Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 3/6/20
Episode #13720 ~ John and Justin's plan goes horribly awry; Chad prepares to carry out his father's deadly wishes, and Julie blasts Gabi for her actions.
Provided By Suzanne
[Tender music]
Lani: [Chuckles] I do believe that this has been the best 24 hours of my life.
Eli: Same here.
Lani: [Chuckles] Being all alone with you again. Shutting out the world so we can just forget all that bad stuff that happened. You know, I really thought that was impossible.
Eli: Yeah.
Lani: I was so sure that I would never get to be like this with you again.
Eli: Well I don't know how we make up for all that time gabi made us lose, but I am happy to try.
Lani: [Laughs]
[Phone beeps] Oh wait, wait, wait, wait. Hey, hey, hey, hey. No, no. I'm not ready to leave our bubble that we've made. We still have a good more reconnecting to do.
Lani: [Laughs]
[Tense music]
Julie: Wake up! You conniving little vixen.
Gabi: What are you doing here?
Julie: I just heard about the deal that you cut with the district attorney. Well, lady justice may let you slither away, but you're dealing with me now. You're gonna pay.
Steve as stefano: I cannot stress this enough, my son. As a father, I have learned a hard lesson from the loss of some of your siblings. I now know that my children are the future. Andre may be dead and gone, and he and i didn't always see eye to eye, but we did agree on one thing. The most important thing in life is la famiglia.
Chad: "La famiglia."
Steve as stefano: La famiglia.
Put the ring on, son.
Chad: Yes, father.
Steve as stefano: Listen carefully, chad. There is so much work to be done.
Rolf: [Sighs] Foolish man. Amateur! Believing you can take a man like stefano dimera by surprise. Well, you've learned the hard way. Nothing will separate him from his beloved marlena.
Steve as stefano: Come to me, my queen.
Kayla: What is marlena thinking? Steve completely thinks that he's stefano.
Justin: John came with us. He should have stopped this by now. Something's gone very wrong.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chad: What is it you want me to do, father?
Steve as stefano: It will soon be time for us to make our big move and I will need your help, but I will guide you through this dangerous end game.
Chad: Don't worry, father. I won't let you down.
Kate: Chad? Who the hell are you talking to?
Marlena: Where are you taking me?
Steve as stefano: I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Marlena: Let go of my hand. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Justin: Stop! Stop! Stop! You heard the lady. Let her go.
[Tense music]
Feel the clarity of new
Lani: Let me ask you something.
Eli: Sure.
Lani: I gave you over a year to build up a lot of anger and resentment toward me. Feelings like that, they don't just go away. No matter how perfect last night was.
Eli: Everything that I thought about you was wrong.
Lani: So you did get all that anger out of your system?
Eli: Most of it.
Lani: What is most of it?
Eli: Uh, I'd say... 95%.
Lani: So 5% of you still thinks that I am a total bitch?
Eli: [Laughs] You could've came to me and told me what gabi was up to and we could have nailed her together.
Lani: I was afraid for julie. I told you that.
Eli: Honey, my mom lied to me my whole life about my dad. Maybe she thought she had good reasons too. It's really hard for me to let that type of stuff go.
[Laughs] What is this for?
Lani: Smack me with it.
Eli: What?
Lani: Come on, let's go. Use that last 5% and give it some satisfaction.
Eli: I don't hit women.
Lani: I'm an ex-cop. I can handle myself.
Eli: I'm not doing--
[Both laugh] Oh, my god. Girl, you are crazy.
Lani: Come on. Come on. Come on, let's go.
Eli: No! Okay. All right. Okay. Just remember, you asked for it.
Lani: [Squeals]
Gabi: Look, I don't know if you know this, but I just finished donating my bone marrow to save sarah horton's child.
Julie: Oh yes. You, you are all heart. If sarah and eric hadn't gone to the district attorney and made him drop the charges against you, you would have let that little baby die.
Gabi: I don't know why you're getting in my face. I saved mickey. So what if I made sure I'd be around for my little girl?
Julie: Oh, what a role model you'll be.
Gabi: Everybody got what they wanted.
Julie: Not me. You should be spending the rest of your miserable life in a prison cell.
Gabi: Well, you know what, babe? I'm going to be right here in salem.
Chad: You caught me talking to my father's portrait. I feel stupid now.
Kate: Oh, don't feel stupid. I used to do it all the time-- mostly to vent.
