Days Transcript Thursday 3/12/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 3/12/20


Episode #13724 ~ Will lays into Victor. Kristen and Brady reminisce about Rachel. Rafe and Sonny confront Evan. Suspicious Nicole questions Xander about Dr. Raynor.

Provided By Suzanne

Evan: I know you're all excited about me spending the rest of my life behind bars, but the judge just threw out my confession. Lucky me.

Rafe: You're lying.

Evan: [Scoffs] If you need confirmation, pick up your phone, call the da. But you'll be wasting your time. I'm telling the truth. My admitting that I killed jordan-- it's like it never happened.

Brady: [Sighs] I just got off the phone with my dad. The cops hauled in rolf, but he's not about to tell them where stefano's hiding marlena. Did you--are you listening? Kristen, look, I know how you feel about marlena. But I mean, I'm worried about her and I would--

Kristen: Brady.

Brady: What is wrong? What is it? What...

[Somber music]

It's--it's rachel's death certificate.

[Elevator dings]

Nicole: Where have you been?

Xander: Taking care of some urgent titan business. How's mackenzie?

Nicole: Asleep. I just stepped out of her room. Dr. Raynor wanted to speak to eric and sarah privately.

Xander: Raynor? What the hell does she want?

Dr. Raynor: You two have been through so much these past few months. And so has mackenzie.

Sarah: I know it usually takes a week or two for the bone marrow engraftment to begin. And I know it's probably too early to expect mickey's blood tests to show any improvements.

Eric: So what did you want to talk to us about?

Dr. Raynor: I told you, I can't keep that secret. And there's nothing you can do or say to make me--

Xander: Change your mind. Maybe this will help. Look. Look at all those zeroes. And while you're looking at them, think about who you're dealing with because whatever nicole told you about me, I'm tom hanks compared to victor kiriakis.

Dr. Raynor: I have some unexpected news for you about mackenzie.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Victor: Hello, will.

Will: Victor.

Victor: I heard that you moved back in after you got released from prison, yet this is the first I've seen of you.

Will: It's a big house. And also, I have been avoiding you. Where's sonny?

Victor: I don't know. I did see his car dash out of here a little earlier. I don't know where he was going, but he was in a hurry to get there.

Rafe: Thanks for the confirmation.

Sonny: How the hell did this happen?

Evan: Guess you heard the news.

Rafe: Sonny--

Sonny: My dad just told me that the judge threw out evan's confession? Is that true?

Evan: I just broke the news to rafe too.

Rafe: Yeah, the da just confirmed it.

Sonny: Why would the judge do that?

Evan: Because it was a coerced confession, and he knew it.

Sonny: That's a load of crap.

Evan: Is it, sonny? I had a gun to my head, literally and figuratively. What was I supposed to do?

Sonny: I can't believe this is happening. What does this mean? Are they gonna let him go?

Sarah: What is it, amanda? What did you want to tell us?

Dr. Raynor: I have good news. Mackenzie's tests show that her white blood cell count is starting to rise.

Sarah: [Laughs] Already?

Dr. Raynor: As you know, it's rare to see such encouraging results so soon.

Eric: What does this mean?

Sarah: It means that it's working, that her bone marrow is producing new blood cells.

Eric: So her transplant was a success?

Sarah: Yes, it's-- her bone marrow has already started engrafting. And this is just--this is everything that we've been hoping for! It's more than we've been hoping for. Amanda, thank you! Oh, my gosh, thank you so much for everything.

Dr. Raynor: You don't have to thank me.

Sarah: Oh, gosh, yes, I do. Yes, I do. I mean, you have been there for us day and night and--

Eric: Thank you for saving our daughter's life.

Nicole: I assume dr. Raynor wants to update eric and sarah on mackenzie's condition. She is the baby's doctor, after all.

Xander: I'm gonna find out.

Nicole: Hey. I just said she wants to speak to them privately.

Xander: Why? What's the big secret?

