Days Transcript Monday 3/9/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 3/9/20


Episode #13721 ~ John, Justin, and Kayla find themselves in grave danger. Marlena tries to talk her way out of Rolf's procedure. Chad attempts to smother Gabi. Ben thanks Ciara for saving his life.

Provided By Suzanne

Rafe: Did evan--christian-- whatever the hell his name is, did he say anything to you about david? Anything?

Ciara: No. Not a word. Rafe, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I know I should've asked that bastard where he hid david while I had the gun on him.

Rafe: No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. I totally understand. You were focused on saving ben's life, which you did.

Ben: Rafe?

Rafe: Hi.

Ciara: Yeah. I did. And thank god that I could.

Rafe: Hey, ben, uh, I was wrong about you. I owe you an apology.

Hattie: Any word from justin or john yet?

Roman: No, and it's been too long.

Hattie: Oh. Maybe they forgot to call.

Roman: They wouldn't forget.

Hattie: Something's happened, hasn't it?

Roman: I hope not.

Hattie: Yeah, me too. You know what? We never should've waited for their call. We should have just gone with them.

Justin: Roman knows where we are. When we don't come back, he'll come looking for us.

John: Yeah well, steve could have taken doc anywhere by then.

Justin: Don't worry, john. We'll find them.

[Gas hissing]

Kayla: What is that? What's that sound?

John: Colorless, odorless gas is being pumped into this place. That lousy son of a bitch is trying to kill us.

Steve: I'm sorry, marlena, but once we're settled, dr. Rolf will perform the procedure. And you will be mine. Ahh.

Marlena: [Gasps]

Steve: Aha.

Marlena: Let go of me. Oh.

Steve: I'm sorry about this, but you have been toying with me and making me chase you for years. That's all over. We will do things my way now. We're together. We're together, my queen. You have always been my destiny. Now I am yours. Wrap this up, boy.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ben: I don't know why you think you owe me anything.

Rafe: You swore to me that you were innocent. Ciara backed you up. But me, no, I-- I had my mind made up.

Ben: I mean, you still helped ciara track down maddox.

Rafe: You were living with a death sentence and I had the killer whose-- jordan's killer was living under my roof.

Ben: That guy fooled everybody.

Ciara: No, he's right. I mean, sonny even invited him to thanksgiving dinner at grandpa victor's house. I mean, the guy had the entire family fooled.

Rafe: You guys are way too understanding. I'm a cop. I'm running the damn precinct for god's sakes. I should have investigated this guy further, and... I mean, honestly, I still don't even know who the hell he is.

Ben: Don't be so hard on yourself, rafe. I know how easy it is to hide your dark side from good, decent people.

[Tense music]

Chad: [Gasps] What am I doing?

John: [Coughs]

Justin: Over here. Here we go.

John: Ready. This is futile. We can't seal it tight enough.

Kayla: Help. Somebody help...


John: Kay, save your breath. There's no windows. This place is soundproof.

Justin: That bastard thought of everything.

Marlena: You know, you had me going there for a moment.

Steve: What does that mean?

Marlena: Well, you may--you may walk like stefano and you may do the things that stefano did, but you're not stefano dimera. So yeah, depression.

Rafe: Well, I've got to get back to work, but hey, man, I'm really glad you okay. And I will keep you up to speed on your nephew.

Ben: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ben: I appreciate that.

Rafe: Yeah. And you--oh, my god. I'm so proud of you.

Ciara: Thank you. Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah. All right, I'll see you later.

Ciara: Rafe, wait.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: You don't happen know anything about what's going on with my mom do you?

Rafe: Oh, you don't know?

Ciara: Well, I mean, shawn told me that he got a court order to make her have an mri, and after that, things kind of got crazy.

Rafe: Well, I know that he had her admitted to the hospital, and I don't know if she's had the mri yet, but I do know that princess gina was making things difficult.

Ciara: Right. So you don't know if dr. Rolf did something to her or if she just kind of lost it?

Rafe: Yeah, I don't know yet. But you know what? As soon as I get back to town, I'll go over there and check it out.

Ciara: Okay, thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: I just--I feel really, really bad, you know? I feel like I should have been there with her.

Rafe: No, no, no, no. Hey, hey, you saved ben. You saved him, okay? And by the way, shawn has been great. All right? But I'll let you know.

Ciara: Okay.

Rafe: Okay.

Ciara: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: You're really the best. And, rafe--

Rafe: Yeah?

Ciara: Don't worry. You are going to find david.