Chad: What are you doing here this late?
Kate: I want to apologize to you for lying. For letting you believe all of those emails from steve were actually from stefano.
Chad: Don't worry about it.
Kate: [Sighs] I'm sure you know by now-- you've figured out that I was reporting to him, that I was giving him updates on you.
Chad: It's what you do. You can't help yourself.
Kate: [Scoffs] You know, I thought you were going to be furious with me.
Chad: I understand. You were just doing what's best for our family to ensure its legacy. I can't fault you for that.
Kate: Okay, so you understand that all of the emails and texts that came from stefano, I knew they were just steve.
Chad: It's not steve! It's his body, but it's my father's soul.
Kate: Yeah?
Chad: [Laughs] Yeah. He's the phoenix. He's risen again.
Rolf: Still alive. For now. [Scoffs] I'm forced to admit you've been a worthy adversary. But the war is over, my friend. And stefano dimera has won.
Steve as stefano: We had a deal. You have kayla. I have marlena. Now step aside.
Justin: No.
Steve as stefano: Move or die. Your choice.
Kayla: Listen to me, steve. Stop it. Don't do this.
Steve as stefano: I keep telling you steve is gone.
Kayla: No, I know that you are too stubborn to be taken over by a microchip, that you are in there right now fighting to get out. Come back to me, please.
Steve as stefano: [Scoffs] Why do you care where he is, huh? Aren't you sharing a bed with him, huh? You know, last night you said you weren't threatened by her memories of steve. You want to rethink that position now, hm? I would be doing you a favor if I disappeared permanently. So stop trying to play the big man and get out of my way.
Kayla: Justin! Be careful!
[Both grunting]
[Dramatic music]
As a caricature artist,
Lani: Wait.
Eli: Okay. Okay. Okay.
[Tender music]
Lani: Did that help?
Eli: Well, I better say yes unless I want another beat down.
Lani: No, come on. I'm serious.
[Sighs] I didn't--I let gabi call all the shots and I didn't level with you. All I can say is that I was just really scared.
Eli: We're good. I mean it.
[Phone beeps]
Lani: I should get that. It could be an emergency.
Eli: Mm-hmm.
Lani: It's jj. He wants me to call him back.
Eli: Ignore it.
Lani: He could walk in any minute. This is his place. He could be coming home from the airport.
Eli: Good point. You know, on second thought, I need to take a shower. That pillow fight was like a workout.
Lani: [Laughs]
[Line trilling] Hey, jj, you on your way home? Oh, you're kidding. Well, how long are you going to stay? Oh, wow, okay. Well, I'm sure theo is gonna love having you there. I will miss you though. No, I haven't heard a word about gabi. Eli and I have been preoccupied. Did she get sentenced? Wait, what? Jj, please tell me you're kidding.
Julie: You might think you're going to go back to living here as though nothing had happened, but you forget everybody in this town now knows who you are-- a sociopath who wouldn't have batted an eye for murdering me. Even rafe knows how sick you are, how dangerous you are.
Gabi: Rafe loves me.
Julie: And as for that little girl that you claim to be so devoted to-- just a matter of time, gabi. Just a matter of time before she grows up and realizes her mother's a monster.
Gabi: You know what? Just shut up or--
Julie: Or what? You can't zap my pacemaker anymore. We're on a level playing field, and if you try to do harm to anybody, anybody I care about, I'll destroy you.
Kate: I didn't know that you felt so strongly about stefano being in steve's body.
Chad: Do you believe?
[Foreboding music]
Kate: I don't know. I mean, I guess I bought into it at first. I mean, he sounded like stefano. He said things. He remembered things that only stefano would know. But then again steve was in isa. He studied stefano. So this whole essence of stefano in steve's body-- I don't know. Call me skeptical.
Chad: I know it's him.
Kate: Yeah, okay. Well, it doesn't really matter. It's all going to be over soon anyway.
Chad: What does that mean?
Kate: What that means is that the feds and the police are closing in on him. And when they find him, they're going to turn him back into steve.
Steve as stefano: That's never going to happen. Tell her.
Chad: That's never going to happen.
[Both grunting]
Kayla: Justin, be careful. Justin! Justin, are you all right? Justin--oh, my god.
Steve as stefano: Ah, ah, ah. It's time for us to go.
Kayla: You don't need to do this!
Steve as stefano: Move!
