Days Transcript Tuesday 3/10/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 3/10/20


Episode #13722 ~ Chad receives orders to kill Kate. Stefano tries to reconnect with Marlena after Dr. Rolf's procedure. Justin confides in Jack his fear about losing Kayla. John seeks Gina's help to find Stefano and Marlena.

Provided By Suzanne

[Steve as stefano laughing]


Steve as stefano: Good try, kayla.

[Laughs] But your steve johnson is dead and gone.

Kayla: No!

Justin:Ayla. Kayla. Kayla, sweetheart. You had a bad dream.

Kayla: Justin.

Justin: Yeah. Yeah. I got you. I got you.

Jennifer: How's mickey doing? Did the procedure go well?

Sarah: Gabi's bone marrow has been transplanted into my daughter, so now all we do is wait and see how she responds, but we are optimistic.

Jack: We're praying for her.

Sarah: Thank you. Eric's with her now. We've been taking turns napping in my office, so it's a mess, but luckily, kayla said we could use hers.

Jennifer: Yeah. I'm just so glad that she's doing well, and I'm really hopeful that you have some good news about hope.

Jack: You have the results of her mri?

Sarah: I do.

[Tense music]

John: Gina.

[Door clicks shut]

Hope as gina: John. When they told me I had a visitor... you were the last person I ever expected.

I am so happy to see you, but if I'm to be honest, I must say you do not look well, john. What is wrong?

John: Yeah. Well, it's been one of those weeks. I need your help.

[Suspenseful music]

Chad: Any news?

Kate: I've read every single news report about marlena's abduction, and the police are still asking the public for leads, which means they have no idea where stefano took her.

Marlena: Thank god you're here! We've gotta call the police and turn these two in.

Chad: I'm sorry, but you're not going anywhere, marlena.

Marlena: No. They've gotten to you too?

Chad: I hate to say it, but my father may have taken her out of the country. Honestly, they could be anywhere.

Kate: Oh, god. I wish the hell I had never gotten involved with stefano again. If anything happens to marlena, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Steve as stefano: Everything is falling into place. Thanks to your help, rolf, chad is under my control and working to restore my empire, but that empire means nothing without my queen of the night by my side.

Rolf: Well, she is resting comfortably, stefano.

Steve as stefano: But when will she awaken? I need to know that the chip you implanted in her last night will indeed make her more receptive to me.

Rolf: Do you remember the success I had transforming hope brady into princess gina? I am confident that marlena's procedure will yield the same magnificent result.

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: John?

Steve as stefano: That does not sound so magnificent to me.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jennifer: Wow. Is that hope's brain?

Sarah: Yeah, and that speck right there is a microchip.

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. Can that be removed?

Sarah: Well, given its position it would require a very skilled surgeon.

Jack: Well, fortunately, we--we have one of those in the family.

Justin: What was your dream about?

Kayla: I-I don't remember. I--

Justin: Any chance it was about steve? Kayla, please. You need to talk about this. We need to.

Kayla: It--it was really more of a memory than a-a dream. When I was being held captive, stefano taunted me.

Justin: How? What'd he say to you?

Kayla: That the steve I loved is never coming back.

John: Your buddy stefano... he kidnapped marlena. I need you to help me find her.

Hope as gina: I see. And why... would I help reunite the two of you?

John: Because you loved me once.

Hope as gina: I still do, despite your callous, cold rejection of me.

John: Well, if that's true, if you really love me, then please help me.

Justin: Being told that steve is not coming back has to be upsetting for you. I'm sorry.

Kayla: Like you said, it was just a bad dream.

Justin: Well, they say dreams are a window into the unconscious mind.

Kayla: Listen to me. I will always care about steve. He's the father of my children. But he is my past, and you, justin kiriakis, are my future.

Justin: Kayla, things are different now.

Kayla: Not between you and me.

Justin: Sweetheart, you now know that steve didn't end your marriage voluntarily. How can that not affect us?

Kayla: I've moved on, and I'm happy. I'm more than happy. I'm in love with you.

Justin: Well, I don't doubt that. Last night, you even said that you hoped there was a way to bring the real steve back.

Kayla: I don't know if that's even possible.

Justin: What if it is? What if the steve that you love does return?

