think we're optimistic for a full recovery.
Kristen: Well, that is the best news that I could ask for. God is good.
[Tender music]
Xander: Sorry, even with the good news, I just wanted to make sure it was real and that mickey was definitely getting the absolute best care, you know?
Sarah: There's still a long road ahead, but I genuinely believe with dr. Raynor's help, things are only gonna get better.
Dr. Raynor: I believe that too.
Sarah: Amanda, you have been so amazing. Could we set up a time to talk about where we go from here with mickey's treatment?
Dr. Raynor: I, uh-- I have rounds to make, but I'll text you.
Sarah: Okay. Great.
Xander: Oh, I want to thank you, too, doctor, for everything you've done. And victor kiriakis asked me to pass along his gratitude and admiration.
[Phone ringing]
Sarah: Oh, um, that's my mom. She must've talked to victor. I'm just gonna grab this. Thanks, eric.
Xander: So do we have a deal? Are you gonna leave salem, or are we gonna have a problem?
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: Is there anything we can do to help with evan?
Rafe: Just keep your anger up that he's being released. My people are ready to move as soon as he's out of here.
Will: I hope this works. Evan belongs behind bars, and david belongs with you.
Rafe: Thanks. Thanks. Honestly, I just want him to be safe. Speaking of which, how's arianna?
Sonny: She's--she's good. We managed to protect her from finding out that david is missing.
Rafe: Good.
Sonny: You know, she just loves him so much.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, he loves her.
Will: Yeah. They'll be back to having playdates soon. I-I believe that.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, let's just hope this so-called father loves his son enough to make sure that he's safe, wherever he is.
[Suspenseful music]
Eli: I can't imagine how hard it is for rafe to do his job while david is missing.
Lani: I know. He's the only father that little boy has ever had--
Eli: Hey, hey, man! Watch where you're going.
Lani: Excuse me, sir. You dropped something. Hello? That was weird. He clearly heard us, right?
Eli: Yeah, he definitely heard us.
Lani: Then why didn't he stop?
Eli: He dropped a toy train.
Lani: Hmm. Some little boy or a little girl's gonna be very disappointed to realize this is missing.
Eli: Yeah, well, we could've returned it to him if he hadn't taken off so damn fast.
Lani: He clearly had no interest in talking to us.
Eli: Let's just get down to the station and see what we can do to help rafe.
[Foreboding music]
Rafe: Processing is done. You're free to go.
Evan: Sweeter words have never been spoken.
Rafe: Remember, you don't show up for your court date, you lose your bail money.
Evan: I'm aware of how bail works. I'm not going anywhere.
Rafe: Okay. Just letting you know.
Evan: Want to step aside and let me get to the door?
Rafe: Actually, figured I'd just give you one last chance to tell me where david is.
Evan: Okay. Why would I do that?
Rafe: Well, because you're still going to trial for jordan's murder, and I think the case against you is actually pretty strong.
Evan: So if I tell you where david is, you-- you advocate for leniency.
Rafe: I could even tell the court that I'm not opposed to supervised visitation rights.
Evan: Hmm. It's not your call to make, is it?
Rafe: No. No, it's not, but as an officer of the law and legal guardian, my case would be very strong.
Evan: Mm-kay. Well, uh, here's my opinion. Talk to my lawyer. Leave me alone. I'm out of here. Take care, commish.
[Atmospheric music]
[Phone beeps]
Rafe: Hey, it's me. Yeah, he just left. Leaving the station now.
Xander: Hey, what's your answer? Can I go back and tell victor that we've seen the last of you?
Dr. Raynor: Look, I know you and mr. Kiriakis were upset that I accepted that check and continued to work on mackenzie's case.
Xander: The deal was we were never to see you again.
Dr. Raynor: Yeah, I understand. But sarah is a friend and a colleague, and she was a wreck about the baby, and even though mackenzie's not really hers--
Xander: Don't you ever say that again, ever.
Dr. Raynor: Okay, I won'T. But you need to understand what it means to be a doctor. I took an oath. I was lucky enough to save that little girl's life, and when you save a life, you feel responsible for it.
Xander: It is your own life you need to worry about.
Dr. Raynor: Okay. Okay. If you're trying to scare me about what victor kiriakis is capable of, then you've succeeded. So yes, we have a deal.