Kayla: Justin. Justin. Justin, are you okay?
Marlena: John! What have you done to him?
Rolf: He's still breathing. That's all I can tell you.
Steve as stefano: Perhaps we should rectify that. Finish the pawn off once and for all.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eli: How's jj?
Lani: He's not coming home anytime soon. He's going to stay in south africa with theo.
Eli: Probably be good for him. Get out of salem for a while.
Lani: Yeah.
Eli: [Clears throat] Is that why you look so sad?
Lani: No. He also has some news about gabi. We missed it while we were ignoring the outside world.
Eli: What kind of news?
Lani: Brace yourself.
Gabi: I am not afraid of you.
Julie: You should be. You stay away from me. You stay away from my entire family. Especially eli. You've hurt him enough for one lifetime.
Gabi: That was never my intention.
Julie: You forced lani to dump him at the altar. How is that not intentional?
Gabi: It's about lani, okay? I was trying to get back at her for taking stefan from me.
Julie: And what about eli? Collateral damage?
Gabi: I felt very bad about that.
Julie: Oh, shucks.
Gabi: No, I know that eli's a good man. I knew that from the minute that I met him.
Julie: Well, at least we agree on one thing.
Gabi: I know that you're not going to believe me when I say this, but I really did love him and if you think that I'm getting out of this without a scratch on me, you're wrong. Eli hates me and it is killing me.
Kate: Okay, I'm getting the slightly uneasy feeling here that you're perfectly fine with steve believing he's stefano.
Chad: I told you. He is stefano.
Kate: Okay, even if that were true, you have always been stefano's most severe critic.
Chad: He's my father and I love him. I didn't know what a father's love was until I found out he was mine.
Kate: I understand that you miss him. I've missed him too. But what about steve? What about his family? What about his kids, you know? What about abigail? Steve is her uncle. You don't think she's going to be upset about all of this?
Chad: All I know is I need my father right now. He's going to help me regain control of dimera. Maybe you haven't heard gabi's out of prison again.
Kate: [Scoffs] Wow, she is nothing if not persistent.
Chad: She can still convince the board to reinstate her as ceo. Stefano will make sure that doesn't happen.
Kate: Okay, and how is abigail going to feel about that? The fact that you're working with your father again?
Chad: I'll make her understand.
Kate: How?
Chad: A dimera must always remain in control at dimera. She'll see that I'm doing this for our children and for their children.
Kate: That's uncanny.
Chad: What is?
Kate: The way you sounded just like your father right now.
Kayla: Justin. Justin, do you hear me? Justin, please, wake up. Wake up. Oh, thank god. You all right?
Justin: [Groaning]
Kayla: You okay?
Justin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, well, I have to say steve may think he's stefano. Oh, god. He still fights like steve.
Kayla: Yeah, I'm sorry.
Justin: Where the hell is he?
Kayla: He took off with marlena. Easy, easy.
Justin: We need to call the police.
Kayla: He took my phone.
Justin: Oh, it doesn't work. It must have broken my fall. Okay, let's get out of here.
Kayla: Easy. Take it easy, okay? Take it easy.
Justin: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Kayla: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, come on, come on. You got hit in the head. You might have a concussion. Let's just take it easy for a second, all right? Let's just stay here.
Justin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you're right. What happened to john?
Marlena: If you kill him, I will make you pay for it if it takes the rest of my life.
Steve as stefano: We should have gotten rid of him years ago.
Marlena: Well then, you'll have to shoot me first. You know, I like the idea of him having to live knowing I've taken you away from him. I like it a lot. Let's get out of here.
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me long before
Julie: When you really love a man, you don't make a fool out of him.
Gabi: I wanted to tell eli.
Julie: But somehow, you never did.
Gabi: I was afraid of losing him.
Julie: Maybe. Maybe you were afraid of losing him. Maybe that's why you even made nice with me-- pretended to. And I fell for it. What an idiot. I even went to abigail and said she should forgive you. How you must have laughed. Laughing behind my back.
Gabi: Well, it wasn't completely an act. I mean, there were times where I forgot I hated you. Yeah. I even felt guilty about you too.
Julie: Not that guilty. You still tried to replace my pacemaker so you could zap me to death. No, you had the opportunity to make things right, and you didn'T.
Gabi: It was the only thing that I had over lani. I was so afraid of losing eli. I was even afraid of losing you.