[Doorbell rings] What happens then?

Kayla: Who's that, so early in the morning?

Justin: I'll get it.

John: Please, gina. I'm begging you.

Hope as gina: My answer is no. I love you far too much to help you find your way back to a woman who is not worthy of you. Not at all.

John: Fine, fine. You know, if you won't-- you won't do it out of love, maybe you'll do it out of hate then.

Hope as gina: Hate? What are you talking of?

John: How about stefano? Two of you had a deal, didn't you, in what was going on here? I mean, you would help him get marlena, and he would help you get me. I wonder how that worked out. Looks like he got marlena. What'd you get? Yeah. He betrayed you, gina. He groomed you, he used you, and then he threw you to the wolves. And I guess you're okay with that, but I find that pretty damn interesting, because the gina I remember? She would never let stefano ride off into the sunset with marlena while she rotted away, in a prison cell.

[Dramatic music]

Steve as stefano: During this transitional phase, how should I interact with marlena? What can I do to encourage her total devotion to me?

Rolf: Well, for starters, remind her of the good times you shared.

Steve as stefano: I tried that, I-- I reminded her of paris and the grand ballrooms. The opera. She was unmoved.

Rolf: Yes, well, that was before the procedure, but now, with positive encouragement, she will come to cherish the strength of your bond.

Steve as stefano: Right. Step back and observe. I don't want my queen to be alarmed by your presence.

Marlena: It's you.

Kate: The police and john have to find her.

Chad: They're wasting their time.

Kate: Why would you say something like that?

Chad: It's a mistake to underestimate stefano dimera. He has more resources than people may realize.

Kate: Well, no. Exactly. That's why I'm worried. I'm worried what he's capable of doing to keep her from escaping.

Chad: Kate, I understand that you're worried about your friend, but you should really be worried about yourself.

Kate: [Scoffs] What does that mean?

Kayla: Hi, jack.

Jack: Hi. I'm sorry to come by so early, but jennifer and I just met with sarah, to go over the results of hope's mri.

Kayla: Oh, I haven't seen it.

Jack: Well, it seems that rolf put a microchip into hope's brain.

Justin: Did you see it?

Jack: Well, yeah, kind of, but from what sarah said, it can only be removed with the help of a very talented surgeon, and since you're the talented surgeon I know, I was hoping that maybe you could weigh in.

Kayla: Sure, of course. I'll take a look at it. Where's jen?

Jack: She's still down at the hospital.

Kayla: All right, I'll go check it out. I'll keep you posted, and I'll see you later, right?

Justin: Yeah. Sounds good.

Kayla: Okay.

Jack: Um, I'm no surgeon, but I'm hoping that kayla can help bring hope back to us.

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Jack: Again, I'm sorry about coming by so early. I should have called you.

Justin: Not a problem. No problem. Kayla's anxious to help. We were just talking about how crazy all of this is.

Jack: Man, look at you. Look at your head. I heard that steve pistol-whipped you.

Justin: Yeah. I'm good. Kayla stitched me up. How about you? I imagine it's not easy watching your brother behave like this.

Jack: This can't be easy for either of us. I mean, let's face it. We both know that steve was basically brainwashed into signing those divorce papers that kayla sent him. I gotta think that that has made for a big change in your relationship.

Justin: I'm afraid you're right.

Kayla: Justin told me about your father, and I am so sorry.

Jennifer: He didn't suffer, so I'm grateful for that, but then when I got back from africa, I heard that you were taken hostage by stefano, and I was worried sick.

Kayla: I tell you it was so unsettling being with steve. Except for how he looked, there was nothing about him that resembled the man that I loved.

Jennifer: Kayla, I can relate. I mean, with jack, you know, just with time, and determination, and a crazy bump on his head, and we got him back. And you're gonna get steve back too.

Kayla: If john can find him.

Jennifer: He has marlena. John will find him.

Kayla: Well, at least we know where hope is.

Jennifer: Except that she's still gina.

Kayla: Well, jack told me that you saw the mri?

Jennifer: Yeah, but sarah said that she will probably need surgery to remove that microchip. Is that even possible?

Kayla: Well, let's take a look.