Xander: See? I knew they didn't give out all those fancy degrees to just any old dum-dum. You're doing the right thing.
Dr. Raynor: [Scoffs] Right thing.
[Eerie music]
[Elevator bell dings]
Kristen: I have been praying for your little girl every single day.
Eric: Thank you for that. I just want you to know that no matter our past history, i just... I'm truly sorry for the pain you suffered after losing your daughter.
Kristen: Yeah. I think about her every day, and... I wish there was some way I-- something I could've done to save her life. But you know what, I am so glad that dr. Raynor-- and god-- saved mackenzie'S.
Eric: Thank you.
Kristen: I know that this is a big ask, but... do you think I could hold her for a minute? As a caricature artist,
Sonny: I really hope rafe is right and evan will lead the police right to david.
Will: And I hope that when they find him, they finally lock that maniac up for good.
[Solemn music]
Sonny: You're probably wondering how I ever got involved with a guy like that in the first place.
Will: No, no, sorry, I-- no, I didn't mean it like that.
Sonny: That's what you were thinking. I mean, that's what-- that's what I'm thinking. I mean, like, how in the hell could I be so blind?
Will: Sonny, you were lonely. You know, your husband was in-- in prison.
Sonny: I know. I was hurt. And evan, he was-- you know, he was sweet. He was good with ari, and he listened. He's literally nothing like the guy that we just saw at the station, you need to know that.
Will: Yeah, I--okay. It's okay. Sonny, I-I don't blame you for anything. You need to stop blaming yourself. Okay? So I am going to go check on ari, and in the meantime, why don't you pour us, you know, a couple glasses of wine so we can get the night started?
[Hopeful music]
Rafe: Well, make sure evan doesn't get away, but don't get too close. Okay. All right. Keep me posted. I'm ready to move whenever he lands. Okay.
Lani: There he is. Hey.
Eli: Hey, rafe.
Rafe: Oh, hey. Hey, guys. Hey. Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, okay, for everything that gabi put you through, and, you know, if I'd have known...
Lani: Hey, rafe.
Rafe: About the whole-- the pacemaker in julie...
Lani: We know, okay?
Eli: None of that matters right now.
Rafe: Okay. Good, good. What are you doing here?
Lani: Well, we heard about what's going on with david, and we want to help any way that we can.
Rafe: Oh, man, I appreciate that.
Eli: What's the latest?
Rafe: Well, the latest is, evan has been released on bail.
Lani: What? He's out already?
Rafe: It's okay. I requested that his bail be set low so that we can tail him.
Eli: Well, is someone on him?
Rafe: Yeah. Obviously, I couldn't do it, 'cause he's gonna be looking out for me.
Lani: Right, but you have a team tracking him, right?
Rafe: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We are ready to move as soon as he lands and hopefully he will lead us right to david.
Kristen: You have no idea how much it would mean to me. I only got to hold rachel for a short time and-- and then she was gone.
Eric: Kristen, I understand, but I can't let you hold her.
Kristen: You can't?
Eric: It's just that mickey's immune system is compromised, so we have to be very careful who we allow to hold her.
Kristen: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I understand.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Kristen: It's okay.
[Melancholy music]
Brady: That's mackenzie's doctor.
Nicole: Why don't you go to her room and try to find kristen before she does something crazy?
Brady: You're not gonna come?
Nicole: Will you just tell eric I'll be there soon?
Brady: Okay, okay.
Nicole: Okay.
[Mysterious music]
[Phone beeps]
[Phone line ringing]
Xander: Good news, uncle victor. Situation is handled. Yeah. Raynor agreed to leave town. So our secret is safe. No one will ever know what we did.
[Phone beeps]
Nicole: That sounded important. So yeah, depression.
Kristen: You and sarah are so blessed. She's so special.
Eric: Thank you.
Kristen: You're a little angel.
[Tender music]
Brady: Everything okay in here?
Eric: Yeah. Everything's okay.
Kristen: Have you heard about the good news about mackenzie?
Brady: I did, I did. I am very happy. Very happy for you guys.
Eric: Thank you. You heard from dad?
Brady: No, he said he'd call if there were any updates, but you got your hands full with this beautiful little girl here, so, I'll update you if there's any news on her location.