Nicole: There is no secret. You're just not one of the parents. What's going on with you?

Xander: Me?

Nicole: Why you acting so nervous? Does this have something to do with the argument I saw between you and dr. Raynor earlier?

Xander: It wasn't an argument.

Nicole: Oh, it wasn't? Well, it certainly seemed like an argument.

Xander: As I said, I was just trying to make sure that mackenzie is getting the best possible care.

Nicole: Yeah, I know what you told me. But I heard her say something about a secret.

Xander: What?

Nicole: I didn't say anything before, but I know what I heard.

Xander: Did you ask her about it?

Nicole: She said she was referring to doctor-patient confidentiality.

Xander: Well then, there's your answer.

Nicole: Mmm, except she was sweating bullets. And I'm pretty good at spotting when someone is lying to me, like the way you are lying to me right now.

Xander: I don't know what to tell you, nicole.

Nicole: Well, you better figure it out, because I'm staying right here until you tell me what's really going on. So yeah, depression.

Rafe: Even without the confession, I doubt the judge would let evan walk. Dna evidence--

Evan: Is totally circumstantial.

Rafe: Ben weston was convicted on circumstantial evidence.

Sonny: So the charges against evan haven't been dropped.

Evan: Not yet. My lawyer is in court as we speak arguing that they should be. I'm optimistic the judge will do the right thing.

Sonny: The right thing is that you should go to prison for the rest of your life.

Evan: You don't mean that, sonny. Not after everything we've meant to each other.

Sonny: Are you kidding me? You son of a bitch. You think you're gonna get away with this? You're not gonna get away with this.

Evan: I'm so sorry.

Sonny: What if they set him free? We're not gonna let that happen!

Rafe: Why don't you go outside and cool down?

Sonny: What about him?

Evan: I'm plenty cool.

Rafe: He's not going anywhere just yet, all right?

Sonny: Fine. I'll go wait in the hallway.

Evan: Hey, sonny, hold on. I just want you to know. I still care about you. And I always will.

Victor: I take it you and sonny are calling off the divorce.

Will: Yes, indeed. Disappointed?

Victor: I have no animus for you, will.

Will: Except for the whole allowing-me-to-rot-in- prison-for-the-rest-of-my- life-for-a-crime- I-didn't-commit thing.

Victor: That wasn't personal. I was protecting maggie.

Will: Well, I guess it was all for nothing though, wasn't it? Because maggie ended up remembering what she did on her own anyway.

Victor: She should have kept it to herself. I could have protected her.

Will: [Sighs] Victor, you need to understand that just because I was willing to keep quiet for maggie does not mean that I forgive you for what you did. I spent the better part of a year in there, separated from my daughter and my husband. But worse than that was the oppressive crushing guilt that I felt because I thought I had killed my husband's mother. Can you understand that? Do you feel any guilt?

Victor: I have no regrets for what I did.

Will: Well, maybe you should because while I was in prison, sonny shacked up with a murderer.

Victor: And you think sonny's relationship with evan was my fault?

Will: I think what you and xander did had consequences, not just for sonny and me but for a lot of people in this town. And the effects of that are gonna be felt for a long time, victor.

Dr. Raynor: This is very good news. And you should celebrate. But remember, this is only mackenzie's first step in a very long road to recovery.

Sarah: Of course.

Eric: We're just thrilled that the procedure was successful.

Dr. Raynor: This is the toughest little girl I've ever seen.

Eric: Yeah, well, she takes after her mother.

Dr. Raynor: I'm sure she does. Well, I will leave you two alone with your-- with mickey.

Sarah: Thank you again. Thank you so, so much.

[Soft dramatic music]

Eric: [Sighs] Does this mean what I think it means?

Sarah: [Laughs] If it's like she said, we do-- we still have a long road ahead of us, but... this is the first time in months that I've had faith and I really believe that our little girl is gonna live.


Brady: Where did you get this?

Kristen: I requested a copy, and it arrived today.

Brady: Why would you want rachel's death certificate?