Jennifer: What do you think? Are you gonna be able to bring our hope back to us?

Hope as gina: You were right. To hell with stefano. He should not get what he wants, when I did not get what he promised me.

John: So are you telling me you're gonna help me, gina?

Hope as gina: If it means getting even with that ungrateful traitor, yes.

John: That's the girl I remember. All right. Here's what I got. Steve managed to trap me, justin, and kayla in his hideout. He pumped the place full of knockout gas, so he could get a head start with marlena. Now, what I need to know is, where do you tnk he might be headed?

Hope as gina: Nothing is more important to stefano... than making marlena his queen. Where else would a king take his queen, john? Back to his castle.

John: Dimera mansion. Maybe, but chad's there now, and I'm sure that if steve were to show up, he would just turn him in to the cops.

Kate: Why should i be worried?

Chad: You're facing multiple felony charges for being my father's accomplice. They're gonna put you in prison, for years.

Kate: Well, thanks for the pep talk.

Chad: Last night, I offered you dimera's top lawyers. They'll make sure you don't spend a day in prison.

Kate: Okay, well, you didn't do that out of the goodness of your heart. You did that because you want to get rid of gabi, and you need my shares to do that.

Chad: Your stock for your freedom. It's a fair trade. It won't be on the table for long, though.

Steve as stefano: Yes, marlena. It is I.

Marlena: Where am I? What's happened?

Steve as stefano: Everything is fine. You're safe.

Marlena: Safe from what?

Steve as stefano: Well, someone tried to take you away, but I protected you.

Marlena: Oh. Where is john? Why are you here, steve?

Steve as stefano: I am not steve. I am stefano.

Marlena: Stefano? You-you look just like steve.

Steve as stefano: True, but listen to my voice. The cadence of my words. Does it not sound familiar?

Marlena: It does. Oh, but I should be afraid of you. But I'm not.

Steve as stefano: Marlena, you have nothing to fear from me. That I can promise you.

Marlena: I-I feel strange.

Steve as stefano: Well, you have been through a terrible ordeal, but there is no longer any need to worry. I am here to care for you. Will you let me do that?

Marlena: Stefano. Why would you want to help me?

Steve as stefano: You helped me once, when I was gravely injured, after being pushed off a balcony.

Marlena: Who would do such a terrible thing?

Steve as stefano: That doesn't matter. What matters is that you were there for me, by my side, night and day, nursing me back to health. We grew very close during that time. Do you remember that?

Marlena: Vaguely. It's hazy. Could I have a glass of water please?

Steve as stefano: Of course. She is not responding. I need something more effective.

Rolf: Yeah. Well, here. Try this, sir.

Steve as stefano: The complete poems of john keats.

Rolf. Mm. You, uh, you once gave marlena a copy of this book, and she read to you from it. Perhaps it will help things along.

Marlena: Oh, thank you.

Steve as stefano: Do you remember, I once gave you a book of poems by john keats?

Marlena: Yes. The romantics. My favorite. I-I do remember that.

Steve as stefano: Well, you read to me as I recovered. I would like to return the favor. Where shall I begin?

Marlena: "Ode on a grecian urn." I always loved that.

Steve as stefano: Yes. I love it, as well. Ah. "Thou still unravished bride of quietness. Though foster child of silence and slow time."

Kate: As I told you the last time that you asked for my shares, they are of more than financial value to me. They have sentimental value attached, as well.

Chad: You say that is because it was all andre left you, but I don't buy that. I thought there was a self-serving reason why you wouldn't sell me your stock. I was right, and now you're facing a long stretch at statesville. Your shares aren't gonna do you any good there.

Kate: I'm not going down without a fight. I have an attorney, chad.

Chad: One who will let you sweat it out in a cell overnight, because he didn't have the power to fast-track your arraignment. You know who has the power? Dimera's lawyers, whom I will pay whatever it takes to make sure you don't spend one day in prison. I will even bribe the judges.

Kate: Well, you really are your father's son, aren't you?

Chad: Let's just say that he's with me in spirit, as I rebuild his empire.

Kate: What's that?

Chad: Sign it.

Kate: Okay. Well, this is good. This is good that you're paying for my defense, but you're going to have to do a lot more.

How's that figure look to you?

