Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 3/11/20
Episode #13723 ~ John apprehends Rolf. Gina taunts Shawn and Ciara, insisting they will never get their mother back. Kate's unaware her life is in danger. To Rafe's dismay, Evan scores a legal victory.
Provided By Suzanne
Arianna: Draw four, daddy sonny. And the color is blue.Will: Ah, okay.
Sonny: All right. All right.
Will: Here you go. Oh, you forgot to say...
Arianna: Uno!
Sonny: That is three games in a row.
Will: Oh, my--how--you have not lost your touch at all. Well done. Well done. Yeah, I think it's time for you to get ready for school.
Arianna: Do I have to go? Can I ditch?
Sonny: Ditch? You love school.
Arianna: What if I come home and daddy was gone again?
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Don't worry, little man. I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna bring you home.
[Knock at door] Yeah?
Charlie: As requested.
Rafe: Oh, yeah. Thanks, charlie.
Evan: I don't know what you think you're doing. I have a lawyer. You're not allowed to question me.
Rafe: I'm not, so maybe there's another reason you're here.
[Monitor beeping]
Ciara: You know, I swear you almost look like your old self again.
Ben: Doctors almost agree. My vitals are good. I get some strength back, I get the all-clear to get out of this bed.
Ciara: That is great news, ben.
Ben: Yeah, it is.
Ciara: Well, you don't seem too excited about that.
Ben: Well, I am, but until my conviction is thrown out, my future's kind of up in the air.
Justin: You don't know anything about my relationship with kayla.
Hope as gina: Well, I know you only got together because you both lost people you loved, and now kayla is on the verge of getting back her one true love. Where does that leave you?
Justin: Steve johnson is not a threat to what kayla and I have.
Hope as gina: Hmm. You say it as if you almost believe that. Are you willing to take that chance? I am offering you the opportunity to take control of the situation, to ensure that steve johnson remains stefano. And that pretty dr. Johnson remains in your bed.
[Dramatic choral music]
Help me, counselor. For god's sake, help yourself.
Kate: Chad? Well... I didn't hear you come in. What are you doing?
John: Damn. Someone's in there. Hang on, doc. I'm coming.
Damn it. Come on. Where are you, doc?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Will: Come on. I promise you that I'm not going anywhere.
Arianna: So can we be a family again?
Will: Absolutely.
Arianna: And play games every morning?
Will: Uh, some mornings.
Arianna: And maybe get a puppy?
Will: Okay.
Sonny: There it is.
Will: How do we not see that one coming? How about this? I'll take you to school, and on the way, we can get some doughnuts and hot chocolate? Just don't tell daddy sonny.
Arianna: Daddy who?
Will: Exactly.
Sonny: I'm sitting right here, you two, and sugar before school is--
Will: Is awesome. It's what every kid needs. Okay. Why don't you grab your backpack and we'll get going?
Arianna: Wait.
Will: Wait, what?
Arianna: Group hug.
Will: All right.
Sonny: We have the greatest daughter ever.
Will: Yeah, for sure, and i have the greatest husband ever.
Sonny: Having you wake up next to me and having our family back together is something I will never take for granted again.
Will: Yeah. Neither will I. Oh, I just want to let you know. After I drop ari off at school, I am gonna stop by the prison, just to check on ben.
Sonny: Well, he should be getting out soon, right, now that evan/christian or whatever confessed to killing jordan?
Will: Yeah hopefully. Um, by the way, how is the search for david going? Any update?
Sonny: Spoke to rafe, and unfortunately, evan still isn't talking.
Evan: What are you doing?
Rafe: I'm just checking if the safety's on. Wouldn't want to take any chances.
Evan: Is that why you brought me here, to threaten me?
Rafe: Threaten you? Threaten you? Huh, no. That would be--that would be incredibly unprofessional now.
Evan: Then why am I here?
Rafe: Your arraignment. It's coming up.
Evan: Finally.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, maybe you'll finally realize that you're gonna be spending decades behind bars, at best, and then you'll reconsider talking to me. Tell me where david is.
Evan: Probably not.
Rafe: Eh, so play the tough guy. That's fine, but the fact of the matter is, you're gonna be in jail for a long, long time, and david's gonna need me.
Evan: I know what my son needs. I'm his father.
Rafe: Then start acting like it. Start acting like you care, and tell me where he is before it's too late.
Chad: Just gonna open some mail. So did anything exciting happen while I was gone?
Kate: Well, I wouldn't say exciting, but john stopped by.
Chad: Yeah? What did he want?