Eric: Thank you.
Brady: If you need anything... hi, sweetie. You need anything, you know I'm there for you, right?
Eric: I know. I appreciate it.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: Okay, hey, I think we should probably let him focus on his girl and...
Kristen: Okay. Of course, of course.
Brady: All right.
Kristen: Good-bye, little mackenzie. I'm gonna be-- gonna be praying for you. You just keep fighting. Good-bye.
[Baby babbling] Okay.
Brady: Let's go.
Eric: Hi.
Xander: That phone call was about titan business and none of yours.
Nicole: Huh.
Xander: What does that mean? You got a problem?
Nicole: A problem? Well, you basically told me that you thought raynor was guilty of malpractice because of what happened with kristen and brady's baby.
Xander: So?
Nicole: So when she told us the good news about mackenzie, you both couldn't wait to run off, and then I come in and you're shaking hands.
Xander: Yeah, I'm grateful to her for helping mackenzie.
Nicole: Oh. So now you approve of her as a doctor.
Xander: Well, I'd say that's the least I owe her after she saved mackenzie's life.
Nicole: I see. So you were just thanking her.
Xander: Is that a crime, nicole?
Nicole: Maybe it's just me, but the look on her face when you were shaking her hand...
Sarah: Hi. Sorry about that.
Nicole: How's your mom?
Sarah: Thank you for asking. She is pushing through as best she can. I was happy to give her some good news. Oh. I was supposed to get eric food.
Nicole: Oh, you know what, it's fine. Go be with your daughter. I'll go get something.
Sarah: Are you sure?
Nicole: Absolutely. I'll be right back.
Sarah: Thank you.
Xander: Hey. You must be starving too. How about I take you out for dinner? Maybe the bistro?
Sarah: And leave mickey?
Xander: Oh, I mean, she's probably asleep, right? Hopefully she'll sleep through the night.
Sarah: Well, what about eric?
Xander: I'm sure he'd love some alone time with nicole.
Sarah: I don't know, I don't know if I feel right about leaving the hospital.
Xander: Please, sarah. You deserve a break. Just a few hours to relax and celebrate. They'll call you if they need you.
Sarah: Okay. That sounds good.
Xander: Great. All I ever want is to make you happy.
[Romantic music]
Sonny: Hey. How's ari doing?
Will: Um, she wanted me to read the story I wrote for her.
Sonny: Ah. The one about princess arianna and her fathers, the two kings?
Will: Yep, that's the one. You know, I thought she would've been tired of it by now, but she still loves it. Except she wanted me to change king jackson's name to king sonny.
Sonny: King sonny?
Will: Yeah, she thought it sounded better.
Sonny: I can live with that.
Will: So I finished reading her the story and she asked me to read it again, and again, and I think it was, like, the third go-around when she finally fell asleep.
Sonny: In her own bed?
Will: In her own cozy little bed.
Sonny: Wow.
Will: Yeah. I think even she realized that she didn't get much sleep in our bed last night.
Sonny: Yeah. She was happy to have you home. Almost as happy as her dad is.
[Smooth music]
You know, um... since we have our bed to ourselves and our daughter is fast asleep, what do you say we take these glasses of wine upstairs?
Will: I say that's a great idea.
Sonny: Finally, just the two of us.
These are real people, not actors,
[Longing music]
Will: I, uh... I didn't know if I'd ever be back here with you.
Sonny: I was scared you wouldn'T. Especially after I signed those divorce papers.
Will: Thank you.
Sonny: For what?
Will: For your patience, your kindness. I didn't think it would be possible for me to love you more than I did, but I do.
Sonny: I love you, with all of my heart.
Nicole: Knock, knock.
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Got you a sandwich from the cafeteria. Mm.
[Both moan] It's not that good a sandwich.
Eric: I'm just so glad to see you.
Nicole: [Laughs] Oh, I think I need to walk out and come back in again.
[Laughs] Stop.
Eric: Yeah. Kristen dimera, she was just here.
Nicole: I know. I was with brady when he got a text that she was coming here. I didn't think you'd be too happy.
Eric: I wasn't, but she was in a lot of pain.
Nicole: I know that pain well.