Chad: Deal.

Our lawyers will be in touch.

Hope as gina: I'm not sure you should trust chadwick. You know how much he loves his father?

John: Don't think he would approve of him kidnapping marlena.

Hope as gina: I do not know. But stefano certainly gave the impression that chadwick was an integral part of his plans--oddly confident that he would bring him back into the fold and that, ultimately, he would side with la famiglia.

John: Interesting. I think I'll have a talk with him.

Hope as gina: Not so much as a "thank you" for my help?

John: Yeah. Thanks.

[Door clicks shut]

Kayla: Rolf attached the chip to the nerves very close to the spinal cord, so I'm afraid sarah was right. Any kind of surgery to remove it's gonna be very complicated.

Jennifer: That's so crazy. Rolf is not even a real doctor. How did he even do this?

Kayla: When I was held captive, he kept bragging about his revolutionary scientific breakthroughs. You know, I thought he was completely full of it, but apparently he's not.

Jennifer: So are you saying that we have lost hope permanently, and steve is gone forever?

Justin: I'm still trying to wrap my head around what it means to know that steve didn't really reject kayla. She was so hurt by his behavior. Was truly baffled. She didn't think it was possible for the man that she loved to behave so cruelly.

Jack: None of us did. When steve blew up adrienne's funeral, I felt the same way. I was hurt. I was angry. I was sad. I was sad for our whole family.

Justin: I loved your sister so much that I really didn't think that I would ever love anyone again, but kayla was there for me.

Jack: You were there for each other. You were mourning adrienne. She was mourning the end of her marriage to steve.

Justin: Yeah, and now we know that our situations are not the same. My wife is gone, and she's never coming back. We watched her casket be lowered into the ground, and yet, if someone offered me the chance to be with adrienne again, I'd have to jump at it. And I have to believe that kayla would do the same with steve.

Jack: Did she say that to you? No, no, no. She said she's happy with me, and I believe her, but come on. Steve is the love of her life, and now there's a chance that she could have him back. She could have their life together back, and if I truly love kayla, and I do, how can I possibly deny her that? I didn't have to shout out for help.

Jack: Don't get ahead of yourself, all right? Kayla loves you. Don't forget that.

Justin: And kayla loves steve, and now we know that steve never stopped loving kayla.

Jack: One step at a time, all right? We don't know that we can reverse what rolf did. According to sarah, it's gonna require a very difficult surgery.

Justin: Well, if anyone can do it, it's kayla. And jack, really, you should be rooting for kayla to bring your brother back.

Jack: I am. Believe me, I am, but I don't want you to get hurt.

Kayla: You know what? Let's not panic, okay? I just need a little more time to analyze these results, and maybe run a few more tests.

Jennifer: All right, so you're saying that there is a chance you can operate?

Kayla: What I'm saying is we need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Jennifer: Kayla, I can't lose hope. She's my cousin. She's my best friend.

Kayla: I know, baby. Trust me. I'm gonna do everything in my power to find a safe way to remove that chip from hope's brain, and listen, I am praying that john finds steve, and we'd be able to transform him as well.

Jennifer: Now that you know the truth about everything, what does that mean for you and justin?

Kayla: You know what? I can't even think about that right now. I just have to focus on if it's possible to reverse rolf's handiwork.

Marlena: That is as lovely and moving as I recall. Thank you for reading it to me.

Steve as stefano: Oh, it was my honor. I live to make you happy. You know that.

Marlena: Mm. Where's john? I need to see john.

Steve as stefano: You said you were feeling a bit off. Perhaps you would like to freshen up, huh?

Marlena: Oh, thank you.

Steve as stefano: This way. Slow. That's it.

Marlena: Oh, goodness.

Steve as stefano: You see? Your procedure was a failure! John is still deep in her heart.

Rolf: Look, I told you. You must be patient! Keep reminding marlena of your connection. Continue to reinforce positive thoughts of the two of you together, and soon her memories of john will fade away.

[Knocking on door]

Kayla: You know, stefano must have ordered rolf to make the transformation irreversible, or at least the process of reversing it so daunting that no surgeon would even touch it.

Jennifer: All right, so you're saying you can't operate?