Kate: Well, he was trying to find out where stefano took marlena, and I guess the princess told him that stefano had taken marlena here. Anyway, I gave him permission to search the grounds. I hope that's okay. Chad told me that stefano snuck in here, and he left him his ring.
John: He might have come in through one of the tunnels here. That means he could be close by.
Kate: Yeah, well, I stayed here last night, and I didn't see any activity.
John: I'm gonna take a look around the grounds.
Kate: Be my guest, john.
Chad: I have to tell my father.
Kate: If there's anything I can do to help--
John: Trust me, you've done enough.
Chad: Of course that's okay. I think he should be able to search wherever he wants.
[Uneasy music]
John: Oh, my god. This is doc's favorite book. Yeah, she and stefano were here, all right. And not that long ago. They couldn't have gotten far.
[Rustling noise] Doc? E going?
[Monitor beeping]
Ciara: Look, ben, you don't need to worry about any of that right now, okay? You're innocent. All the details--those silly details--they'll work themselves out later, okay? Right now, I just need you to focus on getting stronger, so you can come back home to me, okay?
Ben: That's all I want. I just thought I'd be home by, like, now, or at least soon.
Ciara: Well, it won't be long now, ben. I mean according to justin, evan's case is still pending, and once he's formally charged for jordan's murder, it will expedite the process with the department of corrections. And then you are gonna come home, and you'll be free, and you will come home to me.
[Tender music]
Ben: That thing you do-- always making me see that things are gonna turn out all right. I didn't have a whole lot of that in my life until I met you.
Ciara: Well, you're stuck with me, so you better get used to it, because from now on, things are gonna be a whole lot better than just all right.
[Tender music]
Ben: So then you won't mind if I kick you out of here then?
Hope as gina: If you help me fight off these yokels' attempt to tamper with my brain, they will not be able to tamper with stefano's either. We both win, counselor, so what do you say?
Shawn: Justin. Hey, what brings you by?
Justin: The princess wanted to hire me as her attorney, and I was just about to turn her down.
Hope as gina: You're making an awfully big mistake.
Justin: Maybe, but it's mine to make.
[Tense music]
Shawn: Well, that didn't go too well, did it?
Hope as gina: What do you want?
Shawn: Oh, I just thought maybe you would be interested in seeing the results of your mri.
Hope as gina: And what is it I am looking at?
Shawn: Oh, that's just--it's just an image of the microchip that's been implanted in your head. See, this is the end here for you, princess. And once that chip is gone, you're gone, and that means that I get my mother back. As soon as we locate dr. Rolf and we force him to remove it, your reign is over.
Rolf: Let go of me, do you hear? I said let go of me!
John: Where the hell is marlena?
Rolf: She is no longer your marlena. Stefano made good on his promise. She is now his queen of the night.
John: She'll never be his queen.
Rolf: Oh, she put up quite a fight, but in the end, not even marlena's fire was a match for stefano's will or my genius. She and stefano have gone off to live their new life together.
John: So where have they gone?
Rolf: As if I would divulge that information to you.
John: Then why didn't you go with them?
Rolf: They didn't invite me, but, um, I was headed for parts unknown, so if you'll please excuse me--
John: If you don't tell me where she is right now--
Rolf: You really don't know me, after all these years-- my loyalty, my superior ability to keep a secret.
John: You don't know me if you think I'm gonna let you lie your way out of this. Let's go, pal!
Kate: Okay. That's settled. Now I need reassurances.
Chad: About what?
Kate: I gave you my shares. You promised me that dimera resources would help me stay out of prison.
Chad: I also gave you the large sum of money that you requested.
Kate: But I'm not going to be able to spend that money, am I, if I'm behind bars? You need to keep your word, and I think now is the perfect time for you to call the dimera legal team and strategize with them.
Chad: Well, I just spoke with the lawyers, and they assured me that you would not spend one day in prison.
Kate: Really?
Chad: You have my word.
Kate: Enough of this, okay? Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate. I knew that you would come through for me.
Chad: Of course I did.
Rolf: Let go of me, damn it! I said let go of me! You will--
John: Look who I found hiding under a rock.
Seresto, seresto, seresto.
Hope as gina: "As soon as you locate wilhelm." Well, good luck with that. He's a master at disappearing.
Shawn: Don't worry. We're gonna find him, and when we do, you're gonna cease to exist.
Hope as gina: Hmm. You're strangely repulsive.
Shawn: So here's the deal. Now that we located the microchip, kayla wants to run some more tests.
Hope as gina: No. Well, that will happen only over my dead, cold body.
Shawn: If you were not in my mother's body, I would have ripped that chip out of your head right now and be done with you, but since you are, I'm gonna play by the rules.