Rafe: Right.

Ciara: Yup.

Rafe: Yup.

Ciara: Yup.

Steve: Why are you just standing there? This is the woman who convinced you to put your wife in an asylum. She made you believe your daughter was your brother's child and turned you against him. She did anything she could to destroy your family and she's not done yet. Don't you remember what I taught you? Niente e piu importante della famiglia. Nothing is more important than family. La famiglia, la famiglia, la famiglia, la famiglia...

Chad: La famiglia.

Steve: This body once belonged to steven johnson. But it is mine now, and I am stefano dimera.

Marlena: You know, john and i spent years matching wits with stefano, and he loved the game. And he would never want a robot for his queen of the night. He would want to dominate the real me, his real equal. That's what he would want.

Steve: And that is exactly how I feel.

Marlena: Well, then why are we waiting for rolf to come in and turn me into a zombie? I mean, stefano would never have done that. He wouldn't diminish me in that way, because that would not be fun for him. That would not be a conquest. You just want to turn me into an imitation of marlena, because you are an imitation of the person you're pretending to be.

John: [Coughing]

Kayla: [Coughing]

Justin: Sweetheart.

Kayla: I can't keep my eyes open.

Justin: I know. I know. I'm groggy too. Here, sit down. John. John. We've got to find a way out of here before it's too late.

John: It won't budge. Dear god, there's no way out of here. Copd makes it hard to breathe

[Gas hissing]

Hattie: John. John.

Roman: Kayla. Justin. Justin. Kayla. Kayla, talk to me.

Steve: How dare you call me an imitation.

Marlena: It's what you are.

Steve: [Scoffs] All right. You cannot trick me into changing course by insulting me. This is what will happen. You will realize what you have been denying for so long. That you and I are soul mates, that we belong together, and you will thank me for helping you to see that.

[Door opens]

Rolf: I'm ready to begin the procedure.

Steve: So are we.

Roman: Kay? Kay? Kayla. Kayla, it's roman. It is roman.

Hattie: Justin. Justin. We're here now. It's okay. You're going to be okay. John. John, can you open your eyes? Can you hear me? John, now, open your eyes now. Come on. Oh, my gosh. They're all dead.

Ben: Did justin pick up?

Ciara: No, and it's driving me absolutely crazy. I need him to overturn your conviction so you can get the hell out of here and come back home to me.

Ben: Maybe you should ask him to represent you too or hire a new lawyer.

Ciara: Why?

Ben: Because you brought maddox in here at gunpoint and forced him to confess.

Ciara: Ben, so what. He was the one who killed jordan.

Ben: I love the way you think, but--

Ciara: Ben, they wouldn't even let me be here with you right now if they were going to arrest me, okay? You think they want to bring attention to the fact that I stopped them from putting an innocent man to death?

Chad: For your crimes against my family, gabriella josephina hernandez, I sentence you to death. May god have mercy on your soul.

[Tense music]

Rafe: Chad?

Rafe: What the hell are you doing?

Chad: I'm just giving your sister hell.

Rafe: With a pillow in your hands?

Chad: I'm just scaring her for what she did to abby.

Rafe: Get the hell out of here. Get out of here. Go on.

Chad: You know she got off for what she did to julie, lani, and eli.

Rafe: You know she just saved a child's life? She's recovering from a bone marrow transplant, all right? Beat it.

Chad: One day she's going to get what she deserves.

Rafe: Oh, shut up. Get...

[Scoffs] God.

Gina: Rafe?

Rafe: Hey, how are you feeling?

Gina: Like I fell on my butt on the ice.

Rafe: Hmm, you want me to call the nurse? Get you something for the pain?

Gina: No. Was--I heard voices. Was that chad?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about him. He's not going to bother you anymore.

Ciara: I mean, even if rolf did do something to mom and she couldn't help herself, I mean, she's still pushed jennifer off that balcony. Even if she does get better, ben, how the hell is she supposed to live with herself?

Ben: She and jennifer, they're not just cousins. They've been best friends all their lives. They'll get through this, and then so will everybody else.

Ciara: Yeah, that's if mom gets better.

Ben: Don't you give up on her. Ciara, the only reason why I'm still living is because you never stopped believing. You said you were going to prove that somebody else killed my sister, and by god, you did it. It's a miracle. I was a dead man walking. Your love kept me alive.

John: Hey, doc.

Hattie: Hey. Hey. We thought you were all dead. Easy. Take it easy, dear.