Eli: You gotta be kidding me. Gabi's gonna skate? Everyone in the square saw her try to kill my grandmother.
Lani: She said that she would let sarah's baby die if she didn't get immunity. It's disgusting.
Eli: She's not getting away with it.
Lani: Well, that's between her and the D.A. What are you going to do?
Eli: I'll figure something out.
Lani: Gabi's already lived up to her end of the bargain. She donated the bone marrow.
Eli: Good, then she's not necessary anymore. I'll kill her with my bare hands.
Lani: Eli, you are not going to kill her.
Eli: She tried to kill my grandmother.
Lani: Hey, hey. A, you are better than her. And b, they would send you to prison. And I'm sorry, babe, but orange is really not your thing.
Eli: Don't do it, okay?
Lani: Don't do what?
Eli: Try to make me laugh so I forget about this.
Lani: [Sighs] I'm not. But look, I just got you back and I'm not going to let you go to prison.
Eli: Gabi didn't go to prison.
Lani: I know, but you're not her. If you kill her, you would own up to it.
Eli: So she just did all that to us and she just gets to go back to her old life? I mean, after what she's done for that baby, she might even be a hero. Lani, it's not right.
Lani: I know, I know.
Eli: Wow. Now I see how chad felt when abigail dropped the charges against gabi and then gabi repaid him by taking over his family's company.
Chad: I don't always agree with my father, but I agree with him on one thing. I have to be in charge at dimera. Somebody needs to keep gabi on a short leash.
Kate: I see what you're saying.
Chad: So does that mean you're going to help me?
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, I suppose I do owe you, don't I?
Chad: That doesn't answer the question. You have a history of siding with gabi. Are you going to knock that off?
Kate: How could I not come through for you?
Chad: Then sign your shares of stock over to me.
Kate: Hell no.
Chad: You said you'd help.
Kate: No, I said I would give you emotional support, not bankrupt myself.
Chad: I'll make sure you don't spend one day in prison for helping my father.
Kate: [Scoffs] I'll think about it.
Chad: Sure.
Kate: So, how is stefano going to regain his control? I mean, he is in steve's body, but after all, he is still also a wanted man.
Chad: Let's just say he has a way of getting in touch with me. He snuck in here and left this ring for me.
Kate: Ah, the ring that I tried to give you after andre died, the ring that you didn't want because you didn't want to be anything like your father.
Chad: Well, I have to be more like him if I don't want an outsider to take control of dimera enterprises. It's time for me to step up.
Kate: I think it's really interesting how your priorities have changed since you've been in contact with your father.
Chad: Well, it's like he's inside my head, guiding me along the way.
[Soft dramatic music]
Lani: I wanted to see gabi go to prison just as much as you did. But we're just going to have to settle for not having her in our lives.
Eli: I really wish we can go back in our bubble.
Lani: Well, maybe we can go back in there at least for a little bit.
Eli: Yeah?
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Julie: Maybe I believe you were afraid of losing eli. But afraid of losing me? How gullible do you think I am?
Gabi: I know, listen. Maybe it's the drugs talking, okay? But I need to tell you the truth. I did get to a place where i enjoyed spending time with you, with your family, okay? I come from a big loving family and then-- and then arianna died and mommy went to mexico and papi and dario landed in prison and it was just me and rafe. And it was nice to have somebody besides him in my corner.
Julie: Well, gabi, if all you wanted was a family to care about and to care about you, you've really blown it, dear. Cause now-- now you're going to be alone for the rest of your life.
[Door slams]
Kate: Well, I should probably get going. I have to find a place to live after all.
Chad: Finally got sick of the room above the pub?
Kate: Uh, no, actually, roman kicked me out. He wasn't exactly thrilled with everything I have involved myself with.
Chad: You're welcome to stay here.
Kate: You're serious?
Chad: Of course. I'll have harold set you up in your old room.
Kate: Well, aren't you a prince after all?
Chad: Well, you've had my back most of the time.
Steve as stefano: Wrap this up, boy. You have somewhere to be.
Chad: I'll let harold know on my way out.
Kate: What, you're leaving?
Chad: I have an errand to run.
Kate: [Laughs] This late?
Chad: It's my first step in getting back what's rightfully mine.
[Foreboding music]
Marlena: [Shuddering] What are we doing here?
Steve as stefano: We need a place to lay low for a while. This is the perfect place to bide our time. The tunnels give us easy access to the area and I know them well.