Hope as gina: No! I refuse. I will not consent to any more examinations. I will not.
Shawn: Well, all testing is covered by the court order, so that means that you don't have a choice, princess. It looks like we're gonna go on another road trip.
Ciara: You're kicking me out?
Ben: You're here all the time.
Ciara: So--so what? Are you complaining...
Ben: No; hell, no!
Ciara: About that, ben weston?
Ben: Hell no, but you've been so busy trying to help me, you haven't been able to focus on your mom at all, and it sounds like she really needs you.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, I know. I do feel kind of guilty about that, but... ben, there's not much I can really do. She's not even my mom right now. That horrible princess gina has taken over, and my brother shawn said that the only thing that we can do is wait until they take that microchip out of her brain.
Ben: Well, I know for a fact that princess gina's no match for your mom. Nobody is. I learned that firsthand, so if there's an ounce of your mom left inside of that body, you know she's fighting to get out. Maybe you being there and her hearing your voice will help her.
Ciara: Maybe. I just... I don't want to leave you right now, ben.
Ben: I'm fine. Everything's gonna be better than all right, remember? And it's not like I'm going anywhere, so go help your mom.
[Tender music]
Ciara: All right, fine. Fine.
Evan: I told you david's in good hands. That's all you need to know.
Rafe: He was in good hands with me! You saw it. You saw it, and you were there. For months. You were there. You saw it. You saw that he had a roof over his head, and friends, and family, and people that love him.
Evan: I love him!
Rafe: Well, then show it! Show it, damn it! Show it. Show that you love him, because after what you did to jordan, you do not have a role in this kid's life. You have no future with him.
Evan: That should have never happened. He was one moment.
Rafe: But it did happen. You lost everything, even me. You lost your life, and you've lost a future with your son. It's time to grow up and think like a father. Think about your son. Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is before it's too late.
[Uneasy music]
Evan: Call that cop. I'm ready to go to court.
Chad: Where did you find him?
John: Well, he was hanging out in the gatehouse.
Kate: What about marlena and steve?
John: Yeah, they were there, but now they're gone, and he doesn't feel like sharing, so I'm gonna take him down to the station, where we'll get some answers.
Rolf: I will tell you at the police station, exactly what I told you at the gatehouse. I have nothing to tell you!
John: Yeah, well, we'll see then, won't we? Let's go.
Kate: You know, I am not gonna let that creep get away with this. We'll celebrate later.
Chad: Where are you going?
Kate: I'm going down to the station.
Chad: Why?
Kate: Something has to be done about this.
[Disquieting music]
Chad: Kate's demise will have to wait, father.
Justin: Sonny.
Sonny: Dad, are you all right?
Justin: Yeah, yeah. Good to see you.
Sonny: Yeah, but you're hurt.
Justin: Oh, yeah. Well, beats being gassed to death.
Sonny: Okay, now you're really freaking me out.
Justin: I'm sorry. No, I'm good. Good.
Sonny: You're a hero. How's kayla?
Justin: Safe. I just wish I could say the same for marlena.
Sonny: No word on where uncle steve is hiding her? Or it's stefano?
Justin: No word, and it's definitely stefano living in steve's body.
Sonny: I don't know if I'll ever be able to wrap my head around that.
Justin: Yeah, it's even crazier in person, but I have to believe that steve is still somewhere in there, fighting to get out.
Sonny: Well, is that possible?
Justin: I hope so, because the longer that madman is in control, the greater the danger to marlena.
Sonny: You know, dad, I have to ask. If uncle steve does come back, where does that leave you and kayla?
Justin: Hopefully right where we are, but... enough about your old man. How are you?
Sonny: I'm great. I really am.
Justin: Good.
Sonny: You know, and will-- he's back where he belongs. He's home, and ari--she can barely let him out of her sight, and I kind of feel the same way. I'm able to look the man that I love in his eyes and know that he's not responsible for mom's death. It just means everything to me.
[Monitor beeping]
Ben: Sweet. You know how I love my chicken ramen. Come on, man. And the trail mix? Dude, you're a mind-reader.
Will: No, I was your roommate, so I know what you like. And you'll notice that I only got you enough to tide you over until you get released, which I'm hoping is before you get to that last packet of chicken ramen.
Ben: Well, I am with you on that.
Will: You know, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you.
Ben: Well, considering I was an injection or two away from death, I'll consider that a compliment. Mmm. It meant a lot that you showed up.
Will: That's what friends do, but it was ciara showing up that changed everything. You were right about her. I mean, she is a little too brave for her own good. The way she held evan at gunpoint? Forced him down here to confess. I mean, that girl is fierce.
Ben: That girl saved my life.