John: Roman, he got her. He got her. Steve took marlena with him,

Roman: Hey, we'll find her. We've got to get to the E.R.

John: No time for that. Let's go.

Roman: You don't know what you were gassed with. You're no good to marlena dead.

Rolf: I will perform upon you the same procedure I used on your friend, hope brady.

Marlena: I never understood how you got to her.

Rolf: Simple. I lured her into the lab by telling her I would help julie, who was quite ill at the time.

Marlena: You really are scum.

Rolf: Ah, talented scum. I will first administer to you a cocktail of sedative and local anesthesia. Then never make a tiny incision in the back of your neck and implant a microchip into the base of your brain.

Steve: Will she feel anything?

Rolf: No, no, no, no, no, not at all. It may take several days for the chip to become fully effective. But when it does, dr. Evans will find herself totally and completely devoted to you.

Steve: Perfect. In america we all count. No matter where we call home,

Gabi: The doctor said that my mouth was going to be feeling dry, and they were right. What is it that chad wanted?

Rafe: Mm, he just wanted to give you hell for everything you've done.

Gabi: Oh. Oh, please. Like he's one to talk. Like he's lived this exemplary life and he hasn't been a jerk at all times.

Rafe: Yeah, but what about the things you've done? I don't even know who you are anymore.

Gabi: All right. You know what, rafe? If you're here for the same reason chad was, you can go, okay? I don't need anybody to drag up the past.

Rafe: The past? Past? You realize that people are still suffering for all the miserable crap that you've done.

Gabi: Yeah. That's all I've done. Miserable crap my whole entire life. Yeah. What about all the wonderful things I've done?

Rafe: Oh, okay. What wonderful things?

Gabi: Oh, you have forgotten that I am here to save little mackenzie horton's life? Also that they shoved two giant needles into my pelvic bone?

Rafe: People give bone marrow all the time, gabi. And most people, by the way, they do it out of the goodness of their hearts.

Gabi: Yeah, that's why I did it. You know, why else would I have gotten tested?

Rafe: I don't know. Seems totally out of character, actually.

Gabi: Great. Great. So my own brother thinks I'm a heartless bitch.

Rafe: Never said you were heartless.

Gabi: Just a bitch.

Rafe: There's a heart in there. There is. I know that there is a heart in there. It's just buried under anger, resentment, god knows what else.

Gabi: All right. You know what? You can go.

Rafe: Sorry, okay? I'm just...I'm sorry. I just--I need someone to talk to, and I don't know who else to turn to.

Gabi: Something's wrong? Yeah, I can see it in your eyes. Something's going on besides me.

Rafe: It's david. Evan's hidden him, and he won't tell me where he is. And I'm scared to death that I may never see my little boy again.

Ben: They stuck a needle in my arm. I thought, "this is it." You know how they say your whole life flashes before your eyes when you know you're dying? It wasn't like that for me. All I saw was our time together. Ciara, I didn't start living until we started loving each other. I told myself our story, how I found you on the side of the road, the first time kissing you... making love with you. Then everything went black. Next thing I knew you were there to save my life. Ciara, our story, it's not over. Not by a long shot. It's because of you.

Kayla: Okay.

Justin: Hey, kayla. You're all right?

Kayla: Yeah, and so are you and john. I just got our tox screens back, and we're all clean.

Justin: Amazing.

Kayla: Yeah.

Justin: I thought we were toast.

Kayla: I know. And your ct scan was good too. We just have to get your forehead sutured up there.

Justin: Yeah, that's what I was told. But listen, if you don't mind waiting around until I'm done, I'm happy to drive you home.

Kayla: Oh, I can fix it.

Justin: Really? Half an hour ago, you were unconscious.

Kayla: Well, what do you think I'm going to botch the job or something and ruin your male modeling career?

Justin: No, I just don't think you should be, you know, working yet.

Kayla: Well, and attendant checked me out and said I was good to go. It's the least I could do for the guy who rode to my rescue.

Roman: John. John, where the hell do you think you're going?

Hattie: Hey, you can't leave here. You almost died.

John: No, not even close. That gas that he pumped into the room wasn't lethal. Steve just wanted to knock us out so he could make his escape with marlena, and by god, it worked,

Steve: Don'T. Sit back down. Do it.

Marlena: Ahh!

Steve: Oh! Oh! Stop!

Marlena: Oh!

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Gabi: So evan is really david's father?

Rafe: Yeah, his real name's christian maddox.

Gabi: I thought he was gay.

Rafe: I'm not sure how that's relevant.