Kristen: Because. Because I have never seen it, and I needed to. It's not supposed to be this way, is it?

Brady: Like what?

Kristen: You know, all this pain just all the time. You know, the feeling of loss. It's worse instead of better. And I keep trying to figure out why. And I--I really think it's because of mackenzie. I do.

Brady: What do you mean, mackenzie?

Kristen: Well, being at the hospital, knowing that she is fighting for her life, just like rachel did. And I keep having that same dream.

Brady: The dream where you were in the hospital and you were looking for rachel and you can't find her?

Kristen: Yeah, yeah. And I mean, for the first few months after her death, I had a dream that I was-- I was holding her in my arms and I was playing with her. And now the dream has changed, and...

[Sighs] She's not in my arms. I'm not holding her. She's gone. She's gone, brady. You know, and I know that I am blessed that I got to hold her for those few precious moments. I am. But that memory, it's just-- it's just fading away little by little. And I am starting-- I'm starting to forget her. And that's why this is so important because it... reminds me.

Brady: Kristen, kristen, this is a piece of paper.

Kristen: No.

Brady: That's all it is.

Kristen: No, no, no, no. Brady, it's not. This is proof that she was here.

[Sighs] "Name: Baby girl dimera. Live--live birth. Live birth." And... "born: May 12. Died: May 12. Cause of death..."

Brady: Hey.

Kristen: I just--I just wish I could go back to that night, you know, hold onto it, savor the minute-- we never got a picture. We never got a picture of her, brady. We never got that little footprint or a lock of her hair. And she's my-- my own precious daughter. And I--for the life of me, I don't remember my baby's face. I mean, it is clear that god never wanted me to be a mother. I mean, what kind of a mother would I be if I can't even remember my own child, brady?

Brady: No, no, no, no, stop. Don't do that.

Kristen: [Sobs]

Xander: Stop interrogating me. I haven't done anything wrong.

Nicole: Did you know that dr. Raynor delivered kristen and brady's baby?

Xander: Yes, I did know that. And their baby died. So why would anyone trust her with their child?

Nicole: Kristen doesn't blame dr. Raynor.

Xander: As I said, I'm just trying to make sure that mackenzie gets the best possible care. And it's clear to me that raynor isn't capable of providing it. So if you'll excuse me-- dr. Raynor, can I just have a word?

Dr. Raynor: I'm late for rounds.

Xander: And nicole was just telling me that you had some news for eric and sarah about mackenzie.

Dr. Raynor: I did. I can't get into specifics with you. All I can say is that it was good news.

Nicole: That's incredible. Sarah and eric must be so relieved.

Dr. Raynor: They are. As I said, I have to go.

Nicole: Oh, thank god. This is great.

Xander: Yeah, yes, it is. And I have to go too.

Nicole: Something very strange is going on here.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Eric: Look at her. Even after everything she's going through, you can't stop her from putting her foot in her mouth.

Sarah: Boy, she really is like her mom in more ways than one.


Eric: You know, I should go and update nicole on the results. I'm sure she's worrying.

Sarah: Of course.

Eric: Our little girl is gonna be okay.

[Tender music]

Sarah: [Clears throat] Well, I guess it's just me and you, kiddo. Precious little mickey. You know, on the night that you were born, I counted all of your toes, all your fingers. And I just thought it was a miracle that you were so perfect. I was so afraid after that accident. It really was a terrible night, mickey. My mom, for adrienne and will, haley, and for brady and kristen because they lost their little girl. But it was also the best night of my life because now I have you. And I am never letting you go.

Victor: You and sonny are young. You're in love. You'll be fine. This could ruin maggie's life.

Will: I understand wanting to protect maggie from the knowledge that she caused adrienne's death. But she's dealing with it.

Victor: Dealing with it? She's determined to go to prison for her crime.

Will: And I understand that guilt, believing that you deserve to suffer.

Victor: Why? What good would it do? Won't bring adrienne back. It's not what sonny wants. It's not what justin wants.