Marlena: And then where are we going?
Steve as stefano: To a place where john black will never find us. No one will. Rolf, please go and prepare for the next step.
Rolf: As you wish, sir.
Marlena: Now that he's gone, I'd like to help you if you'll let me.
Steve as stefano: What kind of help do you plan to give me?
Marlena: You're not stefano dimera.
Steve as stefano: [Chuckles] Have you not been paying attention?
Marlena: Yeah, no, I know that you believe that you are. I think that rolf engineered something that made you believe that, but it's not true, and if you work with me, I can help you see that. And if you want to work with me, I will-- I will bring steve back.
Steve as stefano: I'll tell you what I told his ex-wife. Except for his physical prisons, steven johnson is gone. Now I know it may be hard for you to comprehend, but I am who I have always been: Stefano dimera, the man who whisked you away to the paris underground, took you out for nightly excursions to the opera, grand ballrooms--
Marlena: Against my will, of course.
Steve as stefano: I suppose not much has changed.
Marlena: Mm. If you really are stefano, you'll know that I would never submit to you. I didn't then and I won't now.
Steve as stefano: That, my dear, is about to change.
Justin: You were here alone with the new steve for a long time. Did he hurt you?
Kayla: Except for tying me up, he never laid a hand on me.
Justin: It must have been traumatic. He looks like steve and thinks he's stefano.
Kayla: I know why. Rolf told me that he implanted a microchip in steve's head. But I tell you. I don't think it's possible, medically speaking.
Justin: So you think you can get through to him somehow?
Kayla: I sure hope so. I mean, marlena's life depends on it.
[Door opens]
Justin: John!
Kayla: John!
John: Where's marlena?
Kayla: Stefano took her with him.
Justin: I tried to stop him.
Kayla: Are you all right? What happened?
John: I made the mistake of thinking that stefano was acting alone. One of his goons jumped me and knocked me out.
Kayla: Well, let me take a look.
John: No, no, no, we don't have time for that. We've got to find doc. Come on, let's go. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! These are real people, not actors,
[Knocking on door]
Julie: Eli! It's your grandmother. I know you're in there. Open up.
Eli: Did you just hear the sound of our bubble bursting?
Lani: I did.
[Banging on door]
Julie: Okay, I'm sorry to-- uh, to intrude, but this will not wait. You won't believe what's happening with gabi.
Eli: We already heard.
Lani: Jj called and told us.
Julie: Well, you must be so terribly upset.
Eli: Upset? "Upset" doesn't quite cut it. I was ready to kill her.
Lani: And I talked him down.
Julie: Well, believe me. I felt the same way, and I'm going to have to go to confession about it pretty soon. But I don't care. I'm going to say it right now. If somebody, anybody would just throttle that gabi hernandez and put us all out of our misery, I'd jumped for joy.
[Unhinged music]
Steve as stefano: Now is your chance. Eliminate gabi hernandez and you eliminate the competition. Dimera will be yours for the taking.
Kate: And be careful with that last bag, harold. It costs more than these tightwads pay you for a year's salary. I don't want to see it scratched. It's true, you know it. I always told you you were too cheap with the help.
[Sighs] So now chad is hearing your voice in his head. What have you done to him?
Marlena: Kayla said that you planned on having rolf put a microchip in my brain. I guess that's supposed to make me more susceptible to you.
Steve as stefano: You leave me no other choice, beloved. I have held out hope for so many years that you would someday submit to me willingly. But you've made it abundantly clear that that will never happen. And I've run out of patience. So if the only way for us to be together--
Marlena: Is to what? To make me a zombie? Does that turn you on?
Steve as stefano: No, my love. It's just a gentle push in my direction.
Marlena: Stefano, don't do this.
Steve as stefano: I'm sorry, marlena. But as soon as we're settled, dr. Rolf will perform the procedure. And you will be mine.
John: [Grunts] It's locked from the outside.
Justin: Do you have a phone?
John: Yeah. That goon must have taken it when he knocked me out.
Kayla: How are we going to get out of here?
Justin: Roman knows where we are. When we don't come back, he'll come looking for us.
John: Hell, stefano and marlena could be anywhere by that time.
Justin: John, we'll find them.
[Air hissing]
Kayla: What is that?
John: Oh, my god. Colorless, odorless gas is being pumped into this place. That lousy son of a bitch is trying to kill us.
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