Gabi: Well, no. Yeah, I know, but just kind of adds to the weirdness of it all. I mean, he had a baby with jordan, and then he had a thing with sonny.

Rafe: Apparently.

Gabi: But so then he murdered jordan?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah well, he's in custody now, but he won't tell me where david is.

Gabi: Oh, you're not serious.

Rafe: Yeah. All he'll say is that he's in good hands. And god only knows what that means coming from him. I got every unit on the street looking for them, and...we don't have a damn lead, though. Then there's jordan. Poor jordan. Poor jordan. I promised her to--I promised her that I would keep david safe.

Gabi: You did. You have, rafe. You have. You've given him a home, okay? You can adopt him.

Rafe: No, even if I find him, who knows if that's going to happen? I mean, I entrusted a killer to look after him. Do you understand? If you were child welfare, would you trust me?

Gabi: Okay, but you got conned, okay? It happens. They're not going to take him away because of that. I mean--

Rafe: Gina, of course they could take him away. He's not my son. They can do whatever the hell they want.

Gabi: Yes, he is. Rafe, yes, he is. I don't care what child welfare says, okay? Everybody that knows david knows that he lights up when he sees you, okay? He puts his little head on your shoulders when you're holding him. He knows I know that you are his papa.

Rafe: Oh... no, I lost him.

Gabi: Well, rafe, we're going to find him. We're going to find him, okay? As soon as I--as soon as I'm good, I'm going to devote every minute of every day, okay? And we're going to get your little boy back.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ben: This has been some day.

Ciara: Yeah, no kidding.

Ben: I woke up this morning thinking that it was going to be my last day on this earth. Now here I am with you. I swear to god, I thought I was hallucinating when I saw you march my sister's killer into the room. I don't know how the hell you did it, ciara. This is a maximum security prison.

Ciara: You know what, ben? I didn't even think about it. I just knew that they were going to kill you if I didn't get him in here. And I was not going to let you die. You know why?

Ben: Because you knew I was innocent.

Ciara: Well, yeah. Yeah, that's one of the reasons. The main reason is I knew that if you died, then... I wouldn't have a life either.

Ben: Come on.

Ciara: No, I mean it, ben.

Ben: Ciara, you are beautiful, and you're young. You would've gotten over it eventually.

Ciara: Ben, just--

Ben: You would have found someone else.

Ciara: Ben weston, would you just shut up? Look at me. Look at me. Hey. And listen to me hard, all right? The love that I feel for you, I don't think I could ever--no, I will--I will never, ever love anyone the way that I love you. Ever. I am yours and only yours, and if I ever lost you know what? I don't even want to think about that, okay? Because you and I, we're forever. We're forever, baby. You are my one and only love.

Ben: And you are mine. And not just because you're beautiful and you're sweet. But because of the way that you walked into that room today and you saved my life. I swear it was like something out of a movie. You're my little kick-ass action hero.

Ciara: Oh, yeah?

Ben: Yeah.

Ciara: Yeah?

Ben: Yeah.

Kayla: Well, that was a few more stitches than I was expecting. There, are you okay?

Justin: I will be.

Kayla: You do know that it was crazy that you rushed steve with a gun in his hand.

Justin: Aw, shucks. All in a day's work.

Kayla: I still can't figure out how you tracked me down.

Justin: When I showed up at your office the night before you disappeared, you told me that you had a lot of work due and that you might pull an all-nighter, and you just seemed a little bit distant, a little bit anxious, intense.

Kayla: Well, that was the night that steve snuck into the hospital, and he already had the bullet in his stomach. He insisted. He insisted that I help him.

Justin: Right. Right, right. Well, that explains it. And so the next day when, uh, I hadn't heard back from you, and I got a little worried, rafe and I checked out the surveillance footage at the hospital. And we saw you leave with a man in scrubs, and it looked like you were going willingly, so...

Kayla: Well, I didn't have a choice. Steve said that we were in danger and we had to stay hidden.

Justin: Right.

Kayla: And he kept stalling, and he wouldn't let me leave.

Justin: And at that point, you still thought he was steve?

Kayla: Yeah. Before he dropped the bombshell that he thought he was stefano.

Justin: Crazy, right?

Kayla: Yeah, pretty shocking. Although I have to say from the way he's been treating me, it was almost a relief to know that he wasn't in his right mind. I mean, that's an understatement, I know.

Justin: I can only imagine what you were going through.

Kayla: Listen, I know that you weren't having a swell time either. All that worrying about me.