Will: Well, maybe they can convince the judge then to be--

Victor: What if they can't convince her? Maggie has to decide that she wants to fight for her life.

Will: I understand, but they are adrienne's closest family. And if they're--

Victor: Don't you understand? This is not just about adrienne.

Will: Then what is it about?

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Victor: Well, what I meant was adrienne was not the only person in that car that night. You said, it affected a lot of people. And you and sonny and--

[Phone rings]

Will: Speaking of sonny--hey.

Sonny: You need to come down to the police station.

Will: Why? What's going on?

Sonny: I'll tell you when you get here, but you're not gonna be happy about it.

Nicole: Her blood count is actually up? I thought it was gonna take weeks.

Eric: So did we.

Nicole: That's amazing. I'm so happy for you.

Eric: Thank you. We still have a long way to go, but these blood tests couldn't have been any better.

Nicole: Thank god. Things are finally looking up for you.

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: Listen, I don't mean to sound greedy, but any news about your mom?

Eric: No, not yet. Rolf refuses to give stefano up.

Nicole: Is there anything I can do for you? Phone calls I can make? I know you don't want to leave mackenzie's side.

Eric: I wish there were something to do. I keep calling john whenever I can. They're doing their best to try to find her. But so far, they've hit a wall.

Nicole: Well, they're gonna find her. They are. I know it. Your luck is turning around.

Eric: Oh,I hope you're right. I mean, it's just been one thing after another. But you know what I can say? You have been amazingly supportive. It just means a lot to know that I can count on you.

Nicole: Always.

Eric: But I am surprised that xander is not around here, and he's usually, like hovering.

Nicole: He just left. Ran out of here like a bat out of hell.

Eric: How come?

Nicole: I wish I knew.

Will: Xander.

Xander: What's wrong?

Victor: That was close.

Xander: What was close?

Victor: I was so on edge about dr. Raynor's pangs of conscience I almost said something to will that would have given away the whole thing.

Xander: Do I have to worry about you though?

Victor: I'll be fine. As long as we're sure that quack has been taken care of.

Xander: Well...

Victor: Well, what?

Kristen: What-- what are you doing?

Brady: I'm gonna help you remember, and we're gonna keep those memories fresh. It's called consciously remembering. That's what marlena calls it. She used to try it on me because I would lose my baseball glove all the time and it works.

Kristen: Consciously remembering.

Brady: Yeah.

Kristen: Is it something she learned from gwyneth paltrow or something? [Laughs]

Brady: No, no. It--it works. I want you to trust me. Here, sit here. Go ahead. Okay? I want you to close your eyes.

Kristen: Really?

Brady: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna close mine too, and we're gonna--we're gonna go to that moment together, okay?

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: Trust me. Okay?

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: You're in the hospital, you're in bed. And you've just given birth. Dr. Raynor, she has just placed that beautiful little baby in your arms and she told us that she's gonna give us a few minutes with her. You're holding her. Do you remember?

Kristen: Yeah, I do.

Brady: Okay, okay. How do you feel?

Kristen: Um, tired.

Brady: She's right there. Go ahead and take a look down at that little girl in your arms.

Kristen: I see her. I do. I see her in my arms. [Laughs]

Brady: That's good. That's good.

Kristen: She's so tiny. Oh, god. I don't ever wanna let her go, brady.

Brady: I know, I know.

Kristen: Oh, no.

Brady: No? What's wrong?

Kristen: No, no, haley-- haley's there and she's gonna take her away, and I'm never gonna see her again. I can't--

Brady: No, no, no. Listen. Listen, listen, listen to my voice. Freeze it. Stay in the moment. She's in your arms.

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: She's right there. How you feeling?

Kristen: Oh. She's so light. And they bathed her and so she smells like soap.

Brady: Mmm, I love that.

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: What else?

Kristen: Oh, her skin. Her skin is so soft. It's like a flower petal. And her lips, her lips--oh, my god. They're just all pursed.