Will: I thought she'd be here with you now.
Ben: Oh, she was, but... I told her she needed to go help her mom.
Hope as gina: My civil rights are being violated. You cannot keep me here forever. I--I am a foreign sovereign, for god's sake. Fine. All right.
Shawn: Would you give it a rest?
Hope as gina: I am going to sue the salem pd, and I'm going to sue you, and this--this lousy, sub-par hospital. Is everyone deaf here? Can anyone not hear me? Hello!
Ciara: No, I heard you. I heard you the second I stepped off the elevator. Hi.
Shawn: Hi. Just ignore her, please.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, well, it's kind of hard to, bro.
Hope as gina: Oh, goody. Hope's other child. I almost forgot she even existed.
Ciara: Wow. Yeah, you're right. She really is obnoxious.
Shawn: Yeah.
Hope as gina: You're the one aiding and abetting a serial killer. How many innocent people did he murder in cold blood? Hmm?
Ciara: I was trying to save an innocent man's life, and now that he's safe, I'm here to help you.
Rolf: I don't suppose I could have a glass of water?
Rafe: No.
[Uneasy music]
John: Rolf say anything?
Rafe: Outside of asking for water, not a word.
John: Gotta blow him up, rafe. He's the only thing standing between us and finding marlena, so you gotta work him, and work him, and work that bastard until he starts talking.
Rafe: Agreed. Yes. Rolf may be our best bet at finding marlena and bringing her home, but we also need him to remove the chip from hope.
John: So what are you thinking? You step on him too hard, he's gonna completely shut it down?
Rafe: Yeah, exactly. Then again, if we wait too long, rolf's gonna lawyer up. Then we're gonna be out of luck.
Chad: Let me try to talk to him.
John: Well, why would he tell you anything? You're not your father.
Chad: But I am my father's son. I understand his loyalty to my father. I also understand his ego and his vulnerabilities. Maybe I can convince him to cooperate.
Rafe: You know what? Worth a try. Let's go.
[Dramatic musical crescendo]
You have a visitor. Be right outside.
Rolf: I'm still waiting on that water. Your father was very grateful for the warning about john. He and marlena escaped just in time.
Chad: Good. Now, the question is, what are we going to do about you?
Limu emu & doug
Sonny: You know, if mom was here right now, she would give me a real talking-to about getting involved with evan.
Justin: You didn't know.
Sonny: Know what? That he was a murderer? I let my daughter around him.
Justin: You weren't the only one who was duped. Rafe is a cop, and he didn't sense anything off about him.
Sonny: I know, but david's out there right now, god knows where, 'cause evan's a flipping psychopath, and he's not telling anyone where he stashed his own son. I hope someone throws the book at him and he gets locked up forever.
Justin: Evan's being arraigned today. Let me see what I can find out.
[Pensive music]
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Yeah?
Kate: Got a minute?
Rafe: Yeah. Chad make any headway with rolf?
Kate: No, no. He's still with him, though.
Rafe: Okay. Well, hopefully he does. Rolf's our best hope at finding marlena. Is that why you're here? Is it--oh. This is about the charges that you're facing.
Kate: No, it's not. I wanted to say how sorry I am about what happened with david. I know how much he means to you.
Rafe: Yeah, it's been rough.
Kate: So is evan still refusing to tell you where he is?
Rafe: Yeah. All the bastard will say is that he's in good hands. Good hands. What the hell does that even mean? Good hands? How did I not see it? How did I not see who evan really is? I put my own son's life in danger.
Kate: I don't think you should beat yourself up over this, all right? I think if anyone could have done something about it, it's me.
Chad: You screwed up, wilhelm. You were supposed to be getting the hell out of the gatehouse, not waiting around for john to find you.
Rolf: My deepest apologies. I've always been a slow packer, but I hope I've made myself clear. I have no intention of cooperating with the small minds and provincial laws of this backwater town.
Chad: Your loyalty to my father is appreciated. You might want to reconsider your position.
[Dramatic electronic music]
These are real people, not actors,
Ben: But life on the outside--how is it?
Will: It doesn't get any better, although I mean, you'll be there soon enough.
Ben: I'm sure ari was happy to have you home.
Will: Gotta say, waking up to her sweet little face to start the day--no offense, but it beats the hell out of waking up to your ugly mug in a jail cell. [Laughs]
Ben: How about you and sonny? You guys good now?
Will: Um, we've still got some things to work through, but I think, as tough as it's been, it's made our love stronger. You know, it's made us stronger. Like you and ciara, right?
Ben: Yeah. I can't wait to get home to her. It's starting to drive me crazy that I haven't been released yet, man.