Justin: I was worried sick.

Kayla: I'm really sorry.

Justin: Don't be sorry. You were the one who was going through holy hell.

Kayla: Well, like I said, you know, I at least understand better why he abandoned me and our family and why he has been so cruel to me since he came back to salem.

Justin: Right. It pretty much explains all the terrible things steve has done this past year. Mainly to you. He wasn't steve.

Kayla: No, he wasn'T.

Roman: John, you are in no condition to bust out of here without backup. Now, do you have any idea where steve might have taken marlena?

John: No, I don't have any idea. But that's not going to stop me from looking for them.

Hattie: Oh.

John: Oh, come on, hattie, out of my way.

Hattie: Well, you're just forgetting one thing.

John: Yeah, what's that?

Hattie: You're forgetting the fact that dr. Marlena evans is a friend of mine, and I know her. And she's not some fading flower. She's got street smarts, and she will figure out a way to get the drop on that steve-ano, or whatever he calls himself, or my name's not hattie adams.

Marlena: Thank god you're here. We've got to call the police and turn these two in.

Chad: I'm sorry, but you're not going anywhere, marlena.

Marlena: Oh, no, they've gotten to you to.

Rafe: All right, I can do it. I've got to go. I'm going to get out there. I'm going to find david and join the search, okay?

Gabi: Okay, listen.

Rafe: Yeah.

Gabi: I'm really sorry that this is happening right now, okay? But you're going to find your son. I'm going to help you. We're going to find your son.

Rafe: Okay, thank you. Thanks.

Gabi: Hey, you and I--we're okay, right?

Rafe: Yeah, we're good. I mean, I hate all the things that you've done, but I love you. You're my sister, okay?

Gabi: Even though you think I'm a bitch on wheels?

Rafe: Well, I just think you're screwed up.

Gabi: Yeah, I guess I like that better.

Rafe: Yeah, but damn it, being screwed up is not an excuse for you to go around hurting people, trying to get revenge for all the wrongful things you think people have done to you.

Gabi: If somebody treats you like dirt, you're supposed to just take it? So somebody throws me in jail for a crime I didn't commit. I'm suppose to just suck it up and get over it?

Rafe: I don't know, gabi, okay? Maybe. Yes, yes, okay? Because whenever you try and exact revenge on someone, it just makes your life worse. You end up getting more hurt than to begin with, okay?

Gabi: Not always. Sometimes it can be satisfying.

Rafe: What do I have to do to get through to you?

Gabi: I'm teasing you. I get it. I get it. Listen, I'm teasing you, okay? I am very grateful to have such a loyal and adorable brother. I am--I am turning a new leaf. I promise I am. Give me a kiss.

Rafe: Okay. I hope you're right. I mean, I'm going to believe it when I see it, but I do love you. I really hope you are turning over a new leaf. You need to become a responsible adult. You've got a kid. You've got a kid that needs you. Just like my son needs me.

Ben: Hey, I know that we have been through hell. But it feels like for the first time in more than a year, things are almost all right again. You know, maggie confessed. Will's back with sony and their daughter. Evan's confession should get me out of here. I know rafe will find david. And kayla's going to find a way to get through to your mom.

Ciara: That's a lot, ben. I mean, you really think that all of that is going to go our way?

Ben: Why wouldn't I? After what you did for me tonight, I have to be the luckiest guy in the world.

Justin: You've been through hell, but at least you know that the man who divorced you, who didn't go to his sister's funeral, who kidnapped you, that man didn't think he was steve anymore. He didn't do any of that garbage of his own free will.

Kayla: Well, I hope that stephanie and joey and tripp find that comforting. Listen to me. Whether steve believes that he's stefano or not doesn't change anything with us. I'm with you, and I love you.

John: What do you think I ought to do then, go home and watch some television, maybe order a little take out and just hope that marlena gets away from steve or stefano or whoever the hell he thinks he is all by herself?

Hattie: Hey.

Roman: John, listen to me, all right? The police are all over this. And the more I've thought about it, I don't think steve wants to hurt marlena.

John: No, he wants to own her.

Roman: Yeah, well then he's in for a hell of a fight. Hattie's right; he's taken on way more than he bargained for.

John: I don't have any doubt that doc is putting up a hell of a fight. But god only knows what steve will do to force her into submission or how long she'll be able to fight it off.

Chad: I wasn't able to neutralize gabi hernandez. Her brother showed up before I could complete the mission.

Steve: Gabriella can wait. I need to give my full attention to my queen of the night.

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