Brady: Her eyes. Do you see her eyes at all?

Kristen: I do. I do. They're-- they're blue and they're gray. Oh, they're just too big for her face.

Brady: Of course they are. They're supposed to be. Is there anything else? Anything else you remember about the way she looks?

Kristen: Oh, my god. Yes, yes. On her neck--on her neck, just below her chin, there's a mark.

Brady: Like a birthmark?

Kristen: Yeah. Oh. And it's the shape of a heart, brady.


Sarah: There's that heart-shaped little birthmark of yours. It's like god put it there just to remind you how loved you are.

[Baby cooing] Yes.

Eric: Hey. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Sarah: Oh, no. We're just having a little girl chat.

Eric: Yeah, well, carry on.

Sarah: Do you hear that, mickey? You hear how kind your daddy is? And you know what? He loves you so much. Yes, you're very lucky to have him.

Eric: [Chuckles] No. I'm the lucky one.

Sarah: You know what's so funny? When you were born, I didn't even notice that little birthmark of yours just with everything going on-- it's probably why when xander brought you back to me, I thought that you couldn't possibly be the same baby.


Eric: You never told me that.

Sarah: What? No, 'cause it doesn't make any sense. I mean, obviously, she's ours. I just, you know--you had that birthmark all along, didn't you? Mommy was just too tired to notice it. Yeah.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Victor: Has the situation with the doctor been taken care of or not?

Xander: Raynor took the money like I told you. And I made myself very clear that she has to leave town. But I just saw her at the hospital.

Victor: She's still in salem?

Xander: Couldn't confront her with nicole right there. And then she just took off on me.

Victor: Oh. She could ruin everything. You know, if the truth comes out, it's not just maggie that goes down. We do too.

Xander: You think this is news to me?

Victor: You're not sounding like someone who's appreciative of the severity of the situation. Do you want her to find out that's not her baby?

Xander: Of course not.

Victor: Well, then get back down to the hospital and forget about mr. Nice guy. Be the devious bastard that you are and take care of the situation with the doctor once and for all.

[ Singing indistinctly ]

Will: Evan's confession was tossed? They can't use it?

Sonny: Looks that way.

Will: So what--does that mean he's going to walk?

Sonny: Evan's lawyer is trying to get his case thrown out, right, and the judge is deliberating. So we just have to hope that the dna evidence is enough.

Will: Yeah, but that just proves he was there, not that he killed jordan. Oh, my god.

Sonny: What is it?

Will: They stopped ben's execution based on evan's confession. I was just with him. He's expecting to get released any moment. I mean, does this mean he's not getting out?

Kristen: It worked. [Laughs] It really worked. I was there. And I was holding rachel in my arms-- the perfect moment.

Brady: I'm glad.

Kristen: Brady, thank you. Thank you for giving me that sweet, sweet memory back.

Brady: Come here.

[Door opens]

Nicole: [Clears throat]

Kristen: What are you doing here?

Nicole: Oh, cute. I work here, remember? Making a mess.

[Laughs, snorts]

Kristen: Would you excuse me? Let me go to the ladies room.

Brady: Okay.

Nicole: Was it something I said?

Brady: Is there any update on mackenzie?

Nicole: [Gasps] Yes! As a matter of fact, her blood count is way up. The bone marrow transplant worked.

Brady: Oh, that's great. That's great. Eric and sarah must be so happy about that.

Nicole: Yeah, they are. It's a miracle.

Brady: Ah.

Nicole: I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but what's up with kristen?

Brady: The memories of our daughter were becoming more and more distant for her and she was afraid that she was going to lose them completely. I mean, nicole, she only got to hold rachel for a couple minutes after she was born.

Nicole: Well, at least she did get to be with her.

Brady: I know, and then we get to hold on to that, but I was helping her relive those minutes and make her remember. And I was really surprised at what we were able to recall about our little girl in that short amount of time. I mean, her mouth, her eyes-- she even remembered that rachel had a very faint heart-shaped birthmark on her neck.