Hope as gina: So you are here to save your mother's life, just like you saved that serial killer's? How quaint. Savior complex. She's just as irritating as you and your mum.
Ciara: Is she always like this?
Shawn: You have no idea.
Hope as gina: Oh, do not speak as if I am not present. I am right here.
Shawn: Well, you know what? We're gonna be very lucky if you're out of that body soon.
[Disquieting music]
Hope as gina: What are you doing? Get away from me. Oh, god. You need a mint.
Ciara: Yeah, definitely creepy. Your microchip--
Hope as gina: Oh, this is torture! I will not be double-teamed by--oh, god-- hope's inept children. Get out.
Ciara: You can insult us all you want, princess, but there is no way in hell that we're gonna give up until my mother is back. We're gonna find dr. Rolf, and after we--
Hope as gina: Oh, please. Even if you find dr. Rolf, my wilhelm, do you honestly believe that he would turn on me? Never. Your mother is gone, and she is gone forever.
[Dramatic music]
Rolf: You want me to cooperate with the authorities? Never!
Chad: You have to give a little.
Rolf: I would never divulge stefano's whereabouts.
Chad: I am not suggesting that. What I'm suggesting is that if you don't give them something, they will never leave you alone.
Rolf: Something like what?
Chad: Not "what." Who. Give them hope brady.
Rolf: Princess gina! I don't think her highness would like that.
Chad: Her highness isn't of any use to us anymore.
Rolf: I don't know.
Chad: Listen to me. If you give them back salem's beloved hope brady, they will need you to do the operation. After that--you're a genius. You'll be able to figure out a way to escape. In the meantime, marlena and my father will have the time to disappear for good.
Rolf: Hmm, so while I'm restoring hope brady to her former blandness, you must fulfill your promise to your father and eliminate this-- this present problem.
Chad: Let's not worry about kate at this moment.
[Door clicks]
[Uneasy flute music]
Rafe: What should you have done?
Kate: Okay. The first time I met evan, he was trying to charm his way into sonny's life, right? And every alarm I had went off. I warned sonny. I warned will. I even tried to dig up dirt on him, but I couldn't find anything.
Rafe: Oh, because his real name's not evan frears.
Kate: Christian maddox, right?
Rafe: Yeah.
Kate: Yeah, well, maybe if I had known that then, things would have been different, but truthfully, I just wish I had come straight to you and told you my suspicions, 'cause maybe if I had done that, david would be with you right now.
Rafe: I appreciate that,'re not the one who invited him into my home. I did, so yeah. Oh, arraignment's over?
Rafe: Okay. Thanks.
Kate: Well, I knew I would see you in handcuffs one day.
Evan: I hear you're in a bit of trouble yourself, lady.
Kate: Tell you what. I'm gonna say "hi" to sonny and will for you, 'cause you know they're back together again, and they are so much in love.
Rafe: Okay, kate, kate, can you please-- can you just excuse us?
Kate: Sure. You're gonna rot away in prison.
[Eerie music]
Evan: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
John: So what's going on in here?
Chad: Rolf won't crack. He refuses to give us stefano's location.
John: Well, then maybe I ought to go a round with the good doc?
Rolf: I don't think you want to do that.
John: Then why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you limb-to-limb right now?
Chad: Because I've convinced him to give us hope.
[Moody electric guitar music]
John: You can reverse the procedure?
Rolf: As much as it pains me to destroy one of my greatest creations, yes.
John: Oh, that's interesting. Maybe there is a little bit of conscience running around there somewhere.
Rolf: I am hardly a monster.
John: Well, then tell me where the hell marlena is!
Chad: You'll get her back, but not like this. Rolf is a dead end.
Justin: Are you sure? Okay then. Thanks for the information.
Sonny: What did they say about evan?
Justin: I'm afraid I have some bad news.
[Mournful music]
Rafe: What are you talking about?
Evan: I know you were all excited about me spending the rest of my life behind bars, but the judge just threw out my confession. Lucky me.
Will: I should get going, but you know, now that evan, or christian, or whatever has confessed to killing jordan, my friend, you will be a free man very soon.
Ben: And back with ciara.
Shawn: Wow. This is great, john. Thank you for the news. Yeah. Yeah, I will tell her. Thanks.
Hope as gina: I do not suppose he asked of me?
Ciara: What's the news?
Shawn: Well, it looks like our royal pain in the ass is wrong. Rolf was apprehended, and it looks like he's gonna turn on our little princess nightmare over here, and he's gonna reverse what he did to our mother.
Ciara: Oh, well, that's just fantastic.
Shawn: You've got nothing to say, princess?
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