Eric: Yeah.
Nicole: She really is a miracle.
Eric: Yeah. She's my miracle. I never thought I could love anything as much as I love her.
Eli: Does evan have any friends that you know of? Local relatives?
Rafe: None that he's spoken of.
Lani: Okay, well, whoever he left david with, it has to be someone that he trust.
[Phone ringing]
Rafe: Yeah. Excuse me.
[Phone beeps] Fernandez. Yeah, well, did frears lead you to david? What? What do you mean, you lost him? How did you lose him?
[Suspenseful music]
[Cymbal shimmering]
Evan: How's my son?
Will: Sonny? Oh, there you are.
Sonny: Hey. Did you miss me?
Will: I did. Um, why did you get out of bed so suddenly? Were you raiding the fridge?
Sonny: No.
Will: Were you sending an email?
Sonny: No.
Will: Were you sending a text?
Sonny: No.
Will: Were you announcing to all of your...
Sonny: Thousands of social media followers? No.
Will: Okay-- that we're back together?
Sonny: Actually... I got us these.
Will: The wedding rings.
Sonny: I don't know about you, but I have really missed having it on my finger.
Will: Me too.
Sonny: But most of all, I've missed this.
[Uplifting music]
Sarah: Still doesn't feel right to leave mickey at the hospital.
Xander: She has great people looking out for her. And eric. Well, including eric. Come on, you need to relax. Have a nice warm shower.
Sarah: That actually does sound really good.
Xander: I can't wait to take the most beautiful woman in the world out to celebrate our great news about the most beautiful baby in the world.
[Gentle music]
[Exhales sharply] Everything's gonna be okay now. Sarah will never find out that her daughter is really kristen'S.
[Mysterious music]
Brady: You had a long day. Maybe you should lie down.
Kristen: I am so sorry that i ran out like that. I should've told you where I was going.
Brady: If you had, I probably would've tried to stop you.
Kristen: And maybe that's why I didn't tell you.
Brady: Here, sit down. What happened? Why did you go to the hospital?
Kristen: I don't know, brady. I don'T. I don't, I... when you brought me back to that moment after rachel's birth and I was holding her in my arms, I just--I had this overwhelming feeling, this urge, to see mackenzie. See if she was okay.
Brady: I don't understand why--why?
Kristen: I don't know why. I mean, I can't explain it. It's just, there's this connection in my mind. You know, these two little girls born on the same night. And it was just, tonight, it was fresh again.
Brady: I'm sorry if I made it worse somehow for you.
Kristen: Oh, my god. No, you didn't make it worse, brady. If anything, you made it better for me.
Brady: Okay.
Kristen: You know, you gave me a gift. And you helped me remember everything about rachel. You know, from her big beautiful eyes to her soft skin to that little heart-shaped birthmark on her neck.
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: Yeah.
Nicole: She looks perfect. She really is A...
Eric: What? What is it?
Nicole: What's that on her neck?
Eric: It's a birthmark. You never noticed it before?
Nicole: What's up with kristen?
Brady: The memories of our-- of our daughter are becoming more and more distant for her, and she was afraid that she was going to lose them completely.
Nicole: Well, at least she did get to be with her.
Brady: I know. I mean, we get to hold on to that, but... I was helping her relive those minutes and make her remember, and I was really surprised at what we were able to recall. I mean, her-- her mouth, her eyes. She even remembered that rachel had a very faint heart-shaped birthmark on her neck.
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: I need to put an apb out on evan frears, aka christian maddox. He's most likely traveling with a toddler. We cannot let him leave salem. Okay. Damn it, how did he-- how did he get away? He must've known that we were tailing him. I should've known that. I should've known that he would know that.
Eli: Rafe, it's not your fault, all right? You had to try.
Lani: Look, it looks like this guy has known the authorities were chasing him for a while. You know what, rafe, I'm gonna call my dad and let him know that we're gonna join the search, okay?
Rafe: Okay. Oh, my god. Where'd you get that?
Lani: We found it in the square, why?
Rafe: This is david's train.
Evan: You have no idea how badly I've been dying to see him. It's a good thing I lost the cops that rafe had tailing me.
I'm not surprised you were able to lose the tail. After all, you learned from the best. You learned from orpheus.
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