[Elevator dings]

Xander: Hello, doctor.

[Sinister music]

Where do you think you're going?

Dr. Raynor: I realized I had left something in a patient's room.

Xander: It'll have to wait. We're gonna stop here for a minute.

[Elevator thunks] You're not going anywhere. I didn't choose this exact type

Sonny: I thought this nightmare was finally over. If evan skates--

Will: You know what? It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Ben's still getting out. And, you know, we'll be all right too.

Sonny: How do you figure?

Will: Because no matter what happens in that courtroom, evan can't touch us. And he would be an idiot to try.

Sonny: I just--I can't believe that I would ever fall for a guy like that. Will, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Will: Hey, stop. Again, you have nothing to apologize for. We're together now. That's all that matters.

Rafe: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt, but the judge has made a decision about evan.

Nicole: It's hard to muster sympathy given what kristen did to me, but I would never wish the loss of a child on anyone.

Brady: And I appreciate that. I do. She's actually-- she's been gone for a while. I'm gonna go check on her.

Nicole: Okay.

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: She's finally asleep.

Eric: She looks so peaceful. It's like she knows we got good news.

Sarah: I'm gonna go see if xander's in the hallway.

Eric: Sarah, nicole said that he was here not long ago, but he kind of took off in a hurry.

Sarah: Huh. He's been so devoted to mickey. He's barely left the hospital. I mean, I wouldn't expect him to just--

Eric: What?

Sarah: I'm sorry. I know xander is still kind of a sore subject for you. I just--I really want you to know that the decision to keep mickey's paternity from you was mine alone. Xander had nothing to do with it.

Eric: Yeah, well, I'm sure he worked really hard to try to change your mind.

Sarah: The bottom line is I made a wrong decision, okay? So please don't hold xander responsible for it or nicole.

Eric: I--I forgave nicole.

Sarah: I'm glad. I'm-- I am so sorry for the way things happened. But I am not sorry for how things turned out because you have nicole. And I have xander. And most importantly, we have our daughter.

Dr. Raynor: What do you want from me now?

Xander: You took that money. I thought we had an arrangement that you would leave salem immediately.

Dr. Raynor: [Scoffs] I can't just pick up and move. I have patients. I'm still in the middle of mackenzie's case.

[Button clicks]

Xander: The transplant is finished. You said she's fine. Can't some other doctor take over her care?

Dr. Raynor: Yes, of course, but I need a few days. Maybe a week.

[Elevator dings]

Xander: You should know there have been discussions about a more permanent solution.

Dr. Raynor: You mean--

Xander: I'm the one who's been advocating for your safety. But as you're aware, victor kiriakis is a very dangerous man. So if you don't do the right thing, I'll have no choice but to find some other way to compel your silence.

Rafe: The judge has declined to drop the charges against evan.

Sonny: Thank god. That's awesome.

Will: That's great.

Rafe: Yeah, but hold on. It's a bit more complicated than that.

Sonny: How did I know it would be?

Will: Why? What is it?

Evan: Guess who just made bail?

Sarah: Xander, it's me. Where are you? You just--call me back when you get this message? So weird.

Eric: Maybe he's in a meeting with titan.

Sarah: Maybe. I'm gonna go track him down. I want to tell him the good news. Are you okay to stay?

Eric: We're fine, go. I'll see you later.

Sarah: Thank you.

Eric: Oh, my sweet little angel, it's just you and me. You know, I know I missed the first six months of your life, but I promise you. I'm not gonna miss another minute anymore.

Brady: I sent shirley into the ladies' room to look for kristen, and she's not there. Where'd she go?

[Baby coos]

Eric: I promise you. I'm going to be right here by your side, always. So is your mommy.

[Door opens]

[Dramatic music]

Dr. Raynor: What are you saying?

Xander: I'm saying, you should take your money and run or you won't be running anywhere ever again.

[Footsteps approaching]

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