Kayla: I could, but it would be so risky. I mean, honestly, the person who put it in should be the person who takes it out.

Jennifer: Rolf? Kayla, no. I mean, can't you try? Please?

Kayla: I would be in completely uncharted territory. One slip, and hope could be gina forever, or--or I could kill her.

Hope as gina: Ah! Counselor. Thank you so much for coming.

Justin: I can't possibly imagine why you'd want to see me.

Hope as gina: Why else? I want to hire you, as my attorney.

Chad: It's me, father. Open up. I have excellent news. Kate signed over her shares of dimera.

Steve as stefano: Well, once we have kristen's stock, we'll have the majority. Well, good work, son. How'd you do it?

Chad: I convinced her that, in exchange for her shares, dimera's lawyers would make her charges go away. I also had to throw in some cash.

Steve as stefano: Mm-hmm. Kate is nothing, if not greedy.

Chad: It's not just her own skin she's trying to protect. She's also worried about marlena. How is that going?

Steve as stefano: It's a work in progress, although katerina is not. She is untrustworthy.

Chad: Well, you gave her a miracle. You think she'd betray us?

Steve as stefano: I know she would. Now that we have her shares, she's no longer of use to us, so, you must eliminate her.

Chad: You want me to kill kate?

Steve as stefano: Is that a problem for you? La famiglia always comes first.

Chad: She will be eliminated.

Steve as stefano: Good. Go now. Do it immediately. You've done a fine job with chad. Would that marlena was so compliant.

Rolf: No, no, she will be. Just give it a bit more time.

Steve as stefano: It is torture for me to be patient when I so desperately long to be with my queen.

John: Well, kate dimera. What the hell are you doing here?

Kate: Chad offered me a place to stay, so I've been watching the news all morning. Is there any word on marlena?

John: Oh, yeah, like you care, huh? You knew for months steve was targeting marlena. You didn't say a damn word. What the hell's the matter with you?

Kate: Okay, look, all I can tell you is that I'm sorry, and I will do anything I can to make it up to you.

John: Oh, really? Like what? Trying to help me find my wife?

Kate: Yeah. Yeah. Do you have any leads?

John: You know, as a matter of fact, I do. I just came from seeing your old pal, princess gina. You know stefano hung her out to dry, and now she's all fired up to nail him.

Kate: Oh, really? Does she know where he is?

John: Well, she seemed to think that a king would bring his queen back to the castle. I think it's a long shot. What say you? Have you seen anything going on here?

Kate: Well, chad told me that stefano snuck in here, and he left him his ring.

John: He might have come in through one of the tunnels here. That means he could be close by.

Kate: Yeah, well, I stayed here last night, and I didn't see any activity.

John: I'm gonna take a look around the grounds.

Kate: Be my guest. John. If there's anything I can do to help--

John: Trust me. You've done enough. If anything happens to my wife, kate, that's on you. It's on you.

Justin: You must be joking.

[Laughs] I have no intention of representing you. You were working with stefano.

Hope as gina: And?

Justin: And he kidnapped kayla, for god's sake.

Hope as gina: And I had no part in that. Are you ready to listen? Now, if you love kayla as much as I truly believe that you do, you will realize it is in your own best interest to help me.

Justin: And how is that?

Hope as gina: I was dragged down to the hospital, against my will, and forced to undergo an mri brain scan.

Justin: Don't bother claiming that it was illegal. They had a court order.

Hope as gina: If I may finish? The mri was to assess if I can be banished from this body, so hope brady can be brought back.

Justin: I pray that is possible.

Hope as gina: Hmm. Are you sure about that? You may regret those words, because if it is possible to bring hope back, then it is possible to bring steve back. And if that happens, kayla will surely-- oh, what is that expression? Kick you to the curb? So, counselor, if you want to hold on to that pretty little girlfriend of yours, it is very much in your interest to ensure that no further medical procedures are performed on me.

Justin: I have to go.

Hope as gina: Well, at least think about it. Once you do, I think you will come around to my way of thinking. Unless, of course, you want to end up alone.

[Dramatic music]


John: Someone's in there. Hang on, doc. I'm coming.

Kate: Why are there no damn updates? [Sighs] Marlena, please. You have to stay strong.

[Intense music]

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